Day-Lo Tallies The Bananas

Dana Loesch, BlogHer, The Community for Women Who Blog:
To Put It Bluntly: People Didn’t Bring Guns to Town Halls Until Thugs Started Beating People Up

  • To put it bluntly, poor little valiant people didn’t do a single eeny-weeny thing until hairy-shouldered malefactors started farting maggots into their naturally curly hair.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™



The story behind the ‘leftist thugs’ claim is almost pleasantly rational compared to the maximally unpleasant, in fact deeply creepy catalogue raisonné of primitive psychological defenses against blame (i.e. what psychologists call a ‘piss-eyed lie typhoon’) that Loesch pulls together from any source, and any point in a story’s development, that fits the purpose.

A warning went out through the right-wing Ning sites a few days in advance of the April 15 Tax Day Tea Party events, started by one of the foundation-planted activist/organizers who were conspicuous among teabaggers, back then, in the way that an animal always moving against the will of a sheep fold is conspicuous as the sheepdog.

These Ning sites, taking first things first, are ready-made and basically disposable community platforms that the activist right has been using as one of its Internet super weapons since the Americans for Prosperity ‘Defending the American Dream’ New Media Summit in July, 2008. This was the watershed, or many would say water closet event that brought together a star-struck team of near-competent wingnut analysts and technicians to become the answer to the question, ‘Internet: Why do conservatives suck at it?’

From this came the fluke and subsequent sell-job of Twitter, an application that allowed conservatives to work themselves into daily pant-hoots of branch-thrashing anger in the socially affirming unison of a Chimpanzee clan, as opposed to what they had been doing before.

That’s a joke, there, because it’s one of the conservative’s two identified and field-observed uses for digital technology, of which the other is to summon the cruel stroke of the pitiless Jergens hand, for instance via Counter-Strike: Source with the Looters With Hooters and Moochers With Hoochers expansion packs, or on a day when you need that extra bit of shrug in the ol’ Fountainhead, Strippers With Flippers is…wow, that scraping sound was me hitting bottom. Um, Drill, Baby, Drill.

In any case, Ning sites and others like them have emerged as places for ye nuttes of winge to gather and talk more privately than on message boards and blogs, with registered users and often password-protected content and forums, and often arranged in mostly self-linking clumps that aren’t easily found except through announcement, invitation, or determined island-hopping. ‘Others like them’ comprises a tangle of sites overtly by Astroturf foundations and spinoff-foundations, including project and event sites, joint ventures, side and solo projects, Russian nesting dolls of entities pretending to be slightly smaller or larger entities, single-purpose blogs galore, and the usual fraudulent sites-for-suckers that Astroturfers set up pretending to be someone they aren’t, or at least concealing who they are.

Back to cases, the warning against leftist infiltrators was made up as a hedge against white supremacists and their stated intentions to recruit at tea parties. This very fact must have seemed off-message to the teaturfers, because the threat was simply pasted onto ACORN and other such groups (including the Huffington Post for trying to sign up stringers to cover the events), who would supposedly be impersonating white supremacists in an attempt to make the tea parties look racist.

In terms of those gossipy, rumory atrocity stories that wingnuts escalate back and forth, with goading from their pundits and chautauqua rousters in order to make them be worse than they are — and to help them be true, if necessary… Well, of those, it’s a pretty good one, one must admit.


Comments: 327



That’s some way to refer to cops who tase people!

The Tragically Flip

So, conservatives are going with “they started it!”

Well, at least that’s some kind of implied admission that “it” isn’t a good thing, and being defensive and pointing fingers implies something blameworthy has happened, which is an improvement.


Well, at least that’s some kind of implied admission that “it” isn’t a good thing, and being defensive and pointing fingers implies something blameworthy has happened, which is an improvement.

Too, it’s an admission that they actually do it.



places to gather and talk more privately than on message boards and blogs, with registered users and often password-protected content and forums, and often arranged in mostly self-linking clumps that aren’t easily found except through announcement, invitation, or determined island-hopping. [ . . .] usual fraudulent sites-for-suckers that Astroturfers set up pretending to be someone they aren’t, or at least concealing who they are.

Yeah, that’s all the sign of a real grass-roots movement that wants to reach out and recruit new people, sure thing there.


And wasn’t the “leftist thugs” thing that moran who claimed union guys beat him up when nobody, in fact, had laid a hand on him? Still no excuse for, quite frankly, making threats against the President’s safety by openly carrying guns in his presence.


It’s nice to see that Mary Elizabeth Mastriano will have a role in the movie called “The Meltdown of Right Wing America,” however.


Off topic already, but did you see World o’ Crap?

Scott says:

“Whenever I see a picture of Pam, she looks as though she’s surreptitiously removed Jennifer Lopez’s face and glued it to her own skull, but it doesn’t quite fit, and now she’s stretched it all out like a borrowed sweater and Jennifer probably doesn’t even want it back anymore.”

Tintin, Scott’s going to put you out of a job.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Firstly, golfclap for the fantastic work from the master of the footnote. And now on to Dana-puts-the-Loesch-on-its-skin.

Kennethy [sic] Gladney? Seriously? But hey, I’ve given even more ludicrously ridculous arguments the benefit of the doubt. I am, for the sake of this argument, conceding the obviously false assertion that Kenneth Gladney was violently beaten. So what do we have?

The health care town halls are attracting spontaneous violence, and Dana here is saying that that is the reason why it’s a good idea to bring guns. IOW, she’s not advocating showing up armed as a protest or statement about the second amendment or some sort of political statement – she’s suggesting you go to these meetings heavily armed because you might have to shoot someone. Gee, thanks Dana Loesch – good to know that you’re advocating running gun battles as political discussion.


The only ideological “thugs” we’ve seen were right-wing crazies shooting abortion doctors who were attending church or innocent Holocaust Museum guards just doing their jobs.

But you don’t see “lefties” walking around packing heat, now do ya?

What a weird fucking world these freaks live in.


I thought the lookist thing was Tintin’s domain. Gavin is all punk.


This topic just ate all the other ones. Scroll down and check it out.


“So, conservatives are going with “they started it!”

Well, when that’s all you’ve got…


This topic just ate all the other ones.

My suspicion is that the whole of Sadly, No has become one of Gav’s footnotes…


And wasn’t the “leftist thugs” thing that moran who claimed union guys beat him up when nobody, in fact, had laid a hand on him?

Ahem, Sir! Said moran has a lawyer and a wheelchair.

Q.E. Fucking D.!


Said moran has a lawyer and a wheelchair.

I don’t care if he’s got a kidney machine and a personal trainer, he’s still (from what I recall) a lying little wingnut. Miss “backwards B” part II: Wingnut Boogaloo.

Of course, ahem ahem, it’s not like most wingnuts couldn’t use a good slappin’, ahem ahem JUST SAYIN’. Also.


O.K., How about two turntables and a microphone?

/Maxwell Smart


You act like you’ve never seen chicken nuggets, kid.


I love the screen crawl: “Meet the Mob.”

Yep. They’re the Mob. Just as filthy, brutish, and completely opposed to the legal, civilized workings of a modern nation.


This act would fail less strongly if there weren’t a video of the beating, flaying, drawing and quartering of poor Kenneth Gladney that a million people haven’t seen already. Why, so many empathy-less libtards have viewed said video and scoffed, “Feh. This scuffle wouldn’t even be noticed on a typical 2 AM Saturday morning downtown, scoff scoff.”

But the question remains, for our valiant armed Real Americans, “Which vicious, dangerous union thug should you shoot first in this terrifying situation? The minister rolling on the ground? The lady that comes limping up with a cane?” There’s too many threats to choose from–it’s like the Alamo of Teabagging, only with about 4000 less Mexicans.

Also, too:


I think DKW may have beaten your title with this one, Gavin, fine though your title may be.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, long winded bloviating humourless dildo

PROTIP: When you want to make an argument such as

Robert Gibbs stated that there have been no increased threats to the president

It reallt helps if the link you give doesn’t come up 404.

Took me awhile, slogging through Moe “Hissy Fits Like A Fucking Champeen” Lane and Instashitwad. Here’s your link:

It kinda makes your little right-wing echo chamber look really fucking stoopit (although to be fair, not that much more than usual) when you’re citing each others broken links as gospel.

Anyways, back to what I was saying – let’s give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you read the actual link but pasted in the bogus one by accident. Honest mistake, happens to all of us – some of us even try to put lesbian yogurt into hockey threads (LEAFS SUCK!).

Dateline on article citing Robert Gibbs: August 14, 2009.
Date of Phoenix Town Hall: August 18, 2009.
Dates, good use of: stuff with marzipan; have a black coffee on the side. Mmm mmm. Also, stews! Lamb tajine with dates!!one11!

Anyways, where was I going with this? Oh yeah – the whole “no increase in threats” thing. Why are we talking about this again?
Oh yeah, that’s why.

…threats against the president have increased dramatically — by a staggering 400 percent since Obama entered the White House.

Incidentally, dateline August 3, 2009.

So, Obama takes office – death threats against him go up by a factor of four or five (depending on how thr 400% increase is calculated) as compared to death threats against the most hated president ever to hold the office. Therefore lie-beral leftsists are the violent hate-mongering Danger-Will-Robinson targets that should be locked up and waterboarded.

Or am I reading this wrong?

Johnny Coelacanth

OT, but <a href=";‘scuse his fingahs!

Moody admitted that he had been in a toilet at the Hastings Campground on Memorial Day. Moody initially said he had dropped his shirt into the pit and climbed down to retrieve it.

That story was similar to one Moody had told authorities on June 26, 2005, when he was found in a toilet on U.S. Forest Service property in Albany, N.H. Moody said he climbed into the pit to retrieve his wedding ring, but officials cleaned out the pit, screened the contents and found no ring.

Moody admitted that he had gone into outhouse pits more than twice, Fors wrote. Moody said he never took photographs or videotaped people using the toilets, and he told Fors that he had not received counseling for what Fors called “the outhouse problem,” according to the affidavit.


“A pretty woman, you know, kinda short, big wall of hair, face like a frying pan.” — George Costanza

Johnny Coelacanth



Just one teeny weeny problem with this. The actual event she cites bears no resemblance to her version of it.

One of the “thugs” had his shoulder dislocated by the “victim” – & I’ve yet to hear of the “victim” sustaining any serious injury whatsoever, sympathy-whoring wheelchair-prop notwithstanding. If he had solid proof of any worse harm than a boo-boo on his poor widdle knee, I’m sure he’d’ve been trumpeting it about immediately as a badge of honor … it’s no coincidence that Teh Great Warrior Gladney has dropped off the radar like a Stealth Fighter, now that he’s had his 15 minutes of fame & his free meal-ticket punched. He knows the wingnuts will quietly send his heart-wrenching story down Ye Olde Memorie Hole now that it’s inconvenient, thus helping him to screw them over “For The Cause” … & the Circle of Life is complete once more.

The canard about “ACORN infiltrators” is pretty rich too – yeah, because leftists just can’t wait to go out & get big fucking Nazi Eagle back-tattoos & shave their heads so they can “pretend” to be Stormfront-fanboys & crash a Teabagger Self-Pity-Orgy for shits & giggles. Besides, I’m sure the REAL skinheads would have no problem with leftists masquerading as their brethren & bringing extra heat down on them, amirite? What could possibly go wrong?

Nice to see that their tail-chasing festival of dipshittery is in no danger of becoming contaminated by the socialist menace of logic. Praise Galt!


So, Obama takes office – death threats against him go up by a factor of four or five (depending on how thr 400% increase is calculated) as compared to death threats against the most hated president ever to hold the office.

Oh, well, the difference is the only people who truly hated Bush were we liberal socialist moonbats (the MSM cooked the numbers to appeal to our hatred) and lord knows we don’t have guns and don’t let our kids play with guns which is why all TEH GHEY are Communists ‘cept for the Log Cabineers who have seen through our nefarious deception ’cause they either have money and don’t want to lose it to some welfare cheat or don’t have money yet and when they do make their first million don’t want it to be stolen at gunpoint for yadda yadda, Warden. And like that there.


I’ve taken to strapping an abortion provider to my leg at my town-hall meetings.


You’ve been scraping bottom a lot lately. You haz ned biggar bukket?


The front-page template, she is broken.


The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is quite clear on this subject:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of demented reactionary whackjobs to keep and bear arms to prevent imaginary attacks from non-existent boogeymen shall not be infringed or questioned or anything and they can do whatever they want and it’s all totally OK because if anything bad happens it was the other guy’s fault anyway.


I’ve taken to strapping an abortion provider to my leg

Strangest veiled PENIS reference on record.


The front-page template, she is broken.

SIEU thugs.


I’ve taken to strapping an abortion provider to my leg
Strangest veiled PENIS reference on record.

The man didn’t have the right forms.
He crossed out Concealed Weapon and wrote Veiled PENIS in, in crayon.


OT also.

Doughbob tackles statistical modelling 1.01

“Global warming is a long-term trend, Dr. Meehl says. . . . This study attempts to explain the processes behind a periodic occurrence.”

This overlooks the fact that solar cycles are permanent “periodic occurrences,” a.k.a. a very long-term trend.

Teh burns, it stupid.


Heh. She uses Atlas Shrugs as a legitimate source.

As I have said before, it is a Möbius train of idiocy out there in wingnuttia. It’s like they’re rebreathing each other’s farts.


The man didn’t have the right forms.
He crossed out Concealed Weapon and wrote Veiled PENIS in, in crayon.

“He’s Eric, the abortion provider.”
“Are all your doctors named Eric?”
“You’re a loony.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that, is there? David Foster Wallace had a primary care physician called Eric, a surgeon called Eric, and a pharmacist called Eric! Now, if you’re calling the man who wrote Infinite Jest a ‘loony’ I shall have to ask you to step outside!”


She uses Atlas Shrugs as a legitimate source.

Lord, she’s an idiot.



If ur alkyhole es nawt goin inna mouf, u r doin it RONG!


If ur alkyhole es nawt goin inna mouf, u r doin it RONG!

Actually, JUST SAYIN’, alcohol gets absorbed a lot faster going in the reverse way (if you get my drift) than the usual oral route. Which might be what those guys were trying for – a kind of two-for-one deal.

That said, I ain’t putting my mouth anywhere near that area, at least unless she asks nicely.


But doesn’t it burn, Pere? I mean, especially after all that buttsecks?

Dragon-King Wangchuck, long winded bloviating humourless dildo

Speaking of broken, for fun I thought I’d check out some of Dana’s links. I mean, there’s little blue underlined text all over the place, so it must be a well researched article.
Link 1: to another BlogHer article.
Link 2: USA Today does indeed let Nancy Pelosi call teabaggers “Un-American”. For shame, especially considering how polite conservatives are when they speak about the Speaker of the House.
Link 3: blogwhoring
Link 4: Briefing Room at The Hill, link broken
Link 5: blogwhoring
Links 6 – 9: Malkin, Malkin, the “HCAN Playbook” which actually undermines her point.
Links 10 – 14: Atlas Juggs, the exact same Atlas Juggs link, two links from the doubly linked Atlas Juggs link where Pammy blogwhores
Link 15: blogwhoring
Link 16: photoblogwhoring
Link 17 – 20: Dana’s not racist, she can link three black people she doesn’t want jailed!
Link 21: Human Events
Link 22: Rasmussen daily tracking, no health care numbers at the link, but that’s for today. She linked the daily tracking, which is going to change daily. Unless she’s confident enough in her point that she forsees Obama to be getting hammered on health care ad infinitum – something already proven untrue.
Link 23: Wall Street journal talking about the Rasmussen poll she didn’t link correctly.
Link 24: Allahpundit at HotAir talking about the Rasmussen poll she didn’t link correctly.
Link 25: Captain Ed at HotAir talking about the Wall Street Journal talking about the Rasmussen poll she didn’t link correctly.
Link 26: The Gallup daily approval tracker – see comment for Link 22. Awesomely enough, since I checked today – it shows an upswing in Obama’s approval numbers to 54% approve. Also, still nothing about Health Care.
Link 27: HotAir
Link 28: McCainCare!!! Link works.
Link 29: WashingtonTimes Youtube.
Link 30: Politico.
Link 31: CheezWhiz
Link 32: Sacramento Bee
Link 33: same fucking link as link 1
Link 34: the joke of a link I spoke of earlier, i.e. broken

There’s more, but I’m stopping there before they take away my investigative journalist credentials. Anyways, in 34 links, she links other right-wing nutjobs most, blogwhores second, incorrectly links to things that might be considered news providers third [and that’s counting Republican Scott (R) Rasmussen (R)], and finally correctly links stuff that, if you realllllllllyyyyyy stretch your imagination and interpret in as favourable to her point way as possible, supports her argument (and that’s including the Wall Street Journal and the fucking Moonie Times!).


But doesn’t it burn, Pere? I mean, especially after all that buttsecks?

I have no idea, but I get the impression that after the first few pints you really don’t care one way or another.

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

On the bottom of the article she has some links to gun info, like “what is an assault rifle,” gun ownership statistics and the like. Apparently, there are 90 guns per 100 residents in this country. Some 270 million guns owned in the good old U.S. of A. And a quick look-see at crime figures and the Red White and Blue comes up number 8 among all countries. We own more guns, and seem to have more crime. Huh, imagine that.


We own more guns, and seem to have more crime. Huh, imagine that.

Well, like John “Make Some Shit Up And Write A Book About It” Lott says, that isn’t enough!

I’m not sure what “enough” would be for the wingnuts, but I’m sure it has something to do with concealed carry and wombs.


We own more guns, and seem to have more crime.

It’s those damned 30 million unarmed civlians! By gum, if we armed all 100% of us, just think of how crime would drop!

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

Crime stats link:

Yes, there are variances due to the reporting of crime, i.e., if you don’t think anyone in authority will do anything you are less likely to report a crime, but if guns prevent crime, and we are the most heavily armed populace in the whole fucking world shouldn’t we be kinda lower in the per capita crime list?

Ooops. Logic. Not part of: SUTW.



This is the good war? I… how do you top that?


but if guns prevent crime, and we are the most heavily armed populace in the whole fucking world shouldn’t we be kinda lower in the per capita crime list?

Oh, WELL, as John “Let Me Pull An Arguement Out Of My Ass” Lott would undoudtedly point out, it’s because of all the unarmed liberals making it safe for criminals by weakening gun laws and hogtying the police, and all the illegals sneaking into the country to steal our wealth and contaminate our precious bodily fluids. So, you see, it’s inevitable that we have more violence ’cause everyone hates America and resents our money and freedom and yadda yadda blurp blurp *rustling of papers*.


So, is “contractor” now gonna be the snicker-inducing word that “intern” was in the nineties?


hogtying the police

Veiled vasectomy reference.

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

And. Most murders by firearms per capita? The United Snakes is #4 behind South Africa, Columbia and Thailand.

/fact tantrum

Dragon-King Wangchuck, investigative journalist

St. Louis, [whatever state that’s in].

The media created firestorm surrounding the appearance of independent Chris Broughton at a health care town meeting has been finally punctured by one of St. Louis’ own [wait for applause – oh shit, this ain’t a speech].

Dana Loesch, a concerned mother and the voice behind The Dana Show [excerpt blurb from thedanashow blog “about page”] conclusively demonstrates that the armed anti-reform protesters are actually the victims of deranged and violent leftist union groups.

Citing evidence from such objective and non-partisan sources such as the blog Atlas Shrugged and online newspaper Human Events Online, Loesch conclusively demonstrates that the pro-reform movement is just another aspect of the secret union plot to enslave mankind. Further proof is provided from sources as diverse as to

As an on-the-spot witness of the savage hate-fueled beating of Kenneth Gladney by a large group of Obama sponsored teamsters and members of organized crime, Loesch’s points are unassailable. Indeed, her personal bravery was tested when she was threatened by various unnamed thuggish goons. Coming as no surprise to anyone, Loesch’s bravery was not found wanting.

Also extremely relevant to the case at hand, Bill Clinton had inappropriate sexual relations with an intern.


St. Louis, [whatever state that’s in].

France, I believe.


St. Louis, [whatever state that’s in].

France, I believe.

I don’t think so. I think the one in France is spelled St Louis. The period is silent. (veiled right wing vaginal reference)


Scared the right will get violent at health care rallies? Where are you libs getting that idea?


But doesn’t it burn, Pere? I mean, especially after all that buttsecks?

Beer makes me belch, so I have my reservations.


despite the fact that nearly every crime committed with a firearm is done so by a person who illegally owns and operates a firearm.

Couple of points to make here:

1) Many if not most of the illegally owned guns were stolen from the original legal owners.

2) For the record, 80% of crimes are committed by illegally possessed firearms, hardly “nearly every”.

3) And this totally ignores the obvious point, which is that nearly all (in this case, truly “nearly all”) accidental shootings and suicides happen with registered guns in the possession of the gun owner. Those fatality and injury rates are significantly higher than criminal use of a firearm.


Oh, that quote was pulled from Loosh’s post.

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

St. Louis, [whatever state that’s in].

Perhaps the State of Denial. A big state and it’s hard to keep track of which cities and towns are contained therein.


St Louis is in Misery.


St Louis is in Misery.

Kathy Bates? Broken feetsies?

Mr. Bunched Undies

Guns and knives are tools. Fear of inanimate objects is dangerous because it excuses and enables the actual perpetrator.

No, I don’t fear inanimate objects you stupid git. I fear dangerous assholes brandishing said violent force-multipliers.

My god, are these people ever not home-schooled? (Or the moral equivalent thereof?)

Dragon-King Wangchuck, investigative journalist

Yeah, yeah. Make fun of my geography skillz. Damnit Jim, I’m a doctor an investigative journalist, not an investigative cartographer. Besides those [square bracketed comments] are for Chief Editor Korir, who’ll patch up all the stuff I haven’t gotten to yet.


My god, are these people ever not home-schooled?

Sadly, No!


My suspicion is that the whole of Sadly, No has become one of Gav’s footnotes

We are ALL one of Gavin’s footnotes.


Coming as no surprise to anyone, Loesch’s stupidity was not found wanting.

Fizq’d in interest of total accuracy and great justice.


We are ALL one of Gavin’s footnotes.

And now the footnotes in a journal paper I’m working on have started chanting “one of us…one of us…”


‘cept for the Log Cabineers who have seen through our nefarious deception ’cause they either have money and don’t want to lose it to some welfare cheat or don’t have money yet and when they do make their first million don’t want it to be stolen at gunpoint

I think that Log Cabinism is the exclusive purview of the wealthy. Pre-millionaire Republicans might be gay, but never that gay. Besides, you need $1000 to go to any of their dinners.

Another ‘ception would be the homos who don’t have money or expect to have money, but are deeply concerned by the changing complexion of our nation. Lou Dobbs calls them “independents” but I call them “Loubertarians”


We are ALL one of Gavin’s footnotes.

It’s Gavin’s world… we just comment in it.



I am SO stealing that.

And in my experience, gLibertarians are all too often poor schmucks who’re too stupid and/or brainwashed to realize they’re acting against their own interests – often figuring that they will be rich one day by the black magic of supporting wingnut causes, and when that glorious day arrives they don’t want jackthugged boots from Washington DC (the “DC” standing, of course, for DEATH to CAPITALISM) showing up at their door to confiscate their spondulix at gunpoint.



I don’t really have a problem with people voting against their interests.

After all, I do it.

I mind people voting against their interests because they’re dumb enough to swallow a load from people who really don’t give a rat’s ass about them.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I joked about this before, but I’m actually not all that surprised to see it here:

The Second Amendment right deals with defending yourself and bearing that responsibility…

Got that? The Second Amendment doesn’t mean that you’re allowed to bear arms, it actually means that you are required to carry. It’s your duty as an American to be packing.


I don’t really have a problem with people voting against their interests.

After all, I do it.

I mind people voting against their interests because they’re dumb enough to swallow a load from people who really don’t give a rat’s ass about them.

This is the gist of Franks’s “What’s the Matter with Kansas.” If Kansans want to vote against their economic interest, that’s their business. What they (and others) have actually done in election after election is vote R because they were promised action on social issues they care about (abortion, for example) and not only did they not get that action they got economic policies that actively hurt them. They vote for people who lie to them and use them and then get angry at those of us who vote (and believe) differently.


I love the way these teabaggers try to raise the level of scary up to Pantswetting 11 by referring to the ‘union thugs’ showing up at Town Halls. I’m sure they’re targeting the geezers’ images of surly Teamsters and the like from back in the 60s who admittedly were a pretty intimidating bunch when they wanted to be.

But the main union backing healthcare reform is the SEIU. And the SEIU ain’t the Teamsters.

Yeah, those hospital orderlies and hotel chambermaids – they’re a scary bunch. That’s why I always bring a gun with me to doctor appointments, in case I need to have surgery or something. Those crazy nurses aides might try to touch me or something!

Mr. Bunched Undies

Kathy Bates? Broken feetsies?

While rallying Saturday outside of Russ Carnahan’s office another HCR supporter tried to shove me off the sidewalk and crunched my foot – all captured on camera – in response to my genuine question: “Can you give me 10 reasons why you support single payer?”

I went searched the crap at her crappy link:
I couldn’t find any foot crunching going on, but I don’t have all godamned day to find the needle in that haystack of “footage” – heh.

And how is 10 the magic number? “Higher quality and lower cost coverage for EVERYONE” is somehow not good enough? It’s like she needs the “Blues Brothers” laundry list of excuses (I had a flat tire, I ran out of gas…)

Dragon-King Wangchuck

But the main union backing healthcare reform is the SEIU. And the SEIU ain’t the Teamsters

No, they are much scarier.


I think we need to launch a campaign with bumperstickers and everything, for the slogan WWJDMCT?

That stands for “Who Would Jesus Deny Medical Coverage To?” And yes, I know I’ve left a preposition dangling, but “TWWJDMC?” kinds of blurs the “WWJD?” connection.


They vote for people who lie to them and use them and then get angry at those of us who vote (and believe) differently.

In 2001, they had a Republican House, Senate…well, almost… and President. Republicans could easily have passed measure restricting abortion.

Instead, they blamed Democrats for being obstructive. In point of fact, they picked up seats in 2002, and STILL, with two wars and the country united behind Bush (except us DFH) they couldn’t stop abortion.

But it’s our fault.


Isn’t this Kenneth Gladney signing and dancing to kick off the (special) Tea Party Express bus tour?


Well, what would you expect them to use? All of their arsenal is based in the 60s. It’s a big part of why they lost the election.

They’re speaking to their base. And their base is like, really really old. As in, will be dead soon.

A smart group of people would use this time to figure out how they’re going to appeal to the non-dead people that will determine the fortunes of their party in the future, when their dead-soon current base is dead-in-fact. Then again, we’re talking about conservatives and Republicans here.


But the main union backing healthcare reform is the SEIU. And the SEIU ain’t the Teamsters.

They are also nearly every unionized healthcare worker in America, up to and including doctors.

So if you oppose healthcare, don’t visit a public hospital!

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

But it’s our fault.

They gotta blame someone, just to make sure they never have to take responsibility for their own situation.

Heh. Personal responsibility and all that.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

“Can you give me 10 reasons why you support single payer?”

10. Lower administrative costs.
9. Cost control much easier with single negotiatior.
8. No recissions.
7. I thought they’d be happy about all that Tort Reform
6. End of indentured servitude to employers supplying health care
5. Extra-super-plus true for those who develop their conditions while employed, which become pre-existing once they’re shitcanned.
4. Obscenely popular wherever it’s implemented.
3. Health Insurance CEO’s are fucking shitty little dirtbags that should no longer be permitted to get FAT on the needless suffering of others.
2. Unimpressed with the current free-market profit-driven method of deciding who gets what care denied.

and lastly, but definitely not leastly:

1. Universal coverage.

Universal fucking coverage, beeyotches.


malefactors started farting maggots into their naturally curly hair.

I’m frightened and confused.

Do all curly haired people fart maggots, or just the malefacoristic ones?

Mr. Bunched Undies

10. I ran out of gas.
9. I had a flat tire.
8. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare.
7. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners.
6. An old friend came in from out of town.
5. Someone stole my car.
4. There was an earthquake.
3. A terrible flood.
2. Locusts.

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

I think we need to launch a campaign with bumperstickers and everything, for the slogan WWJDMCT?

Of course, simply answering the question, “What would Jesus do?” would give the answer: “He would heal the sick, the lame, the blind.”

You’d like to think that this would make their heads asplode but sadly, no.


Chocolate tort is my favorite kind of tort. Reform tort just doesn’t sound that good.


Of course, simply answering the question, “What would Jesus do?” would give the answer: “He would heal the sick, the lame, the blind.”

But not Capitalist Jesus(TM)! He’d deny you coverage then require you to pay for an office visit. ‘Cause THAT’S FREEDOM!

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

And Capitalist Jesus(TM) would WIN! Fuck yeah!


Chocolate tort is my favorite kind of tort. Reform tort just doesn’t sound that good.



Wow, who knew reform torte was also chocolate torte. It’d be easier to sell it to America if they went with this line.


Michael, I do believe that may be the single most brilliant thing I’ve read this week.


Actually, JUST SAYIN’, alcohol gets absorbed a lot faster going in the reverse way

Some of us still cling to the feeble pretense that we are drinking vodka for the FLAVOUR.
If it had been tequila or ouzo per vas nefandum, that would have made a lot more sense.


Some of us still cling to the feeble pretense that we are drinking vodka for the FLAVOUR.
If it had been tequila or ouzo per vas nefandum, that would have made a lot more sense.

So you’re saying for any kind of vodka, this way of imbibing would have rectum?


If Kansans want to vote against their economic interest, that’s their business.

If they sincerely want to shaft themselves, I ain’t going to stand in their way. If they want to go and found Seatopia or Freedonia or whatever, I don’t mind. The fool who persists in his folly becomes wise, one way or another. The problem I have is when they decide their idiocy applies to everyone, on a national level.

Of course, being a compassionate liberal, I hate to see them being so stupid. But if they really want to dig their own graves, who am I to deny them access to shovels?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Actually, the official US Government definition of “vodka” includes the word “tasteless”. So if it has any taste, it’s not vodka.

(And yet they’ll let anybody call neutral grain spirits that’s never been near a potato “vodka”. Nothing like consistency.)


Of course, simply answering the question, “What would Jesus do?” would give the answer: “He would heal the sick, the lame, the blind.”

When he put that into practice he wasn’t thinking about the private-sector vested-interests he was undercutting with his public option, or the astroturf lobbying he would provoke.
Someone remind me how that story ended.


Someone remind me how that story ended.

Well, the best description I’ve ever heard was that the guy was nailed to a tree for telling everyone how nice it would be if we learned to love and respect one another.

Sheesh! Can you imagine????

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

P.S: Anybody but me annoyed that the FTC lets people call stuff “tea” that has no tea in it whatsoever (“Herbal Tea”, etc?)

If Postum tried to call themselves “Breadcrumb Coffee” the FTC would drink their blood out of cups fashioned from their skulls.


So you’re saying for any kind of vodka, this way of imbibing would have rectum?


Dam near killed ’em!


Well, the best description I’ve ever heard was that the guy was nailed to a tree


Mr. Bunched Undies

7. I thought they’d be happy about all that Tort Reform
Someone pointed out that universal coverage would greatly reduce the need to sue your health care providers since by definition you will be taken care of regardless. But I think wingers are deathly afraid of losing this Tort Reform hobby horse. They really want us to have zero recourse in court when anyone, particularly corporations, screw us over.

I imagine (pulling this out of my ass) that people sue their health care providers mainly out of desperation so that they can cover the necessary medical treatment, and maybe not so much just because someone fucked up. After all, we have couples divorcing to protect the healthy spouse’s finances when the other gets really sick. Family values…



What? They made him the original tree-hugging, sandal-wearing DFH!


We are ALL one of Gavin’s footnotes.

Availed reference reference.


What? They made him the original tree-hugging, sandal-wearing DFH!

I guess, to be honest, good job carrying that tree around to find a nice spot to plant it.

Mr. Bunched Undies

(pulling this out of my ass)
As opposed to all the alcohol flowing the other way in this thread.


I guess, to be honest, good job carrying that tree around to find a nice spot to plant it.

Top of a hill, didn’t need an SUV…and he could see Peter’s house from up there!


As opposed to all the alcohol flowing the other way in this thread.

I think we need to coin the term “analhol” or “assohol”



Mr. Bunched Undies

Tort Reform:
1. pulls chocolate “tort” out of ass.
2. soaks in vodka.
3. shoves back in.


Tintin ‘to be sued’

Uh oh.

Actually, “Oops!” as it’s a different Tintin. Whaddya know.


I’m betting Loesch drinks analhol, or assohol, or alchohole…


Tintin ‘to be sued’

Wow. The Sambo restaurant icon retired to Africa? Who knew?


As opposed to all the alcohol flowing the other way in this thread.
In emulation of Gavin, the best parts end up in the appendix.


If it had been tequila or ouzo per vas nefandum, that would have made a lot more sense.

Grappa. That stuff comes pre-ass-flavored. Also, it rhymes with crappah. Corn whiskey just seems too obvious.


They’re speaking to their base. And their base is like, really really old. As in, will be dead soon.

Really old and already enjoying the benefits of a single-payer plan, which they lurve and wouldn’t give up for anything. Their health care is the socialest, why do they insist nobody else can have what they get?


Their health care is the socialest, why do they insist nobody else can have what they get?

In the words of, well, whoever here said it, “Hey you kids! Get off my Medicare!”


actor sed: Instead, they blamed Democrats for being obstructive. In point of fact, they picked up seats in 2002, and STILL, with two wars and the country united behind Bush (except us DFH) they couldn’t stop abortion.

And then, just now I see someone say: But I think wingers are deathly afraid of losing this Tort Reform hobby horse. They really want us to have zero recourse in court when anyone, particularly corporations, screw us over.
which captures the spirit of what I was going to say. Sorry for being late nd all but I stopped at Lanvin French Bakery – which is run by a fabulously talented Vietnamese guy, my god can he make a fine roll for… – a special Banh Mi. OM NOM NOM NOM

Anyway, the righties in power and the powerful righties don’t want to see abortion banned. Fuck, no, it’s their best talking point and money raiser. What would they do if abortion were banned? Sure, they got teh homos to use as a divisive issue but it’s juts not the same. They DO NOT WANT an abortion ban.


But doesn’t it burn, Pere?
I saw nothing in the link about the individuals in question actually igniting the vodka, but no doubt they would welcome the suggestion.


Having typed that, I will never be able to eat Pêche Flambée again.


Not after you’ve singed off all your Pêche fuzz.


OT, but Paul Waldman totally eviscerates ME-ghan McArdle in the American Prospect:

Here’s the thing. If I were the editor of one of the most important magazines in the history of this fine nation, which has been publishing since 1857 and probably has to rent out a separate facility to house all the awards it has won, and I was thinking of hiring an economics columnist, I might see if I could find someone who understood the meaning of terms like “statistic” and “hypothetical.”



SC Education Board Chair (and RW Christian) writes online porn
Kristin Maguire is chair of the South Carolina State Board of Education. She’s a religious conservative who promotes creationism and “abstinence only” sex education. And, the poor dear, she’s just been caught writing hardcore pornographic stories online. So what’s a smokin’ hot mama to do? Well, she steps down from her post and cites “family difficulties” as the reason.

FYWP And such as.


but it’s juts not the same
Veiled references to cantilevers and structural members belong on the previous thread.


How good could porn from an abstinence advocate be?

They must be REALLY hard up down in SC.


Veiled references to cantilevers and structural members belong on the previous thread.

He’s just trying to put this thread on a firm footing, Smut.


How good could porn from an abstinence advocate be?

Well, over at Tbogg’s, she’s quoted as wanting to be the 2nd F in a MFF, and all about pleasuring the lady. Just as Christ commanded.


Did she resign? To spend more time with Dick Cheney’s family?


They DO NOT WANT an abortion ban.

Those in power, no. The people that voted for them under the impression that there would be a ban, yes.


REALLY hard up down in SC.
Evidently I failed to disable the webcam.


Veiled references to cantilevers and structural members belong on the previous thread.

He’s just trying to put this thread on a firm footing, Smut.

It’s an emotional topic. A drawing I was working on today had depressed slabs and upset beams.


Veiled references to cantilevers and structural members belong on the previous thread.

Booze isn’t the leitmotif?


Some of TBogg’s intrepid commenters went the extra mile to find samples of Ms. Maguire’s fiction. Not to mention the ones he linked.


Kristin Maguire is chair of the South Carolina State Board of Education. She’s a religious conservative who promotes creationism and “abstinence only” sex education. And, the poor dear, she’s just been caught writing hardcore pornographic stories online.

Color me so totally not surprised.

We got some serious weirdos running around without adult supervision ’round these here parts.


Some of TBogg’s intrepid commenters went the extra mile to find samples of Ms. Maguire’s fiction.
Accompanying photograph is of the “Very funny, Scottie; now beam down my clothes” genre.


From PeeJ’s link at 23:04:

The train entered a tunnel…

It’s just like that old Robert Johnson song, “Lovin’ Vein.”


Lovin’ Vein

Not-so-veiled PENIS reference.


Booze isn’t the leitmotif?
Aalborg Jubileum akvavit is the L33Tmotif.


Heh. In one of the stories linked from FIT’s update, she’s got a woman character taking on two teenaged boys at the same time, while their father watches.

Now there’s some family values for ya.


she’s got a woman character taking on two teenaged boys at the same time,

[right-wing ick-speak] I don’t understand. What goes where? It’s the wrong number of holes! [/right-wing ick-speak]


Actually, “Oops!” as it’s a different Tintin. Whaddya know.

Not this guy, though, right?


The combined experience and passion around the Board table is amazing. There is a camaraderie and unity of purpose that has allowed room for respectful disagreement and constructive discussions in which the opinions and wisdom of all members are both sought and heard.

Excerpt from a letter of resignation or opening of another steamy story? You decide.


hey now, hey now. An active fantasy life is a fine facet to a healthy sexual attitude.

The pro-abstinence thing, not so much.

N__B, I don’t have quite as much drama in the day to day work. I often see a sheet titled “Boring Log”


“Boring Log”

Veiled zombie PENIS reference.


jeez, it took you guys long enough to pick that one up. What, do I have to leave a trail of bread crumbs?


I have to leave a trail of bread crumbs?

Veiled incontinence reference.


Well, when you get right down to it, no, there’s nothing wrong with repressed Republican homeschoolers having some freaky sexual fantasies, nor is there anything wrong with expressing them in literate (I refuse to say “literary”) form…the issue is that they publicly admonish others for the same. Look at any conservachristian book banning list and you’ll find Anais Nin, Henry James, etc etc. I think In Praise of the Stepmother is one of the funniest books I’ve ever read, bar none, but I’ve no doubt that if the conservachristians were aware of it, it would land on their list. I think it’s because they equate anything that’s the slightest bit erotic or kinky with the type of smut Maguire was authoring, when they couldn’t be more different. In Praise of the Stepmother is kinky as all get out, no doubt, but it’s not in the least smutty – yet they would decry it in a heartbeat. They don’t seem to be able to separate art from smut, and end up feeding the desires or curiosities they’ve tried to repress in others and themselves with the basest things they can find.


Everything is about the POOP or the PENIS here, isn’t it?



POOP, and my PENIS
Is the world.

– Jim Morison.


“They don’t seem to be able to separate art from smut…”

It’s really no surprise when he posts links to artsy-fartsy pictures nearly every day.


There was something about toe-sucking a while back, but I neglected to record the date or thread; made no foot note, as it were.


There was something about toe-sucking a while back,

Yes, I regaled those assembled with tales of the Central Arkansas Toe Sucker. In my defense, someone else brought up the topic of toe-sucking to begin with.


tales of the Central Arkansas Toe Sucker

I missed that. Did he only suck the middle toes of Arkansans, or was he toe-agnostic in central Arkansas?


N__B, I think he was a big-toe man. But yes, he confined his toe-sucking activities to the central Arkansas geographic region.


Gotta love those Vietnamese rolls.


Oh, and I brought up the toe-sucking, and I’d do it again, dammit. We were talking about Dick Morris. DICK MORRIS, AND NOT ONE OF YOU MENTIONED THE TOE SUCKING!

For shame.


“They don’t seem to be able to separate art from smut…”
You’ll get my Beckmann prints when you take them from my COLD DEAD HANDS.


St. Louis Tea Party Coalition=Toy Slut Raat Pies Coalition.

Not great, but serviceable.


I neglected to record the date or thread

My foot note is B Flat.


You’ll get my Beckmann prints when you take them from my COLD DEAD HANDS.

Actually, the character in the book was quite taken with Egon Schiele prints.


My foot note is B Flat.

A.k.a. “Ha! Mole!”


Yeesh, you people are giving me flashbacks to the swinger’s computer BBS I worked for awhile back and the foot fetishist who was a regular there.

(The boss was a Limbaugh-listening asshole… gLibertarian and yet he was using unregistered shareware for his company. Real sleazebag. Hot wife, though – kind of a Diana Rigg thing going there.)

You Can Talk to a Liberal, But you Can't Tell Them Much

So now Hopey is going to abuse the sacred memory of 9/11 by addressing Congress within a week of that date on his scheme to socialize health care. I guess if he succeeds, we will have the same idiots running health care that we do running the taxcode (Charlie “Mr. Brownstone” Rangel), the IRS (Timothy “Tax Cheat” Geithner), and the Post Office (which lost BILLIONS last year, still unable to pay for itself).

But no matter. European-style health care, the “public option” Trojan Horse, and co-ops are all as dead as Teddy Kennedy and the woman he killed when he drove drunkenly off a bridge.


So now Hopey is going to abuse the sacred memory of 9/11 by addressing Congress within a week of that date on his scheme to socialize health care.

Yeah, you’d have to be pretty low and sleazy to exploit 9/11 for partisan purposes! *cough2004RepublicanConventioncough*

the Post Office (which lost BILLIONS last year, still unable to pay for itself).

How much has the Iraq War paid back for the billions IT cost, sunshine?

St. Xecky Gilchrist

You Can Talk to a Liberal, But you Can’t Tell Them Much

Assumes facts not in evidence – when did a wingnut ever talk to a liberal instead of screaming at them?



St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

addressing Congress within a week of that date

What’re ya, some kind of pussy?

A real man would be outraged at him being allowed to address Congress within 52 weeks of that sacred sacred fear-mongering date.


So now Hopey is going to abuse the sacred memory of 9/11 by addressing Congress within a week of that date blartblartblartblart…

Y’know, Troofie, you keep this armor-soiling up and people are gonna start mistaking you for Brave Sir Robin.


I’m outraged that our Kenyan illegal president is allowed to make any speeches at all within 4 years of the sacred memory of “you’ve covered your ass, now”.

Notify Malkin for poutrage, stat.


I got your “sacred” (What, did the fucking Pope bless it?) memory of 9/11 right here in my hand. And it smells.

I should have been a pair of ragged drawers



the “public option” Trojan

Oh yeah, that’s a veiled reference.


the “public option” Trojan Horse
Parody troll loses points for use of boring predictable cliche. “Trojan horse” belongs in a rant about contraception initiatives. Here, I suggest something about “the thin edge of the white elephant in the corner of the room”.

Q: Why did the white elephant cross the road?
A: To get its ivory back from the tower inhabited by those LIBERAL ACADEMICS.


So now Hopey is going to abuse the sacred memory of 9/11 by addressing Congress within a week of that date on his scheme to socialize health care

Suddenly you give a shit about New York City, Troofie?


The Kid from Kounty Meath

Of course it’s sacred when you worship fear like Troofie does.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

A real man would be outraged at him being allowed to address Congress within 52 weeks of that sacred sacred fear-mongering date.

Now, be fair. I’m sure the conservatards would be lenient and only care if the speech were within, say, 27 weeks of 9/11 (either before or after).


What would they do if abortion were banned? Sure, they got teh homos to use as a divisive issue but it’s juts not the same.

The difference between the abortion and gay marriage issue as scare-em-up fund raisers for the Republicans is no Republicans are aborted babies.

Democrat Health Care Bill

I’m fucking dead and will never, ever pass. Ever.

St. Xecky Gilchrist



OT, but choice…
Pat Buchanan presents Adolf Hitler, man of peace.
(the link is temperamental)


I will win the ’08 election. Bookmark it.

Democrat Health Care Bill

If I do pass, it will be a “compromise” (REPUBLICAN) bill with no “public option” aka government takeover.

Interesting fact Frank Luntz found: when you say “public option” 70% of Americans favor it, when you call it a “government option” 70% oppose it.


Pat Buchanan presents Adolf Hitler, man of peace.

Did Hitler want war?

No! He wasn’t a Bush!


I will win the ‘08 election. Bookmark it.

Not only that, but the day after, teh Great Liberal Freakout will begin. I read that someplace, but I can’t remember where it was. Troofie, care to help us out?


Troofie, seriously…

Shut up, K? We’re trying to have an adult discussion. Can’t you go play “Rock Band: The Skinhead Edition” or something?


Why should anyone believe anything I predict? I’m ALWAYS FUCKING WRONG.


McCain said,

I will win the ‘08 election. Bookmark it.

Mmm…how can this be improved upon?

“McCain” “said” “I” will “win” the ’08 election. Bookmark “it.”



Hey actor, can’t you go whine to your mommy again about how she won’t buy you a used SDTV for your room in her house you still live out of?



Then get “Sex For Dummies” and learn how to fuck right.


Actor212–living in his mother’s basement since 1978.


Interesting fact: when you call it “compassionate conservatism”, 51% of voters will reelect you in the narrowest reelection in modern times; when you call it “Country first” and select a nitwit from Alaska as your running mate, you get a mudhole stomped in your ass.


Troofie, just remember… it’s the key between the “K” and the semicolon. Adn don’t forget to make some homophobic remarks about Tintin before you go. Ovaltine and meatloaf’s in the fridge, and no masturbating ’til after 9, mmmkay?



Then get “Sex For Dummies” and learn how to fuck right.

He did, but he kept getting splinters on his penis when he’d borrow one from a ventriloquist friend.


I’m fucking dead and will never, ever pass. Ever.



Oooh, I struck a nerve in Troofie’s widdle bwain!



Troofie doesn’t like being called a skinhead.

Troof hurts, does it, Troofie?


Notice Actawh didn’t deny living in his mommy’s basement. Hmmm….


Little Actwah is still sucking off mommy’s tit cause he’s too lazy to get a real job.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Troofie, you need to go ahead and pick ONE regular you want to go down on. You can’t have your cock and eat it too.


He did, but he kept getting splinters on his penis

He’s Ringo Starr?


He’s trying for a “no-air” St Kid.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Would you two he-men shut the fuck up already, Christ. Either fuck each other or not, quit the fucking flirtation.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

You can’t have your cock and eat it too.

There’s that one guy that had a couple of ribs removed…


Or maybe Actawh is on the government’s tit (“disability” for his severe “Asperger’s Syndrome”, maybe? It is the “disability” of choice for welfare cheats these days). One or the other–either the tit of mommy or the tit of daddy government.


your “sacred” (What, did the fucking Pope bless it?) memory of 9/11

M. Bouffant is clearly unaware that the twin Saints Cosmas and Damian were martyred by being dragged behind a chariot, and thus became the patron saints of tow-truck drivers.* So in fact the Twin Towers were canonised a long time ago.

* This is not in fact true, through Cosmas and Damian are in fact the patron saints of transplant surgery. Also:

Sir William Hamilton (1730–1803) reported that, among the wax representations of body parts then presented as offerings to the two doctor saints at Isernia, near Naples, on their feast day, those of the PENIS were the most common

I just like the fact that in the Orthodox Church, Cosmas and Damian are revered as “the Unmercenary Saints”.


He’s Ringo Starr?

Even the Google couldn’t help me with this one.


Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

Yo no-fog drool-cup troll boy!

Two questions:

Bill Gates, Republican: yes or no?
Apple and Linux, gaining market share: Yes or no?

Anyone home?

Thought not.


So, which is it, Actawh? Are you an unproductive parasite just to your family or society as a whole as well?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Speaking as an Aspie, I would very much like to know how issues with social interaction can help me cheat on welfare. If anything, wouldn’t it make it HARDER for me to lie? You elitist, ableist fuck?

St. Xecky Gilchrist

L to tha L to tha motha-fuckin’ L!



Even the Google couldn’t help me with this one.


Helter Skelter: “I’ve got blisters on me fingers!”


I make “Hopey” look like Bill Hicks.


I’m thinking Troofie got a little drunk tonight on Boone’s Farm.

Don’t go for that second glass, kid!


Interesting fact Frank Luntz found

That’s a oxymoron, you moran.

Thoroughly Modern Magi

We rate for Brandi.


Back in my day, Kounty Meath, we would have just called you a “retard” and left it at that.


Helter Skelter: “I’ve got blisters on me fingers!”

I thought that was Lennon??


Still a little mad mommy didn’t let you borrow her ’88 Metro to go see your fat assed “girlfriend” (who is really a trannie), Actawh?


troll is dull, and stupid

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

…and then given me a welfare check? I’m still not getting the logistics of this.


I thought that was Lennon??

I always thought it was Starr. Apparently it’s a topic of great debate among people who haven’t noticed that 40 years have gone by.


So I notice Troll-Boy never addressed my point about Iraq or the 2004 Repug Convention.

To paraphrase Dean Wormer, “Fat, stupid, and conservative is no way to go through life, son”.


Apparently it’s a topic of great debate among people who haven’t noticed that 40 years have gone by.

Well, Ringo said it was Ri–

Oh. Um, you mean like these guys?


You would swear you’re unable to work because of your “disability” and get a government check the rest of your life, retard. What are you, retarded? Oh, yeah, I forgot. You ARE retarded!

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

I love you, man.


Someone forgot to take the mirror out of Troofie’s cage when they gave him a new cuttlefish.


So, Actawh, do you live with your mommy now or not?


Oh, so SHE rents from YOU. Right. Riiiiight. Sure she does!


No, Troofie, of course I don’t!

I live with yours! I’m your latest “uncle”…


My mother has been dead for seven years, fuckstick.


Troofie, seriously, you sound drunk. Is everything OK, or did we kick your ass too hard this morning?


My mother has been dead for seven years, fuckstick.

And here I thought she was just frigid…

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

My mother has been dead for seven years

That must be why she didn’t move around a lot last night.


Actawh, you sound like a New York fuckstick. Did you get AIDS from your trannie boy/girlfriend or something?


Also, I’ve never had a drink in my life. Drinking is for libs.


My mother has been dead for seven years, fuckstick.

Oh. Wait.

Was this a plea for compassion? For understanding? Did you want my heart to bleed for you?

What did she die of? Why couldn’t her health insurance pay for her treatment?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Why does Troofie hate the 9/11 victims so? Has he FORGOTTEN?


St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon said,
September 3, 2009 at 4:19

My mother has been dead for seven years

That must be why she didn’t move around a lot last night.

That was you who had firsts?????


My mother has been dead for seven years, fuckstick.

(that’s no way to talk about your mother)

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Apparently, the only thing sacred about 9/11 is the blasted hole left behind after the deaths of 3,000 New York fucksticks.


Also, I’ve never had a drink in my life. Drinking is for libs.

Amen for that! You guys can have the meth!


My mother has been dead for seven years/

We’ve been meaning to mention that. It might be time you buried her, Norman.

Also, I’ve never had a drink in my life.

It spoils the buzz from the aerosol cans.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

That was you who had firsts?????

Nah, I was… fifty-seventh on line yesterday? It was a pretty long waiting list.


It was a pretty long waiting list.

I missed my turn, Mom’s Metro 88 had a flat. I took the bus.

Hell, she was at the depot anyway!


Of course, we’re sort of begging the question whether clones have moms, anyway, but I’m willing to suspend disbelief for the sake of cheap laughs.


Either Troofie is stomping his feet around his trailer or he’s calling his older brother to come bail him out of this fight.


I’m the next Governor of Virginia.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

Apparently, the only thing sacred about 9/11 is the blasted hole left behind after the deaths of 3,000 New York fucksticks.

Yeah, lots of those victims were foreigners and minorities and liberals and women, so you know the conservatards don’t give a shit about them.


I’m the next Governor of Virginia.

Most little boys want to be cowboys or astronauts.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

You missed a good time. Troofie’s mom has a thing for retards. She kept making me say “Ah like them french-fried pertaters, libs.”


And I’m the next Governor of New Jersey.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Is that it, your big comeback? McDonnell?

Fuck man, you should’ve kept on the dead mother schtick, you could’ve salvaged some sort of repute there.


I’m out of ammo. I demand a change of subject like the petulant little bitch I am.


I’m the next winner on “Dancing with the Stars.”


I’m the next Miss America.


Chris Christie?


Christie couldn’t beat McGreevey at a convention of homophobes!



My approval ratings are in dropping and dropping all the time.


I’m going to win NY-20.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Also, fucking governors, again? Your last great white hope’s going on about death panels and playing Stupid Gwailo to a Hong Kong business investor’s meet-up.

Which I imagine will end up looking like that scene from Bachelor Party.

Ayatollah Khamenei

I’m the next Pope.


Poor Troofie.

Troofie, really…adults are trying to talk here. Do you mind terribly going back to FreeRepublic or something?

You can boast about how big and tough we are, but how you handled us so magnificently.


And yet they’re still miles ahead of my drunk ass’s approval ratings.


My diapers get more droppings and droppings all the time.

Bad Sign for Democrats?

Christie couldn’t beat McGreevey at a convention of homophobes!

He’s kicking Corzine’s incompetent, liberal ass in the polls. How do you like them apples?

Urban Techno Polka

I’m the next big trend in pop music.

The Troofie Homoeroticism Checklist

“Apples”… check.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I’m the next Pope.

Y’know, some people said it would be crazy to have an Shi’ite Muslim from Iran that’s been dead for about two decades as the next Pope, but I say it’s not crazy enough.

*whisper whisper*

Wait, it’s Khamenei, not Khomenei?



I won the Nobel PEACE Prize.

…wait, that actually happened. Never mind.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

…wait, that actually happened. Never mind.

Well, those fields never were quieter, Mr. Mushmouth.


Hey, I won it too, and I’m a terrorist.


I’m the next Dinah Shore.


I won it, too, and I flew around in a big ass private jet while telling people to burn less oil. Hey, anyone can win this prize!


I’m the next chairman of the NAACP.


Well, those fields never were quieter, Mr. Mushmouth.

Zat is Doctor Mushmouth to you.

And I diddled Jill St. John, so I win.


Again, can Troofie please explain why I’m an insult?


I’m the next contestant on “The Price Is Right!”


Oh. Um, you mean like these guys?

Among others.

Random Surrogate Picked for His Tenuous Connection to the Flamewar Topic

I did something important and yet ironic.


Among others.

Oh. Um, you mean like these guys?


And I diddled Jill St. John, so I win.

Debatable. Jill St. John is Jewish, after all.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

And I diddled Jill St. John, so I win.

As said eloquently about Charlie Chaplin and handjobs, “who didn’t?”


Xecky –

Nope. Their tastes aren’t yet ready for the music of 1968.


As said eloquently about Charlie Chaplin and handjobs, “who didn’t?”

Oh my – I hadn’t known Jill St. John was another Nancy Reagan.


As said eloquently about Charlie Chaplin and handjobs, “who didn’t?”

I’m sure Nancy Davis Reagan gave him full oral service (and lost her wisdom teeth.)


Nope. Their tastes aren’t yet ready for the music of 1968.

Aha, I was just thinking of the “not realizing 40 years had passed” part.

Something to Make Libs Mad

Tintin coded the software to block all anonymous proxies. But while I found a way around that, using proxies that can’t be detected as proxies, Tintin’s ineffective block still blocks posting from smartphones (blackberries, iphones, etc). I bet a lot of libs on here must be pissed off about that. I still post wherever and whenever I want, but they can’t use their blackberries to post. Suck it.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Can you smell the desperation? Troofie and his ilk are beginning to realize they’ve been played like steelhead. They couldn’t restrain themselves from having one month-long spas attack all over the country. Everybody’s shaking their heads at what crazy, stupid motherfuckers they are. Now the adults are going to start talking. The contrast will be unbelievable.

If you fuckwads had the slightest hint of impulse control, you might have had a chance. Now all you and your fat cat puppeteers can do is bend over.

Something to Make Mad Libs

NOUN is the NOUN of ADJECTIVE Fascism.

Something to Make Troofie Mad

Women, gay people and minorities still exist. A black man with the middle name “Hussein” is still president. You still don’t have a job.


Aha, I was just thinking of the “not realizing 40 years had passed” part.

Fuck, the guys you linked to aren’t yet ready for the social conventions of 1866.


Oh my – I hadn’t known Jill St. John was another Nancy Reagan.

I know Jill St. John. Jill St. John is a friend of mine (in another universe). You, Mrs. Reagan, are no Jill St. John.

Something to Make Libs Mad

I have a high paying job. In fact, I own my own successful small business.

That’s right, I can run my business, eat a great dinner, get laid, pet my dog, and still have time to kick all your asses in political debate! Suck it.

"Kicking Your Asses in Political Debate"

What are you, retarded? Oh, yeah, I forgot. You ARE retarded!

Something to Make Libs Mad

You know, some libs on here have good instincts. They know that those without jobs are stupid, lazy, unserious failures who are to be laughed at and spit on until it motivates them to find a job. Too bad they don’t take this attitude with their politics.


It spoils the buzz from the aerosol cans.

I dunno, I always envisioned Twoofie (aka NAUSEATE CENTURY HOTCHPOT) as more of a glue-sniffer kind of guy.

Or maybe the sort who’s convinced a doctor to write him illegal scrips for the Xanax and Percocet he needs to “get through the day”, which would explain his opposition to universal health care (it’d cut iff his access to his dealer).


I own my own successful small business.

He fellates reluctant show dogs to prime them for stud.

"Kicking Your Asses in Political Debate"


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

If you call changing the subject when any facts fly into the discussion, then yeah, you’re kicking our asses, Troofie. Keep telling yourself that.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

That poor dog. That’s the only thing I’m willing to concede might actually exist, because it’s just so sad.


I own my own successful small business

Amway isn’t a real bid’ness, you cretin.

Oh, and neither is selling Yu-Gi-Oh cards on eBay.

troll like the fat kid that needled you in 3d grade

You are all a bunch of retarded retards, retards! Oh, I pooped a little bit.


Jill St. John is a friend of mine (in another universe).

Hey, I have a universe like that!

Only I think it’d be more accurate to say that Tiffany Case is a friend of mine there.

Truth Before Dishonor

I bite the heads off lives chickens at the county fair. It’s seasonal work, but it puts food on the table — and I’d never give up show business.


That’s right, I can run my business, eat a great dinner, get laid, pet my dog

That doesn’t count as “getting laid” and petting the poor creature afterwards is just insulting.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I dunno, I always envisioned Twoofie (aka NAUSEATE CENTURY HOTCHPOT) as more of a glue-sniffer kind of guy.

I had him pegged for a white-out huffer.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

I can run my business, eat a great dinner, get laid, pet my dog

And as I said a bit up from here, Tiffany Case is a very close and personal friend of mine.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

I had him pegged for a white-out huffer.

I was thinking those black magic markers – he discovered how they get you off once when he was drawing on a little toothbrush mustache like his hero has.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Man you guys talk too fast. With all them folks being the next some other folks, I thought I’d one-up everyone with
I’m the current Dragon-King Wangchuck. Beeyotches.

But it’s stale and passé now. Sniff. Play me out Keyboard Cat.


I was thinking those black magic markers – he discovered how they get you off once when he was drawing on a little toothbrush mustache like his hero has.

Funny, I thought his discovery would’ve happened after about the 30th penis drawn on his cheek while he slept in history class in high school.


pedestrian FTW!

Somethings to Make Mad Libs

Nouns! Verbs! Adjectives! Famous Person!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I fucking can’t stand adjectives! Think they’re so smart!


I fucking can’t stand adjectives!

They’re bad, but they’re nowhere near as bad as those adverbs that end in “-lily”.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Something to Make Libs Mad==Might So Mistakable Demon.

Enraged Bull Limpet

I’m getting very fatigued tracking these relentlessly tendentious pant-hoots, which is presumably their purpose. You guys deserve a Nubile Prize for your virile ongoing pantsing of Teh Stoopid, but I lack the energy to read the foregoing comments tonight.

G’night, and I love you all, with the (sadly) routine exceptions.


Mr. Potato Head’s Plastic Curd-Cheeses Hotpot

All you do is get nude caribou and put thyme and salt on top of it before hotpotting it. That – putting those seasonings on top – is the secret. Whisk the meat, then put it on top of some brook trout foot. Put tasty plastic curd cheeses (at all grocery stores, make sure to get the tasty plastic curd cheeses too) over top of it. Put it in the microwave for 60 seconds. You can add to it whatever you want. Some people put a layer of annual Requeson cheese on it and just eat it like that. I chop up coffee cream, Manouri cheese and Manchego cheese and put them on top, as well as tidewater goby whisker. WARNING: You will never be able to order caribou at a restaurant or bar ever again, as it simply won’t measure up to the ones you can make at home.


sadlys haz trools???


I can run my business

Let me guess. Part-time fluffer for a West Holly porn studio?


“Let me guess. Part-time fluffer for a West Holly porn studio?”

Towel boy in a whorehouse.



That’s all I got.


He’s kicking Corzine’s incompetent, liberal ass in the polls. How do you like them apples?

lemme get this straight…you hate Rangel because he’s a tax cheat. You hate Geithner because he screwed up on a tax software program.

But Christie, a confessed tax evader, him you like?

Oh, Troofie…suddenly your libertarian streak seems so….tarnished!


As I said, Chris Christie couldn’t beat McGreevey at a convention of homophobes.

By the way, how was it when that convention came to town, Troofie? Business picked up a little, I’m sure…


I have a high paying job. In fact, I own my own successful small business.

That’s right, I can run my business, eat a great dinner, get laid, pet my dog, and still have time to kick all your asses in political debate! Suck it.

Twoofie is Emmer Fudd, Miwwionaire. He owns a mansion an a yawt!



I can run my business

Let me guess. Part-time fluffer for a West Holly porn studio?

Towel boy in a whorehouse.

Tackling dummy at the Special Olympics.


I own my own successful small business.

Small business, some knowledge of proxy-switching to escape filters. Spammer.


kick all your asses in political debate

Bookmark it!


Small business, some knowledge of proxy-switching to escape filters. Spammer.

Probably uses botnets, which means his business relies on jackholes who author viruses who I would just as soon see buried up to their neck in fire-ant nests.

Yeah, Troofie, my real high-paying job is disinfecting a Fortune 500 company’s network of YOUR SHIT. Which means, I have yet another reason to utterly despise you. Not only are you a stupid liar, you’re a fucking parasite.


(comments are closed)