Anything new here? Anything at all?
Predictably, the answer is going to be: Sadly, No! 2004:
Shorter Michelle Malkin:
Disposable kidsDay care is killing America’s children.
From Steve M. of No More Mister Nice Blog, 2006:
A few members of Congress think you and I are mass murderers — or at least don’t consider that assertion objectionable.
Bonus points: this is getting old but from the press release quoted by Steve:
“Liberalism Kills Kids” is a groundbreaking work which documents the devastating failure of America’s 40-year experiment with liberal statism. From the deaths of 44 million unborn children, to skyrocketing rates of out-of-wedlock births, to the divorce epidemic, to the destructive demands of the movement to normalize homosexuality[.]
Abortion rate? Down.
Out of wedlock births? Little change in the last 10 years, though there has been a slight increase in the last 5 years.
Divorce rate? Peaked in the 1970s.
Destructive demands of the movement to normalize homosexuality? Let us know what they are. (Please show your work.)
Hot cars kill kids, ergo liberals are bad. Makes sense.
“Out of wedlock births? Little change in the last 10 years, though there has been a slight increase in the last 5 years.”
Hmm… Wonder what could have changed in the last five years?
I’m also curious now about the latest infant mortality rates…
I’m sure all of this can be reduced to one fundamental issue with these rightwingers…their obsession with S-E-X. Can’t stop thinking about it, can’t avert their eyes when they see titillating imagery, can’t turn the channel on their televisions, can’t stop trolling the Internet for porn.
I am so sorry I followed that link, now my eye is twitching. You mean I spent all that money on day care when I could have just dumped the kid in the toilet? Damn.
Well I’m obsessed with sex. But that’s different.
Hey that’s one of “my” Senators, John ‘Corny’ Cornyn. He and Kay Bailey Hutchinson-Whampoa are rarely spotted in the wild these days. They spend most all of their time hidden away from their constituents, on their knees in front of high-dollar corporate executives.
“Liberalism Kills Kids.” It also kicks puppies, turns people gay, and smells.
War, of course, is completely harmless.
Excuse me? I think you will find that the average four children abused to death every day are being parented by those spare the rod spoil the child Xtians for the most part. They hardly ever get murdered in pre school.
Hmm… Wonder what could have changed in the last five years?
The faith-based sex ed programs come through in the clutch.
Ooh, snap.
Um, sadly, no! Two of the things you wrote are definite negatives, one is somewhat ambivalent, though with negative overtones. The last one has few connotations at all, as it merely a state of existence.
Out of wedlock births incresing?
I’d be interested to know their answer to this – since abortion is ruled out, it must be forced marriage!
Hey, wait a minute, what about compulsory chastity belts for the unmarried..? Yes, I’m really getting the hang of this now!
Actually, the rate of unmarried births may not have changed quite as much as it initially might seem – look at all the caveats at the bottom of the CDC’s chart:
NOTES: National estimates for 1970 and 1975 for unmarried mothers are based on births occurring in States reporting marital status of mother. Changes in reporting procedures for marital status occurred in some States during the 1990s. Interpretation of trend data should also take into consideration expansion of reporting areas and immigration. See Appendix II, Marital status. The race groups, white, black, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Asian or Pacific Islander, include persons of Hispanic and non-Hispanic origin. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. Starting with Health, United States, 2003, rates for 1991–99 were revised using intercensal population estimates based on Census 2000. Rates for 2000 were computed using Census 2000 counts and starting with 2001, rates were computed using 2000-based postcensal estimates. Data for additional years are available. See Appendix III. Some data for 1980–88 were revised and differ from previous editions of Health, United States.
Also, the way many states count ‘unmarried’ births is by projecting from the number of children born to parents with different surnames – there is no attempt made to actually capture marital status. Because of this, my son (who was most definitely not born ‘out of wedlock’) was counted as such by the state of Missouri when he was born.
Who watches Michelle Malkin’s kids while she works?
I’d love to see a cut-throat ambitious liar like her become a stay-at-home mom. Fast forward 12 years and she’d be hiring a hitman to take out her child’s competition for the cheerleading squad.
Also, the way many states count ‘unmarried’ births is by projecting from the number of children born to parents with different surnames – there is no attempt made to actually capture marital status. Because of this, my son (who was most definitely not born ‘out of wedlock’) was counted as such by the state of Missouri when he was born.
Posted by: protected static
Wow, you must be a crazy feminist to have two different surnames!
(BTW- my daughter would have been counted too, and she was born in wedlock as well.)
Trying to form a cogent agrument against these idiots is like fighting with a defiant teen who’s making no sense in their argument and should just be sent to their room.
I live in Arizona, and it’s awful how many children die in the summer due to being left in the car. (It doesn’t take long in 120 degree heat.)
Ironically, most I hear of is when children are left with non-working relatives subbing in for daycare or are due to caretakers’ drug problems.
Issues Democrats work hard to address and Republicans want no part of.
(Libruls + Homos)^100^1000 = FLAMING DEATH FOR MURICA!
(hey, at least I done showed my work.)
Stupid bints like Malkin should go back to college and actually try to learn how to make inferences about research data. Better yet, they should actually learn how to conduct social research.
There’s actually a bigger story on the “out of wedlock births” (OOWB) data to which you linked. There is a breakdown in % of OOWB by age group. The actual % of OOWB for women younger than 20 HAS STEADILY DECREASED over the entire timeframe of the record. Of course, maybe the esteemed Mr. M is concerned with the skyrocketing rate of OOWB for women older than 24.