Shorter Dr. Sanity


Things in Iraq would be totally fine if no one ever pointed out how things there aren’t fine at all.

Bonus: parse this!

It is not really the President’s overall strategy that is disliked so much as it is the diluted, tepid and indecisive aspects of this war.

Good thing that neither Bush or his “overall strategy” have anything to do with those aspects.


Comments: 16

Hysterical Woman

I hope Dr. Sanity’s first or middle name begins with an N.


Quoth Dr. Sanity:

As most of my readers are aware, I am a staunch supporter of the Iraq war. If I have any dissatisfaction at all it is precisely because of all the politically correct limitations that have been placed on our troops that have kept them from responding “decisively” throughout this entire conflict.

Whuh? Politically correct? I guess our troops are losing because they aren’t allowed to use the n-word.

To the extent that Bush has attempted to pacify the war’s critics both nationally and internationally, we have seen our troops hands tied behind their backs

Yeah, I think that Bush’s decree that American troops can only use guns which fire blanks was a real tactical mistake.

— and even then they have been blasted mercilessly; ridiculed and accused of the most horrible crimes for their staunch heroism and courage.

Like those staunch, courageous heroes at Abu Ghraib, who staunchly beat naked defenseless Iraqis bloody, and courageously piled them up in human pyramids for funny photos, and heroically made them practice pretend fellatio on each other.

Jesus. What a mind-job.


It is not really the President’s overall strategy that is disliked so much as it is the diluted, tepid and indecisive aspects of this war.

The buck stops elsewhere.


Ouch! I went and read it anyway. I think I just lost 2 IQ points.

Worst. President. Ever.

Why, it’s just like Vietnam all over again!

If only our glorious Commander In Chief had been allowed to use nuculer weapons, the war would’ve been won!


Slightly OT, but a new entry is needed for the InstDictionary:

Glenn Reynolds

1. Did you support the invasion of Iraq?


2. Have you changed your position?

No. Sanctions were failing and Saddam was a threat, making any other action in the region impossible.

3. What should the U.S. do in Iraq now?


Or was that Adrian in Rocky II?


Wow. That’s a primo troll farming ground out there. Where do you find these places? I wonder if they have truffles.


What part of “nuk’em” don’t you understand, you homo?!


It is not really the President’s overall strategy that is disliked so much as it is the diluted, tepid and indecisive aspects of this war.

It is not Dubya’s overall strategy that is disliked so much as his lack of overall strategy.

Although, I don’t think that’s what Mr. Sanity meant….


It is not really the President’s overall strategy that is disliked

Ha! Wingers are so freaking brainwashed that in order to evidence even the slightest disagreement with the President, they have to use the passive voice!


Oh, dear hell, no. Doc “Sanity.” BTW, punkinsmom, sadly, Doc “Sanity” is a woman. Yecch.


because of all the politically correct limitations that have been placed on our troops

I think this is the point where the phrase ‘politically correct’ ceases to have meaning. It’s like a cat mewing — a noise to get the attention of its compatriots, but with no actual definition. Just noise.


You seem to be thinking that the “cause” and “effect” view of the universe is still valid. So pre-9/11. It’s all ideological now.

The most recent efforts in this can be seen in the change of memes regarding the Iraqi “insurgency”–which, if you follow the MSM is hardly talked about much anymore now that they have “sectarian violence” and “civil war” to bruit about.

The MSM completely made it up, just like the insurgency. Our troops are dying from attacks by memes.

And, of course, when everything is going well; when troop casualties are at their lowest point, it is always a good idea to . . . . go back to harping on (3) the fact that there were no WMD’s found and that Saddam was not a threat;

Why would you want to harp on facts? So useless in getting support for this administration.

That wife of mine, always harping on the fact that I was wrong when I said we should sink our savings into Enron.


The solution to all the nation’s problems is obvious. We must use President Bush’s uncanny gift of prescience.

Bear with me for a moment. Think about any policy issue you want to from the moment Bush was elected. Can you think of a single instance in which he did the right thing, or suggested the proper course of action? I can’t, off the top of my head.

All that needs to be done is ask George what he thinks should be done, and do the opposite! He could operate like some kind of Reverse-Oracle of Crawford, clearing brush and steering a clear course away from all the worst possible outcomes. It would work, I tell ya!


This Dr. Sanity needs some obvious help. It would be interesting to find out where her hatred is coming from. My guess is that she was abused by some male member of her family growing up!


All that needs to be done is ask George what he thinks should be done, and do the opposite! He could operate like some kind of Reverse-Oracle of Crawford

This is a very interesting idea…


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