Comments: 18


redstate.com server down…they must all be out DEFENDING BEN!

Red State spokespig


(scrubba, scrubba, scrubba)

Now, which posts were you talking about…we can’t seem to find a member that post’s under…Augustine was it?


RE: Redstate – Given the level of ridiculousness over there defending Big Ben (even when I thought they couldn’t get more ridiculous), they’re probably tyring decide how to wipe all their defenses of him off the site. They’re also probably wondering whether they should feel bad about banning people who pointed out examples of his plagiarism. Nah.


Should I feel bad at the sheer glee which I am experiencing?


Quick, into the memory hole!


Probably happened that RedState’s editors had another impassioned defense of Ben Domenech all ready to post, and only then found out it had been plagiarized from somebody else. Heh.


The charges of plagarism are false, meant to bring down a good and honest man. The presented facts to prove plagarism are specious — products of shoddy work.

Written by: mr. x


I hear Pajamas Media is hiring.


Chazmo BIrd just got the shiv out on Red State.

Also, check out the latest in the posts below- it’s all George Soros


I love the “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet” sort of action in your magnified callout. Yet I still wonder why people call Cicero “greeking”.


Oooh! Check out Red State now!

Ben gets his say in, and he’s not a plagiarist after all! Turns out there’s really quite a simple explanation for all of this. Well… most of this. Or something.

In any case, his final line is stellar:

To my friends: thank you for your support. To my enemies: I take enormous solace in the fact that you spent this week bashing me, instead of America.

OK guys, that’s a wrap with this Domenech fellow. Let’s get back to our regularly scheduled America-bashing straight away!


To my friends: thank you for your support. To my enemies: I take enormous solace in the fact that you spent this week bashing me, instead of America.

Well, like I said to Delores Montenegro in “Calling all Quakers”, ‘have it your way, baby’!

In a more direct way, what I mean to say Ben, is you are everything wrong with America. So you see i can bash you and the nation at the same time.


America had sex with its mother. Matter of fact, still does.


Lost in all of this is the fact that his mother is such a fabulous home school teacher! Especially, those fine Christian values!


His mother was a box turtle?


Do you think Jeff Goldstein is Bi-?

You know- dogs AND turtles?


Do you think Jeff Goldstein is Bi-?

You know- dogs AND turtles?

That’s gross! I mean, dogs are one thing, but turtles?!

(Would prolly hurt too, I imagine…)


Fucking, rotten, stinky-didy, poopie-head America! There. Done!


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