Speaking of, I wonder what’s going on…
Posted on March 15th, 2006 by Gavin M.
…with our evil twin blog?
Something is wrong with US. Bull shit! It’s the big LIE of feminsim. […] I am proud of my body. I have never had any plastic surgery and never will. I am proud of my imperfections. My boobs are not huge but they are real; my vagina isn’t a cherry but it’s quite capable to bringing a man to the best orgasm he’s ever had (because I know how to use IT right LOL) and it serves me extremely well when it comes to my own orgasms.
That’s just the opposite of what we were thinking about.
that’s a weird site – how do you blame that stuff on feminism?
I suppose in the 1800’s having ribs removed so your corset could be tighter was because of feminism too?
What a nut!
Feminism caused the objectification of women? Who knew? And it was feminism which caused women to get fake tits and vaginal surgery? Huh.
Well, you can’t say that’s not batshit insane.
Oh that Raven. If only women would stop getting plastic surgery because they’re big ol’ feminists. I bet Betty Friedan is spinning in her grave over the likes of women like our evil sisters at ARS!
Hey, I thought Raven had declared that she was hanging up the blogging thing. Anyone? Beuller?
That’s so Raven!
What a great post! You are absolutely right, the feminist movement has come full circle.
Comment by caltechgirl — 3/14/2006 @ 7:47 pm
Sweet onion chutney! celticgirl has her own evil twin on Sadly, No!‘s evil twin? Is there a Punky Pinkcheeks and The Lamb, too?
My penis is not huge, but it is real.
Sweet onion chutney! celticgirl has her own evil twin on Sadly, No!’s evil twin?
Oh no, everyone’s going to start going over there and posting as their evil twins…
And Raven is going to be all like, ‘Aaaagh!’ because she hates laughter…
She make her vagina sound like Shop-Vac or something.
Wow. That’s…insane. Completely, 100% insane. Why can’t I meet chicks like this?
So much has been written about the mysterious clitoral orgasm that the true, really exquisite and uttery amazing orgasm we CAN experience with a MAN is almost unheard of.
The mysterious CLITORAL orgasm? You mean, the one that most women can give themselves by the age of fifteen?
Although I must admit that a penis-induced orgasm is uttery amazing.
A cow-induced orgasm is uddery amazing. (Neal Horsley told me that.)
My penis is huge but, sadly, it is not real.
MRSA? MRSA is the result of vaginal tightening surgeries? And here I was thinking it was the result of natural selection together with antiobiotic overuse.
I still go there almost everyday, but it’s not the same since timmah420 stopped posting.
Raven — perhaps because she is not a man — doesn’t seem to realize that every orgasm a man has is the “best orgasm he’s ever had.” Really, it has nothing to do with how she uses her vagina. She could use her vagina to store acorns for the winter; it would make no difference to the quality of her man’s orgasms.
To trackback or not to trackback…
he could use her vagina to store acorns for the winter; it would make no difference to the quality of her man’s orgasms.
Now there’s no alternative. (‘Scuse me for a second…)
Shop-Vac, acorn pantry … I wonder why “vagina-envy” never made it into the big psych theories. Those things are AWESOME. From now on, every day is V-E Day.
Actually it did, tg! Courtesy of psychoanalytic apostate Karen Horney, if memory serves. No, I’m not shitting you, that is her real name. It’s pronounced Horn-eye.
You quit that giggling right now! Don’t make me come back there . . . .
Upwards of 90% of women do this [fake an orgasm] on a regular basis.
Upwards of 72% of statistics are made up on the spot!
Some observations:
1. I have a freaking EVIL TWIN?!!!!
2. Dan Someone: ROFLMAO- My first thought exactly!
3. #3 comment ‘Anonymous’ was actually me (or, perhaps, MY EVIL TWIN!)
Laughing so hard I’m now crying…
The kind of orgasm we get with being truly turned on, stimulated and which requires, *GASP*, a penile penetration!! Oh my.
Lesbian sex sucks- because they cannot replicate the really good sex that only a man and a woman can create. You won’t hear about this in modern magazines though. Or from a feminsist.
Raven, you mean to tell me that there’s no such thing as a vibrator or a dildo?! I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
dAVE, J. Brida:
Don’t you know? Feminists are TEH EVIL. Therefore all of womenkind’s problems must be due to feminism. QED.
Why, before feminism, women were admired solely for their intelligence, they were never raped, and they all had deep, intense orgasms every time they baked an apple pie or saluted the flag.
Mr. Memento, of course before the 20th century, working class women never had jobs, right? 😛
Once ‘SteelReserveDude’ starts posting over there, I’ll consider this a real phenomenon- *wink*.
Oh, like I’d post under more than a couple of fake names.
No, there’s some genuine 3Bulls and other action over there.
Lesbian sex sucks … You won’t hear about this in modern magazines though.
Nope, you’ll only hear this from someone who’s never tried it.
Do they have a doctor pbandj?
Lesbian sex sucks
You’re doing it wrong!
Technically lesbian sex licks, gay male sex sucks.
If she thinks clitoral orgasms are mysterious, it may be because she doesn’t have one.
A clitoris, I mean.
Lesbian sex sucks- because they cannot replicate the really good sex that only a man and a woman can create. You won’t hear about this in modern magazines though. Or from a feminsist.
And you sure as hell won’t hear it from a lesbian.
It’s astonishing really. Raven’s solipsism is impenetrable. What she believes and what she knows is exactly how the world operates for everyone else. Even recent history is nothing other than the result of what she understands of it (which is very little.)
How come there seem to be so many of these types around these day?
Damn this jury duty thing! By the time I get here, all the good snark’s already taken!
Good lord. She makes the Learning to Grok woman look like a Rhodes Scholar.
Learning, Trying, whatever.
Six dollars a day and a hot lunch is nothing to complain about, D. Sidhe! Plus you probably have the Fonz on your jury! Lucky duckie!
Six dollars a day and a hot lunch is nothing to complain about, D. Sidhe! Plus you probably have the Fonz on your jury! Lucky duckie!
I hate that she tries to blow the whole thing off as a “very long and boring post.” As with the mutterings/shoutings of any crazy homeless woman wearing four coats and pushing a shopping cart full of empty plastic bags around downtown, her post is absolutely fascinating.
Blah Blah Blah- When are the Cobb (Cobbaggie?) nominations going to go up?
I haven’t had a chance to actually read the linked-to post yet (I will at lunch), but I take it this woman not only still believes in the Freudian fallacy of “immature” orgasms (“clitoral”) versus “mature” orgasms (“vaginal”) but is also proud of it, and thinks it makes her a brave voice against feminists? Am I right?
I haven’t had a chance to actually read the linked-to post yet (I will at lunch), but I take it this woman not only still believes in the Freudian fallacy of “immature” orgasms (“clitoral”) versus “mature” orgasms (“vaginal”) but is also proud of it, and thinks it makes her a brave voice against feminists? Am I right?
Hoo boy, has she has given us *way* too much information in that post, breaking clear through the TMI barrier and emerging well into the other side.
Lesbian sex sucks? Gosh, I’m afraid I’ll have to inform my girlfriend that this whole time we’ve been having really crappy sex–no thanks to feminism!
It’s astonishing really. Raven’s solipsism is impenetrable.
Reading her post, I got the idea that it was quite penetrable.
Or maybe I’m confused about what a solipsism is.
I think this was a solipsgasm.
Lesbian sex sucks?
Oh no, don’t tell the boys, they mightn’t be able to convince girls that they really like to get it on with each other for them.
Tee hee. DA said “hot lunch.”
Reading her post, I got the idea that it was quite penetrable.
I only realised later that I missed a prime opportunity for some snark by tying impenetrability to Raven’s rather welcoming vagina, but I’m having an off day.
Can you we have a new post, please?
Mal: Hell no. This is some grade-A, prime, choice awesome right here.
Mal, we’re just getting warmed up. If the evil twin thing can get 200+/- posts, then by God Raven’s vagina should too!
*please please please let Raven come over here and start the name calling thingie*
why is is that self-described conservative types never know a goddamn thing about history?
Is it because they work with history in the premodern/scholarly sense of the word? (i.e. making shit up about how things used to be in order to justify whatever the hell you want)
Does she realize that without feminism, she wouldn’t be writing about sex on her blog, and certainly not talking about her own orgasms.
Her blind spot is as big as the sun.
that’s premodern/prescholarly
Lesbian sex sucks? Gosh, I’m afraid I’ll have to inform my girlfriend that this whole time we’ve been having really crappy sex–no thanks to feminism!
Why don’t you explain it to us in detail and let us be the judge?
If Lesbian sex is so bad, why are there so many videos in the store with “Lesbian” in the title? er, or so I’m told….
I would’ve expected much more rational discourse from a site that carries a ‘Tancredo for President’ advertisement.
I would like to say that it is the feminists who do the faking most the time but I have no actual proof of that. I am pretty sure it’s a fact though.
Why yes, that would be from the famous feminist scholar, Andrew Dice Clay, I believe, in a seminal paper of the field.
Aw, see what you guys did?
You made that poor woman (nonfeminazi) close comments…YOU’RE ALL MEANIES!
Yeah, I guess my making fun of her lack of dating was kinda over the top.
…And Rightly So!
Wow. S,N! didn’t close comments when the Ace-Man showed up.
Right-wingers are such wimps.
Hmm. Her posts contain a link to a “TrackBack URI”.
Does “locator” start with an I?
Sadly, No!
Oh yeah, I think the closing of comments qualifies as a blast of the ol’…
Or, rather, “Ah-oogah!”
‘I’ is for indicator. I love you like a sibling, but you picked the ONE thing in that post that wasn’t completely muffed, so to speak. Maybe the rampant cherry-filled feminsim made you do it?
The comment log on that Rightly So post is awesome. She closed the comment page, but too late.
As one of the resident techs in the office here, the “my vagina is an apache server” and “using IT right for guys” had me trying to suppress my laughter so hard that I was literally squealing at my desk. People are looking at me weird now…
So, S,N! gets invaded by Neo-Nazis and, months later, aRS! closes its comments from an attack over Femi-Nazis. It’s eerie.
w3.org on URI. It would be incorrect to refer to URIs as URLs, but not incorrect to call URLs URIs, like “dogs are animals” is correct while “animals are dogs” is not.
But why do we argue? Let us eat cake, my brother/sister/sibling of indeterminate gender, and plan the next war on Christmas. Only 284 planning days until this years abomination against liberal atheism.
she closed the comments after only, what 35 comments?
What a giant pussy!
I don’t have a huge vagina, but I swear to god I told my father in law i did…
I would’ve expected much more rational discourse from a site that carries a ‘Tancredo for President’ advertisement.
The Dawg 4 teh win!
tee hee. melior said “seminal.”
I’m starting to doubt Raven’s moral fiber. Anyone who’d throw around words like “clitoris” and “vagina” and “penis” so carelessly must be a real ho.
Though apparently it’s the feminists’ fault for making it that way.
I’m disappointed. You guys clearly were only warmed up when she closed comments, and the personal attacks were kept quite civil all things considered. There could have been more, so much more, but now…nothing. It makes me sad to think about the snark that will never be.
It’s not over until she calls somebody a “f-ing slime twat”…
Now THAT’s So Raven!
celticgirl, I liked how you censored yourself on f-ing but not twat.
Gavin, urethra commenters ought to be ashamed for their crude intercourse with Raven, who clearly has mons important items on her pudenda than being labialled a self-cervixing pussy on a pubic forum.
You people are just ovaryreacting to an intelligent young woman’s vaginal awakening … it’s no wonder her patience was testicled by your pap smears. So circumsising your frankly vulvar foray onto her blog is about the yeast you could have expected from her. Pons my word, I’m surprised she didn’t close the thread foreskin comments into your little attack. G-spot whiz, enough already! Nobody’s going to fallopian for your glans-handed attempts to act all innocent! You must really think Raven is some kind of dim-bulbocavernosus!
DA, baby you’re on FIRE!
“Joseph”: stop being a FUCKING cobag…
Celticgirl, when Josef pointed that out, I spent the next few minutes trying to figure out how to censor “twat” and make it readable:
Nope. I’d not go for “twat” on any of those first off.
Oh, and my new dicky blog software censors for me, so I got “In certain cir***stances…”
Floored me.
No, no, no.
Well, I prefer f14ng3 …
god damn DA. teh better get his ass in gear.
I feel I’m letting the side down by not providing any snark, but all I can say is: this thread and the one over at evil-twin-blog have made me laugh and laugh. A big collective mwah to all you very funny people.
(Collective mwah? What a slut! Blame feminism!)
Myyyyyy vagina has a first name
It’s F-E-M-M-I
My vagina has a second name
It’s N-A-Z-I-S
Oh, I love to eat it everyday, and if you ask me why, I’ll say,
“‘Cause Femminazis have a way with V-A-G-I-G-N-A!”
I meant to type “Josef”, evil twinniness abounds here!
Dorothy, as for your point, right on. I just couldn’t see any way to censor twat, so left it be. I should have just quoted her, which would have given me the easy out. To wit: It’s not over ’til Raven calls you a “…fucking slime-twat”. I can’t seem to remember the offending remark from some months back, but this retort was positively Ravenesque.
That girl is all class, isn’t she?
Buttermyself – Yeah, sorry about that, Kender really pissed me off. Does he still post there?
Either way, I’ve been thinking of making a reappearance, the things she says are so unbelieveably nutty and hypocritical that I can hardly resist. Check her quote on the current post of my site, it’s sooooo Raven!
Alright, I already found ARS! to be deeply disturbing, but I never looked at the header artwork much before now. Is that supposed to be an artfully placed Beretta (or whatever handgun has a squared off barrel) sitting at a jaunty angle in the foreground? Or am I imaging things?
*grrrrrr* – should read ‘imagining’…
I wonder if anyone is reading this thread anymore: I can’t find the original ARS post our Sadly, No! hosts led us to weeks ago, but can anyone lead me back to it? I want to confirm my impression that it was I whom she called a F-ing Sl— Tw–.
Lucy, I do believe you are right. I can’t find it either, but I seem to remember it was you in the line of fire.
Won’t somebody push this thread over 100? (#97, Bitchez!) Raven? Raven? Bueller?
BTW, it was you, Lucy. See this thread: Does every blog have its Bizarro-world doppelganger?