Posted on August 26th, 2009 by Travis G.
William A. Jacobson, Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion:
Rush Was Right: Dems Call For “The Kennedy Memorial Health Bill”:
- Democrats once again display their hypocrisy by proposing to name their health care reform bill after Ted Kennedy, even though they criticized Rush Limbaugh for coming up with the exact same idea five months before the senator succumbed to brain cancer, and less than a week after this one liberal blogger called the deceased Robert Novak a liar.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
That’s awesome. It takes a special intellect to detect the hypocrisy in criticizing Rush for mocking Kennedy’s terminal illness during his life, then seeking to name a bill for the senator after his death.
Who’s more douchey – the douche or the douche that follows him?
S.O.P. for the two-year old tantrum party.
Strange, when Rush Limbaugh used the phrase “Kennedy Memorial Health Bill,” he was harshly criticized. But that was back in March, on the heels of the stimulus bill, when passage of a Democratic health care restructuring bill seemed like a certainty.
Maybe he doesn’t know what “memorial” means? He does seem pretty dim.
Pretty good plan. Any efforts to pass health care are now “a crass and coldly executed plan to exploit Kennedy’s death.”
Ergo, no Democratic health care legislation can ever pass in the history of the US.
Jonah approves.
What the fuck does any of this have to do with mustard?
Shorter Panload: If they name the bill after Kennedy, it’s open season on the motherfucker.
The road to health is peppered with good intentions.
How dare they!
LoadedHosen on calling it the Kennedy Act: That’s not making an argument for healthcare reform, that is simple bullying and I see no reason why opponents …
Jonah (the Whale) is scared. Alas, I can not get rid of the mental picture of his quivering, bloated, blubbery mass shaking like the world’s largest jello salad in a Richter 10 quake.
Dammit, J– beat me to it. How soon these morons forget the long national fellating of St. Ronnie Raygun when he joined the great pillow fight in the sky.
And, really, making an equivalence between Kennedy and his long career of public service to a snake of a journalist like Robert Novak? Me thinks thou dost wank too much, Mr. Jacobson.
Well, it’s not like they named it the patriot act, is it?
Shorter Pantload: yeah, I’m still a pathetic, rationalising cunt, wanna make something of it?
I heartily endorse this event or product.
Longer, smellier Pantload:
Ted Kennedy, okay, I got nothing nice to say. But if some Democrat wants to use Kennedy’s name to push an agenda, I will totally let rip with what I really think about the dead asshole. Totally. Because I’m the kind of classy guy that doesn’t do things unprovoked, except when I’ve double dared you to provoke me in which case you I’m warning you not to fuck with the wrong Momma’s boy chickenhawk.
Well, it’s not like they named it the patriot act, is it?
Damn right. Go eat a bag of lightly salted poisoned rat dicks, Jonah.
Jacobson is trying to be Reynold’s rival in right-pundit cluelessness.
So Pantload believes that if the bill is named after Kennedy, the most effective arguments against it are personal attacks on Kennedy. In fact, those are the only possible effective arguments against the magic effect of the Kennedy name.
Go for it wingnuts. Forget about the possible increase in deficits if health care financing plans go awry. Drop the grandma-killing rhetoric and even the comparisons of the bill to policy originated by that liberal fascist socialist communist Hitler/Joker. As the nation buries one of the best known members of the senate, the brother of the assassinated John and Bobby Kennedy, the senator who has worked for decades on behalf of the poor and middle-classand, go for it.
Blart, blart, blart CHAPPAQUIDDICK!!!! Blart, blart, blart CHAPPAQUIDDICK!!!! Blart, blart, blart CHAPPAQUIDDICK!!!! Blart, blart, blart CHAPPAQUIDDICK!!!!
Because nobody has heard about that incident before. Scales will fall from the eyes of all Americans. Chappaquiddick? Why haven’t we heard about this before? This changes everything! The health care reform bill is named for Ted Kennedy! It will drown us all!
I am so sorry it didn’t work out to name that Sewage Treatement plant after GWB.
Because your mouth is crammed too full of Cheetos?
Perhaps Jonah will blink us his real thoughts about Kennedy.
I’m with you tigrismus, what part of “memorial” doesn’t he understand – and how does one get a writing gig being this clueless?
I’m not sure I’d trust him to breathe on his own without somehow fucking it up (which of course would be a blessing).
What’s with these people’s continual instance upon supporting Everything Rush Says? I figure the man’s sins are so obvious that they’d at least shrug him off, but alas.
What’s with these people’s continual instance upon supporting Everything Rush Says?
“He MUST be telling the truth! Look, he sells such nice ties!”
What’s with these people’s continual instance upon supporting Everything Rush Says?
They all think of themselves as new Tom Sawyers.
Hey, Actor, before I forget again to ask:
Were you in an improv group called Short Order Theater in the mid-90s?
Ah, the tried-and-true “but he started it” justification. We saw Truthie saying similar shit in comments here just a few weeks ago. “Fine! This gives me permission to say horrible things about Ted Kennedy!”
As if they were going to be super nice and classy until us liberals messed it all up. Isn’t that right, Anchoress?
they’d at least shrug him off, but alas.
Alas Shrugged?
I read that. I was especially struck by the part where they shot the cop to death and it was totally the cop’s fault because he didn’t decide on his life’s philosophy quickly enough or something.
As if they were going to be super nice and classy until us liberals messed it all up
“See what you made me do!”
“See what you made me do!”
Exactly. It’s the last shred of pretense to go before they just openly decide to be spiteful monsters.
OK, so I’m looking at a list of logical fallacies, trying to figure out which one(s) this falls under:
None really fit, but it seems like some kind of negative reality inversion of tu quoque – “me too” rather than “you too”.
i.e. Our spokesperson Rush fucked up, so we’re allowed to fuck up even more in the same vein, and so forth.
Any ideas?
I’m okay with people being spiteful monsters. Helps you sort out what’s what.
Strange, when Rush Limbaugh used the phrase “Kennedy Memorial Health Bill,” he was harshly criticized. But that was back in March, on the heels of the stimulus bill, when passage of a Democratic health care restructuring bill seemed like a certainty.
Maybe he doesn’t know what “memorial” means? He does seem pretty dim.
I’d add, wasn’t Rush making this a big (nasty) joke by implying that a “Kennedy Healthcare Bill” would kill you from brain cancer? He was doubling down on the nasty, I think. Making light of Kennedy’s terminal condition while using it to mock/degrade the health care plan.
That’s some high-ass wingnuttery, there, pardner.
That’s some high-ass wingnuttery
I assume that’s the adjectival mirror to “high-brow discussion.”
Any ideas?
post hoc ergo stupid fuck
I’m okay with people being spiteful monsters. Helps you sort out what’s what.
All the same, maybe Kennedy’s grave will need cement poured into it, to keep them out of it.
Also, if they name the bill after Ted Kennedy, we will also be forced, like Rush, to take more oxycontin and troll the Dominican Republic for child prostitutes.
Don’t make us do it, libs!
I’m with you tigrismus, what part of “memorial” doesn’t he understand – and how does one get a writing gig being this clueless?
He gets the job because his cluelessness enables him to hold contradictory positions.
Ordinary folk attempting this would experience a terrible headache, followed by their heads splitting open and brain stems emerging on little legs with a well-worn valise. The brain stem would quickly run through a rehearsed talk about how he couldn’t take the lies anymore and was going to stay with his friend in New Jersey for a while. Just to clear his head.
how does one get a writing gig being this clueless?
Oh, perhaps the only thing Jonah “earned” the hard way was being Lucianne’s kid.
Were you in an improv group called Short Order Theater in the mid-90s?
When I mentioned I was besotted most of that decade, I didn;t mean I was beSOTted…so no. Altho I was in a few groups, and even performed with UCB one night, not that one.
The Democrats should confuse the hell out of rightards by introducing a single-payer healthcare reform bill and calling it the “Honoring Rush Limbaugh Act of 2009.”
Also, if they name the bill after Ted Kennedy, we will also be forced, like Rush, to take more oxycontin and troll the Dominican Republic for child prostitutes.
Nobody told you you couldn’t duck when I swung my fist, bitch.
The Democrats should confuse the hell out of rightards by introducing a single-payer healthcare reform bill and calling it the “Honoring Rush Limbaugh Act of 2009.”
Good idea. Maybe it would get R votes.
Altho I was in a few groups, and even performed with UCB one night, not that one.
Ah. The bits of bio you’ve mentioned sound like one of the guys in SOT, and I was wondering if we knew each other and didn’t know, you know? Not that I was in SOT…I worked the door for them sometimes because (a) I can do math in my head and their ticket prices were not easy multiples and (b) I’m on the large side.
Interesting. You’re the second person who’s asked me if I worked SOT. This guy must even resemble me a little, since this other query came from someone who has met me.
This guy must even resemble me a little
I forget if he’s Swedish or Finnish ancestry.
The St. Ronny Turnpike is the most awfully maintained roads in Florida. And you have to pay tolls. They truly, truly took guidance from St. Ronny on how to run the road.
The St. Ronny Turnpike is the most awfully maintained roads in Florida.
I didn’t realize how bad it was until I drove it to get to the Keys one day (95 was a nightmare).
Talk about potholes…
Ted Kennedy, okay, I got nothing nice to say. But if some Democrat wants to use Kennedy’s name to push an agenda, I will totally let rip with what I really think about the dead asshole. Totally. Because I’m the kind of classy guy that doesn’t do things unprovoked, except when I’ve double dared you to provoke me in which case you I’m warning you not to fuck with the wrong Momma’s boy chickenhawk.
My little Jonah. He’s such a tiger!
I’m all for speaking ill of the recently dead…Tony Snow and Bob Novak rank way up there as mouthpieces for evil, so the crocodile tears or everyone-is-precious attitude that one can find in certain librul venues annoys me to no end. They vigorously advocated and defended, among other things, wars that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. So fuck them.
But what has Ted Kennedy done? He wasn’t an asshole. He just supported domestic policy that right-wingers disagree with. OK, there’s abortion, but Jonah doesn’t seem like a staunch pro-lifer.
I blogged today my opinion that the right made such a boogieman of him because he was effective at legislating a liberal…well, as liberal as one could expect in America…agenda. They couldn’t really attack his work because it was usually bi-partisan, so they attacked the man’s foibles
Best. Retort. Ever.
Without even realizing it, actor hits the nail squarely upon the head . . .
Oops, I meant till.
Jonah is waiting. He wants to see who throws a big enough rock through the window of poor taste. Once broken, he’ll throw stones through it until he runs out of projectiles while being able to claim that he was not in any way responsible for the breaking of the window in the first place.
So Jonah is not only an asshole, but a coward who lacks the courage of his asshole convictions.
Fuck. Wrong nym.
Broken windows, etc
So Jonah is not only an asshole, but a coward who lacks the courage of his asshole convictions.
If you were to phrase that in the form of a question, the answer would be “yes.”
until he runs out of projectiles
Not going to happen until about 24 hours after his last bag of Cheetos is eaten.
I don’t really mind if the Republicans name their health care reform bill after Ronald Reagan. They can add Bush’s name too, if they want. I think that would be a nice touch. “The Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush Insurance Company CEO Aid Bill–Now with privatized Death Panels.”
Oh, wait. They don’t have a health care reform bill any more than a two year-old howling about being taken down from the countertop has a plan for re-assembling your Waterford crystal bowl after he conducts gravity experiments with it.
Not going to happen until about 24 hours after his last bag of Cheetos is eaten.
That’s not right. He’s got deadlines. There’s no such thing as “his last bag of Cheetos.” Unpossible.
“[Thank you for] providing such comfort to Laura during an incredibly tough time…. So, Mr. Senator, not only are you a good senator, you’re a good man.”
G.W. Bush on Kennedy going to see Laura during the New York and Washington terror attacks. This is the Kennedy they’re bashing.
“In 1985 Kennedy and Republican Lowell Weicker co-sponsored the legislation that imposed economic sanctions on the apartheid government of South Africa. The bill became law despite opposition from Bob Dole, a filibuster by Jesse Helms and a veto by President Reagan. Only Kennedy could have mustered the votes to override by 78 to 21 a veto from Reagan at the height of his power. ”
It’s nice to be reminded that Dole, Helms and Reagan were all pro-apartheid.
Jesse Helms, Bob Dole, and Ronald Reagan: an American Legacy you can gag on.
Every year I visit my parents in Colorado. I drive through Russell, KS, which is not only Post Rock Country (they make their fenceposts out of rock, yes it’s fucking fascinating) but also the home of Bob Dole.
Not something I’d be very proud of if I were a town. Bob Dole’s legacy is . . . . shit. And I thought that before I knew about his pro-apartheid views. His open support of a racist minority government that tortured and murdered people and is a shitstain of shame on the late 20th century.
slippy said,
August 26, 2009 at 21:04
Oops, I meant till.
Damn. I was hoping for a “steal this win” there…
It’s nice to be reminded that Dole, Helms and Reagan were all pro-apartheid.
Oh, but it would hurt American economic interests to impose sanctions!
I bet a hundred twenty years earlier, their grandpappies said the same thing about the South and slavery…
Well, maybe Helms himself said it.
And Reagan.
Come to think of it, Dole was no spring chicken either…
Well, maybe Helms himself said it.
And Reagan.
Come to think of it, Dole was no spring chicken either…
I think Reagan and Dole would have been much more openly racist if they hadn’t had some sense of political propriety. Not conviction or belief, just the awareness that their political careers would be aided by not being openly racist. Jesse, he embraced it.
Just call me Captain Obvious, ‘K?
Okay, Capt’n. Also I forgot Cheney from that list. Remember when there was a whine-fest after the election that black people were racist because they didn’t vote Republican? Good times.
Mr. Bunched Undies said,
August 26, 2009 at 19:49 (kill)
I’m with you tigrismus
GASP! Are you commenting from INSIDE THE HOUSE?!!
OK, so I’m looking at a list of logical fallacies, trying to figure out which one(s) this falls under:
Argumentum ex culo.
Thanks to the recession America’s finest commenters are reduced to babysitting.
Argumentum ex culo.
I don’t think it’s that fully formed, even.
Reducio ad bibendum.
But what has Ted Kennedy done?
He did one genuinely awful thing (Chappaquidick really should’ve brought some negligent homicide charges), but on the whole, he did far more good than bad.
Guys like Novak et al do myriad small (and not-so-small) awful things that accumulate into a large quantity of vileness.
Fons asinorum.
I suspect the work of Louis Theroux …
If it gets us public-option health care, I’d say name the damned bill the George W. Bush Memorial Health Care bill.
Pantload couldn’t find anything wrong in that, could he?
Reducio ad bibendum.
What did the Michelin Man ever do to you?
“less than a week after this one liberal blogger called the deceased Robert Novak a liar.”
Only ONE??? What the FUCK is wrong with you people? Do I have to start blogging more often?? Did only Susan of Texas have the cojones to Tell Truth the Power? MOTHERFUCKER was a FUCKING TRAITOR.
(Does the above count as a blog post?)
Feel free to put Novak in a pink skirt.
Ah, reminds me of that time when Our Lady Of The Shit Moat had some inside dope that Gary Ruppert was really the brains behind SN!, then Gary himself appeared in her comment section and engaged her in a battle of wits (both were clearly unarmed, etc.). Someone should bronze a screen cap of that encounter for all posterity, I still just about crap my pants when I think about it.
videor ex mos quod eneus ignarus