Head ‘Splodey Time

Ex-douchebag armchair warrior promotes ex-9/11 headcase’s blog for its ‘evolution’ into baseline sanity. And oddly enough, we like both Andrew Sullivan’s and Charles Johnson’s recent output (eww?) … but can we trust either one as far as we can throw Jonah Goldberg?

In other news, we are soliciting script ideas for a Sadly, No! ‘sting’ operation in which we approach right-to-life groups with a request to purchase a Negro baby for the purpose of doing chores around the house. Caveat: We are too lazy to ever conduct said ‘sting’ operation in real life.


Comments: 82


I just went to LGF for the first time in a few years. What the hell happened over there? They used to be good for loads of racist comments, Muslim-killing fantasies, liberal-bashing (wasn’t that where the infamous comment about dragging liberals, naked and screaming, came from?), etc. Now, it seems like CJ just posts some relatively benign observations and his readers run in and start arguing with each other.

I’d say it was sad, but… maybe it’s not.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

the fact is, andrew sullivan’s output has always been tasty and insightful.


Andrew Sullivan is a useful weather vane for where the establishment crowd is at any given time. Which is why I’m counting down to him turning on Obama in 3…2…1….


This is Andrew Sullivan of “investing-entire-intellectual-credibility-in-cause-of-promoting-Bell-Curve” fame? He is shocked, shocked to find racism going on.


can we trust either one as far as we can throw Jonah Goldberg?

How big is your trebuchet?


Sullivan has a not un-useful blog, though I’m no big fan of his actual writing or many of his positions. Good to amusing stuff (not all of it political) can be found there, & he does engage w/ & link to others whose crap one might want to read. Mileage varies.

Johnson (& I’ve ducked over there a few times recently, mostly because I’ve seen a wing-nert decrying his betrayal or whatever) has just come off his 9/11 binge (abut seven yrs. & fifty wks. later than most of us) possibly helped by the realization that Muslim-hatin’s is that close [gesture w/ thumb, forefinger] to hatin’ anyone not a Euro-Christian, & that a lot of his friends in the struggle were as anti-Enlightenment & anti-science as any Al Qaeda member.

Didn’t dip into comments, but I’d have to bet that anyone who disagreed w/ the new stance of reason was quickly “de-registered.” Also noted that there are secret threads for which you need a password, where the Lizards talk among themselves. Hmmm.

So we probably can’t trust Chuckles, a back-firing car might give him another eight yr. fit of the vapors, & we know we can’t trust Sully, because he could flip his flops at any moment. Plus Sully got busted for smoking reefer at the National Sea Shore by a Park Ranger. Not as smart as Boo-Boo, for crying out loud.

I’m gonna assume D. A. didn’t link directly to the headcase’s page because it still directs to “You Are A [sic] Idiot” from here, so what more need we know?


Get your exploding heads right here:

Yesterday I linked to a comment from a DC resident about the protesters. The last part reads:

…a colleague who happened to ride the metro into work that day…was in a car with all protesters and when the train stopped and the lights briefly went out (a not uncommon occurrence), people on the train actually started shouting that it was an Obama conspiracy. The President had stopped the train so that they could not make it to the Capitol to fight for “their” America. It was such a sad day for me, and a real low point for our country.

Well, the same morons have made a federal case out of it, literally.

Tea Party Protesters Protest D.C. Metro Service
Protesters who attended Saturday’s Tea Party rally in Washington found a new reason to be upset: Apparently they are unhappy with the level of service provided by the subway system.

Rep. Kevin Brady called for a government investigation into whether the government-run subway system adequately prepared for this weekend’s rally to protest government spending and government services.


How big is your trebuchet?

Veiled PENIS-size-paranoia reference.


Just as well I didn’t mention the size of my mangonel.


From The House of Substance, Washington D. C. Metrorail ridership for the “9/12” & various other events.

“9/12”: 437,624.

G. W. Bush “Inauguration,” 2001, also a Sat.: 601,839.

B. H. Obama Inauguration: 1,120,000.

Many other dates given, though nothing about the average Sat. number.


Dr Smut, do you know Albert Brooks’ “Bolero?” Or was that the base of your mentioning “Bolero” back there somewhere?


soliciting script ideas for a Sadly, No! ’sting’ operation

Two gheys driving a Prius turn up in Shitsville, Colorado, looking to obtain a black baby – will pay top dollar, plus will throw in their illegal Mexican pool-boy and bible signed by Ted Haggard to sweeten the deal.


Just as well I didn’t mention the size of my mangonel.

I prefer pure-bred.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Wow, Lesley, that is just… picture-perfect as an example of a paranoid mindset. “The subway conked out! THIS MUST BE ABOUT ME.”


Rep. Kevin Brady called for a government investigation into whether the government-run subway system adequately prepared for this weekend’s rally to protest government spending and government services.

For decades, I’ve been waiting for the moment when I got to watch a Foo bird fly up its own asshole. The waiting is over.


I’ve been watching this show on hoarders and their characteristics (described as mental illness by the professionals who try to help them) is shared by these right wing goofballs.

Completely self-absorbed. Check.
Completely out of touch with reality. Check.
Irrational and unreasonable. Check.
Whiny. BIG Check.


and that little mechanism most of us have that flips the light switch on from time to time? Few of them seem to have that either.


Protesters who attended Saturday’s Tea Party rally in Washington found a new reason to be upset: Apparently they are unhappy with the level of service provided by the subway system.

The seats weren’t wide enough to comfortably hold their fat asses.


From The House of Substance, Washington D. C. Metrorail ridership for the “9/12? & various other events.

Oh my God, that is the icing on the comedy. Thanks for that.


You’re welcome.

Do you work nights?


soliciting script ideas for a Sadly, No! ’sting’ operation

“Hello, Generic Anti-Choicer Organization? My name is Honkey McWhitecheese, I’ve supported anti-choice organizations all my life, but I’ve got a bit of a sensitive problem here. My 24-year-old daughter went to college, without my approval, and she started a relationship with a, ahem, black man. Also without my approval. And she’s got herself pregnant, most definitely without my approval. And she wants to keep the baby! It’ll scandalize the neighbors, and I won’t stand for it! I know this is outside of your normal operations, but could you help me get in touch with someone who’ll drug her and abort the baby, maybe sterilize her to teach her a lesson? I’ve called some abortion providers, but they refused to help me, because you know how they hate white Christians. Can you help me out?”


government-run subway system? Is there any other kind? Perhaps they should all go Galt and set up theys own dang-burned subway system if the gubbmint ain’t givin’ ’em what they pay they hard-earned taxes for ribbershibbergoldangitblartityblarrtwahhhhhhhhNegros!!


Well, he’s no John Cole yet, but progress is progress.


Do you work nights?

No, but I’m off work this week and when I’m not working I tend to be a night owl.

The Tragically Flip

Wasn’t pre-conversion John Cole still much saner than average for right wing bloggers? LFG was one of the out and out fucking crazy right wing sites up until this year. Really, did Johnson stop drinking, start drinking, change medication, lose god, find God, get laid, or get hit by lightning?


I’m getting a kick out of this #michellemalkinmath thread on Twitter.

@BigBadHappen: I’m listening to “One Thousand Is The Loneliest Number” by Thirty Dog Night. #MichelleMalkinMath

@BigBadHappen I just finished reading Jules Verne’s classic 20,000,000,000 Leagues Under The Sea #MichelleMalkinMath

@EvansBrad I just love that old Disney classic animated movie, 101,000 Dalmatians! #MichelleMalkinMath

How soon before someone comes up with a web calculator?


government-run subway system? Is there any other kind?

A number of them (including the IRT and BMT systems in New York and the Boston system) began private. They failed, of course, as no form of basic transportation makes money unless subsidized, and were taken over by government agencies.


Aah, night owl here too.


How can you sting people that think Joe the Plumber has something useful to say?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Johnson is one of those weird bigots who hates one particular group and, unusually, sticks to that hatred. He knows what he likes and he knows what he hates, and he’s not about to let some whackadoo taint his pure hatred with a bunch of tangential shit.

This puts him at odds with the current right-wing schtick of just embracing whatever piecemeal psychosis any possible member might develop and syncretise them into a psychotic bouillabaisse.

As soon as they tried depicting Barack Obama as a Muslim foreigner, he went “now, hold on a minute, I won’t let you people go and shit all over my good and faithful disdain for the Muslim hordes who’re even now preparing to destroy us, just to score a petty political point.”

So, to be clear, he’s still a hateful twit, he’s just not an all-encompassing hateful twit.

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

“A number of them (including the IRT and BMT systems in New York and the Boston system) began private. They failed, of course, as no form of basic transportation makes money unless subsidized, and were taken over by government agencies.”

Chicago system, too. Probably most pre-war systems. And nearly every city bus service in the country.


Chicago system, too. Probably most pre-war systems. And nearly every city bus service in the country.

Yeah. The incredibly hilarious Newark, NJ system, too.

I was trying to speak from actual knowledge…so as to not resemble, you know, a wingnut.


Matt Taibbi went underground with the Bush campaign and with one of those Bible cults:



I thought the one with the Bush campaign was particularly fun.


“A number of them (including the IRT and BMT systems in New York and the Boston system) began private. They failed, of course, as no form of basic transportation makes money unless subsidized, and were taken over by government agencies.”

You simply cannot run a transit system for profit. San Francisco, at the turn of last century, I believe, still had a number of private rail, horse drawn cars, etc. Those kept merging in attempt to find economies of scale and finally were taken over by the city. The challenge for transit planners on pricing is the price elasticity curve, i.e., where is the sweet spot to maximize revenues? Charge higher fares, lose riders. Fares too low, you leave money on the table. The real challenge is to get the free-loading beneficiaries of the government subsidies to kick in their share. Those would be the high-rise developers and building owners whose properties have higher value due to the availability of affordable transit that brings the occupants of their buildings to work at a price point that works.


Protesters who attended Saturday’s Tea Party rally in Washington found a new reason to be upset: Apparently they are unhappy with the level of service provided by the subway system.

Right. Because the best use of union employees is to pay them overtime to shuttle fat whites asses to a protest that could lose them their jobs…

The real challenge is to get the free-loading beneficiaries of the government subsidies to kick in their share. Those would be the high-rise developers and building owners whose properties have higher value due to the availability of affordable transit that brings the occupants of their buildings to work at a price point that works.

In theory, this is what the MTA tried to do in New York: ask anchor corporations with buildings and/or presences at subway stations to kick in for repairs and maintenance, with a sweetner of lowered property taxes and/or other tax breaks.

Sounds great, right? Except that Target (I think) insisted on a direct door into its store, but made no infrastructure upgrades at the Astor Place station, the Grand Central shuttle terminus was supposed to be upgraded by Royal Bank of Canada in exchange for in-building access, said upgrade amounted to a new coat of paint and a repaired stairway that was perfectly functional to begin with…oh, AND a newsstand at the top of the stairs which constricts foot traffic and is duplicative of a nearly-identical, privately-run one across the street, said newsstand pays rent not to the city but to RBC…

I could go on what a boondoggle this deal has been and how the MTA is yet again hat in hand trying to raise fares.


Somebody more experienced at looking at this sort of data may have keener insights than I do, but it would appear that LGF is losing hits over the past year or so. Yes, there are spikes, one assumes some sort of hot button issue took over the discussion there.
My point? If other wingnuts see that a turn towards reality (however small or temporary) reduces spittle-driven traffic, the wingnut site proprietors have little choice but to double down on crazy to keep ad revenues as high as possible. Here’s the linkee:



You simply cannot run a transit system for profit.

Yup. Which is why it is such a perfect test to find wingnuts. Most of our major cities rely on mass transit of some kind. Take away the buses and watch Atlanta and L.A. suffer; take away the trains and watch New York and Chicago strangle to death. So which is more important: our society or free-market ideology that says that anything that can’t survive without a subsidy is bad?

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

That’s a K-Mart you’re thinking of, not a Target.

And the direct door into the store is only accessible from the downtown platform, so it’s only useful for about half of your shopping trip.


Looch, it looks like they dropped their numbers back in late 2007, well before the election cycle started.


Thanks, Bill. I was going to say K-mart, but had a brainfreeze.

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

This is also why the Las Vegas Monorail is ultimately doomed to failure – private companies have no interest in it because it can’t be profitable, local governments have no interested in it because all it does is shuttle a handful of tourists between casinos and, for the purposes of locals, goes from nowhere to nowhere.


That’s a K-Mart you’re thinking of, not a Target.

Then there’s the JCP at Herald Square that shut down an entrance and a bank of escalators for six months.

Fuck em all.


I could go on what a boondoggle this deal has been and how the MTA is yet again hat in hand trying to raise fares.

I think every major metro area has dozens of these kinds of stories, where powerful property owners/developers (who throw a lot of campaign cash around and deploy squadrons of well-connect lobbyists and bagmen), get a deal that ends up costing the municipality money.

At the public trough? Freeloading? You betcha!


and, for the purposes of locals, goes from nowhere to nowhere.

I’m not sure why that’s a problem, as it describes the lives of a majority of our countrymen. Including me, circa 1983.

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

“Then there’s the JCP at Herald Square that shut down an entrance and a bank of escalators for six months.

Fuck em all.”

Also in that same general area, the shittiest mall in recorded history.


Also in that same general area, the shittiest mall in recorded history.

Which one? The one that used to be Korvette’s (and before that Saks Herald Square) or the one that used to be Gimbels?



It has to be the….oh, wait. You have a point.

I was going to say Korvette’s, since I own a piece of that and it’s lost money for me every frikkin’ year for the past five years, but I forgot about the Manhattan Mall.

It’s hard to fathom that you could make ONE mall that horrible right smack in the middle of the busiest retail neighborhood on the frikkin’ planet, including the Ginza, but to make TWO?????


Actor, thanks. I wandered over there to see if I could search archives to get a sense of what may have been the topics discussed during late 2007 where the decline seems to begin. No luck. But reading through the posts there it seemed like a remarkably sane.

From a comment: “there was a time when this post would have brought out some real bigoted comments around here. glad to see that time’s gone.”



I have a bunch of conservative, paleo-conservative, friends who cringe anytime you mention the names Malkin, Coulter, Goldberg or a half dozen others.

I can’t say I blame them. Indeed, I’ve tried to turn them…I need the taoster, frankly…but they are true to their “principles” such as they are.


Did Chuckie denounce his past racism?

I didn’t think so.

He runs his blog like a fascist so that is unfortunately his true color. Applying redirects to the web server because you don’t like who links to you is as asshole as they come.


“you know how they hate white Christians”

I’m voting
For a white Christian
Just like the ones I used to know.

With their silk pajamas
And no Obamas
To say things that scare them so.

I’m voting
For a white Christian
With ev’ry campaign check I write

May my president be
And my Christian
Be white…

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

Manhattan Mall was the one I was thinking of.

“It’s hard to fathom that you could make ONE mall that horrible right smack in the middle of the busiest retail neighborhood on the frikkin’ planet, including the Ginza, but to make TWO?????”

And Manhattan Mall even has its own entrance from the 34th Street-Herald Square stop…



I actually wandered through the LGF site and without knowledge of the past content of the site I would have to say that CJ presents as a sane, thoughtful debunker of the more krazzee Wingnut talking points. And the commenters seem less whack than one would expect.

Given past discussions of “peak wingnut” and such, I wonder if there is any fodder for that discussion in CJ’s and LGF’s apparent mellowing. I don’t know that there is, but the fact that site has turned somewhat more towards reality is notable on some (perhaps minor) level.

And Hitler! (you can never have too much Hitler in any given thread).


And Manhattan Mall even has its own entrance from the 34th Street-Herald Square stop…

Technically, the PATH station.


That was your reaction, Looch?

I practically felt like I stumbled onto a low-rent newsreader of The Nation’s website! They’ve gone practically radical.

The Goddamn Batman Often Engages In 'Sting' Operations In His Secret Identity In Which He Conclusively Establishes That Celebutantes Do Indeed Have Questionable Morals, And He Has The Video To Prove It, $29.95 All Major Credit Cards Accepted

I like to think of Andrew Sullivan as being obsessed with the obstetrical situations of Caribou Spice and her daughter–a “birther” of a different sort. Oh, and the barebacking, that’s always good for a giggle.


I practically felt like I stumbled onto a low-rent newsreader of The Nation’s website! They’ve gone practically radical.

I think, as my father would say, we are having a “violent agreement” here. I am hesitant to give LGF any credit for sanity or decency based on past history, and that’s why I chose the word “presents” for CJ. Just as I would for one of the crisis care patients I oversee occasionally. I mean, the site looked almost thoughtful. And calm. I kept wondering if I had accidentally fallen into a spoof site.


I knew something was up! A winger I know recently changed his Facebook status to announce that he was de-listing Charles Johnson since LGF had become “one more outpost of the Obama-worshiping liberal media.”

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

“Technically, the PATH station.”

Guess that’s why I knew the entrance existed, but could never find it.

Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

“I like to think of Andrew Sullivan as being obsessed with the obstetrical situations of Caribou Spice and her daughter–a “birther” of a different sort. Oh, and the barebacking, that’s always good for a giggle.”

He dabbled in birtherism for a few days, actually.


LA’s famed red cars and electric cars were privately run, but when the city fathers refused to pony up for a better system in the ’20s it was the end of them, ultimately, although it took a decade or so for the stake to really go into the heart.

BTW – nice nym, Heuchera. With coral bells on.


I know this was a typo, actor212, but it would be awesome if someone actually created a product called the Taoster.


IIRC, Charles Johnson had an epiphany about 2 to 3 years ago and discovered that the company he kept at that time tended to believe in creationist theories and also excused European far-right (read fascist) parties because they were also anti-Muslim.

I never saw any hints of him apologizing for his excesses, though. That is why he remains suspect in my view.


Given the positive change at a few places like BalloonJuice, perhaps some kind of abduction-&-reeducation program is called for – something involving Cheetos dosed with roofies, mayhap?


Charles Johnson had an epiphany about 2 to 3 years ago and discovered that the company he kept at that time tended to believe in creationist theories

This is how I tend to deal with my father if, dog forbid, politics ever comes up. I ask him why he has aligned himself with the creationists and the jebus-freaks. If I’m really torqued I’ll ask him where his next flat-earther meeting is.

They hate that.


“Technically, the PATH station.”

Guess that’s why I knew the entrance existed, but could never find it.

There’s no PATH to there from here.


Johnson is one of those weird bigots who hates one particular group and, unusually, sticks to that hatred.

He’s improved a lot on that score lately, too… a lot of his material on Islam now consists of getting in loud fights with the bedrock crazies like Pam Geller, Jihadwatch, and Gates of Vienna. As our lovely friend Lex has documented.

He’s still an asshole, but I feel the same way about Andrew Sullivan, who (let’s remember, folks) called each and every one of us fifth columnists. There’s some things I’m not willing to forgive, but I’m also in favor of giving credit where credit is due.

And I don’t hold LGF’s comment policy against them. It’s a personal choice. And, if teh Sadly had that many of mouthbreathing lunatics hanging around, we’d have some serious trouble. It’s bad enough with the handful we have.


I know this was a typo, actor212, but it would be awesome if someone actually created a product called the Taoster.

We could toast our nuts in it!


There’s no PATH to there from here.

Ah, so you’re familiar with the Pavonia stop…

The Tragically Flip

Those White Christmas lyrics are quite good.


Republican Kevin Brady who is insisting on an investigation of the DC Metro after 9/12 complaints, voted against emergency maintenance funding for it in July. (Wonkette)

Follow up from earlier comment.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

How big is your trebuchet?

Strangest self-help book AY-VARR!!!


Mr. Wonderful said,
September 17, 2009 at 18:04

That was beautiful. I have a feeling even cranky, litigious old Irving Berlin himself would have enjoyed it thoroughly.


My friend and her fiance would totally do that sting operation. And he’s worked in the film industry. There would actually be decent production values.


How big is your trebuchet?

Strangest self-help book AY-VARR!!!

Preface written by the Capital One vikings.


For the record, Liz and I are not married, and I do not believe we have ever met, despite sharing a last nym.

Have we, Liz?

Wait…you weren’t that woman I was chatting up at Al Gore’s victory party, were you? I swore we weren’t supposed to get married.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

In other news, we are soliciting script ideas for a Sadly, No! ’sting’ operation in which we approach right-to-life groups with a request to purchase a Negro baby for the purpose of doing chores around the house.

No way am I gonna wear a mini-sarong.

Not gonna do it.


No way am I gonna wear a mini-sarong.

How can something sarong feel so right?


No way am I gonna wear a mini-sarong.

How can something sarong feel so right?

Because two whites don’t make sarong.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Although I won’t wear a sarong, I will wear a lava-lava, having received one from my bro when he was stationed on American Samoa.

It’s about the semantics, not the sartorial articles.


He runs his blog like a fascist so that is unfortunately his true color. Applying redirects to the web server because you don’t like who links to you is as asshole as they come.

Also: maintaining an IP banlist that, if printed out, would stretch all the way to Mecca and back.

Chuckles got his fingers burned when the LGFuckwits started making alliances with European fascists. The idea that he can go back to being a dull PHP coder with a dull past musical career is, frankly, not one that’s going anywhere.


The “ho” in the ACORN video was apparently Doug Giles’ daughter.


(comments are closed)