Re: Things Which Are On Fire

It is not possible to continue living without visiting these sites right now.

Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

Who did the Shorter John Stossel with the mailbag? That’s been in my head with the terrible persistence of Dean Martin singing ‘That’s Amore.’*

PS – The glacial slowness at which the Cobb Award nominations have been processed are actually part of the plan, as anyone who follows the Koufaxes with crenulated brow and clicking worry beads can appreciate (cough Neddie Jingo cough). They’ll be up this evening.

* Update: ‘You mean this?’

Bonus inter-alia Howard ‘Colonel’ Kurtz moment:

On Iraq, Plenty of Scores to Settle Even if the Dust Hasn’t (3/20/06) by Howard Kurtz
It was probably inevitable, once the Iraq war started to go badly — though how badly remains a matter of political dispute — those who opposed it from the start would begin kicking sand in the face of those who backed it from the start. Had the war been a smashing success, accusing fingers would undoubtedly be pointing in the opposite direction.

Corrected version:

On Iraq, Plenty of Scores to Settle Even if the Dust Hasn’t […Settled Any…Scores? No Wait, Let Me Try That Sentence Again.] (3/20/06) by Howard Kurtz
It was probably inevitable, once the Iraq war started to go badly — though how badly remains a matter of political dispute objective fact to be judiciously weighed — [that] those who opposed it from the start would begin kicking sand in the face of expecting mature behavior from those [like myself] who backed it from the start. Had the war been a smashing success, [my] accusing fingers would undoubtedly [still] be pointing in the opposite direction. [Instead, in the spirit of fairness and collegiality, I shall now call for an end to divisive “I-told-you-so” partisan remarks, when directed at conservatives and the President.]


Read-the-rest score: Puppy dog with tail in deli slicer.


Comments: 29


I’ll second the first two sites and take a gander at the third. Just what I need more sites to visit!!!!


Yarr! I be disappointed I wasn’t included on the list.

Guess I’ll have to do a few more posts on the evolving disaster that is the war on terra.


the terrible persistence of Dean Martin singing ‘That’s Amore.’

Aww, dude. Why would you do that to me?


You mean this?

Shorter John Stossel: Holy Toledo! My column’s due in an hour and I haven’t even started! Let’s see what in the old mailbag.


How much can you shorten, “give me a break!”


See? This is exactly why blogging doesn’t work. P.S. won’t anybody read my blog?



That‘s his catchphrase! I couldn’t think of it, so I usually just go with some variation on this:

Looks like those clowns in the teachers’ union have done it again. What a bunch of clowns.

I actually used that for three or four weeks straight.


Looks like those clowns in the teachers’ union have done it again. What a bunch of clowns.
How does he keep up with the news like that?

Hysterical Woman

If the Iraq War had went well, we would have to worry about the all the shit from the horses all the beggars now have.

Hysterical Woman

Sorry to double post, but I just read Mike Adams article. He thinks a Muslim extremists is a Muslim who’s upset at the accusation that Muhammed was gay. I guess Mikey would be a Christian extremists if he objected to a gay Jesus. Of course, Mike Adams apoligizes for lying like a dog not tape recording the conversation before he writes his recollections of what happened.


Timmah420, don’t praise the machine!

Hysterical Woman

I can’t do that strikeout thing!


I’m stumped on this one Gavin, what did you add to this picture?


…Wait, it doesn’t come through right.

It’s the less-than sign, then an s, then a greater-than sign.


…Um, it needed a few extra pieces of splintered intentions and smoldering resentment.


BillD – It’s an MST3K reference.

Great job on it as well Gav, I’ve been addicted to MST3K since I was about 10.


Sorta OT- but did you guys all know that you can watch endless amounts of MST3K, aqua teen hunger force, etc. with winamp’s internet TV thingie?

That feature is goddam awesome.


Re: It’s

My favorite Monty Python line. How did you know?

Hysterical Woman

Sorry Gavin, it doesn’t work. The Gods hate me.


…But then you have to close it with a less-than sign, another s, one of these: / and another greater-than sign.

Wait, like this, except with the triangley brackets instead of the square ones:

This is the [s]strikeout[/s] command


With substitute square brax:




[i]also italics[/i]

[blockquote]indented (quoted) text[/blockquote]

[a href=”]URL[“]link text[/a]

[br]line break

Hysterical Woman

Oh, it’s square brackets, not angle brackets! (I looked up the correct terms on wikipedia ) Thanks.


eat it cobags eat it COBAGZ!!@11111


Crap, it showed up in preview and now it’s gone.

Well, nevermind…>:(


For whatever reason, strikethru doesn’t work in comments here. It works for our illustrious main-page writers, but not for us proles down here. Also, using the methods shown above, a simple “b” can be used as the bold command, No need to type “strong” (so many letters!).


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