Another Sad Case Of Cato-tonia

ABOVE: Badley Ralko

Shorter Rodley Bucko, The Libertator
Second Amendment-Loathing Mayor Attacked With Lead Pipe

  • The mayor of Milwaukee deserved to lose his two front teeth for saying that people watching circus parades shouldn’t be allowed to stand along the parade route with their AK-47s or other semi-automatic assault rifles of their choice.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 365


He wasn’t attacked.

He attacked a wife beater, to protect the woman. Without – gasp – a weapon.

Liberals are such cowards!!!

Real men use guns and pipes against unarmed foes.


Send mayors with guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.


Ooh. Can’t wait for the Bob Novak retrospectives. The few posts on the death of WFB were some of S,N!’s finest, IMO.

Yay, acronyms.


Liberator, Agitator, Constipater…

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I’m ascared to click through. Balko does yeoman’s work on calling out police BS like no-knock raids and taser-fever. I suppose that there’s a core of selfish prick inside every gLibertarian and I’ve often found stuff on Agitator that agitates me but I’m kinda leaning towards being objectively pro-Radley Balko.


Wow. It takes a special kind of stupid to rag on a guy that defended an old lady barehanded. It’s always about the penis extender with these guys.

In other news, pedestrian accidents in the D.C. area have dropped precipitously.

Homage to Cato-lonia

No one I met at this time–doctors, nurses, practicantes, or fellow-patients–failed to assure me that a man who is hit with a lead pipe and survives it is the luckiest creature alive. I could not help thinking that it would be even luckier if I had been packing and had blown the motherfucker away first.


Can’t wait for the Bob Novak retrospectives.

I thought he was undead already.


It kinda surprised me, DKW…I thought the guy was generally reasonable, but of late he’s been heading deeper into “mindless NRA drone” territory.

I very much doubt the mayor would have had a clear line of fire in this case anyway (coming out of a fair). This “a pistol always helps” meme is bullshit.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Balko appears to be saying that if the Mayor was packing and shot the wife abuser dead (in front of his child) – that that would be a much better result for everyone.

I hope I can still claim to be objective, but I am significantly less pro-Balko now.


Boodly Radko? Backly Becko? Raldly Becko? Bodily Gecko? Boodly Reeko? Boogery Fetco? Foggery Shmetco?

What is this guy’s name again? Is he a Tennessee Williams character?


Milwaukee: even our Mayor is Tough as Fuck.


Barrett’s “second amendment loathing” stems from his opposition to concealed carry in Milwaukee.

What a loon. How can he justify that? I should be able to carry my Peener into bars on Friday nights!! After all, you don’t want to be lacking in firepower when it comes to that last piece of fish!


Cato-tonia! Cato-tonia!
What makes your big head so thick?


Wait a minute. Is it Bradly Ralko? or Radly Balko? or Baldy Rako? or Badly, Ro! or Rodley Bucko? or (printer, continue to the bottom of the page).


DKW, the Urinal-Sentinel gave the indication that the police know the suspect’s name, it referred to his record.

so, like high speed chases, the guy will not be walking around free for much longer, where’s the need for an additional homicide?

Although that would be a golden opportunity if Barrett runs for Governor, as is suspected.

Normally I like Balko, but he’s fulla shit here, as my dad would say.


And, a big thankew to the Tintin, for the care going into making the pictorial zombie reference in a post regarding Milwaukee. That’s the kind of workmanship and commenter-love you just don’t see at Daily Kos.


Beedly Bootco?


I very much doubt the mayor would have had a clear line of fire in this case anyway (coming out of a fair). This “a pistol always helps” meme is bullshit.

Right. The area around the State Fair is first-gen suburb, with commercial streets and residential streets nearby, medium-high density and it gets parked up during the Fair. many people, many houses. Blowing lead all over the place would have created a fine opportunity to create an innocent bystander or two.

And like the UU church shooting, non-firearm based actions worked as well, if not better.

I’m not a huge fan of Barrett, I liked his predecessor better for his urban sentiments, but this was laudatory behavior and Balko can STFU and Sit the fuck down.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Balko’s linked BBC story says the guy’s already in custody. In this case, clearly Balko is full of shit.

The comment thread is amusing. Second amendment crazies are joking about a National Pipe Registry or some such bullshit. LOL, Mayor got hit with pipe, now gimme mah guns, hyuk hyuk! There are also all sorts of saner rational voices in there too but it really does look like a prefrontal lobotomy is recommended before getting your NRA membership card.


people watching circus parades shouldn’t be allowed to stand along the parade route with their AK-47s

I’m going to go ahead here and admit that I consider parades the worst thing in the world, and that it would be no bad thing if one of them were thoroughly shot up by AK-47s.


I-I-I-I Love a Parade!

*pkew! pow! rat-a-tat-a-tat! Boom!*

Yeah, livens up thoe whole program


it might be helpful to have a pistol if you happen to be attacked, or see someone being attacked, by an assailant armed with a lead pipe

and if the assailant has a pistol, it might be helpful to have a semi-automatic assault weapon in your back pocket. and it the assailant has a semi-automatic assault weapon, it might be helpful to be packing your thermo-nuclear device

Remember! A Superpower Armed With Thermo-Nuclear Weapons Is A Polite Superpower!


I’m going to go ahead here and admit that I consider parades the worst thing in the world…

Oh my God, thank you. What’s the difference between a parade and a bunch of people walking down the street?

Annoying music.


Dragon-King, I started reading the comment thread and gave up. Most of it is the same shit we’ve heard before. “An armed society is polite society” crap.

As one guy points out, the attacker was likely limited in his weaponry because of gun control laws. The cops fuckin support gun control laws, at least in urban environments. Why the fuck would the Mayor, or anyone, feel a need to carry a firearm to the fuckin State Fair, unless they are a psychopath?

One of the commenters says something about in a rural area, how the neighbors come to check it out when they hear gunshots “out of season”. The neighbors in West Allis would not have to come looking, gunshots likely would have made them a big part of the story “Mayor shoots,kills West Allis child during State Fair scufffle”


Tacitus beats me to the “armed society” quote?


“Trigger”. Get it? Heh heh heh.


and yes, in Milwaukee, we have extra ‘F’s. So we can always get the F out of here.


I can’t click through, but just hovering my mouse over the link fills me with dread. Is that really the title of his column?

Good God.


“An armed society is polite society” crap.

I always find it amusing that one of the chief rightwing complaints about our society is our “incivility”, yet they insist that being heavily armed (which we already are) ought to make us more “polite”.


Is that picture really Balkie?

He DOES look a bit of the smug dick, doesn’t he?



Balko does yeoman’s work on calling out police BS like no-knock raids and taser-fever.

If he’s like the average gLibertarian he’s more concerned about white guys, like him, going up against the police.

Brown and black people, not so much.


Radley? Selwyn?

No wonder they’re so batshit-insane. Growing up as a man-child in Teh Greatest Country In Teh Universe EVAR with a Harlequin-Romance novel name has to suck some serious ass. It’s a shame there’s no national therapeutic program for swirlie- & wedgie-induced PTSD.

Perhaps Herr Doughy von Pantload’s real first name is Leslie or Prudence … irresponsible, speculate, etc.


Um, zrm, I’m pretty sure that the implication is that he is one of your brethren.


Why the fuck would the Mayor, or anyone, feel a need to carry a firearm to the fuckin State Fair, unless they are a psychopath?

Waaaal, TERRORISM, hurr durr blurp blurp!

Yeah, “an armed society is a polite society”, if you believe that people should get the death penalty for rudeness.

And Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq? THE POLITEST FUCKING COUNTRIES ON GOD’S GREY EARTH, according to that “logic”.

OneMadClown, Death Panelist

Is that picture really Balkie?

Don’ be reedeekulos.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Brown and black people, not so much.

Not so. Agitator was one of my go-to’s during the Great Shit Moat War.


Why the fuck would the Mayor, or anyone, feel a need to carry a firearm to the fuckin State Fair, unless they are a psychopath?

*drums fingers wistfully*


*quiet “doop-de-doop” whistling*


Apparently Badly Rakole or Bloakly Rader did not read what I read this morning; the mayor heard a woman screaming, saw the woman struggling with a man, they both were fighting over a one year child.

He had his own children and a niece at the fair grounds. It was the fairgrounds parking lot.

So Loader Breakl’s scenario has the mayor, upon witnessing the melee, firing off his pistol from afar, to hit the offender…oops….got the lady….

to hit the offender…oops
got the toddler

to hit the offender…oops
got some people in the parking lot

to hell with it…chase the offender…catch him….oops
get pistol whipped and then shot by him


Radley? Selwyn?

Those names appear suspiciously un-American.

I mean, how are you supposed to pronounce them? (Personally, I vote we just call them both “John Douchnozzle” from now on. MUCH easier on the American palate.)


Um, zrm, I’m pretty sure that the implication is that he is one of your brethren.


He can just mail me a check for $2000 and we’ll call it even.


…. wait, so Tintin is really likening zombies to clueless glibertarians?

I take back the nice things I said, Tintin, you French bastard!!


I-I-I-I Love a Parade! *pkew! pow! rat-a-tat-a-tat! Boom!*

Seventy-six trombones led the big parade!


Seventy-five trom…




Ah, fuck it.


just to be clear…there is no such thing as a ‘lead’ pipe.


Well, what do you expect with a Circus Parade?

All them animals, just asking for it in them cages…. I guess we’re just lucky Dick Cheney has never attended one. we’re not set up to handle face-shooting in Milwaukee.


just to be clear…there is no such thing as a ‘lead’ pipe.

That is a damnable lie, sir.


For Second Amendment dogmatists, every moment is a teachable moment, and the lesson is unvarying: “You should’ve had a gun.”


I prefer a candlestick myself. In the ballroom.


just to be clear…there is no such thing as a ‘lead’ pipe.

Huh. I guess I was imagining the 4 feet chunk of it I removed from my house when I bought it.

To be sure, lead pipe is pretty soft, and is pretty rare at this point. You wouldn’t want to use it as a blunt instrument. I am sure the assailant was using a steel pipe.


Why, Green, you randy bastard.

What are you doing later?


For Second Amendment dogmatists, every moment is a teachable moment, and the lesson is unvarying: “You should’ve had a gun.”

You know, when it came to negotiating my last contract, he’s got a point.


Seventy-six trombones led the big parade!


Seventy-five trom…




Ah, fuck it.

Damn you , now my TV will never survive a viewing of The Music Man.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Quite a pile of bones ya got there, XG! I’ll get started on the cornets.


Seventy-six trombones led the big parade!


Stupendous. I am so stealing this.

America's Insatiable Lust For Violence

They were being threatened by a man who police later said was the child’s father.

Mr Barrett’s brother John, said the man had claimed to have a gun and was “not afraid to use it”, reported the Associated Press.

Mr Barrett attempted to calm the man down and then to call the police but was thrown to the ground.

He lost his two front teeth and was hit on the head with a metal bar before the attacker ran off.

How awesome would it have been if they both had guns?

Shootout at the Fairgrounds. Film at 11, bitchez!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

re: caption

I didn’t know that Balko was a Koch-sucker. You learn something new every day. You’d think that libertarians would be loathe to participate in industry-funded think tanks bent on shaping government policy.

Thanks Tintin for lowering my opinion of a fellow cop-hater. I guess I’m too free with that benefit of the doubt thing.


When and how did this everyone-should-be-packing crap become mainstream thought, anyway? I’m old enough to remember when it was a punchline on “All In the Family.”

Marion in Savannah

That was back when the Overton window overlooked reality…


That was back when the Overton window overlooked reality…



So to this muggins a brutal attack is a teaching moment about how much easier it should be for people to carry guns?


(OT: cross-posting comment from previous thread For Great Justice & the hell of it)

Check out the poll on the reaction to Novakula’s untimely demise … I suspect they’ll have to shut it down due to Reality Overload soon – so vote while you still can, America! The Poll-Death Panel is about to convene!–53572712.html

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Further down Balko’s thread, Someone posted stats showing that you are about as likely to be killed in the USA by accidental firearms discharge as you are to be stabbed to death in the UK. (In response to someone arguing that gun bans obviously don’t deter killings, they just change the weapon type). He goofed up the math pretty bad, but did so in the same way for both statistics so his conclusion was unaffected.

Well, the arms bearers first jumped on the shoddy math, then realized that it didn’t make a difference to his point, and then started questioning his stats. Apparently, according to 2nd amendment defenders, you are only half as likely to be accidentally (but fatally) shot in the USA than stabbed to death in the UK…

Therefore banning guns will have zero effect on crime (or possibly increase it by orders of magnitude) and won’t change the number of deaths due to criminal activity. QED.


This seems like the appropriate place to park this:

The man, only identified as “Chris,” spoke against taxation: “Just because you sic the government on people doesn’t make it morally OK to steal money from people. Taxation is theft.”

And Dentistry. Also.


Saw that in the other one, jim. It deserved the screencap.

There are occasional moments where I am led to believe that most of my countrymen are not complete fucktards. Very occasional, to my dismay. Seeing that was one.

My comment elsewhere was “Don’t let the coffin-lid hit you on the way out.”


And Dentistry. Also.

And Proctology.

Scuse mah finGAHs.


Radley Balko only likes white people!? Uh-huh. He almost single-handedly got African-American Cory Maye off of death row. You see, around midnight Maye shot a cop who was part of a SWAT team storming his home as Maye’s little girl slept. Maye didn’t know they were cops, and one of those vile, lying “informants” had falsely claimed Maye sold drugs. (Maye had a small amount of his personal use, burnt weed cig — that’s all that was found.)

To this day, Balko is still working and writing about why Maye should be fully exonerated, and why the conviction was racist (black shooter with legal gun, dead white cop, southern jury). Just use teh google for Balko and Cory Maye.

And he didn’t remotely suggest that Milwaukee’s mayor deserved to have his teeth knocked out.

Some of you here have such reflexive hatred of ALL libertarians, you can’t be fair about us who are not among the kooks/right-wing. (Balko voted Democratic in the last election.)


Trigger found!


Yeah, but Mona’s right. In this case, anyway.

Balko has been working pretty hard against the police state on most issues. He also fights draconian drug laws.

He’s just wrong this time out. Doesn’t make him a zombie.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

And an appearance by Bobo Wens!!!!

I’m amazed by all skunky doesn’t know.

Wheeee! TIDOSY is an expart aht naht no-ing thangs!

…Precisely 2 legally-owned machine guns have been used in killings since 1934…

That’s splitting the hair awful thin. Regardless, and with apologies to our gracious hosts, Sadly, No!
A New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services study of homicides in 1993 in New York City found that assault weapons were involved in 16% of the homicides studied…Assault weapons were linked to the deaths of 43 victims.

Back to Wankee:

As for how often guns are used in defense versus crime, try 400,00 criminal uses versus 2.5 million times a year they were used for self defense…

2.5 million! That’s a heckuva lot. Where did that number come from? Perhaps from Gary Kleck. Take it away Dr. Kleck:
“It is not credible to regard this survey as an acceptable basis for establishing, in even the roughest way, how often Americans use guns for self-protection.”

Thanks for playing “Dishonest Hackeries and Unmitigated Bullshit” Bobo Wens, but I’m afraid as a zillion times successfully defending champion, we can’t award you with yet another Cheetos-Stained Trophy.

The Roman Empire

bklyn said,

August 18, 2009 at 19:35

just to be clear…there is no such thing as a ‘lead’ pipe.

But…but…the lead acetate from those pipes made our water taste so nice and sweet!


Some of you here have such reflexive hatred of ALL libertarians, you can’t be fair about us who are not among the kooks/right-wing. (Balko voted Democratic in the last election.)

Sigh. Radley took the savage beating of a man who disagrees with him on gun control, who put himself in harm’s way to try and help a mother and child, as an opportunity to take a smug cheap shot.

I don’t think Radley Balko’s a racist, I don’t think he’s a closet wingnut, and I enjoy a lot of his writing. But in this post, he was a douche, and should expect to be called on it.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I sympathize for you Mona. “Libertarian” has been co-opted by shitstains like Harlan Reynolds teh perfesser.

I agree that Balko ain’t one of them racist fuckers that only care about lowering taxes and said so way up thread – but he’s wrong about this. Pistols for everyone would not have made the situation better.

As an aside, how do you feel about Radley Balko’s connection with Cato? Is it okay to be part of the Corporate->Think Tank->Government Policy machine if you’ve got libertarian views or is this inherently a mechanism that is so rife for abuse that it should be called out at every opportunity?

Sorry for the totally loaded question. It ain’t fair. Let’s try again. Does Radley Balko’s connection to the Cato Institute affect your views of him as a libertarian?


2.5 million! That’s a heckuva lot. Where did that number come from? Perhaps from Gary Kleck. Take it away Dr. Kleck:
“It is not credible to regard this survey as an acceptable basis for establishing, in even the roughest way, how often Americans use guns for self-protection.”

DKW, are you saying that Confederate Wankee doesn’t have the slightest idea what the fuck he’s talking about?

By the way, anyone else watch the A’s-Yankees game last night? I coulda sworn that was Bob Owens pitching for the Yanks:

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Edit for comment at 20:40

FYWP. “Take it away Dr. Kleck” was supposed to hyperlink to this:


Some of you here have such reflexive hatred of ALL libertarians, you can’t be fair about us who are not among the kooks/right-wing.

What I said:

“If he’s like the average gLibertarian”

What people heard:


Actually I’m a Left Libertarian myself (used to be more right_wing but I got better). But hey, if yelling at me for what I didn’t say makes your day, go for it.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Anyways, back to Bobo bashing.

You’d think that with his love of all things firearms-y he’d know a bit more about guns. Here’s the guns guns n more guns party line on legal machine gun killings:

Since 1934, there appear to have been at least two homicides committed with legally owned automatic weapons.

One on Sept. 15, 1988 in Dayton
The other Sept. 14, 1992, also in Ohio.

How odd then for a gun ignorant metrosexual libtard to be able to dig this up:

The 36-year-old janitor, who moved from the Boise area in the late 1990s, fatally shot himself in a Presbyterian church early Sunday after killing his wife, a police officer and a church sexton, wounding three other men and pouring more than 100 bullets into a county courthouse, authorities said.

Idaho State Police investigators learned Tuesday that Hamilton, 36, had purchased the fully automatic AK-47 assault rifle from a federally licensed firearms dealer in Harvard, Idaho, in late 2004 or early 2005, before he was in trouble with the law, Assistant Moscow Police Chief David Duke told The Associated Press.


Sorry for the totally loaded question. It ain’t fair. Let’s try again. Does Radley Balko’s connection to the Cato Institute affect your views of him as a libertarian?

Not in the least. I endorse much of Cato’s work, including its opposition to the war in Iraq and Bush’s notions that the Executive is above the law. Cato has sponsored Glenn Greenwald three times: (i) a “book event” aired on C-Span that heralded one Greenwald’s books, (ii) they had him deliver the keynote address at a convocation for their major donors, and (iii) they commissioned him to write a report on Portugal’s successful policy of the decriminalization of virtually all drugs. (Greenwald has gone on to speak about his Cato-subsidized findings re: Portugal’s drug policy reforms to the highest echelons of the Brazilian government, where his report was well-received).

So, Balko’s “connection” to Cato does not bother me any more than does Greenwald’s.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Fair enough, and thank you for answering. Cato isn’t exactly Freedomworks, but I don’t trust them nonetheless. And we should be judging the writers based on the content of the writing and not some guilt by association type thing. Still, the Cato connection is a red flag for me.

In regards to judging by the content of the writing, what do you think of Radley Balko’s contention that Tom Barrett should have learned to respect the Second Amendment? I agree that some of the criticism of Balko in this thread is unwarranted, but a lot of it is about how the post in question is wrong.


Assistant Moscow Police Chief David Duke

Damn commie…er, white supremacist…oh, whatever.


Balko spends a lot of time attacking police for no-knock raids. The police use no-knock raids because Americans tend to have lots of guns in their homes. Oh the irony.


“An armed society is polite society”
I must watch Deadwood some time.

Rusty Shackleford

But even in more populated areas, it might be helpful to have a pistol if you happen to be attacked, or see someone being attacked, by an assailant armed with a lead pipe.

No, all you need is a longer lead pipe.


Seventy-six trombones led the big parade!
Seventy-five trom…

A suggestion for extra photoshoppy goodness.


First they came for Bob Dylan, and I said nothing:


No, all you need is a longer lead pipe.

Or a thicker one.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Comment #84 and no Unix jokes about pipe.

Congratulations to MS and Apple, hegemony accomplished.


Congratulations to MS and Apple, hegemony accomplished.

Well, since you’re talking about two totally incompatible systems, I don’t hegemony is quite the right word.


America: the only country in the world where you find people older than their teen years seriously calling themselves libertarians.

On the subject of gun nuts.. No doubt they have their own, very arbitrary definitions of “machine gun” and “assault rifle” which have no bearing whatsoever on how deadly the weapon in question is, or what the weapon is normally used for.

Rusty Shackleford

Did you guys hear the one about the Unix programmer? He told his wife he was working on a longer pipe. She replied “what you need to work on is a thicker one.”


I haven’t forgiven Balko since he juiced Barry Bonds and tarnished the good name of Major League Baseball.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

bihegemony. global oligotechnoassinilatatudity.

Besides, that “totally incompatible” thing? Invented to hide the secrit nature of the dark forces of commercial software.

Opensource 4 Life!!


you are only half as likely to be accidentally (but fatally) shot in the USA than stabbed to death in the UK…
I don’t suppose anyone knows the fatality rate for accidental knife discharges in the UK?



Damn gay people are taking over everything.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Bill Gates and GamesForWindows owns my soul.


Lest anyone think I’m some kind of hyper-sensitive neocon douche, I’ve been reading reading (and occasionally commenting) at Sadly, No! for several years now.

Yes, Balko’s column was in bad taste, but that has Sweet Fuck All to do with his connection to the Cato Institute. His main contribution to the Cato Institute is Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America. Damn that Radley Balko and the Cato Institute for thinking the Fourth Amendment should protect everyone (including poor minorities) from having their houses torn apart by SWAT teams!

Balko has also done a lot of work towards getting innocent people out of prison. But that’s kind of irrelevant when juxtaposed against his silly-sounding name, isn’t it?

I’ve always thought that more liberal sites should be linking to Balko’s work (search his site for his battle with the Advice Goddess, Amy Alkon). It’s too bad this is the article that got your attention.

So, yeah, Radley Balko dropped the ball on the post about the Mayor getting beaten, but Sadly, No! dropped the ball by ignoring Balko’s commitment to justice.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

accidental knife discharges in the UK?

veiled British premature ejaculation reference.


He told his wife he was working on a longer pipe.

She said it was already too long to get a good grep.


Did you guys hear the one about the Unix programmer?

Unix isn’t an operating system, it’s a religion.

Rusty Shackleford

Balko has also done a lot of work towards getting innocent people out of prison. But that’s kind of irrelevant when juxtaposed against his silly-sounding name, isn’t it?

Well, yeah. I mean, come on – RADLEY BALKO.


Hey, speaking of Radley Balko, here’s something that nicely ties together Mr. Balko with Whole Foods, anti-health-care-reform, libertarianism AND…ME-gan McArdle!!!!

Then there’s the problem of counter-boycotts. Radley is one. I myself do not particularly care for Whole Foods–I find them overpriced, and their prepared food isn’t very good. But as long as the progressive boycott lasts . . . well, Mr. Mackey, you’ve got another customer. I doubt I’m the only conservative or libertarians who will make the same pledge.

The boycott-boycott-backlash has begun!


Balko has also done a lot of work towards getting innocent people out of prison. But that’s kind of irrelevant when juxtaposed against his silly-sounding name, isn’t it?

Indeed, it is central to our point.


but Sadly, No! dropped the ball by ignoring Balko’s commitment to justice.

Last time I checked, S,N!’s mission statement wasn’t to hand out awards for commitment to social justice but was to ridicule stupid things that people say, and what Balko had to say in the post in question was extremely silly.

Balko’s probably not a bad person — he likes dogs, after all, and has done a bunch of interesting posts on how cops needlessly kill family pets during raids — but that certainly doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with the ones that do say stupid things.


You know, this all still doesn’t excuse the gLibertarian douchenozzles commenting on his post.


Damn that Radley Balko and the Cato Institute for thinking the Fourth Amendment should protect everyone (including poor minorities) from having their houses torn apart by SWAT teams!

Someone made a point upthread… something about the no-knock warrants that Balko opposes being a logical consequence of the 2nd Amendment rights that Balko supports, defends, and endorses. You might almost think there’s some logical inconsistency, or perhaps naivete’…


Who gives a shit what Balko has done? He is a limp dicked gun-fetishist trotting out stale lies about how everything is better with guns.

Not only that, he is smearing somebody with a hell of a lot more courage than he will ever have.

Fuck him.


Whenever the issue of stopping a crime while armed comes to the fore, I am reminded of the rules I was required to memorize and recite verbatim during my stint in the USMC.

a. Deadly Force is defined as, the efforts an individual uses against another to cause death, substantial risk of death, or serious bodily harm…

b. A sentry is justified in using the weapon with which he is armed to apply deadly force only under conditions of absolute necessity and only then “AS A LAST RESORT” when all other means have failed or cannot be employed, under the following conditions:

(1) In self-defense. When it appears reasonably necessary to use deadly force to protect military law enforcement or security personnel who reasonably believe themselves to be in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm.

(2) To prevent or interrupt serious offenses against persons. When it appears reasonably necessary to use deadly force to prevent or to interrupt the commission of a serious offense observed by the sentry which threatens death or serious bodily harm to other persons. Such offenses include, but are not limited to murder, rape, or armed robbery.

(3) In defense of property involving national security. When it appears reasonably necessary, deadly force may be used:

(a) To prevent the THREATENED theft of, damage to, or espionage aimed at property or information specifically designated by the commanding officer or other competent authority as vital to the national security.

(b) To prevent the ACTUAL theft of, damage to, or espionage aimed at property or information which, though not vital to the national security, is of substantial importance to national security.

(4) In defense of property not involving national security but inherently dangerous to others. When it appears reasonably necessary to use deadly force to prevent the actual theft or sabotage of property, such as operable weapons or ammunition, which is dangerous to others.

(5) To either apprehend or to prevent the escape of an individual. When it appears necessary to use deadly force.

(a) To apprehend or to prevent the escape of a person reasonably believed to have committed an offense of the nature specified in Performance step 2 above, or the offense is personally observed by the sentry.

(b) To apprehend or to prevent the escape of an individual whose unauthorized presence in the vicinity of property or information specifically designated by the commanding officer, or other competent authority as vital to national security. When a person reasonably appears to present a threat of theft, damage, or espionage

(c) When specifically authorized by competent authority and reasonably appears to prevent the escape of a designated person.

(6) To establish and/or to maintain lawful order. When the application of deadly force has been directed by the lawful order of a superior authority.

TRANSITION: We now know the definition and conditions that allow the use of deadly force, now we’ll look at procedures for applying deadly force.


a. Remember you are responsible for all your actions, so if deadly force is to be used, follow these rules to help protect yourself.

(1) Give a verbal warning.

(2) Use the least amount of force necessary.

(3) If shots are fired, first attempt to disable the subject.

b. Never fire warning shots, and do not threaten the safety of innocent bystanders except in the most extreme cases

Maybe 2nd amendment supporters should be drafted into a well regulated militia and required to learn to handle their weapons safely and in accordance with these regulations.


something about the no-knock warrants that Balko opposes being a logical consequence of the 2nd Amendment rights that Balko supports, defends, and endorses.

Kind of the way the idiots who whine about undocumented immigration and the money corporations make off using them is directly linked to the profits-uber-alles mindset the aforementioned idiots love to flog.


Remember you are responsible for all your actions

Oh, WELL, there’s your problem right there!

Wingnuts are by definition NEVER responsible for their actions/


So, yeah, Radley Balko dropped the ball on the post about the Mayor getting beaten, but Sadly, No! dropped the ball by ignoring Balko’s commitment to justice.

Dropped the ball? Really.

No, Mister DNA, Radley had a serious judgment FAIL. There is no way in God’s green earth a handgun would have helped that situation.

I *teach* gun safety. Knowing your line of fire is something we stress over and over. As zrm, a Milwaukee resident, notes above, that is a high traffic area. A clear shot with certainty? No way.

Look, Radley has done a lot of yeoman’s work, agreed. But the name thing – for God’s sake, this is Sadly, No! You *are* being hypersensitive on that score. And to me personally, Radley demonstrated he has a serious lack of practical understanding of this particular freedom he is advocating.


Man. Libertarians are sensitive. Even when one says something incredibly mock-worthy, pearls are clutched hither and yon if said deep thinker is indeed mocked. Reckon why that is?


Goddamnit, Balko is pissing me off today:

RE: Rose Friedman.

The remaining half of America’s great freedom-loving couple has passed away.

If there’s an afterlife, and any justice in the Universe, Rose Friedman now joins her husband in Hell where they are eternally drowning in fire ants, 1 for every victim of the dictatorships they supported and whose life they otherwise destroyed.


Rose Friedman now joins her husband in Hell where they are eternally drowning in fire ants, 1 for every victim of the dictatorships they supported and whose life they otherwise destroyed.

amen to that


Well, yeah. I mean, come on – RADLEY BALKO.

Plus, the letters can be rearranged to spell ALDO BARKLEY, and BALKY LOADER.

I think that settles that.


A zombie asks:

Why the fuck would the Mayor, or anyone, feel a need to carry a firearm to the fuckin State Fair, unless they are a psychopath?

Gun Owners May Protest Cheney Visit to Salt Lake City
Guns and Politics
Utah Republicans are angry that the Secret Service will require them to leave their guns outside the convention hall when Cheney comes to visit. Bu$h-Cheney believe in unlimited gun rights, except if THEY are in the same room as all the gun nuts they cynically encourage, just to get their votes.

There was a link to the SLC Tribune story, but it’s no good. I read about this yesterday (that’s why I looked for it) but the Google™ does not respond to me today. The packers (Utah R legislators & fundraisers) weren’t happy that the Sekrit Service suggested they leave their rods in the car.

Does that answer your question? (Jeezis. You couldn’t be safer than in a room w/ the V-P, & if there were trouble & State Rep. Moroni whipped it out, the SS would let the air out of him post haste.)


In regards to judging by the content of the writing, what do you think of Radley Balko’s contention that Tom Barrett should have learned to respect the Second Amendment?

Well, I don’t hold well-developed views on gun rights, even tho I accept that the 2nd Am does vouchsafe a right to an individual right to own arms. But semi-automatic weapons at parades or Townhall gatherings? That makes me think twice, no, three times. I mean, I do not hold to every man’s right to own a Howitzer, or centrifuges with enriched uranium.

On the other hand, when I was very poor in grad school and lived in a crime-ridden, very violent neighborhood, I strongly considered purchasing a handgun. What stopped me was having two teenaged sons. I could not imagine any place I could put my gun where those rambunctious boys could not also easily have found it, with disaster following. BUT, if I still had to live there, and now with no kids at home, I’d have a handgun.


Hello, God? Yeah, uh, hi, how’s it been going’ lately?

Yeah, uh, hey, listen, I just called up to say, uh, sorry about all that trying to overthrow heaven stuff and, you know, building and reigning over this empire of Hell and everything and… you know, what WAS I thinking? Ha, ha, water under the bridge and everything and…

Look, the reason I called is, well, can I come back into heaven? No, really, I’ll do anything you want– anything– like, I’ll go on the talk shows and be all like “yay, Jesus” and everything. I’ll even do “The View.” Anything you want, just name it, as long as I can quit running Hell and come back into heav–

What? Oh. So I still HAVE to take Novak. For all eternity.

Oh, goodie. Yeah, thanks a LOT, your majesty.

Well, shit.


Sadly, No! dropped the ball

But you turned me on, baby.


I mean, I do not hold to every man’s right to own a Howitzer, or centrifuges with enriched uranium.

See, one thing the 2nd doesn’t enumerate is what “arms” are. So where’s the lip of the Overton Window on that one? I’ve always wondered if Ted Nugent would shriek if he was refused in his attempt to buy a suitcase nuke. I mean, it’s an armament, isn’t it? The 2nd Amendment guarantees his right to bear an armament? Who is the U.S. Govt to deny him? It doesn’t say anything in there about toys being approved only for the Army.

And really, how are proud tree-watering Sons of Liberty to effectively water if they don’t have an appropriately-sized watering can?


Well, I don’t hold well-developed views on gun rights, even tho I accept that the 2nd Am does vouchsafe a right to an individual right to own arms. But semi-automatic weapons at parades or Townhall gatherings? That makes me think twice, no, three times. I mean, I do not hold to every man’s right to own a Howitzer, or centrifuges with enriched uranium.

As I always say – let’s use original intent of the Founders.

You can have any weapon you want… as long as it’s a muzzle-loading black powder unrifled gun.


As I always say – let’s use original intent of the Founders.

You can have any weapon you want… as long as it’s a muzzle-loading black powder unrifled gun.

Can I still get my black slave to load it for me?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

@ Proper Gander:
Well, the 2nd Amendment is a whole sentence, so naturally, the NRA knuckle-draggers can’t be arsed reading the whole thing. Therefore, they don’t know from the “well-regulated militia” part.

I’ve always thought it would be a great exercise to bring home to them what the term “well-regulated” meant in 18-century military parlance. (Original Intent™ and all that crap.) In a nutshell: A “Well-regulated” military force is one subject to such ferocious discipline that they’re more afraid of their own officers than they are of the enemy.

This is why all the yahoos with guns, all added together, constitute a “well-regulated militia” and are the cornerstone of a free society. See the logic?


I’ve never read Mr. Barfko-Swill’s stuff, indeed, were it not for overgrown elfin goddess Megatron McArdle linking to him I would never had heard of him, but today I read a bit of his drivel, as quoted by Megan (who will be “counter-boycotting” Whole Foods, in case you cared.)

Anyhoo, from reading youse here it seems he’s a “cop-hater,” Balko does yeoman’s work on calling out police BS like no-knock raids and taser-fever, & whatnot.

So I’m just saying, do the incidents he’s angriest about usually involve Anglo-Saxon types having their sacred property & sovereign persons assaulted? And couldn’t he be setting up the vicious coppers as straw men for the necessity of the Second Amendment/NRA/whitesnakes trumping all?

Nagunna look for the bit I scanned above about his think thank affiliations; it’s just icing on the crap-cake.


Megan (who will be “counter-boycotting” Whole Foods, in case you cared.)

I care a lot, M.B.



but that certainly doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with the ones that do say stupid things.

But Balko did not in any way imply the mayor deserved to have his teeth knocked out — he praised him for his courage. Whatever you may think of Balko’s views of gun rights as stated in the same post, your “shorter” version of what Balko wished upon the mayor is carelessly unfair.


Ruh Roh…Looks like somebody’s concerned.



See, one thing the 2nd doesn’t enumerate is what “arms” are. So where’s the lip of the Overton Window on that one?

I’m not sure, but I know that it protects my right to wheel a trebuchet down Flatbush Avenue.


But Balko did not in any way imply the mayor deserved to have his teeth knocked out

No…but he did say:

But even in more populated areas, it might be helpful to have a pistol if you happen to be attacked, or see someone being attacked, by an assailant armed with a lead pipe. Or worse.

If that’s not blaming the victim (and stupidly implying that an escalation of firepower would have solved the mayor’s problem), well, then I guess women who walk around their own neighborhoods after dark without a loaded women deserve to be raped.


I guess women who walk around their own neighborhoods after dark without a loaded women deserve to be raped.

I for one, never go out in public without a loaded woman.


Er, loaded weapon. God, that was stupid.


I for one, never go out in public without a loaded woman.

Don’t leave home without one.


@Omar Shanks

Balko spends a lot of time attacking police for no-knock raids. The police use no-knock raids because Americans tend to have lots of guns in their homes. Oh the irony.

Bullshit. Police use no-knock raids and SWAT teams as a direct result of the so-called war on drugs. So the “criminals” have not time to flush their shit down the toilet. Altho granted, some (but hardly all) dealers are violent and kill people with guns.


More Novak – from the AP obit, the following two sentences, as they actually appear in sequence:

Actually Novak had been dubbed the “prince of darkness” by a journalist friend early in his career, and he embraced the moniker. He wrote in that 2007 memoir that he became proud of the label derived from his “unsmiling pessimism about the prospects for America and Western civilization.”

“He loved being a journalist, he loved journalism, he loved his country and his family,” Geraldine Novak told The AP.

In an unsmiling and pessimistic way, of course.


So I’m just saying, do the incidents he’s angriest about usually involve Anglo-Saxon types having their sacred property & sovereign persons assaulted?

Well, that’s what I was wondering, but it offended Mona’s delicate libertarian sensibilities.

And also BTW, how the hell many times do you see anyone being assaulted with a lead pipe? I mean, outside of lunchtime at The Corner when Jonah takes the piece of chocolate cake K-Lo had her eye on?


Er, loaded weapon. God, that was stupid.

Stupid? Or telling? Just how naughty do all these inkblots look to you? In detail, please.


But I don’t want a gun! It’s a style thing; only creepy creeps with mustaches have guns. Ptui. The personal arsenal I would choose to carry, if not for the “nanny state” – for “self-defense” – consists of two weapons. Number one, for your ordinary daily mayhem, a Collins 24″ machete (hard to take down an innocent bystander with a machete, plus it serves a dual purpose as a gardening tool). Number two, for if and when I get outnumbered and overrun by the hordes of wild-eyed criminals I and all other Americans see every single day, a standard Army-issue hand grenade, and screw the innocent bystanders.


Police use no-knock raids and SWAT teams as a direct result of the so-called war on drugs.

Missah Barko and his gun-nut friends haven’t exactly helped the arms race that’s fueled paramilitary tactics on the part of the police.


If you carry a gun around believing that you are going to come across a mugging or assault, and shoot the offender and be a hero, then unfortunately you have a very high chance of being the one to instigate an assault yourself.

I mean, you are already a paranoid loony by definition.


I for one, never go out in public without a loaded woman.
DKW never goes anywhere without a totally loaded question, to defend himself against hemlock-maddened sophists.


But even in more populated areas, it might be helpful to have a pistol if you happen to be attacked, or see someone being attacked, by an assailant armed with a lead pipe. Or worse.

It is convenient that the assailants will never have the pistols, only the witnesses.


You wouldn’t believe the hoops through which one must jump to license a backpack-style nuclear accelerator. That’s why we chose to bypass the licensing process altogether.


I’m going to get a fembot. I figure as long as she goes sleeveless the second amendment’s got me covered.


You wouldn’t believe the hoops through which one must jump to license a backpack-style nuclear accelerator. That’s why we chose to bypass the licensing process altogether.

I bet Mr. Barko would cross the streams just ’cause someone told him not to.


Stupid? Or telling? Just how naughty do all these inkblots look to you? In detail, please.

They all look like cephalopods.


Mr. Barko

Stop making fun of people’s names! It’s RUDE!!!


They all look like cephalopods.

Veiled TENTACLE PORN reference.


Just how naughty do all these inkblots look to you?
They all look like BLOODSTAINS.


@commie atheist

If that’s not blaming the victim (and stupidly implying that an escalation of firepower would have solved the mayor’s problem), well, then I guess women who walk around their own neighborhoods after dark without a loaded women deserve to be raped.

That was not blaming the victim. Ballko wasn’t there, so he may have leapt to a conclusion, but it is possible that if the mayor or someone else had been able to aim a handgun at the maniac with the lead pipe, that would have halted events instantly. As a woman who had to frequently walk alone to a a far-away parking lot in grad school after dark, and was once accosted (but not raped), I can truly understand the benefits of having a handgun (as opposed to a machine gun). As I commented above, I seriously considered obtaining one — except they were forbidden on the Notre Dame campus, and at home, I decided my kids were likely to find it if it was anywhere I could also easily get to it to fend off the gun and other violence in our neighborhood.

And based on my long-time reading of Balko, I assure you he would also approve of women being able to protect themselves from rapists with handguns — or any other way they could.


Here’s some tentacle porn for ZRM.


Stop making fun of people’s names! It’s RUDE!!!

Better be nice to me or I’ll have to put on a controversial T-shirt.


And based on my long-time reading of Balko, I assure you he would also approve of women being able to protect themselves from rapists with handguns — or any other way they could.

I have no doubt he would, Mona. But if he commented on an unarmed woman who was raped by saying that it would have been “helpful” if she had been carrying a gun, would you have agreed with him?


Ah-ha. You thought you could sneak a Shaun of the Dead photoshop past us with no one noticing.

You thought wrong!

Silly LIEbruls! Bullets that miss their targets instantly turn into magical puffs of venture capital!

If you’re worrying about being mugged, you’d be much better off with a knife. Guns get exponentially less usefully in extreme close quarters.


Ah-ha. You thought you could sneak a Shaun of the Dead photoshop past us with no one noticing.

That is win.



Ballko wasn’t there, so he may have leapt to a conclusion, but it is possible that if the mayor or someone else had been able to aim a handgun at the maniac with the lead pipe, that would have halted events instantly.

The news article that Balko links to mentions that the guy with the pipe said he had a gun “and wasn’t afraid to use it.” So, if he did, and the mayor and Mr. Lead Pipe engage in a shootout and everyone in the vicinity is either wounded or dead, how does that help matters?


If you see a PENIS lurking there inside of the blob it’s just 15 miles to the RorSCHACH



Bullshit back at you. Police cite both destruction of evidence and the risk to officers from armed suspects to justify no-knock warrants. To blame one reason and ignore the other is disingenuous.

And be honest, entering without knocking is one thing, but entering while toting a wide range of paramilitary weaponry is another, and it has little to do with preventing drug dealers from flushing the evidence down the toilet. The reasons the cops keep upgrading their weaponry is because they can point to the ready availability of weapons in our society.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

…to defend himself against hemlock-maddened sophists.

You’ll not be surprised at how often that fails to work.


And he didn’t remotely suggest that Milwaukee’s mayor deserved to have his teeth knocked out.

Yes he did, in imagining that the mayor’s catastrophe might not have happened if the mayor had followed the Balko line on gun rights. It’s an “as ye sow, so shall ye reap” argument, and a typical gun-nut fantasy.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I know what you’re thinking. “Did he enumerate six inherently contradictory premises or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is an epistemological solipsist inquiry, the most head-up-your-own-ass philosophical venture short of Randroid mumblings in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?


Look, though I agree with Radley on a lot, IMO his comment on this was a cheap shot. But where the hell does this “he only cares about the 4th Amendment when it involves white people!” crap come from?

If his association with Cato bothers you, fine, dismiss any libertarian that works with Cato. There are libertarians that don’t out there though. Hell, there’s libertarians that identify with the Left & think Cato is a bunch of corporate sellouts on economics, see for yourselves.


As for the reason for no-knocks being evidence vs firearms: say, hypothetically, suspects likely to be armed absolutely was the reason, full stop. Disarming them would involve _______?

The only people that will comply with any gun ban are, by definition, the types that you didn’t have to worry about.


but it is possible that if the mayor or someone else had been able to aim a handgun at the maniac with the lead pipe, that would have halted events instantly.

Sigh. Mona, you were kind to me when I wandered into High Clearing by accident, and I appreciate that, but on this one, no ma’am. I think you are talking about “handgun as a credible threat”. I don’t think that is applicable in this situation – the assailant was past that point already.

If you are talking about actual use of a handgun, then you are being very irresponsible. Too much chance for collateral damage in that situation. As a gun safety instructor, I would much rather be in the mayor’s shoes with no handguns on anybody’s part than with a handgun on anybody’s part, including my own. I’d rather get beaten to death than kill a random little kid.

Ivan the Terrible

M. Bouffant:

So I’m just saying, do the incidents he’s angriest about usually involve Anglo-Saxon types having their sacred property & sovereign persons assaulted? And couldn’t he be setting up the vicious coppers as straw men for the necessity of the Second Amendment/NRA/whitesnakes trumping all?

Ukrainians think they’re white now? There’s your problem right there!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

To be honest, when I saw the picture, I thought Mike Nelson had finally gone full out dumbass on us. Turns out it’s just another white guy with a buzzcut.

Fucking honkies all look the same to me.


I’m going to get a fembot.

Get one that looks like John Saxon. You’ll be safe because no one will dare come near you.


The only people that will comply with any gun ban are, by definition, the types that you didn’t have to worry about.

Also, let’s legalize murder, since law-abiding types would never kill another person anyway.


The only people that will comply with any gun ban are, by definition, the types that you didn’t have to worry about.

Well then Hell’s bells bucko, why bother with no knocks at all then? Once you have a probable address, just have a Predator drone shoot a Hellfire into the place. Can’t go putting cops at risk.

(note: this is irony. You are missing the forest for the trees. If the answer is “send in high-end weaponry, guns a-blazing”, maybe you ought to be reexamining the question.)


If somebody really DOES feel like they need a little extra something to protect themselves and others, then I would suggest that martial arts lessons would be a far safer, healthier, and more effective way to go about it. Certainly a safer way to deal with a dickhead waving a pipe on a crowded street.

Of course, that would mean getting off your fat arse and putting some effort into learning something. If the army can get away with “collateral damage” then so can you and your glock, right?


about how everything is better with guns.

and bacon. Definitely bacon.

just to be clear…there is no such thing as a ‘lead’ pipe.

Do I really need to say it?

Ceci n’est pas une pipe, motherfucker.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

The only people that will comply with any gun ban are, by definition, the types that you didn’t have to worry about.

Congrabulations, you’ve discovered the line of thinking that leads to a repeal of every law since the Code of Hammurabi.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

OT, but then again actually back on to the topic that everyone’s really thinking about.

What. The. Fuck.
If this is the type of behaviour being exhibited by the fucking anti-reform crazees, why the fuck haven’t they been shunned back under whatever Invisible Pink Unicorn forsaken rock they oozed out from under.

You got 2nd amendment enthusiasts parading AR-15’s outside town hall meetings and you got fucking stupid cunts (and I mean that word in the most chauvinistically derogatory way I can) calling Jews “Nazis” and then mocking them when they get offended. Fuck.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

Well played! *golf clap*

Sure beats me old: “But being as this is a Wawa Magnum, the most capacious softdrink in the world, and would blow your kidneysclean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel thirsty? Well, do ya, punk?

And, hey, a little something for the dildoshumorless or otherwise.


why the fuck haven’t they been shunned

Shunning requires the recipient to be capable of feeling shame. Won’t work with wingers.


Ceci n’est pas une crack pipe. It’s a vase. That’s what my lawyer told the jury, anyway.


Ceci n’est pas une crack pipe.

Ceci bone.


FWIW, Balko does generally call out police abuses. But that particular piece is pretty damn idiotic.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Shunning requires the recipient to be capable of feeling shame. Won’t work with wingers.

I thought shunning required a lack of diversity among the “in” group. Small town guy is shunned, his life is well-nigh ruined.
I get shunned, I hop on the train- PAR-TAY!


I thought shunning required a lack of diversity among the “in” group. Small town guy is shunned, his life is well-nigh ruined.

Yeah but if he feels no shame about being shunned by the group-thinkers, you know what happens?

I get shunned, I hop on the train- PAR-TAY!

[fast-paced legal-speak] This is only an example and your shunning may differ. No warranty is implied regarding your ability to feel shame while being shunned. Do not drink and drive. Shunning may exceed 150 degrees Fahrenheit and should not be placed in contact with genitalia.[/fast-paced legal-speak]

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ceci n’est pas une pea.


Radley Balko’s an okay guy, I think. You probably know a lot of people like this: completely reasonable and quite intelligent, but then you mention Taiwan or Palestine or BSD vs GPL or the Red Sox or Brussels sprouts and suddenly it’s as if they’ve been replaced by a duplicate from Bizarro World.

As an aside, it’s pretty badass that the mayor of a large city was out at a fair without a bodyguard or a “driver”. You’d never see 9iu11ani do that, I bet.


As an aside, it’s pretty badass that the mayor of a large city was out at a fair without a bodyguard or a “driver”. You’d never see 9iu11ani do that, I bet.

Bloomberg neither, but only because he’s a pocket-sized homunculus rather than an actual full-sized human-being.


Well then Hell’s bells bucko, why bother with no knocks at all then?

Irrelevant, since I don’t support no-knocks, or the War on Drugs, or police militarization. I actually think the police do more harm than good, considering people like Radley don’t lack for examples of brutality.


but then you mention Taiwan or Palestine or BSD vs GPL or the Red Sox or Brussels sprouts



Goddammit, Substance, you prestole my joke before I even got to make it, though I was going to finesse the “Fuck you” rather than go full metal “asswipe.”



Was that a comment or a stage direction?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

…full metal “asswipe.”

That sounds like it would be uncomfortable.


It should also be noted that the increased militarization of even relatively small local police forces is a result of Dep’t. of Defense give-aways of obsolete military equipment. The Podunk taxpayer is not footing the bill for all the armored cars, sub-machine guns, body armor & helmets that the county sheriff’s SWAT team are brandishing.


Out of curiousity, do you think this would work with a purely wingnut audience? Bobby McFerrin says it works with every audience he’s tried it on but an audience of only wingnuts…what are the chances of success?


If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.

That is the conclusion of a mathematical exercise carried out by researchers in Canada.

They say only frequent counter-attacks with increasing force would eradicate the fictional creatures…

Professor Robert Smith? (the question mark is part of his surname and not a typographical mistake) and colleagues wrote: “We model a zombie attack using biological assumptions based on popular zombie movies.

“We introduce a basic model for zombie infection and illustrate the outcome with numerical solutions.”

Perhaps Professor Smith? got tired of being asked if he was that guy in The Cure.


Did somebody mention Brussels sprouts?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Out of curiousity, do you think this would work with a purely wingnut audience? Bobby McFerrin says it works with every audience he’s tried it on but an audience of only wingnuts…what are the chances of success?

He’s not only a Neeee-gro, but he’s got long hair- Ah think he’s some kahnd o’ homer-sexual. Ah ain’t gonna fall for that music voodoo he’s doin’.


From the Glibertarian’s comments:

Omnissiah August 17, 2009 10:51 AM

I (Megatron) myself do not particularly care for Whole Foods–I find them overpriced, and their prepared food isn’t very good. But as long as the progressive boycott lasts . . . well, Mr. Mackey, you’ve got another customer. I doubt I’m the only conservative or libertarians who will make the same pledge.

So you are going to do something you admittedly dislike, and you acknowledge will make no difference one way or the other, solely because of irrational, knee-jerk partisanship?

I too doubt you’ll be the only conservative or libertarian who will make the same pledge. This sort of illogical nonsense seems to be the wingnut’s stock in trade.

Congratulations on joining their club, I guess.

This Omnissiah might make a fine Ombudsman….or Ombudsmessiah, perhaps?


For great justice the dildos:

I bet we could really tamp down violent attacks if we changed the 2nd Amendment to “the right to keep and bear dildos.”

I mean, no matter how violent of a dude you are, you’re going to think twice before whipping out that dildo to beat someone. Getting that gay all over your hands by handling a fake dick kinda negates the macho of beating someone senseless. Besides, you’re going to look pretty fucking silly slapping someone around with a dildo. Though I’m sure Godlstein would appreciate it.


Really, the more I think about this idea, the better I like it.

It would certainly give the teabaggers at these town halls a more appropriate to real-life image if they were all walking around with dildos.


FWIW, every time I’ve seen Barrett out and about, (and he’s really tall, so he’s easy to spot. Come to think of it, his predecessor was really tall too. What the hell?) he’s had at least one bodyguard, and I would think he did this time too. Don’t know where the bg was, maybe getting a cream puff…

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Getting that gay all over your hands by handling a fake dick kinda negates the macho of beating someone senseless.

I mean this in the most heterosexual way possible but don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

Oh wait, you mean beating them senseless in the bad way. Nevermind.


It would certainly give the teabaggers at these town halls a more appropriate to real-life image if they were all walking around with dildos.

But they are all walking around with dildos; they’re just, um, hidden where the sun don’t shine.


But they are all walking around with dildos; they’re just, um, hidden where the sun don’t shine.

The MiniMe™ model is the choice of 9 out of 10 teabaggers.


Walking around with dildos.


No. They are dildos walking around.


Jennifer, dildos would be too rigid.


No. They are dildos walking around.

Hence, the popularity of the MiniMe™. Dildos with dildos. Well, that, and it makes them feel less inadequately endowed.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I mean, no matter how violent of a dude you are, you’re going to think twice before whipping out that dildo to beat someone. Getting that gay all over your hands by handling a fake dick kinda negates the macho of beating someone senseless.

Why settle for a fake dick, when you can use an actual PENIS?

Cooperatives will be Killed, Too

Think you can use cooperatives as a Trojan Horse now that your precious public option is dead? Think again. We’ll kill that too. Just give up, libs. Suck it.

Conservatives always win in the end, even when they appear to lose an election. We’re still the real ones in charge, libs.


Oh dear, my comment was removed. Libertarian indeed.

Radley Balko is reported to have replied, “Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is a pussy for defending a grandmother and a kid against a man w/ a pipe w/o using a gun.”


Perhaps Professor Smith? got tired of being asked if he was that guy in The Cure.

Then MAYbe he should stop wearing so much damn eyeliner.

I mean, no matter how violent of a dude you are, you’re going to think twice before whipping out that dildo to beat someone.

I think a weaponized dildo is a cosh. At any rate, you KNOW wingnuts are all gonna conceal carry those bad boys ifyouknowwhatImeanandIthinkyoudo.


I mean, no matter how violent of a dude you are, you’re going to think twice before whipping out that dildo to beat someone.

I’m guessing you’ve never seen the “beat him to death with a 12-inch rubber cock” story scene from Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

@ Jennifer:

I mean, no matter how violent of a dude you are, you’re going to think twice before whipping out that dildo to beat someone. Getting that gay all over your hands by handling a fake dick kinda negates the macho of beating someone senseless.

This is why we need thyrsus-wielding Bacchantes at all of these events. Care to start the recruiing process?


I’m guessing you’ve never seen the “beat him to death with a 12-inch rubber cock” story scene from Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels?

Christ I must be getting early onset Alzheimers or something, because how is it that I can’t remember a scene featuring a story about someone getting beaten to death with a 12-inch rubber cock? I’ve seen that movie – more than once. But the 12-inch rubber cock story completely eludes me.


Can wingnuts top this wingnut? How much further can they sink?

At the event, local news stations were interviewing an Israeli man who was praising the “fantastic” “national health care” in Israel. During his remarks, a woman yelled out, “Heil Hitler!” The man stopped, became visibly upset, and exclaimed, “Did you hear this? She say to a Jew, ‘Heil Hitler’! Hear? I’m a Jew! You’re telling me, ‘Heil Hitler’? Shame of you!” After he angrily confronts her, the woman mocks him by making a crying sound to imply he is a whining baby.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

If Barrett were really a girly-type, he’d have used one of these on pipe-perp.


That’s a surprising story, Lesley. Wingnuts usually love Israel and jews.

Haha, of course I kid. They only love them when they’re behaving themselves, that is to say, when they’re allowing themselves to be used for war, ??? & profits.


the 12-inch rubber cock story completely eludes me.

EweToob to the rescue. Though, my memory evidently isn’t so great, either. It was 15-inch rubber cock, not a 12-incher.


Let’s leave the brussels sprouts out of this. They are a much-maligned vegetable.

I’d be more amenable to gun-rights advocacy if so many of its advocates didn’t seem to conflate ‘gun’ with ‘magic wand that makes everyone do whatever I want when I wave it around and yell a lot’.
Seriously, WTF is with the gun nuts bringing firearms to church and grocery stores and townhalls? Guns do not make you safer just by magically being there. Guns do one thing very well: they fire bullets. Unless one is planning to FIRE BULLETS at the local townhall meeting, there isn’t any goddamned reason to bring them there. Or anywhere else.

It has been my experience that gun nuts are the number one reason everyone else believes in Gun Control. Fear of criminals doesn’t even enter into it. Nobody cares about the crack house three blocks down. It’s the jobless couch potato next door who cuddles his firearms to his chest when he waddles out to his mailbox thrice a day that makes everyone nervous.

How does it Feel, Libs?

How does it feel to see your precious Obambi getting schooled by the GOP in the art of politics?


Lesley – FWIW, I went to a town hall here today and while there were a few obvious loons who asked questions, it was very decorous. There was applause and sometimes expression of disapproval for some comments, but really it was very subdued. I never needed to break out my “didn’t your mamma teach you better?” shaming speech, which is good because I never got the mike…which is bad because our rep was standing there talking about how he personally wasn’t all that supportive of public option (and he’s a fricken’ DOCTOR, worse yet a friend I’ve known for 16 years so he disappoints me) and I wanted to really pin him down on how they plan to control costs without one, what would stop the ever-present insurance lobby from steadily chipping away at/re-shaping things to their liking, etc. Though he did at least say that if the final bill includes public option, he’ll vote for it.

But still…if we want this thing to be anything other than a giant wet kiss to the insurers ala Medicare prescription drug benefits, we’ve got a lot of work to do. I can report that there was more support in the audience for public option than against it.

Failing all else, I think I’ve conceptualized what could be an effective bomb-throwing counteroffensive to make the Dems collectively shit their pants and get serious about a real fix rather than a giveaway to the insurance industry. An act of creative destruction yet an expression of citizen solidarity. But conceptualized is the operative word; I think it’s doable, but would be a massive undertaking.


How does it Feel, Libs? said

It feels… it feels like clicking the “killfile” button.

Vy-lola, no more Twoofie.


I’d have given that Heil Hitler lady a reason to go to emergency.

No to Nationalized Healthcare

Jenniffer, I don’t believe for one second people in Arkansas would support a public option. Arkansas is a growing stronghold of the GOP, one of the areas where we won by big margins this year. Lincoln and Pryor must be running scared right about now.


Oh dear, my comment was removed. Libertarian indeed.

Yeah, now THERE’S someone to look up to – a shitweasel who can’t even tolerate dissent on his own comment thread.

Yeah, I just want his advice and input on anything. *snerk*

And Jennifer – views, interest, newsletter.


How’s that old line go?

“The people who really, really, REALLY want lots and lots of guns are the people who really, really, REALLY shouldn’t be allowed to have any.”

St. Mr. Concerned, Patron Saint of Ideological Purity

How does it feel to see your precious Obambi getting schooled by the GOP in the art of politics?

It makes me feel very concerned. I think Obama isn’t being bipartisan enough!

No to Nationalized Healthcare

Obambi is too stupid to realize we’re not interested in “bipartisanship”! It makes me laugh how he thinks he will get Republican votes. He won’t. We’re interested in breaking him and ruining his Presidency.

He is a political novice who knows how to win elections but can’t govern. You should have nominated Hillary, libs.


I think Obama isn’t being bipartisan enough!

You know, were Obama to take a page from the GOP playbook and walk up to Senator Jim “Health Care Rage” DeMint and say, “Fuck you, Senator”, I would INDEED fall on my knees and worship him.


Jennifer, you raise a good point that most of what we see on blogs and the news is the nutosphere upchucking sour grapes. For every Heil Hitler gasbag, there are hundreds and thousands of reasonable people It wouldn’t hurt to see the bullies shamed by moderate attendees though. If I were a witness to something like that I’d like to think I’d make the effort to shame her.

Of course, the one time I did that, the bitch had a posse waiting to physically attack me outside the venue. No shit, I needed help to get away quickly in a cab.


BTW, are the dildos we wield intended to be humorless, or is that extra?


You know, I probably wouldn’t have bothered with “bipartisanship”.


A three headed troll.

Why three heads when you all say the same thing?


…I don’t believe for one second people in Arkansas would support a public option.

Well then, you’d be wrong. As for Arkansas being a “growing stronghold for the GOP”, we got rid of a Republican Senator in 2002 (the only Republican incumbent who lost a senate race that year), we finally shed the Huckabeasts and replaced with a Democratic governor; and both the 3rd and 4th districts have replaced Republican representatives with Democratic Representatives in the last 10 – 12 years. The only really reactionary part of the state is the western edge and northwest corner, where the hill people live if ya catch my drift. For the most part, the rest of the state doesn’t have too much truck with the way the snake-wavin’ Jew haters say it oughtta be. Central, south, and east Arkansas are reliably Democratic. McCain got a wide margin here not because he was a Republican, but because he wasn’t a Negro. I know, contradictory as hell. But maybe there are just so many poor white people in this state who need help that they’re willing to overlook that some poor black folks will get help too.


But maybe there are just so many poor white people in this state who need help that they’re willing to overlook that some poor black folks will get help too.

Never underestimate the power of fuckheaded racism to make people ignore their own best self-interest.


Never underestimate the power of fuckheaded racism to make people ignore their own best self-interest.

Karl Rove, is that you?


Never underestimate the power of fuckheaded racism to make people ignore their own best self-interest.

Pere Ubu, that’s the expected pattern. But it doesn’t seem to be playing that way here. This state is more full of poor people with shitty jobs than most. A lot of them are white, and every one of them knows at minimum someone who has been totally fucked over by the existing insurance/health care system. And then there’s this interesting factoid: the most virulently anti-negro areas of the state which were literally lily-white up until around 1990-95, are the areas of the state where Hispanic population has exploded. The racist whites pretty much have their hands full getting their hate on against the immigrants to worry about continuing to hate on against people who still don’t live anywhere near them. As long as there’s a promise not to pay for illegal immigrants to get any care, they no longer seem all that concerned if some black folks get something that’s going to help them out themselves.

The Truth About Karl Rove

Karl Rove was an accomidationist pussy who favored Amnesty for Illegals and threw real patriotis like Tom Tancredo under the bus. Fuck Karl Rove!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

It would certainly give the teabaggers at these town halls a more appropriate to real-life image if they were all walking around with dildos.

Image, huh?

Through the magic of Photoshop I’m sure such an image could be created.


The racist whites pretty much have their hands full getting their hate on against the immigrants to worry about continuing to hate on against people who still don’t live anywhere near them.

Well, it’s still fuckheaded racism, even if the targets have changed.

But the “that guy over there might get something you don’t!” is still a favorite trick of the bosses.


Through the magic of Photoshop I’m sure such an image could be created.

Not only should it be created, there should be an entire fucking archive of teabagger protest photos with dildos photoshopped into every hand.

Just think of what great counter-protest signs you could make with them!


Man, you know they’ve gone off the deep end when Karl Fucking Rove is the voice of reason in the room.


Pere Ubu – well, yes, it is still fuckheaded racism, but it’s ironic how it’s fuckheaded racism that may benefit the former targets of their racism.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

it’s ironic how it’s fuckheaded racism that may benefit the former targets of their racism.

That is pretty tasty. Lucky thing fuckhead racists are so stupid – sometimes the tragedy of their existence and actions is somewhat alleviated by the lulz.


BTW, are the dildos we wield intended to be humorless, or is that extra?

I’m not sure how it would actually effect the debate but seeing the cable newsers run B-roll of chanting, dildo-wielding mobs would at least allow me to mark another line off my Bucket List.


Back to that Second Amendment change I proposed: it would also solve another problem, as I doubt that we’d have an ongoing problem with fringe characters stockpiling dildos. Somehow it just doesn’t have the same cachet.


The sjambok […] is traditionally made from an adult hippopotamus (or rhinoceros) hide, or possibly from the PENIS of either species.


I doubt that we’d have an ongoing problem with fringe characters stockpiling dildos.

You should really visit L.A. more often.


Conservatives always take it in the end, even when they appear to lose an erection.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

You should really visit L.A. more often.

Yeah, but those are much more fun fringe characters than the (conservative) teabaggers.


I doubt that we’d have an ongoing problem with fringe characters stockpiling dildos

Oh, you never know.

After all, it’s illegal (or was until recently) to own more than 6 sex toys in Texas. I bet there was some stockpiling there.


After all, it’s illegal (or was until recently) to own more than 6 sex toys in Texas. I bet there was some stockpiling there.

And finally, the Truth About Waco is revealed.


My asshole isn’t a virgin.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

My nymjacker has a first name
It’s L L L L L!
My nymjacker has a second name
It’s L L L L L!
I love to piefilter it every day
and if you ask me why I’ll say:


I think I just violated someone’s deeply held beliefs about the sanctity of David Koresh’s right to kill federal agents serving legally executed search warrants.

Ah, well, go fuck yourself.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I think I just violated someone’s deeply held beliefs about the sanctity of David Koresh’s right to kill federal agents serving legally executed search warrants.

Yup, pretty easy to spot the triggers when it just can’t help itself.


August 13, 2009 at 20:57

I think I’ve made my point.

Now I will leave here, forever, no longer visiting or posting, but I’m doing this voluntarily out of my own desire.

And this is not a spoofer. This is the real Truth/Authentic.

By, fuckers.


In fact it has been violated by a lot of black cocks.

Wow. Twoofie had to nymjack to be honest with us about his experiences with other men.

Bravo, Twoofie! You’ll be out any day now.


Won’t somebody please end my virginity?

Authentic Truth about Spoofers

Tintin spoofed me on that “going away forever” post. I’ll always be here, asswipes.

Authentic Truth about Spoofers

and a two-cent fuckstick like Tintin won’t be able to stop me, libs.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Tintin spoofed me on that “going away forever” post.

Only because you unfairly piefiltered him.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Jennifer said,

August 19, 2009 at 3:26

Back to that Second Amendment change I proposed: it would also solve another problem, as I doubt that we’d have an ongoing problem with fringe characters stockpiling dildos. Somehow it just doesn’t have the same cachet.

I can’t remember if it was Donald Fagen or Walter Becker who commented after Steely Dan broke up (Well, the first time) that some of their fans were pretty scary: “Every time somebody highjacks a crosstown bus, it’ll turn out that he has 100 copies of every Steely Dan album in his apartment.” So there’s that.

(I guess that probably only happened once, but you can see hw it would stick in your mind.)

Authentic Truth about Spoofers


The Public Option is STILL DEAD. Bwahahahaha! Fuckers.

Authentic Truth about Spoofers

and a two-cent fuckstick like Tintin won’t be able to stop me, libs.

Behold the power of my mighty dildo!!!


Won’t somebody please end my virginity?

C’mon, Twoofie, admit you enjoy a tall lady with a strap-on pegging you until you beg for mercy. Nothing wrong with being on the receiving end now and then.

Authentic Truth about Spoofers

How does it feel to FAIL on health care just like every Democrat President? HMMMM?


Badger badger badger badger badger badger DILDO DILDO!

Authentic Truth about Spoofers

How does it feel to FAIL on health care just like every Democrat President? HMMMM?

It ain’t over till the hairy fat guy squeals like a pig.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hey everybody! I know it’s been just a short bit, but I was trying something out. So anything new happen?

Hmmm, dildoes, dildoes, dildoes, troofus, nymjacking, dildoes. Nope, seems like business as usual.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh, wait. This is new:
I think I just violated someone’s deeply held beliefs…

non-nymjacked Jennifer has figured out Troofus’ dealieo. He’s a Branch Davidian with survivor’s guilt! Poor, poor Troofus.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The Public Option is STILL DEAD. Bwahahahaha! Fuckers.

Well, since it’s still in all three House versions of the bill, perhaps we won’t take some anonymous fuckstain on the internet’s word for that, mmmm-kay?

Authentic Asswiper, Unable to Get it Up

I can’t remember if it was Donald Fagen or Walter Becker who commented after Steely Dan broke up (Well, the first time) that some of their fans were pretty scary: “Every time somebody highjacks a crosstown bus, it’ll turn out that he has 100 copies of every Steely Dan album in his apartment.” So there’s that.

Got a case of dynamite
I could hold out here all night
I crossed my old man back in Oregon
Don’t take me alive


We won.

We won we won we won.

Fuck you. There will be no public option.


None of those bills can pass the Senate. The Blue Dogs and Republicans won’t vote for it. Suck it, libs.


August 13, 2009 at 20:57

I think I’ve made my point.

Now I will leave here, forever, no longer visiting or posting, but I’m doing this voluntarily out of my own desire.

And this is not a spoofer. This is the real Truth/Authentic.

By, fuckers.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Holy shit! How fucking fake can you get?

Even the fucking crazy juice slurping armed to the teeth second amendment super patriots are astroturf.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Is this Troofie?:

Johnny’s playroom
Is a bunker filled with sand
He’s become a third world man

Smoky Sunday
He’s been mobilized since dawn
Now he’s crouching on the lawn
He’s a third world man

Soon you’ll throw down your disguise
We’ll see behind those bright eyes
By and by
When the sidewalks are safe
For the little guys

I saw the fireworks
I believed that I was dreaming
Till the neighbours came out screaming
He’s a third world man


When he’s crying out
I just sing that Ghana Rondo
E’lera del terzo mondo
He’s a third world man



One thing I don’t understand. How does someone get within yards of a townhall – and the President – with a loaded gun? And why aren’t these threatening idiots being arrested? Ditto for the Limbaughs of right radio who encourage them?


@Omae Shanks.

Bullshit back at you. Police cite both destruction of evidence and the risk to officers from armed suspects to justify no-knock warrants. To blame one reason and ignore the other is disingenuous.

And be honest, entering without knocking is one thing, but entering while toting a wide range of paramilitary weaponry is another, and it has little to do with preventing drug dealers from flushing the evidence down the toilet. The reasons the cops keep upgrading their weaponry is because they can point to the ready availability of weapons in our society.

You, sir, are very mistaken, and need to read at least 4 years’ worth of the Drug War Rant posts here.

And while I do not have the link handy, also google Law Enforcement Against Prohibition for much the same info.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Okay, on closer reading, it’s not really astroturf, it’s more like professional fucking crazy ass consulting nutjob expert.

People famous for their horrible predictions

Troofie the Magnificent reached into his mayonnaise jar and pontificated:

Fuck you. There will be no public option.

No further comment necessary.


Okay, on closer reading, it’s not really astroturf, it’s more like professional fucking crazy ass consulting nutjob expert.

It’s not astroturf, it’s astrograss. Smoking that fucking plastic makes you nuts.

I'll take "Lying Sacks of Crap" for $200, Alex

This low level troll said:

Tintin spoofed me on that “going away forever” post. I’ll always be here, asswipes.



And in an interview today with TPMmuckraker, Hancock said he still believes the Viper Militia case was “manufactured” by the same government that manufactured Waco and lied to its people about 9/11.

The government “manufactured” Waco?

I mean, it may just be a badly formed sentence, but it sounds like he thinks the whole Waco thing was a government plot, presumably with Koresh being a CIA operative. And you know what? I can see him claiming exactly that.

And he’s a Paulista at that. What. A. Surprise.


The fact is, Troofie better hope there’s a public option and that it covers mental health.


but it sounds like he thinks the whole Waco thing was a government plot

I’ve been hearing that since it went down. Buncha law-bidin, gun-totin, christins mind their own bidness, then the gubmint sends a tank after them.

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck

Speaking of Waco, geez I feel bad for Troofus. Man, I can’t think of anything sadder than “Branch Davidian with survivor’s guilt”. That’s just fucking awful.


According to CNN, congressional Democrats are considering going ahead with putting together a health care reform package with or without GOP help. I’d advise every non-troll to get on the phone, write e-mails and basically tell their senator, congressman, or closest Democratic analogue to light the candle and let the conservative noise machine go into LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL mode.

And a Confederate Yankee brand barbecue grill to the person who can get their rep to rename the legislation the “Fuck You Two Times, Troofie Act of 2009”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

N__B said,

August 19, 2009 at 4:12

but it sounds like he thinks the whole Waco thing was a government plot

I’ve been hearing that since it went down. Buncha law-bidin, gun-totin, christins mind their own bidness, then the gubmint sends a tank after them.

Anybody but me think that when the government found out this nut cult was stockpiling weapons like that, they should have called in an airstrike right then and there? They should never have endangered any human lives at all.


Everything that makes anybody who is not not them look bad is a liberal plot by the government. If said government is republican, government will be retconned as not really conservative after next president takes office.


This low level troll said:

“low level” = redundant

I avoid reading and responding to trolls but I do scoop the poop using killfile.


Buncha law-bidin, gun-totin, christins mind their own bidness, then the gubmint sends a tank after them.

Well, yeah, but Missah Handcock seems to be suggesting that the Branch Davidians were government as well – that the whole thing was an elaborate show put on for nefarious purposes.

Or maybe it’s late and my reading comprehension is suffering. But I can sure as hell imagine he’d suggest such a thing, as I said. After all, he’s coming from the “all of history has been manipulated by the Illuminati” type of mindset.

Reconciliation? Can't Work

According to CNN, congressional Democrats are considering going ahead with putting together a health care reform package with or without GOP help. I’d advise every non-troll to get on the phone, write e-mails and basically tell their senator, congressman, or closest Democratic analogue to light the candle and let the conservative noise machine go into LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL mode.

Stupid lib. They can’t pass everything in the bill under reconciliation–Kent Conrad said such a bill would be “swiss cheese”. Suck it.

Reconciliation? Can't Work

August 13, 2009 at 20:57

I think I’ve made my point.

Now I will leave here, forever, no longer visiting or posting, but I’m doing this voluntarily out of my own desire.

And this is not a spoofer. This is the real Truth/Authentic.

By, fuckers.


So… anybody know when the first episode of “Kenneth Gladney’s funniest home videos” screens on FOX? I saw an ad for it where he stands in the middle of an open air market, pretends to hit himself in the nuts, falls down and blames somebody walking 10 meters away. Looks pretty funny, very believable & totally rallyable.

Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania

Just remember kids, if Troofie rails against it, you can pretty much bet it’s gonna turn out the opposite of his predictions.


Such an uproar. For a second, I thought I was over at Eschaton. Sadly, etc.

I am an older lady who wears sensible shoes and doesn’t care much about appearing pleasant or date-able, so I think the sight of me screaming real loud and wielding a big ol’ dildo could quite possibly cause a grown man to drop his lead pipe and run.

Well, no, not really. But still, we mustn’t underestimate the power of a big noisy freakout in less-than-lethal-force situations. At least not until the entire population is armed; then I suppose the crazy older ladies will get mowed down right and left.

My weapon of choice is a travel-sized aerosol hairspray can. I cover it with brown paper and label it really clearly EBOLA VIRUS, and then watch ’em scatter. If that doesn’t work, I hit ’em with hummus. Nobody ever sees that coming.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Looks pretty funny, very believable & totally rallyable.

The raw footage is better. The take you’re thinking of is actually the third time he fakes the nutshot, because in the first two, he mistakes members of his crew (Mom and sis) for unassociated passers-by.


I do recall troofer’s preznit prediction.

I’m happy to see troofer predicktin’ that health care reform won’t pass.


If that doesn’t work, I hit ‘em with hummus. Nobody ever sees that coming.

OK, that made me laugh.


Well now I’m totally disillusioned. To think that an waahmbulance chaser/waahmbulance filler duo would be anything but consumate professionals is, well it’s unthinkable.


An actual comment over on Bobo Wen’s blog:

“Why is it that liberals are pro-education when it comes to sex but pro-abstainance when it comes to guns?”

They really can’t tell the difference between guns and sex.

We Won, You Lost

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.


Missah Handcock seems to be suggesting that the Branch Davidians were government as well – that the whole thing was an elaborate show put on for nefarious purposes.

David Koresh was the 20th hijacker!


They really can’t tell the difference between guns and sex.

And they keep shooting their mouths off. I wonder what their favorite sex act might be…

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

They really can’t tell the difference between guns and sex.

For the same reason I can’t tell the difference between my ass and a Martian elephant-lizard.


g said,

August 19, 2009 at 4:39

If that doesn’t work, I hit ‘em with hummus. Nobody ever sees that coming.

OK, that made me laugh.

Good. All credit goes to Joss Whedon, BtVS Season 3, Graduation Part 2. Buffy is pretty much suitable for any occasion.


“Why is it that liberals are pro-education when it comes to sex but pro-abstainance when it comes to guns?”

One of these things is a universal biological compulsion wired into our DNA by 3 billion years of evolution, and the other is just fucking.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

“Why is it that liberals are pro-education when it comes to sex but pro-abstainance when it comes to guns?”

Damn, that’s even more confused than the “Cake or Death” choice.


If news reports are to be believed, the Dems are about to tell the Repugs to fuck off, with extreme prejudice. I guess it took Chuck Grassley to state outright that he would never vote for any health care bill, regardless of its contents (DUH).

Just like you should always trust the shorter, always trust the Troothster. For the opposite of whatever he says. Thanks, Truthie. You’ll always point the 180 degree way.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

If news reports are to be believed…

There’s the problem. I sure hope it’s true.

And I did bookmark it, just in case the news is right.


The reasons the cops keep upgrading their weaponry is because they can, thanks to civil forfeiture rulings that have allowed the application of proceeds from the seizure of any property even remotely connected to a drug case to be earmarked specifically for that purpose. Drug warriors are incentivised to seize, confiscate and sell anything they can claim ‘facilitated’ a crime, in order to get money for cool new night vision scopes, helicopters, the latest sexx0r camo gear, and yes, upgraded weaponry.

As a result of this powerful cash incentive, perverse legal justifications for civil forfeiture have been applied, including credibility-straining legal fictions like the centuries-old common law idea that an inanimate object may be personified and prosecuted. You may have seen reference to court cases with Loony Tunes names like United States v. One Assortment of 89 Firearms and One Lot Emerald Cut Stones v. United States.

More recently, District Courts have begun to rein in some of the most extreme excesses of the civil forfeiture police state, but the practice is by no means a thing of the past. To learn more about this entirely predictable travesty, try googling (quit sniggering, Beavis, I’m not making this up) “Taint Doctrine”.


The sad part is that those two statements (pro-education and pro-abstinence) aren’t mutually exclusive.

One can be educated on a subject and still choose not to avail oneself of it.


Just like you should always trust the shorter, always trust the Troothster. For the opposite of whatever he says.

Troofus is Sadly, No’s! very own Reverse-Cassandra.


Who is our reverse Laocoon, given tentacle sex by Minerva?

Buget Reconciliation

Pass a bill using me, and it will be swiss cheese. Even libs like Kent Conrado admit it.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Buget Reconciliation

Is that up near Buget Sound in Washington?

Or is it near Denver in Conrado?


Buget? Kent Conrado?

Troofie’s spelling/typing skills deteriorate as his frustration escalates. We may be just seconds away from LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania

Remember me, Troofie? When I killed your brotha? I sounded… just… like… THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!



tigrismus said,

He told his wife he was working on a longer pipe.

She said it was already too long to get a good grep.

I saw what you did there.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

We may be just seconds away from LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

I’m beginning to think we won’t see that performance repeated. I think Troofie’s rigged his keyboard to lock up once the rage-spittle starts running at above a certain volume.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Remember me, Troofie? When I killed your brotha? I sounded… just… like… THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!



She said it was already too long to get a good grep.
No root permissions that night, I’m guessing.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

No root permissions that night, I’m guessing.

Redirected to /dev/null.


Does the Daily Show read Sadly No? I have to wonder.


Redirected to /dev/null.

Invited to execute a re-entrant function.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Invited to execute a re-entrant function.

Illegal instruction – core dumped


Wait, wait! I can do this!

File not found.

Oh shi-


if mutexes are criminalized, only criminals will implement mutexes

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Thanks, Truthie. You’ll always point the 180 degree way.

Has anybody ever seen troofie and Kristol together?

The mind boggles…HI BILL! Any stock tips for us? Something you like that we can short?


We’re interested in breaking him and ruining his Presidency.

Ah, the voice of a True Patriot.
My Country Right Or Wrong.

I’m actually starting to suspect that this whole August Recess Freakout thing is just giving the whingetards a chance to get their true message out, also known as “Enough Rope.”

“Sure, guys. Go on with your bad selves. Take over the airwaves. We’ll even give some ground now and again, so everybody can see plainly what you’re really up to. You dumb motherfuckers are exactly what the country needs to wake its complacent ass up. So you just keep at it. When the general public is good and sick of looking at your ignorant freakshow social gangrene, we’ll come in and remind them why they elected us. Like they’ll need any help after this shit.



CNN: White House preparing to push health care through without GOP support

Good! After all the GOP bullshit over the previous 8 years and at the townhalls, “moving forward without Republicans” is a logical & reasonable thing to do.

It’s akin moving forward without zombies, moving forward with psychopaths, moving forward without Komodo Dragons (or as tintin might say “Commode Dragons”)


wow, i messed up that last sentence. i ate too many vegetables at dinner.


Moving forwards w/o having your shoe laces tied together.
Moving forwards w/o leg irons.

Moving forwards w/o backwards looking, mouth breathing, yearning for a yesteryear that never existed, morans holding onto your legs and shrieking like a child throwing a tantrum in the middle of the supermarket because you wont buy it a candy apple.


moving forward in clothes, not two wet suits & a dildo


Back to this particular piece of reprehensibility, it seems that in a last bid attempt to drive one more burning thermite-and-hickory stake through the final wispy lingerings of irony, “Heil Hitler” chick was wearing an IDF t-shirt. I’d give fair odds that she thinks she’s “pro-Israel” too.


WTF is with these people? I guess it really is just about somebody losing, so they can point at them and make rude noises. Everything else can be twisted to fit. Amazing.


Hmm – a troll doing its victory-dance before the issue at hand is settled … where have I seen this scenario before?

Oh yeah, now I remember: last November.

a two-cent fuckstick like Tintin won’t be able to stop me

?? ??? ?? ???

Actually, yes, he will, any damn time he feels like it – & there isn’t sweet bugger-all you can do about it either.
He’s got access to a “delete comment” button – you do not.
Enjoy your inferiority.


“White House preparing to push health care through without GOP support”

Ahhhh… so it was a head fake all along. Nice.


WTF is with these people? I guess it really is just about somebody losing, so they can point at them and make rude noises. Everything else can be twisted to fit. Amazing.

Could be one of the rapture ready retards. They love Israel and jews because they need Israel to be invaded to start WW3, at which point the faithful will be carried off to heaven by totally buff manly jesus on his white unicorn and the other 99.9%, jews included, of the world’s population burns.


A wonderful typo that could only be made this dedicated flock of gobblers.

A bumble by the Prime Minister’s Office has residents of Nunavut alternately chuckling and cringing.

A news release sent out Monday outlined Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s itinerary as he began a five-day Arctic tour.

The release repeatedly spelled the capital of Nunavut as Iqualuit – rather than Iqaluit, which means “many fish” in the Inuktitut language.

The extra “u” makes a big difference.

“It means people with unwiped bums,” said Sandra Inutiq of the office of the Languages Commissioner of Nunavut.

“It’s not exactly a nice term.”

Ms. Inutiq said people who speak Inuktitut are sometimes offended or even angered when non-northerners incorrectly spell the name of their capital.

The Prime Minister’s Office was apologetic, calling the gaffe a human error that might teach Canadians an important lesson about spelling mistakes.

Yes, it is we who must learn from his mistakes.

Best comments

Apparently a staffer in the PMO confused two releases. One referred the capital, Iqaluit. The other referred to the Conservative caucus, Iqualuit.

Fortunately, Harper and his bums will be wiped soon. Bring on the election!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

That’s truly a thing of beauty, Lesley. That beats JFK’s “I am a jelly doughnut” speech and McNamara’s “The duck wants to sit down” slogan all to hell! Here’s hoping it is predictive of the Conservative’s fate at the polls.


I especially like that the reporter called it a “bumble.”

Authentic Asswiper, Unable to Get it Up



8/18/2009 4:01:14 PM
Dave M.: It’s a good thing he didn’t try to copy JFK and declare “Today, after that plane ride, I also am an Iqualuit.”


Iqualuit […] means people with unwiped bums

Q. Why did Dr. Frankenstein’s parrot only speak Inuktitut?
A. Because it was polysynthetic.

I’ll start drinking now.


Woman Heils Hitler in Vegas.
A hearty lol @ the two guys who come in at 1:09 to stand on either side of the nazi chick trying to intimidate some old man.


perl -e ‘print map { chr($_) } reverse qw(83 73 78 69 80)’


the other 99.9%, jews included, of the world’s population burns.

you forgot the totally awesome part, where all those good christians are given ringside seats to enjoy the tortures-of-the-damned show.


More Godwin!

Specifically, Barney Frank responds to some clown in the appropriate manner.


I see Lesley and Tbogg beat me to it.



“Why is it that liberals are pro-education when it comes to sex but pro-abstainance when it comes to guns?”

I’m pro-education when it comes to guns, too, so if people choose to partake they’ll have the knowledge to keep themselves and others safe.


“Why is it that liberals are pro-education when it comes to sex but pro-abstainance when it comes to guns?”

Something about the fact, regardless of what the ads in the back of those magazines may claim, that it’s really hard to blow someone’s head off with a penis.

Or even a humorless dildo.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

CNN: White House preparing to push health care through without GOP support

Holy fucking shit! Not that the admin’s finally given up on making Blue Dogs and Senate Republicans happy – even before the break there was talk about reconcilliating the public option through the senate. No, what has me shocked is that Dana Bash actually said that it looks like this might be because Republicans have shown no indication of being serious about negotiations. She cites statements from Grassley and Kyl to show that the GOP isn’t interested in helping craft legislation, so why not leave them out of the picture.

Filibuster busting reconciliation has been an option for months.

Washington Post – Jun 29, 2009
“We interact with them daily,” Daschle said of Obama’s health care advisers. … He and Podesta rejected claims that the reconciliation process has too many …


FOXNews – Apr 25, 2009
Under typical Senate rules, 60 votes are needed to advance a bill, but reconciliation would enable Democrats to enact the health care plan with just a …

The super-chess-genius camp analysis of this is that Obama “roped a dope” by using the break to allow Repubs a chance to demonstrate how intransigent they are. Pehaps even the Public Option walkback was part of the plan, in order to generate news interest, to rile up the lefties and create the image of progressive backlash, and to show that the GOP are happy to scuttle reform even without a Public Option.

Plus the town halls are full of Godwin, assault rifles, and loudly obnoxious miscreants bent on shouting down discourse. If poll numbers start moving in response to this, I might have to give the whole n-dimensional jiu-jitsu thing a bit more credence.


Careful, DKW, this could just be an n+1-dimensional Rovian trap.


It’s akin moving forward without zombies,


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Careful, DKW, this could just be an n+1-dimensional Rovian trap.

Argghhhh! It is. I’ve been lured into portraying myself as Steve Benen’s number one fan.


FOXNews – Apr 25, 2009
Under typical Senate rules, 60 votes are needed to advance a bill, but reconciliation would enable Democrats to enact the health care plan with just a …

arrgh. NO! 60 votes are required to invoke cloture, which is only necessary in case of a filibuster. 60 votes in case of a THREAT of a filibuster is only a whim instituted by Harry Reid, the weasel. The Senate rules actually only take a majority of votes. Which is why the VP is used as a tie-breaker, in case of 50-50 votes.

Of course, it’s FUX News, so Civix Fail is to be expected, I suppose. Or Civix Lie, which is just as likely. But shit, it’s like nobody remembers Schoolhouse Rock.


Loves me some Barney Frank!


Pass the bill using budget reconciliation, and it will be swiss cheese. You won’t get a lot of what you want through.


I wove you too, g. I weally, weally, wove you. *drools*

Anybowdy know where I cawm gewt a sweet mowartage deawl? *drools* Fwannie Mae? Fweddie Mawk?


Sure Barney! Countrywide got me a GREAT mortgage deal!

God, my poll numbers are sinking so fast.

address my envelope, lips!

The Mayor now joins my SO in the small but significant group who Have Been Hit In The Head With A Lead Pipe And Lived.

(It was in a prison riot – the other guy was on PCP. SO still has a scar, but didn’t even lose consciousness, despite the laying open of skull.)


Careful, DKW, this could just be an n+1-dimensional Rovian trap.

Heh. But seriously, we can’t get complacent. Might as well keep shoving the Overton Window to the left.

I’m calling my Blue Dog fuck-knuckle rep today and politely requesting he back single-payer.


“The mayor of Milwaukee deserved to lose his two front teeth for saying that people watching circus parades shouldn’t be allowed to stand along the parade route with their AK-47s or other semi-automatic assault rifles of their choice.”

If you disagree with Balko, how about quoting or acurately characterizing what he said, instead of making sh*t up. Balko does great work exposing corruption among police and public officials. He’s not some Palin wingnut.


Actually, the mayor of Milwaukee isn’t on Balko’s shit list for opposing concealed carry, as someone said above.

He’s on Balko’s shit list because even though open carry is legal in Wisconsin, the mayor said that he would instruct the police to “put down” and detain anyone who open carried.

Since the mayor feels like he can make up his own laws, I don’t really care if Balko is fair to him or not. I agree that Balko’s criticism of the mayor here is a stretch, since what the mayor did was courageous, but because the mayor is a corrupt and lawless public servant Balko just isn’t inclined to interpret stories about him charitably.

When the mayor decides that Wisconsin isn’t governed by his personal will as Lord Protector, then I will worry about people being fair to him. Until then, F#$% him.


@Pere Ubu, the Viper Militia case was indeed manufactured, according to someone who knew them. Leslie Fish, who’s been well known for decades in the science fiction fandom and filk scenes, says they were simply a group of gamers with whom she played for some time.


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