If She Can’t Spell It, Has She Even Read It?

Meet Erin Bonsteel, the “Seurat of Salisbury, Maryland” and one of the editorial cartoonists at The American Brain Trust. I thought you might appreciate one of her latest forays into cartoonery.


Erin also “plays” guitar, which is a talent I would place somewhere between her ability to draw and her ability to spell. Oh, and before any one of you even thinks of bitching about the trauma involved in watching the video of her performance and how I’ve ruined your day, etc., etc., or forced you to pour acid in your ears, etc., etc., you should realize that I had to watch 4 episodes of this ghastly American Idol knock-off before I found Ms. Bonsteel’s electrifying performance.


Comments: 213




You’ll get our Consitution when you pry it from Glenn Blechh’s cold dead finguhz.


The funny part is, she was actually trying to spell “constipation.”

What's My Nym, Kitsch?

Hell, she could do the soundtracks for Hanna-Barbera-inspired cartoon chase scenes.

+1: Chase scenes involve Dead Kennedys in caskets.


Wow. She is seriously trying to give Mallard Fillmore a run for its money as the shittiest political cartoon in America.


I never tire of laughing at people who are indignant in their defense of the Constitution, but who know exactly one Amendment (the Second) and actively support violations of the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments.


This is the answer to all the confusion. They’re not claiming that health care is unconstitutional, they’re claiming it’s unconsitutional.


Damn Democrats might pass laws a majority want instead of spying on citizens without warrants. The only amendments these guys have even a glancing familiarity with are the second, which they only read half of, and the tenth, which they believe guarantees some sort of States Rights Libertarianism.


Goldurn DocAmazing. That was pretty amazing, though.


actively support violations of the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments.

Not to mention the 13th-15th.


Wow, gang.

Don’t send your kids to Salisbury University. Their BFA program is awesome.

Gaaah! Even her sympathetic characters are nightmare fuel.


Maybe she’s not feeling too good. You know, maybe her “consitution” ain’t what it used to be…

Now someone will have to create a “SpellCheck” for catroonist’s.


Or cartoonist’s…


It looks like one of those horrible Darleen Click “cartoons” at PrOtIen WisDom.


Okay, you have to check out this “cartoonist”‘s “fine art” section– she’s obsessed with lizard-bird people and tits.


I love how she clarified for us that its Democrats charging the constitution. Way to drive it home.

EmCee from Thunder Dome

And in this corner!



so they’re ramming Ted Kennedys corpse in a box at the USconstitiution, the casket says ‘kennedy care’ and Hil and Barack are leading the charge but she still felt the need to put ‘democrats’? I guess you gotta cater to your audience.


check out this “cartoonist”’s “fine art” section

Shit, that stuff is worse than her cartoons. Did she actually graduate from a real BFA program or was it one of those mail order programs that used to be on match book covers?


Seriously, if you miss this Erin Bonsteel’s “fineart” section, you’re gonna miss delightful paintings with titles like “Deflated Mother” and “Impale.”

Also, one’s titled “Zombies.”


The message of that cartoon is as muddled as the art… “Kennedy Care“? So is health care reform dead? If it’s dead, how can unpassed bills assail the “Consitution”? Why is the Cons[t]itution a medieval castle door? What’s on the other side? CHAOS?!! Or a princess captured and being forced to marry the horrible usurper?


so they’re ramming Ted Kennedys corpse in a box at the USconstitiution, the casket says ‘kennedy care’ and Hil and Barack are leading the charge but she still felt the need to put ‘democrats’?

Trust me, with her level of artistic talent, if she drew a furry animal with pointed ears, whiskers, and a tail chasing a ball of yarn, it would be to everyone’s benefit if she still labeled it “CAT.”


[Poking my head in briefly: Things seemed on schedule early this morning, but changed rapidly such that we’re now at the hospital with labor pretty well underway, and the appearance of a new 9/12 tax deduction, as it were, expected within an hour or two. –w00t]

trilateral chairman

You know, aside from Obama and Pelosi, I can’t even identify the other Congresscritters holding Kennedy’s casket. I think the guy behind Obama might be Chris Dodd, and I presume Arlen Specter is in there just because, but I can’t figure out the rest.


Hey, congrats! Best wishes for a quick and easy delivery.


the appearance of a new 9/12 tax deduction, as it were, expected within an hour or two

Woot! Indeed.

trilateral chairman

Gavin–sorry, didn’t see your post when I posted mine. Best of luck to you and Doctor Lady Missus.


Congratulations and good luck, Gavin!


Gavin –

BTW, get a good night’s sleep tonight and for the next couple of days until they release mama and spawn, because those will be pretty much the last decent nights’ sleep you get for the next year.


Also, she was born in Argentina, she’s not a real Merikan. Just Sayin’

And to clear the palette, a Guitar Player.


Many congrats, Gavin! Hope you both got a lot of sleep this past week ; )

Wyatt Watts III: Oh, god, the painful horror that is the truly untalented and their attempts at ‘art’. What is seen cannot, unfortunately, be unseen.

I vaguely remember drawing this kind of crap back in my angsty teen period. ( Along with the requisite poetry that always managed to use the words ‘bleed, feed, need’, and ‘pain, insane’.) Er, most of us outgrow this crap by age 14, however.

And, yeah, a bit of sapphic repression, much?


Congrats! And on the day of Glenn Beck’s Coronation to boot. The gods are smiling.


Best wishes, Gavin.

As for Erin, I actually feel sorry for her. In pre-internet, pre-reality show days, young airheads from Salisbury, Maryland would have a chance to mature a bit before they exposed themselves to anyone beyond a few community college acquaintances.

Now, it’s like, I mean, like, some, like, almost, like, required subject to, like, I mean, humiliate yourself for eternity by showcasing, like, all your, like, I mean, talents, like on the web.


YOu might also check out these real guitarists .


Congrats Doctor Lady Missus and Gavin and welcome Dashiell to the Red Sox Nation.


I hope everything goes well, Gavin and Marita. These can be useful for riding the waves if they have them where you’re going and she’s still in that phase.


welcome Dashiell to the Red Sox Nation.

World without end, AMEN.


The funny part is, she was actually trying to spell “constipation.”

From the look of those faces she “drew”, I’d say you guessed correct.

And Gavin & LDMM – good luck, guys, and Goddess bless.


Wow, LDMM, waht wuz I thinkin with 9/16.

Best of lucky!


After wading through the “fine art” section, all I can say is I’m definitely never going to take acid again. Not if it induces THOSE kinds of visions.


So the Constitution is locked away in a heavy dungeon? Or is it a funeral vault that unhappy pallbearers are trying to immure a coffin in? Or are they trying to break their way out of the heavy locked Constitution door?

What are we trying to say here?


I guess that air guitar is more Erin’s instrument.


Dashiell’s a 9/12 er? Awww……that’s just adorable!

Congrats, Gavin and Lady Doctor Missus Marita!


Oh, American cartoonists, always with the labels, showing that the whole “visual representation” thing is lost on them.


I’m definitely never going to take acid again. Not if it induces THOSE kinds of visions.

Shit, I never saw anything that horrible and I quit more than 30 years ago after 3 times.


I guess that air guitar is more Erin’s instrument.

I suspect that she plays even that poorly.


Where’s the link to her gallery? I’m morbidly curious.


So the Constitution is locked away in a heavy dungeon? Or is it a funeral vault that unhappy pallbearers are trying to immure a coffin in? Or are they trying to break their way out of the heavy locked Constitution door?

What are we trying to say here?

Oh my God, they’re trying to steal the vault copy of the Consitution!


Where’s the link to her gallery? I’m morbidly curious.

Click on Tintin’s first link then go to the top and click on “fineart.”


Click on Tintin’s first link then go to the top and click on “fineart.”

Or don’t if you have any respect for your sanity and appreciate actual art.


Thanks, guys! (Or gals…I’ll have to learn everyone’s gender as I get to know you all.)


Its actually a picture of Sadlynaughts carrying Studebaker, crashing through the door of…the placenta?…and on into the world where Tom Brady throws seven interceptions tomorrow. Oh Rohrshach, is there anything we can’t see more clearly when you’re around?


by the way, hillary’s not in that picture, its obviously nancy!


Saying this as an artist who actually isn’t mentally unbalanced…I think her stuff is pretty mediocre and some of the stuff is just downright disturbing. Not that art can’t disturb once in awhile. She tried some photomanipulation in one piece. It was bad manipping. Trust me, I know manipping. The nude figures are decent but not evocative. I think her use of color is disappointing. And all her stuff looked vaguely “muddy” and “mushy” to me. Of course, this is all so subjective…

But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s a fucking moron.


I don’t understand her cartoon for today. It’s labelled Ivory Tower so obviously she thinks that Congress is a kind of University. And she has anti-war protestors holding up signs denoting democracy (and we know they are anti-war demonstrators because democracy is spelled right–teabaggers would have spelled it democrahy). Then a someone at the University of Congress is yelling out savages from inside the dome of the Rotundra. Did some birther climb up there to mock the Obamas?

I dunno. I just don’t get it.


she’s obsessed with lizard-bird people and tits.
My soul-mate!


But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s a untalented fucking moron.

Fixed it for you.


Funny, I always took the preamble of the US consTitution to mean that public healthcare should be provided. You know, “…provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare…”? That sort of crap?


Funny, I always took the preamble of the US consTitution to mean that public healthcare should be provided.

That’s what you get for actually reading the fucking thing and thinking that it means what it actually says. You know, like that whole bit about ” a well regulated militia…”


but who know exactly one Amendment (the Second) and actively support violations of the First, Fourth, and Eighth Amendments.

They don’t even know the entire Second Amendment – they keep skipping over the well regulated part…


Tea partiers passing out signs saying ” Bury Obamacare with Kennedy.”




Real KKKlassy.


Congratulations to the new parental units — and the studie!

Don’t worry about the pointed head (the conehead thing doesn’t last that long, really…)


Gee, after the last 8 years it’s nice to know these people are suddenly all about the Constitution.


she’s obsessed with lizard-bird people and tits.
My soul-mate!

Well, the art you’ve linked so far has seemed to indicate you prefer artists with some talent.


It’s the poor–and stupid–man’s Francis Bacon.

And she doesn’t spell “Prosecutor” all that great either.


Oooh, now I’m all nervous for G & M. Not everyone knows that when you have a baby and you give it food and water it turns into a teenager.

Little known fact!


Draws, plays guitar. Give her some ping pong balls and she’ll a triple threat.

Just kidding. Misogyny is SO AWFUL!


when you have a baby and you give it food and water it turns into a teenager
Fortunately the Stockholm Syndrome sets in well before then and you find yourself sympathising with your new alien overlord and its endless stream of tyrannical, incomprehensible demands. You try to learn its language, even become attached to it. It’s a defense mechanism.


Come on, where’s that newborn infant already? I’m getting HUNGRY!!!!


Not everyone knows that when you have a baby and you give it food and water it turns into a teenager.

Worse than Gremlins they are. I knows, ’cause I raised one. I am, however, about to get my revenge. His oldest just turned 13 and the younger one is about to turn 12. Heh-heh.



I shook my head, and looked again, and then I went and had a piss and came back and looked again, and then I went to the kitchen and got another drink and came back and looked again.

This cartoon does not make any fucking sense, does it?


That cartoon confuses me, too. Why are they having to break the door down? Doesn’t the President of the United States have a key to the secret underground dungeon where the Constitution–sorry! Consitution–is kept? And why is Professor Farnsworth from “Futurama” one of the pallbearers? Did he have to travel back in time with some sort of important message from Nixon’s Head?


When the constitution guaranteed liberty and the pursuit of happiness, nowhere did it mention life.


Poking my head in briefly: Things seemed on schedule early this morning, but changed rapidly such that we’re now at the hospital with labor pretty well underway, and the appearance of a new 9/12 tax deduction, as it were, expected within an hour or two. –w00t]

Congrats! And let me remind everyone of my pool prediction: 9/12 at 9:45 pm EST.

Bookmark it, libs. You will wonder how in the hell I was able to call it.


whoops. That Anonymous was me.


When did “Proper Noun-Care” become the epitome of political debate in this country?


That’s it, Bloom… You misspelled the word “xanthelasmoidea” in today’s strip. You think all we editors have to do is correct your dumb mistakes?
To the bottomless pit of artistic misspellers!


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the Constitution portrayed as a locked door before.


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the Constitution portrayed as a locked door before.

That is how it appears to their tiny closed and locked minds.


…lizard-bird people and tits..

birds = lizards (sort of)
tits = birds (sometimes, alternatively, birds have tits)


(oh, look… a shiny thing!!!)


My guess is that the big fat with guy behind the cartoon Obama is Ted Kennedy. Now you might think “No way! No one is that stupid”, but then we are talking about someone who makes Mallard Filmore look talented.


I meant white guy, I blame WP.


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the Constitution portrayed as a locked door before.

That is how it appears to their tiny closed and locked minds.

Maybe it’s a subconscious plea for help — “libs help me understand the constitution (sorry consitution) by letting me in after you break it down with your health care”

and is Ted Kennedy both in the coffin and zombie pall bearer?


Wait! Let me explain, boss… Uh… I mean it’s sort of abstract… see, this dog goes over there… and then this cat comes up and… well… see?
It’s most visual. Do you get it now? Well? Boss?
Lemme work on it…

Get the box of leeches, Miss Hornwinkle.


Congratulations on Studie! And the late night feedings are not such a big deal if both parents are sharing the duties. Most newborns will sleep 3 hours at a time which means 6 hours consecutive sleep for each of you and besides I remember waking up in the boy’s first days home almost surprised every time. “Oh yeah, I have a new baby!” and couldn’t wait to go pick him up and hold him. It was like waking up on Christmas morning over and over again so don’t listen to any discouraging words. It’s the best thing ever and I’m jealous. I’d love to go through that again.


I’m guessing the big fat white guy is actually Chris Dodd. My best estimate is that the pallbearers, from left to right, are supposed to be: Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, someone, Harry Reid, Arlen Spector. The only remaining problems are: who is “someone”, and would Arlen Spector make any sense here? Well that’s my best shot, at least.


I guess Arlen Specter (corrected spelling) probably would make sense, since he’s a Democrat now; I’d been somehow still thinking of him as a Republican. So it might be him after all.


It’s the best thing ever and I’m jealous. I’d love to go through that again.

Pretty words. But then that’s what we’d expect from a rater for Jerry!


Hey everybody!

Look, look! Truthy got arrested!

Witness: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0911092mugs11.html


Last one maybe Feingold?


Look, look! Truthy got arrested!

Huh. I dunno, I pictured him a little softer. Squishier.


Look, look! Truthy got arrested!

Are you sure that it’s Troofie? Awfullyu good looking for him.


Last one on the right is Rahm Emanuel, I think. Compare.


Yes, I think Emanuel seems more likely. Still don’t know who the fifth one is, but not tremendously important, obviously.


I thought it might be Emanuel, but thought it wouldn’t make sense since he’s not an elected official with any power to get health care passed. Perhaps I was expecting too much of her “thought processes,” considering the rest of the drawing.


Sweet Jeebus, her guitar “playing” sounds like somebody threw a Fender Strat down an echoing stairwell.


Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, someone, Harry Reid, Arlen Spector. The only remaining problems are: who is “someone”, and would Arlen Spector make any sense here? Well that’s my best shot, at least.

I think that the “someone” is Arlen Spector and the last one is Chuck Schumer.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

“Someone” looks like Colonel Klink to me….


Duh! Dubya Bush locked up the Consitution to keep it safe from DFHs. Or maybe …

Ah screw this dumb shit. Is there a new SadlyNaught yet?

Here’s hoping that when Gavin & Dr. Mrs. tell him about the bullshit going on now he’ll be like “Cha right!” and go back to playing his favorite video game: Commander Obama vs. The fReichtards.


Sweet Jeebus, her guitar “playing” sounds like somebody threw a Fender Strat down an echoing stairwell.

Gotta check that out now.


Eh, could certainly be worse.


I thought it might be Emanuel, but thought it wouldn’t make sense since he’s not an elected official with any power to get health care passed. Perhaps I was expecting too much of her “thought processes,” considering the rest of the drawing.

Excuse me, but perhaps you should understand the truth about Rahm Emmanuel. He’s the one running things, per a Camille Paglia comment section.

Details here, but really I’m pimpin’ mah web log.


I’m w/ McG., even though he doesn’t know the difference between the Consitutuion & the Declaration of Idiot Dependence.

I’d rather hear a Fender heaved down an echoing stairwell than listen to some hair-farmer practicing his scales at “11” on stage.

How’s the echo on the stairwell, by the way?


Excuse me, but perhaps you should understand the truth about Rahm Emmanuel. He’s the one running things, per a Camille Paglia comment section.

Was it The Prince in which Machiavelli advised a ruler never to launch a blitzkrieg until he has the support of the military and Supreme Court? Because I must have… also been smoking pot.


Having experienced the git-pcikin’, I feel confident in saying that Ms. Bonsteel is Jill of all trades & a mistress of none.

Was her git-fiddle even plugged in?


Prediction: Studie will be born, demand balloon animals, offer to hold the betting pool money.


Blitzkriegs are OK w/o military support. It’s the “marxist blitzkrieg” that the generals have to sign off on.


Aside to LDMM: PUUUUUUSH!!!!


Having experienced the git-pickin’, I feel confident in saying that Ms. Bonsteel is a Jill of all trades & a mistress of none.

Goddamn fascist demands of literacy!


Prediction: Studie will be born, demand balloon animals, offer to hold the betting pool money.

Well, shit, I already pretty much had this thing in the bag with my 9/12, 9:45 EST ETA, but the balloon animals really cinch it. Not to step on my own line by misrepeating it, but I can’t be arsed to go back through the archives – I believe it was something about “twist it up into a balloon animal of righteous indignation” or such like. For the offspring of the fabuloso Gavin and Doctor Missus, that’s gotta top any crappy-assed balloon animal anyone else is gonna put together.

Damn, now I’m gonna go have to look it up.




Dr. Missus: Push your braaaaaaaaaaaaains out!

Congratulations, Gavin and Marita! W00t + infinity!


Erin, If you want to see fine art nightmares done right, look no further than Chris Mars.You’ll die of shame.



I vaguely recall a cartoon critical of FDR’s court-packing scheme. The Constitution was the fortress door, FDR (on horseback, with armor and lance) was about to tilt at it, and the citizens were inside the fortress. She may have been trying for that visual metaphor, but her own incompetence defeated her. Therefore, an apt cartoon for teabagging daze.


I believe the proper instruction is something similar to “you should never launch a Blitzkrieg if you’ve been smoking pot”.

But then, in an odd recursive lack of reflection, but not in a Buffy (Twilight) kind of way, I’ve been smoking pot.

So I think I’ll just drop this whole Neighborhood Hegemony concept and start trying to find my trousers…



“It’s counterintuitive, but you have to push.”


Erin, Chris Mars also plays guitar better than you ever will, even in your wildest dreams. Just give up now.


So, the Con-Sitution is the door itself, and not something in the chamber sealed by the door? Then what’s behind the doorstitution? Gold? Gems? Freedom fries? I’m still confused. Man, art is hard.


On second thought, I believe it was a “fucking balloon animal of righteous indignation.”

Does anyone have a link to the original Foreskin Holocaust thread?


Ha! I have been w/o trousers since awaking five hrs. ago, but have not done that other thing, being too busy doing nothing on the Web of Fools all day long.

Perhaps it’s time to watch the Trojans beat The Ohio State University in a more relaxed mode, rather than making my head explode by subjecting it to more digital lunacy.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Awesome news on Dashiell/Studie! High fives all around!

Look, look! Truthy got arrested!

Nah, Tw00fie’s got to have a mighty dewlap, “camouflaged” (HA!) by a neckbeard.

Looking at Ms. Bonsteel’s art, I think the local gendarmes should check her basement crawlspace.


Excuse me, but perhaps you should understand the truth about Rahm Emmanuel. He’s the one running things, per a Camille Paglia comment section.

No. Just no. Not for love nor for money, not even for love of money. Paglia commenters. God in Heaven, NO.


Ok folks, countdown to Studie time. T minus 3 minutes….


Erin’s main influence seems to be Ward Sutton, the editorial cartoonist at The Onion. Too bad she thinks The Onion’s a serious news source.


I dunno. Unless you’re like Aquaman with the freaking dolphins except with our new comic overlord, how could you come up with this time? I mean, it’s too early to go out to the bars. Why would Studie bust a pre-midnight move?


Erin’s main influence seems to be Ward Sutton

So one might say that Erin is the Psycho Ward Sutton?


Ha llegado un bebe? Pues, felicidades en maximo!


So Kennedy is in the coffin. Because he’s dead.
Except it’s labeled “Kennedy Care,” so that must be what’s dead.
And what is “Kennedy Care”?
It’s any health care plan that the Democrats and Obama want, right?
Because Kennedy was a Democrat, see, and he was really into health care, and he’s dead. So “Kennedy Care” is dead.
And they’re going to put the “Kennedy Care” coffin in an oversized mausoleum marked “U.S. Consitution.”
So the U.S. Constitution is dead too? And buried by someone who couldn’t be bothered to spell its name right?
But wait, the Democrats are yelling “Charge.”
So they’re going to use the coffin to ram down the door of the “U.S. Consitution” and…leave the coffin there? So the corpse of Kennedy, or Kennedy Care, can get all rotty and smelly?
That’ll teach that U.S. Consitution!

It all makes perfect sense to me. But then, I’m stoned.


Where’s our baaaaby??!?




FY El Cid

(iPhone …)


She’s a communist planted by the liberals to make right-wing art work look bad.


She’s a communist planted by the liberals to make right-wing art work look bad.

Then how do you explain Chris Muir and Mallard Fillmore?


What is it with the wingnuts and the spelling? Check out this one:


Bonus points for the “Yes God Bless Amercia” in the upper left corner of the sign.


…all commies….all.


Informed they are not, infromed they are.

Horse Of Another Colour

Well, I hope my prediction is wrong, ’cause I wouldn’t want to wish that long of labor on the good Lady Doctor.

However, since Dash made a dash for it before my estimated labor start time, one can hope that he makes an earlier arrival time than I predicted, as well.

Studie arrival prediction:
Sunday, September 13, 2:35 am EST
weight: 8lbs 11oz
length: of labor?
I’d say you start Saturday, September 12th, around 9:15 pm EST

Hopes all is well, and that the wee Dash arrives soon.


Eric Luke on twitter: “if I could shoot obama, biden, nancy blowsme and hilary and janet.. in the fuckin back of the head.. oh boy.”

How stupid are these people?


As my Jersey Eye-talian people say: What’re ya gonna fa?


How stupid are these people?

Stupid enough to publicly invite a visit from the Secret Service and long term surveillance by the FBI.


Tom Toles is quaking in his boots.
That picture of her on her website is a little odd. Her left arm looks like something that Chris Muir would draw.


Tom Toles is quaking in his boots.

Hell, even Chris “No Talent on Loan from God” Muir is a better artist.


You libz are just sucking on sour grapes after hearing about the TENS OF THOUSANDS of gallant Patriotz who protested, er, against, uhhh, a whole bunch of REALLY REALLY BAD STUFF in DC today … as opposed to tiny hippy rent-a-mobs like this one or fly-by-night hobbyist-sign-wavers like these … because we all know that NOBODY has more right to be upset at the current administration than people who just got a tax-cut & are now facing the socialist menace of potential massive cuts in their health-insurance premiums to boot … oh, the humanity!

Couldn’t bear to find out what she does to a guitar, having seen what she does to cartooning (besides, I have a bunch of my own noodling on YouTube – which I’m much too kind/wimpy to link to here – so there’s really no room in my glass outhouse for bricks to hurl) … but here’s some more nifty work from Uncle Frankie, complete with a bit of surreal claymation 3 minutes in.

Best wishes to the parents-to-be … & to the lucky sprog.


Gavin! We’re WAITING for an update! What else could you possibly be doing!!


That picture of her on her website is a little odd. Her left arm looks like something that Chris Muir would draw.

Gah. It’s like she’s grown some kind of negative muscle there. Is her shoulder dislocated? Should we call 911?


Should we call 911?

Nah. Just call the guys with the butterfly nets and straight jackets.


This dovetails in with Governor Pawlenty’s attempt to prove that the health care plan violates the furfty-third amendament.

Horse Of Another Colour

What hit me most about her playing, was the arrogance and show-off/poser attitude. Rather than perform for her audience a piece she could handle and knew well, she improvised on a poorly constructed piece, using every effort to show off ‘abilities’ that she didn’t have the skill to pull off. Of course, all this was pointed out by the judges, but, I just felt it needed repeating.

Thanks for those sharing music clips, and for those who are still trying to get the sound out of their ears, here is my contribution:


Gavin just announced the birth of Little D on Twitter! http://twitter.com/TehGav


My failure is the important thing here.


Enjoy, kids and kid, sleep lots.


Gavin! We’re WAITING for an update! What else could you possibly be doing!!

Above: 2009 Studebaker


Above: 2009 Studebaker

Congrats! Get what sleep you can in the next couple of days, because that is all you are going to get for the next year.


Here is how it will go down tonight. First, the dilation will reach 10 cm, and Studie will be declared ready for delivery. You’ll be anxious, but “no big deal, babies aren’t born overnight” will be your comment. The head will crown, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual parts will fall into the usual order. As the night drags on, the arms, the torso, and (much to your delight) PENIS will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a Studie baby and the REAL Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able… oh, he’s here? Never mind.
CONGRATS to the happy and (I’m sure) very exhausted family. Long life and prosperity to all.

Horse Of Another Colour

He’s beautiful!


right. sorry, that is obviously nancy ‘bane of conservatism’ pelosi, not hil.

I guess the real message is that its incivil of the ‘democrats’ to try to use kennedy’s death to ram through ‘obamacare’ but what the fuck do I know anyhow.

founder’s breakfast stout for everyone!!!@!~!~~!!#@woot for studie!~~~!~



Oooooooh, he’s perfect! Congrats to all three of you. Enjoy enjoy!


Well done!




success!!! yeah!



James K. Polk, Esq.

Woohoo! What a cutie!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

He looks more like a Nash (or maybe a Borgward) than a Studebaker, but congratulations, anyway!



Seems to have all required parts, too! Well done, all.



See youse alls on the flip side.


Hooray for babies!

Hooray for Dash!


A new hoomim’ bean!

Looks just like Sidney Greenstreet!


I dunno – he looks like a Munch to me. “Ah could eat him right up!” as several of my aunties would say.

(Such a relief – these things are still fraught with danger for everyone, you know!)


he looks like a Munch to me
The Scream?



I for one welcome our tiny pink wrinkled overlord.


Blessings on thee lil man!

Congrats to the proud parents too



from the ‘fineart’ section


ABC News Was Misquoted [by Freedomworks] on Crowd Size

Brendan Steinhauser, spokesman for FreedomWorks, said he did not know why [Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks], cited ABC News as a source.

As a result of Kibbe’s erroneous attribution, several bloggers and commenters repeated the misinformation.


LDMM here: Thank you all for your kind congratulations. Dash is sleeping comfortably (and extremely cutely), and we’re all looking forward to getting some rest. Hugs to all.


also, congratulations!

(stupid me skipping to the end of the thread)

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Tyrone Shoelaces said,

September 13, 2009 at 6:55

A new hoomim’ bean!

Looks just like Sidney Greenstreet!

I think he looks more like Richard Castellano.


I hope you always remember how you felt on 9/12.


and we’re all looking forward to getting some rest.

famous last words of a new parent. bwhahahaha.

Eventually, you must get him one of these. Babies love exersaucers and look mighty hilarious in them. You’re gonna have so much fun with the little one.


Above: 2009 Studebaker

Okay, now you have me weeping tender tears. What a cutie. Congratulations, Gavin and Lady Doctor Missus Marita.


Belated congratulations to Gavin and Lady Dr. Mrs. Marita. He certainly is a cutie (the baby, that is).


So, wait.

Exactly how is universal health care unconsitutional? I keep hearing conservatives say this without explaining what part of the Consitution is being violated, and — because “Glenn Beck said so” doesn’t really cut it with me — I’d like to hear the specifics … for a change.


Congrats LDDM and Mr G LDDM – what a fine piece of work you’ve made!





Like Megan McArdle, Erin grew up in the government womb. The foreign service gave her the best health care, a good salary for her Dad..etc. She went to Salisbury as an in state student, the taxpayers of MD built and support the school.

They never seem to recognize the irony.


Gavin, he looks just like you! Except he doesn’t have the grey watch-cap yet. He’s beautiful. He must be extraordinarily beautiful cuz newborns rarely look that good in those hospital photos. Hold on a sec, got something in my eye, darn allergies! I am so glad you two have reproduced. The world needs more like you. Best always to you both.

Dashiell: Congratulations on your excellent rebirth, young whippersnapper. Much happiness and good long life.


“Consitution” Room sounds like it should have a crescent moon on the door.

The Muslin faith is not amused. Shania law, bitches!


*Extended golf clap*


Congrats to Gav and LDMM.

Sleep, you say? Hehehe.

I suspect that what posts we do see from you in the near future are going to have a certain hallucinatory haze about them. More than usual, even.


Gavin! Dr Mrs! What a beautiful lizard you’ve delivered! 😉

Congratulations, guys. And Dr Mrs? Don’t blame Gavin. Much. Blame evolution, or God. But the pain goes away eventually.


Oh. And by the way, Studie?

You’re on my shit list now for blowing my prediction.


2009 Studebaker

Happy days! Congratulations.


Aw, lookit the baby! What a sweet face, best wishes for you three.


Huzzah! And now (or yesterday for you folks not out of the loop) we will all light our celebratory cubans and reek the house up.


Oh, and I think I’ve figured out the cartoon: she’s actually FOR healthcare reform, and believes blatantly misreading the Constitution is what’s holding us back. It’s got a very “batter my charter, 6-person’d party” vibe, and Ted Kennedy serves as a Christ-figure, whose death brings the possibility of salvation.


Congrats LDDM and Gavin – and little Studie too! Especially to LDDM, for not having the usual first-time labor that goes on for 24 hours.
Did I win the pool?


Congratulations Mr. and Dr. Mrs. M! That looks like some fine quality workmanship.

You have, of course, realized that you’ve probably doomed some nice young lady of the future to be taunted with the nickname “Mrs. Dash,” haven’t you?


AHEM — I called 9/12, at 3 a.m., but what I MEANT was at, what time was Dash born, who knows?, given the crazy time-zone clock here, plus didn’t Gavin and LDMM recently move to the Pacific Time Zone?, let’s see, carry the two, scribble scribble — means I WON! Woo-hoo!


Congratulations! Our boy is 6 months. It’s hard work but awesome.


*sees cute little Dash pic and dissolves into incoherent gibbering at the overwhelming adorabletude*


Who is in charge of counting the munchkin’s fingers and toes? This is crucial. A full report is in order.

Mazel tov. Also.


Hell, Tintin – you made my day with that video. After spending the last 40+ years trying to improve my meager skills, I thought my guitar playing sucked. Compared to her, I’m Jimi, Satch, Django and Segovia all rolled up into one.


I think the problem here is everybody is trying to figure out what the cartoon means while assuming that it is bashing the Democrats in some way. But I see it another way. I mean, sure, the U S Constitution is on display at the National Archives, but it’s not the VAULT COPY!. So obviusly the heroic democrats are endeavoring to free the vault copy and thus save America.

Teh Dark Lord Soros, Esq.

Greetings to our newest recruit!

The new parents will be relieved to know that I’ve chosen to rescind any & all pending charges of Failure To Abort In The 1st Degree. The “gift-package” containing your offspring’s Liberal-Fascist-Conspiracy Membership Card, L33T5P34K Decoder Ring, & mandatory copy of The Little Red Book is on its way via unionized courier.

Yet another agnostic to help me topple Real America™!

Finally, my diabolical plans are coming to fruition!



Re that exersaucer: and we wonder why our kids are diagnosed with ADHD.


Well, congratulations to the hosts.

And I will politely remind everyone of the Zombie Prediction: 2009.

I guess we know who won the pool.

Zombies avoid dangerous overspecificity.


Sleep, schmeep, you don’t need it when you’ve got a new little one to fuss over. Just enjoy everything, even the dirty diapers — they grow up much faster than you think. Congratulations.


Studebaker will teach himself fluent Finnish by the age of 3 and will memorise the Kalevala by 4. Also.


Looks like Winston Churchill.

(kidding! congrats!)


Exactly how is universal health care unconsitutional? I keep hearing conservatives say this without explaining what part of the Consitution is being violated, and — because “Glenn Beck said so” doesn’t really cut it with me — I’d like to hear the specifics … for a change.

Because SHUT UP, that’s why.


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