Obama’s School Speech Is Quiet … Too Quiet

Shorter Red State
New Republic Editor: Parents ‘Disloyal’ for Not Having Kids Listen to President Obama

  • Parents are justifiably concerned that flabber-jabber Obama flim-flam floont-figgedy. I sympathize, though my own objections are that jabber-flabber Obama zim-zam zoont-ziggedy.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 55


Reasonable people may disagree about whether Obama is the worst thing ever on account of being a Muslin, or the worst thing ever on account of being a Socialism Communism.


Descent is the highest form of patriotic.


Or the worse thing ever on account of being an uppity nigra.


Well, it’s only disloyal if you use the same standards for Hussein X as for Drunky McStuffedcrotch, but Drunky was white.


It just goes to show that none of this is ever about what they say it is. If he speaks to the kids he’s indoctrinating them, if he tones the speech down then then he’s worthless. I don’t know why he ever even tries to accommodate these fuckwits. Nothing Obama ever does will ever be good enough for them.

Enough with bipartisanship.


Reasonable people may disagree about whether Obama is the worst thing ever on account of being a Muslin, or the worst thing ever on account of being a Socialism Communism.

Xecky, I think the correct ism is “Marxist-Hitlerism”.


“Some parents don’t like the idea of the President beeming his image into every school in the country on Tuesday.”



Descent is the highest form of patriotic.

Dysentery is an even higher form.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Outrageous, how dare a black man deign to show poise, eloquence, and authority to the children of America? How can I continue the cycle of racism if he’s interfering with my child’s education?


Obama told kids to do their homework and not drop out of school. Conservative parents, your duty is clear.

The Tragically Flip

The opening line confirms everything actual liberals have been saying about TNR for the past 20 years:

Marty Peretz of the New Republic is usually a thoughtful liberal. I enjoy the New Republic.


Do we have to defend the New Republic? They’re Serious enough to defend themselves.


Wow, Chambliss should just go ahead and wear his Klan outfit and walk around the capitol with it on.


the President beeming his image into every school in the country
Maybe we cin boy cot Obama’s cable teevee show advirtisers until they stop there commursials. </wingnut>


Hey, Tragic! We’re comment buddies.


From the article:

If the President wants to talk about governmental affairs, great. I’d love for him to stop by our school to do so. That would be a great experience for the kids.

Then, two sentences later:

When people ask, “how can you object to the President urging kids to stay in school,” I ask them what they’d think if I stopped by their house one night, uninvited, to tell their kids how to behave.

So what’s the deal? Is “stopping by” OK, or not?

Knights in White Satin

For some students, it may be the first time they’ve ever seen a SANE, intelligent and pleasant spoken person. Imagine the shock & confusion.


S,N! might want to look into one of the commenters, Brad Smith, Professor of Law at Capital University. He manages to translate every part of Obama’s speech into, “You must serve the state!” That’s some fine wingnut there.


Parents are justifiably concerned that flabber-jabber Obama flim-flam floont-figgedy. I sympathize, though my own objections are that jabber-flabber Obama zim-zam zoont-ziggedy.

You might be missing an “aroo” in that shorter, or is that uniquely reserved for Malkin?


Crescent is the lyest form of astronomic.

(I’m doing it wrong.)


Dr. BDH – Brad Smith is also the author of the original mess of contradictions.


Good afternoon, children.

Today I come here to address you, to ask you to stay in school /snerk/, work hard /giggleguffaw/, and BOW DOWN BEFORE ME MUAHAHAHA!

I don’t know, despite my omniscience, how many parents my arch nemesis Glenn Megan O’Savage was able to reach, but that’s okay, I’ve got those of you here right where I want you, which is, apparently, Here! SEE HOW I DID THAT MU/hackcough/AHAHAHA/pflegm/! My teacher union minions, lock the door, I have the floor…

Blartblart no real need for a public option or in fact health reform directed at actual people higgledypiggledytrigledytrackgledytoddgledyeveryothermutantmotherlovinpalingledy Max Baucus is a good Democrat along with Joe Lieberman wubbiewubbiewubbie Bill Ayers and Prescott Bush loved one another deeply but could not get married or have gaybortions in Germany so Hilter!!1!!!, you know, my second cousin 3 times removed shutupshutthefuckupI’lldoitlive look at me, LOOK AT ME, look deep into my eyes, I’m your father, I am all your father, which makes Hitlre your great second granduncle to the 5th log power imalumberjackandimokay THIS…IS…SECOND…GRADE!!! War is Peace, Bad is Good, Christmas is Eid al Malkin, Peanuts are a Member of the Potato Family thwoppitythwoppitytaptap S0C1AL15M IS THE BESTEST THING EVAHHHRR!

Thank you!
God bless you and God Bless the United States of America!

(Actual Transcript of Todays Speech Snuck Out By My Sister-in-law, Who Would Like to Be the Pope, notwithstanding her gender and the amazing place it has always had in the church heirarchy, and notwithstanding the fact that she has been pregnant since shortly before the concept of the gestational period was invented. But the clothes, ZOMG the clothes!, she’d give up the joys of morning sickness and browbeating my brother for the Versace budget alone!)
(And Such)


Don’t worry, folks. I’m sure Obama will finally take the bull by the horns and appear live on television to whimper about how “shocked and saddened” he is by all this unpleasant lack of bipartisanship.

Right before he crawls over to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh to shine their shoes with his tongue…and then allow them to piss in his open mouth.

The Tragically Flip

Michael G: Love the capitalization on Serious.

The Tragically Flip

And what is it with wingnut law professors? Is there something about law that lends itself to the wingnut mind?



Didn’t they like that message when Bush was in power?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Obama told kids to do their homework and not drop out of school. Conservative parents, your duty is clear.

Homeschool, then kick them out into the street? Sounds like a plan.

Big Bad Bald Bastard







Is there something about law that lends itself to the wingnut mind?

Lawyer, n. One skilled in circumvention of the law.
–Ambrose Bierce


Is there something about law that lends itself to the wingnut mind?

…you know how whenever you have a big festive meal, you end up with crumbs on the floor?


Well, a speech that no one would have bothered reporting about, that most people wouldn’t have noticed, has now gotten more airplay and reading than it would otherwise.

thank you, wingnuts!!


Descent is the highest form of patriotic.

I loved that game.

The Tragically Flip

g, I know what you’re saying, but it’s still another sad testament to the ongoing and possibly even growing power of the right wing puke funnel. Every second we are discussing whatever nonsense they cook up, we are not discussing the very real, glaring and growing problems they have caused.


to be fair, the few wingnuts would have had little exposure if the “librul MEEED-ya” didn’t trumpet teh frickin CONTROVERSY for every erg of ratings they could wring.


Tragically Flip, apparently, thinks like a Zombie.


Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill.

I imagine the little buggers will be pleased as punch to get out of doing schoolwork to listen to their POTUS – their most likely complaint about the speech being that it wasn’t longer. Spawn of wingnuts will be even more joyful to miss an entire day.

I think the real reason these people are so scared shitless right now is that deep down inside, they know a LOT of truly nasty shit is about to come down the pipe & smack everyone square in the head between today & about 2025 – & there’s no avoiding any of it. Paybacks are overdue & there’s nowhere to hide.

Electing a Palin/Beck ticket in 2016 won’t make it go away, & Jesus H. Christ, Esq. isn’t going to moonwalk down a rainbow to kick off His Heavenly Majesty’s Comeback Tour & kiss it all better either. For them Obama’s just a handy surrogate for their abundant surplus of angst – but that angst is definitely warranted, albeit poorly oriented.

Crop failures, resource crises, super-storms, & who knows what else – problems too immediate to ignore, much too big to dodge & too horrific to laugh off.

Worst of all, it’s becoming ever more obvious that it all could’ve been avoided or mitigated if society hadn’t decided on following a “Perpetual Puberty” model from about WW2 on. “Party Hard, Trash The Place & Let The Next Generation Worry About Fixing It” – what could possibly go wrong? The growing suspicion that we’re about to be the guest of honor at History’s bootfucking-party doesn’t make for clear thinking – especially when most of us are doubling down on lemony-fresh extra-strength cognitive-dissonance to keep the monsters from coming out from under our beds.

Pulling magical horseshoes out of your ass is a great plan – until you run out of magical horseshoes.


My understanding is that a number of school districts, dependent on higher test scores for increased and/or continued federal funding, decided today was a very good day to slip in those tests. Something about higher student average IQ or something like that. Anyone else hear that?

September 14th, 9:09 AM. Studie. Also.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

History always has the best parties.


History always has the best parties

and they’re keeping me awake, you bastards.


Worst of all, it’s becoming ever more obvious that it all could’ve been avoided or mitigated if society hadn’t decided on following a “Perpetual Puberty” model from about WW2 on. “Party Hard, Trash The Place & Let The Next Generation Worry About Fixing It” – what could possibly go wrong? The growing suspicion that we’re about to be the guest of honor at History’s bootfucking-party doesn’t make for clear thinking – especially when most of us are doubling down on lemony-fresh extra-strength cognitive-dissonance to keep the monsters from coming out from under our beds.

You should bottle that.

Torture is Un-American

I heard the secret indoctrination in his speech; stand up for people who get picked on, be accountable for your own education, you can achieve anything, etc. These are clearly attacks on fear, bigotry, and the privileged status of the wealthy, all parts of the Republican platform.

Mr. Bunched Undies

Some parents don’t like the idea of the President beeming his image into every school in the country on Tuesday.

What is this, free-floating anxiety over images of Barry O’s Hummer?

Mr. Bunched Undies

Uh, make that Barry O’s BMW.



Killed. Me. Daid.


Maybe they are still irritated over that “My Pet Goat” thing.


Redstate: “Here’s the speech in a nutshell: ‘Welcome back to school. Stay in school, work hard.’ My kids don’t need to hear that from the President… If the President wants to talk about governmental affairs, great. I’d love for him to stop by our school to do so.”

Yeah, right. If only he’d talked about his political philosophy and policies the wingers would have been happy, but inspirational platitudes are beyond the pale.


HA! “Oh no, I wasn’t worried about Obama politicizing school or whipping out his big black CHARISMA to brainwash my kids into worshiping liberal policy and getting gay abortions, whatever gave you that idea?!” They apparently don’t think we can remember what happened 2 days ago.

The Flim Flam Ziggety Zam Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am Goddamn Batman Is Leet-Deet-Diddley-Reet Complete On The Street With A Wop-Bop-A-Loo-Bop-A-Wop-Bam-Boom!

Gosh, it’s as if they’re finally realizing that defining “loyalty” as “blind fealty to the current occupant of That Office” might backfire on them someday, eh?

Kidding, I’m a kidder!


They apparently don’t think we can remember what happened 2 days ago.

Can you blame them? They can’t!


You don’t understand. The original speech was going to be Obama reading a COOKBOOK! IT WAS A COOKBOOK! I thing we dodged a bullet there people.


I bet you libtards thought it would be a speech to the yungins about how they could better serve mankind.


You know, this past weekend I advised my sisters’ kids that if anyone in their class is kept out of school by their parents, and then comes to them afterward and asks them what the President said, they should look all shifty-eyed and say, “we’re not allowed to tell you.”

I regret that now. I should have told them to look all shifty-eyed and say, “Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu’ll find out.”


Yeah, I was delighted too to find that Marty Peretz is Red State’s idea of a “thoughtful liberal.” He’ll probably frame that.


(comments are closed)