Portrait of the asshole as a young man

There are times when you read a certain Red State diary and you ask yourself, “Man, they’re assholes. They can’t really be assholes like this in real life, can they?”
Well, as this Red State diary proves, “Yes they can.”
Defending Against an Alinsky Campaign
Posted by Achance (Profile)
For those who haven’t read my bio, my background is in collective bargaining and employee relations. I cut my teeth on the union side as an understudy to an old-time liberal Democrat trade unionist. His mantra was, “Before they do anything, make sure they think about what you’ll do about it.” After a stint in the private sector, I went to work for the State government representing the employer in dealing with labor unions. That is actually very common in both public and private sector labor relations since the union side is the best place to get good, hands on training in labor relations practices.
Ah, he’s a union buster! What a job! He gets to make sure that working people don’t get proper pay raises! This should be good. And it is:
I was pretty adversarial and confrontational and I worked for two administrations, one Democrat, one AIP/Republican, that were willing to be adversarial and confrontational with unions. I was a very good labor relations practitioner and my AFSCME adversaries were not, so I established a fearsome reputation as a negotiator and advocate. I became so cocky about it that I took to making little copies of each union’s letterhead logo and pinning on to the outside of my cubby wall every time I beat them in an arbitration or labor board hearing – sorta like the kill marks on a fighter plane.
Except instead of shooting down enemy planes, he was shooting down peoples’ wages and benefits. What a tuffguy! How did ya do it, huh? Plz, plz, plz let us know!
This is the key: the “community” or union organizers – or Presidents – are insulated; they’re not going to get fired for their actions, they don’t work for you. The followers do and they must be made to pay the price for following those leaders. Yes, it is unfair to off the useful idiots, but if you make a lot of smoke and noise, you don’t have to off many of them before the rest start watching their parking meters and thinking twice about following leaders – to borrow a little Bob Dylan. Ultimately, the union out-performed even my most hopeful expectations and I managed to change the career plans of three shop stewards and even one business agent. That’s my version of hope and change! It’s not often you get to take out paid staff, so I really enjoyed putting that head on my wall.
And this is how they roll.
They get massive thrills up their legs when they think about firing employees who dare stand up for their rights in the workplace. Their greatest joy is ruining other peoples’ professional careers. Look at this shit:
It does amazing things for employee morale when a couple of suits from HQ show up at a workplace and somebody just disappears into the night and fog. It didn’t take many.
If this post were written 160 or so years ago, he’d be bragging about how he beat the living shit out of some poor slave in order to instill fear and suppress rebellion on his cotton farm. To wit:
“It does amazing things for the Negroes’ morale when a couple of uppities get hauled off into the middle of the night and git whupped by me and the missus. It doesn’t take many!”
What a shitbag.
Simon LeGree for the 21st Century, and he’s proud of the fact, in an economy where people file bankruptcies at a higher rate than ever, despite the more restrictive laws.
What a jerk. I hope he gets fired soon.
Irony is, of course, he works for the government. What a parasite.
Yeah, the Republic Party is totally the party of working people.
I like when corporatist thugs outright emulate Goebbels. (‘Nacht und nebel’. Thinks he’s being clever.) Makes my job easier, you know?
Calling him a fascist would be an insult to Mussolini, who had to make his way in this country with neither English nor money – but only a cock like a stallion and an iron will.
Something tells me he works in some shithole right-to-work state like ours without a significant labor tradition. So it wouldn’t be just that he’s acting like a war hero for firing people with the wrong friends, but he does this without any risk of incurring the vibrant laborite tradition of extrajudicial battery.
If he lived in Jersey, that kind of shit would have wound him up with icepicks in his balls. Then again, if he had lived in New Jersey he would have moved to Delaware and sucked corporate cock some other way.
Great! Being the submissive bitch of an arrogant worthless obnoxious asshole is totally the respectable thing to do.
Today’s conservatives, especially the men, really do come off as abusive wife beater types. Everything is about putting the beat down on someone so they can get a hard on. Quite the disgusting rancid assholes they are.
Yes, Brad, I can’t count the number of “libertarian” pricks I’ve met who work in the middle management sector of “Big Gubmint”.
I don’t think “parasite” really encompasses the depth of their depravity.
Its like a twisted parent who keeps their kid in a box in a closet, deprives it of basic sustenance and treks to the welfare office to get food stamps based on that child’s needs, to sell at the local bar two on a dollar.
Yes, it is unfair to off the useful idiots, but if you make a lot of smoke and noise, you don’t have to off many of them before the rest start watching their parking meters and thinking twice about following leaders.
Wasn’t this basically the game plan for the Astroturfed Sleeping Giants who didn’t want Government in their Medicare? Or something?
Today’s conservatives, especially the men, really do come off as abusive wife beater types. Everything is about putting the beat down on someone so they can get a hard on. Quite the disgusting rancid assholes they are.
Oh, yeah. And if you listen to how they talk about liberals, they sound like verbally abusive husbands and rape apologists justifying their behavior. It’s fucking sick.
Again, nothing says ‘classy meditation on the politics of political organization’ like wistfully invoking the Night of the Long Knives.
Words fucking fail me.
As a general rule, anyone who makes a point of telling you they were “very good,” “confrontational,” and “fearsome” is lying their ass off, usually to compensate for lifelong feelings of below-the-belt inadequacy.
One of the most cost-effective ways to promote the general welfare would be to provide government funding for the psychiatric treatment of SPS (Small Penis Syndrome). With effective screening, early detection and prompt treatement, assholes like this guy just might be able to live useful lives.
So I’m guessing there’s a good reason why the guy looks like Tony Soprano…
It’s because they’re impotent. I forget who pointed it out (my gut says Slacktivist, q. v. blog), but a lot of abusive relationships are based on a feeling of personal inadequacy compared to the Real Man – a presumption of imperial authority over the home produces constant suspicion that that authority is being undermined because the plain fact is that no man is a domestic dictator, whether or not he wants to be, and it’s as plain to the abuser as the nose on his face that he isn’t the authority figure he feels he needs to be. So it becomes her fault, and everything she does falls into this superstructure with relentless finality.
To adapt an example from Slacktivist, he might read her leaving the house in comfortable shoes as a sign she plans to sleep around. Unfulfilled authority devolves into paranoia, which becomes abuse.
The patriarchy turns us into monsters and the ones we are supposed to love into our victims.
And the Republican Party is more than anything the party of the fucking patriarchy these days.
Somebody check to see if this guy was in Kentucky on September 12th…
Wait, he forgot to tell us about his totally hot ex-stripper wife…
That just made me imagine a grand Socialist Realism agitprop campaign in which showers and growers prosper in fraternity. Most of the posters involve the hauling-up of flagpoles or the construction of brick-and-mortar towers. Everyone is smiling like the guy in the Enzyte commercial.
You have made my day, sir and/or madam.
alec, that’s exactly it. And that’s why people who don’t fit in with the norms they treasure are not just people they don’t like, but they’re *threatening* to them. It’s not about God–it’s about their loss of control.
If they weren’t such assholes, I’d almost feel bad for them. It must be painful to go through life so stunted and afraid.
Boners of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your stains.
Whoa, that’s so cool. You can cut organizers off at the knees by intimidating their followers. Man, why didn’t anyone think of that during the Civil Rights Era? I mean kill or beat or evict the average sharecropper and everyone else will just STFU and then we wouldn’t have our socialist overlord.
What? They did that? Huh?
Unless I am mistaken, the author in question would be this guy:
Art Chance, Director, Division of Labor Relations
For the State of Alaska.
The lack of civility and use of foul invective here, along with the unwillingness to engage the heartland in a bipartisan fashion, is why most liberals are not making any progress or taken seriously by the policymakers and those of us who influence them. Perhaps you should try some reasoned discourse instead of potty language and you might be able to make some rational compromises with the conservatives, who, like you, do not take kindly to being dismissed or ignored.
Did you get the “night and fog” reference?
Nacht und Nebel (German for “Night and Fog”) was a directive (German: Erlass) of Adolf Hitler on 7 December 1941 signed and implemented by Armed Forces High Command Chief Wilhelm Keitel, resulting in kidnapping and forced disappearance of many political activists and resistance ‘helpers’ throughout Nazi Germany’s occupied territories, principally in Western Europe.
David Broder (and the real one, too) can gargle my unshowered nutsack.
I violated the Prime Directive (ATTS) and went over and read the item in question. Moe Lane moved this up out of the diaries. Lots of identifiers in the item (the state, for example, and “achance” as a nym who state he was promoted to “director,” and commenters referring to him as “Art.”). I would think this diary might make for a bit of controversy.
Perhaps you should try some reasoned discourse instead of potty language and you might be able to make some rational compromises with the conservatives, who, like you, do not take kindly to being dismissed or ignored.
Fuck off, asshole.
Also, you on the hard left lose credibility when you invoke the “hitler” and “nazi” arguments to smear your idealogical foes. You lose the debate instantly. Show your opponent some respect, like folks do in the Heartland and Beyond The Beltway, where Real America lies. They do not resort to cheap insults and rude sexual act descriptions to make points, they use facts and logic and reasoned discourse. Learn from them.
Did you get the “night and fog” reference?
Yeah. Dude’s an unrepentant fascist–that much is obvious. The only thing keeping him from committing violence on behalf of his overlords is the fact that he’s a “fine, upstanding citizen.”
There you go again with the insults. Trying to request homosexual services from me does not make your argument any more reasoned or reasonable, and it is certainly not very civil. You should consider using an appeal to Americanism to win the argument as those I know Beyond The Beltway do. They doubt your patriotism, and so do I, frankly.
Asshole, indeed, and now shooting the bull with world’s biggest losers.
Looch: “Art Chance”
If this is true, maybe we should all chip in to hire a kind-hearted stripper to go to Alaska and try to convince Art that his penis isn’t really the smallest known to man.
We could call it the “All We Are Saying, Is Give Chance A Piece” Campaign.
Suck my cock, you shit-eating, sweat-donkey-scrote-licking, complete and utter fucking asshole.
More on topic …
That diary really does sum up the conservative male: someone who lacks security in his manhood and, thus, has to bully anyone he can.
It’s why they get (what, for them, passes as) a boner about bombing brown people, and how they govern when elected, as seen in their policies (most of which are designed to destroy anyone Not Like Them).
It’s rare that one of them admits it.
And the Nazi reference was a deft touch, though I doubt most the RS Rubes caught it.
I rarely wish ill on others, but I hope this dude gets hit by a bus … but only after suffering for years with burning pustules on his meager genitalia.
And that was supposed to be “sweaty donkey-scrote-licking … ”
Hope the typo doesn’t make me too uncivil, Mr Broder.
(I’ll also note that one cannot use facts and logic with people for whom facts and logic are optional. Thus, we mock and insult them — and you — as they so rightly deserve. Now kindly fuck off.)
You remember the one guy (or girl? Forget which) that Sadly covered airing an insane rumor via some kind of fancy French spy that Mossad considered Obama a patsy? Same dynamic. He thinks he’s a witty sophisticate with cold-eyed realism; I don’t need to tell you that he’s just a History Channel fat-ass.
The humor here, in so much as anything about this cretin is funny ha-ha, is that he thinks he is movie Bond and instead is book Bond.
If this is true, maybe we should all chip in to hire a kind-hearted stripper to go to Alaska and try to convince Art that his penis isn’t really the smallest known to man.
We’d have to find one with no sense of humour. She might start laughing in his face and then we’ll be barraged with post after post of Chancey’s.
Bummer. He appears to be a past director at this time. I was hoping for some fun.
For anyone fortunate enough not to read WaPo and get the joke, David Broder is a Serious Political Correspondant with strong opinions about Obama’s condescending to the adorable slob in the Applebee’s salad bar.
You should consider using an appeal to Americanism
OK, I will.
In exercise of my First Amendment rights as guaranteed under the Constitution of these United States, fuck off and die, asshole.
I represent government entities in their relations with unions. I can’t do my job unless I respect the unions, what they stand for and what they’re trying to do.
This guy is an embarrassment.
Whoops, thinking of David Brooks. Basically the same guy, anyway.
Ah, Gazoogle.
“Of course, knowing when to grasp those opportunities requires good instincts, and Palin has them, said Art Chance of Juneau, who retired as Alaska’s director of labor relations in 2006.
“This is a state of hustlers and Sarah has that in her: She’s ambitious, ruthless,” Chance said.
In 2004, Palin observed the chairman of the Republican Party—her own party—doing GOP business in a state office. She blew the whistle on him and local media labeled her a reformer and ethics champion. A year later, she seized a chance to unseat the unpopular GOP governor.
“Sarah was a point guard—she’s got a nose for the weakness in the defense,” Chance added.
Well, now.
Which is to say that Sarah Palin would try to have you imprisoned, and failing to do so, have standing orders made to state employees to go “What? Is someone talking? I’m not allowed to hear stupid-heads” for at least five minutes when interacting with you.
God, I’m reading some of his other diaries, and it’s like wading into a pool of complete batshit CRAZY. (If you’re wondering what that’s like, it’s kind of gooey and poo-smelling).
Anyway, I don’t even understand what this MEANS: I chose my words carefully, if you ever see an OSHA inspector on a union job, hire a skywriter.
Also, to make stinky-faces and ask “Did someone order Mexican?” if that petered out.
Hers was a legacy to remember.
Whoops, thinking of David Brooks. Basically the same guy, anyway.
I always get them confused.
“This is a state of hustlers and Sarah has that in her: She’s ambitious, ruthless,” Chance said.
So basically, Alaska is filled with charlatans and con artists and Sarah Palin leads the pack.
What memento do you get to staple to your cubicle wall for taking out a director?
Well, you are trying to do your job rather than just score cheap “points” and see how many knees you can break on your way to the basket.
The guy is a giant amoral douche. It’s not the union busting that’s the real nastiness. I mean, shit, unions are supposed to have representation. Management is supposed to have representation. That’s how the game is played. Bitching at the corporate tool is like bitching at the guy on the other end of the chess table.
What is disgusting is that he’s not interested in settling a labor dispute. He’s interested in taking scalps. Who knows if he could have gotten a good deal without seeing 4 people fired along the way? But the union suffers for getting worse wages and benefits. And the company suffers for losing 4 arguably talented and competent employees (since they apparently only lost their jobs during an anti-union drive-by). Basically, everybody suffers except for the cock with the glock. So he gets another notch in his belt by pissing away money and making people miserable. Sounds like a Republican to me.
Oh, please, people. There is no need to feed the “David Broder” parody troll. You might have missed this bit of rather heavy-handed intentional irony:
Also, you on the hard left lose credibility when you invoke the “hitler” and “nazi” arguments to smear your idealogical foes. You lose the debate instantly. Show your opponent some respect, like folks do in the Heartland and Beyond The Beltway, where Real America lies.
And, upon further Gazoogling, Art Chance and the folks backing Sarah Failin are in a spat.
I wonder if Sarah Palin’s ambitions will (d)evolve into a intra-party wingnut fratricide fest. One can hope.
Error: does not compute.
The basic premise of the managerist philosophy (the one that’s basically dominated American commerce since Reagan) is that the workers are interchangeable drones that can easily be replaced by some idiot on the street, and paying them minimum wage would be an imposition. This came from the frankly moronic generalization of finance management to other workplaces; while clerical workers might be mutually interchangeable, the idea has dominated the field that you make a profit in a factory or a sales firm the same way you make it in a bank – the business runs itself on its own momentum, and labor is just a fashionable expense.
There’s a political reason for this, of course: Reagan’s little interest-rate engineered depression basically crushed American industry, allowing the swift restructuring of corporate America around the finance firm. Which is why we have the Rust Belt, how we got the subprime crisis, and why we have next to no industrial production today – and, along with that, why layoffs happen in response to any economic stimulus or none at all.
The foreman is dead. Long live the restructuring contractor!
. It’s not the union busting that’s the real nastiness. I mean, shit, unions are supposed to have representation. Management is supposed to have representation. That’s how the game is played. Bitching at the corporate tool is like bitching at the guy on the other end of the chess table.
Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you, but since the union apparatus has been undercut so much in the last couple of decades, I don’t think that it’s an even playing field at all. I would even agree with you if we had a weak union presence throughout the US but strong labor laws. But we don’t.
I also may be biased from seeing my husband, who is a skilled butcher, work his ass off for $11 an hour for the last 2 years with no benefits, so there’s that.
I wonder if Sarah Palin’s ambitions will (d)evolve into a intra-party wingnut fratricide fest. One can hope.
Oh, they will–the real question is if they take out the rest of the country first.
Jesus CHRIST. You know, I gots me a lawyer SO who does contract negotiations for the ebil Guvmint (county level), and he follows a code of ethics that says “don’t screw the workers; it’s not their fault their union bosses can sometimes be asses” (Uh, it’s kind of a personal ethos).
He was a union guy (until he was promoted out of it), just like the asshole of the post, but he doesn’t forget what it was like to be earning shit wages, and dependent on negotiations to make things a teeny bit better.
Yeah, they hate my SO now, but the Ebil Guvmint is broke, so no-one’s getting raises. However, my Ebil Lawyer is trying every damn trick in the book to minimize job losses, because those are humans with jobs, dammit, and they need those jobs in this suck ass economy.
The asshole above needs to be schooled in the sharper points of human decency. Preferably shoved up his rear.
If collective bargaining is an example of democracy in the workplace, then why does this guy…
Oh, fuck it. Stupid question.
He’s not really an asshole. He’s more like the pus in the pimple on the infected hemmorhoid of an asshole.
Some more interesting info on Achance.
Against all expectations, he suffers from Palin Derangement Syndrome.
And apparently he’s not such a great debater.
As always with conservatives, meritocracy rules. Except when it doesn’t.
Just to summarize: while this guy might not be personally to blame for the existential crisis of the American economy, he’s a loyal acolyte of the people who are and aspires to continue their work.
Word is you said hello to that union fag. Well, guess what. You’re fired! Good Donald Trump, huh? What do you mean, ‘twenty years of experience’? Get out of here, you old welfare queen. Yes, yes, “how will you train a replacement without me”, “the nearest qualified turbine flux management engineers are in Idaho”, blah blah blah. You lucky duckies will never understand the burdens we Atlases of industry have to shoulder for you.
Willow is the name of the spot in the road that the voter decided to make the Capital back in the ’70s but have never been willing to pay for. It’s not for nothing that she has a kid named Willow.
Wow, I knew she didn’t care for her daughters like she does for her sons (so Repub!), but that seems over the top nasty.
Uh, I mean, of her to name her daughter after an unwanted “spot in the road”. All her other kids seem to be named after landmarks.
David Broder’s not dead yet?
And a single father census worker gets murdered.
Two steps back, that.
Fuck. As a union negotiator I sat across the table from assholes like this. They were the ones sent by Labor Relations downtown, or upstate, or wherever, to sit alongside the site-based managers we worked with everyday – who weren’t such bad guys, they just had different goals than we did.
The managers and us on the union side of the table knew that we had to get to an agreement that we both could stomach and get our sides to support. But assholes like this, sent in by Labor Relations managed to fuck everything up, extending the negotiations another couple of months. And they didn’t understand a single thing about the actual industry we were in – they were just knee-jerk ANTI everything.
I swear to Christ, I think they were paid by the billable hour, which is why they were so contentious and managed to turn every meeting into a long drawn out battle ending in impasse.
All her other kids seem to be named after landmarks.
I think Piper’s named after an airplane.
Mr. Chance and I are not on very good terms. He barely recognizes me when we happen to pass one another in the hallway, and he’s always rude to my brother and sister Syntax and Logic.
The managers are being beseiged by the lazy, ungrateful workers. This narrative fits any situation before it even happens, no matter what the managers or workers think.
If and when we recover our industrial economy, this kind of shit has to be cleared out or we’ll be even less competitive than we already are.
. There is no need to feed the “David Broder” parody troll.
well, if he’s a parody, where’s the harm?
Most of the time I find the guys getting SadlyNotted to be simply laughable, but that “night and fog” reference was the most depressing thing I’ve read on this blog in some time. Really? You have to make union busting sound even more awesome by throwing in a Nazi reference? Sigh.
I thought your only sibling was Frysk.
And the reason American business is struggling to survive and swarming with incompetent stupidity is because this philosophy isn’t just bad for the workers, it’s searing poison for the business itself.
I work in IT. I have encountered this attitude I don’t know how many times. Management is alarmed at my ability to write scripts (and connect processes) in a language that not very many other people know, and refer to my problem-solving capabilities as “magic sprinkles.”
I have been told to document everything I do to the level that a one-armed monkey can reproduce it. This is of course flat-out impossible which is why even in today’s economy I draw a hefty salary and am pretty much irreplaceable. It doesn’t stop them from trying.
Anyone who has had to try to place a support call and ended up on the phone with someone who barely speaks English and is reading from a script can understand; it’s not just a culture thing it’s a simple matter of fact that outsourcing takes skilled workers and replaces them with people intended to be treated as one-armed monkeys. Those people know it and give as good as they’re getting — which ain’t much. And the customer suffers. And they don’t bother, and when a chance comes up to replace the business with another business, we toss a coin because as far as I can tell, all American businesses are interchangeable. You can catch them on lower price but quality is not and hasn’t been for my entire adult life a differentiator from one business organization to the next. When an entire industry outsources critical processes such as support overseas, all businesses in that industry become interchangeable.
Just like their workers.
I keep thinking a company will catch on and start learning to train and develop their own workforce to be more competitive, but so far we’re still stuck in the cul-de-sac that Reagan paved for us.
Oh, they will–the real question is if they take out the rest of the country first.
Right now, I am not so worried about that. Yes, I could be (very) wrong. But it’s very clear that Sarah Palin made a long list of enemies within the Republican establishment, she stepped on all kinds of people to get the governorship. People remember the boot to the face. And they save nasty stuff they remember until they think it will have the most impact.
Sarah Palin is running for the Republican nomination for preznit in 2012. She’s got a lot of hurdles to clear before realizing that ambition. And a great number of those hurdles will be thrown in front of her by the Republican establishment. She doesn’t have a former president for a Daddy to silence the objections of establishment types who might object to her callowness. She doesn’t have the old guard. It’s Sarah. And her ambitions.
And the Wingnuts are going to have to make a choice. She is going to force it on them, regardless of the damage she could do to the party/cause. And a lot of people are going to get chewed up in her ambition. The good news? Before the mandibles of her ambition get to us, they are going to masticate a whole bunch of wingnuts, methinks.
. There is no need to feed the “David Broder” parody troll.
well, if he’s a parody, where’s the harm?
Sure what’s the harm? You feed him, he’ll follow you home, he’s so cute you won’t cut his balls off, and the next thing you know, there a litter of miniature assholes running around annoying the neighbors.
But assholes like this, sent in by Labor Relations managed to fuck everything up, extending the negotiations another couple of months.
They’re paid as long as they negotiate, so they negotiate, without any concern or care for who they’re negotiating for. Believe me, the other side hates them too.
Anyway, I don’t even understand what this MEANS: I chose my words carefully, if you ever see an OSHA inspector on a union job, hire a skywriter.
TruculentAndUnreliable, I clicked through to look up your quote, and almost missed it, because it comes right after this:
Those insane child protection regs that your Kid Nazi department’s lesbian social workers enforce
The red haze didn’t fade from my eyes until a paragraph later, so I missed the OSHA quote. If I can summarize this guy’s argument, it goes like this:
Here are some really awful things that corrupt Democrats forced on us through their corrupt Acorn earmarking, that sane people would never vote for, but that they don’t apply to themselves:
1) Laws protecting children from abuse and neglect by their parents
2) Laws allowing homosexual human beings basic human rights
3) Laws attempting to prevent industrial workers from dying or being severely injured in workplace accidents.
This guy is not just crazy. He’s evil.
You feed him, he’ll follow you home, he’s so cute you won’t cut his balls off, and the next thing you know, there a litter of miniature assholes running around annoying the neighbors.
I see a flaw in your logic.
Kind of reminds me of Newt Gingrich. That’s sexism for you: people readily accept that Palin is a worthless, self-obsessed asshole after two years of her idiocy, but it’s taken twenty years of a man who goes from sabotaging his own party bosses’ minority outreach programmes with quasi-populist racism to starting a Spanish-language vanity website (El Americano, natch.) for polite society to accept that he’s a horrifying American reincarnation of Narcissus, lingering over his suited moobs in reflective surfaces and all.
That’s the hilarious thing about ambitious Republicans; it would never occur to Gingrich that he shouldn’t be doing this. He thinks that it’ll reinvent his career, this time for sure, and the benefits will trickle down to the GOP. I don’t think he even realizes the scam involved, or that there’s anyone in the Republican Party who Latino voters have reason to trust.
Then again, it’s a stretch to say he thinks at all.
The red haze didn’t fade from my eyes until a paragraph later, so I missed the OSHA quote.
Yeah, I was pretty amazed at those words, but I had reached a Zen-like state at that point and was just trying to figure out what the fuck he was saying in general.
But I still don’t understand why you would hire a skywriter when that big, mean, evil OSHA comes in and tries to, like, keep people from dying and shit.
Yeah, I was pretty amazed at those words, but I had reached a Zen-like state at that point
I’m sorry, but “my eyes glazed over” is NOT Zen…
I guess to skywrite ethnic slurs until one sticks?
Looch, I think you’re right that her narcissism/sociopathy is a BIG problem for the party. But I’m also a little concerned about the dangers of her demagoguery. Of course, with Beck and Bachmann in the mix, I probably shouldn’t worry about her.
Sorry to break it to you guys, but this is how the world works. I’m a moderate Democrat and a fervent Obama supporter and I cringe whenever I see far left rhetoric from unions.
But I still don’t understand why you would hire a skywriter when that big, mean, evil OSHA comes in and tries to, like, keep people from dying and shit.
OK, I’ve downed a half-liter of scotch and am perpraed to answer this:
The wey kord was “ooonyun”.
Meaning that OSHA never inspects union jobs because unions are in the backpocket of the Democrats, which means OSHA can ignore any infractions there.
Which means if OSHA ever showed up at a union shop, it would be news.
Now, two points:
1) I know for a fact OSHA regularly inspects union shops and
2) Unions tend to be very efficient at calling work safety issues to the attention of management, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they may not be as high a priority as the thieving scum entrepreneur who hires “at-will” workers to do low paying jobs in unsafe sweatshop conditions.
Beck, Bachmann, etc. exist to make Sarah Palin look moderate and reasonable by contrast. Sort of like how Fred Phelps exists to make people like James Dobson look like mainstream Christians.
I’m a moderate Democrat and a fervent Obama supporter and I cringe whenever I see far left rhetoric from unions.
Concern troll is concerned
I’m sorry, but “my eyes glazed over” is NOT Zen…
Ha! So, I’m the only person who repeats “I’m a leaf on the wind” over and over while reading a wingnut missive?
Meaning that OSHA never inspects union jobs because unions are in the backpocket of the Democrats, which means OSHA can ignore any infractions there.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Sorry, reality and I are on fairly good terms these days, so that went right over my head.
Cringe away, chick, because you’ll be hearing a lot more in the years to come.
I have a Republican pal who reminded me loftily that his is the party that creates jobs. That argument would draw some water if Jack Welch wasn’t a Republican–not to mention all the other Layoff Kings…
But I’m also a little concerned about the dangers of her demagoguery.
Me, too. I just think she going to chew up a few of her own on the way. I mean, it already appears that the Palin folks are a fuedin’ with the Red State folks. I hope this spreads. I just wanna watch.
Me, too. I just think she going to chew up a few of her own on the way. I mean, it already appears that the Palin folks are a fuedin’ with the Red State folks. I hope this spreads. I just wanna watch.
Gotcha. Republican infighting is a thing of beauty, I agree.
I’m a moderate Democrat and a fervent Obama supporter and I cringe whenever I see far left rhetoric from unions.
What, you mean, like overtime pay and 40 hour workweeks and child labor laws?
How dare the American worker want to get paid for their labor!
Nothing crushes the morale of those evil wage earners than having suits from HQ publicly decapitate anyone that thinks they should get paid any income above minimum wage! And benefits? I got your benefits right here!
The American people need to know who is in charge: the CEO class of obscenely wealthy fat-cats.
Americans should pay the CEOs for the privilege of having any job!
It makes me proud to have forced hundreds of American families into poverty and squalor, to have protected the CEO’s 300% quarterly profit increases.
Americans do not deserve to have a good and happy life. The American Dream is only for the top 1%, how come they can’t just accept that and starve their own families to death, as I have forced them to do.
Concerned chick is conserned.
Ahh, to late.
Would-be Internet Tough Guy is not so tough once you figure out that he’s from Palinville. If he tried his shit in Chicago, he’d be a grease spot on Lincoln Avenue in no time, and not a particularly big grease spot, either.
What, you mean, like overtime pay and 40 hour workweeks and child labor laws?
What next, Komrade? Family Medical leave? Collective bargaining? Workplace safety? Go back to Russia, ya commie!
“I managed to change the career plans of three shop stewards and even one business agent. That’s my version of hope and change! It’s not often you get to take out paid staff, so I really enjoyed putting that head on my wall.”
Should read:
I eagerly destroyed the families of four bread-winners and forced them all into miserable poverty and onto welfare. That’s my vision of hope and change: to force all Americans into poverty. It’s not often you get to utterly destroy American families, so I really enjoyed the thought of their starving children dying in the streets. I long for the Olden Days of Yore when Carnegie Mellon gleefully had dozens of families openly murdered for daring to ask to work less than 16 hours a day, seven days a week.
+ + + + +
This man embodies everything that is wrong with America today: enjoying their act of destroying thousands of families and ruining thousands of American lives so that one CEO can buy an extra yacht.
Meaning that OSHA never inspects union jobs because unions are in the backpocket of the Democrats, which means OSHA can ignore any infractions there.
It’ a subclass of wingnut projection. Since they are fundamentally corrupt and utterly selfish, they assume so also must everybody else be. Goldberg made the same claim. (If you read far enough through Liberal Fascism, you’ll get to the point where he says that since regulations just lead to more bribery of public officials, the thing to do is eliminate the regulations, instead of, you know, prosecuting corrupt public officials.)
There’s actually a quasi-“academic” explanation they use, based on a claim that regulations are “rent-seeking” behavior on the part of government officials. The idea is that legislators basically use regulations as a kind of protection racket. “Say, nice meat-packing plant you got here. Shame if anything, you know, happened to it. Like, we could send OSHA down here to find out why 15% of your hamburger is ground human thumb meat…Oh, you’d like to make a donation to the Democratic Party? No problem.”
If you look only at bulk cash flow, there’s some support for this claim. After Congress enacts a new regulation on an industry, political contributions from that industry to Congress skyrocket. Of course, what should be obvious to anybody with a third grade education (thus neatly excluding AChance) is that the people who sponsored the regulations are not the ones who get the money. The money goes to the sworn enemies of the people who sponsored the regulation, in hopes that they will crush it.
For some reason, the possibility that worker safety regulations might exist for the sole purpose of keeping people from fucking dying on the job is considered at best some sort of liberal utopian self-delusion, and at worst a deliberate deception.
There’s a difference between anger at people whose job it is to disrupt dispute negotiations in order to further an idea of business in which the owner’s best interests are served by owning slaves and ‘far left rhetoric’. Nobody’s invited the managers to display their heads on pikes, for instance.
And the attitude this guy has isn’t “realistic”. It’s insane. It’s the jet-set equivalent of Joe the Plumber.
We happen to live in a country where the political divide isn’t between left and right (which in the rest of the world looks like, I don’t know, Feinberg v. Obama) but between reality and political LARPers.
realist chick is full of shit.
Any lawyers out there?
Obviously the whole union/management paradigm depends on negotiations between two distinct, often adversarial sides each of which is pushing for their terms to be accepted. Of course, sometimes you have to play hardball in negotiations in order to reach a compromise that really is a compromise (rather than the compromise being “give the other side everything it wants”). Indeed, the Dems. in Congress, e.g., need to learn how to play hardball in that way.
But there is, as people have pointed out, a big difference between merely playing hardball and being a complete asshole. But is this sort of thing —
— even mere assholery? Isn’t retaliating against employees in such a way a little, um, illegal?
address my concerns, libs, or I shall cringe!
Not if the one enforcing the laws is your good liege Sarah Palin it isn’t.
I used to be a Democrat until I read these naughty, nasty comments, and now I’m outraged by the New Deal.
Isn’t retaliating against employees in such a way a little, um, illegal?
It was up until the uncivil ravings of these leftist demagogues made me realize the real problem: blacks having children out of wedlock and
the censusFEMA.You know what also works? Kidnapping your opponents’ kids.
Oh, yeah, they’ll go around blabbing about ‘workers’ rights’ this and ‘sexual harassment’ that, but if you grab their kids on the way home from school, make ’em spend a few hours in a scary dungeon, and do various things to them which don’t leave (visible, not mental, ha ha) marks, then you’ll be surprised how quick they come around.
Also, I’ve found that if you have some shop owner on the street and he refuses to pay you the protection money that you have worked so hard earning, then if you break a few of his windows and set fire to one of his employees’ cars, they often get the message, if’n you know whutimean.
even mere assholery? Isn’t retaliating against employees in such a way a little, um, illegal?
I have been wondering just how much Art Chance really was the scourge of unions. They guy is clearly an asshole, with a rather alarming fondness for certain aspects of German history, but I think his crowing over at RedState (surrounded by fawning courtesans) sounds a bit hollow. I haven’t researched this (and probably won’t) but it would be interesting to hear from the other side of the table on this.
In other words, some union rep saying, “He was a pain in the ass, but he didn’t win much.”
Granted, it’s fookin’ Alaska and all, he would certainly have the deck stacked in his favor. But his crowing sounds just a bit compensatory (on all kinds of levels, yes).
I sort of doubt that you’ll ever see this guy and human decency it the same room. A Garden Weasel, however, would seem to make a functional substitute.
I sort of doubt that you’ll ever see this guy and human decency it the same room. A Garden Weasel, however, would seem to make a functional substitute.
Added bonus: with a Garden Weasel, he can be cultivated to a uniform 3″ depth. Either before or after it’s shoved up his rear.
But his crowing sounds just a bit compensatory (on all kinds of levels, yes).
Oh, please, people. There is no need to feed the “David Broder” parody troll.
Tragically, I think a few Sadlynaughts got addicted to orange-tinted, faintly cheese-smelling troll jizz and are just trying to get their maintenance fix.
Hey, I’m trying to each lunch over here, willya!
I cringe whenever I see far left rhetoric from unions.
“far left” rhetoric like what? The text of the Fair Labor Standards Act? the one that passed in 1938?
During, I should think.
Meaning that OSHA never inspects union jobs because unions are in the backpocket of the Democrats, which means OSHA can ignore any infractions there.
Right. Because unions are all about protecting unsafe workplaces.
What, you mean, like overtime pay and 40 hour workweeks and child labor laws?
Fair Labor Standards Act?
*Gasp*!! I have been a long-time member of the Democrat Party, but this far-left rhetoric has me VERY CONCERNED!!!
I’m the only person who repeats “I’m a leaf on the wind” over and over while reading a wingnut missive?
Just before a huge spike crashes through the windshield and into your abdomen, right?
Just before a huge spike crashes through the windshield and into your abdomen, right?
Firefly ref! Yow!
OMG! When Onion
It does amazing things for employee morale when a couple of suits from HQ show up at a workplace and somebody just disappears into the night and fog. It didn’t take many.
Might be even better for morale if the suits somehow never made it to their cars after they entered the parking garage.
Pretend that big blockquote is right here.
OMG! When Union folks are all with teh far-left lieberal thuggeries, I’m all acringe! Aghast! Avast ye scallywags!
But I best not point out how fucking retardedly fucked that is or Brandi will accuse me of sucking cheeto-dust jism.
Imagine, at a political humour site where the posts are vicious takedowns of wingnuts and concern trolls – that commenters would react viciously to wingnuts and concern trolls! OMG!
so maybe some state law enforcement in states we control can take an interest in any Democrat Members of Congress from that state.
Worked for the Bush administration.
This has been another episode of “How to make a living by ensuring that other people can’t”
Awesome. Whatever happened to the idea of not doing anything you would be ashamed to tell your mom? And if this guy’s real identity, you know, leaks out I wonder if his neighbors and his hometown newspaper would consider thiswork to take pride in?
Just before a huge spike crashes through the windshield and into your abdomen, right?
I swear. I have seen that movie, like, 25 times and I still cry when that happens.
OMG! When Onion (ominous lack of ellipses…)
When Onion eyes are crying,
Sure, ’tis like the mourning Spring.
In the lilt of Onion laughter
You can hear the anguish sing.
I swear. I have seen that movie, like, 25 times and I still cry when that happens.
So does Mrs. __B.
Me, I still laugh at Jayne’s knit hat, despite having watched the entire fucking series 25 times.
Pretend that big blockquote is right here.
Heh. I was waiting with bated breath to see exactly how The Onion tied into all of this.
Me, I still laugh at Jayne’s knit hat, despite having watched the entire fucking series 25 times.
It is pretty funny. Jayne cracks me up in general.
Even a hundred years ago, they would have been hauled outside and beaten senseless if not to death. Let none forget that what little grace we have in the workplace, 8 hour days, paid holidays and vacations, minimum wages, workers’ comp, sick leave, and the like all were bought with the blood of union organizers and members.
What up my little commie punk bitches? I see that you continue to defend Obama’s marxist economic policies. The same policies that, I hate to break it to you, are gonna prevent his reelection in 2012
The unions are merely the by-product of other commie rat bastards in the late 19th century seeking to destroy our Western Capitalist Societies. Unions were just the first step in the commie rat agenda to abolish private industry and force collectivization of society.
Those commie punk bitches in the 19th century are what paved the way for the flappers of the 1920s and the hippie movement of the 1960s. We are now waging the war started between two sides in the 1960s. The communist hippie movement (the significance of which were grossly exaggerated by leftwing historians.) and mainstream traditional America.
I hate to break it to you commie rat bitches, but it is no longer “rad” or “knarley” to be an anti-establishment punk bitch hippie. And quite honestly, it never was. The majority of 1960s college students were mainstream traditional Americans like their parents and grandparents before them. Modern day leftwing historians like to rewrite history and pretend that the hippie movement, drugs, sex and rock and roll are what characterized the 1960s. When in fact the 1960s was an overwhelmingly conservative decade. It just so happens that a pathetic, insolent minority made the most noise on college campuses, much to the disdain of the majority of their fellow students.
I think she was reacting specifically to the stupidly angry response to the David Brooksder troll. Which is fair: around the time Franken’s election was finalized and the right-wing noise machine started making as if we had elected a literal clown to the Senate, Djur and I ran a surreal concept-troll in which we told lame jokes and immediately conceded them in some smarmy, Bipartisan way. We were both accused of being Troof pretty much immediately in spite of keeping the same (slightly distinct) URLs.
There is an art in being a jagoff to people on the Internet, and an art in being a jagoff to people who use that art as cover for being an actual jagoff. What I’m saying here is that beating off in Pretend David Brodksdur’s face is at best the same mix of lame and disquieting that one finds in Olbermann’s habit of using the second person and at worst just plain ignorant.
If you must beat off in the face of any Washington newspaper, why not make it the Times? They have special wipes to deal with your serpent’s venom.
What the hell is a “knarley”?
Hilarious!! I love being told a fairy tale by someone whose grasp on history is this laughable.
And if you’re avenging 9/11, why aren’t you in uniform?
it is no longer “rad” or “knarley” to be an anti-establishment punk bitch hippie.
It is even less so to be an illiterate rightard. It is spelled G-n-a-r-l-y, asshat.
That’s the movie that, through its portrayal of Cliff Roberson getting dumber, has the same effect on its viewers, right?
As any of us “kool kids” (especially those of us too “kool” for “skool”, as you may note by the black-a-moor spelling) could tell you, it means “kickin’ narley”, which is what happens when you give Bob Marley one hump too few and then kick him in his horrible cancerous foot for no reason.
Why? Well, we are punk bitches, aren’t we?
Those commie punk bitches in the 19th century are what paved the way for the flappers of the 1920s and the hippie movement of the 1960s
Right on!. Because Clara Bow was all about sticking it to The Man!
“Those commie punk bitches in the 19th century” are the only reason you aren’t living on the street or in a workhouse now.
I’m sorry, I think I just went through a wormhole where time collapsed upon itself, because when I came to, I was wearing a Dead Kennedys shirt and a racoon coat, with hair down to the middle of my back, and singing “Solidarity Forever.” What gives?
Modern day leftwing historians like to rewrite history and pretend that the hippie movement, drugs, sex and rock and roll are what characterized the 1960s.
Moar, please?
You’re telling me. One minute I’m plotting to enforce Shania Law on the white man and the next I’m wearng a scandalous knee-length skirt and hanging out with all my idiot friends distributing Wobbly propaganda, smoking “mary janet”, and surfing a butthole.
We are now waging the war started between two sides in the 1960s.
Guess that explains all those old-timers at those Teabag parties. And isn’t it pathetic? they’re still upset someone else got all the chicks and pot, while they had to work down at the grocery store.
9/11 Avenger said,
The funniest thing is at the top of the post.
What did wittle Avenger avenge? Anything?
What country is our kyoot wittle Avenger fighting in?
What country is our kyoot wittle Avenger fighting in?
They also serve who piss and moan.
When you say “smackdown,” I think “faceplant.”
My hot ex-stripper wife talked to some of our contacts in the CIA (while I was in the basement practicing my self-invented martial art) and they totally confirmed that I am a lonely loser who still pines after some punk rock girl who let me have the sex with her once.
I am a lonely loser who still pines after some punk rock girl who let me have the sex with her once.
HA! No way he got past 1st base.
Heh. He grounded out to first and thinks he hit a home run…
Awright, whicha youse Nuhyawkers just went to IKEA?
re: Brandi
I appreciate that people have differences of Onion (FYWP) about troll feederies. I’ve flipped flopped on it more times than a Democrat Presidential nominee in a whole televised debate (zing!). But ain’t Brandi the concern over troll-feeding troll? I have trouble recalling her name attached to anything other than bashing feeders of trolls (parodies or not).
Speaking of paradis, Johnny Depp’s life partner is hawt.
Heh. He grounded out to first and thinks he hit a home run…
So…he nubbed a little dribbler down the first base line?
Awright, whicha youse Nuhyawkers just went to IKEA?
But she didn;t post a phone number!!!!!
Awright, whicha youse Nuhyawkers just went to IKEA?
I haven’t been there since my last meatball craze about two years ago. Pray tell: what sequence of events led to you reading that CL item?
There’s a blog on a German site
And it serves up humor day and night
Commenteers rip the wingnuts right
And snark about the trolls
And there’s a girl, in this very thread
She always whines when a troll gets fed
They say “Brandi, shake your fucking head”
But she serves them nothing else
The Sadlies say “Brandi, you’re kind of old now
What a good troll you’ve come to be
Yeah, your words could bore the bark
Off a tree.”
No no no, we have it all wrong. It was horn-rimmed glasses, ties, muscle cars, and doo-wop music.
Oh, and a shimmering lake of human blood and offal six inches deep across much of Southeast Asia. Conservative historians don’t often forget about that one. They just forget that it was a pointless waste of human life and a complete failure in every way possible that shipwrecked the American economy in the following decade and ruined our standing as the leader of the free world.
Well, he sure as hell didn’t rub his little dribbler on ME!
If the sixties had been really significant you’d see African Americans and women in well-paying jobs and high political positions. If there had been real activism in the sixties, Jim Crow would be over. If those dirty hippies practicing “free love” had changed anything you’d see men and women living together without being married and not being shunned by society. There would be TV shows with characters who were attractive, sympathetic, happy and openly gay. Who knows, maybe in states like Massachusetts they’d be able to get married. But never in Iowa!
Well, he sure as hell didn’t rub his little dribbler on ME!
No, no, one would suspect not, actually.
Don’t be hatin’ on the Asshole-Americans, now, Brad. They’re genetically predisposed to be that way. It would be best just to find them a more productive outlet for their predilections, like pest control experiment subjects, lab rats, or crash-dummies.
I await the wingnut misinterpretation of this headline today:
“Underpants for lefties breaks 75-year tradition”
“That’s just the way the world works” is NOT a Liberal mantra. We work to improve the workings of the “world”, not shrug and say, ‘eh”.
“All her other kids seem to be named after landmarks.”
“I think Piper’s named after an airplane.”
I can’t tell if you are joking, or think you are joking. But consider this, from a first-person article by Levi Johnson in Vanity Fair:
“Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston was born a month later, on December 27 at 5:43 a.m. (“Mitchell” is Todd’s middle name and “Easton” is for my favorite hockey-equipment company.) ”
The article features characters named Trig, Track,Tripp and Tank, so there are plainly naming conventions at work in Alaska that are not in my baby book.
Pray tell: what sequence of events led to you reading that CL item?
Is there something odd about that? Doesn’t everyone, everywhere peruse the NY CL casual encounters?
[it was linked at reddit]
Underpants for lefties breaks 75-year tradition
What? We have to wear them now?
Did Barry say that?
The question has to be asked in re:
Did they give it mouth-to-mouth?
St. Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
September 24, 2009 at 19:51 (kill)
Actually, I’ve made a killing this year on side bets concerning how long between a troll feeding and a Brandi finger-wagging appearance.
I got news for you commie punk bitches. Lyndon Johnson’s “war on poverty,” actually hurt the poor more than anything else. In fact, the poverty level in this nation never fell below the 1968 low of 13%. By1980 the poverty rate was 22%.
What’s more the war on poverty quickly ushered in a dramatic increases in a wide range of social pathologies- crime, illegitimacy, drug abuse and welfare dependency, just to name a few. Especially targeting poor blacks, the war on poverty had widespread effects in the inner city, nearly all of them negative, and often downright destructive. One of the most dramatic effects was that enormous numbers of young black males left the labor force, with unemployment rates of young black males skyrocketing in comparison to those of young white males.
“Racism” fails to explain this trend. It was only young blacks who were exiting the work force, with unemployment rates of black males over the age of 35 actually falling 30% during the 1960s. In fact, wages of educated blacks rose even faster than the wages of educated whites. The real reason for the exodus of young blacks from the labor force was that suddenly many of them didn’t have to work anymore. In fact the way welfare worked, the government was paying them not to work. What’s more, with this kind of perverse incentive to stay unemployed, education was devalued. More and more young black men dropped out of school, making it nearly impossible for them to acquire the skills necessary for upward mobility.
The Johnson Administration greatly expanded the already dysfunctional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, started under the New Deal. This created a nightmare in America’s inner cities. The AFDC caseload expanded 107% during the 1960s, with 71% of this increase taking place after the 1964 announcement of the war on poverty.
During the key years of anti-poverty spending, the black illegitimacy rate more than doubled, going from 23% in 1963 to 48% in 1980. And it has been impossible to re-establish marriage as a norm in the black community since, with black illegitimacy today approaching a catastrophic rate of 70%! Stable families are the best preventer of a wide variety of social ills- from crime to poverty. The welfare system destroyed that for people in the inner city, who were pimped into welfare dependence.
A host of pathologies infected the inner city once marriage and steady work were devalued. Without family or job responsibilities, young black men were much more prone to petty- and not so petty crime. After falling 22% from 1950 to 1960, homicide rates climbed 122% between 1963 and 1980. Blacks were the main victims of this crime wave, with black victimization rates rising 109% for rape and 372% for robbery between 1965 and 1979. By 1966 blacks were seven times more likely to been a victim of a robbery then were middle class whites. Police responded by arresting masses of young black men. The arrest rate of blacks for violent crime shot up 866% between 1966 and 1970.
What common sense and experience has told us, that welfare dependency destroys the family and erodes work ethic, was confirmed in a series of controlled experiments in the 1970s in which sociologists gave poor young couples money whether or not they worked. The couples understood that the experiment would end after a few years, at which time they’d probably need job experience to present to their prospective employers. In repeated studies in cities nationwide, the subjects worked less when they were receiving the payments. Most significantly, the payments served to break up black families, a New Jersey study found black couples who received the payment were 66% more likely to split up.
I just showed you commie punk bitches the harmful effects of the “war on poverty”, welfare and socialist domestic policies. I took your sainted sacrement of welfare and destroyed it before your very eyes.
It is pretty funny. Jayne cracks me up in general.
“This is my favorite gun.”
And all those things, the wingnuts are taught to hate. Bog forbid you actually take any of it away from them, but they’ll rail at the clouds anyhow.
Speaking of the 8 hour day, I was downtown earlier in the week and stopped by here to have a look at the murals. This one in particular seems relevant. These must be those San Francisco Values they keep screaming about.
PENIS! The money quote:
Sounds like wingnut mentality to me.
I am looking forward to Mr Chance’s rewrite of A Christmas Carol in which the Galt of Christmas Past, the Galt of Christmas Present, and the Galt of Christmas Yet to Come convince Scrooge to stick it to that parasitical Tiny Tim.
Johnson’s tragic influence ensured that, unless they somehow got a coalition of Norman lords together to aid them, no black could succeed his father as King of England. When will our society’s callous indifference to illegitimacy end??
I’d rather troll-feed teh fake Broder than Mr. Avenger Underoos.
“This is my favorite gun.”
That scene is a little hazy in my memory, seeing as how it both follows and precedes Christina Hendricks…standing there.
I got news for you commie punk bitches. Lyndon Johnson’s “war on poverty,” actually hurt the poor more than anything else. In fact, the poverty level in this nation never fell below the 1968 low of 13%. By1980 the poverty rate was 22%.
Utter bullshit
The poverty rate under the Great Society dropped from 30% in 1965, below 25% in 1970 (the height of the Great Society) and climbed back up as that program was dismantled by Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan.
Indeed, you’ll note that, on the graph, the only decreases in the poverty rate have occured with a DEMOCRAT in office.
DAMN YOU PeeJ!!!! The exact same wording I was going to use!
Just for that, I am not going to give you any of the bacon-infused vodka I am going to make! EVAR!
So, like, is the 9/11 Avenger some sort of professional wrestler I’ve never heard of?
“I think any reasonable juror could infer that a man’s penis in the mouth of a calf is torment,” Morgan argued. “It’s a crime against nature.”
His signture move is never forgetting the Maine. God help any godless Spaniard faggot that steps into the ring with this man’s man.
Just for that, I am not going to give you any of the bacon-infused vodka I am going to make! EVAR!
What about weeniecello?
So, like, is the 9/11 Avenger some sort of professional wrestler I’ve never heard of?
see my comment above.
XXXL superhero Underoos.
Whose mascot is badgers, apparently.
Just for that, I am not going to give you any of the bacon-infused vodka I am going to make! EVAR!
Behold the Meatini:
I have to admit I am unduly charmed by the hand-wringing about “illegitimacy”. That anyone who knows what the fuck it means immediately works out that it’s just a dishonest way of ranting about evil slutty welfare queens doesn’t stop it being used like a dogwhistle as if Reagan is just a gleam in California’s eye.
Shine on, you knarley diamond.
Way to go Jersey!
His signature move is never forgetting the Maine.
Huh. I always thought it was the turnbuckle faceplant.
Behold the Meatini
Impressive. I’d like to make a bacon placemat sometime and top it like a pizza. Perhaps like a breakfast pizza?
Speaking of PENIS, Spontaneous Ejaculation!
Speaking of PENIS, Spontaneous Ejaculation!
So does that guy go through life very happy? Or very sad?
when I came to, I was wearing a Dead Kennedys shirt and a
racoon coatFez, with hair down to the middle of my back, and singing “Solidarity Forever.”STOP LOOKIN IN MAH WINDOW!
Probably sad, since he is going to jail after his latest spurt of activity.
From the Weenicello link:
Because of an irrational fear of cone-shaped things, I’ve served the Weenie-Tini on the rocks rather than strained.
Looks like someone’s been reading Lovecraft.
I actually have some lovely lemon zest macerating in a gallon jar of pure grain alcohol, so lemoncello lies in my near future. I am also thinking of doing a sumac berry infused vodka as an experiment, because I have been guzzling sumac “lemonade” all week. n.b.- it totally kicks lemonade’s ass in the flavor department.
I actually have some lovely lemon zest macerating in a gallon jar of pure grain alcohol, so lemoncello lies in my near future. I am also thinking of doing a sumac berry infused vodka as an experiment, because I have been guzzling sumac “lemonade” all week. n.b.- it totally kicks lemonade’s ass in the flavor department
Did you bring any to share?
No! Of course not! Ban HIM!
I have to admit I am unduly charmed by the hand-wringing about “illegitimacy”. That anyone who knows what the fuck it means immediately works out that it’s just a dishonest way of ranting about evil slutty welfare queens doesn’t stop it being used like a dogwhistle as if Reagan is just a gleam in California’s eye
It’s okay if you’re a Republican.
Also, I’ve found that if you have some shop owner on the street and he refuses to pay you the protection money that you have worked so hard earning, then if you break a few of his windows and set fire to one of his employees’ cars, they often get the message, if’n you know whutimean.
It’s important to remember that the only difference between the actions of a corporate entity in a first-world country and a third-world country is the possibility of facing criminal charges.
If they figure they can get away with this shit on the streets of Pittsburgh, Albuquerque or Detroit, they’ll do it.
Did you bring any to share?
In a week, bub! Hey, if ZRM is really coming to NYC in January, as he implied a couple of posts ago, we should do a meatup (sic), as long as we all promise to leave our chainsaws and shotguns behind.
Shorter Entire Right-blogistan: “I’ll show you I got man parts!”
In a week, bub! Hey, if ZRM is really coming to NYC in January, as he implied a couple of posts ago, we should do a meatup (sic), as long as we all promise to leave our chainsaws and shotguns behind.
I said what now?
Now the truth can be told. It was all because of the 1920’s flappers.
I said what now?
Red-eye flight, no doubt.
Looks like someone’s been reading Lovecraft.
Did someone say “an irrational fear of cone-shaped things”?
I said what now?
zombie rotten mcdonald said,
September 22, 2009 at 2:31
Where in the north Bronx were you? If I’d have known, I would’ve met you at Vernon’s New Jerk House on 233rd for lunch and a sorrel punch.
I’m there. Let’s say Jan 20th, 2010?
You must have forgotten- lay off those wino brains, bro!
Me? I have a mind like a steel trap- rusty and vicious.
I’ve seen the end! The world won’t end in fire, ice, golden escalators, or with a bang _or_ a whimper.
It ends in tentacles!
Did someone say “an irrational fear of cone-shaped things”?
Thought it would be a link to a Madonna pic…
I’ve seen the end! The world won’t end in fire, ice, golden escalators, or with a bang _or_ a whimper.
It ends in tentacles!
Have you accepted Cthulhu as your personal slayer?
I actually have some lovely lemon zest macerating in a gallon jar of pure grain alcohol, so lemoncello lies in my near future.
In younger days, I used to make a killer party drink we called “Yucca”.
To make it, you take a clean gallon glass pickle jar, like the ones they use in restaraunts, squeeze the juice of 6 large lemons into it, throw in the rinds after squeezing them, add 1 cup of sugar, a fifth of tequila, and then stuff the jar as full as you can with ice. Put the cap on, wrap it in a towel, and then pass it around and have each person at the party shake or agitate it for a few minutes. It gets passed around and shaken for an hour, by which time it’s so cold that the towel has frozen to the jar. Our rule was “if you don’t shake, you don’t partake.” After it’s been mixed for an hour, pop the cap and pass around. Guaranteed to produce shit-eating grins all around within 10 minutes of popping it open.
Warning: do not try to speed up the process – if it’s not cold enough, it sucks.
Another warning: do not, under any circumstances, decide it’s a “good idea” to mix up another jar when the first one runs out. Unless you enjoy a good group puke.
Dude, if you’re gonna be a racist troll, at least save your BS for the second-to-last paragraph. At earliest.
To make it, you take a clean gallon glass pickle jar, like the ones they use in restaraunts
Sometimes, I think we were separated at birth.
Nope. Jenova’s Witness.
In younger days, I used to make a killer party drink we called “Yucca”.
This sounds delicious. Exactly how many people are we talking about at this party, by the way? Four? Five?
Hey, if ZRM is really coming to NYC in January, as he implied a couple of posts ago, we should do a meatup
I’ll bring the Cialis, the togas and the thirty weight, but someone is going to have to supply the dwarves.
You must have forgotten- lay off those wino brains, bro!
I’m thinking I was nym-jacked by Brandi.
Or a gallon of Yucca.
Exactly how many people are we talking about at this party, by the way? Four? Five?
I’m envisioning a circle jerk here…
I’m envisioning a circle jerk here…
Oh, so you’ve been to one of my parties?
. It gets passed around and shaken for an hour,
Okay, the jar was not all that was getting passed around, was it?
we may need to revisit the causality on those shit-eating grins.
Oh, so you’ve been to one of my parties?
Who, um, me?
Dude, we’re talking a gallon of high-octane tequila lemonade. 4 or 5 people might get about halfway through it before one or more of them started puking and/or passing out.
But yes, it was very delicious. Funny thing was, there would always be some newbies at the party who, while watching the drink be assembled, would swear there was no way they would drink that shit. They always ended up as acolytes.
Dude, we’re talking a gallon of high-octane tequila lemonade. 4 or 5 people might get about halfway through it before one or more of them started puking and/or passing out.
I know–I was joking. 🙂 Also, there’s something about tequila that fucks me up about twice as fast as any normal hard liquor. What gives with that?
Also, there’s something about tequila that fucks me up about twice as fast as any normal hard liquor. What gives with that?
The worm. It poops.
The worm. It poops.
Ew. But I don’t drink the wormy kind!
The worm. It poops.
Was that one of the lesser known pages from The Very Hungry Caterpillar?
But I don’t drink the wormy kind!
That’s what she said.
That’s what she said.
Bizarrely enough, I was actually trying to set someone up for a “that’s what she said,” even though it really didn’t make much sense. I guess you have been to one of my parties.
The 9/11 Avenger is right. Rather than adopting LBJ’s conservative and Southern-backed limited welfare programs, we should have kept up the much more generous and effective New Deal public works and public jobs programs, and we would have spent less money, lifted more people out of poverty, and had trillions extra invested in our infrastructure and human development.
But, then, poor Ronald Reagan could never have run against the fictional Cadillac driving Negress welfare queens, so I don’t see why the Reaganoid / Southron right is so angry about the welfare programs put in place after they all through hissy fits about how public jobs and works were ‘socialism’ and thus teh ebbil.
The worm. It poops.
We’ve replaced actor212’s tequila with this specimen jar of a tapeworm preserved in alcohol. Let’s see if he notices!
Thanks for letting me know, chief. I suspected that perhaps your huddling in a corner and whimpering was merely a clever ruse.
I managed to change the career plans of three shop stewards and even one business agent.
They deserved it, since otherwise they would have started a class war and undermined US solidarity.
Someone needs to tell this douche that the fact that he wears a powdered wig and epaulets doesn’t make him a patriot.
The Goddamn Batman Looks For The Union Label
Best. Screename. Ever.
The Goddamn Batman Is Often Accosted By “Supervillains” Who Are In Actuality Sad Little People Who Have Lost A Costume Party Contest And Are Cruising For A Beating In A Futile Attempt To Elicit Pity From Someone, Anyone
Hmmm…that one’s pretty good too.
You remember the one guy (or girl? Forget which) that Sadly covered airing an insane rumor via some kind of fancy French spy that Mossad considered Obama a patsy?
Oh God yes. Zat was, how you say, zee most ridiculous stereotype.
I call fake Iris.
From Chicago Tribune (8 Sept 2008):
“Of course, knowing when to grasp those opportunities requires good instincts, and Palin has them, said Art Chance of Juneau, who retired as Alaska’s director of labor relations in 2006.
“‘This is a state of hustlers and Sarah has that in her: She’s ambitious, ruthless,’ Chance said.”
It takes a baller to know a baller.
And from Juneau Empire (14Sept 2008):
“And, Art Chance, a 20-year state employee who dealt with sensitive labor negotiations for the state, said the governor’s staff had been ‘felony stupid’ for failing to warn her not to leave a paper trail, including e-mails, of potentially embarrassing material….”
Bob Dylan should sue his useless idotic ass for using his phrase.
Bob Dylan should sue his useless idiotic ass for just listening to Dylan!
What a useless fuckin asshole.
“His mantra was, ‘Before they do anything, make sure they think about what you’ll do about it.'”
What a lousy mantra.
Like union scumbags are really about equal pay? At least employers are honest about being ass bags.
Unions pretend they are the great democracy all the while allowing incompetence to flourish under stupid made up rules that circumvent hard work. Rules like “seniority”.
Forget unions. It’s just another bunch of bums looking for a handout.
I read the tactics, i am glad to have learned them. May e I can put them to use one day.
Might wanna check out how democracy is doing lately.