The Chatteling Class

Shorter David Brooks, New York Times
No, It’s Not About Race

  • If there’s one thing that 19th century American history teaches us, it’s that racism has played little part in this nation’s politics.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 135


Two points:

1) At least Brooks is not hewing the party line of “hundres of thousands”

2) White bread midwesterners are used to being entertained and having food served to them by black folk. Why WOULD they be antsy in that situation???


I just think it’s hilarious that Brooks actually turns to 19th century politics to show that there really isn’t a lot of racism at the core of American populist movements.


Andrew Jackson: The first CEO of ACORN.


Alternate shorter Bobo: Look, if teaparty crackers in the park aren’t lynching the brothers at the food counters, then there’s no way racism toward Barack Obama exists. QED.


Oh Bobo — we noticed … here we thought pink was just such a slimming color, but it turns out you really have lost weight.

Anyway, perhaps if Bobo is in need of a soul peering machine, he could borrow the one GW Bush used to peer into the soul of Puty-Put. Otherwise he could borrow Tom Friedman’s mustache of understanding and then interview a cabbie — then Bobo would know what’s in the souls of those tea-baggers.

Anyway, I don’t know much about producerism, but I suspect neither does Bobo. Certainly, why would people who ideologically value hard work, etc., be upset at an administration headed by someone who brought himself up by his own bootstraps via hard work and be adopting a position on health care reform, etc., that is unfavorable to Joe Sixpack but is quite favorable to parasitic socio-economic elitists who don’t actually do any work?

I wonder how Bobo’s producerists felt about GW Bush who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, just like his pappy?


Brooks is a classic example of someone who works very hard indeed at one thing: not knowing that which it would be inconvenient for him to grasp. But he’s really good at it; compare his work to Douthat’s, and you see the difference between someone who’s struggling to prove he’s more than a Sept. call-up from Double A, and a canny old veteran. Still wrong, of course, just much more polished in the whiff.


Didn’t your history textbook have a chapter on the War Between the Hamiltonians and the Jeffersonians? It was terrible. Hundreds of thousands died. And then there were all those lynchings of Jeffersonians and the laws enforcing segregation between the two factions. And laws against them intermarrying. That went on until the sixties when there were protests and riots in the streets. But doggone it, some people still move into the cities to get away from the Jeffersonians and avoid having their children go to school with them.


Money should not be redistributed to those who do not work, and it should not be sucked off by condescending, manipulative elites.

Um, David. This would seem to be the point. That is, opposite to the one you are trying to make.


schoolchildren studied the long debate between Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians.

And many evidently concluded, Obama=Hitler.


[Money] should not be sucked off by condescending, manipulative elites.

Oh ho! So the means of production SHOULD be rewarded with the bulk of the fruits of their labor?

Why you sly old socialist dog!


schoolchildren studied the long debate between Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians.

Hamiltonians and Langrangians, I know, but what’s the formulation of Jeffersonians?

(math humor)

(no really, trust me)


Joe Wilson is a white male Southerner who has a history of defending the Confederacy. Jimmy Carter knows better than Brooks whether race played a part in his outburst. I do, too (LSU Class of ’69).


his acectode would definitely been more believable if he’d have talked about the salad bar at teh african american shindig.


Money should not be redistributed to those who do not work

Hey, 10% of America, David Brooks wants YOU in the poorhouse!!! Got fired? Can’t get credit? Tough beans, dickweeds, it’s your fault you are no longer productive, and I, who writes and talks shit for a living, should know!!!


King David was recently dragged into American politics by the Carolinian Guv Mark Sanford . It seems David had peeked at Bathsheba bathing and decided that he needed her pretty little self as his very own personal wifely wife . So as his desire indicated , quite clearly , that the lord , oh Gosh o Golly , wanted him to manipulate situations where any one or thing that stood in his way should be disposed of to David’s satisfaction .
The murder is in the details which are presented as stoically heroic . David’s may come and David’s may go but the murderous crap that passes as logic are as easily consumed as the salads in box restaurants which don’t offer them .


LittlePig, I love you. Have 2 Internets 🙂


(math humor)

Yes indeedy, and very very good.


[Money] should not be sucked off by condescending, manipulative elites.
I am picturing this, and it is not really a pleasing image.


So one man’s Hamiltonian is a Noether man’s Langrangian? Or did I get that backwards?

(Not a math geek)


Come on guys, it obviously cannot be racism. Nobody burned any crosses or wore white sheets, there were not a bunch of folks in brown or black shirts wearing swastikas, nobody openly used the n-word, there were no fire hoses or bloodhounds turned on people, and nobody was lynched. How could it possibly be racist without all of those things.


Andrew Jackson must have come from the pre-racial America. Why is it that the race of people who controlled business, wealth and government was never an issue for the Jacksonian Democrats? The whole issue of race must have been created in American politics by some mail contents at some later point in time for some reason Mr. Brook’s counldn’t be bothered to address. Oh, and Jackson’s whole Native American pgrom/genocide, he forgot that one too. Nope, no racism in American history until, like just now, I guess.


I hit the article, and this struck me as a bit contrived:

I noticed that the mostly white tea party protesters were mingling in with the mostly black family reunion celebrants. The tea party people were buying lunch from the family reunion food stands. They had joined the audience of a rap concert.

“Look, we can’t be racist. We have black friends.”

I would love some video of the teabaggers at that rap concert. Pure. Comedy. Gold.


Nope, no racism in American history until, like just now, I guess.

And, it’s important to remember, there’s no racism coming from white Republicans. It’s all the black people who are being racist!


Wavy Davy appears to be echoing a emerging trope. Two days before, the Weekly Standard offered this:

And the author? Mary Katherine Ham.

I am still looking for some pictures of the two groups commingling.


Hard-working ordinary people, who create wealth in material ways, are the moral backbone of the country. In this free, capitalist nation, people should be held responsible for their own output. Money should not be redistributed to those who do not work, and it should not be sucked off by condescending, manipulative elites.

As others have said, I can’t believe this guy just wrote that avoiding the alienation of the fruits of one’s labour is the backbone of American morality. Mr. Marx, please pick up the white courtesy phone.

Nobody burned any crosses or wore white sheets, there were not a bunch of folks in brown or black shirts wearing swastikas, nobody openly used the n-word, there were no fire hoses or bloodhounds turned on people, and nobody was lynched. How could it possibly be racist without all of those things.

I think that’s it, exactly. There really is no value pointing out the racism of these people. They can’t see it. If you explain it to them, they still can’t see it, and then they’ll call you the racist because you’re the one obsessed with skin colour and why can’t we just judge people by the content of their character like that nice Dr. King wanted?

Oh, and LittlePig, Hee!


After the issue of racism has been brought up countless times in trumped up ways for more about two years now against Obama: Rev. Wright, Acorn, the “Whitey tape,” the African Muslim garb picture, white kids are geting beat up on buses in “Obama’s America.” A fomer president gives the very firs piece of mild pushback on the issue an suddenly every liberal gets accused of pulling out the race card. Like this is the first time anyone has brought race into an policy argument about Obama.


“it should not be sucked off by condescending, manipulative elites.”

That’s what she said.


Wait, so some of the people crowding the Mall were not protesting Obama? Some of those driving the Metro numbers to “no event” levels weren’t Teabaggers? Unpossible!


Worse, Tig, if you read Brooks carefully, the number of people at that festival was about equal to the number of folks at the teabuggery.


Some of those driving the Metro numbers to “no event” levels weren’t Teabaggers? Unpossible!

And some of those people that made Dan Riehl wet himself were going to a family reunion.


And some of those people that made Dan Riehl wet himself were going to a family reunion gang-banger convention.

Fixed for true sense of paranoia.


Grudgingly taking up the mantle here as a reluctant devil’s advocate, Mr. L Canadian, I don’t think these people even realize they are racist. Sure, it’s fine to mingle with them, partake of their frivolities, sample their foodstuffs, perhaps even patronize their lyrical ghetto jungle beats. But stirrings of rage begin to swell in their innermost secret hearts towards one who might have the audacity to deign himself leader, or fancy himself in a position of power of any kind.

At this, they know something is provoking their rage, they just don’t realize it’s because they perceive the POTUS as an “uppity negro”.
For them, it’s fine for blacks and whites to intermarry, ”but when one starts courting my daughter….”

All it takes at that point is their trusted and wise leaders and sages *CHOKE* to suggest precisely what is bugging them. Viola! Teabaggers and Birthers.

Perhaps I’m giving them too much credit…..


the number of people at that festival was about equal to the number of folks at the teabuggery

OMG there were 2 million black people there?!! No wonder Riehl pooped himself!


Rah Rah

Root Root

Cheer Cheer

Boole Boole


So one man’s Hamiltonian is a Noether man’s Langrangian? Or did I get that backwards?

(Not a math geek)

Though you are not a math geek, you are apparently quite Abel.


Rev. Wright, Acorn, the “Whitey tape,” the African Muslim garb picture, white kids are geting beat up on buses in “Obama’s America.”

Don’t forget shadowy black men cutting backwards ‘B’s into poor innocent, batshit crazy whitegirl’s faces!


Sure, it’s fine to mingle with them, partake of their frivolities, sample their foodstuffs, perhaps even patronize their lyrical ghetto jungle beats.

As long as there were plenty of DC Metro’s finest wandering around.


Sorry, can’t help it. I am compelled to pull out the pun machine, Euler it up, go Turing through the realm.


I’m just taking Dirac action.

ACORN Flakes: a great taste America loves

Though you are not a math geek, you are apparently quite Abel.

Personally, I hate commuting.


I am still looking for some pictures of the two groups commingling.

Does crossing to the other side of the street count as ‘commingling’?


I’m just taking Dirac action.

No need to be Cavelieri about it.

ACORN Flakes: a great taste America loves

Don’t forget shadowy black men cutting backwards ‘B’s into poor innocent, batshit crazy whitegirl’s faces!

With a portable zzub-saw.


Though you are not a math geek, you are apparently quite Abel.

May I suggest next time you work a bit harder on the fermatting.


Sorry, can’t help it. I am compelled to pull out the pun machine, Euler it up, go Turing through the realm.

Whenm you get pulled over by the math police for a broken tessellate, make sure you have a Fibonacci to tell.


May I suggest next time you work a bit harder on the fermatting.

Lemma tell you something, buster. You can just stuff it in your Gödel.


Though you are not a math geek, you are apparently quite Abel.

I Neil at your mathitude.


Does crossing to the other side of the street count as ‘commingling’?

Well, if wetting your pants on the train counts, I suppose that would as well.


You can just stuff it in your Gödel

Que Ceva, Ceva


Lemma tell you something, buster. You can just stuff it in your Gödel.

Oh, okay, you wanna take this outside, Nashole?


Oh, okay, you wanna take this outside, Nashole?

Sounds like someone is mensurating…


1. Bobo cranks out a 4 mile run several times a week? Pull the other one, it’s got bells on.
2. How’d he get through the crowds of fifty gazillion billion patriots lining the mall?
3. Fuck you Brooks.

No seriously. WTF are you talking about? Teh Teabagging hatorade is all A-OK because it’s “not racist”? Are you retarded? I suppose you also think that Obama as a witch-doctor is cutting edge commentary instead of bigoted racist twaddle.

You are so fucking out of touch. “Urbanism” and “industrialism” is the new “elite”? d00d, “Urban” mean black – it means inner-city. It don’t mean poufty pink shirts and a regular gig at the NYTimes. Industrialism, aside from referring to way-too-loud shitty music (get offa mah lawn) means factories. Floor workers on assembly lines. LABOUR UNIONS.

Even in you stoopit fucked up world of Alexander Hamilton parading around in his powdered wig as a symbol of the hard-working everyman – UR WRNOG. The elites? Those rich fucking white guys sitting on portfolios jammed up with AETNA. It’s youse fucking conservaturds with your “free-market this” and “invisible hand that”, youse fuckers are the “urban elites” with your “small-town” houses in the Hamptons.

It’s a fucking class thing. That’s your bullshit. Teh black guy raised by a single mom, made his name in Chicago doing community organizing – that’s your elitist snob. Where was the “class” backlash against son of a four star admiral son of a four star admiral? Or the New Haven born pampered scion of the Bush Dynasty?

Fuck you and your bullshit populism, your Applebees salad bar regular Joe Six Pack fairy tale framing. Let me express this in a way you might understand – as a Torontonian, your continued moronic stupidity brings me almost as much shame as Mark Steyn’s incohate bigoted stupidity does – but you both rank higher on the shame-o-meter than the FUCKING LEAFS.


As long as there were plenty of DC Metro’s finest wandering around.

And probably packing heat themselves as well, as is the latest Teabag chic.

The Goddamn Batman Jogs On Rooftops

You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but I go running several times a week.

Unless, of course, the young black men are already on the other side of the street.


Math puns: I tried to come up with a Newton, but I thought it better to just Liebniz alone after all


You’ll notice that comments are turned off for that article.


Oh, okay, you wanna take this outside, Nashole?

Could I make it any planar?


Oh, okay, you wanna take this outside, Nashole?

Oh-oh. Somebody’s gonna pull a slide rule.


Shorter David Brooks’ entire writing career:

What’s the latest GOP talking point? Can you give it to me in penis form? OK shlomngmssmmmmmshssloobbbbberrrr


Unless, of course, the young black men are already on the other side of the street.



Seriously, I long ago was forced to conclude that David Brooks is one of the most insidiously willful and intentional propagandists in American politics. It is helped by the fact that he’s actually a rather skillful writer. He has a knack for really crafting his columns so that all the complete and utter insanity is buried under four layers of soothing bromides, and so that the irrational leaps are linked by words which seem to relate *emotionally*.



Math pans, man?

Feynman. You do that.


but you both rank higher on the shame-o-meter than the FUCKING LEAFS.

Yeah, yeah. Keep you hands offa Kessel, eh?


You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but I go running several times a week.

Down the trouser leg of White America.


Seriously, I long ago was forced to conclude that David Brooks is one of the most insidiously willful and intentional propagandists in American politics.

I’ll try to be more differential to the topic boundaries. I’ll try to find the marvelous article – at WaPo, I think it was – that “fact checks” Bobo’s “report” of a weekend in heartland Pennsylvania. Yeah, he just makes shit up.


Feynman. You do that.

Euclid, do you not?


…you are apparently quite Abel.
Math puns are outside my Fields of specialities – something that I just Cantor won’t do.


Nope. Even bad puns don’t wash away the shame. On behalf of Torontonians everywhere, I apologize for David fucking Brooks. And those of you who know any Torontonians ought to be aware of how impossible it is for us to bad mouth the Centre of the Universe.

Big Government Liberals--Running Scared

The health care bill is dead (or at least the “public option” trojan horse), Hopey’s approval ratings continue to drop, there was a massive protest against the liberal Democrat agenda in Washington last weekend, and McDonnell and Cristie are cruising to victory in their respective races.

Feeling nervous about 2010 yet, libs?

ACORN Flakes: a great taste America loves

Don’t you mean 2,000,010? Michelle Malkin Math, you know.


It was a pain in the asymptote but I found it!

There’s just one problem: Many of his generalizations are false.
Brooks, by way of contrast, draws caricatures. Whether out of sloppiness or laziness, the examples he conjures to illustrate well-founded premises are often unfounded, undermining the very points he’s trying to make.


Were you one of the twenty million-bajillion bag-dunkers in DC, or were you unable to catch a ride on the Eeeeevil public train?


Big Government Liberals–Running Scared

Big government liberals run scared for four miles several times a week.


Boring troll is boring.

Get another template, Troofy. That one is so last month.


You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but I go running several times a week.

Brooks probably runs about as well as he thinks; picture a shambling lope in a crooked jag across a short stretch of parking lot. Followed by a lot of sitting around and chowing on donuts.

Brooks sucks at everything he does as far as I can tell. He’s a miserable excuse for a human being.


“Let’s put aside the irony of the Washington Post sending a reporter to ask participants in the Black Family Reunion, which was “nearly all black,” about the inherent racism of the “mostly white” tea party protesters coming together on the Mall to support a common cause.” –Mary Katharine Ham

There’s irony here? That’s just a leetle bit dismissive of a 350-year, well-documented history of racially-motivated crimes by white folks ’round these parts. Or don’t go back 350 years, just ask ol’ Lord Jeffrey Amherst about them swell blankies he gave the locals a bit back. And move forward from there, if you wish.

Big Government Liberals--Running Scared

Oh, and failed President Jimmy Carter your new spokesman bitching about how opposition to Obama is “racist”? Keep it up, libs, I’m sure swing voters just love a failed, weak-kneed President telling them they’re racist.


were you unable to catch a ride on the Eeeeevil public train?

Shorter Anti-fascist Super Real American Patriots – Obama isn’t making the trains run on time!


Liberal Digby, running scared: “Despite the fact that the teabaggers have done everything in their power to change public opinion, it hasn’t worked. Despite the fact that the Republicans have vowed to do everything in their power to kill health reform, it hasn’t worked. Despite all the “doom and gloom” talk in the media, people still support the bill and every vote in the congress that has been taken thus far has advanced the bill.”

Tee hee! All that teabagging and the public in general and doctors in particular still poll overwhelmingly in favor of a public option.

Obama's Secret Police

Nervous about 2010?

meh, Not really.

Keep chasing that health care monster Goppers!


Hey, no more math jokes. Sad. I guess I’ll go watch my favorite movie, Weekend at Bernoulli’s.


Tired of the constant Planck, Planck, Planck of dropped puns?


Thank you, PeeJ. That was a fantastic read.

Shorter Brooks on Brooks:
I make shit up – just pull it out of my copious ass. But some of it “rings-true”. The rest is just “jokes”. No, I can’t tell the difference, either.


I’m sure swing voters just love a failed, weak-kneed President telling them they’re racist.

“Since leaving office, Carter’s reputation has much improved. Carter’s presidential approval rating, which sat at 31% just prior to the 1980 election, was polled in early 2009 at 64%.”

That right there, that, that there, is a metaPHAIL*.

*Eeek, I owe someone a hat tip but can’t remember who.


tigrismus. Hat tip to tigrismus.


“Jimmy Carter can’t read minds. Now listen while I tell you what these people are really thinking.”

Big Government Liberals--Running Scared

I can’t wait until election day this year libs, you’re going to lose big in VA and NJ and have the wind taken out of your sails going into 2010. Republicans will win in VA and NJ. Suck on it.

Big Government Liberals--Running Scared

And after we win, the media narrative will be on our side again. You’re going to hear non-stop about the “GOP comeback” and what a great Chairman Steele is, how the TEA Party Movement is working, and how Hopey is in deep trouble with independents, it’s gonna be great. Well, for me. It will suck for you.

ACORN Flakes: a great taste America loves

Well, for me. It will suck for you.

You suck for us? Yes, I suppose you do.



Or something.

teh Universal Schlong

Hey babe, I can make you omniscient!

Oh yeah, just keep doing that! The infallibility train is heading your way!

ACORN Flakes: a great taste America loves

At this stage, it’s basically a matter of an infinite number of monkeys wielding an infinite number of bookmarks.


Don’t forget to respond to my post if you get a chance, libs!



Poor thing, so badly wanting things to suck.

The Tragically Flip

You’re going to hear non-stop about the “GOP comeback”

The media has been publishing one of these stories about every week since the 2006 elections. Even before actually, going back to Broder’s famous Bush is “poised for a comeback” column in 2005.


TEA Party Movement.

Made me laugh.


and it should not be sucked off by condescending, manipulative elites.

Bobo should know more than anybody how backwards that statement is. After all, he’s made a career out of sucking the elites off.


All that teabagging and the public in general and doctors in particular still poll overwhelmingly in favor of a public option.

Yep. They tried everything short of firing blindly into the crowd, with the top conservative DC Astroturf firms and an entire cable news network working non-stop to get their message out, and it didn’t even dent the public’s support for health care reform or the public option. In the end, all that really happened is that the TV press got to spend the lazy days of August obsessing over America’s angry uncle instead of the usual shark attacks or missing white girls.

The holidays are often hard for people under the best of circumstances; I hope Troofie has at least one friend who will come by and check on him after the Christmastime Rose Garden signing ceremony and the week of ZOMG OBAMA DID WHAT NO DEMOCRAT COULD DO IN 40 YEARS!!eleventy!! news coverage that is almost certain to follow.

Then comes the Energy Bill. Then comes the financial regulations bill. Yeah, Troofie, control of the House means control of the order of the agenda and your side is going to go into the 2010 mid-terms defending Wall Street– the only group of motherfuckers less popular that Congressional Republicans. How do you figger that’s going to work out?


Actually, Bobo is the very definition of a condescending, manipulative elite.


Tea Party Movement?


Omigod, Josh Marshal is a teabagger!!


Is there an Insurance street?

coz those motherfuckers are pretty close in unpopularity to bankers, right about now.

We’re gonna need more pitchforks.

Big Government Liberals--Running Scared

If he signs the Baucus Bill, I won’t care, it will mean big fucking PROFITS for the insurance company and no Government Option. Suck it.


I’m not even out of committee. I won’t even GET out of committee.

Everybody hates me.


Suck it.

Um, dude, you know you say the word “suck” a lot. Like all the time, you know, like you are sending a message or something, like? I mean, well, to be clear, thanks, but, um, no, really.

You might have better luck over there, the guys with the NASCAR caps on. Yeah, just go on over. Um, later.


Ruh-roh, Conyers and Leahy might be introducing a bill to remove insurance companies’ exemption from anti-trust laws!

Big Government Liberals--Running Scared

If you kill the Baucus bill in committee, panic will spread in the White House and the media narrative will be “health care can’t even make it out of committee! 1994 all over again?” and then NO bill happens.

You’re screwed either way.


Can’t kill what’s already dead.

I speak from experience, me.


Hey you know, if the Democrat-controlled White House, Congress and the Senate pass a bill with mandates and *without* a public option, the Democrats really could lose badly in 2010 and 2012.

They’ll deserve to lose. Of course, if the GOP runs with another menu of half-deluded freaks, we’ll be stuck voting for the sane corporate candidate yet again. At least the corporations who back Democrats will *build* a poorhouse for me to live in, and the company store that owns me will sell condoms.


Also, it appears that Feingold et al., in response to a request from the Administration to renew some expiring provisions, are introducing a comp bill to repair some of the more egregiously anti-freedom aspects of the Patriot Act and FISA.

Go for it Russ.


Ruh-roh, Conyers and Leahy might be introducing a bill to remove insurance companies’ exemption from anti-trust laws!

Now that’s a pitchfork.


Looks like maybe the all the Teabaggin has convinced a fair number of Dems to pull out the stops, cuz the Right side of the aisle is just going to screech and gibber anyway.


Were you one of the twenty million-bajillion bag-dunkers in DC, or were you unable to catch a ride on the Eeeeevil public train?

Why didn’t someone tell the ‘baggers the third-rail was an express to the event?


@zrm: The right has spent the summer impotently raging against the dying of their light, er if you can call the luminiferious smear of stupid that passes for right-wing ideology a “light.”

All they have to offer, which is all they’ve ever had, is screeching and gibbering. If you give them power, they accomplish nothing and fail at everything. If you take it away, they shriek like harpies that they’re the “silent majority” and that they’re being tyrannized.

What a bunch of babies.


The media has been publishing one of these stories about every week since the 2006 elections. Even before actually, going back to Broder’s famous Bush is “poised for a comeback” column in 2005.

I think it goes back to the Watergate thing, actually.

I know Limbaugh has been hooting about “TEH GRAET GOP CUMBAK” and the horrid LIEBRUL MEDIA BIAS in the Conservative biased media since he was still a nobody turning tricks on the then still single station ClearChannel.


If you give them power, they accomplish nothing and fail at everything.

EXCEPT looting the treasury and, literally, getting away with murder.

It’s all about goals, really.


I can’t wait until election day this year libs

Is that Mommy’s parole date?

Chicago City Comptroller

“and we have a progressive news media that exaggerates stories like the Joe Wilson shout and the opposition to the Obama schools speech to show that small-town folks are dumb wackos.”

Firstly, what “progrssive news media”?

Secondly, how could you report on the Obama school speech opponents and NOT have them look like dumb wackos? Is he saying that if some crazy right wing assholes come across as crazy right wing assholes it’s because of “liberal media bias”?


Hamiltonians and Lagrangians, I know, but what’s the formulation of Jeffersonians?
They were inspired by the role of the Jacobians in the French Revolution.

Chicago City Comptroller

“Money should not be redistributed to those who do not work, and it should not be sucked off by condescending, manipulative elites.”

Like David Brooks?

Thanks for the link PeeJ. If I were from a red state, I’d probably be pretty annoyed with Bobo for making us all look like a bunch of illiterate rubes. There’s a REAL elitist.


Not only is there no racism in AMerica, there’s no anti-Semitism either — which is why no Jewish family has ever felt compelled to change its surname to something bland and WASP-y like “Brooks.”


Money should not be redistributed to those who do not work
Since white people never become voluntarily unemployed — they merely Go Galt — this policy does not apply in their case.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Kudos to all who pointed out that the “intermingling” meme is a desperate attempt to inflate the teabagger numbers. Fuckers couldn’t even fill the Mall! TWO MILLION!!!!1 WOLVERINES!!!

Additional kudos to all who pointed out the lulz inspired by Brooks claiming that teabaggers buying food from black people proves that they’re not racist.

You’ll notice that comments are turned off for that article.

Glaringly obvious, clearly hilarious.


Oh, and failed President Jimmy Carter your new spokesman bitching about how opposition to Obama is “racist”? Keep it up, libs, I’m sure swing voters just love a failed, weak-kneed President telling them they’re racist.

OK leave aside the “swing voters” bullshit–like those wingnut yahoos are on the fence or something–but what really goes through me is when the slobbering loons go after Carter. I know from what I’ve read and things that, for many reasons, he wasn’t the most effective prez, but damn can anybody think of a more honorable, decent man to occupy the White House? And of course, like my uncle says, he gotta be the best ex-president ever, with all the wonderful humanitarian work he’s done. Jimmy Carter has more integrity and morality in his little fingernail than all the repub presidents of the last 40 yrs have in their collective, rotting souls. I for one am proud to have such an outstanding man as the moral compass of the Democratic party, you benighted piece of shit!


“That right there, that, that there, is a metaPHAIL*.”

Not to be confused with Lee MacPhail.


“If he signs the Baucus Bill, I won’t care, it will mean big fucking PROFITS for the insurance company and no Government Option. Suck it.”

Authoritarian Stockholm Syndrome troll is authoritarian and suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.

“Pay the ransom and my kidnapers will TOTALLY MAKE BANK! Suck it!”


teabaggers love food more than they hate minorities.


Oh yeah, if McDonnell wins Virginia (and that’s a big if, since the dems haven’t lost a statewide election here since like, forever) it will prove that the the party that doesn’t hold the white house wins the Va governor’s seat just like it has for the last 50 years. I guess by the same logic, Mark Warner winning in 2001 proved that The democrats were really strong that year.


what really goes through me is when the slobbering loons go after Carter

Are you kidding? C’mon, man – just look at his record!

Encouraging alternative energy & conservation in the 1970s? Flake-O-Rama! Just imagine how much safer & cleaner COMMUNISTIC the US of A would be now if he’d gotten away with it!

Not to mention the lasting peace he brokered between Egypt & Israel – damn, talk about possibly averting a Third World War & undeniably saving tens to hundreds of thousands of lives Epic Wimpitude! Real Presidents don’t prevent wars, they start them … preferably against countries that pose zero threat to anyone but themselves, all the better to guarantee more profits for the makers of yellow-ribbon bumper-stickers & ticker-tape!

(Please disregard the way his unrecognized gruntwork cleaned up much of the chaos that Nixon & Ford created & set the stage for Saint Ronnie Of Bonzoshire to cakewalk into economic prosperity – because as everyone knows, TGSDCIYNAR*)
* The Good Stuff Doesn’t Count If You’re Not A Rapepublican


Boring troll is boring.

And yet every goddamn time you guys line up to take turns faceplanting onto his greasy, orange-stained crotch.

I thought you had standards.


I don’t need Jimmy Carter to tell me that much of the opposition to Obama is racist. All I have to do is look.

ACORN Flakes: a great taste America loves

I thought you had standards.

Well, you were mistaken.


Yeah, that Andrew Jackson, what a man of the fucking people.


David is just promoting “elites” as the new code word for nigger.


I think I have said this before, possibly even at SN!, but what keeps coming into my mind is waking up to see a neighbor climbing out my window with my TV set, calling 911 to report a burglary in process, and hearing him say, “What? I’m not wearing a striped shirt, much less a domino mask, and this here is a pistol, not a blackjack, so how can you call me a burglar?”


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