That’s When I Reach For My Tractatus

Megan McArdle, The Atlantic:
My Last Word on Guns

  • Okay, look: Waving assault rifles at Presidential events makes things harder for the Secret Service. Protests also make things harder for the Secret Service. Therefore BY LOGIC THE ONE EQUALS THE OTHER, so unless you suggest banning protests, WHICH ARE NOT AT ALL LIKE WAVING ASSAULT RIFLES, then by logic you SHOULD SUPPORT WAVING ASSAULT RIFLES AT PROTESTS gargle-gargle howl-squeal liberals are insane and at fault for violent danger and blame goes to liberals case closed ragga-fragga blatz screech-gargle no backs the end.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


1) Title cf.
2) It should periodically be noted that McArdle, apparently now in need of full-time supervision lest she twist the lock on the bathroom doorknob, settle in, and start drinking her way through the Drakkar and Listerine and chewing through the medicated skin pads, lives with the former Freedomworks lobbyist, Koch fellow, and identified down-and-dirty manipulating Astroturfer Peter Suderman. One should expect a nimbly constructed and clearly pre-considered response from Freedomworks if and when somebody shoots, and/or is shot by, one of the spontaneous wingnuts-and-weapons displays at one of the spontaneous protests that their man Steinhauser, formerly the head provocateur of the DC chapter of Protest Warrior, might or might not be familiar with.
3) Seriously, just wow.


Comments: 196


One should expect a nimbly constructed and clearly pre-considered response from Freedomworks if and when somebody shoots, and/or is shot by, one of the spontaneous wingnuts-and-weapons displays at one of the spontaneous protests that their man Steinhauser, formerly the head provocateur of the DC chapter of Protest Warriors, might or might not be familiar with.

All you fault, libs, because garblety blarglety poo!


Worüber man nicht megan, darüber muss man mcardle.


Gavin, shame on you for making Megan’s work seem more sane and reasonable.

Erk… Can’t do it. That sort of logical fail makes steam shoot out my ears.


Megan McArdle’s “logic:” a barrel of fish, ripe for the shooting.


I was really hoping the “cf” link would go to a Mission of Burma video. Alas, just some Ludwig guy.


Yeeeesh. I mean, does the idea that guns should be banned from political events mean that ALL guns should be banned? Are these people totally incapable of understanding the least bit of subtlety? (Wait, I know the answer to that one – “no”.)

I would say at least they’re not arguing for the Constitutionality of assassination, but hell, for all I know Beck or Savage or someone’s making that arguement while I type this. Which is where we’ve gotten to as a country, which makes me think maybe I should be looking into how much it’d cost to set up a sheep farm in New Zealand.


I was really hoping the “cf” link would go to a Mission of Burma video

So I’m not the only one who thought that?


McArdle ought to sit on the business end of an Uzi and spin…


Actually, I think the folks toting guns at the town halls are hurting thier own cause. I still believe that most of this country is sane and when they see things like that they start thinking “That’s just nuts, we should do something about this.”


Which is where we’ve gotten to as a country, which makes me think maybe I should be looking into how much it’d cost to set up a sheep farm in New Zealand.

I know at least one right wing “talk” show host who would front a fair amount of money if you included well-hung goats, ripe for blowing.


Hey! Don’t harsh on Ludwig. And the Investigations is really his masterwork anyway.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

What’s the last thing you expect to see at the bottom of a post titled “My Last Word on Guns”? A post with the following line in it:

I’m done talking about this now.

Well, if it wasn’t McArdle, I’d be quite surprised to see:

Update: I should add…

No ME-gan, you should not add anything. Just don’t.

Knights in White Satin

Why does anyone care what this ninny “thinks” about on any subject?

No matter what she is writing about, she tries to sound wry and ironic, and misses it by light years.

ARE there any intelligent or at least sane conservative pundits out there?


I know at least one right wing “talk” show host who would front a fair amount of money if you included well-hung goats, ripe for blowing.

If he wants to blow goats, he can buy his own.

Anything else would be socialism!


I’ll be danged if I am going to give up my Social Security because of socialism.


Did I mention that I’m a St. Francis city Council member?

Knights in White Satin

Sheep are a LOT of hard, hard work, day and night, year round. Imagine having 500 incredibly STUPID children, running this way and that way, round in circles, and BAAAAAing the whole time.

Sheep dogs are nice, though.


A few posts ago people were ragging on me for claiming that some of these shorters are exaggerated. This shorter is exactly what I mean. I am , of course, aware of all internet traditions, FWIW, but I’ll have you know that nowhere in her screed does McMegan ever say anything approaching the level of lunacy of “ragga-fragga blatz screech-gargle”. I think “Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing Zow Zing” would be a more fair summary of her actual words.

Knights in White Satin

500 Megan McArgle-Bargles, perhaps.


You’re a cruel man, Gavin.


You can have my semi-automatic hand-written protest sign or my assault giant puppet when you pry it from my cool, patchouli scented fingers.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hey since I’m in the mood to humour morans,

what would falsify your belief that these people are the vanguard of a rising tide of dangerous right-wing militia action?

Okay McArdle, that actually seems like a reasonable question no it doesn’t, we’re still talking about assault rifles outside town hall meetings. As you pointed out, one of them crazy gun kooks was listening to his pastor before heading down to see Obama. If the whole open-carry thing is just something these guys do, then my belief in their being crazed nutjobs would be falsified by evidence that d00d was packing in teh church. Seriously, if the point is that teh gun is no big deal and wandering around outside gatherings which already have a history of being contentious and violent while heavily armed is okay, then I’d expect these shitbags to be open-carrying in teh Hawse of teh Lord. Also when dropping the kids off at school, or picking up teh dry-cleaning, or checking up on their safety deposit boxes at teh bank.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


My belief could be falsified in many ways: on the record statements from the protesters…

On the record statements that these nutjobs are members of crazy, violent right-wing militias?



Is it just me or does the closing argument of the shorter make more literal sense than the closing paragraphs of the actual post? Mind you, I’m not talking about McArdles’s logical fail that Gavin is pointing out satirically with the use of nonsense words. I’m saying that grammatically and in terms of a train of thought the words “ragga-fragga blatz screech-gargle no backs the end” is more understandable and a better example of the use of the English language than what Ms. McArdle has written.

Why is she allowed near word-processing software again?


Imagine having 500 incredibly STUPID children, running this way and that way, round in circles, and BAAAAAing the whole time.

Hey, we handled the RNC convention quite nicely here in NYC in 200!


Sheep are a LOT of hard, hard work, day and night, year round. Imagine having 500 incredibly STUPID children, running this way and that way, round in circles, and BAAAAAing the whole time.

Yes, but can they vote? If not, I’m thinking it’s still a step forward.


Should we ban protesting? Or force the people who do it off the premises and into a park eight blocks away?

It worked for W, you smarmy elitist prig.


what would falsify your belief that these people are the vanguard of a rising tide of dangerous right-wing militia action?

If we can keep them from carrying guns openly within sight of the President.

That’s a pretty good start.

And if they drop all the “revolutionary” bullshit and “water the tree of liberty” and all that. Until then, they’re making terroristic threats, which last time I looked was reason enough to arrest their asses. Unless, of course, we treat right-wing terrorists differently than left-wing.

Hah, hah! “Differently”! Why would I EVER think such a thing?


Sheep are a LOT of hard, hard work, day and night, year round. Imagine having 500 incredibly STUPID children, running this way and that way, round in circles, and BAAAAAing the whole time.

That’s why Goddess, in Her infinite wisdom, provided us with Aussie Sheperds and Border Collies.


Hey, I drank my way through Drakkar once on a rhino safari with Ernest and…wait, what were we talking about?

Anyway, here’s yer goddam MoB video. So question: would the Burmaites be happy or sad if their song became the anthem for armed nutbars? How’bout for people mocking same nutbars? Discuss.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

That’s why Goddess, in Her infinite wisdom, provided us with Aussie Sheperds and Border Collies.

Just to prove that my Religion is moar bettar than yours, teh IPU in her transfinite wiseness has provided me with a kickass moussaka recipe.

Marion in Savannah

A friend of mine in NYC who grew up on a farm in England said that the easiest way to separate a mixed flock of sheep and goats was to drive a truck through it. The goats get out of the way…


That’s why Goddess, in Her infinite wisdom



A friend of mine in NYC who grew up on a farm in England said that the easiest way to separate a mixed flock of sheep and goats was to drive a truck through it. The goats get out of the way…

If a truck leaves Wilsingham at 4:30 and Mickey Kaus leaves Brestershire at 4:45, heading for the same mixed flock….


That New Zealand idea has been ocurring to me often, especially since I started watching Flight of the Conchords. I like Murray.


Hey, we handled the RNC convention quite nicely here in NYC in 200!

Was that 200 A.D, or 200 B.C.?

Harry Chestmuscle

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

There you have the plain text of the second amendment to the United States Constitution. What don’t you liberals understand?

No where in the constitution does it make any exceptions to the words “shall not be infringed.” If our illegitamite mohammedan president doesn’t like it he can run for president of Kenya, his native homeland. That’s right libs, if he was born in the United States than why is the leftwing government of Hawaii so reluctant to release Obamanation’s birth record?

They know his presidency would be illegitamte and the leftist utopia would come to an end.


Is he illegitaVegamite or illegitaMarmite? Is there a difference?


I call fake troll! No way is this intended to stir up an actual argument–nobody pitches ’em that slow!


No where in the constitution does it make any exceptions to the words “shall not be infringed.”

Sure it does, right there in the Second Amendment: “well-regulated militia”.

Which part of “well-regulated” is unclear to your addle-pated mind, son?


Which part of our current political environment is the leftist utopia? Need a hint plz.


Hey there, uh, “Harry”!

You try and keep and bear arms on a plane sometime and see how far that utterly compelling Constitutional argument takes you. Please report back on the results. With good behavior, you should be able to do that in just a few short years.


Parody troll, people! C’mon, even Troofie isn’t that bone-stupid.

Marion in Savannah

“If a truck leaves Wilsingham at 4:30 and Mickey Kaus leaves Brestershire at 4:45, heading for the same mixed flock….”

The goats may decide to lie down under the wheels of the truck with the sheep…


She’s just so fucking stupid.


No way is this intended to stir up an actual argument

And actor212 quickly proves you wrong.

Harry Chestmuscle

actor212 said,

August 28, 2009 at 20:51

No where in the constitution does it make any exceptions to the words “shall not be infringed.”

Sure it does, right there in the Second Amendment: “well-regulated militia”.

Sorry actor, I call major fail on your part. In eighteenth century English the term “well regulated” is the equivilent to “well trained” or “well disciplined”. In order to fully appreciate the constitution you have to understand the context of the times in which it was written. In colonial America and the early years of Our Republic almost everyone owned firearms. They used them to defend against hostile indians, for militia service and for hunting game. It was expected that the average American male would be well trained in the use of firearms, as many if not most of them at the time were.

Sorry libs, you lose.


Dragon King Wangchuck-

Well they do walk that walk. There was the guy who shot Dr. Tiller and the one who shot up the Unitarian Church. They both walked in to the House of Jesustown with their guns out. I think there’s been a couple of others…

Or did you mean something that doesn’t point out that every single assassination in this country in pretty much ever was at the hands of a conservative wingnut usually with a firearm? Or that didn’t point out how minorities in powerful positions always have at least one assassination attempt when they are “first” in something?


In order to fully appreciate the constitution you have to understand the context of the times in which it was written.

Too true, too true!

Therefore, as I always say, you have the unfettered right to any arms you want.

As long as they’re muzzle-loading unrifled black powder guns.

“Original intent” and all that.


Heheheh…”Left-wing government of Hawaii”. It is to laugh…

I kinda like “illegitimate mohammedan president” too, even though it’s probably what tells you that this troll is a fake. Seriously, what real wingnut actually knows what that word means? It’s almost as bad as using the word “saracen” and expecting people to believe you’re stupid enough to vote Republican.


“Parody troll, people! C’mon, even Troofie isn’t that bone-stupid.”

Well, yes he IS that stupid.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

They used them to defend against hostile indians, for militia service and for hunting game.

And to shoot into the forest at witches and headless horsemen. A tradition that is continued today, as assholes continue to wave their firesticks at the boogeyman.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So what with “Original Intent™” and all that…All of these gomers with guns are enrolled in a “Well-Regulated” military force? One with rigid and unbreakable rank hierarchy and discipline so ferocious that the ordinary soldier is more afraid of his officers than he is of the enemy? (Because that’s what “Well-Regulated” meant in 18th-Century military parlance.) Good to know. I, for one am enormously reassured….

Dragon-King Wangchuck


I think I meant that these guys who claim to go armed all-the-fucking-time should demonstrate that they go around armed all-the-fucking-time. Perhaps a #2ndAmendment Twitter site where they can report that they’re out shopping for shoes while carrying an AR-15. They’re ogling the Hooters girls and ordering more beers with their hunting rifles hanging on their backs. That they’re going to see the guy manages their 401(k) while they just happen to be packing heat.


John Ziegler:

On August 28th of last year Sarah Palin was a largely unknown governor considered to be a rising star largely because of her willingness to take on Republicans in a way that had endeared her to Democrats. Today she is an ex-governor wrongly perceived by most of the country and virtually all of the news media as an erratic, unqualified, lightweight and ultra-partisan Republican who can’t even mange her own family.

What did she do exactly to deserve this unfortunate perception?


Actually, Tommmcatt, ‘mohammedan’ (usually not capitalized) has pretty common currency at your outright Islamophobic blogs, since it’s considered to be offensive.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

What did she do exactly to deserve this unfortunate perception?

Oh, I know this, it was on Final Jeopardy last night…

What is, everything, Alex?


Predictably, Hairy Numbnutz (slo-pitch fake troll) misreads the 2nd A. The bit about well regulated militia, I mean. See, the militias are maintained by the states. The second amendment thusly requires the states to regulate arms.

Standing army and all that. Also.


Troll has no grasp of history at all. Gun ownership was much less common in the early days of the US than it is now. Guns were expensive, mostly foreign made, and were usually owned by those who needed to oppress some other group. Slave owners, people intent on stealing indian land, that kind of thing.

“well regulated” also refers to standardisation of equipment. All american militias tried to at least standardise the type of ammunition used, and the guns were usually purchased with federal funds and stored in a safe place, rather than being purchased and owned by the militia members themselves.

Not that it matters. The second amendment was slipped in by southerners, because they damned well knew that without guns, they would all be slaughtered like the pigs they were in a massive slave revolt.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Actually, Tommmcatt, ‘mohammedan’ (usually not capitalized) has pretty common currency at your outright Islamophobic blogs, since it’s considered to be offensive.

Occasionally paired up with references to Hindoos. Because these guys are still in the fucking 19th century.


In order to fully appreciate the constitution you have to understand the context of the times in which it was written. In colonial America and the early years of Our Republic almost everyone owned slaves. They used them to pick their crops, for icky household chores and for fanning the gentry when it got above 75. It was expected that the average American pale male would be well trained in the use of slaves, as many if not most of them at the time were.

Sorry libbos, you lose. Giggity.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

That’s right libs, if he was born in the United States than why is the leftwing government of Hawaii so reluctant to release Obamanation’s birth record?

The Govenor of Hawaii is Republican.


Actually, Tommmcatt, ‘mohammedan’

It used to be Mahometan which is a prettier word on the page, I think. I do wonder that they haven’t latched onto blackamoor.


Djur, there’s a thread at Reddit you might want to peruse.
unadorned linky:


Wittgenstein and McMegan … a mix only available via the Gavinator.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

There once was a man mohammedan
The Oval Office he did get in
Through the White House door
Walked the blackamoor
Hail to Chief Barry Saladin!


Actually, Tommmcatt, ‘mohammedan’ (usually not capitalized) has pretty common currency at your outright Islamophobic blogs, since it’s considered to be offensive.

Wow, don’t they realizes how eighteenth-century and dated it makes their ideas sound? Do they talk about the wireless and the horseless carriage as well? And if they’re trying to be offensive, why don’t they go with something that actually might hurt someone’s feelings instead of making them go “huh ? “?

I know, I know, consider the source.

Still, yeesh.


A man, a plan, Mahometan!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

It used to be Mahometan which is a prettier word on the page, I think.

I remember reading a really interesting article on the dissolution and darkening of the name of the Knights Templar that said that it was possible “Baphomet”, the supposed idol the Templars had turned to, was actually a mistranslation of Mahomet, and that the Templars were smashed by the Church for turning to Islam.

Of course, that may have just been bullshit, and the obvious “the Templars had a good usury ring going for themselves, and the medieval Church didn’t like that” was probably the truth of it, but it was an interesting diversion at least.


“Gendarme! That mohammedan stole my velocipede!”


Sure, whittle away your time while the Verdana threat mounts.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

OT update: We’ve done the lease thingy, and have keys that will allegedly gopen the door to a whole other (and nicer!) place to live. Little Studebaker won’t be born homeless after all!

Of course, now we have to get all of our stuff up there before Studie makes his escape…

Lurking Canadian

St. Trotsky, I think both claims are true. The Templars were smashed because they had all the king’s gold and he wanted it back AND they used the accusation that they worshiped Baphomet (Mohammad) because apparently pissing on the cross during initiation rites wasn’t enough of a trumped up charge to get the job done.

Marion in Savannah

LDMM — Congrats on the new digs.


allegedly gopen the door


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Of course, now we have to get all of our stuff up there before Studie makes his escape…

If you pop that sucker out now, maybe he can help pack.


thankee PeeJ.

I’ve also seen “mohammedites”.



I notice Mr. Trollzizzle (if not a fake) had no rejoinder to my point.

Huh. I’ll have to use that more often.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

There once was a brazen mohammedite
For moslimans worldwide he did fight
He followed the Qu’ran
And shunned the moran
And instituted Shania Law, amirite!


apparently pissing on the cross during initiation rites wasn’t enough of a trumped up charge to get the job done.

Apparently not as they even had to bring up buttseks.

Some whackadoodle just outside Bellefonte, PA had a big sign just off the major road. Some rant about Demolay and the antichrist or something. I never stopped to read the whole thing. I just wonder that the better part of a millennium has gone by and they’re still going on about the fucking Templars.


Yet another edition of McArdle’s “Bad Faith Theatre”.


“Gendarme! That mohammedan stole my velocipede!”

Try “has absconded with”. Sounds creakier.


If Mrs. Tilton is around, I just replied to your foie gras query a couple threads over.

Might as well say it herel:

Mrs. Tilton:

Sorry for the late response, the martinis overcame me. Covering under fat is an ages old preservation method. Even without refrigeration, that foie (gawd, just saying foie makes me happy) will keep for months. Go for it! And damn you, now I feel the need to swing by City Markup this afternoon to pick up some…foie…foie…foie. Ahhhh.


How dare you all trouble Megan’s important mind with trivial disagreement. She has not given you permission to matter, SHUT UP.


“Constable! That blackamoor has pilfered my velocipede! Pursue the rapscallion and deliver him to gaol, if you would!”


Please do not point out that I replied regardless of whether Mrs. Tilton is aorund. I would feel obligated to do it had someone else made the same grammatical pothole. No need to be a dick, like me.


Also, since I’m still catching up from last night, to Dan Someone, (congrats on winning teh tred, btw) my $25 “anti-snore” mouthpiece cures my sleep apnea as well as, if not better than, a cpap machine. So says the Ho, anyway. It’s WAY more comfortable. For both of us.


A carton of milk, a loaf of willie pete, and a stick of butter.
A carton of milk, a loaf of willie pete, and a stick of butter.
A carton of milk, a loaf of willie pete, and a stick of butter.
A carton of milk, a loaf of willie pete, and a stick of butter.

Mama mama, I got just what you wanted.

A carton of milk.
A loaf of willie pete.
And a stick of butter.


More catching up:

LDD, it’s so nice to hear that Studie will not (necessarily) deliver himself in a dirty alley. (Though he might, just to be contrary and troublesome, assuming he will take after his old man in that regard.) :BIG_SMILEY:


Oh my… Has anyone seen the newest Swankster?


Getting back on topic: Also.


I’m very late to this party but as a post-punk philosopher I just have to say good work Gavin, good work.

So glad that MoB is back together.

Oh, and, um, yay Wittgenstein I guess. Analytic philosophy sucks, tho.



“Baphomet”, the supposed idol the Templars had turned to, was actually a mistranslation of Mahomet, and that the Templars were smashed by the Church for turning to Islam.
The conversion to Islam is one of the cookier theories, though there may be something to that Baphomet/Mahomet story. The name Baphomet with connection to the Templars only appears in the trial records, but was known before then from folk literature.
In reality, the iconic object the Templars guarded was probably the shroud of Turin which may or may not have been the same thing as the Holy Mandylion folded up. An Italian historian by the name of Barbara Frale wrote a pretty cool book on the subject.


David Horsey cartoon comment:

Horsey’s cartoons are all looking the same anymore. Man does he miss W. Of coarse if he closed his eyes and just looked at the approval rating and policies that Obama has followed, continued, and supported than he would find that W is basically still there!

Wait, is he a dangerous racial black Muslin lunatic, or is he Bush Part 2? Make up your minds, morans.

(And the guy has a avatar apparently of someone in a Wal-Mart vest. I assume it’s him – the mere fact that he’d advertise working for those creeps is a bad sign.)


OT update: We’ve done the lease thingy, and have keys that will allegedly gopen the door to a whole other (and nicer!) place to live. Little Studebaker won’t be born homeless after all!

Of course, now we have to get all of our stuff up there before Studie makes his escape…

Tropical Storm Danny is supposed to pass by the Massachusetts coast between Saturday and Sunday. Watch that barometer.

Alfonso Bedoya Jr.

law-abiding gun owners almost never turn criminal

and if they turn criminal, they’re not law-abiding gun owners! QED!


Steinhauser on the 9/12 teabagger march on DC (FreedomWorks blog and cross-posted at a bunch of other places).

As we watched the size and scope of government grow exponentially this year we rose up in protests across the country. It is not in our nature as conservatives and libertarians to protest, but we had exhausted all other forms of communication to our elected officials.

The grassroots have grown so thick, you sen, they’ve taken out all the phone lines from the Heartland and true patriots are not able to call their representatives in Congress.


McBlartle: “Protesting is much harder on the Secret Service–almost certainly harder than one guy openly carrying a gun, because the protesters are a crowd of people who have to be watched constantly for suspicious movements.”

OK, I presume from this sentence McBlartle is talking only about activities that bring people close to politicians who are entitled to Secret Service protection. The hapless Congressional representative or Democratic mayor confronted by open-carrying tea partiers has to deal with it.

The Secret Service required that people who lined the streets of D.C. for the Inauguration of Bush, and then Obama, go through security checkpoints. No guns were allowed. No umbrellas or strollers were allowed either. If I remember correctly, even signs with sticks weren’t allowed. So I guess the Secret Service is on record as finding it difficult to deal with people carrying weapons, things that could be mistaken for a weapon, or could conceal a weapon. Signs not so much.

Personally, if I were going to do something bad to President Whomever, I would NOT carry a big sign saying “I hate President Whomever more than Hitler.” Then maybe the Secret Service would ignore me. But I bet the Secret Service has thought of this idea too. They probably have to pay attention to everybody in case someone besides me (who would never do anything bad like that) has thought of this idea of NOT attending as a protestor to divert suspicion.

So, if two hundred openly carrying persons show up with wildly waving tea bags at a surburban community’s Fourth of July fireworks show this year, who predicts that the community will do something to prevent that the next year? An ordinance against open carrying during an official holiday celebration? A law against open carrying in the park? Replacing the free fireworks show sponsored by the community with a private show in a controlled venue? I bet the mommies and daddies of surburbia would think of something.


It is not in our nature as conservatives and libertarians to protest




Awesome, I didn’t catch that.


at 22:39 Hairy Fishnuts said:

Oh my… Has anyone seen the newest Swankster?

An inspirational sample:

Is not this the purposeful manner by which a dictator sets up his throne while the populace scratches its head like space cadets out to swim in high waves?

Doesn’t that just make you want to bust out the photoshop to realize the potential of his metaphors?

Thank you Hairy Fishnuts.


Well, if we’re insisting upon original meanings, in eighteenth century English the term “shall not be infringed” actually means the arms shall not be adorned with passementerie. The first draft affirmed ye right of the armf to be beare, not being infringed withe gimpe, braidf, taffelf, or fundry. It was written that way so chicks could wear camis and dudes could wear wife-beaters without schmancy gloves and nobody would make a federal case of it.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

To all gLibertarians everywhere (Hat tip to The Angry Drunk🙂

“…pull your head out of Ayn Rand’s desiccated cunt and join us out here in civil society. In the meantime, fuck off.


Is not this the purposeful manner by which a dictator sets up his atomic flying space throne while the populace scratches its head like space cadets out to swim in high waves?


(And why are the cadets swimming, anyway? Did the dictator confiscate their space barouche to build his throne?)


Marita, congrats on the lease! That is such good news. Fingers crossed for a well-timed arrival…

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

Yay, lease!
Go Studey!
Er, no wait.
Studey, you sit tight until you get the call, ‘K?
Spag, I can’t imagine having to move and prepare for the arrival of spawn at the same time.
Good luck, ya’ll.


But Ludwig snuck teh gaii logick into the Tractatus!!!


I can’t think of a less-libertarian 3 word phrase than “well-regulated militia”. Seriously, think about it. Libertarians don’t want anything well-regulated, and they want everyone to have guns, not just the military.

An unregulated non-militia, being necessary to the security of Megan McArdle’s narcissistic self-serving ideology, the right to keep and bear contradictory beliefs shall not be infringed.


OT, but the wingnuts are outside of my work at the state capitol, LARPing against a Communist takeover of ‘Murka, and I had an idea.

I saw a sign that said “CO2 GOOD, CONGRESS LIES”, and I thought, why not set up a C02 breathing tent at the next teabagger gathering, so as to prove its many wonderful health benefits?

Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

If I suggested that you make that tent a carbon monoxide facility would that make me a bad person?


Good luck to Marita, Studebaker, and maybe even Gavin.
As for Wittgenstein, his work was interesting, if not actually philosophy as it has been practiced throughout history (intentionally inflammatory statement), but the people who have followed on his work are almost to a man huge, useless, assholes who use W as an excuse to call everything written before him invalid. Touching a chair to ‘prove’ it is there is all well and good, but it has nothing to do with sk(c)epticism.
Not that I’m a sk(c)eptic, myself.


LARPing against a Communist takeover of ‘Murka


Migod, you’re right. Fuckin’ LARPers.


The dementia continues:

“As we watched the size and scope of government grow exponentially this year we rose up in protests across the country. It is not in our nature as conservatives and libertarians to protest, but we had exhausted all other forms of communication to our elected officials.”

Addendum: “It *is* in our nature as conservatives and libertarians to follow liars and demagogues, worship our masters, cite the nonsense in Atlas Shrugged as a modus vivendi, and generally act like pretentious, faux-educated assholes. This strategy, which served us so well under Bush, has proved unavailing under the Negro usurper. So we are left with no other recourse than to throw tantrums and brood on our own victimhood.”


It is not in our nature as conservatives and libertarians to protest, but we had exhausted all other forms of communication to our elected officials.”

Oh? Between January 20 and April 15 they exhausted all other forms of communication to their elected officials? Like what, like screaming at the TV?


As we watched the size and scope of government grow exponentially…

Another fine example of somebody not knowing what “exponentially” means.

Don’t they want that, just with a fractional exponent?

(I mean, sure, that’s exponential decay, but still.)


Between January 20 and April 15 they exhausted all other forms of communication to their elected officials?

Remember, these are the idjits that claim war with Iraq was a last resort.


“we had exhausted all other forms of communication to our elected officials”

IOW, “we lost the election so now we’re going to scare you into doing what we want by yelling bullshit at you and waving guns around”.


You know, if the wingnuts were smart (*snerk*) they’d use the “not in our nature to protest” excuse for the pitifully small turnout every time they DO protest.

But no, they’d rather claim that the news media is biased and the police can’t count and that group of twenty chanting idiots was actually 5000 people. ‘Cause “smart” they’re not.


Like what, like screaming at the TV?

Until they went hoarse. The little dears.


McArdle, August 27th, 2009:

To me, liberals sound like the pro-war crowd did in 2002 – positive that they’re right, and constructing a lot of arguments around their ability to imagine what is going on in the heads of people they don’t know very well, and like even less… I hated it then, and I hate it now.

McArdle, February 13th, 2003::

I can’t be mad at these little dweebs. I’m too busy laughing. And I think some in New York are going to laugh even harder when they try to unleash some civil disobedience, Lenin style, and some New Yorker who understands the horrors of war all too well picks up a two-by-four and teaches them how very effective violence can be when it’s applied in a firm, pre-emptive manner.

Of course, I left out her later sneering non-apology apologies on Iraq, always accompanied with mud-slinging at the people with the common sense to get it right, but it would not be McMegan if she weren’t as wrong, unreflective, hypocritical and obnoxious as ever.


positive that they’re right, and constructing a lot of arguments around their ability to imagine what is going on in the heads of people they don’t know very well

She seems so sure of what those people she doesn’t know or like are thinking.


Lee Harvey Oswald was a socialist just like noted socialist Barack Obama who killed a the noted conservative John Kennedy.

Knights in White Satin

It is not in our nature as conservatives and libertarians to protest…”

Huh? She thinks Protesting is a LAST RESORT? What did they do before the situation became so dire that libertarians HAD to protest?


What did they do before the situation became so dire that libertarians HAD to protest?

I recall the brave libertarians, hand-in-hand with their brothers in Mississippi as they faced down the dogs…



You know Gandhi’s salt march in 1930? Libertarians were there.


Thank you Sister von Mises.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

McAddled scores on own goal:

Furthermore, these protests are hardly some variation on the Seattle WTO fights. They’re small and, other than the gun freak show and the LaRouchies with Hitler signs, pretty boring.

She’ll be on couch duty fer sher!


Hey, FYWP, I closed that tag!


anyway, linky


In two yrs. of semi-consistent Internet stalking of Mlle. McArdle, I’ve never seen her more discombobulated then she is now w/ this bizarre “defense” of guns but not a good idea to carry them around, but they’re NOT threatening anyone, what are you are a mind reader?” thing & the health care conflict of interest w/ her insignificant other/fiance.

The walls must really be closing in on them.

And note that her “last word” has been stretched considerably throughout the comments. adifferentbrad has unearthed several nuggets.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Furthermore, these protests are hardly some variation on the Seattle WTO fights. They’re small….

As a veteran of the “Battle of Seattle” (Well, more of a peripheral observer), I can assure you that those protests were quite small as well. Once the novelty wore off, and it had settled down to a couple of dozen people wandering around, surrounded by hundreds of cops, everybody lost interest and went home.

(I couldn’t break through the police cordon the wrong way, so I also eventually lost interest and went home.)


Redskins Patriots.

Sorry Brad, but I must go with my hometown.


I shall not, I shall not pay dues
I shall not, I shall not pay dues
Just like a tree that’s planted by the water
I shall not pay dues


There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear
There’s a man from the IRS there
Telling me to pay what is fair
I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody push those taxes down


My Last Word on Guns

If only that title were My Last Word. And if only she’d stick to it.


Actually, walking around with an automatic weapon isn’t much different than walking around with a bomb strapped to your chest. Except that if people accept people walking around with automatic weapons, they will leave themselves totally open to the person that uses that weapon. These nuts are asking for entirely too much trust. At least suicide bombers aren’t being backed by a contingent that wants people to feel comfortable with people sporting bombs in public.


Bookmark this, Libs, Here is exactly how it will go down:

(AP) Fox news personalities Bill O’Reilly, Glen Beck, Shawn Hannity and Lou Dobbs (Who recently joined FNC after being fired from his longtime job at CNN) issued a joint statement today, expressing “shock, outrage and sadness’ at the assasination earlier this week of President Barack Obama. “Like all Americans, we are deeply appalled by the actions of this sick individual,” who was apprehended almost immediately by Secret Service agents and police from Dallas, where the president was giving a speech in support of his healthcare reform agenda. “Obviously, this is a deeply disturbed, angry man, who needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is highly inappropriate and frankly disgusting to use this terrible event as an excuse to attack the responsible, law-abiding gun owners who have been exercising their precious constitutional right to bear arms at recent political events around the country.”

“Naturally, the liberals have been trying to point the finger of blame at those of us who have been critical of Obama’s policies, and we strongly object to that kind of politicization of this national tragedy,” added syndicated radio personality Rush Limbaugh. “Of course we wanted this president’s socialist agenda to fail, but we never said we wanted him killed! How dare the Democrats stoop to scoring cheap political points by claiming the gunman was somehow ‘encouraged’ to commit this terrible act by my commentary, or anyone else’s. Of course, you can’t blame the guy for being angry,” he added.

NewsCorp president Rupert Murdoch voiced his strong objections to reports that the suspect had been a regular commenter on several of Fox News programs’ web forums, and that he had books by Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly and others with him in the car he drove to downtown Dallas, along with an array of weapons and ammunition. “There is no connection whatsoever between this individual’s reading habits and his obvious mental instability,” Murdoch insisted in remarks to reporters yesterday. “To suggest that he was receiving some kind of ‘subliminal message’ from these writers is nothing short of slander.”

President Biden, in a brief speech shortly after being sworn in aboard Air Force One this morning, agreed, calling for a time of “national healing and reconcilliation.” “Now is not the time to look back and make accusations. We must find common ground to come together now, and put away the hateful rhetoric that only inflames the divisions between us as Americans.”

When asked if the assassination had derailed plans for a helthcare reform bill to be passed this year, Vice-President-Designate Hillary Clinton responded with a terse “What do you think?” before being whisked away to an undisclosed location.

You will wonder how I was able to call this so accurately.


Mother, mother
There’s too many of you tithing
Brother, brother, brother
There’s far too many hit by excising
You know we’ve got to find a way
To trim our liability here today


I had to listen to this idiot McAddled when I made the mistake of tuning into NPR and “Marketplace”.

She took the recent debt figures to assert that the debt would be 100% of GDP. You know, ’cause they said it would be $9 trillion dollars, and our GDP right now is around $14 trillion, and presumably will not grow by one fucking dollar over the next god-damned 10 years.

Why the fucking fuck do these useless fucks put this empty headed faux economist shitbag on the air? What the fucking god-damned fuck?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

[snip]…President Biden, in a brief speech shortly after being sworn in aboard Air Force One this morning, agreed, calling for a time of “national healing and reconcilliation.” “Now is not the time to look back and make accusations. We must find common ground to come together now, and put away the hateful rhetoric that only inflames the divisions between us as Americans.”….[snip]

This is the only part I disagree with. Of course, the right-wing propaganda machine, in their attempts to foment an assassination by one of their hypnotized followers, has been simultaneously implanting a meme about Joe Biden being a stupid, helpless gaffe machine, but this is whistling past the graveyard. Anybody who thinks that President Biden wouldn’t come down on these assholes like the fucking Wrath of God is on crack.


Some guy over at TBogg said it best:

Megan’s brain is the proverbial knife in a gunfight.


From your keyboard to God’s monitor, Battleaxe.

Actually, I agree with you–Biden might actually be more inclined to play hardball than Obama has so far…


Hey, where’d Hairy McAsshole go? I wanted to tell him all about how “a well-regulated militia” = THE ARMY, in 18thCentSpeak.

Can’t be Twoofie, that’s for sure…HE never goes away.


Any post that manages ties to *early* Wittgenstein (!!) and Bertie Russell is okay by me.

I was a hopeless Bertie Russell groupie when I was younger & probably would have stalked the poor man if he’d still been alive… I make pretty hard fun of celebrity-hounds but I really don’t have room to talk, or at least I wouldn’t if we still had philosophers and shit.


How dare the Democrats stoop to scoring cheap political points by claiming the gunman was somehow ‘encouraged’ to commit this terrible act by my commentary, or anyone else’s.

Considering this is pretty much what Limbaugh did indeed say in 1995, after his kind of idiot fearmongering and anti-government rhetoric encouraged Tim McVeigh, this probably isn’t far off the mark.

Talkshow hosts strenuously rejected the idea that they might bear some responsibility when members of their audience take such inflammatory rhetoric seriously. Limbaugh wrote a full-page column on the Oklahoma City bombing for Newsweek (5/8/95) headlined, “Why I’m Not to Blame.”

“Those who make excuses for rioters and looters in Los Angeles now seek to blame people who played no role whatsoever in this tragedy,” Limbaugh wrote–a strange complaint from someone who devoted a chapter in his book See, I Told You So to arguing that “Dan Quayle Was Right” to blame the L.A. riots on Murphy Brown.


For those of you who are appalled at my “assassination” report above, please believe that I hope and pray more fervently than I have prayed for anything since becoming an atheist that it doesn’t happen. Unfortunately, I think it’s almost inevitable that someone, somewhere, sometime soon, is going to take the shot, and there’s a pretty good chance they’ll succeed.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

@ Pere Ubu:

See, this is where they’re going to get tripped up. In the past, and even in 1995, if you said: “But you said…” and they said “No, I didn’t!”, they were secure in the knowledge that after you’d spent a couple of days going through microfilm in a library, or the morgue in a newspaper office, and came back waving the proof, nobody would be interested any more.

Things are completely different now, and I don’t think they’ve thoroughly internalized that yet. Now if something terrible happens as a result of their propaganda, hundreds of people in the audience will have laptops or iPhones, and can pull up all of their incendiary pronouncements in seconds.

To paraphrase Leibniz (or was it Bishop Wilkins?): “Come, let us Google together.”


Off-topic, but:




Waving assault rifles at Presidential events makes things harder for the Secret Service.

Yes, because after they drop the hammer on your ass, there’s simply TONS of paperwork. Such a bore.

Please tell me McCurdle was simply appalled by pResident Bush’s Free Speech Containment Units.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

@ Steerpike:

I feel the same way, but as you say, I think an attempt is inevitable. I think Obama and his advisers are aware of that, and are rolling the dice that if it does, it will discredit these teabagging terrorists and their puppet masters for long enough to get something done. They’re also rolling the dice on the Secret Service being loyal, of course.

I’m sure also that they’re collecting every inflammatory utterance by these right-wing blood flukes for exhibit at that time. I’m secure in the knowledge that our side is smarter than them, I just hope we’re luckier than them. Oh, FSM, please enfold president Obama in your noodly appendages!


Ah, no one is appalled. Certainly no different than that “Assassination of G. W. Bush” movie.

I’m second to no one in America-hating & elitist disdain for bitter gun & jeezis clingers, but I can’t bring myself to think that’s really going to happen. Not successfully, anyway.

Fingers crossed & knocking on wood. Much more sensible rituals than petitioning the Upstairs.


I pray fervently ever night that no niece or nephew of mines grows up to be as fucking stupid and idiotic as today’s conservatives are.

I do my duty as an adult to point just how fucking stupid the majority of the conservative adults are. lol Let me tell you it’s like working 3 full time jobs due to the over abundance of substandard conservative adults.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Steerpike, I think that the violence we are all freaked out about will follow the pattern of the OKC bombing. Some poor schmos who are working in an IRS office, or some quiet guys unwinding in a gay bar in Iowa or Missouri will fear the wrath of the righties. The President has the best security detail the country can provide, and the righties are not known for having the courage, as your namesake had, “to be pitted, openly, against the big battalions.”

Of course, you are spot on about the chorus of denials from the punditocrappy.


Who was it that supposedly compared Sarah Palin to Obiwan Kenobi? As in “Strike her down and she becomes more powerful, etc. etc. etc” I think that analogy, overwrought and geeky as it is, applies much more aptly to the assassinated Obama, but only IF the Democrats are prepared to use it. The sound bytes, YouTube clips, blog posts, and magazine articles could fill the network news for weeks without repetition, but the first time some retromingent winger accuses us of “politicizing the tragedy” you just know we’ll fold up like a cheap lawn chair.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

but the first time some retromingent winger accuses us of “politicizing the tragedy” you just know we’ll fold up like a cheap lawn chair

“We” will be marching down Sixth Avenue to the Fox Studios with torches and pitchforks. What Harry Reid does is irrelevant.


Who was it that supposedly compared Sarah Palin to Obiwan Kenobi?

Erick Erickson.


Totally OT, but this headline just completely reminds me of that mysterious, never-explained “freak camping accident” that wiped out the Shithouse Troll’s family.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Boating at night is difficult as hell.

Even trickier than hiking the Appalachian Trail.


America is the most awesome place on Earth if McCardle gets paid to think and write.


If I suggested that you make that tent a carbon monoxide facility would that make me a bad person?

If you suggested a carbon monocle facility, you could attract the upper crust.

Zombie Reagan's Tiny Limp Rotting Dick

Jennifer –

Unfortunately he survived with only relatively minor injuries (he is my – and everyone else in Montana’s – worthless piece of shit congress critter).

Zombie Reagan's Tiny Limp Rotting Dick

Who was it that supposedly compared Sarah Palin to Obiwan Kenobi?

That would be Erick shite of Erick over at RedStake.


Big Bad Bald Bastard –

You are of course absolutely correct. These shits are too inept and cowardly to directly take on the President, but they will commit some totally futile, mindless act of mass destruction to make themselves feel like they actually have dicks.


but they will commit some totally futile, mindless act of mass destruction

You mean “some more,” right?


McCardle gets paid to think and writetype.

F’d that.


Maybe this has been asked before, but there must already be places where assault weapons aren’t allowed, right? Banks, hospitals…isn’t the freedom to carry already subject to restriction?

Putting political events on the list sounds liberal sensible.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yeah, good doctor, I fancy they could do some mischief still in a small mean way.

Unfortunately, there are real victims of their misdeeds.

On a happier note, for me, my brother finally got home from Bush’s Folly. His transport hit the tarmac a few hours ago.


B^4 – Great news he’s home.


Dr. Mrs. Marita: I have recently become aware of a phenomenon known as the “Obama Baby Boom.” In that regard, the impending birth of your child in this Year One of our New Socialist Utopia would seem to coordinate with the requisite nine-month time elapse since the sacred November 2008 anointing of our Messiah the Obama. Coincidence, or the understandable result of election-eve revelry? You can tell us, and we will only rejoice all the more in the extra-specialness of the coming of l’il Stude.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


Is that true? “Obama Baby Boom!” I love it!

I always tell everybody I was born exactly 9 months after Halloween, and tell them to draw their own conclusions, but saying you were born exactly 9 months after election night 2008 would be much better.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

B^4 – Great news he’s home.

It’s a relief, I may even regrow some hair. Another brother already did two tours. What a friggin’ nightmare. Needless to say, both of them lost friends.


I have recently become aware of a phenomenon known as the “Obama Baby Boom.”

To qualify, the child’s birth certificate must be questioned by at least one loon, and male children must be uncut.


I was born exactly 9 months after Halloween, and tell them to draw their own conclusions

Your parents are furries?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

and male children must be uncut.

Or is it cut? Limpballs seems to be in a tizzy over Obama’s plot on his PENIS.

I’d link to “Media Matters”, but you don’t need the brain bleach.


Limpballs seems to be in a tizzy over Obama’s plot on his PENIS.

With good reason. Obama is the Hitler of the Foreskin Holocaust.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Obama is the Hitler of the Foreskin Holocaust.

Well, he does seem to have a negative effect on schmucks.

Batchy McMethmaker

Ha! I have changed my name to resume my disguise!

You know what will happen if somebody makes an attempt on Obama’s life?

“one false move, and the nigger gets it!”

I think he’ll survive.


The gLibertarians’ are galactic-scale cobags for a number of practical and philosophical reasons but the thing that inevitably sticks in my craw is the contrast between their smug pseudo-intellectual pose and the utter moral and intellectual laziness of the shit they spew. I mean, really, how much creativity, effort, and commitment does it take to convince people to be selfish pricks? They may as well be agitating for gravity.


Exclusive: The Rest Of That Barney Frank Town Hall Meeting With The Teabaggers

Barney rocks it. (“Who do you think paid for the war [wingnut]? Santa Claus?”)


Hey all,

Since the thread has gone from McArgle-argle-graaagh to foreskin holocausts, let me hip you to the Pew Forum bringing us:

When asked what they would do if scientists were to disprove a particular religious belief, nearly two-thirds (64%) of people say they would continue to hold to what their religion teaches rather than accept the contrary scientific finding, according to the results of an October 2006 Time magazine poll.

(via Pharyngula)

This is really the core reason you can’t have a rational post-Kutcher debate on health care or insurance reform (or just about anything). Evidence doesn’t matter, if it ever did. The only way to move policy at this point is to alter dogma somehow — probably with childhood indoctrination and all-encompassing propaganda from this day forward. Or we could maybe all just agree to get back to valuing expertise; observing reality; using the actual meanings of words. Unlikely, I know.


Every Democrat in Congress needs to take Barney Frank lessons.


…the contrast between their smug pseudo-intellectual pose and the utter moral and intellectual laziness of the shit they spew.

With respect, kingubu, you’re letting WackBlargle and her kind off far too easily. Laziness may explain some of it, but failing to acknowledge the obvious results of their philosophy requires an Orwellian refusal to think. It takes no real effort of any kind to see how the total exploitation of the weak by the strong is the immediate, predictable, and inevitable result of their philosophy. They simply refuse to draw the obvious conclusion, then berate anyone who does. Mockery is our entirely appropriate response to such rank dishonesty.



A Goldberg Unit is the interval between the identification of a task that requires completing, and the moment at which that task still isn’t completed.


I thought it was the interval between the identification of a task that requires completing, and the moment at which teh Pantload begs someone else to do it for him.


Megan Does Descartes: “I blart, therefore I am (entitled to spend Daddy’s money).”

“Gendarme! That mohammedan stole my velocipede!”

Would be the funniest line of this thread, if not for:

America is the most awesome place on Earth if McCardle gets paid to think and write.



McMegan can go fuck herself with a hardbound first edition of The Fountainhead”.

Mr. Bunched Undies

The problem with MM’s site (besides the odious presence of MM, obviously) is that she has seemingly hundreds of idiot fanboys who are ready at a moment’s notice to jump out of the woodwork and kick your virtual-reality ass (in their minds) – they seem to be operating on the belief that this will somehow get them into MM’s pants (again, in their minds).

Why does no one address this? Is it inherently sexist? Is MM secretly basking in this attention, thus puffing her already enormously inflated sense of entitlement up to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day balloon proportions?


Yeah, there’s always someone who jumps in (all over the web) to huff and puff that McArdle’s mind isn’t resepected and nobody addresses her arguments. The arguments she pulled out of her ass.


I’ll tell you exactly what people who carry guns to events like this are: they are pussies. Pussies acting like tough guys. In fact, that is pretty much what Republicanism is in a nutshell.


I replied regardless of whether Mrs. Tilton is aorund
When the aorist tense
and a gerund make sense
That’s aorund.


Here’s what you get when you accuse la Megan of being drunk:

“And maybe you like silencing those you disagree with with outrageous accusations of horrific motives because you’re too dim to come up with any rejoinder more sophisticated than “You are a pottyhead!” Maybe you have a size twelve ego stuffed into a size four soul, and enjoy unleashing your petty fits of juvenile righteousness upon people who have the temerity to not recognize the overwhelming genius of everything you say.”

So there!


Gavin is the Hatey McHateyface of the Garblety Blarglety Poo World !!!


Boating at night is difficult as hell.
Even trickier than hiking the Appalachian Trail.

You ought to try boating the Appalachian Trail at night, in Argentina!



i always thought the 2nd amendment was a sneaky way of saying that congress wasn’t going to pony up the cash needed to supply the army with guns.


(comments are closed)