That means it’s our turn…

Tim sends us a link to Dreamlines:

This work has recently been featured in very popular blogs… […]

Dreamlines is a non-linear, interactive visual experience. The user enters one or more words that define the subject of a dream he would like to dream. The system looks in the Web for images related to those words, and takes them as input to generate an ambiguous painting, in perpetual change, where elements fuse into one another, in a process analogous to memory and free association.

First person to report on the results of a dream with “Marie Jon’ Sweater” as the topic gets a really big stick. (See below or click here.)


Comments: 15


Damn. I entered “Marie Jon’ sweater bisexual experiment,” but the website told me, “Your words gave too few results.” Stupid cockblocking website.


Since I sent it off to you guys, I’ve been spending some time with it.

As I noted on my little corner of teh internets words like terrorist and bomb can produce some very powerful imagery.
It seems to be having server issues right now, freezing and such, probably way too overworked.


Nevermind, it’s just being slow, must be overload.


Yes, we internet goons are overloading it. And I really, really wanted to do “Kaye Grogan rimming”.


I just did Chomsky. It was more nightmare than dream.


Damn. I entered “Marie Jon’ sweater bisexual experiment,” but the website told me, “Your words gave too few results.” Stupid cockblocking website.

I tried “evangelical Christian fistfuck” and got the same result.


That would be a good name for a band.


I entered “Pastor Swank” and I got this vaguely human head followed by a lot of stuff that looked like barf and finally all these little flakes.

Guess it’s working great.


“Cheney Genocide” is pretty Clockwork Orange-ish.


“Cheney explodes” is like the Eniwetok A-blast wrapped in catfur. I’m STILL coughing hairballs…

Hysterical Woman

I’m putting dirty words in.


And I really, really wanted to do “Kaye Grogan rimming”.

You ought to be punished for introducing such a concept into my universe. Gah.

Houdini's Ghost

I tried “Scott Stapp and Kid Rock sex tape”, but it wasn’t much better than the real thing. “Marie Jon’ and me sex tape”, on the other hand, was truly a dream come true.


Ew. Marie Jon’ leaves my stick all floppy-like.


Funny, I tried Falafel Bill O’Reilly and I got the same thing as Dr. BDH.

Coincidence? Hmmmmmmmm…


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