This Is Sure To Pacify Them
Charles Cooper, CBS News Blogs
Van Jones Resigns As White House AdvisorVan Jones took a bullet for his boss.
After more than a…
Took a bullet, eh? We’re not fans of this new shooting-imagery fad that’s been attaching itself to the Obama administration, especially here at the breakfast table. But we have to think back to when Walter Cronkite, in his dotage not to mention his bathrobe, would wander CBS day or night being all like, “Haw haw, with Hamdan, the Supreme Court blew George W. Bush’s nuts off with a 12-gauge, then as he was curled up on the floor whining and grabbing at where his nuts used to be, they pulled a Colt 1911 and shot him right through the eye,” and remind ourselves that, eh, hm. Pass the Mueslix. Thanks.
And it’s funny about the bullet and so forth, because the last we heard of Cooper was less than a month ago, when he was a CNMNE. That’s the wavy-armed marine animal that right-wing zealots invoke whenever they sound the alarum about an individual who has impressed them unfavorably. That joke seems well on its way, but depends on what the acronym is made to stand for. Also, this column of his is pretty good.
Fine then, Cooper, let’s see some news around here, and we don’t mean maybe! We may be whistling ‘Dixie,’ but we have also been whistling bits of several Billy Squier songs including ‘The Stroke,’ and are not just whistling ‘In The Dark.’
After more than a week of withering criticism for past comments, Jones has resigned as an advisor to the White House on green jobs.
The White House announced the news in the early hours of Sunday morning. In a statement, Nancy…
Well, the right has gotten what it wanted. Now their firestorm of outrage is sure to die down, and not merely to become louder, more irrational, and less discriminating in its self-excuses. Oh wait.
Moving, wife expecting, posting at dawn on a Sunday…
I hear that Gavin’s a bad mother-
Holy fuck but the Obama administration is spineless.
I don’t think this particular case is spinelessness on the part of the administration (not that they’ve shown any genuine moxie), but Jones’ realization that his mere presence was a distraction. Yeah, it seems callow, but the mere fact that he said some things that could be construed as controversial will be played to death in the Librul Media, just as Bitey MacChompfinger will get a lot more coverage than the right-wing extremists who killed Dr Tiller and Stephen T. Johns.
I say let the wingnuts be distracted. Removing this distraction just lets them move on to another.
I advocated hitting Congressman Rangel over the head with a shovel, and staged feeding Speaker Pelosi a poisoned glass of wine on national TV. I’m one tiny step short of advocating open, armed Revolution in this country. But I’m a good American and not some dirty Negro like Van Jones so I can say whatever I want and the Establishment just kind of cringes if that.
And if the Fairness Doctrine were restored, my entire network would cease to exist. And you know it’s business and business can’t have Government telling it what to do, even if business is advocating the overthrow of the same Government.
Also, I’m a fucking asshole.
The wingnuts aren’t the ones I was thinking of, their rage is general, based on the fact that the president is blackity-black-black. He could be espousing the policies of Ronald Fucking Reagan, and they’d still be out fomenting rebellion. Van Jones would be another distraction to the administration, and, even if Barry’s a chess-master, he doesn’t need another Daschle fiasco at this time.
If only there was some history of the period from 1992-2000 available, in which one could learn of the rewards (for the entire world) of catering to the right wing and their media sycophants.
Obama is a genius as a politician. But he sure as hell ain’t no leader.
Sitting here happily watching Australia get the snot knocked out of them in this latest ODI, it occurs to me that Americans would have a far better nation if they followed their country as they do their sports teams.
It’s not just that they mostly know them inside and out, it’s that they view them with an objectivity that is completely lacking in the way they view their nation.
Having spent quite a lot of time there and having long-lost relatives in Pittsburgh that I’ve reconnected with after generations, I’ve observed that even apparently stupid Americans really aren’t all that stupid.
That guy with the AR-15 at the town hall in Arizona, the one that attends that sickening church run by that homicidal pastor: I’ll guarantee you that he can give you the names of the starting offensive linemen of the Cardinals for the last ten seasons.
That old guy in Massachusetts that kept screaming. “Keep your government hands off my Medicare!” can probably name the starting nine for the Red Sox from 1957 in their proper batting order.
But it goes even further than simple rote memorization of rosters and lineups. Americans think strategically about their sports teams and demand change when it is necessary.
Take Pittsburgh. Changing quite a lot for the better in recent years, but five miles out of town you’re running into what my cousin calls “Pennsyltucky.” There is an overabundance of people with less than a full compliment of teeth and, apparently, brains.
But ask them about their Super Bowl champion Steelers and their Stanley Cup champion Penguins and the, um, Pirates and you’ll get an astonishingly nuanced view.
Sure they’re on top now, but what are they doing to stay on top? Is Rashard Mendenhall the long-term answer at tailback? Can the Pens afford to fit Petr Sykora under the cap at his age and level of production, and should they? Will the Pirates ever be of any consequence again, ever, after producing a US record 17th consecutive losing season (the less said about his last one, the better)?
This stands in stark contrast to the way the average Pennsyltuckian thinks about the US. We’re number one, fuck anyone who says different and there’s no way anyone will ever surpass us in anything ever from now until the end of time (which could be coming any day courtesy of jeebus and his horsemen).
And Pennsyltucky is a good ‘Tucky. It just get worse as you got south and west.
Any sane person knows that a pro-and-con approach to any given situation is the key to not only finding out what is right or wrong but the direction to take moving forward because the strengths and weaknesses have been identifed and analyzed.
Americans have this ability in spades. They just apply it to the wrong arena.
BTW, helmet tip to General JC Christian, who is ALL UP in Glenn Beck’s shit lately.
Plus hilarious letters to Jim Bob Duggar and the Smith-Cotton High School jackasshatter-in-chief.
Give the General some love!
And, as is my wont, I’ve got to bring up a movie.
District 9.
As my wife said verbatim: “How do you square that (my view of how the human/alien interaction is an exercise in learned empathy) with how they treated the Nigerians? As if they don’t have enough problems of perception!”
True enough.
Plus, England have totally fucked themselves after having their foot on Australia’s throat at 179-6 having then given up 250-8 at 50 overs.
I’ll guarantee you that he can give you the names of the starting offensive linemen of the Cardinals for the last ten seasons.
They’re playing baseball a little differently now than when I was a kid.
For fuck’s sake. For all their supposed political savvy, no one in the WH seems to get that Teh Prez could personally save Sarah Palin from a burning building and the lead story on FOX would be about how he grabbed her ass on the way down the ladder. Howler monkeys howl. Its what they do. Its all they do.
So, yeah, this one is a two-fer. A smart, effective Black leader gets thrown under the bus and Glenn Beck’s minions get a pelt. Fucking genius.
Plus, England have totally fucked themselves after having their foot on Australia’s throat at 179-6 having then given up 250-8 at 50 overs.
So we’re back to inter-dimensional physics and brane cosmology?
“I’ll guarantee you that he can give you the names of the starting offensive linemen of the Cardinals for the last ten seasons.
They’re playing baseball a little differently now than when I was a kid.”
You do know that there is an NFL team, the oldest gridiron team in the entire country, that has played in Arizona since 1988, don’t you?
And they’re called the Cardinals?
I mean, I know that nothing west of the Hudson River means anything to a New Yorker, but jeebus.
That must have been either sarcasm or a joke.
“So we’re back to inter-dimensional physics and brane cosmology?”
The George W. Bush Jr. White House was crippled when it was found to have members who had said controversial things about liberals. Official after official resigned quietly after having been found to call Democrats assholes or something.
Howler monkeys howl. Its what they do. Its all they do.
This. But also the projection. They’d accuse Obama of grabbing Palin’s ass ‘casue that’s what they would do in the same circumstance. It’s all they know. What would Rove do?
Let’s see, I want to get the “new” rules straight here: A Republican congress critter can call the President a foreigner, a Muslim, a friend of terrorists, a Nazi, a socialist, Hitler, the anti-Christ, a murderer, a liar, a cheat, and just about anything else their warped little minds can hijack from Limbaugh/Beck et al? (I remember when saying anything, anything AT ALL against Geo. W Bush was called TREASON! ha ha ha!)
A Democrat calls conservatives assholes, which they daily and hourly demonstrate in every public venue available and questions the Bush administrations inaction leading to 9/11 on a PETITION calling for further investigation and it’s loose the hounds of war?
Republicans can be caught with hookers wearing diapers or having tea room sex in the bathrooms of DC, fly on the taxpayers dollar to churches and South American adulterous rendezvous and, nothing!
The Democrats are required to resign in disgrace whenever the conservatives scream? That should leave Obama with about 0 appointees in oh, about 6 months. Good chess move their, throwing blood in the water when the sharks are already in a frenzy because we all know that that will quiet them down and bring them to their senses! Rahm and the DLC did that so well during the Foster/Lewinsky/Hillarycare days, right?
Flying Spaghetti Monster, hear our prayers. We are fast approaching overcooked in this administration and there is nothing worse than mushy pasta….
“What would Rove do?”
Steal Palin’s panties and sniff them.
Over. And over. And over again.
Also Baby jeebus Trig’s diapers…
Now Glenn Beck gets to think he won another one.
pöplikid: A couple (?) of threads back. Astrophysics banter. Indecipherable to me. Kinda like the whole “bowling a googly and bad luck with the sticky wicket” banter.
If there’s something I know about independents, its that they love it when Republicans bitch slap Democrats, and the Democrats cave in to them. That’s what really earns their respect and votes.
How dare he call us “assholes” – why we’ll go after that motherfucker and make him lose his job for that! That will prove we are not “assholes” by gum!
The right is fucking up outrage, for fuck’s sake. How anyone can see them as a viable opposition party when they are obviously so incompetent they can’t even do unhinged correctly is beyond me.
Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do at this point if I was Obama. You don’t want to appease these nuts, but you don’t want to poke the hornets nest of assault rifle carrying loons too hard. They’ve got spit bubbles worked up over his birth certificate, gargling in their own vomit over the most innocuous of school addresses – bizarre enough when placated, god knows what they’d do if aggravated. For as manufactured and free-floating as the anger is, much of it is all too real.
The press is no help, they’ve been in the bag so long they are blinded when the crazy reaches a fever pitch and lets a little light in.
I hear that Gavin’s a bad mother-
Shut your mouth!
Though I guess, technically, they could be gargling in someone else’s vomit.
What amazes me is that no one with influence in the Democratic party gets that when you appease lunatics in their insane demands, it only validates that what they were demanding was in fact sane and correct.
Case in point, that the Senate Finance committee pulled the end-of-life care section from the bill is a frequently cited rejoinder by Deathers who are sure there must have been something wrong with the provision since the Democrats did yank it.
From the headline of the last link:
Those who are whipping up hysteria over the president’s address are playing a dangerous game with an unhinged segment of public opinion.
Uh, YA THINK?!? What the fuck do you think these assclowns have been doing since November 4th, Mr. Rutten? Gee, they were being so careful up until now, what with the death panels (BTW, this is too damn funny) and the “gun-grabbing” and treason and racism and guilty of being aggressively Muslim in a Christian country and reparations and free beer and cupcakes for the Negros and Fannie & Freddie and UN one world Communism and hating the military and a BLACK man in the WHITE House hurr hurr and Pastor Hate-America Wright and Rahm Emmanuel and Chicago Democrats and monkey cartoons and racist emails and yadda yadda Warden world without end amen?
Oh great, Obama caves in again. How is this guy supposed to be the next Hitler? I can’t see Barack’s mentors (Stalin and Ayatollah Khomeini) reacting this way.
“pöplikid: A couple (?) of threads back. Astrophysics banter. Indecipherable to me. Kinda like the whole “bowling a googly and bad luck with the sticky wicket” banter.
Dissimilar cultures separated by a common language.
Also cricket.
(And I had no idea Gavin & LDMM were a couple. Studie’s going to have one hell of an experience ahead of him, and I mean that as a compliment. Heopfully S,N! will have a new staffer along about 2027 or so.)
Obama is just like the Hitler who appeased Hitler at Munich.
“Him sad! Brain broken!”
Think of a googly as something akin to a slider (I think).
Also, I prefer the term “doosra” to googly. Much more dignified.
Nevermind me, I’m just
blogwhoringposting my address, libs.Van Jones is gone, and Beck is still on the air. How do you like them apples, libs?
Was the appeaser Hitler (not to be confused with the appeasee Hitler) the bad Jonah Goldberg ‘man-of-the-left’ Hitler or the good Pat Buchanan ‘man-of-peace’ Hitler?
I’ve been trying to think of a rough runs analogy between cricket and baseball, and I think I’ve got it.
One run in baseball is roughly worth 90 runs in cricket, but only in this particular case..
4-0 in baseball is roughly worth 360-0 in cricket.
You’ve got a fairly good score but you can still get your ass kicked
In the same respect, it’s like Fahrenheit v. Centigrade.
Or something.
Just trying to interject some small sense of understanding.
And, I expect, failing miserably. Cheers!
Obama kicks Van Jones out of White House for being correct!
Sun, 09/06/2009 – 06:19 — Comrade Rutherford
Top News this morning:
Obama eagerly caves in to far-right extremist’s demands to fire Van Jones for his successful attack on Glenn Becks’ continuous stream of lies and propaganda!
Van Jones kicked to the curb by fawning Obama who’s sole purpose in the White House is to bend over as far as he can for Conservatives and their extremist lies while simultaneously screwing over the voters that put him in office!
Obama instantly caves in yet again to extremism! Obama does ONLY what the far-right extremist Conservatives allow him to do. Latest example: firing Alex Jones for making Glenn Beck uncomfortable.
In an example of craven cowardice, I-Wanna-Be-President-So-Bad-I’ll-Do-Whatever-The-GOP-Crazies-Want Obama fired Alex Jones because Jones had successfully exposed the lies of Glenn Beck.
Obama’s slave-masters order him to fire Alex Jones, Obama’s reply, ‘yes, massa!’
+ + + + +
I am so seriously pissed off at Obama. I never got fooled into thinking he was a Democrat from the very start (one look at his record shows that he is NOT a Democrat by any means). But this really takes the cake.
Alex Jones was one of the best people in the last 30 years to actually make some headway against the far-right crazies by getting advertisers to drop Glenn Beck’s propaganda and lies TV show of Fox ‘News’. When the far-right extremists get themselves together to counter-attack Jones, Obama instantly cravenly caved in and refused to fight back against their insanity.
Now that the President has sided WITH Glenn Beck and against the truth, how long will it take for all those advertisers to follow the President’s lead and return to Beck’s show? Probably a lot longer than it took Obama to sell his soul to the GOP leadership (which I clocked at about 1 second)!
Seriously, with ‘leadership’ like this from Obama, why even bother? Let’s follow President Obama’s lead and hand total control of the Federal Government over to the far-right extremist crazies and let them just run everything openly. Because right now it’s OBVIOUS that Obama has NO credibility, no authority, and is NOT the President. It is obvious that Obama is totally under the direct control of the far-right extremists.
Obama REFUSES to do ONE single thing that the Democrats have been demanding for decades. Instead Obama does ONLY and EXACTLY what the craziest far-right wingers gives him permission to do.
When Democrats refuse to fight back against obvious and blatant lying, that in and of itself is the proof that they are NOT Democrats, but GOP operatives doing the bidding of the extremists.
I am done with Obama, this cravenly and cowardly surrender to the blatant lying right-wing crazies is the final straw for me.
Yeah, you lost the guy who started the boycott against Glenn Beck. And guess what? Van Jones is gone, Beck is STILL THERE. How does that feel?
This is the worst news since Ward Churchill had to resign chairmanship of the DNC.
And I had no idea Gavin & LDMM were a couple.
I’m generally not an “in the loop” kind of person, so thanks, Pere Ubu, for making me feel informed.
Van Jones is under me too, now? Wow, it’s getting crowded under here!
I had no idea Gavin & LDMM were a couple.
Wait, what? So that’s who has been sleeping in my bed!
Things are starting to make a lot more sense now.
Damn, my kid is going to be witty!
The Obama campaign never recovered from throwing Reverend Wright and Samantha Powers under me. When will they learn that it’s better to fight meaningless battles on behalf of people that aren’t indispensable than ditch people who create distractions. When will they learn the value of drama?
I am so FUCKING pissed off about this, don’t know what else to say.
FUCK Glenn Beck.
Suck it, Neon!
Gee, I wonder how long it is until “progressives” as a whole, or even the Democrat Party, are thrown under the Obama Bus? He’s just a Chicago thug who cares only about himself.
Man, the useless cocksucks populating the Obama administration – from the Grovellor-In Chief on down – have got to be the most spineless collection of invertebrates ever. By comparison, these gutless pieces of shit are making Bill Clinton look like a stand up brawler who never backed away from a fight…which is pretty fucking terrifying in and of itself.
That’s right, John D., he’s thrown you libs under the bus.
George W. Bush never backed away from a fight, he kept Rumsfeld on for three years after libs whined he should resign. Democrats are pussy faggots.
Wouldn’t it be more efficient for the right wing to just publish a list of the things on which they’d like the White House to surrender, please, for the next few years, and that way the Obama administration could arrange it all on the calendars?
I.e., “In March of 2010 we will stage another hissy fit if you haven’t be that time gotten rid of that stupid foreign looking dog,” and then this would give the WH lots of time to search for another dog for the kids.
Weird to see Troofie on Obama’s side, isn’t it?
I mean, you do support the action that was taken, don’t you, trollypants?
Therefore, you = nazi socialest.
I.e., “In March of 2010 we will stage another hissy fit if you haven’t be that time gotten rid of that stupid foreign looking dog,” and then this would give the WH lots of time to search for another dog for the kids.
“In April of 2010, we will scream and cry about how mean you are to cast that poor dog out into the street.”
Since my mind reading abilities are still hampered by lack of coffee this morning, it’s hard for me to determine if Jones is resigning because he personally wanted to, or he’s being forced out by Rahm-bo at dagger-point.
I tend to believe the former. After all, I wouldn’t want to deal with the endless tide of bullshit and noise either. I mean, life’s short, and at some point “taking one for the team” loses it’s appeal.
“Come on, Van! Lawyer up, cancel the rest of your life, tell your friends and family you’ll be too busy fighting investigations and ducking wing-nut “reporters” for the next six months-to-a-year-or-so to spend any time doing anything else. We can’t let Glenn Back WIN, fercrissakes!”
What? He’s a “Chicago thug” whose problem is he gives in to much to the right wing whining?
Which exactly is your definition of “thug”?
I.e., thug life is not usually a phrase used to indicate broad bipartisan consensus fetishism.
I’m for anything that makes libs mad, Gilchrist. And right now, Obama is making you mad.
You guys always lose, don’t you? Do you regret not voting for Nader or McKinney yet? Losers.
He’s a thug who doesn’t give two shits about his own political base, Cid. You libs have been played! Suck it.
Um, this supposed ironic parallel between Glenn Beck still being there and Van Jones not still being there makes no sense for any logical definition of “there.” Glenn Beck is not an advisor to the president. He is a fungus.
I also don’t understand why Jones stepping down (from his not-particularly-clear position) has anything to do with Obama. Couldn’t it just be Jones saying, you know what, fuck this noise?
Especially given that the stupid Henry Louis Gates “controversy” tied up weeks of political messaging, Jones has to realize that idiotic racialized distractions get the media all tingly. End it before it metastasizes.
Jones is an impressive guy and doesn’t need to be in any formal position to accomplish Important Things.
I do not regret not voting for Nader or McKinney. If I had wanted to vote for my ideal super-leftist candidate, I would have written myself in, not wasted a vote on either of these two moderate surrendercrats.
FlipYrWhig=Obama cultist.
Still, this in no way is a use of the word “thug”. If Obama were a “thug” he’d go out actively killing and hunting down libs or something, or punching Russ Feingold in the face, not quietly accepting resignations when right wing TV crazies demand it.
Again, what sort of retard are you to try to combine the tough imagery of “thuggery” with the quiet remonstrations of bipartisan fetishism? This is just pathetic.
A thug is someone who uses his black radical preacher and “Spiritual adviser” of 20 years to ingratiate himself to the black community, then coldly throws him under the bus when the political calculus demands it.
I love seeing the Democrat Party in a civil war between Obama Cultists and “Progressives”.
Popcorn time!
Oh, it would just make me soooo mad if Glenn Beck jumped face-first into a wheat thresher, boy howdy, I’d be howling into my muesli in disgust, &c.
Also, I pretty much can’t read blogs anymore because of all the leftier-than-thou caterwauling by those who treat disillusionment as a competitive sport. “Obama sucks worse than Nickelback and always has!” “Admit it! I was disappointed in him sooner than you were!” Fuck us.
Again, what sort of retard are you to try to combine the tough imagery of “thuggery” with the quiet remonstrations of bipartisan fetishism?
More coward than retard, I think, but there’s no reason we can’t say it’s both of those things.
But remember, these guys think Communists and Fascists are the same thing, so passive thuggery is a cognitive walk in the park for them.
Obama: loses one low-level political adviser that no one ever heard of before the stupid-shit storm.
Beck: loses 57 television sponsors and counting.
Van Jones wins, 57-to-1! Suck it, cons.
PENIS, that is.
No, no, no, you’re still just pathetically grasping at straws to try and use the word “thug” when there’s not the least bit of applicability here. Give it up. “Thug” doesn’t mean whatever the fuck you want it to mean in any possible circumstance.
“Hey, that kid just gave the bully his lunch money!”
“But that lunch money was for him and his brother! Now his brother will go hungry today.”
“I know, the little kid’s a thug, right?”
“You mean the bully?”
“No, I mean the kid who gave up his lunch money.”
I pretty much can’t read blogs anymore because of all the leftier-than-thou caterwauling by those who treat disillusionment as a competitive sport.
Agreed. Sadly, Balloon Juice is kind of going this direction, and it was a fun place all through the ’08 primaries and election. FDL has been there for a long time now – there’s a distinctive reedy whine to a lot of their stuff anymore.
Also, I pretty much can’t read blogs anymore because of all the leftier-than-thou caterwauling by those who treat disillusionment as a competitive sport. “Obama sucks worse than Nickelback and always has!” “Admit it! I was disappointed in him sooner than you were!” Fuck us.
You forgot to compare him unfavorably to Nixon.
The troll doesn’t care if he’s pathetic or not, so long as he can derail the thread. Fuck ’em.
I said much the same thing in Hullabaloo’s comments a while back. Half the people responding said, “leave digby alooooone!” and the other half said, “yeah, liberal blogs need to cut out the gloom-and-doom, goddammit!”
FDL was always that way, and then lately it started to infect TBogg. Balloon Juice was pretty much my last refuge.
There’s a thin stripe between the ethical relentlessness of Glenn Greenwald and the manic and dickish relentlessness of Bob Somerby. Way too many commenters pile into that narrow space to show off how implacable their outrage is. It’s tedious.
I said much the same thing in Hullabaloo’s comments a while back.
Indeed, Digby’s place was one of the first to go over to the despair and back-biting side, well before 2008. I still sometimes go over there for the nostalgia value but I never read the comments.
Do not question our Dear Leader. He is the most progressive progressive ever, and saying critical things about him is doom-and-gloom. Don’t back-bite!
@ Joe Max — For as long as I can remember the Digby comments have been ground zero for po-faced lefty rank-pulling. They like to decry things there.
“Obama sucks worse than Nickelback and always has!”
I figured that was a Tbogg reference, and I was gonna be like “oh Tbogg can’t be that bad” and the top post had comments bitching about “Obscamco” sooooo
Do not question our Dear Leader. He is the most progressive progressive ever, and saying critical things about him is doom-and-gloom. Don’t back-bite!
If that’s not you, troofie, PUH-LEASE.
@ N.C. — Yeah, I was over there before coming here. I’m having what that Far Side cartoon about the janitor at the snake house called a “cumulative attack of the willies.”
I’m just an expansion of Bushco.
George W. Bush never backed away from a fight, he kept Rumsfeld on for three years after libs whined he should resign. Democrats are pussy faggots.
Yeah, and that’s why you can’t a single Reichtard within a hundred-mile radius who’ll admit to having voted for Bush, ‘cuz he’s such a respected fighter and such.
Go ahead, Troofie, commence the “Bush wasn’t a conservative! He was a big-government librul spender!” whine.
“Close your eyes and try to picture a great big friendly jewfish — that is unless you’re Jewish. Oh yeah, and that reminds us: Jewfish get real stinky if you leave them in the car.”
Also, did you know that I RapedAndMurderedAYoungGirlIn1990?
po-faced lefty rank-pulling.
Now that is a well-turned phrase. Nicely done!
Especially given that the stupid Henry Louis Gates “controversy” tied up weeks of political messaging,
You hit the nail on the head there. Obama should have stuck with “yeah I said he ACTED stupidly. That means he did a stupid thing. I said what I meant, and meant what I said. I’m not going to apologize because the opposition is full of people who can’t understand the meaning of plain English – which, by the way, they continue to insist should be the “official language”. I’m not going to apologize to a bunch of illiterates who are just looking for reasons to throw tantrums. Suck it. Or as the last Vice President said, without a peep of opprobrium from these losers, go fuck yourselves. Now, run along and go look up the meaning of “opprobrium”.”
They’d still be busy howling about how Obama is a Nazi because he didn’t apologize for using the word “stupidly” or because he hurt their widdle feelings by telling them to fuck off. At some point, there’s a lot of value to adopting an attitude of “they’ll get over it or they won’t” and just moving on.
I’m in basic agreement that Van Jones is not someone who is necessarily worth going to the wall over – but something has to be worth it, or they just become more and more emboldened. These are the original people for whom if you give an inch, they’ll take a mile, and if Obama and Co. haven’t yet woken up to that fact, we are all well and truly fucked.
I don’t know, guys. The lack of Democratic leadership on any front is really beginning to piss people off…and justifiably so, IMO. Never even mind the repeated betrayals of the base; the spineless jackals in the “leadership” of the Party won’t even lift a finger to defend themselves.
Realistically, how can you expect the general populace (especially Dem voters) to respond to such a siutation?
Personally, I’m not disillusioned, since I never had many illusions to begin with. Obama’s about what I expected him to be – not at all what I want, but far, far, far better than having the nation under the control of the extreme right. A few more years of that and we’d be truly screwed indeed.
To me, the main goal is still to marginalize the right. It’s unfortunate that the administration is still trying to get along with the Republicans rather than trying to crush them, but it’s not surprising. Meanwhile, the right is doing a splendid job of marginalizing itself by going increasingly batshit crazy (thanks, Glenn Beck!).
“Realistically, how can you expect the general populace (especially Dem voters) to respond to such a siutation?
You could always go vote for me.
Snorghagen @17:07 – yes, this. Thank you.
Obama should have kept Van Jones on instead of throwing him under the bus the way he did with Sonia Sotomayor when she made the right go apeshit. What is important is to always react in opposition to what the winngnuts want no matter what the issue is and who is involved. Keeping Jones on would have the most progressive thing ever because it would have made the wingnuts so mad. Why do you think the Republicans control the White House and have solid majorities in both houses of Congress? Spite always works.
Word. The fact is, the army of whiny, cowardly, bullshit artist Troofies is becoming the one-and-only voice of the Republicans. I can’t imagine how this can be considered a “plus” for a major political party. It’s going to come back to haunt them.
“The Borg have neither honor nor courage. That is our greatest advantage.” – Lt. Worf.
Why do I continue to defend a man who raped and murdered a young girl in 1990?
Why do we continue to defend and lionize a fast-assed, alcoholic man who killed a young woman in 1969?
This thread makes me feel better, hanx!
Aaaaand troofie’s subject change shows we scored another point.
Why is Mary Jo Kopechne the only person who isn’t a corporate overlord or a wingnut politician I care about? Could I be, perchance, faking it?
*blinks*… my mind reels.
We’ve moved beyond ‘double-speak’ or ‘newspeak’… they at least had some sort of structure and logic to them.
It can’t even be dismissed with words like ‘hooey’ or ‘babble’ because it is used to such twisted and malicious ends.
Sen. Edward “Speedy Tuckus” Kennedy
We like to make up stupid rumors about Beck because we can’t get rid of him any other way. Yeah, we’re sad.
I don’t understand the difference between stupid rumors and obvious jokes. Also, I forgot that getting rid of advertisers works pretty well too, as indicated by that week-long hiatus. I’m sad. And unemployed.
I planned that vacation weeks in advance before the “boycott” started, I even sent out an email. Nice try, libs.
Anyone who is unemployed is a loser.
“Why do I continue to defend a man who raped and murdered a young girl in 1990?”
This Is true? Glenn Beck raped and killed a girl in1990? It is on the internet and everything. We must get the word out. He must pay for his crimes.
I even sent out an email
Ooh! An email! He truly spared no expense.
Obama pussied-out.
Fucking Rahm.
Sorry, not enough coffee… my mind is still asleep.
I thought he said ‘More coward than thug’ which is why my mind was reeling, though, with the way the far-right uses language, and continual bait-switch, it would not in the least suprise me to hear,
“More coward than thug, I think, but there’s no reason we can’t say it’s both of those things.”
The fact that that was what I thought I read, and didn’t even pause to doubt it, because the crazies have already gone that far, says a lot.
Thugs are usually also cowards at the same time.
Anyone who can’t spell “authentic” is a motard.
Thugs are usually also cowards at the same time.
Well yes, in that bullies are usually the ones that are acting out because they are scared. Hence, we might actually see the widespread wingnut craziness as a death-rattle of those that realize they are in fact, a minority in the world.
However, I think it was meant more in the same way that the crazies called Obama an elitist and a thug at the same time.
Oh, and thanks to Pere Ubu @15:31 for making my day with Nathan, the Grim Reaper.
Yes, Obama obviously knuckles under to every hissy-fit thrown by the wingnuts, especially when it really matters. That’s why he withdrew the SCOTUS nomination of Sotomayor, just like Bush did with Miers.
No, wait…
The Authetnic said
Jennifer said:Anyone who can’t spell “authentic” is a motard.
Wait! Maybe … au-thet-nic… sounds like a Scientologist groupie to me.
…and with that bad joke, I head for the coffee shop with a good novel, to restore my brain equilibrium after reading too much crazy blather.
Sotomayor is a moderate, not a true progressive, Joe. When John Paul Stevens retires and Obama replaces him with another centrist like Sotomayor, he will actually be moving the court to the right!
Hooweee! Guess who’s back with yet another Kenyan birth certificate.
The wingnuttery seems to be building to a crescendo.
“In March of 2010 we will stage another hissy fit if you haven’t be that time gotten rid of that stupid foreign looking dog,”
Plus, the dog is a Kennedy!
George W. Bush never backed away from a fight, he kept Rumsfeld on for three years after libs whined he should resign. Democrats are pussy faggots.
Harriet Miers? Brownie? Gonzales? Safavian? Baroody? Kerik? Foggo? Fox? Sapovsky? Mason? Holisinger? Rizzo? And I seem to recall Rumsfeld resigning, too. Bush was a pussy faggot and his defenders’ claims of his “never backing away from a fight” rely only on their own stupidity and forgetfulness for support as they have no basis in reality.
Keeping the deeply unpopular Rumsfeld on as long as he did was a shrewd political move by Bush because it pissed off the liberals. OK, he pushed him out immediately following the GOP’s 2006 electoral disaster but Republicans never back down. Shut up.
Sadly, this what accountability looks like. Jones did in fact sign a petition that essentially said “Bush let 9/11 happen so he could use it as a pretext for war.” Borderline Truth. Reality is “Bush let 9/11 happen because he wanted to use torture to gather evidence to Invade and Occupy Iraq.”
Jones is quitting cuz he missed the call not because he called Bush a Psychotic Murderer.
I’ve stopped trying to reason with Conservatives…
It takes a real man like George Bush to stand by a guy who didn’t care enough about the troops to get them adequate body armor or personally sign letters of condolence.
Reality is “Bush let 9/11 happen because he wanted to use torture to gather evidence to Invade and Occupy Iraq.”
No, reality is the Bush administration was too incompetent to stop 9/11 and then evil enough to capitalize on it once they realized what had fallen in their laps. It’s bad enough without even the less insane conspiracy theories mucking up history.
Smells like much ado about doodly-shit to me.
So, is Obama to blame for hiring him, for (maybe) asking him to step aside, for not firing him, for not going on TeeVee & standing up for him, or what exactly?
Jones was smart enough to see the ugly-wave coming & got out of its way. I never heard of the guy before yesterday – & I doubt I’m going to hear much about him by October either. The RealAmurrikin Fuckwit Brigade just re-reminded everyone exactly how soulless & loathsome they are, & the real net political advantage they got while doing it is circa bupkis. If this tempest in a thimble emboldens them to limp their way into another footbullet, you’ll pardon me if I don’t weep purple weewee over the tragedy of it all.
This whole whiny wimpy “Damn you, Obama – DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL” thing is getting pretty stale too … it’s a major bummer to see lefties fall into the same Big Daddy mentality as wingnuts, especially after a certain Senator from Illinois warned everyone that they’d have to step up & do their share if shit was ever going to get better, & that it was going to be a long stretch of hard slogging to get it done.
TL;DR – he ain’t your bitch, niggaz – get your own damn fries.
Yep, the old adage, “Never assume malice when incomptence will suffice.”
I guess Dubya’s got his ass covered on that doesn’t he?
Anyone who can’t spell “authentic” is a motard.
Did somebody mention the Motards?
That’s definitely a futile activity. But it’s fun poking them with sticks until they start frothing and lose control of their bladders.
“I’m for anything that makes libs mad, Gilchrist. “
Once again, this really is all wingnuts care about. It isn’t about a positive vision for the country and the future, it is just about spite.
And it isn’t just troofie, 1/3 of the nation is operating under this principle.
Obama should have kept Van Jones on instead of throwing him under the bus the way he did with Sonia Sotomayor when she made the right go apeshit.
Said sarcastically, but exactly right. The wake of Obama’s “bus” is strewn with nobodies.
And the same goes for every rightwing outrage. So a few scattered pockets of schoolchildren will be kept home on Tuesday. So what? The right is impotent, and they know it. You don’t wave guns around and shriek about entirely illusional fears if you feel empowered.
George W. Bush never backed away from a fight
“How about, um, Vietnam?”
I’m a “liberal”? Really? Actually I’m very moderate.
Ooooh, lookit all the badgers, dancin’ away.
Hey, Rightwingsnarkle, I stopped by the blog you were forbidden from and left him this lil’ missive:
Given the fact that “all comments require approval”, I don’t think he’ll actually publish it. But at least I made the effort.
(Huh. The HTML on that first link is all messed up. I assume, if nothing else, that’ll get the comment rejected, if nothing else. “hurr hurr lefty too stooopid t make HTML work durrr”)
Sonia Sotomayor said,
I’m a “liberal”? Really? Actually I’m very moderate.
Then where the hell did all the weeks of blathering we had to deal with about “extreme-left-wing” and “Communist” and “reconquista” and “the illegals will be running the country” and “empathy is code for socialist tyranny” come from?
Oh, right, the increasingly deranged GOP.
Of course she’s a left wing progressive to the wingnuts, but that says more about their position on the political spectrum than it does about her.
Out here in “reality”, Sotomayor is at best a Clintonite Democrat and at worst an Eisenhower Republican. As Maddow has recently pointed out, if Obama replaces Stevens with someone as moderate as her (all signs point to that happening) he will have moved the court to the right.
For Chrissakes, she was first an appointee of fucking George H.W. Bush.
and at worst an Eisenhower Republican
Hey, don’t knock Eisenhower. He was responsible for the Warren Court. He expanded New Deal programs. He built the Interstate Highway System. He warned about the military industrial complex.
In other words, he was far to the left of pretty much anybody today with a chance of being elected POTUS.
So is this somehow supposed to mean that Jones actually said something wrong and that Republicans really aren’t assholes after all? Because certain media figures and internet trolls don’t seem to have gotten the memo yet.
Who was it I told, that the troll has no actual principles and would take up a far-leftist stance as soon as it became annoying to his targets? It was Looch, right?
“blar har har, Sonia Sotomayor is a right-of-center moderate, libs, you’ve been taken in by Hopey, who is a Chicago thug/limp-wristed faggot, blar har. Rend and gnash at your garments, libs!”
Personally, I agree with Snorghagen. I’m still yet to be disillusioned by any action Obama has taken. I recognized who he was, I recognized why he was the first black president, I have yet to be honestly disappointed with his behaviors.
He is who he is, and even if he does keep on with the “bipartisanship” schtick, he’s still better than if the Republicans were at the helm by themselves instead of carping on as backseat drivers.
I’m disappointed to the extent that Glenn Greenwald is: about the specific promises made that were broken. Sure, anyone who was actually listening to him during the primaries couldn’t have expected much. But I didn’t think basic transparency would be such a fight. The real trouble seems to be that we’re working with the status quo in 2008 instead of 2000 as a centrist baseline.
Van Jones is better off outside the tent pissing in. He’s a pretty sharp guy, and frankly I was disappointed when he took the job. I’ll be interested to see what he does next.
(I’d call him Van the Man but no way do I want him making an album with the Chieftains.)
Jones’s actual statement is not bad at all. He doesn’t apologize for anything and manages to both get in a few zingers and point out the real issues behind the bullshit:
I look forward to him as a private citizen, activist and gadfly regularly saying what he really thinks and saying it well.
On the other hand…
Newt Gingrich just came out making positive statements about Obama’s schoolkids speech. Looks like the shit-flingers have afforded him a splendid opportunity to step up and play the role of “sensible conservative”. Another lesson in Overton Window manipulation, a subject that the Democratic Party still doesn’t seem to understand. Feh.
Eh. Why not. He looks Irish enough to me.
St. Trotsky, it is true enough that we would be worse off with Republicans in the driver’s seat rather than carping in the back, but the President really needs to start slapping their hands when they grab for the wheel.
If the Chieftains don’t want him, he can come play some gigs with me.
St. Trotsky, it is true enough that we would be worse off with Republicans in the driver’s seat rather than carping in the back, but the President really needs to start slapping their hands when they grab for the wheel.
Agreed. That said, I don’t want to see the libs/dems go overboard with the ‘oh noes’, and getting all whiny if he doesn’t stop the car and tell the children to behave, and for heaven’s sake, don’t start making remarks about him not knowing how to drive. If there was ever a time to be a united group, this is it.
That said, I almost relish the thought of the wingnuts saying/doing something so horrific that he does have to stop the car, because I have the feeling that just like a good parent, he’ll get all quiet, and not lose his temper, but when the punishment is dealt out, they will realize that they have been completely owned.
One of these days some of the crazies are going to go so completely bat-shit insane, that they will step in it bigtime, in a way that any Republican with a grain of intelligence or humanity will have to call them on it. Or, at least that is the dream that helps keep me warm at night.
The Irish are the blacks of Europe. So say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud.
I shrug, Psycho. Yes, that would be nice. I just don’t see where Obama gave off the impression he’d be the one to do it.
Obama being in office is better for us, better for America, than any Republican. He’s even better than many Democrats we could’ve put up.
But he’s not fully who we’d wish we had either.
Or, replied to much better, what Horse of Another Color said. Fuck the circular firing squads for not being the untouched-by-reality ideal.
The press is no help, they’ve been in the bag so long they are blinded when the crazy reaches a fever pitch and lets a little light in.
The press’ job these days is to make money for their advertisers by showcasing the crazy as long as it gets eyeballs. Frankly, they probably just wish another celebrity would drop dead or a cute little blonde girl would turn up raped, killed and eaten– not necessarily in that order.
The Irish are the blacks of Europe.
I thought that was the Berbers.
Looks like the administration forgot rule #1: Don’t feed the trolls.
Unlike anyone around here, of course, yours truly included.
At least Jones didn’t say he was resigning to “Spend more time with his family.”
The reichtards have already moved on to their next target. Their shrieking will continue to be exactly as “distracting” to whatever debate anybody thought we were having, no more, no less. If Jones doesn’t like being a target, I don’t know that he should have moved downrange in the first place. Does it surprise anybody that the goopers act like this? They are a known quantity. For fuck’s sake, they sent their orcs out to peer into the windows of a sick kid’s house to see what sort of counter tops were there so they could make political hay out of it. Anybody taking a gig with this administration who thinks they are going to be treated with even the smallest modicum of decency or respect by the Republicans is fucking delusional.
So, we lost a pretty smart guy as a low-mid level advisor to the President, and gave the whingenuts a minor tidbit to crow about. Wahh. Hopefully Jones will ratchet up Color of Change to be an even more effective and broad media watchdog. Payback’s a bitch.
So say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud.
Oooh, a “The Commitments” reference. Well-played!
Well, the right has gotten what it wanted. Now their firestorm of outrage is sure to die down…
Amanda Marcotte’s resignation worked so well for the John Edwards campaign.
So we’re back to Borges again, I see.
Obama didn’t order immunity to Fox bullies? Good God, where’s the courage this administration claimed to have during the campaign?
any Republican with a grain of intelligence or humanity is already a rightward-leaning Democrat at this point.
I look forward to him as a private citizen, activist and gadfly regularly saying what he really thinks and saying it well.
So, he’s sort of like Sarah Palin, only savvy and sane and competent?
Which means he’s nothing like Sarah Palin?
“So we’re back to Borges again, I see.”
Well, I did say it was a dream.
Though, honestly, I think there are some on the right, who are moderate, but know that the wingnuts will turn on their own if they see the slightest sign of ‘weakness’ (ie anything that shows any amount of decency or intelligence). If I were a moderate and wanted to keep my career, I sure as hell wouldn’t speak out either.
Shorter. What J Neo Marvin said.
“The Irish are the blacks of Europe.”
I thought the blacks of Europe were…the blacks.
I seen them there. Honest.
All of my best friends in England are black.
Go to the West Indian Club in Southampton. Nicest people you’ll ever meet anywhere, for any reason, under any circumstances.
They put together a wicked XI…
You know what the real problem with liberals is? You still own the Presidency for at least another 3 years, probably 8. And both houses for at least 2. And er… um… fucking liberals!!!
But at least I’ll only ever post under the name “The Authentic”. Sometimes an incorrectly spelled authentic, it’s true. But now I’m leaving, and never coming back! Except when I see some small piece of news which makes me forget there’s a fucking liberal negro in the Whitehouse for a moment. Not that there really IS though… It is not going to happen, liberals. Your echo chamber is reverberating now with your shouts of victory before you’ve won a single state. I almost feel badly for you, because when McCain wins, your astonishment will be overwhelming. I say “almost” because your ideology is nasty, anti-free speech, and absolutist, and every decent person will sigh in relief when it goes down to defeat once more.
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
So suck it, liberals!
“But we have to think back to when Walter Cronkite, in his dotage not to mention his bathrobe, would wander CBS day or night being all like, “Haw haw, with Hamdan, the Supreme Court blew George W. Bush’s nuts off with a 12-gauge, then as he was curled up on the floor whining and grabbing at where his nuts used to be, they pulled a Colt 1911 and shot him right through the eye,” and remind ourselves that, eh, hm. Pass the Mueslix. Thanks.”
All due respect but WTF??
All due respect but WTF??
Gavin’s just a tad punchy lately.
All due respect but WTF??
I thought it was quite cogent.
Sorry, but I’ve been covering Cooper in his primary job as a technology writer for more than a decade, and he’s a plain and simple hack. If he’s right about something, it’s entirely by accident. He is a prime Villager example: conventional wisdom is fed to him and he regurgitates it endlessly, distorting and ignoring whatever facts are necessary to get there.
I remember at one point, Cooper had trumpeted the advantages of a mainstream technology over a smaller-market upstart, and then independent bechmarks showed that the smaller product performed equally well or much better at the same price. Cooper responded by taking to “USA Today” to say it was all a pack of lies based on new testing — done with rigged benchmarks designed to favor the mainstream product.
Cooper has the ethics and delusions of a birther — he will never, ever let go of a wrong idea if it has any kind of “conventional wisdom” support. Don’t get too close to him.
err…performed the same or much better at a lower price. The original way would have been bad enough, though.
Made perfect sense to me, but that could be the problem.
Also, and OT,
Aaaaaaand, the death of Medicare in 3…2…1…
Not to mention Goldman turning the insurance industry into a sulfurous crater. Again.
You guys DO know I will be bankrupt by the middle of the next decade? Right?
Helige ficken:
Then they plan to “securitize” these policies, in Wall Street jargon, by packaging hundreds or thousands together into bonds. They will then resell those bonds to investors, like big pension funds, who will receive the payouts when people with the insurance die.
Um, isn’t that exactly what they did with mortgages? And look how well THAT turned out!
I swear, I made a comment awhile back about people who “just need to lay their hand on the hot stove a few times before they figure out what’s smelling like barbecued pork”. The investment industry? Well, do you remember that scene from Dune where Paul’s convinced his hand is being fried off by the pain box? These idjits wouldn’t even notice if they DID pull back a stump.
Who was it I told, that the troll has no actual principles and would take up a far-leftist stance as soon as it became annoying to his targets? It was Looch, right?
Yep. And the point is the Trool has really nothing to say unless he can annoy people he would rather actually hang with (i.e. be in their community, be one of them).
Child psychology has a term for this, “oppositional defiance,” and it describes Troolie’s behavior to a “T.” (heh)
Off to help The Tart handle an emergency with her aged horse. Nice, non-colicky and survive-the-night vibes for her horse, if you have moment. Thanks.
Tags, feck, etc.
Here’s exactly what Van Jones said in 2005:
I wonder how many more Communists are in the administration?
You guys DO know I will be bankrupt by the middle of the next decade? Right?
But I thought Bush fixed it?!! You mean Part D didn’t make it all better?
perhaps we need a committee to investigate
McCarthy was at least on the right side of history, despite his excesses. Unlike Mr. Chappaquiddick, who never met a Communist dictatorship he didn’t like in the ’70s and ’80s (or Communist rebel group),
By August [1992], I was a Communist
GREAT HORNY TOADS, we done had a COMM-YEW-NIST gettin’ FOOTY-PRINTS all over our nice clean
desertAdministration! Rassin’ frassin’ Comm-yew-nists!Um, hey, Twoofie, you’d be a lot more believable if you’d, you know, source comments like that. Otherwise we have to assume you’re pulling it out of your ass.
McCarthyHitler was at least on the right side of history, despite his excesses.Fitzed for great Twoofieness.
right side of history = dead
Weren’t all the big neocons ex-commies? Trotskyites, to be precise?
Um, isn’t that exactly what they did with mortgages? And look how well THAT turned out!
This brings to mind D-Squared’s prediction (in a post a few years back) that when the mortgage-derivative bubble bursts, the financial leaders will be casting around desperately to replace it with a new bubble by finding a new commodity — any commodity — on which they can place an arbitrary value.
He suggested beanie-babies, if memory serves, but life-insurance policies are probably as good.
No linkie, ’cause he’s still a jerk, but what’s the matter w/ Mr. Charlie of Little Green Foosballz?
Yuh think?
Red-baiting is sooooo 1956.
I better check the garage to see if my car grew tail fins last night.
Not if I get extended to younger, healthier populations, I won’t!
Deficits don’t matter. People who work for a living will have to pay them off anyway, so rich folk aren’t worried.
I wonder how many more Communists are in the administration?
Not frickin ENOUGH.
Who dropped Charles J. on his head?
Maybe there’s hope for him yet. (*snerk*)
For me its not any sort of leftier-than-thou rush to the warm embrace of disillusionment, its simple politics:
Republicans consistently deploy their howler monkeys, including elected officials, to call Obama an foreign-born illegitimate gradma-killing Nazi. Obama responds by talking about the need for bi-partisanship support and taking good ideas from “both sides of the aisle”. The vast majority of the voting public delivered their verdict on Republican ideas by handing them two epic ass-beatings in a row at the ballot box. They didn’t elect Obama so that Chuck Grassley can be the arbiter of health care reform, and when ol’ Chuckie repeats the “pull the plug on grandma” line and Obama goes out the next day and talks about what a great guy Grassley is, Obama looks like a chump.
Its worse than High Broderism, its Magical Broderism: as if he’s going to make American politics into a reasonable discussion of factual issues by willing it to be so. He’s not, and by giving the GOP the legitimacy that the voters took away he looks like a punching bag and his “strong leader” numbers among Indies is burning a hole in the Earth as a result.
Actually, & this may be hard to believe, I clicked around in LGF, & most of the recent items are Mr. J. decrying fringeier than he loons, troofers, G. Beck, Ron Paul, Limey BNP types & so on, & asking what’s wrong w/ Obama addressing students, anyway?
Did not, however, sample any comments, so who knows what’s really up w/ FootballsNation.
You know what’s really easy?
saying “If it were me in that situation, I would be more courageous”,
if it’s a situation you’ll never be in.
It turned out exceptionally well. For Goldman.
The rest of us? Not so much, but that’s a feature, not a bug.
I’m going to go with tulip bulbs.
The point being, This. Is. What. They. Do.
This is not a miscalculation. This is not an accident. This is not working with bad information. This is not any of the lame excuses that try to humanize the abhorrent and sociopathic actions that always occur when the “free market” is given ultimate priority and Wall St. reverts to the Lord of the Flies. They want to buy and sell us all, by the pound, on the hoof.
Every time the cuffs are taken off and these fuckwits are allowed to play their games unfettered, the results are the same, widespread financial collapse for everybody but them, and we wind up emptying the treasury into their coffers. Fuck em. Does anyone in their right mind put rabid hyenas in the playpen to guard their kids? No. These assholes need to be put behind bars and have every fucking dime they ever made or will make fined away from them.
As I said on the B-J thread (h/t, btw) Fuck a guillotine. Woodchippers on the roof of the exchange so Wall St. ends up looking like a Gwar show.
Sources? You want sources, libs? How does it feel to want?
Alright, time to put you motherfuckers down:
There’s your source. Now try to tell me how CNN is just a bunch of “wingnuts”.
Sources? You want sources, libs?
…don’t actually give a shit
How does it feel to want?
Worst cover version of Lou Reed EVAH.
Alright, time to put you motherfuckers down:
…you do realize that this is a comment thread on a blog?
Here it is:
Suck it!
Here it is:
Suck it!
perhaps you’re laboring under a misapprehension
You realize that this only matters if we’re all agreed that Communism is THE MOST EVIL THING EVAH, rather than a flawed ideology with some redeeming concepts that might be appropriated and used to improve society if Americans weren’t so shit-scared of the horrid “C” word. Meanwhile Pat Buchanan writes about Hitler not being such a bad guy after all and he still gets to be a “political expert” on TV. How ’bout that?
the circular firing squads
Easily my favourite unwritten Borges story
Mr. Pence, of course, feels that the only extremist views and coarse rhetoric that have any place in politics are his own and his party’s.
Christ. They’re just phoning it in now.
Hey, I wonder what Kamau Kambon is up to these days. Maybe he’ll take Van Jones’s old job.
Meanwhile, on Wall Street the new strategy for outrageous profits is death derivatives.
No, no, no, you’re still just pathetically grasping at straws to try and use the word “thug” when there’s not the least bit of applicability here. Give it up. “Thug” doesn’t mean whatever the fuck you want it to mean in any possible circumstance.
Of course, we all know what “thug” means in dogwhistle.
He suggested beanie-babies, if memory serves, but life-insurance policies are probably as good.
The Beanie Baby Bubble Bark sailed out of the harbor years ago:
Can’t be arsed prettifying the link- worked a graveyard, now working again on four hours of bad sleep.
Here it is:
Suck it!
Oooh, troll knows how to cut’n’paste a link from CNN. My, how adept.
Actually, Charley Fucknuts, I’m a socialist myself and I see nothing wrong with having a Communist in the administration, especially in a minor department.
You DO know there’s a socialist Senator, right? Been there since 2006. And the country’s still here.
Grow up, assclown.
“Thug” is pure projection. If the right-wingers would just look up the etymology of the word and go around the countryside garrotting strangers at random they’d do a lot less harm than they’re doing now.
You realize that this only matters if we’re all agreed that Communism is THE MOST EVIL THING EVAH, rather than a flawed ideology with some redeeming concepts that might be appropriated and used to improve society if Americans weren’t so shit-scared of the horrid “C” word. Meanwhile Pat Buchanan writes about Hitler not being such a bad guy after all and he still gets to be a “political expert” on TV. How ’bout that?
Word. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it better put.
Pat Buchanin is a fucking shitstain and a disgusting human being, and not a real conservative. He even left the Republican Party in 2000 and opposed the Iraq War because he loved Saddam and hates Jews. Fuck him!
Oh, and libs admit to loving Communism. Sure, just a “flawed ideology” that killed 100s of millions of innocent people. Nothing to see there! Move along!
Hyperbole, anger, usw.
Pat Buchanan- not a real conservative
George Bush- not a real conservative
Larry Craig- not a real conservative
Funny how the movement’s shrinking. How does it feel that Ronald Reagan is dead, and that Ron Paul took all that record-breaking Guy Fawkes Day money you sent him, loaded it into a blimp, and floated away cackling at his cult followers?
Capitalism is a flawed ideology that’s killed a lot more than that, so fuck off, Troofie!
Why yes I do, even though every time he is on CNN or MSNBC they call him an “Independent from Vermont” instead of “the Socialist from Vermont”. I wonder why that is?
Vermont is horrible piss-ant disaster of a “state” anyway and we would all be better off if it joined Canada. All they have ever given us is Howard Dean, Socialists in the Senate, and overrated ice cream.
You can’t be a conservative if you opposed the Iraq War. Period. End of story.
Sure, just a “flawed ideology” that killed 100s of millions of innocent people.
Just like capitalism has killed millions – probably even more since they had a 200 or so year start on it.
every time he is on CNN or MSNBC they call him an “Independent from Vermont” instead of “the Socialist from Vermont”. I wonder why that is?
To keep morans like you from shitting themselves with fear every time you see that word. OH LAWDY LAWDY THERE’S A BLACK MAN IN TEH WHITE HOUSE AND A SOCIALIST ON TEH TEEVEE WE’RE DOOOOMED!!!
“it was a sounds stage on Mars”
I bet that was Twoofie’s comment.
Even now I think we can safely predict that when the Death Futures bubble bursts and a few million people discover that the value of their investments or savings accounts has mysteriously migrated to some else’s off-shore bank, then it was the fault of some brown people who failed to die according to schedule.
I wonder how many “brown people” all the libs here live next to? Hmmm?
Liberals are basically Communists because it was Jimmy Carter who started hiring Muslim fundamentalist terrorists to overthrow the Afghan government which was a policy continued by Reagan and which Reagan’s fans now claim ended the Soviet Union so this means Jimmy Carter was a liberal commie lover because SHUT UP.
Liberals and “progressives” are so generous with “diversity” that they give it out freely to the unwashed masses, depriving their own children of that magical gift of “diversity” by sending them to either suburban public or expensive private schools.
They certainly don’t have to worry about their “whitey” children getting a shake down for their lunch money by Tyrell or Antonio.
it was the fault of some brown people who failed to die according to schedule
Plus the fault of President Scary Negro as part of his nefarious Marxist takeover of the Known World, yadda yadda blurp blurp u.s.w. world without end amen.
Just like capitalism has killed millions – probably even more since they had a 200 or so year start on it.
Let’s not even go into “faith”.
Good patriot American conservatives are afraid of brown people because they are tired of people making fun of their very tiny penises.
Why yes I do, even though every time he is on CNN or MSNBC they call him an “Independent from Vermont” instead of “the Socialist from Vermont”. I wonder why that is?
It’s because he’s not a member of any party. He’s not a member of the Socialist Party, you see, so he’s (I).
How many “brown people” do you live next to, El Cid? I bet you send your kids to an 85%+ white suburban public or expensive private school, don’t you? How DARE you deprive them of that great “diversity” experience of being surrounded by races that despise whites!
I wonder how many “brown people” all the libs here live next to? Hmmm?
At least two couples I know of, plus all the people I deal with at work and in daily life.
See, there’s this magical country called the South, where all these Scary Negro people are from when they mysteriously appeared here oh, about 300 years or so ago, and a lot of them are still around. You’d piss your pants, El Chubacabra. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE!!!11@!one
Johnny One-Note knows everyone here so well, doesn’t he?
Hey Pere, how would you feel about your children being the only white kids in a public school? How do you think they would feel? Being in a 99% black school?
How many of you libs went to a school that was 90%+ black and hispanic? Hmmmm?
I did…
Are you a white, N.C.?
How many of the minorities were black and/or hispanic instead of Asian or East Indian? Was it some private school or “governors” school? Hmm?
BTW, is “Green Jobs” and “Communist Jobs” supposed to be some insightful criticism of something?
Public school in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
Give me a site with the demographics of the school, or shot the fuck up.
BTW, you never told me if you were a white or a hispanic.
SHUT the fuck up, I mean. Before you dumb libs take another cheap shot at a minor typo.
I am 50% Swedish, 50% Finnish. I am beyond white, into translucent.
When will you all give in and admit how evil and scary all black and hispanic people are? I keep making this important point over and over, yet you laugh at me!
Hey Pere, how would you feel about your children being the only white kids in a public school?
Oh, my, sir, I would be OUTRAGED! OUTRAGED!
Um, if I had any kids, that is. Oddly enough I don’t, so it’s kind of a moot point.
But thanks for playing, Chucko. Caroll Merril has some lovely consolation prizes for you behind Curtain #3.
I bet you hated that school, didn’t you? Even though you will never admit it in front of your leftist friends.
Either that, or you’re a whigger or whispanic.
Happy Labor Day, my dear fellow workers. Pretty soon, it’ll be time to lock up, drive home, and head to the pub at the close of a long workday to hoist a few pints to the memory of the Molly Maquires.
And remember, Joe Hill never died.
… how would you feel about your children being the only white kids in a public school? How do you think they would feel? Being in a 99% black school?
God lord, you are ignorant AND stupid. And pathetic.
You didn’t answer the question, CKC.
I bet you hated that school, didn’t you? Even though you will never admit it in front of your leftist friends.
Either that, or you’re a whigger or whispanic.
It wasn’t the best school I went to and it definitely wasn’t the worst. Thanks for putting words in my mouth to fulfill your racist expectations, douche.
They hate us! I’m pissing my pants! Why aren’t you?
Why wasn’t it the best, N.C.?
Leftists are always telling whites how much they should LOVE “diversity”. Are you some kind of racist?
Either that, or you’re a whigger or whispanic.
It seems there is only one person here who is convinced that brown is a bad thing and that we should of necessity be frightened of it – so frightened, in fact, that we should also assume that “brown majority” anything – neighborhood, school, workplace – is a thing to be feared.
And I really wish he hadn’t told me that, because up until now I hadn’t been concered with the black families that live at the end of the block or the fact that, as one of 3 white people at a workplace where the other 4 people are brown, bad things are going happen since “they” outnumber “us”.
Thanks a lot for totally fucking up my Weltanschauung.
Once non-whites are the majority in this country they will reduce you to a marginal position, oppressed under their jackboot. And don’t think they will distinguish between “Good” (lib) whites and “Racist” (“conservative” whites). Whitey is all the same to them. Race is the only thing that matters. They won’t distinguish, It will be like South Africa and Zimbabwe. Only then will you realize we were right, but it will be too late.
Read “Camp of the Saints”.
You all will be like the white leftists in the “Camp of the Saints”, trampled under foot by the Third World hordes. They don’t give a shit about you, you’re just “whitey” who must be destroyed.
In the end they were all raped and killed.
SHUT the fuck up, I mean. Before you dumb libs take another cheap shot at a minor typo.
Aw, the stupid racist is so sensitive about his shitty typing and poor education!
Hell, I could’ve said it was the best school ever and I got to eat angel farts and unicorn horns every day for lunch and you’d still say I’m just masking my feelings as a secret darkie-hater, so why bother?
You didn’t answer the question
I think that if you consider VERY carefully (maybe get some help from an adult you might know ) you will realize that I did.
Gee whiz, someone has issues, doesn’t he? Get some therapy already.
Mark Steyn is right.
The whites of the world are placing their futures in the hands of people who hate them, out of some misguided notion of “diversity”. How sickening.
How do you think we will be treated when we’re in the minority? Hmm? Don’t let your ideology blind you to the true answer to that question.
What? Fuck you, dickless wonder, my neighborhood’s about as much a mix of working class white, Hispanic, and black as we could possibly get. And it’s a fucking great neighborhood, although there might be a couple of cowering right wing idiots frightened by the garish colors of the darkies, but then, I wouldn’t know, what with their timidly cowering and all.
Let’s speculate on the source of Troofie’s pants-pissing fear: Could he have a touch of the tarbrush himself? A grandparent nobody in his gated community knows about? What if they find out, Troofie? WHAT IF THEY FIND OUT?????
I am 50% Swedish, 50% Finnish. I am beyond white, into translucent.
I’m 50% Swede and 50% Irish, so I know what you mean. If it weren’t for a few freckles it’d be hard to tell I have skin at all. I have to put on sunscreen to watch TV in a darkened room.
And I married a “brown person” so suck it, Troofie.
So you got a mail order bride, huh?
How do you think we will be treated when we’re in the minority?
You?… not so well, but of course you’re already in a well defined minority (getting the treatment here that your arguments deserve).
Read “Camp of the Saints”
Um, no thank you.
In 2001 the Southern Poverty Law Center reported that the novel had been published five times in the US and was “widely revered by American white supremacists and is a sort of anti-immigration analog to The Turner Diaries.”
Even racist morans hate it:
Very, very disappointing. Having heard of the book, and being highly sympathetic to it’s base message, I was stunned by the primitive and brutal racism of the writing style. Relentless, turgid dialogue, cardboard characters, zero insight. It is one thing to promote racism on the grounds of tribalism and human nature, it is quite another to revel in the language of bigots and rednecks as does this author. He writes with the leaden prose of a Victorian, and his attitude would seem to be stuck in that period of history as well. Avoid this book at all costs, as it does nothing to help the cause of the West in the current global demographic.
You got some taste in books there, Chuckles.
how would you feel about your money being pocketed by the only candidate in a race for the presidencyl? How do you think you would feel? Being taken for a fool by a Texas huckster?
Funny how the racist troll cites a racist novel as a source now. What a pathetic maroon. Hint: IT;S NOT REAL!
Off to the pub, good people, where I will mingle with happy drunks of all shades in my post-apocalyptic liberal neighborhood.
Did the “mail order bride” thing touch a nerve there, El Cid?
You all will be like the white leftists in the “Camp of the Saints”, trampled under foot by the Third World hordes. They don’t give a shit about you, you’re just “whitey” who must be destroyed.
In the end they were all raped and killed.
So you got a mail order bride, huh?
…all out of breath by the time you’ve got yours blown up?
Not that Troofie knows this firsthand. How much reading do you think it does?
Why’s some dude on here keep asking to ‘touch my nerve’? Kreepy.
So you got a mail order bride, huh?
All those order forms filled out and still no response, huh? You know, though, that’s not what most folks have to resort to. Maybe a psychiatrist could help you work through your issues? Or at least help you spell your name right on the order slips?
I can prove my point with a work of fiction that nobody reads! Q E fuckin’ D, libs!
So where is she from, Gilchrist?
I feel sorry for your half-caste kids. They’re going to be really confused in life without a real racial identity.
I deeply resent losing my audience to a Moot Inglorious Meltdown.
Mail order brides are only for people with money. I don’t think they do layaway plans, if you know what I mean, nor is COD in, nor do I think they go for “Well, I’m ‘on pay ya as soon as mah brother in law pays me back for the washin’ machine that I damn well know he took off the front porch…”
Damn WordPress eatin’ mah comment!
Off to the pub, drinking with folks of all colors in mah working-class/middle-class mashup of a neighborhood.
Funny, the troll once claimed that he doesn’t drink. This is why he never learned that it’s not a good idea to return to a place where you constantly piss people off and end up getting thrown through the window on a regular basis.
Proves you can be an asshole without touching alcohoLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
WeLLLLLLLLLLL, then, B^4, have a good time at the locaLLLLLLLLLLLL.
They’re going to be really confused in life without a real racial identity.
Here he assumes that other people are pathetic creatures such as himself, with no achievements or talents through which to fashion an identity, and bereft of such, forced to fall back upon an accident of birth in which they played no role whatsoever as a claim for having any kind of value whatsoever.
So much for personal responsibility etc – your value is defined by the color of the man and woman who fucked and produced you as a byproduct of that fucking.
50% Swede and 50% Irish
Repeated without comment, for where would we be without life’s little ironies?
They’re going to be really confused in life without a real racial identity.
Oh, man – cling to your racial identity (presumably a pale one) for dear life! It’s clearly all you’ve got going for you.
Whites could become a minority tomorrow if they chose to. Why don’t they? Hmmm?
How do you think we will be treated when we’re in the minority?
Probably better than we treated them.
Of course, they may have a bit of resentment against us, god knows why.
I feel sorry for your half-caste kids. They’re going to be really confused in life without a real racial identity.
Golly, they could even end up being PRESIDENT! Xecky, how could you?
And I married a “brown person” so suck it, Troofie.
That’s nothing. My sister married a Campbell.
Repeated without comment, for where would we be without life’s little ironies?
Where indeed. WTF are you talking about?
St. Pere is a self-hater. He’s gloating over the fact that the minorities will crush him under their boot.
You know, when all you’ve got left is “Ah’m SUPERIOR because a man with white skin fucked a woman with white skin and knocked her up with ME” then you’ve gone about as low as it’s possible to go.
Wow. It’s as if the troll is HOPING the big imaginary race war comes. Helter Skelter, it’s coming down fast, man. Did someone give Charlie Manson a laptop? No, Manson would be smarter and more entertaining.
They’re going to be really confused in life without a real racial identity.
Oh, lordy, make sure they only drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure-grain alcohol, or their precious bodily fluids will be contaminated!
You know, when all you’ve got left is “Ah’m SUPERIOR because a man with white skin fucked a woman with white skin and knocked her up with ME” then you’ve gone about as low as it’s possible to go.
And then he starts begrudging little children their boots. MONSTER.
Whites could become a minority tomorrow if they chose to. Why don’t they?
…you go first
Even now the dirty Irish Papists are despoiling our proud, Protestant and Anglo-Saxon land. The Democrat Party is already under the thumb of the Pope, his minions, and his gold. While the elite, cosmopolitan New York City and Boston fall under their spell, we in The Heartland are keeping out the Papist Plague. When shall the God-fearing, white, Protestant of people of this nation wake-up?
How do you think the Irish and Bavarian Papists will treat us Anglo-Saxon Protestants when we are in the minority? Hmmmm?
St. Pere is a self-hater. He’s gloating over the fact that the minorities will crush him under their boot.
I have been wondering whether I should allow our daughter to wear jackboots. Should she be wearing jillboots instead? Or is that gender stereotyping?
Socialism is about taking all the whites hard earned money and rights and giving them to inferior illegal aliens and mud people like Obama. This is why we are not gona take the brainwashing of our children on Tuesday and why rebelion is not far off in the patriot heartland
I can’t tell if Stop The Spellchecks is a parody or the real thing.
..we are not gona take the brainwashing of our children on Tuesday ..
everybody knows Saturday is bath night
Wake-up, Christians of America! Our shores are being invaded by the Semitic Race, those followers of the Talmud who care only about gold and hate the Christian “Goyim”. If the Jew comes to America, it will be the downfall of us all!
Not only that, but dirty Pollocks and Sicilians are also dirtying our shores. We must not have “amnesty” for non-Nordics!
Smut: whichever boots she wants.
I will ignore the fish pun trigger
Not only that, but dirty Pollocks and Sicilians are also dirtying our shores
Those Pollocks just drip wet paint everywhere. Filthy people.
nobody is going to force us to live next to minorites and their liberal enabelers. Or send our children to schools for of mud people, liberals dont either so they are hippocrits.
my children and going to stay home on Tueasday and read about the Founders and the Consitution, which Obamitres know nothing about it, we want are country back
The Founders, weren’t they the shape-shifting villains on Deep Space Nine? I used to love that show.
…stay home on Tueasday and read about the Founders…
(good choice)
Smut: whichever boots she wants.
True. We are not defined by our footwear. We should pull ourselves up by our own boots-traps.
Damn. Troolie is up, up, up! So, Trool, I don’t get it. You (claim you) have a successful business and yet you spend hours here arguing with strangers? The small business people I know tend to be pretty damn pre-occupied with the day-to-day doin’s of the business, if for no other reason than to keep it viable. They don’t have the time.
So giving you the benefit of the doubt, and in fact you do have a successful business, the fact you are a Trool is even more pathetic than if you were a pimply, unemployed Mama’s boy living on Cheetos and Ramen in Mom’s basement.
So, what kind of business do you have?
Are you This Guy ?
Dimitri the Lover. Gazoogle.
And horse has survived.
Those Pollocks just drip wet paint everywhere. Filthy people.
My attitude is, Never Mind The Pollocks.
50% Swede and 50% Irish? OK, I can beat that:
50% Norwegian, 25% Irish (with a 1/16 or a 1/32 Chocktaw in there somewhere) and 25% English-Scottish. In fact, if you’ve ever read The Steel Bonnets by George McDonald Fraser, you’ve read all about my mother’s family. After the Union of 1707, all the cattle-rustling and feuds that were tolerable in the Borderland became intolerable in the Heartland, and they were forced to emigrate here.
Hmmm…I wonder if we could learn anything from that about how to handle “the Heartland?”
Maybe they didn’t know about the mace, stun gun and EMPTY HAND GRENADE CANISTERS cops reported finding in his room after he tried to enter a female officer’s dorm? Anyway, he failed to “grow up” much, spending his residency masturbating six or seven times a day at work and garnering complaints from female patients, one of whom finally pressed sexual assault charges, to which he pled guilty and got out of practicing medicine. So he could work as a “medical investigator” offering a second opinion on… SEXUAL HARRASSMENT SUITS.
Yup, sounds like our Troll-Boy.
And if anyone’s interested – four new fresh posts at The Debraining Machine! Get ’em while they’re hot.
50% Norwegian, 25% Irish (with a 1/16 or a 1/32 Chocktaw in there somewhere) and 25% English-Scottish.
Crap, all I got is 1/4 Swede (yimminy!), 1/4 German , 1/4 Scottish-by-way-of-Ireland (it’s a long story), and 1/4 English.
If I was any whiter I’d be translucent.
Totally off topic if there still is one, but I’m trying to find some information and don’t seem to be able to find it. I want to know how many people own health insurance company stock, not as part of their 401K or mutual fund but as individual stockholders. The 401K/mutual fund info would be good as well. What I want to get a handle on is exactly how many people are going to benefit from screwing everyone else in the country. Is it 2 million? 4 million? Just curious as to how many people’s suffering can be attributed to each stockholder.
Yup, sounds like our Troll-Boy.
Well, for a laugh, listen to the voice mails he left for some poor woman he approached and who made the mistake of giving him her business card. She pivoted those around and had a local radio station air them. Listening to them, I couldn’t help but think Dimitri would have to be a Trool.
So, if I understand correctly, a relatively low-level Obama aide said some stuff the Wingnuts latched onto and the aide decided he had better things to do than put up with the howler monkeys and therefore put the administration through the hassle of defending him. He stated that there were much more important things the administration was trying to accomplish than defending him.
Also to note: Said aide was at one point (but not recently) involved with the organization that led the fight to force advertisers to re-think the idea of spending money for air time on Col. Blecch’s Crazy Time Theater.
I like Van Jones.
…how many people are going to benefit from screwing everyone else in the country.
Honestly, is there a number that would be large enough to justify it? (My answer is no.)
It is called “multi-tasking”, idiot. I’m working on my business right now in another program as I kick all your asses in political debate.
If you could multi-task, maybe you wouldn’t be unemployed. Try it some time. It’s better than blaming “corporations”, “the economy”, and “the rich” for your own personal failures.
…working on my business right now in another program ..
red on BLACK, dammit! red on black!
I have secret programs given to my by my hot stripper wife’s CIA connections.
It is called “multi-tasking”, idiot. I’m working on my business right now in another program as I kick all your asses in political debate.
Preparing another seminar, Dimitri?
Who was that guy a few years ago who ran a big operation sending out Viagra spam e-mails and was also heavily involved in Republican politics? That sounds like our boy’s “successful business”.
Heh. “Hot stripper wife” sound so much like Dimitri’s MO.
How do you think we will be treated when we’re in the minority?
Hey, I live in a neighborhood full of minorities. Have I been forced to do this? Because damn. And you know what? I’m the minority here, and so is my dog. And they’re seriously very minority-looking, these neighbors. The skin, the hair, the vernacular mode of speech. I’m starting to wonder if Obama coerced me into this. He would have been… I guess about 27, 28 years old when I moved here. Was he out of the Afghan boot camp by then? Seriously people, the TROLLS ARE RIGHT THIS TIME!!!
Bookmark it, LIBS!!!!!
Or “sounds.” Your choice.
By the way, did our colleague drop that baby yet?
I’m trying to find some information and don’t seem to be able to find it. I want to know how many people own health insurance company stock
Hmm. If I were going about this I might bite the bullet and go to company SEC filings and try and determine the institutional ownership of the top 5-10 companies. If you are so inclined, you should be able to determine the amount of non-institutional ownership and work from there. I have to believe some advocacy group has done this work already (unless of course, that’s what you are doing).
yeah, political debate.
Is that what that was? Couldn’t hear over the sound of all those brown people outside….
It’s really cute how he considers his substanceless spew “political debate”, too.
Randy: Do you own a pick-up truck, perchance?
I’m working on my business right now in another program as I kick all your asses in political debate.
Ah, well, if you’re as successful in your business as you are in “political debate” then I guess you’re probably not doing so well.
spending his residency masturbating six or seven times a day at work
“It is called multi-tasking, idiot.”
tigrismus wins the thread.
Ah, well, if you’re as successful in your business as you are in “political debate” then I guess you’re probably not doing so well.
If he has the time to fool around here, then I’d have to say his business sucks.
Wait. I missed the “political debate” part of the program. Was that before or after that yappy little dog shat on the sidewalk?
How do you think the Irish and Bavarian Papists will treat us Anglo-Saxon Protestants when we are in the minority?
My “Bavarian Papist” ancestors went Bab-tiss as soon as they got to Tejas.
But seriously, folks, I know what he means. I used to be perfectly happy w/ my racial identity as “human,” but I haven’t been too proud of it lately.
Randy: Do you own a pick-up truck, perchance?
Smooth Looch, you really snuck that in their subtly.
Randy D. – As far as I know, we are still awaiting the grand arrival.
OH GODS! ‘there’… I know the difference, seriously, I do.
Captain Subtle. That’s me. If, perchance, I am right, I say: “Welcome!”
Oh, and whose subtly (I’ve never heard it called that before) did I sneak that into? It would help during breakfast conversation.
So I assume Mr. Askeered O’ Brown People oozed back to the Stygian depths of his parent’s basement?
What a loss.
Not I. I’m such an evil capitalist pig that I’m going to work on Labor Day! Mmm, holiday pay, oh how I love thee. It’s okay … I’m going to let Joe Hill kick me in the harbls afterward, For Great Justice.
If you could
multi-taskget a social life, maybe you wouldn’t beunemployeda sad little troll. Try it some time. It’s better than blaming“corporations”, “the economy”, and “the rich”non-whites, liberals & Obama for your own personal failures.Enriched that for you.
Very funny thread, people. I love it how the racist troll prick loser gets bitchslapped repeatedly and then calls it “winning a debate”–damn those people are truly delusional! Oh and btw I am one of those unfortunate “half-caste” (wait where are we in India?) things that RTPL was drooling about, having been born of a Italian and Puerto Rican father and an African-American mother. And I am also gay with an Asian lover. Troofie, where do you live? It would be SO much fun to be your neighbor!
I love it how whenever you point out to a racist moron that the entire basis for his “argument” is “a white man fucked a white woman and I was the result…I WIN!!11eleven!!1!!” which is, let’s face it, the most pathetic basis for a claim to superiority…they just leave.
Fuck “Labor” Day!
Why can’t we have it on May Day like the civilized world? I hate AmeriKKKa!!
Jerry Lewis on the Labor Day MDA telethon: Not as bloated as previously.
“It is called “multi-tasking”, idiot. I’m working on my business right now in another program as I kick all your asses in political debate.”
I know a guy like that. He has a website where he sells pepper spray. He sells about one or two week but HE’S A BUSINESSMAN. And like troofie he also thinks his mastery of teh internet means he gets to a be a racist douche also.
“Multitasking” Hoo-Rah!!! I’ve got 5 tabs open, Troofie!! Address my techno-mastery!!!!
Shit, now I have to reset my watch. I measure it by when the troll blows up about minorities.
Not as bloated as previously.
As Chris Rock said.
Sammy Davis, Jr. DEAD.
Dean Martin. DEAD.
Frank Sinatra. DEAD.
Jerry Lewis, still got a headful of black hair.
OK, who’s drunk tonight? it’s a holiday, dammit!
Van Jones was a 9-11 troofer.
No, Jer’s hair is a natural grayish. Might be a rug though.
I remain sober. As a judge.
Whites could become a minority tomorrow if they chose to. Why don’t they? Hmmm?
Because colourless green ideas sleep furiously?
tigrismus said,
September 7, 2009 at 4:20
spending his residency masturbating six or seven times a day at work…
“It is called multi-tasking, idiot.”
I love this comment so much I want to marry it and have its babies.
No. It’s new name is The Multi-tasking Idiot. Nobody else can manage so much idiocy at one time.
You know the real problem with Multi-tasking? It confuses me so much that I forget to check under which user name the next post is coming from, and I thus discredit everything I’ve ever said when it reverts to an older name and reveals I’m getting emotionally out of control and just hitting post as fast as I can
So here I’ve been winning political debates as “The Authentic”, although all of the prior racist offensive posts were in fact under “Green Jobs Or Communist Jobs”.
Still, you remember “The Authentic”? So called because he declared he was The Truth, and only The Truth, and he’d only post under that authentic name, and his own authentic and honest political standards? Odd isn’t it, that The Authentic suddenly lays claim to being rather less than that…?
But hey AM, good to see you again, and that you’ve managed at least to avoid killing yourself in despair yet; Indeed, you’re back to the good old ways I see! Remember how you used to do this at Eschaton too, including the stealing of other people’s nyms, but you’d get so wound up you’d lose track of which name was which in each browser window you had open, so you’d end up making a complete laughing stock of yourself? It’s also good to see you’ve gone back to trying to solicit real life details to trace down people and harass them… Guess they don’t want the “This is Tintin, stop post at Sadly No! Fuck You!” phone call you used to give people at Eschaton though, as alas for poor little lifeless you, they won’t tell you here what school they went too.
Not to worry, perhaps you can set up fake “liberal” blogs again next, and try and trace them or their work place from incoming IP traffic? Remember the fake Hesiod blog you set up, and the fake Eschaton blog eh?
But I’m sure none of that will eat into you, *ahem*, multi-tasking business time, so have at it, gloriously insane fuckwit!
Update: Studie has still not arrived. Finally out of old apartment – landlord refused (despite being upstairs at the time) to come down and do a walkthrough with us to discuss apartment condition. WTF? Not looking forward to what we’ll have to do to get our deposit back.
Trying to focus on resting up for Studie’s big arrival, and worry about that crap later, though.
Finally out of old apartment – landlord refused (despite being upstairs at the time) to come down and do a walkthrough with us to discuss apartment condition
A quick run-through with a camera can be of use in such situations if you are inclined to spend the time.
And good luck. I suspect there are celebratory gestures being planned by some locals. The Zeppelin flyover was mentioned, I hope the fireworks people have communicated their plans to the Zeppelin folks.
A quick run-through with a camera can be of use in such situations if you are inclined to spend the time.
It was more than a quick run through. He was a very negligent landlord. The house the apartment is in doesn’t have a proper roof, and hasn’t for 10+ years, and is instead “protected” from the rain by a series of blue tarps and sandbags (Seriously. You should see it on google satellite. It looks like a damn hell ass swimming pool with clouds floating in it). Anyway, I got a coupla hundred pictures, because I’m not paying to fix damages that were caused by him not fixing stuff.
But back to Studie. As Candy has pointed out, today would be a brilliant day for him to send me into labor (due date is a week away). We’ll see what happens…
So now it’s OK to say, “Go! Studie, GO!” Right?
So now it’s OK to say, “Go! Studie, GO!” Right?
I think so. It would be nice to not have the new place be more moved into than it is for his arrival, but at the same time, I’m pretty much over the whole pregnancy thing, and would rather have a baby to cuddle and love (and be woken up and thrown up on by) than continue to be preggers.
landlord refused (despite being upstairs at the time) to come down and do a walkthrough with us to discuss apartment condition. WTF? Not looking forward to what we’ll have to do to get our deposit back.
What a schmuck.
Rest up,guys, You deserve it. And congrats on a successful move.
We’re really sorry Troofie hasn’t been taking us, but there’s not much we can do. We’ve tried to administer ourselves while he’s asleep, but being a good Republican he likes to sleep with a ball gag in his mouth and a dildo up his ass, so we have no point of entry.
We’re really sorry Troofie hasn’t been taking us, but there’s not much we can do.
Eh, I think we are seeing Troolie with his meds. Sadder, more pathetic, I know.
oh, shut up liberals you know yove got nothing, and Obsama is a terrorist muslim and an empty suit who wants to socialize everything, and by the way I am working on labor day unlike lazy leftist union goons, I am making money on the internet right now so suck it, class warfare-ing morons
The Zeppelin flyover was mentioned,
Wait. When did they get back together?
I am making money on the internet right now
I thought the RNC stopped paying for trolls to post at liberal blogs?
..Unless this is the pepper spray guy mentioned upthread.
In any case, REAL trolls who are truly committed to capitalism will work holidays for no holiday pay. Help your capitalist overlords make even more money off your efforts, poseur.
That would really piss libs off.
Is “labor” day, huh? Good! You do plenty labor! Stuff mo envelope! NOW!
Wait. When did they get back together?
One-time only show. They will be playing in the gondola suspended under the zeppelin when it flies over.
The fact is, liberals, I won five dollars for punching the monkey.
Ho hum.
Another conservative who thinks he invented the work ethic. I’d love to see what he’d look like after a week of night hub-turns*
* A “hub turn” is where we go to work around 8:00 pm, fly the freight into the hub around midnight. Sit 2-3 hours while the packages are sorted and then fly to our outbound location.
Get to the hotel around sunrise and then attempt to sleep in the daytime while the hotel guests are slamming their doors and the cleaning staff is making noise and construction is going on across the street.
Repeat for 3 or 4 nights in a row and you pretty much achieve zomie status.
Oops, make that zombie. See, I’m too tired to even spell it right.
He was a very negligent landlord. The house the apartment is in doesn’t have a proper roof, and hasn’t for 10+ years, and is instead “protected” from the rain by a series of blue tarps and sandbags
Oh my God. Congratulations on being out of there. That’s a disgrace.
(and be woken up and thrown up on by)
Towel on the shoulder for wipe ups. After a very short time you get used to the baby puke being part of your ensemble and scent.
The Rotten Little Perisher is now almost eleven but I have this vivid memory of him sleeping on my chest when he was but an hour old. You have some powerful moments to savor in the near future.
You may want to compare notes with Major Kong. “Night hub turns” sound kinda like infant feeding schedules.
Maybe The Multi-tasking Idiot really is making money. After all, any wingnut can buy stuff off of Ebay. Other people are apparently making money selling stuff like this, and this, and this.
Unlike these people, I doubt he’s able to get to PowerSeller levels, but hey, if he can use a computer to spew nonsense, he’s probably able to sell shit.
Just a thought.
…oh, and Go Studie Go! (you really want him to appear before the necessity of induction, those usually aren’t fun)
Well damn, I managed f’ing up my links, and I’m too irritated to try and fix them. I can’t believe how much HTML I’ve managed to forget.
If you are interested, it is
and this: