The Lieberman candidacy is now unstoppable!

Steve at No More Mister Nice Blog reports on the latest prestigious publication to endorse Joe Lieberman.


Comments: 9


Yeah, but we know God has endorsed Dubya in the general election. No word yet on whether He’s going to make it a nail-biter and call in His friends on the Supreme Court to end it as He did last time (or maybe He’ll make it an electoral-vote tie and have the House of Representatives declare Shrub the winner; wouldn’t that be fun!).


If NewsMax is endorsing him, can Weekly World News be far behind? (btw, I trust Joe is going to weigh in against that “Feds Propose New Law: Mandatory Masks for the Ugly” initiative)


I guess no one but me comments on your work unless you write that Atrios rocks and Sully sucks (take that last part however you want).


It may well be that no one but you pays attention to Lieberman — it’s hard to say really.

We would have replied to your previous comments earlier but found ourselves busy pondering our newly exposed homophobia which, given what we’ve said about Amber, likely joins our heterophobia. At this rate, we would say it’s safe to say we hate everything and everybody. (Except Atrios of course — Atrios rocks.)


The word you’re looking for is “misanthrope.”


Heh, the only way Joe (“mentum”) would get any more lame is if he came out strongly in favor of a really moronic crusade… like being against videogames.



I understand Joe-mentum got a further boost when it was announced he had received the endorsement of the Nasua edition of Auto Trader.


We would have replied to your previous comments earlier but found ourselves busy pondering our newly exposed homophobia which, given what we’ve said about Amber, likely joins our heterophobia. At this rate, we would say it’s safe to say we hate everything and everybody. (Except Atrios of course — Atrios rocks.)

Alternative explanation: you’ve had fun at the expense of Amber, a professed lover of cock, and now at the expense of Sully (ditto). So maybe you’re a cockophileophobe.


The word you’re looking for is “misanthrope.”

We didn’t stink it up on the verbal section of the GRE for nothing you know.


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