Loaded For Witch

John Hinderaker, Powerline:
A Van Jones Postscript

  • I had meant to look into Ella Baker, the namesake of Van Jones’s Ella Baker Freedom Center, but now I do not have to, as Pajamas Media’s Ron Radosh says that without looking it up, one of his books says that someone said that she talked like a Communist. UPDATE: More on the Communists infiltrating the government.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 277


But in my book, Divided They Fell: The Demise of the Democratic Party, 1964-1996, I point out that the late civil rights lawyer Joe Rauh had noted that everything Baker said in the 60’s might as well have been taken verbatim from The Daily Worker, the Communist Party newspaper.

Oh, WELL, Christ, that proves it! It sounds like something a Commie might say! QED!!11!~!!

Never say “I’ll be back later” – there’s probably a Communist that said that once!


What does a communist kitty say?


You’re welcome.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

The Communists once used vowels. So clearly Tintin is just trying to save the troll from itself, each time it’s disemvoweled.


The Daily Worker is really boring. Now it’s all wall-to-wall editorials about Free Mumia and the Cuban Five, which, as we all know, were major campaign planks for Obama.


And as a Mac affectionado, I resent like hell that Assrocket is using a Mac. Is NOTHING sacred?!?


So clearly Tintin

AHEM. The Communist Party is larger than you think.


Does the Daily Worker still have personals ads?


I resent like hell that Assrocket is using a Mac.

Wouldn’t exactly say he’s using it, more imagining the cooties he’d get if he did.

As for talking like a Commie, well that’s what they said about MLK… so if I may, “Commie-sounding-intertubz workers of the world unite!”


I resent like hell that Assrocket is using a Mac.
Oh, I just put an Apple sticker on his Etch-a-Sketch.
ht dilbert


More communism from the Hitler Stalin in Chief himself.

And that’s what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your education. I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself.

Guevara, the New Man guru:

It is not a matter of how many kilograms of meat one has to eat, or of how many times a year someone can go to the beach, or how many pretty things from abroad you might be able to buy with present-day wages. It is a matter of making the individual feel more complete, with much more inner wealth and much more responsibility.

Back to the New Man in the White House:

That’s why today, I’m calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education – and to do everything you can to meet them.

A five-year plan for all children five and older.


Karl Marx – GERMAN! The Communist Manifesto and Capital – originally written in GERMAN!

What was Hitler? Well, Austrian, sure, but HE SPOKE A LOT OF GERMAN!

Press my roasts, gibs!


Correction: the “Daily Worker” is now re-branded as the “People’s Weekly World.”

In 1968 the Communist Party resumed publication of a New York daily paper, now titled The Daily World. In 1986, the paper merged with the party’s West Coast weekly paper, the People’s World. The new People’s Daily World published from 1987 until 1991, when daily publication was abandoned.

The paper cut back to a weekly issue and was retitled People’s Weekly World, which remains the paper of the Communist Party USA today. (Wikipedia)

And pertinent to the trhead is this:

In the Seinfeld episode “The Race,” Elaine’s discovery of her boyfriend Ned’s subscription to the Daily Worker leads to her realization that he’s a communist.

Run, Elaine! Run!!!



Recent research has convinced me that children in Communist countries play with toys.

Please do not buy toys for your children in the interest of checking the Communist menace.

Yours, etc.


Correction: the “Daily Worker” is now re-branded as the “People’s Weekly World.”

BREAKING: Bat Boy Found In Class Struggle!


I once wrote on a blog that I had written on another blog about something a guy had once said about someone else.

I can haz sirkl jurk?


BREAKING: Bat Boy Found In Class Struggle!


Uncertainty Vice Principal

Wow, this really is becoming a witch hunt.

Well, it’s time to take off the gloves. The only way to fight this “communist” witch hunt is clear: Fire anyone in the administration who they accuse of having leftist tendencies.

That’ll show them!

Good thing Rahm Emanuel is in charge, because he’s so famously “tough”, otherwise it would almost seem like some wimp is running things who can’t even stand up to Wingnut lunatics from Fox and talk radio.

I wonder if Rahm used the M*****F***** word when he fired Van Jones, to show how macho he is.


BREAKING: Bat Boy Found In Class Struggle!

oh man, i almost snorfed chocolate covered raisins all over my keyboard. thanks, kingubu!


For future reference, I’m going to write the following:

John Hinderaker is an unrepentant communist. His writings appear in the Marxist-Hitlerist blog “Powerline.” It is a disgrace that someone so obviously involved in Soviet subversion is allowed to speak in a public forum.

Mark this reference and cite it. Then it will be true.


Why insist on thinking that Jones got “fired,” rather than that he said, “You know, this is going to be a huge irritant and I have better things to do with my time”?

Uncertainty Vice Principal

Why insist on thinking that Jones got “fired,” rather than that he said, “You know, this is going to be a huge irritant and I have better things to do with my time”?

While I would never discourage the characterization of Glenn Beck as “a huge irritant”, it’s known in the inner santca that Jones was Virée , Freedom Fired, Canned, Asked to Join the Choir Invisibule, etc etc.

The WH reaction all last week was already a giveaway, i.e, no support whatsoever.


The pic made me think,

“FAIL? You’re soaking in it!”


A spectre is haunting Europe: the spectre of ELVIS.


In Republican Land, …

Van Jones is a monster for signing a petition that called for an investigation into whether or not Dubya used the WTC attacks as a pre-text for the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq,


Dubya is hero because he used 9/11 to give himself permission to use Torture to “gather information” to use as a pre-text for an Invasion and Occupation of Iraq.


Carl Perkins.


A spectre is haunting Europe: the spectre of ELVIS.

Elvis was only the first step!


I’m curious – those of you in the younger set here, does the word “Communist” even really stir anything in you? I’m now in my mid-40s, raised in a very John Birchy neighborhood with shit like duck-n-cover films in school and teachers who would bitch for literally hours about how horrible Jane Fonda was.

The indoctrination soaked in to me to the point that, when my wife and I visited Italy in 2002, I felt a moment of panic when we encountered a labor rally and there was a crowd of people representing the honest-to-no-God Communist Party.

Does the “commie! commie! commie!” shit work on you Millennials, or are the wingnuts just preaching to the old farts?


I suspect the Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge* has been located.

Innat who’s been on teh anagram binge lately?


Nineteen hundred seventy-four is the year that they are now planning for sex on the streets in every major city from coast to coast. And -get ready for a shock- the music that they’re planning to use to crumble the morals of America is this rotten, filthy, dirty, lewd, lascivious JUNK called rock and roll. It isn’t just the lyrics, it’s the BEAT! I preached it to my conversion story which you can get – how this beat gets them 400 teenage girls in Detroit interviewed as to why they had illegitimate babies, they said ‘not just the words, the BEAT.’ The fertility rites of the jungles are the same beats incorporated in this modern rock, to stir them up.


I’m curious – those of you in the younger set here, does the word “Communist” even really stir anything in you?

Not viscerally. But I’ve read some of Manifesto, and there’s some pretty disgusting shit in there, if I recall.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Honestly, I don’t think our generation really *understands* it. I think we’re how these idiots manage to play Nazi communists, because we don’t fucking get what the big fucking deal was with commies, but the Nazis, oh, those were bad people.

But basically, yeah, the commie-baiting is for you old fucks to fret over, while to our generation, it’s really is just the bogeyman, something we’ve never seen, but hear about a lot and told we should be frightened of.


So risable means what it means . Thank you B Belichick
Rising to grammar school wit has its lighter cynical side after forty
early to rise easy to succomb
makes a bully weary , sore , sti(n)cky
and wise


But basically, yeah, the commie-baiting is for you old fucks to fret over, while to our generation, it’s really is just the bogeyman, something we’ve never seen, but hear about a lot and told we should be frightened of.

That’s because China never mind.


But basically, yeah, the commie-baiting is for you old fucks to fret over

Good – that’s what I figured.

Combine this with the “securitized” life-insurance idea causing investors to quietly kill off all the old people and the Republican party will be a memory in a decade or so.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Yeah, that’s what I mean. China? Shit, China’s where we get Jet Li movies. The big buggaboo about China is stuff that took place when Reagan and the elder Bush were still in fucking power.

It doesn’t really resonate fully for those of us who grew up during Clinton.

Mr. Bunched Undies

That’s because China never mind.

Funny how they don’t refer to it as “Red” China anymore. Nary a peep about the “Iron Curtain” either.


Get your heapin’ helpings of Atomic Age paranoia right here. Mighty tasty.


But I’ve read some of Manifesto, and there’s some pretty disgusting shit in there, if I recall.

Um, I really can’t remember anything “disgusting” in there, at least not compared to Mein Kampf or Atlas Shrugged. I seem to remember the biggest section was M&E bitching about the other Left parties in Germany and what putzes they were.

And let’s hear it for Dr. Jack Van Impe and his own style of bugfuck insane. And hid zombie-ditz wife. (No offense, ZRM – she’s the bad kind of zombie.)


BREAKING: Bat Boy Found In Class Struggle!

New moon photograph shows workers’ chains!!


But I’ve read some of Manifesto, and there’s some pretty disgusting shit in there

I remember when you could only buy The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon under the counter, in a plain wrapper.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I suppose the creche strategy might come off as disgusting, and personally I never really agreed with it as a structural point for a communist nation.

But then again, Karl Marx was a long-fucking time ago, so it may have made some sense then.


…let’s hear it for Dr. Jack Van Impe and his own style of bugfuck insane.

Yes-indeedy. And let us not forget this great American.


Come on now. Everybody, or at least every true-blue red blooded AmuriKKKan, knows that only some depraved and perverted commie pinko scum would ever want equality for them no account, shiftless, immoral inferior dusky races.


I remember when you could only buy The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon under the counter, in a plain wrapper.

“What’s new this week?”
“Oh, let’s see – Naked Nasty Night Nurses; Bums, Tits and Suchlike; Attack of The Rubber Maids, Lez Be Friends, and The Critique Of The Gotha Programme.”


the commie-baiting is for you old fucks to fret over, while to our generation, it’s really is just the bogeyman, something we’ve never seen, but hear about a lot and told we should be frightened of.

Don’t worry, grasshopper, we are still around. We are hiding in your closet and under your bed just waiting for you to drift off to sleep so we can collectivize your Pokemon cards.


Everybody, or at least every true-blue red blooded AmuriKKKan, knows that only some depraved and perverted commie pinko scum would ever want equality for them no account, shiftless, immoral inferior dusky races.

Cripes, don’t remind us – we got an earful of that the other night.


The one thing that sticks out is abolishing all forms of inheritance, the implications, of which, seem pretty disgusting. (But, right, not on the level of Kampf.)


What’s new this week?”
“Oh, let’s see – Naked Nasty Night Nurses; Bums, Tits and Suchlike; Attack of The Rubber Maids, Lez Be Friends, and The Critique Of The Gotha Programme.”

Yes, but you can only get A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy in Scandinavia or Japan.


The one thing that sticks out is abolishing all forms of inheritance, the implications, of which, seem pretty disgusting.

Really? As compared to our current hereditary aristocracy of wealth? Do you really think George W. Bush would ever have been more than a wino in Houston without his inheritance?


Yes, but you can only get A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy in Scandinavia or Japan.

I hear the Grundrisse is only available in back streets in Hong Kong. Nobody else’ll touch it.

You have to go to Chan’s Laundry on the north side of the city, take a ticket and ask if your purple blouse is ready yet.


But *all* forms of inheritance?

I’m a proponent of a strong estate tax, and ensuring that the state gets its fair share while prohibiting the formation of hereditary aristocracy. But taking all of a person’s property upon their death could only be implemented on top of an indestructible social safety net.


Do you really think George W. Bush would ever have been more than a wino in Houston without his inheritance?

To be fair, it works the same way in other places as well. Kim Jong Il comes to mind. Continuing to be fair, Kim is much more competent than his analogue, George W.


But taking all of a person’s property upon their death could only be implemented on top of an indestructible social safety net.

By definition, after death you have no property or need of it. Your heirs have in no way “earned” that property nor any inalienable rights to it. I do not actually advocate complete abolition of inheritance, only of estates over $1 million (with limited exceptions for small businesses and family farms). I would also tax all income (including inheritances and capital gains) the same with at a top marginal rate of at least 50% on income over $250,000. Great wealth and inherited wealth are inherently destructive of democracy. The two cannot co-exist (as we are currently learning to our detriment). Heavily taxing wealth, and particularly unearned income like inheritances, is the only way to insure and maintain a robust social safety net.


But taking all of a person’s property upon their death could only be implemented on top of an indestructible social safety net.

I do have some problems with the implication here that an unimpeded system of inheritance removes the need for a social safety net.


“I do have some problems with the implication here that an unimpeded system of inheritance removes the need for a social safety net.”

Is that what I said? I’m a dick and an asshole. 🙂


But *all* forms of inheritance?

This isn’t disgusting, especially in context.


Is that what I said?
Drawing unwarranted inferences from someone’s actual words is just one of the internet traditions of which I am aware.


Recent research has convinced me that children in Communist countries play with toys.

Is not correct, comrade.

In Soviet Union, toy plays with you!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

PeeJ said,

September 7, 2009 at 22:10

I suspect the Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge* has been located.

Innat who’s been on teh anagram binge lately?

I can’t take credit for those. I bow before the masters. You’ll get no more anagrams from me.


A web log pimp totally on topic: Hinder-raperer on Van Jones’ “unsavory activities,” just a-fore VJ resigned.


Hell, never mind Marxism, there’s an inherent contradiction between the capitalist ideals of a meritocratic, vertically-mobile society and property rights (which imply inherited wealth). You don’t have to join the worker’s vanguard and fight for the dictatorship of the proletariat to see a problem with that.


Shit, I don’t want any of my inheritance, which included bad eyes, varicose veins, bad teeth & gums, bipolar disorder (I also blame society, of course.) & not one damn penny!

(At least I didn’t get Male Pattern Baldness w/ the rest of the degenerate iinherited gene pool.)


You’ll get no more anagrams near orgasm, Ma, from me.


My older brother inherited the Unspeakable Family Curse of the Clydes. Yay primogeniture!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

ckc (not kc) said,

September 7, 2009 at 23:35

You’ll get no more anagrams near orgasm, Ma, from me.

Hoist with my own petard!


Mildly on topic, also funny:


Silvio Berlusconi defended his decision to sue newspapers over their reporting of alleged scandals in his private life, claiming yesterday that 90 per cent of the press in Italy was controlled by a “Communist and Catholic-Communist minority”.


He claimed that, unlike some of his predecessors: “I do not use my power for personal advantage”. The Constitutional Court is to rule this autumn on whether a law passed by Mr Berlusconi giving himself immunity from prosecution is legally valid.


Hoist with my own petard!

Petag, you mean.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Just imagine I closed that blockquote tag. Thankee!


I’m a dick and an asshole. 🙂

Aw go fuck yourself.


Can you type the Unspeakable Family Curse of the Clydes? I’d love to use it on some people.

Alternate misread: “The Unspeakable Family Circus of the Clydes,” which of course leads to this.


Further Berlusconi. (Site very amusing, if you hate white people, & I think you do.)


Site very amusing, if you hate white people, & I think you do.

I don’t hate white people, just rich white people (and other rich people who act like they are white).


Wikipedia says
Berlusconi is the proprietor of three analogue television channels, various digital television channels, as well as some of the larger-circulation national news magazines. Together these account for nearly half the Italian market.

He claimed that, unlike some of his predecessors: “I do not use my power for personal advantage”. The Constitutional Court is to rule this autumn on whether a law passed by Mr Berlusconi giving himself immunity from prosecution is legally valid.

Hasn’t he been writing laws like that for a little while now ?

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

Envy is the basis of liberalism, and nowhere is this made more clear than in the hatred libs display for inheritance of wealth.

Answer this, libs: how is inheriting wealth any different than inheriting good looks or musical talent?


Behold the predictive power of Marx and Engels.

A specter is haunting Europe…


Did somebody just fart? There is suddenly a horrible stench.

Oh, hi Troofie. If the difference is not immediately obvious, even to a craven cretin such as yourself, I am not sure that I can explain it to you. Let us start with the fact that being born beautiful or talented takes nothing away from anyone else. The wealthiest 10% of Americans now receive over 50% of all earnings in the US. Their income has grown something like 120% over the past 30 years while that of Americans in the middle quintiles has remained flat and that in the lowest quintile has actually declined. They get their wealth by taking it from the rest of us. It is legal theft.


A specter is haunting Europe…

That picture is going to haunt me the rest of the day. Ewwwwww!

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

Let us start with the fact that being born beautiful or talented takes nothing away from anyone else.

Wealth is not a zero sum game.


As soon as we have mastered gene manipulation, we will see to it that no one inherits anything, genetic or property.

Maybe we’ll turn all the “white” children into Negroes. Or newts, or something.


Wealth is not a zero sum game.

…unlike your reasoning

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

What if parents chose to turn their black children into whites?

I bet that would really piss you all off.


Wealth is not a zero sum game.

Glad you think that, because we are laying you off so that we can gold plate the lavatory in the the CEOs private jet.

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

Who do you think makes those gold plates? They just don’t grow out of the ground. Workers make them, and they earn wages, and wealth is created. Wealth can be created, there isn’t a fixed amount of wealth in the world.


That picture is going to haunt me the rest of the day. Ewwwwww!

Here, this might help.


We now have further evidence that reading Ayn Rand causes permanent brain damage.


Ah, and here I thought you guys had already finished licking Twoofie’s greasy taint in the Van Jones thread. Too bad.


Here, this might help.

AAACK!!! That is worse than listening to Troofie.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Brandi: Contribute, motherfucker.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Brandi: Contribute, motherfucker!


No, because you have power over it. You can move those wigs and mustaches wherever you like.


I don’t post here often because my far left views are not really in sync with most of y’all, but I found this, from Hinderaker, hilarious: “If you think Hubert Humphrey was an ultra-reactionary, this administration’s for you!”

Now I happen to think Humphrey was pretty reactionary, BUT I think that Obama is more reactionary that Humphrey. What would Hinderaker say about that??

I know you libs get galled when Obama gets called a radical leftist by the Republicans. I’d like to observe that us actual radical leftists get galled about it too.


If you think Hubert Humphrey was an ultra-reactionary, this administration’s for you!

The idea that Obama is somehow to the left of Humphrey is frankly mind boggling. Only somebody lost in the fever swamps of far right protofascism could even imagine that.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Check, check, one two, one two. Fuck you, WordPress, syllabus, syllabus.


What would Hinderaker say about that??


Ah, and here I thought you guys had already finished licking Twoofie’s greasy taint in the Van Jones thread. Too bad.

Gosh, maybe if you ever ever ever commented about ANYTHING other than your contempt for troll-feeding, we might, you know, give a rat’s ass.

Besides, trolls are like Schmoos. Keep a few around to kick around when you’re feeling snarky. They always “win” the conversation, and we get a cheap laugh at the expense of an idiot. Everyone’s happy.


Brandi said,

September 8, 2009 at 0:18

Ah, and here I thought you guys had already finished licking Twoofie’s greasy taint in the Van Jones thread. Too bad.

You’re more annoying than he is, at this point.


Wealth is not a zero sum game.

So you shouldn’t have a problem with expanding Health Care to all Americans, since that is even less a zero sum situation.

But I know you oppose it because those dusky types might improve their lot, which devalues your privilege. You sad, sorry man.


Anyone besides me think Brandi is another of Troofy’s nym-warrior-schmoos?

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

I’m not Brandi.


I love The Infinite Wealth crowd: “We’ll all be rich someday! Envision a Suburban in every driveway; a Monster Thickburger in every hand!”


What if parents chose to turn Brussels sprouts into vanilla ice cream?
What if they chose to turn potty seats into gold-plated thrones?
What if they made bedtime at 9 instead of 8?
What if they called it a butt instead of a hinder?

I bet that would really piss you all off.


Oooooh, an “actual radical leftist.” Whatcha done “radical” lately?

Nihilists think you lefty-libs are a bunch of pathetic weaklings, who will soon die in the ruins of the society you so blindly accepted.


Anyone besides me think Brandi is another of Troofy’s nym-warrior-schmoos?

I was beginning to think so. Now that Trooffie denies it, I am sure of it.

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

Let us start with the fact that being born beautiful or talented takes nothing away from anyone else.

I drive a Ford Expedition-EL, and have been known to patronize Hardee’s.

I wonder why libs hate SUVs and fast food?


I love The Infinite Wealth crowd

They also imagine their own little Galtian Paradise, where nobody has to perform menial labor.

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

I meant to blockquote this in my previous comment:

“We’ll all be rich someday! Envision a Suburban in every driveway; a Monster Thickburger in every hand!”

I drive a Ford Expedition-EL, and have been known to patronize Hardee’s.

I wonder why libs hate SUVs and fast food?


Huh. WP eated my comment.

Know what would really really piss me off, Twoofie? If you stuck your hand in a blender and turned it on. Boy, would that make me angry! Hulk SMASH!

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

When you came and you bitched after lurkin’,
And you called us all names, oh, Brandi,
When da Twoof denied it, we were certain
That you’re one and the same,
Oh, Brandi.


I wonder why libs hate SUVs and fast food?

We don’t, really.

We just hate yours.

It’s all about you.


Take a ride on the LOLLERCOASTER, y’all!


I drive a Ford Expedition-EL, and have been known to patronize Hardee’s.


Envy- A Subpar Ben Stiller Vehicle

YAY! ME! I wish being psychotically narcissistic was a paid position, because then I’d have a job.


“Oooooh, an “actual radical leftist.” Whatcha done “radical” lately? ”

See, I knew someone would begin sneering, hence why I don’t post here.

I was referring to my political views, which are fare more in line with the radical tradition than with liberalism. I don’t have to account to you for my political activities, but they go beyond drooling over Obama and making fun of easy targets on SadlyNo!

See you later. Well, probably not.


I also drive a SUV. Of course I live in western Montana and spend a fair bit of time in the back country, so in my case it has some practical utility and is not merely an overpriced penis extender. As to fast food, it is simply crappy and unhealthy food. I can cook far better and healthier food for a lot less money and in only slightly more time than going out for it. By all means waste your money on pathetic penile substitutes and eat all the greasy fast food you can. It just means we will not have to endure your stupidity as long.


Not hate. Point I was making is everyone will have so much disposable income, they’ll be able to purchase things they don’t need, and are ultimately harmful.


(In the fantasy world of The Infinite Wealth Crowd, I mean.)


See you later. Well, probably not.

Bye! Bye! Don’t forget to write! Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!


Actually, what I would really, really hate is if Troofie stuck his head in the oven, turned it on, and breathed really deep.


Actually, what I would really, really hate is if Troofie stuck his head in the oven, turned it on, and breathed really deep.

With our luck, it’d be electric.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Troofie, use some faggy non-coal burning Algore Nazi hippie commie oven? HA!
Wait, let me try that again.
Troofie, have a home large enough for an oven? HA!


With our luck, it’d be electric.

And/or not working because its utilities have been cut off for nonpayment.


See, I knew someone would begin sneering, hence why I don’t post here.

Pompous never comes off all that well regardless of political leaning.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Do you really think George W. Bush would ever have been more than a wino in Houston without his inheritance?

Be serious. Without an inheritance, Dubya would’ve been a wino in Massachusetts. He couldn’t have afforded to move to Texas.


Fahk you. Fahkin’ queeyahs.


See you later. Well, probably not.

No!! The proper phrase is “I shan’t be back”!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Excuse me, Connecticut. My mistake.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

The proper phrase is “I shan’t be back”!

The day I leave in a tiff, I intend to depart after yelling “I’M GOIN’ BRUCE, BITCHES!”


Dammit. Ain’t nothin’ funny about typing in a phonetic Connecticut accent.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

That’s why I asked to be excused for my mistake. I knew there wouldn’t be any good jokes coming out of the correction.

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

DrDick, you don’t live in Montana. Montana is the heartland and a RED STATE. Either that, or you just moved there from California.


Pompous never comes off all that well regardless of political leaning.

Too true. I am a socialist (which generally qualifies me as the “far left” of American politics) and even I was annoyed.

Envy- I've Always Envied You, Detective Mills

And I, Da Troof, don’t actually own a small business or have a job or useful skills of any kind.

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

I own a small internet advertising business that is extremely successful. Unlike you unemployed parasites. Fuck the unemployed.

Empty- The Basis of My Ballsack

Please fuck the unemployed! I repulse even the cheap prostitutes I can afford!


You own your ass. And even that’s in hock to your corporate masters.

Suck it, bitch.


Anyone besides me think Brandi is another of Troofy’s nym-warrior-schmoos?

But we have been assured he would only use “The Authentic” when posting! I do hope no one is implying “The Truth” is less than truthful, or that “The Authentic” intends to deceive…


I own a small internet advertising business that is extremely successful.

Yes, I keep deleting your emails offering generic VYAGGRIA and clearance-priced Thalidomide. Cut it out, please.

People Who Make Use of Troofie's Business

We flew in on our rainbow-shitting purple unicorns to see how everything was going.


ou don’t live in Montana. Montana is the heartland and a RED STATE. Either that, or you just moved there from California.

Oooooo, goody! I gets to breaks Troofie’s flinty, atrophied, tiny heart. I do indeed live in Montana and have done so for a dozen years. Nor am I alone, our governor, both US Senators, and one house of the legislature are also Democrats. The state is starting to trend blue, sweetheart, as the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of conservatism becomes all too obvious to all but the blind and insane (double dipping here aren’t you?).

As to California, I have only briefly visited there a couple of times. I was born and grew up in Oklahoma (back before they let the lunatics run the asylum). Even got my Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma. Call me a throwback to my native state’s glorious past when we elected more socialists to office (in the 1920s) than any other state in the history of the the US. Woody Guthrie was an Okie.


I think Brandi is Doug Watts.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

I hope so. Then we can call this thread the Watts Riot.


Anyone besides me think Brandi is another of Troofy’s nym-warrior-schmoos?

I have doubts – Brandi seems to be a much better speller and punctuator.


See you later. Well, probably not.

No!! The proper phrase is “I shan’t be back”!

The day I leave in a tiff, I intend to depart after yelling “I’M GOIN’ BRUCE, BITCHES!”

True on the proper phrasing, but we haven’t had a good Shan’t Be Back in some time, so I’ll take it.

My respect for Bruce only grows, because when he said he wouldn’t be back, he meant it. We love you, Bruce!

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

And Max Baucus is on OUR side in the health care debate. Suck it, Dr. Dick!

Oh btw, Montana voted for MCCAIN/PALIN. How do you like them apples?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Advertising isn’t a real job, it’s what they give the liberal arts students when they join the corporate world, along with marketing and mail room clerk.

Internet advertising is even less of a real job.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Yeah! They voted for MCCAIN/PALIN! And then they WON! YEAH! Suck it! I’m not gay! Everyone else is! Suck it!

Penis Envy-- The Basis of Conservatism

I like pie too!


Told you that I would break its vile little heart.

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

Why don’t you just get in touch with your roots and move to Manhattan or Hollywood, Dr. Dick?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Told you that I would break its vile little heart.

Wait’ll it finds out I live in Utah.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Internet Advertising? I love it! Even if we take his word for it that he’s making money at it (and Troofie would never lie, right?) this is the gLibertarian attitude in a nutshell. I’m the one out of a thousand who tried some get-rich-quick scheme and succeeded at it. The other 999 are worthless parasites who deserve to de in the gutter. Win the Lotto, why don’t you, you lazy bums?

Envy- The Basis of My Obsession With "Sucking It"

Why don’t you do the thing that pisses me off the least? I really don’t understand why you wouldn’t. I’m pretty fucking stupid.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Wait’ll it finds out I live in Utah.

Or that I live in Florida, ruining its precious Southern Strategy.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Woo! Virginny. You pathetic piece of shit.


Or South Carolina.

(Two of us, in fact.)


Told you that I would break its vile little heart.

Wait’ll it finds out I live in Utah.

Another heapin’ helpin’ of heartbreak: I live in Arkansas, and so does HTML – and LittlePig too!

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

Arkansas also voted for MCCAIN/PALIN. By an even bigger margin over the Democrat Party than in 2004!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

In fact, I would wager that a sizable percentage of SadlyNauts here are denizens of the “red states”, because, well, why else would we show up here to laugh at the mad fucks around us in company of people who likewise get it?


Oh, BTW, Twoofie –

President Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

Senator Al Franken.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

St. Trotsky – Florida? Even better!

Utah is a very very red state for sure, but I’m not sure it really counts because even heartland conservatards can spot that Utah is kinda psycho. Not that they’re in a good position to point fingers, but still.

Plus I think Utah would turn on a dime and abandon the Republicans once it became clear that the GOP is really the Southern Baptist party. The Mormons wouldn’t then go Democratic, mostly, but turn to some fucked-up ultra-right third party, but it would be amusing as hell to watch.


And then we won!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

why else would we show up here to laugh at the mad fucks around us in company of people who likewise get it?

Good point!


I own a small internet advertising business that is extremely successful.

The quintessential parasitical business; useless in itself, it only survives by leeching off of actual producers.


Yeah, Arkansas went for McCain/Palin, but that’s more because they’re racists than because they’re wingnuts. Progressive candidates and ideas can and do win out here from time to time, and the ideas that succeed are the ones where there’s no racial component or interpretation that can be grafted to them. So yeah, there are a bunch of cracker racists infesting the western, northwestern, and northcentral parts of the state, and a liberal sprinkling of them elsewhere – but McCain/Palin didn’t win here for love of the candidates, their “ideas” or their party, but because of their white skin.

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

Well why did Kerry and Gore LOSE in Arkansas then Jennifer? Hmmm?

Stop The Socialests

socalists are eleitists, they hate the heartland and want our shildren to leanr lies, like what Obama will brainwash them with tomorrow. I hate all liberals and want them to DIE

Stop The Socialests

Obama is not my President. Most Americans did nto vote for him, especially here in the Heartland. We really wanted Dick Cheney and hope he will run in ’12 with Palin to take our Country Back

Stop The Socialests

All blacks are lazy violent leeches and not as smart or good as white people, which is why we should be able to keep them out of our cities if we want

Envy--The Basis of Liberalism

I’m thinking more Jeb Bush/Cheney 2012.


Stop The Socialests

I try my hardestest to fail.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Most Americans did not vote for him

52-45, bitch.


The story of a friendship that became love… and a secret love… that became a tragedy.
TROOFIE: I wish I knew how to quit you!
GARY: I wish I knew how to spell “socialists”!
This winter… Trollback Mountain.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Plus I think Utah would turn on a dime and abandon the Republicans once it became clear that the GOP is really the Southern Baptist party. The Mormons wouldn’t then go Democratic, mostly, but turn to some fucked-up ultra-right third party, but it would be amusing as hell to watch.

Personally, and I say this as someone on the East Coast, I get the feeling that the day Utah spurns the Republican Party for some third-party faction, is the day we see the War on the Utah Territory Redux.

Except with tanks, helicopters and cruise missiles instead of just U.S. soldiers and fire.


I own a small internet advertising business that is extremely successful. Unlike you unemployed parasites. Fuck the unemployed.

Gasp!!! You ain’t got no health insurance!


Why don’t you just get in touch with your roots and move to Manhattan or Hollywood, Dr. Dick?

These are my roots, bitch. My maternal uncle was an agrarian socialist in the 30s and 40s. My mother’s family were Ozark hillbillies and my father’s poor urban working class from St. Louis. My paternal grandfather was a union organizer in the 30s.

Stop The Socialests

Laugh it up, libs. Thanks to freedom and democracy and other things you want to outlaw, our schools listended to patriots and are not going to air the speech tomorrow, instead they will read from the constiution for 10 minutes. not everyone is supporting Obamunism, libs, most of us still beleive in Freedom.


I own a small internet advertising business that is extremely successful.

I fly jets. ’nuff said.

Can't Stop the Socialests Disco Academy

Bullshit. There’s no school in your town.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Oh no, they’re going to read from the Constitution for 10 minutes, thereby allowing more civics lessons into the day-to-day schedule of today’s youth than you’ve allowed in several decades of public education.

Please, please, don’t go throwin’ me into that there briar patch, Mr. Man.


The fact is, any effort to interfere with the free market of health insurance will only lead to rationing of care and Canadian style socialism where everyones taxes go up and we get nothing in return. Keep your freedoms and STOP SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. It will end your way of life.


I’m the pompous one? You’ve got to be shitting me. Let’s review the record. I came in and made a point about right-wing fantasies about Obama being a radical leftist (and a related point about the fantasy that Obama is far to the left of Humphrey). The fact that I am a radical I thought was relevant, so I mentioned it. Two people than reacted to that point politely and a third started sneering. I then objected to the snide tone of that post, and suggested that kind of tone was about what I expected I might get if I wasn’t fully involved in SadlyNo! groupthink. A bunch of other posters than piled on the gravy train and confirmed my suspicions.

And I’m the pompous one. Yeah.

Sorry, I forgot that liberals brought all that was good and holy to the world and should not even be sullied by the fact that other political viewpoints exist beyond the reactionaries you so enjoy tilting at here. It’s just you and them. You’re good, they’re evil.

Why the Haitians and Nicaraguans are singing paeans to Woodrow Wilson, that progressive, to this day, I hear. As are the Vietnamese to Lyndon Johnson, and the Afghans to Obama. In fact, I heard of a celebratory bonfire in honor of Obama there just the other day!

And I’m the pompous one.

Fuck you.


they’re going to read from the Constitution for 10 minutes

Will they be skipping over the 1st and 4th amendments? They don’t seem to like those very much.

Stop The Socialests

There are some public schookls left, but we are starving them levy by levy for being unAmeircan, the church schools are gaining every year and they are run by free market principals.

Stop the Socialests

The fact is, Brer Rabbit is a shiftless nigra commie and probably also a Mexican too.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Keep your freedoms and STOP SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. It will end your way of life.

So, wait, you’re saying that if we keep our way of life, and stop socialized medicine, our way of life will end?!


Free Market Principals

We’re not too big on the whole “first-grade-level spelling” thing.


he Mormons wouldn’t then go Democratic, mostly, but turn to some fucked-up ultra-right third party

Probably Libertarians (has the advantage of being OK with polygyny) or Constitution Part. A lot of our Mormons go that way.


Well why did Kerry and Gore LOSE in Arkansas then Jennifer? Hmmm?

I dunno, maybe because they were shitty candidates who ran shitty campaigns? Why did Arkansas send its only Republican Senator packing in 2002? Hmmmm? In an election where Democrats around the country were routed by wingnut Republicans? Hmmmm? Why are 3 of our 4 US Representatives, both of our Senators, our governor, our ltn. governor, our secretary of state, our attorney general and our legislature all Democrats or majority Democrat? Hmmmm?


small internet advertising business that is extremely successful

Shouldn’t it be “growing” if it’s “extremely successful?” And surely Mr. Authentic doesn’t do his own copywriting, does he? Maybe he takes the pictures of the “models.”

One could assume that his “remarkable” knowledge of proxies & so on comes from his spamming activitiesInternet advertising expertise. Also his pathological fear of regulation. That always makes con artists nervous.

Do you think the FTC would be interested in his “business?”


Can’t Stop the Socialests Disco Academy

So THAT’s what’s with all those dancing badgers I’m seeing!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Why are 3 of our 4 US Representatives, both of our Senators, our governor, our ltn. governor, our secretary of state, our attorney general and our legislature all Democrats or majority Democrat?

Also, the Clenis. Also.


Well why did Kerry and Gore LOSE in Arkansas then?

They ran against colored people?


Probably Libertarians (has the advantage of being OK with polygyny) or Constitution Part. A lot of our Mormons go that way.

I could see ’em all going for Ron “Colloidal Silver” Paul.

Just think of it – an entire state of blue-grey people.


I’m the pompous one?

Yes. Weren’t you told?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

We’re not too big on the whole “first-grade-level spelling” thing.

Well, obviously, since you keep saying that you’re the prince that is our pal, despite there being an “i” in there, not an “e”.


just think of it – an entire state of blue-grey people.

Also have the potential to glow in the dark. Pretty cool, I have seen it in northern Idaho Republicans.


Most Americans did not vote for him

52-45, bitch.

In truth, that’s what’s eating them as much as anything else – that the first presidential election in 20 years where there was a clear majority (rather than plurality) win, and the winner was not only a Democrat, he’s black and has a foreign-sounding name. It’s like the ultimate bitchslap. None of their white guys – none of anyone’s white guys – have had such a clear-cut electoral victory in 20 fricken’ years. That’s why they had to dive into the pool of batshittery with the “birther” nonsense – because you can’t convincingly dispute the electoral victory. Though as per usual, we’ve got an extremely low-rent troll that’s dumb enough to think just lying about undisputed election results is gonna fly. Not just dumb, but lazy.


I wanna be the pompous one! Me, me, me!!!

Back to good old Berlusconi:

Hasn’t he been writing laws like that for a little while now ?

Berlusconi entered politics in 1994, very abruptly. As I recall, it’s been widely assumed that his motive for suddenly wanting to become Prime Minister was to shut down a investigation that was about to order his arrest. It worked and since then he’s been openly pushing through laws to cover his ass every time he gets in office.

Great guy.


Rojo, non-violent political action that will actually solve anything is pretty much impossible. That’s what I meant. I’d bet my interpretation of why society sucks is as structural as yours, but there’s nothing to be done.

Gonna write a letter to someone? Fax your congressman? Stomp around w/ a sign that’ll suddenly make the undifferentiated tissue that is humanity wake up & realize they’ve been taken for a ride by those who own them?

CC us, & we’ll see if your letters have done any good, OK?

Does there need to be a big damn “We are neither Mods nor Rockers, but Mockers!” banner at the top of the S,N! page?


I couldn’t even win my own home state!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Berlusconi entered politics in 1994, very abruptly. As I recall, it’s been widely assumed that his motive for suddenly wanting to become Prime Minister was to shut down a investigation that was about to order his arrest. It worked and since then he’s been openly pushing through laws to cover his ass every time he gets in office.

Great guy.

If our right-wingers would limit themselves to that kind of understandable corruption, from which they derive some personal benefit, we’d be in much better shape than we are today.


I wanna be the pompous one! Me, me, me!!!

The evidence is circumstantial.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Just phoning it in now, huh? What, you were whacking it to an Evony softcore ad, and forgot to put some effort in?


If I had been halfway competent enough to win my home state, I would have been President.

I was a horrible fucking candidate, wasn’t I?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Well, your vice-president wasn’t anything to write fucking home about.


I was a horrible fucking candidate, wasn’t I?

Yes, you were.

More’s the pity, the guy you ran against is a horrible fucking human being.


Ah, the old Shan’t Be Back comes through once again.


An even funnier article via the godlike J—:

“Mr Berlusconi is ready to go to court to explain that not only is he not a big lecher, but also that he is not impotent,” said the most senior member of his legal team, Niccolo Ghedini.


I’m the pompous one?
Amateurs. For true pomposity you need a German-style qualification in your nym, and an equally Teutonic surname.


I am indeed godlike, for I can discern the political leanings of everyone who comes to a site dedicated to making fun of right-wing authoritarianism and hypocrisy just by reading the way they make fun of right-wing authoritarianism and hypocrisy, and I can assure you that I am prolier than thou.


I am indeed godlike, for I can discern the political leanings

This omniscience seems to accrue to those with a J in their name. Curse you Mama and Papa McGravitas!


Ha, I wrote that without even thinking of our special friend.

Back on the most important topic—Berlusconi and his media mogul wiener—I like that quote from most senior legal member Ghedini, but this one

Why on earth should Mr Berlusconi be prevented from explaining to 20 million Italians, his affectionate voters, that he is in perfect working order?”

also from Ghedini, I find fascinating and revolting.


For true pomposity you need a German-style qualification in your nym, and an equally Teutonic surname.

You mean like HerrProfessorDoktorDick[German trades related surname deleted]?


Why on earth should Mr Berlusconi be prevented from explaining to 20 million Italians, his affectionate voters, that he is in perfect working order?

Attention: owns TV stations that show naked people.


just think of it – an entire state of blue-grey people.
A Spoiler Alert would be nice, before you start giving away plot twists from Lathe of Heaven.


Ah, and here I thought you guys had already finished licking Twoofie’s greasy taint in the Van Jones thread. Too bad.

Brandi, may I introduce you to Dimitri? Hmm?

“Internet advertising.” Cue the music to “Spamalot.”


You mean like HerrProfessorDoktorDick[German trades related surname deleted]?
The “Herr” is the crucial part. It holds the whole thing together.


If our right-wingers would limit themselves to that kind of understandable corruption, from which they derive some personal benefit, we’d be in much better shape than we are today.

I honestly don’t know if I agree with you. In many ways, Italy is certainly way, way more fucked up than we are. But then we are attaining a higher level of political insanity.

Both situations are pretty ugly, in different ways.


The “Herr” is the crucial part. It holds the whole thing together.

So saith the trap in my bathtub.


You libs all hate inherritance.


I shall now proudly claim my proper place as an academic of germanic heritage to proclaim myself henceforth the official font of pomposity.


[German trades related surname deleted]

Don’t make us guess. Cobbler? Baker? Is a a contemporary tradesman’s name? (Der of VWs putter-togetherer?) Or Kraut for candle-stick maker or buggy-whip assembler?


I believe that I still have the edge vis-à-vis pedantry.


I believe that I still have the edge vis-à-vis pedantry.

Sir you are disgusting.


Don’t make us guess

Why not? Just adds to the air of mystery (also keeps me anonymous if any of my students or administrators should wander by). It refers to a craft (has ties to cobblers) which is still practiced, but is somewhat anachronistic.


Which is worse, pedantphilia or pedantrasty?


Which is worse, pedantphilia or pedantrasty?

Neither is as bad as an unnatural desire for small buoys.


I’ve always loved that word…pederasty. It’s so….disdainful.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

It refers to a craft (has ties to cobblers) which is still practiced, but is somewhat anachronistic.



Neither is as bad as an unnatural desire for small buoys.

Nuns or cans?


Nuns or cans?

Nuns in cans.


Nuns or cans?

How about nuns with canes?


How about nuns with canes?



I do not think that my artistic tastes are that perverse.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

All this bickering about who’s pompous and who isn’t is triggering me something fierce.

I know I started it, but that doesn’t stop me from being the victim here.

I shon’t be bock.


I shon’t be bock.

So you’ll be lager, then?


I shon’t be bock.



Stout man.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

How can I stay mad at you guys?


What ales you people? You sound so bitter.


Goddamn it, you have to follow up on the Pampas thing so I can wind up at a Garden of Fucking Prats joke.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Goddamn it, you have to follow up on the Pampas thing…

Er, aren’t the Pampas where Groucho came from?

No, I’m thinking of Gauchos.

…best I got, sorry.


in re Silvio B. – i spent a year Italy, beginning May ’01. Berlusconi had recently been elected PM, to the dismay of every Florentine i ever talked to. The dude i stayed with for the 1st 6 weeks (one of those language-school ‘immersion’ programs) had this great piece of campaign-ephemera, it was mebbe 60-80 pages of sadlyno-quality photoshopping, published as a paperback book, & a coupla’ pages from it have stayed with me.

the 1st featured Silvio in DarthVader drag, saying, “I promise you the planet Saturn!” This was a riff on Mussolini’s “our place in the sun” idea.

the 2nd showed Silvio schooling a supporter on campaign-contributions – “You wanna be Minister of Transportation? That’ll be ‘due lecche del culo.’ ”

extraordinarily funny stuff, but to every Italian’s surprise, his coalition stayed in power longer than any other post-WWII Italian government.


Er, aren’t the Pampas where Groucho came from?

Good lord, you may be a Marxist after all.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

You wanna be Minister of Transportation? That’ll be ‘due lecche del culo.’

Oh, dear – I don’t really know any Italian, and figured that “lecche” meant something like Spanish “leche” – and had a much worse image in mind even than was intended.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Good lord, you may be a Marxist after all.

Was Karl the sixth Marx brother, or the seventh? Or the Third International?


Arkansas also voted for MCCAIN/PALIN. By an even bigger margin over the Democrat Party than in 2004!

Doesn’t Arkansas have the largest percentage of uninsured people in the nation? Or is that Texas?


Doesn’t Arkansas have the largest percentage of uninsured people in the nation? Or is that Texas?

Which explains their voting patterns. Nobody can afford to get that brain damage treated.


Re: Arkansas. Why did they elect Bill Clinton governor five times?

And why are Mormons all of a sudden playing serious football? What’s up with that?

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Arkansas also voted for MCCAIN/PALIN. By an even bigger margin over the Democrat Party than in 2004!

If they were voting McCain/Palin in ’04, they’re even crazier than we thought.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

And why are Mormons all of a sudden playing serious football?

Wait – what?

I’ve been practicing ignoring Mormons for decades. What’s this about?


Utah beats Alabama in the bowl game, BYU beats Oklahoma Saturday. It’s like their jockstraps were replaced by magic underwear.


Oh, and I forgot to post my prognostication as to little Study’s grand entrance: I’m going with Sept. 12 at 9:45 pm.


Bookmark that, Dr. Missus. You will wonder how in the hell I was able to predict it.


Mormons are vile, hateful losers who will do anything they’re told. No wonder football appeals to them.

Google “Mormon basketball.”

Sample:It is my theory that Mormon men are calm and kind in their everyday lives at school, at work or at play (as the old song goes). Then something happens when you start playing ball and the “meanness” comes out.

This may have extended to football.


Then something happens…and the “meanness” comes out.

That’s anytime God says “Let’s Get Rrrrrrrready To Rrrrrrrrrrummmmmbllllle.”

Double points if it involves making the lives of the poor or unbelievers miserable or short.


Oh, and it’s hardly restricted to the LDS.


Indeed, justyou, but there’s a specific thing there; the Morms themselves recognize it.

This just can’t bring themselves to recognize it as hypocrisy.


the Morms themselves recognize it.

One might think that being repeatedly burned out of their homes and violently run out of several States because of their beliefs would sharpen their senses some. Alas, such gazes seem only to function when turned outward, and are wholly negated by mirrors.

Though again, they don’t seem terribly lonely in the hypocrite category.


Elvis was only the first step!

The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. Instead it was a carefully crafted plot to introduce by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large population group targeted for change against its will. New words and new phrases–prepared by Tavistock(1)– were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as “rock” in relation to music sounds, “teenager,” “cool,” “discovered” and “pop music” were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of drugs and arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went, to be “discovered” by “teenagers.” Incidentally, the word “teenagers” was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

As in the case of gang wars, nothing could or would have been accomplished without the cooperation of the media, especially the electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous Ed Sullivan who had been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play. Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the 12-atonal system of “music” that was to follow had it not been for an overabundance of press exposure. The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by [Theodor ] Adorno and given a “modern” flavor by this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.



I think these white Republican boys ought to take their concerns about Ella Baker to the black neighborhoods of Mississippi which were lured in by the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.

Their frank talk about them danged gullible Afro-Americans and their Communist front groups advocating for “civil rights” and other leftist fantasies would do them dark folks a world a good.

They orta leave immediately on this tour of the black South to explain to the negros what dangers they face from all these ‘outside agitators’.


Following the Beatles, who incidentally were put together by the Tavistock Institute, came other “Made in England” rock groups, who, like the Beatles, had Theo Adorno write their cult lyrics and compose all the “music.”

Had that Theo Adorno guy all wrong, I guess.

Cid, not long ago I was wondering why these cats & kittens weren’t taking the Bus of Fools® Tour through more historically black areas. Hell, black people don’t like paying taxes any more than Mr. Charlie does.


Comment et up by fascist WP.

Now I’m one of them.


The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by [Theodor ] Adorno and given a “modern” flavor by this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.

Wow, the Illuminati has its own news service?

And it’s just as crazy as you’d imagine.


I point out that the late civil rights lawyer Joe Rauh had noted that everything Baker said in the 60’s might as well have been taken verbatim from The Daily Worker, the Communist Party newspaper.

So did Jesus. We ought to round him up and force him from Obama’s cabinet, too.



this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.

THIS! IS! SPARTA! We! Are! Not! Amused!


The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by [Theodor ] Adorno

When did we find these ancient scores?!

Nutter also says: Following the Beatles, who incidentally were put together by the Tavistock Institute, came other “Made in England” rock groups, who, like the Beatles, had Theo Adorno write their cult lyrics and compose all the “music.”

Adorno, who died in 1969 not long before is 66th birthday, wrote all the music and lyrics for all the British Invasion bands! Never mind the music isn’t 12-tone, atonal, 12-atonal, or any combination of those words or concepts.

From the intro at the linked site: “Very much of what he “predicted” in the early 80’s happened exactly the way he said it would. The book in itself is from the early 90’s. ” So he successfully predicted stuff that had happened ten years earlier?!! GASP!


From the intro at the linked site: “Very much of what he “predicted” in the early 80’s happened exactly the way he said it would. The book in itself is from the early 90’s. ” So he successfully predicted stuff that had happened ten years earlier?!! GASP!

Pshaw! Nostradamus predicted stuff five hundred years beyond the grave, backwards.


Re: Arkansas. Why did they elect Bill Clinton governor five times?

Because our nutjobs here in Arkansas were pretty much neutered. Bill’s appeasing nature didn’t have the catastrophic effects it had in the national environment – he didn’t have much to cowtow to around here except for other Democrats (which in Arkansas effectively means Eisenhower Republicans).


Does the “commie! commie! commie!” shit work on you Millennials, or are the wingnuts just preaching to the old farts?

Chiming in very late here, but —

No. It doesn’t mean anything, other than “don’t take this person seriously.” It’s like saying the Whigs are attacking.

OK, more accurately, it’s part of the GOP fetish for labels over substance. I don’t care what China calls itself — they’re despotic fuckheads based on their actions, which is what matters. Whichever “ism” you attach to that does not compel me one way or another.


Google “Mormon basketball.”

Indeed, church basketball is red in tooth and claw and fist. I saw a bunch of my friends beaten to a pulp playing that shit, and they gave as good as they got. Not to mention the Dick Cheney-grade profanity from the stands.


It’s like saying the Whigs are attacking.

Smut once linked that story, but I can’t find it now, alas.


Ella Baker via Wikipedia:

“She was a behind-the-scenes activist whose career spanned over five decades…As a slave, her grandmother had been whipped for refusing to marry a man chosen for her by the slave owner.”

Well there you have it folks. She was one of those activists. Everyone knows that is just a code word for ‘commie’, and, she worked ‘behind-the-scenes’, so, a sneaky commie, not out in the bright light of Republican sunshine, but hidden away.

And, if that wasn’t enough, uppityness runs in the family, she inherited it from her grandmother. Obviously the impudence to stand up to someone who only has your best interests at heart has been handed down throught the generations.

And as far as what Gary Rupert thinks:

will only lead to rationing of care and Canadian style socialism where everyones taxes go up and we get nothing in return.

Hey now! Dammit, my taxes pay for my education, which was important to me, because besides being of the quality of ivy/moss league, at much less the cost, it is also where I learned to drink.

And we have real beer. So, it all works out, we have mostly free medical care for when we drunkenly fall off the 2nd floor patio at frosh parties. Okay, depending on where you live, getting a doctor can take a bit of time, and sometimes waits are a bit much….but EVERYONE has access to doctors/emergency rooms/hospital rooms, and most operations, for free.

As for ‘Canadian style’, you’re just jealous of our beer, bacon, drinking age for bars, poutine, skiing, and the fact that almost everyone, even the poor, are a hell of a lot more educated than the majority of people in the US of A. /end patriotic rant.


Shorter.Shorter: “FAIL? You’re soaking in it!” Priceless!


Smut once linked that story, but I can’t find it now, alas.
On the Phil-spector / Wig-Sothoth thread over at the House of Substance [see J–‘s link earlier], some pompous doktorate person linked to an illustrated version.


As for ‘Canadian style’, you’re just jealous of our beer, bacon, drinking age for bars, poutine, skiing, and the fact that almost everyone, even the poor, are a hell of a lot more educated than the majority of people in the US of A. /end patriotic rant.

Um, I don’t claim to speak for America (seeing as how I HATE HATE HATE it), but…

…you can keep the poutine. Really. No, we don’t mind, we had a sandwich on the ride over and we’re full. Really.


we have mostly free medical care for when we drunkenly fall off the 2nd floor patio at frosh parties.

Walk it off, son. Wayne Gretzky would.


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