Can’t think of a title for this one

Glenn Greenwald is super-awesome in ways that can’t be tabulated, and he has a new book that’ll be available soon for pre-ordering at Amazon. A copy of it should grace every dresser and occupy every early-May lunch hour.


But there’s one thing. See, this is why people always should consult us about decisions and choices pertaining to matters of interest. The title kind of sets you up for a double-entendre that never resolves, doesn’t it? Here are some examples of why we’re an indispensable resource for advice of all kinds. Knock knock. Who’s there? Oh, a book, and you need a title. What’s it about?

What Does an Executive Order: The Unitary Presidency at the Dinner Table.
How Should a Free-Trade Commission: Economists and Funding Committees Confront Globalism.
Why Does Karl Rove: The Wanderings of a Political Gadabout.

These are just a few of the many possible books that someone might be writing right now, and you can bet that when it’s time to think of a title for one of them, that particular job will have been amply and artfully covered, saving work and anxiety, which promotes better health.

An illustrative example. When Markos and Jerome came to the door, we told them that their idea was good, and revitalizing the Democratic Party was an exciting goal, except there was one thing. It was the title. As Jerome sipped his tea and Markos nibbled Andes mints, brains stormed and ideas thundered. What brings liberals together? we asked. What do liberals all agree on? And we knew the answer! Liberals care about the helpless and the downtrodden. And what else? we said meaningfully, waving a sheaf of printouts and data. Liberals love Friday Random iPod Shuffles and occasionally Basset Hounds, but overwhelmingly, Markos and Jerome, we said, liberals love the downtrodden, and liberals love cats.


And that’s how it came to be.


Comments: 27


“How They Jack Abramoff: Failing to give Indian Tribes the Reach-Around.”

by L3H T4M3


I hate to be predictable on my choice of topic…

What would Michelle Malkin: Proper Attire in which to Malk


the Vice president: Clinton takes on jazz, inhaling, and bodily fluids.

When is a pheasant a duck?: How to avoid executive chest wounds


When Does Kevin Drum: A Case Study of the Blog that Wouldn’t Bark.


Zay Coulter “Ann”: Ilsa der She-Wolf, Reincahnated!


“Doing Power Lines in Tripp’s Bathroom”


Great photoshop job, btw. Took me several looks to remind myself that isn’t the actual title.


Atlas Shrugs: How to Never Achieve Success and the Past Tense That Indicate Your Actions Have Consequences.

I suck at this.

I don’t know if I buy the blather about the independent publishing, but I will buy the book. Glennzilla would eat me if I did other wise.

Oooh, I got one “An Army of Davids: That’s a lot of foreskin”


what does central command?


Think gadness!

I always wandered were Kos and Jerome got the tittle for they’re bok.

It waz the catz!

P.S. Whoever stole my SpellCheck, well, you’re a neener. And a doo-doo-head.


Dan Rather Has Heard Of Us: How To Get Your Blog On And Your Mirengoff

How Do You Make People Political? The Love Thong of Marie Jon’


George Will: A Pundit Answers the Musical Question, ‘Who’ll Have Another Helping of Stupidwurst?’

…Okay, that’s not so good. Dag.


Who Could A Neo Con?: The gullability of the American Public

The Mighty Oak That Rums Felled: Clearcutting American Military Might


Oh Gavin, join the club.


Serving Condi Rice: Fifty Ways To Spice Up Subpeona Deliveries During The Impeachment Hearings


The Beltway Insider: Memoirs of Washingtonienne.


and let me know if I should explain the proper pronunciation of insider.


Once More From The Top: How Jeff Gannon Gained Back-Door Access To The White House

“The Beltway Insider” – I think we have a champion.


Well, now, Jeff Gannon was just trying to get the straight poop from the Administration.

P.S. Yes, I’m gay. And yes, I’m ashamed of myself for making that joke. Nonetheless I’m posting it. Nyah!


Teh kidz are on fire today.


“If It Says ‘Libby. Libby. Libby’ On The Label, Label, Label, How He’ll Squeal, Squeal, Squeal In The Jail, Jail, Jail”


Oh, great, a prison rape joke.

Look, I make jokes in exceedingly poor taste, from time to time. (See above.) But rape jokes? Folks, we can do better than that.


Mind Nor Own Bizness: Achieving Fame Through Commentary on Others’ Web sites


Corren Teh: Creative Misspelling Fun for People Who Need to Get Out More


Who said anything about rape? You’ve watched Deliverance too many times, dude. Kinda prison he’s going to isn’t well known for that sort of activity. Ah, white collar crime!


Maybe we can just combine the two favorites of liberals and just fill a book with downtrodden cats.

Cats that have found themselves in tough times thanks to Bush’s vetrenary policy…


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