Two can play at that tacky game, Americablog…
Posted on April 5th, 2006 by Gavin M.
DailyKos vs. the White House; and AMERICAblog vs. the Washington Times
by John in DC – 4/04/2006 02:54:00 PM
Daily reach of AMERICAblog (blue) vs. the Washington Times (red)
Yes, we get it. Honeycomb’s got a big, big bite. However, voila. (Below: Daily reach of Sadly, No! vs. the Rapid City Journal, South Dakota’s daily paper of record.)
So, should we go to some of those black-tie affairs now too?
Oh, big deal. So he beats the Washington Times regularly. Snort! Now, if Americablog ever starts pulling in more traffic than USA Today or the NY Times, then we’ll have something to talk about.
If you do get to go rub shoulders with the big wigs, steal me some decorative soaps from the bathroom, Gav.
I would give like a billion dollars to slosh up with S,N! at one of these affairs (Gavin’s wagon status of course noted- we’ll be high on life) as we launch spitballs and place juiced woopee cushions. It will be hilarious. I can’t wait to pants McCain and get aravosis with the squirting orchid trick.
New slogan:
Americablog, nearly as influential as a paper run by a delusional lunatic who thinks he is god.
Can you go to one of those black tie affairs? I don’t know.
Would you say something nice about Katherine Harris?
Would you get the hot CNN ‘webchick’ to do a GlamorShots pose like a prom date who’s already half in the bag?
If the answer is Sadly, No! to either or both of these questions, ‘fraid not.
Back to the XBox.
Dude, getting a wider reach than a SD Newspaper does not make you a professional Journalist!
I don’t know how you can claim that you should go to these affairs where there are pro journos.
If you do go to a black tie affair, please promise you won’t wear a a pre-tied bowtie or a wing collared shirt. Icky-poo.
please promise you won’t wear a a pre-tied bowtie
I’m thinking Gavin’s more of a cravat guy, while Brad will go with the oversize cowskull bolo.
If S,N! ever flexed it’s muscle and called for an Aravosisesque boycott of some company, they’d fold faster than an origami master on crack. Use your power for good.
I believe the official attire for SD black-tie events will soon include carrying the hanger, just in case.
You should, though, get invitations to all of the black-tie events in Pierre that allow journalists.
You’re not poking fun at John “I’m a star-fucker but you’re an asshole” Aravosis, are you?