I’m Sorry for Being a Postpatriarchalecomisogynoracist. And for Being a Poop Face Too. I Swear It Won’t Happen Again.
I’d like to formally apologize for my cruelly sexist remark this morning. I had no idea that making fun of a crazed right-winger and calling him “D-Ho” would make so many (well OK, one) person so angry. I hope that Ann will direct the same level of outrage toward sexist pig Michael Bérubé and the arch-chauvinist Lindsay Beyerstein as she directed toward me.
Or, she could just relax. For her own sake, not ours.
Gavin adds: It didn’t work, Brad. She’s still updating her post as fast as people can leave snarky comments here.
Well, at least she didn’t see your thing on the Hispinos and Muslamics.
Oops. Now you’re in trouble.
Bradrocket adds: flea in the comments writes:
“D-Ho” doesn’t bother me, personally, but I do see Ann’s point. Especially now that some commenters are starting to make hilarious “A-ho working the trains” jokes.
I agree, guys. That’s really tasteless. Please don’t do that. (And as you know, it takes a lot to get me to say that.)
Her play by play account of the whole thing is quite funny.
Though I don’t think she intended it to be so.
Brad is the new Duke Lacrosse team!
What a frigid bi- er… lady? No, uhhh… how about gender-nonspecific fellow human?
There we are: She’s a frigid-ass gender-nonspecific fellow human.
I think, nonetheless, Brad, that you should hack off your penis to avoid further angering ol’ Ann.
She has already given Berube a pass for this, Brad. See my comment in the earlier thread.
just wow. that rant from Ann Barstow was pretty amazing. In a way I am sad that I missed the whole prior comment thread.
I really wish I could understand what she was talking about. Really. There is so much anger there, that I feel like there has to be a point.
D-Ho and his crack den is offensive because references to “crack” and “ho” are always improperly used when discussing a story involving racial issues, even if you are using them to refer to racist white guys?
My favorite part was how she was so angry her fingers were shaking and she couldn’t type correctly.
Second favorite was not getting the Althouse joke. not surprised.
I have to agree with Brad (he is my favorite remember) that I wish she could devote that much anger to something really worthwhile.
Why, because Professor Bérubé is of French extraction? For shame!
Not that he may not pinch my bum any time…
I have to agree with Brad (he is my favorite remember)
I knew it!!!
We should cut her a little slack, however. Back in the mid ’80’s she was part of a radical renegade feminist cryogenics experiment and has only been recently unfrozen.
So…does this mean Ms. Barstow had less of a problem with the original article that claimed the victim of a rape was making it all up just to get back at whitey as she did with the whole “D-Ho’s crack den” silliness? I mean, it’s one thing to object to the whole “crack user=right wing idiot”, but it’s another thing to get all a-twitter and completely ignore the fact that some wingnut jackoff is blaming the victim of a rape. Jeez…
Now look what you’ve gone and done….you’ve revealed S,N! and S,N! posters as racist, sexist slugs. I was duped! I’ve always come here for a good laugh. Now I find out you’re all just cruel, insensitive jerks.
I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
I yearn for the good old days when humor on the nets was a good thing.
Give Ann a break. Faced with a variety of responses with regard to a racist moron’s misogynist diatribe, she had a variety of actions at her disposal…from confronting Yeagley directly to providing moral and perhaps material support for the raped woman. She can’t be faulted for choosing the laziest, easiest, most risk-free response of policing language and issuing scold citations.
…and she got a whole blog post out of it as well.
Ann Bartow. Hero of oppressed people everywhere.
Brad, you should stop using D-Ho so as not to offend to A-Bar. Instead, you should use Da-Hor.
Ann Bartow’s plight reminds me of Issac Hayes’ Southpark persecution after he righteously quit the show over its reference to the Great Teacher as “El-Ron”.
The idea is, when you wanted to marginalize and insult a bunch of white guys and make them seem inconsequential and stupid, you used a term that stems from black urban dialect. That’s pretty fucking racist.
In case you hadn’t noticed, non-white people in this country do tend to be marginalized and ignored. So when someone like me (or apparently Ann) sees a post that basically reinforces the idea that the best way to make someone worth mocking and marginalizing is making them sound like (horrors!) a minority, then yeah, that’s going to be perceived as racist.
Was it intentionally racist? No, I highly doubt it. But it’s a good time to actually be able to look and say “hey, that does kind of suck that calling someone a ‘black’ name and referring to them in conjunction with a ‘black’ drug is a good way to immediately marginalize them — a far better way than calling them an equivalent ‘white’ name with a ‘white’ drug.”
That’s kind of a good lesson to learn. Now, it’s clear you were using the language to make the guy the butt of a joke. What does changing a name into a “play” on that name that sounds like something minority celebs have done have to do with being funny, if it’s not to say “haha, minority names are funny!”?
I’m sure there’s actually a good answer to this, and I’m sure there was a valid reason. But please understand that it can be taken multiple ways.
And do we have a responsiblility to analyze a particular word or phrase in how it would effect (or is it affect? I never can remember) every single person on the internets? Sadly, No.
Look at the context and make a judgement. Defense of a rape victim. If someone was really a bigot, would they go on a rant about how stupid they are? Sadly, No.
Molly –
Sure it can be taken in multiple ways. Just like I could take the fact that you automatically associate that expression to minorities shows that you are yourself racist. Why can’t that term apply to everyone else? Minorities aren’t only ones who use and abuse crack. Nor are minorities the only ones who use the term ho and yet there you are making that association.
“they”, of course, refering to the bigoted author of the column.
Molly…oh, jeez…just fuck off and go get some more talking point from old “The L Word” scripts.
No, but you see, the really important thing isn’t engaging with the political right, but making sure that other leftists conform to a rigid speech code at all times.
Because it’s all about hypothetical people’s possible feelings of marginalization, not real people’s actual marginalization.
Plus, you can often succeed in making fellow leftists feel guilty for their transgressions — whereas people on the right just ignore you. So it’s a win-win, see?
I dunno. I just thought of K-Fed, and thought the whole thing was pretty hilarious.
Plus, you can often succeed in making fellow leftists feel guilty for their transgressions — whereas people on the right just ignore you.
Which is why I always say that, with these humourless PC police, it really is all about them and not the issue at hand.
People like this existed in the 60’s. We call them neo-conservatives today.
See! If you would just use the gender neutral ‘cobag’ more often, you wouldn’t be in this mess.
“See! If you would just use the gender neutral ‘cobag’ more often, you wouldn’t be in this mess.”
But wait…in australia a ‘bag’ is a slang often used to refer to women, generally in a derogatory manner. So no, you’d still be sexist.
Is it hypothetical, though? Ann objected, among many things, to the use of “whore” as a perjorative. I disagreed with her until somebody picked it up and ran with it and said she “worked the trains.” Then I didn’t disagree with her as much anymore. D-Ho is silly and meaningless when applied to a man, because it can be. When people started using it against Ann, it wasn’t silly and meaningless anymore. I know you guys know this, because no matter how hard you go after female wingnuts, you never use sexually-based insults against them. Which I appreciate very much, by the way. I don’t think S,N! is racist and sexist at all, but I do see the point Ann is making, even though I wouldn’t have made it the same way.
I don’t think rigid word control is the goal here, but rather thinking about the language that is being used and its effect on others. I wouldn’t have picked that thread to do it in, because it ended up being too much of a distraction from the post about a woman who badly needs our support.
I’d like to emphasize the point Wombat makes. If you leap to the assumption that the phoneme “ho” and the word “crack” are always offensive because they always and only refer to black folks, YOU are the racist. If you assume remarks about self-centeredness or narcissism are always offensive because those words always and only refer to women, YOU are the sexist.
That’s kind of a good lesson to learn. Now, it’s clear you were using the language to make the guy the butt of a joke. What does changing a name into a “play” on that name that sounds like something minority celebs have done have to do with being funny, if it’s not to say “haha, minority names are funny!”?
It’s not something that’s only done with minority names. I’ve turned Kaye Grogan into “K-Gro” as well. I’ve turned Pastor Swank into “P-Swank.” DAILY SHOW correspondents sometimes call Jon Stewart “J-Stew.” It has nothing to do with racial minorities.
However, it’s true that I’m a postpatriarchalecomisogynoracist. And for that, I am deeply, deeply sorry.
When people started using it against Ann, it wasn’t silly and meaningless anymore.
Agreed. That’s not good.
But I’m still gonna call Horowitz “D-Ho.” The nickname just works so well.
That said, folks who are using “ho” to refer to Dr. Bartow are assholes. THAT is exactly the kind of usage that should be squelched.
I agree with Matt T and others. It amazes me the focus became some weirdass ‘coulda woulda shoulda’ rant about a play on words and the assholes race, instead of the fact that this asshole was BLAMING THE VICTIM in a rape, and using blatant racist remarks to boot. Sheeesh.
so we are all agreed that it shall henceforth be known as “D-Ho’s opium den” right?
Oh, whoops. The anonymous poster up there at 9:59pm was me.
Well, I for one, am so glad that she linked to my little old blog! God knows need it..heh. Also, I find it amazing that she devoted an entire post to our vicious attacks (and the whole “D-Ho” crap) as opposed to Yeagley’s garbage post, which was considerably more racist and sexist.
referring to them in conjunction with a ‘black’ drug
Yeah, tell that to my white crackhead brother. How about we quit inferring that crack is only used by black people and just call it a poor person’s drug…Damn! That’s offensive to me because I’m poor! What shall we do?
I would also like to add that I object and am deeply offended by the nickname “J-Lo”. You see Lo=low=short=short women= short women suck, and that is obviously a shortist statement against me and all other short women like me. So stop it!
Touchy turf, here.
It is certainly the case that words have meaning and power.
It is certainly the case that racism abides in all of us, and those of us in privelged positions (i.e., bougeois white males) don’t get to make all of the rules about what constitutes racism, due to our privileged position.
That said, Ann needs to mellow out. She’s become a caricature of a campus scold. She’s carrying David Horowitz’s water for him.
Ann: Is criticism of Israel anti-Semitic? Or is that manipulation and/or hypersensitivity? In that light, please re-read your own post. And save your considerable energy for attacking the real enemy.
I hate the bullshit “Children Are Starving In Africa” argument as much as the next guy. (Rejoinder- if the starving children are so urgent, what are you doing arguing with me?).
With that said, between the two related posts (Yeagley and this one) we’re at over 100 comments, and have neatly assembled into the progressive version of line dancing- the circular firing squad.
This is, to be un-PC, Retarded. Everyone involved- commenters included, no exceptions- Retards.
Including me, for bothering to comment on this bullshit topic.
Snark aside, I am disgusted by Ann Bartow’s actions in this case. She is adhering to some personal, highly rigid standard of “offensiveness” and, when we explain why we think she’s wrong, painting us all as anti-woman, anti-black, anti-Ann, anti-feminist, and many other bad things. This is not “hostility against women,” lady. I’m a woman. I’m not a self-hating woman. I’m pro-woman, and I’m pro-me. But that’s not all I am, and she is apparently so blinded by this one issue that she pounds out hurt, angry offended missives with shaking hands to take us all to task. And she gets even angrier when we refuse to be shamed, not seeing that there’s anything to be ashamed of. I am frightened if this is the kind of thinking that goes on at law schools. Wow. Even in my more overtly feminist days, I never inflated humor that was slightly un-PC when viewed from a certain perspective into an indictable offense against womankind. Next thing you know we’ll be making equations like “using the word ‘ho’ equals rape.”
Y’all can call me T-Cwo.
Seriously. In today’s pop culture shortening of naames like that happens everywhere. It probably started with J-Lo. So what.
Let’s do some basic analysis:
His name is David Horowitz. The pop-culturally shortened version would be D-Ho. The 2 letters at the end, after the dash, “H” and “o” are the first 2 letters of his last name. So the part of the diminuative “D-Ho” which is “Ho” is not in fact reference to another cultural diminuative “Ho” which is a shortened form of “Whore” (a word used for centuries).
There are actually several words in the English language like this. They are spelled the same and pronounced the same, yet have wildly different meanings. This comes from the fact that they developed into their present forms at different times and by different paths.
So by making the assumption that “D-Ho” was a reference to a “whore” you were incorrect. The Sadly, No! community awaits your apology for the unnecessary scolding.
Well, it was only a matter of time before someone trotted out “circular firing squad.” Nice that, in addition to all the preceding unpleasantness, we can go on to use the incident to characterize progressives as useless and self-defeating. Which is such a helpful observation.
Well, Lucy darling, you always have the option to say:
“Thanks, Ann, for your observations. I’ll give your opinion the weight it so clearly deserves”.
That’s all it takes. Pretend you’re an adult, for just a moment, and viola! You can go back to fighting the good fight for real causes against real enemies.
How’s that for a helpfull observation?
I just don’t get it, reading the comments that came in after I started writing mine, most everyone is missing the point.
There is nothing offensive about calling him “D-Ho”. Period. It is NOT a reference to promiscuity or anything like that. It’s a nickname based on the guy’s actual name.
It’s like calling someone named Richard “Dick”. That’s not a reference to the male genitalia at all. It’s a nickname (or diminuative) based on his name. No one should be apologizing because they “can see how that could be offensive.” It’s not offensive.
Horowitz might be offended, but only for the same reason that William hates it when people call him Billy. Not because of any derogatory social comment hidden in the deeper layers of meaning of the nickname.
Get over yourself already.
And Molly, white people have been stealing and using dialect from non-white people for just about, oh, forever. So if someone does use a slang term that came out of the ‘hood, that’s just the way things work.
Or should white people not try to accept and adopt any of the culture of non-white people?
“D-Ho’s opium den”
Actually, I really like that. That conjures up sorts of vivid imagery.
Thanks, Chadwick, for your observations. I’ll give your opinion the weight it so clearly deserves
The funniest thing about all of this was that I didn’t even realize that Don Ho was a wingnut. I though he was just a musician.
Posted by: Yosef | April 5, 2006 10:48 PM
We have a winner.
We’re all still retards though.
I know you guys know this, because no matter how hard you go after female wingnuts, you never use sexually-based insults against them. Which I appreciate very much, by the way.
Well, we actually use sexually-based insults all the time, but they’re never simply because of someone’s gender or orientation — which besides being crude and insensitive is simply malapropos.
There’s a key distinction in there that I’m having trouble articulating, but I think that if it registers as anti-sexist, and anti-prejudiced in the larger sense, then it’s successful.
They really are completely humorless. Go to the front page of the feminist law blog and scroll down to an entry from yesterday with a coloring book. The professor is pointing out the sexism in something that is clearly intended as humor and making fun of the stereotypes of lawyers as arrogant, bland white men.
yipes. These people are gonna have heart attacks if they don’t lighten the fuck up.
Oh please- the whole name shortening thing is Latino/a, for the cloves-smoking chundermuffin above to just put all minority cultures into one little pot is much more “RACIST” than anything else on this page.
And I’m certain no one has EVER referred to George Washington the person or university as “G-dub”, the most offensive expression ever to pass human lips.
(…as the thread collapses upon itself into one giant self-referencing black hole)
(…as the thread collapses upon itself into one giant self-referencing black hole)
Why does the hole have to be black? RACIST!!!
Actually, Ms. P-Pu (Political?), mentioning “pot” as you have is racist, because clearly that’s meant as a slur against Mexicans, who as well all know are all potheads. QED, MUTHAFUCKAH!
Way to go Dreamweasel…you’ve started it all over again.
Oh, T-Lay- your knickname is ist against people that like to get some!
Just because promiscuous lumberjacks are known to like pipe, doesn’t mean that you get to use “Lay” in your knickname.
I find the word emollient offensive.
Please stop using it.
Some people sure have a thin skin. Problems with “D-Ho” & “Crack Den”? Why did she only pick up on the drug meaning of crack? There’s sexism in there too.
Anyone who gets [i](shaking with anger, so there were lots of typos)[/i] about a post on a satirical blog really needs to get a life.
What’s next, Santa branded a pimp for “Ho, Ho, Ho”?
Besides, Ann Bartow’s “name” clearly refers to Barstow, California, which as we all know is a notorious epicenter of the crystal meth epidemic, and I for one won’t sit by while someone makes light of the tragedy of rural drug addiction. You just take your classist intolerance elsewhere.
You know, I’m beginning to think that D-Ho’s campaign against liberals in academe may have some previously hidden merits.
You know, I’m beginning to think that D-Ho’s campaign against liberals in academe may have some previously hidden merits.
This approving reference to a brand of cigarettes is insensitive and offensive.
A perfectly splendid example of the left’s propensity for forming circular firing squads at any opportunity. You know, this just MIGHT have something to do with why we keep losing.
A the person who coined the whole “A-Ho” term, I must say that I was not referring to whether or not Ann Bartow is a sex worker, or a user of public transportation for that matter. These are things that I know nothing about. But rather, I was referencing the fact that she was acting like an “a-hole”, or as the kids these days like to say, a “festering puckered asshole”.
Not that my intentions matter, of course.
But since the Anns and the Mollys of the world demand that a PC scapegoat be slaughtered for our sins, I fully volunteer. Here. Let me make my absolution.
Ouch. Ouch. Ow! Ow Ow! Mmmm, a bit harder there please.
Meanwhile, while you post-grad scolds are fixated on these silly words, and the even siller extrapolations you make from somewhat like-sounding terms such as D-Ho, maybe, just maybe, it might seep into your collective consciousness that there are real people suffering real problems in the real world.
I know, I know, sometimes it’s hard to concentrate in the middle of a circle jerk.
And I should know from circle jerks. After all, I am a homosexual, and we all know how dirty those filthy, filthy queers can be.
God Damn! I did it again!
n 1: the condition of being formally forgiven by a priest in the sacrament of penance 2: the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance
Nothing calms people down like religious references.
I gotta get me some ab-so.
But first I’ll watch “The L Word” and pinch my own leg and pour ice down my pants so I don’t take the naked lesbian sex out of its feminist, sexual-political, racial riot grrl context.
There. Everything’s alright again. The transgressor has atoned.
…that oughta placate the uptight, humourless feminaz..
Ah, shit. Ok, ok!..I’m lying down with my hands behind my head!
Hey, I’m late to the party but can I be racist, too?
I called Daniel Pipes “Crack Pipes.” Isn’t that awful enough, or is my racism not as sexy as Brad’s?
Oooh, she made fun of my name! It’s not “classy” enough, apparently.
I must come up with a name that is pompous enough to demonstrate my seriousness. Yet it must be classy and have a certain panache.
Very well, then.
Hence forth, I shall be known as RETARDEAU.
With due apologies to the intrepid professor of Dangerology, the illustrious Dr. Berube himself (who really seems to be a great guy and whose blog is genuinely interesting), this sort of shite is what comes of a twenty year obsession on the part of academic liberals with postmodern “thought”, where endless conversations about “discourse” and “narrativity” have come to replace any talk of substance. It’s no longer even the sad state that what you say is more important than what you actually do – it’s now how you say what you say is more important than what you say. And nobody does anything at all anymore.
It’s for this reason that I think Derrida one of the worst things to happen to academia since the days of Aquinas. It legitimates crap like what occasionally comes out of Ann Bartow, who’s a law professor and yet confused enough about the law to think that what happened to her here was “censorship”.
I hope y’all don’t take her as representative of the ideals feminism strives for. Feminist women are a better lot than that.
Academic liberal feminism is, however, teh suck.
I’m gonna have to say that the commentor who pointed out the inherent racism of those misguided enough to associate “crack” and “ho” with minorities > is spot on.
So the ACLU is racist?
Gavin, I concur.
Ann apparantly thinks that minority women, suffering under the iron heel of racist oppression and sexist double standards, seeking any form of comfort and support, are coming to Sadly, No! And when these poor women see Brad’s comment about D’Ho’s crack den, they lose all hope and weep, their poor little abused hearts finally broken under the weight of Too Much Snark.
Me, I’m still giggling at the thought.
Viceroy, you’re overruled.
Oh my god. she posted again.
I can’t take it any more.
Just in case she deletes me, here ya go fer posterity:
Damn, and I thought it was my felony conviction that kept me out of law school!
Dearest Ann, moments of great oppression produce great satire (see Swift etc.). The likes of Sadly No! or John Stewart do more to strike blows against the entrenched power structure then you will in your entire career of teaching Tort 101 to the future ambulance chasers of America. The proper response to the sanctimonious moral prudes that run this country is to make fun of them, mercilessly and at length, with every available weapon (see eating Irish children, etc.). It is, in a way, the only sane response. You can imagine how perturbing it is to those who instinctually grasp this fact when we are faced with someone who, in theory, agrees with us on the issues, while having the same rigid and reactionary thought processes as those whom we oppose. It is because we laugh that we are different then them.
Change happens in the culture. By cutting yourself off from it with your judgemental gaze, you take yourself out of the conversation, just as surely as you have taken me out of yours.
Best of luck with that.
Oh boy, predictions come true! She deleted my last post. I guess she has a real need to get in the last word. Oh well. I call shotgun!
Holy shit – she’s deleting people after having the unmitigated GALL to complain about “censorship” around here?
What a total, complete, and utter cobag.
Oh boy, predictions come true! She deleted my last post.
I don’t blame her. Your comment was disgusting. You are no longer welcome to comment on my blog, either.
You’re all still retards.
Let Ann get good nights sleep, and get one yourself.
If, in the morning, you still feel like continuing this ridiculous argument that makes me embarrassed to be a progressive- carry on.
It won’t change the fact that you’re still all retards, but maybe you’ll feel better.
I second Matt’s sentiments. If I had a blog, Spence would not be welcome to blog on my hypothetical blog. How’s that for censorship & decency?
Take a stand people!
You’re all still retards.”
And what’s wrong with that?
That’s it! FYI (Chadwick) is also officially banned from my hypothetical blog.
I think you’re misnamed. You actually seem to accomplish things out and about (3bulls, teh cobagz)- etc.
The thing is- this feud accomplishes nothing. All us leftists (even Ms. Barstow) are angry at each other, for no good goddamn reason. We’ve wasted untold hours bitching, and pissing, and moaning, about 1 Womans opinion. Rather than act like they have a brain in their goddamn head, Sadly No (bloggers and readers) are acting like a second grade classroom who need their asses kicked badly.
Ann disagrees with what you wrote? Writes a blog post calling you a racist/misogynist?
Whooptee Shit. People say stupid shit online all the time. Gavin and Brad missed a golden opportunity to shut the fuck up and let the bitch vent. They were clearly not being racist and sexist, and this reader would’ve let it go at that except for this circle jerk of impossible proportions.
So, Retardaeu- there’s nothing wrong with you. Retard pride is a wonderful thing, and I look forward to your parade.
Nonetheless, this is a bullshit conversation which serves no purpose and casts all participants in an impossibly ugly light.
Love your work, BTW.
“There’s a key distinction in there that I’m having trouble articulating, but I think that if it registers as anti-sexist, and anti-prejudiced in the larger sense, then it’s successful.”
Yes, yes. That’s it. Thank you for addressing what I meant, not what I said.
Gavin and Brad missed a golden opportunity to shut the fuck up and let the bitch vent.
But baiting her was so much more enjoyable.
You’re enjoying this?
And I thought I liked S/M.
Ah c’mon. Ann’s just completely overreacting, and it’s pretty damn funny. Her meltdown has been downright Jeff Goldstein-esque, and I’ll be damned if I’ll be denied being passed the popcorn.
It’s not like Ann’s an ally or anything. She’s a sport, like a caged quail or some drunk Co-ed.
Go for it- rile her up. It’s not like YOU’VE ever overreacted, or been oversensitive- you’re a Sadly No! blogger, a god among men. Weakness is for Republicans.
Drink up, Shriner.
She did this to TBogg not too long ago, IIRC.
Y’all are in good company.
psst…………Brad, you totally missed the opportunity to call her hysterical.
To be honest, the term does sort of annoy me, but in this case, I’d be willing to put that aside, because the result would be………..well, hysterical.
this circle jerk of impossible proportions.
Yeah, Hands Across America could have been so much more fun.
We should do that again.
flea, I agree totally with your anonymous comment up there.
It’s not like Ann’s an ally or anything. She’s a sport, like a caged quail or some drunk Co-ed.
Go for it- rile her up. It’s not like YOU’VE ever overreacted, or been oversensitive- you’re a Sadly No! blogger, a god among men. Weakness is for Republicans.
She came over here and accused me of making racist and sexist remarks, which was clearly a ridiculous assertion. At first I politely engaged her and explained why I thought she was mistaken. I let it drop before she posted this hilarious piece about how she was “shaking with anger, so there were lots of typos.”
I replied, sarcastically but fairly politely.
Then she wrote, “And still more from good old Brad, here. Because even rather mildly (at least initially) raising a concern deserves nothing less than utter vilification.”
No, Ann. I didn’t villify you. I pointed out the contradictions of her position, especially the fact that she didn’t show the same sense of outrage as Michael Bérubé. Then I suggested she just relax, which would have been a wise policy, but alas, she still hasn’t heeded this advice.
Now, to address your charges directly:
It’s not like Ann’s an ally or anything. She’s a sport, like a caged quail or some drunk Co-ed.
No, but when she’s acting incredibly silly, I can’t help but laugh at her.
Go for it- rile her up. It’s not like YOU’VE ever overreacted, or been oversensitive- you’re a Sadly No! blogger, a god among men.
Of course. And I felt very silly about it afterward. As will Ann.
For clarification, the “of course” referred to overreacting, not being a god among men.
Clarification II:
No, Ann. I didn’t villify you. I pointed out the contradictions of her position, especially the fact that she didn’t show the same sense of outrage as Michael Bérubé.
Should read, “as when Michael B. called Horowitz ‘D-Ho.'”
For whatever it’s worth, I like how she thinks I’m the same guy who writes Left Coast Breakdown, since she linked my comment to that blog (which I had never heard of before).
I would *never* sign my posts as “Spence.” I mean, I still sometimes give people shit who take it upon themselves to drop the “r” from the end of my name (which was always great fun when I lived in Massachusetts . . .)
Hold up, how many comments has Chadwick bothered to make on this topic now? Chadwick, dude, I will never take your pseudonymous postings to a snark blog seriously ever again.
“She’s a sport, like a caged quail or some drunk Co-ed.”
Or a single mom-cum-stripper who’s been hired by Duke’s lacrosse team.
Yeah, we get yer point.
Oh, wait. I don’t.
If you’re taking postings to snark blog seriously in the first place, you’re beyond my help.
Not that I would offer it, but just so you know-
You’re just lucky I can’t count that high, cuz if I were able to figure out just how many posts you made boy would your face be red. Because you’d be embarrassed. By how high a number it was.
Sadly No (bloggers and readers) are acting like a second grade classroom who need their asses kicked badly.
Of course! And that’s why I come here. S.N.A.F.U., and I like it that way.
Teh Lame-
Ann’s acting silly. Rather than let her come around in her own time, Sadly No and associated peanut gallery has made a second posting, and followed her to her blog to abuse her. (A-Ho- how classy. When you pig fuckers make Brad point out something is tacky, you’ve crossed a line.)
Rather than having a little chuckle and “there but for the grace of God” moment, this gaggle of buttsniffers has filled nearly 200+ comments with sub- Def Comedy Jam commentary. Its a pathetic display, and just reinforces my primary point-
You’re all retards.
Take your best shot at my thesis, cobag.
Has Ann threatened to “go Republican” yet?
Meh. Progressives will always have Ann Bartow’s to deal with…no sense of perspective and appallingly self-centred. In real life, we usually let them have their little outbursts, apologise to shut them up, and then move on to real issues.
Chadwick — mucho appreciate the compliments, and if you like, I can twitch and drool on you as a reward for your support at the next retard parade.
And I take your point about the Left always attacking the Left.
But I should have been right in here with Brad and Gavin making fun of the PC Perfessor; and I say that not just because I’m the suck-up new guy, but because they were right to make fun of her. She was being .. well, (yes, Jillian, I’m listening) hysterical.
And as for the Left making fun of the Left, in principle I’m as opposed as you are, but the chronically and congenitally humorless get no quarter no matter from *what* quarter they hail. So PC hysterics are the exception. And while I’m offering my mea culpa here I might as well forwarn you and everyone that I plan on smacking around the “Left” (notice the quotes) quite a bit in the future.
Blah, I know this is meandering so what I mean to say is: I subscribe to Atrios’s rule since 2002 that “there are no enemies on the Left”. But the “center” and the objectively-conservative *masquerading* as the Left, I’m all about slapping around.
Shorter RETARDEAU: If you’re of the Cohen-Drum-Yglesias-Klein-Kristof “sensible liberal” centrist brigade *or* of the humorless fucktard PC Left, you’re fair game as far as I’m concerned, though that still doesn’t mean you’re as awful as a wingnut.
There. Did I dig myself deep enough?
Rather than having a little chuckle and “there but for the grace of God” moment, this gaggle of buttsniffers has filled nearly 200+ comments with sub- Def Comedy Jam commentary. Its a pathetic display, and just reinforces my primary point-
You’re all retards.
Take your best shot at my thesis, cobag.
Chadwick- are you including yourself in this? Because you’ve contributed quite a few comments.
And incidentally, I’m not mad at you or anything. I just disagree with you about the merits of making fun of Ann for saying ridiculous things.
100, BITCHEZ!!!11!ONE!
I’ve always wanted to do that, and I could not think of a less appropriate time.
I think I’m maybe going to hell.
having read much of the crap spewed out by david horowitz over the past couple years, i know that he would be DELIGHTED to know that us “leftist stalinists” are arguing over the rendering of his name for more than 10 posts. fuck this.
RETARDEAU- I can’t get that excised about the moderate libs except Cohen and Lieberman. Drum and Yglesias are good people.
RETARDEAU- I can’t get that excised about the moderate libs except Cohen and Lieberman. Drum and Yglesias are good people.
**cough cough**
Though I would like to point out that I have a sense of humor (nominally, anyway).
Fair enough, Brad. There are times when I can agree wrt Yglesias. But Drum has written several unforgivable things. Yglesias, and Klein for that matter, are young and ambitious enough that their occasional and subtle boneheadedness can be excused. Kevin Drum however is old enough that he doesn’t get that benefit of the doubt. His attacking gay parades and labor unions, his Bell Curve quasi-endorsement, his goofily vehement attacks on what few genuinely leftist pundits we have all the while extolling the virtues of jingoist ratbags like Max Boot: these are offenses that are substantive and substantial. What I object to is his attitude that he’s as far Left as its decent to be.
Andrew Northrup grew out of the bullshit even-handedness that Kevin Drum (or, say, Matt Welch) can’t grow out of, and to which Yglesias and Klein occasionally revert. To Drum, Noam Chomsky and Robert Scheer and Alexander cockburn really are just as dangerous and ominous as, say George Bush’s legions. And that’s *really* retarded; it’s the same sort of moronic moral and political calculus that says that we at Sadly No! are just as bad or politically problematic as that creep who writes for Horowitz.
I’m looking ahead, Brad. Don’t know if you’re old enough to remember the intense disappointment of the Clinton years, but I am. And when we get back into power, I know who the future triangulators are most likely to be. Just my opinion, but I think it’s best if we pull these guys as hard as we can as they’re pulled (and willing to allow themselves to *be pulled*) the other way. We gotta protect our turf and our own because they won’t.
Also, most damning, Kevin Drum is as humorless as the come.
Kathleen, I didn’t post this on Ms. Bartow’s blog because apparently it rivals only Augusta for exclusivity, but it’s interesting how she’s adopted every single wingnut blog ad hominem attack point in that latest thread: “hiding behind anonymity”, “you have too much time on your hands”, etc.
RETARDEAU- I can’t get that excised about the moderate libs except Cohen and Lieberman. Drum and Yglesias are good people.
**cough cough**
Though I would like to point out that I have a sense of humor (nominally, anyway).
Wow, that is the weirdest double-post eva!
I think Alexander Cockburn is a wanker too, honestly. Ditto Ted Rall. I’m not going to defend someone just because they’re supposedly on my side. If they say things that I think are totally dishonest or wrong, I should have no qualms about calling them out on it.
And of course, you are completely within your rights to do the same with Drum and Yglesias. I was just positing that I think they’re on the whole reasonable people.
And yes, I’m old enough to remember the Clinton years and how disappointed I was that he didn’t follow through with national health insurance, gays in the military, etc. But now that I’ve seen Bush in action, I’ll take a moderate triangulator any damn day of the week. I’m sure that’ll change once we get powerr back- I’ll obviously want someone who’s an ally of organized labor especially. But even so, I would gladly, gladly take Clinton back any day of the week.
Chadwick, if you’re all so offended and embarrassed by the behaviour in this thread, I have a bit of a suggestion for you: See that little x button on the top right corner of your browser? Click that. Walk away. Problem. Fucking. SOLVED.
Aargh. Some of the BIGGEST killjoys in all of internetdom are the wankers who fire off multiple posts to the effect of “you’re all a bunch of morons. You make me embarrassed to be posting here. So I’m going to keep posting here every five minutes telling you this”.
You don’t like it? Don’t read it. It’s that fucking simple.
Whoa…I am staying the hell outta this clusterfuck…except to say this:
Random Guy: Word.
Oh, and Brad is a Poop Face.
Gavin and Brad missed a golden opportunity to shut the fuck up
Oh, there’ll always be another one.
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like, “I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive… ” And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about 100 miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas. And a voice was screaming: “Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?”
Relevance? Bite me.
We can’t stop here, this is bat country!
Best movie ever.
I feel compelled to chime in here and say that I made the goddam “hysterical” point in a comment to A-Bar in the other thread. Jillian, I love you like a long-lost sister who turns out to be the sister’s evil twin masquerading as the sister to get revenge on everyone who made fun of her back in high school… but I won’t let you Domenech my spotlight.
As for you, Chadwick, I can honestly say that I will give your comments all the consideration they deserve.
But now that I’ve seen Bush in action, I’ll take a moderate triangulator any damn day of the week.
We are in perfect accord in this, Brad.
And yeah, everyone should stay true to their conscience. As a general principle if you see something that offends you, you should deal with it.
I’m just saying that punditry, blogging or professional, is a political act in the sense that there’s some responsibility that must be taken to respect one’s own principles, real and purported. And in Kevin Drum’s case, his desire to seem even-handed and “sensible” — particularly at the time and place in which this occured — in the example of his advocating that Robert Scheer should have been removed from the LA Times but Max Boot really earned his spot and was deserving was not just a stupid analysis in of itself but was an abdication of political responsibility.
That said, I don’t have anything against people who dig Drum’s blogging or think he’s ok, just as I dont think you have a problem with anyone who may think Alexander Cockburn has admirable qualities.
We’re cool; I’m just trying to tell you where I’m coming from.
1) Is it too late to make a Kool joke about going to Newport?
2) This thread never got out of hand because the big boys pooped on the abd boys, it was just a bunch of teasing.
3) I think there was a legitimate engagement of an issue here. That issue being has the idea of racism and sexism been so intellectualized that it is impossible to understand what the words mean? I read some feminist blogs every day, blogs that take the world view that patriarchy is everywhere and they never sound like Ann Bartow. Who I accidently called an emu at her place. That’s on me.
4) There was some anger and some BS that came out here, but that wasn’t the straw that broke the Camel’s back. That was he seriouspants on a Mr. Chadwick and and over the topness on a Mr. Spence. People get carried away.
5) Everyone place nice.
6) What did Winston say?
“I’m just saying that punditry, blogging or professional, is a political act in the sense that there’s some responsibility that must be taken to respect one’s own principles, real and purported . . . ”
Good grief. I laughed, I cried, this thread has it all & then some.
By the way, I don’t it can be overstated just how racist is the assumption that “crack den” is racist.
If I were to play devil’s advocate for one moment, I could see how Anne is thinking, I think a more apt and loaded situation that can be seen as analogous to her view of crack is the linkage between HIV and the gay community. HIV is not a gay disease but has affected the hay community basically due to an epidemiological fluke. Crack is linked in her mind due to its initial introduction into african american/poor neighborhoods, but there crack is like a virus it can affect anyone, and has spread beyond those communities. So what I would ssay is that crack use can be used to fuel racist language and racial stereotypes, but it cannot be defined that way.
Sheesh, people.
Look, liberals and leftists are supposed to argue. That’s because they have opposed philosophies. If y’all would just remember that it’s only the insane rightward lean of our political and media systems that conflates all points of the political spectrum from the centre-right to the ultra-left together, you might take it less personally when fellow “leftists” reveal a commitment to a different agenda.
Which is a general point. I’ll spare you my rant on how bourgeois insularity killed the New Left, spawned hippiedom and Identity Politics, and led inevitably to trivial distractions like obsessing about language use. I will now also be using the exclamation “Viola!” at ever available opportunity and not just the sudden appearance of a stringed instrument.
Um, wow. U’m away for, like, a day, and we get the Sadly, No! equivalent of the great Kos “Real Gilligan’s Isle Pie Ad” from a year or so ago! Yipes!
D’oh! I’m…
So who pwnd who here? I lost track at the 3rd cobag.
Anyhoo – when people start flinging racist/sexist/whateverist around b/c they lack the faintest hint o’ a sense o’ humor, perspective, context, or a fricking clue, IMO you have to respond. Ignore while they vent isn’t a great strategy on the net, where your failure to respond can get thrown back atcha in 10 years (remember that time B-Rocket used racist terms and nobody even defended him?)
There is no “winning” in this. Just doing what makes you chuckle – and poking pompous law professors? That’s god’s own work, ain’t it?
“[R]emember that time B-Rocket used racist terms and nobody even defended him?”
Nope. Got a link or a summary of events. I’m all for poking and chuckling. The god’s work part kinda scares me.
AIB, I do believe littleheroes was referring to the way memories about who was on whose side get distorted for the worse on issues like this as time goes by.
Yglesias and Drum are good people and anyone who disagrees is a feminist law professor.
Seriously, did you look at that site. It couldn’t be anymore of a cartoonish caricature of feminist law professors.
You have the bare bones blog template. Check. You have the name of the site, “Feminis Law Professors.” Check. You have the subtitle which says, “This is a web log community for feminist law professors.” Check
Then you have the title of the post that says, “Still More Humorless Feminism” and then what follows is still more humorless feminism done without satire or irony. Check.
It’s like a Jesus General site or else it’s some kind of bizarro 1986 weblog. I’m not sure which.
By the way, I posted that last statement anonymously on accident.
I love this:
“And many other “shut up and go awayâ€? comments. Because, you know, censorship is wrong!”
Then banning a guy named Spence!
Is it sexist or racist to call her an A-Ho?
i’m going to start a blog just so i can ban spence. then i’ll quit blogging.
Dan Someone, I’m sorry I stole your thunder. I will now offer you gratification in whatever patriarchal idiom you might desire, for I am a slave to the laws of hegemonic discourse. It’s the least I can do.
(Hopefully this thread is well and truly dead- if not)-
Of course I’m a retard. I said so back at post 40 or so, but yes- Big Retard here. Would hold the banner in the parade, if Retardeau would let me.
People get carried away. Having had a good nights sleep, I find myself thinking: I argued about what? I used “buttsniffers” as an insult? (My internalized homophobia goes deeper than I thought, I guess.)
Also, my seriouspants have apparently broken a camels back. I apologize for that, most especially to the camel.
Moving on.
It may be too late and quite beside the point to defend Derrida on this thread, (although it’s convenient that Jillian’s is the last comment,) but it’s silly to blame him alone for the proliferation of postmodern wankerism.
It’s like saying that what the Nazis did was all Nietzsche’s fault, or placing all the onus of the Iraq war on Strauss.
Derrida was not even the only source for postmodernism, there is an entire legion of writers, who, often when poorly understood (or merely cited rather than actually read), lend legitimacy to PC sniping. It’s not his fault that humorless people adopted his ideas and jargon to further their political agenda. (So stop picking on him, Jillian!)
(I have no problem with anyone picking on Aquinas. That guy sucked.)
Also, I have not seen anyone point out on this thread that D-ho has been called such long before this story came around, to the point where it has been months since I have called him anything else, at least on the internets.
It seems like what Ann took offense at was her misperception that the term was coined for this particular story.
By the way, I don’t it can be overstated just how racist is the assumption that “crack den” is racist.
Auguste, as much as I think Ann Bartow was in the wrong, I disagree. It may demonstrate an excess of sensitivity to racism and the perception of racism, but assuming or claiming that someone else has made a racist connection between, say, crack dens and blacks is not the same as making that racist connection.
No, Ianua, Derrida is not the only stupid thing to either come out of or produce postmodern doofosity. There’s also charmingly doofus-y individuals like Michel Foucault, David Halperin, Jean Baudrillard, and Judith Butler. And, perhaps to a lesser degree, guys like Adorno and Habermas. Perhaps it would just be easier to say that anyone who buys the dictum that the embracing of irrationality is the beginning of all wisdom is a doofus.
I’m sorry if it sounded like I was blaming Derrida for the whole shebang – if one single human being contained all the stupidity necessary to have spawned the retardosity that is modern academic postmodern inspired liberalism, that person would actually be a stupid black hole, sucking all intelligent life in the universe into their cold, dark, inescapable center.
So, my apologies to Derrida for awarding him powers far beyond those of mortal man. Everybody rightly knows that only Nietzsche can claim those, anyway.
Speaking of being offended (that is how this shit started, isn’t it?)…
Retardeau, I’m terribly offended by the new spelling of your name. Obviously you’re making fun of coon-asses (cajuns), of which I are one. I expect beaucoup apologies.
(However, I s’pose Retardeau, as regards coon-asses, would be redundant, wouldn’t it?)
I’m still trying to figure out what she found so offensive about the post of mine that she put up on her blog. It was snotty, but it didn’t have any personal comments, any threats, or even any suggestion that she should “shut the fuck up and go away.” All it was was a comment ostensibly to the fine bloggers of S,N! but really addressed to Ann, pointing out in a would-be scathing fashion that she had totally overreacted to the name D-Ho. I was being sarcastic about her threat that she would no longer take seriously any purported sympathy S,N! might pretend to have for the woman victim.Can anyone tell what she was so angry about? Was it just that her feelings were hurt by my mighty pen [keyboard]?
Auguste – I could not agree more re: Ann’s retreat to wingnut responses.
I cannot convey how tempted I was to just start posting “STRAWMAN STRAWMAN”, but someone I really didn’t think she would get it.
er “somehow” not “someone”
So who pwnd who here?
Thy-cwo pwned them all.
look, i understand what she’s talking about, but i am STAGGERED at how we’ve gotten SO far off the point here. did ann miss all the denunciation of the crime, racism and privilege evident in the duke lacrosse rape? the fact that we’ve spent SO much time going over this means that the right’s goal of dividing us over semantics has been met yet again. maybe I’M a racist for the use of the word “dixie” in my blog, because there were slaves in the south. why are we wasting our time? poor woman; i can’t imagine how much rage she must feel on a daily basis if she feels the need to get amped like that over something SO INSIGNIFICANT. she missed the point.
Oh, sir, I’ve been a very naughty blogger. Very, very naughty. Please ban me sir! Please sir! You must ban me!
RE: The sniping of the left: I must admit that when I decided to stick a pin in the life-sized cobag doll that is Ms. Ann Barstow, I really wasn’t interested in what her politics were. I was put off by her humorlessness, as well as her willingness to play the race/gender ace cards at a moment that clearly called for no more then a pair of fours. Look, I don’t like sanctimonious thin-skinned jerks. Now, as a good Christian boy growing up in the beating red heart of America, I had occasion to notice that most sactimonious thin-skinned jerks are people who self-identify as conservatives/Republicans. But this, obviously, is not exclusively the case. And while I want to get oodles of Democrats elected, what matters to me even more is doing my own, admittedly slim, part in changing America’s incredible tolerance for bullshit from sanctimonious, thin-skinned jerks. We don’t argue in this country, we bloviate. Ann Barstow is a particular kind of bloviator, the kind who walls herself off in her hermetically sealed Feminist Law Professor chamber, where she then holds court on the racism and sexism of anyone who makes a joke that might possibly (and in this case it’s a real stretch) touch on race or sex. She is not my ally. Maybe I’m fighting my own personal war here, but the general feeling I get from the whole Sadly, No community (god I hate that word) is that it is made up of a lot of people who also have a low tolerance for self-righteousness, whatever its form. But that’s just my impression, and unlike Ms. Barstow, I could be wrong.
Jsut tell me where I can buy some indulgences, and I’ll pony right up.
liberalsouth, your use of the term “point” to refer to the meaning of a statement is phallologocentric. The same goes for terms like “sharp” and “penetrating.” Only a misogynist fascist would presume that he could poke his way to meaning. Your opinion is officially invalidated.
FlipYrWhig, your use of the word “he” presumes that liberalsouth is male. As she is my wife (really!), I can assure you she is not. Keep your androcentric tentacles off her!
Um… er… I should…
Gender is a fluid construct!
Ah, critical theory _bona fides_ re-asserted. That was close!
Hmmm…….what exactly did you mean by bona fides, Flip?
That sounds suspiciously….phallic. Am I being oppressed again?
Man, this is hard. I want to comment on Chadwick’s repeated use of the word “retard” as an insult, but, see, I actually do find that offensive. I don’t want my sincere offense getting swallowed up in this ever-rising sea of snark.
That having been said – FlipYrWhig, by referring to gender as a “fluid construct,” you’re obviously indicating that it is akin to a fetus, which is constructed in amniotic fluid, and in doing so infantalizing all women, of which I am one, and I will not have it, sir!
Because she has banned me, I had to send the lovely Ann Barstow I direct e-mail. Here it is:
Dearest Ann,
Since you’ve banned my from commenting in your blog, I must redress myself to you personally. As a professor who specializes in cyberspace, do you actually believe that censorship has an important place on the web? You behavior would indicate that anything that challenges your worldview must be shot down, shut down, and silenced. I’m trying to wrap my head around this, without crying hypocricy. Please enlighten me.
Your rant about anonymous trolls is incredibly enlightening. This argument flamed out in cyberspace around 2000, with the whole “I am Atrios” brouhaha. As a law professor, I’m sure that you know that the Federalist Papers were published anonymously. BTW, calling someone a troll is an incredible insult in the gay community. Of course, I’m taking your usage of the work out of context, in the same way that you started this whole episode in just such a manner.
Anyway, I’ve included below what I posted in the wholly uncensored Sadly, No! comments section, since you have vowed to never return to the site. I apologize in advance for the use of the trem “cobag”, but my god woman, get a sense of humor. It’s the only way we minorities survive.
By “we”, I don’t mean to imply that you are a minority.
Spencer Windes, Troll.
ACG, by associating gender and procreation, you betray an unmistakeable heteronormative bias. Until you recognize your breeder prejudice, stop persecuting me.
Jillian: Heehee. “Bone.”
This should sum up the issue nicely
What’s more, ACG, by referring to Flip as “sir” you are reinforcing the patriarchy in the sense that women must call men “sir”. Are you trying to empower the patriarchy even more?
Leave it to one easily offended oversensitive stereotype to turn a nice meaty assault on a shitcake like D-ho into a circular firing squad.
The reason conservative assbags like Horowitz and the rest of the right-wing have enjoyed the kind of power they’ve got now is the unwillingness of some people to fight at the same level without regard to how ugly it may seem to the more squeamish participants in the discourse
how are we to make the proverbial omelet if we are going to be continously scolded for breaking a few rhetorical eggs?
I hate to do this to you, comrade crapture, but by using “meaty” as a compliment you offend vegetarians. Red flag, pal, red flag.
I thought I’d comment on this as well, over here since the PC-Nazis rule over there…
Ann writes:
Much love to the awesome co-bloggers here; massive apologies for drawing the mostly too gutless to blog or comment under their full real names, unlike us, trolls to this space
What a pompous, self-important, condescending piece of vomitous shit.
“Too gutless to blog…”- or rather, those of us who either are aware we lack the ability to consistently put up funny and/or worthwhile commentary (unlike Ann, who seems oblivious to her condition) or those of us who lead lives that don’t allow us much free time to write for pleasure. Which, you know, is exactly what blogging is.
And “use [our] real names”? Jesus Our God in Heaven Christ, she cannot be serious.
We comment on a fucking humor blog for the love of God, and for the sake of identifying ourselves chose to maintain our handles there. We aren’t a bunch of pretentious bourgeois snobs who are so conceited as to think our blathering on some obscure internet site actually constitutes some kind of important action on our parts.
Sweet crap, that felt good to say.
wait, this ann bartow person sees a reference to crack cocaine and immediately thinks “black people” and then calls you racist?
does ann bartow not realize that people of all races smoke crack?
methinks the pot has just called the kettle black.
GuinnessGuy & crapture:
Spot on! I have nothing to add. (For now. I am notoriously garrulous.)
how are we to make the proverbial omelet if we are going to be continously scolded for breaking a few rhetorical eggs?
Hey, keep Matt Drudge’s sexual proclivities out of it!
Just to keep your indignation righteous, GG, I believe the clause “under their full real names” was meant to apply to both blogging and commenting. It appears you read it as “too gutless to blog and too gutless to comment under their full real names”; but I believe it was too gutless to use their full real names when they blog or comment.”
Other than that, you go, girl! Oh wait, does that mark me as a paleopatriarchist?
“It was my first AND LAST time at Sadly No, no worries there.”
Excellent…SMITHERS, recall the robotic piranah.
Hot damn that’s a lot of comments.
Ann didn’t post my semi-defense of her. I missed my one chance to be a star!
This post is also too long for me to have anything left to contribute, so there goes my other chance to be a star.
I do want to say, however, that this a blog by people who mock idiots.
I mean, considering that our normal work is making fun of Michelle Malkin for praising bad singers, I don’t think this conversation has really distracted us from anything particularly vital to the leftist cause.
Just to keep your indignation righteous, GG, I believe the clause “under their full real names” was meant to apply to both blogging and commenting. It appears you read it as “too gutless to blog and too gutless to comment under their full real names”; but I believe it was too gutless to use their full real names when they blog or comment.”
I got that right after I hit “Post”. Still, both points still stand (as she apparently is unaware how untalented a blogger she is). To think, my ACT Reading score was 34… I guess annoyance drops that to the late teens range, heh.
Oh, and if there was any question, I like to think I fall into the “not enough time” camp on “why I don’t blog”, rather than the “talentless” one *wink*.
Okay, so just now I went over to the Feminist Law Professors’ Blog (and Scotch Boutique) to see what the last word on the subject was, and under the entry entitled, “Thanks!,” I found the following bit of irony:Important update: I have deleted all of the comments here to protect the privacy of one of the commenters. She was a fairly unpleasant commenter, and her employer monitors the use of work resources, so my guess is that this is not the last she has heard on this issue, but that is not my concern. She made her employer’s name publicly available via this blog. I warned her privately about this via e-mail. I got called “assholeâ€? and worse for my trouble.
There is no anonymity in cyberspace. Certain steps can be taken to minimize identity exposure. Educate yourselves about this. Don’t kill the messenger. Er, um, er, I thought you DID want us to post our full names lest we be cast into the Troll category? Which do you want: full disclosure, or disclosure of our identities at our own discretion?
As long as I’m just talking at myself can I just say how stupid I find this whole “You’re too gutless to post under your real name!” idea to be?
My name is just an arbitrary moniker that my parents gave me because it sounded neat. It’s not some winodw into my soul.
And I don’t want random people looking me up in the phone book to call me or send me mail. I hate people, and they already bother me enough as it is.
So what does it matter whether I use my real, full name?
Even better Lucy, I posted a comment after that “important update.” As the person who had posted a comment in which the word “asshole” was used, I pointed out that I didn’t call her an asshole, I just said that sending an email to someone saying “When you posted here, I could tell who you work for” is an “asshole move.”
I added “As someone who has shown yourself so highly sensitive to the meaning of words, I think you should understand the difference.”
I believe that post was up for ten or twelve hours before she deleted it.
Interestingly, I posted a comment to a more recent post — the one about how Harvard’s lateral hiring has included only one woman out of eight professors, and they plan only one more for a total of two women out of 15 lateral hires. I asked what was the correct number of women that Harvard should hire out of fifteen.
I think she deleted that one at the same time as the other one.
I can’t complain, I guess. After all, it is a blog for feminist law professors, and I don’t qualify. And I guess some feminist law professors aren’t much interested in hearing from feminist (or allied) non-law professors, especially those who challenge them.
methinks the pot has just called the kettle black.
Why does it gotta be a black kettle?
This has been the funnest 2am-hangover-after-getting-blitzed-at-opening-day-can’t-sleep-read-an-entire-comment-thread-on-nothing of my life!!!!1!!!
Since this thread will not die, and not much more can be added, I will just say this re: “bona fides”:
Bona? I hardly know ‘er!
Since this thread will not die
Great, Ben. Thanks. Now all of the immortals out there are gonna be pissed at all of us.
All we have to do is figure out which part of the thread Brad was holding onto when he dipped it into the Styx. We put an arrow there, no more immortal thread.
Indeed, we must only find Paris!
Also: The immortals shouldn’t be upset with us, as I am one of their own. I have inside me blood of kings (that’s the Jewish side).
Also also: liberalsouth & I have a band called “Androcentric Tentacles.� Our first album, entitled “Circular Firing Squad,� drops on July 13 (our anniversary).
…….you know, I think the real problem I have with this woman is not that she’s upset about the title of the post, but that she seems to see using the phrase ‘crack den’ as somehow morally equivalent to the human shit-stain who wrote the original article.
Like when she accused everyone here of not being able to show sympathy for the woman in this case. I mean, wtf? First of all, that’s a huge fucking insult. I would be much more offended if someone said that to me than if someone just called me a bitch or a slut. Second of all, it makes some off-handed comment about a crack den the same thing as supporting the idea that you can’t rape an exotic dancer. Even if you honestly think “crack den” and “D-ho” were insensitive, that is not even in the same UNIVERSE as saying “She was there to strip– those boys were within their rights to rape her and beat her”.
Have some fucking PERSPECTIVE. Jesus.
Of course, a couple of days ago, s.z. put up a post at World O’ Crap in which she referred to Horowitz as D-Ho as well (I’ve seen that elsewhere as well). I’m just waiting with bated breath for Ann Barstow to say that s.z. is a naughty, sexist man. That never gets old!
Ugh–I used “as well” twice in the same sentence. Sloppy, sloppy…
Good thing I’m a dude, ‘cos I lurve calling other men “sir.” You know, like, “Sir! Yes, Sir!” Heh. I just loves me some of that.
Oh, and anyone who responds in this undying thread, please leave my leather bound niceties out of it!
I swear that this thread is gonna lap the thread that spawned it and have double the comments. It’s currently at 116, and this thread is, as of this comment, at 179. Only 59 to go!
Me not grok teh m4th$. It was 53 to go, but now 52.
That should be feasible.
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