Harvard Law Called. They Want Their Degree Back.

Above: Perfesser William Jacobson

Shorter William “MiniInstaPunditWannabe” Jacobson, L-eg-a-l Ins-u-r-erec-t-io-n
Is Obama’s Grandmother Now a Prop?

  • Can’t you retardo liberals see that there is absolutely no difference between referring to a dead relative in a political speech and bringing one’s infant child on stage during a political rally?

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 142


Unfortunately, they cannot see. Or think. Or reason. Or understand logic. Must I go on?


They can’t even play pinball.


How can they be saved?


OT but interesting. The great Gazooglemap answers an ages old question.


I don’t think Uncle Ernie is going to help…


PeeJ, that is why I NEVER take the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

(OK, maybe yet another good reason.)


3 hours 57 minutes

I preferred when sexologists agreed that the female orgasm was myth.


If your child ain’t all he should be now
This girl could put him right.
I’ll show him what he could be now
Just give me one night.


If it’s going to take four hours to get from Intercourse to Climax, I’m going to need to bring along a sandwich and a drink. I’m not as young as I used to be, and I’ll wear out before we get there.


If it’s going to take four hours to get from Intercourse to Climax, I’m going to need to bring along a sandwich and a drink. I’m not as young as I used to be, and I’ll wear out before we get there.

Just please don’t keep asking “are we there yet?”


Four hours? I think I’m supposed to call my doctor.


Tintin, apparently, is the stud of the SadlyNo Owners, being able to post again and again and again….


This lawyer guy, isn’t he the one who broke the scandalous Dijon Mustard story?


Obama caves to America’s fuckingest assholes.

Bowing to Republican pressure and an uneasy public, President Barack Obama’s administration signaled Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.

Someone needs to remind Obama he has the house and the senate.

Hope and change can’t be realized without courage.


Understanding that Trig is an off-spring of Sarah Palin and thusly made of sterner material than mere mortals, it is natural to assume Klieg lights and the reverberations of thousands of people cheering is a naught but an afternoon nap to likes of Trig Palin.

But having him body-surf the crowd?

Come On!

a different mikey

I think y’all gave up too soon on Dylan pastiche. There’s rich ground to till there; Dylan and Pantload together, don’t think twice, it’s all wrong.


Obama caves to America’s fuckingest assholes.

Liberalism is dead in America. I need a drink.


Anus in grill: o, erect!


Lesley – more like, we need to all, millions and millions of us, get on the horn to the White House and our congresswimps and senators NOW


goddamned laptop…Get on the horn NOW and let them know that they can either include a public option, or just wait until we all cancel our private insurance policies and burn those mothers to the ground…then they’ll have no choice but to go back and do what they should be doing now and fixing this bitch.

I’m serious – there’s no way in HELL that I am going to continue to pay for premiums if there’s any type of legal mandate that requires every American to have insurance coverage through a private insurer, with no public option. That’s not going to “fix” anything other than this issue that there are 50 million people out there that the private insurers haven’t had the opportunity to rape yet. And they’ll rape them as soon as they get them on the rolls – with public money.

Seriously, 80% of the insured do not file a single claim in any given year. If even half of those people cancel their policies, the asshole private insurers will be out of business within a year. And then, we can finally fix this thing.

My letters are going out tonight. But we need someone like MoveOn or SEIU or more like every progressive group out there to get on a “Starve the Beast” media campaign. If our elected tools in Congress are content to sit around pulling their puds and writing legislation to protect their buddies in big insurance, we can fix the problem for them. Yes, we can.


How It Should Have Gone:

“Good evening, Senator Nelson.”

“Who are you? How did you get into my office?”

“I just wanted you to see these photographs, Senator.”

“What? But these look like — ”

“Yes, they look exactly like you having sex with underage Indonesian prostitutes. And a goat. And an infant.”

“B-But I never — ”

“Oh, we know that. You’re a paragon of virtue, other than the bribery stuff. Nevertheless, we’ll be dropping those off at the Washington Post next week if you don’t vote for the health care bill. Your legislative career won’t survive. Your marriage won’t survive. We may even be able to cook up enough evidence to make sure you spend the rest of your life in a Supermax prison. So vote for the bill, motherfucker. Now excuse me, I’m off to see Harry Reid…”


Obama caves to America’s fuckingest assholes.

Um, I’m wondering if you actually read the article you linked to. First, its the fucking AP so, giant grains of salt are in order. Second, if you read what people actually said its nothing more that a re-iteration of the administration line: we need to cut costs and we believe the public option is the way to do it (but we’re going to give ourselves lots of wiggle room just in case). They aren’t drawing a line in the sand like I wish they would but aren’t exactly backpeddaling, either.

But, you know, whatever; if getting spun by one AP article is what it takes to get you motivated to contact your Sens and Reps, fine.


Sebelius has spoken along these lines before. In June, for example.

Also, let us see what the reaction from Republicans will be. Perhaps they’ll stick with the “Give Obama nothing” unified position of destruction and obstruction and say, “Coops? Fuck that dirty hippy sharing shit.” Then Obama could say to both the public and more right-leaning Democrats in Congress, “We tried.” Let us move forward with our agenda.

Or maybe not. We’re still a long way away from a bill on the floor of either chamber.


Move end quote to after the word agenda.


I particularly like the fact that, as usual with “reasonable” (*snerk*) wingnuts, Missah William’s commenters are willing to leap in and do what he so nobly refused to to, i.e. call Obama a big poopyhead manipulative liberal politician. I only read the first couple of comments (all I could stand, really) so I have no idea if someone accused Obama of killing his gramma to use her death to push for socialist-care, but it wouldn’t frickin’ surprise me.


Perhaps they’ll stick with the “Give Obama nothing” unified position

That is a motherfucking given.


Sorry Ron Fournier, but Kent Conrad (D-Corporate Whore) doesn’t get to make the decision.

Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), a member of the Progressive Caucus claimed at a news conference today on Capitol Hill that she had a letter with 53 signatures, attesting to that. “We have gathered here today to demand that the final health-care legislation has a robust public option and to vow we will vote against it if it does not,” she said.


Typeth the prof:

When Sarah brought Trig on stage at the Republican National Convention, and at campaign events, the left-wing blogosphere and pundits went wild with condemnation. The Chairwoman of the South Carolina Democratic Party asserted in response to seeing Trig at these events that Sarah’s “primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

Yet when ex-Alaska Gov. Palin first crossed our radar, that was her qualification, per K-Lo. (Warning, danger, blog-hooring!)


Or maybe not. We’re still a long way away from a bill on the floor of either chamber.

Yup. Then comes the conference committee report– where Baucus will be one voice facing a far more liberal majority. This is far from cooked.


accused Obama of killing his gramma to use her death to push for socialist-care

Wasn’t the extreme meme when the not yet Prez visited her deathbed that he was going to suffocate her w/ a pillow to prevent her revealing that he was a Kenyan Lizard from Arcturus or wherever?


The republicans and their enablers:

“Unlike the shitbag, father-raping, abortionist demon-crats (he-he!), who only wish to destroy god and Amerca, us Republicans love God and purity rings, and would never engage in name-calling our opponents. But they are godless commies who want to kill grandma and sell her for meat, those lesbianlovingabortionist-america-haters. Oh, and we are moralists, and only say good and true things, so if you quote me saying stupid or hate-filled rants, you only prove my point. Neener-neener.”

The Insurance Industry and Big Pharma

We won, libs.

Knights in White Satin

Maybe we could set up a trans-country “Honk if you want Public Option”, and have everyone in favor go out & honk their car horns (or whatever) at the exact same time everywhere. Or it could “Fart for the Public Option”. Whatever.


Wasn’t the extreme meme when the not yet Prez visited her deathbed that he was going to suffocate her w/ a pillow to prevent her revealing that he was a Kenyan Lizard from Arcturus or wherever?

Yes, but he time-traveled back to have a Death Panel make the decision.


Wasn’t the extreme meme when the not yet Prez visited her deathbed that he was going to suffocate her w/ a pillow to prevent her revealing that he was a Kenyan Lizard from Arcturus or wherever?

See, it was the Illuminati lizard men who manuevered him into his position of power who told him to kill her for both reasons – or maybe it was the Obama clone they had created.

Anyway, I’m sure Alex Jones would agree with me.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Obama caves to America’s fuckingest assholes.

My rep is a lion, and is a go-to guy on meaningful public options (he’s for single-payer). Hopefully, Al Franken will be similarly leonine in the Senate. I remember hearing him speak movingly about how Social Security benefits saved his wife’s family from destitution.


Dear Sadly, No!
As much as I admire your blog, I must take you to task for the blatantly false content of your p-shops which feature the wackaloons, fReichtards and other assorted fuckwits who clog up the internons with their mental doody ca-ca.

I am aware that p-shopping can be used to depict people in unlikely, even fantastical situations. You might show Jonah Goldberg thinking. You might depict Michelle Malkin as a person whose veins flow with something other than a mixture of bile and brimstone. If you wanted to get really silly, you could show Dick Cthcheney not eating a live infant. However, your p-shops frequently imply that the wackaloons &c. are housebroken.

Now I ask you, how credulous do you expect us to be? There simply are no documented instances of permanent fReichtard toilet training because sooner or later something (a brown person, asteroids, the fRighty’s shadow) will cause the fuckwit in question to shit his pants.

Please forgive me for speaking out this way, but I felt you should know that this reader doesn’t buy your attempts to flatter these people by depicting them as potty trained.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Maybe litter box photoshops are in order, but I imagine no wingnut would bury its scat.


Arky Johnson is right! Where is the P-Shop of Michael Savage peeing on the carpet?


These are pictures of wingnuts as their moms imagined them: toilet trained at long last!!!


gainsayer –

Who said anything about peeing?


Yes. Much and many Yes to this toilet movement. Like.


I am hoarding toilet paper now because I never want my children’s children to ask me, “Why didn’t you save some for us?”


Arky Johnson is right!



“Obama caves to America’s fuckingest assholes.”


President Obama SUPPORTS THE PUBLIC OPTION, so STFU please.

The AP’s Ron Fournier almost became McCain’s official press flack until he realized he’d do a better job for McCain while still with the AP.

The Insurance Industry and Big Pharma

We won.


Re: the roadmap to Climax. There’s toll booths on the way. So remember to have to have the correct change handy.


It wouldn’t hurt to flood the Whitehouse with support for public health and remind Obama the screechers at the town halls don’t represent the majority.


from Raw Story

Heath and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, speaking to CNN’s John King on Sunday, said the public option is not “essential” and that consumer choice, market competition and reform of private health insurance regulations should be the focus of the debate.

Later Sunday, Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND) told Fox News anchor Chris Wallace that the U.S. Senate will not allow a public option, adding his belief that, “to continue to chase that rabbit is just a wasted effort.”

Way to give Fox and Drudge bait. Can the Dems get their fucking story straight? Are they behind the president or not?


Maybe litter box photoshops are in order, but I imagine no wingnut would bury its scat.

M is for the many mounds I pooped out.
O is for Oops all over the floor.
T is for the tinkle in the corner.
H is for the horrid stench behind the door.
E is for each and every time you’ve wiped me.
R is for the rage you won’t explore.

Put them all together they smell MOTHER!


The Insurance Industry and Big Pharma said,

August 17, 2009 at 2:57



Shall I prepare another map demonstrating how close Blue Ball is to Intercourse?


Now that I think about it, and if I recall my PA geography correctly, Intercourse is directly between Blue Ball and Climax.


“Oh, intercourse!”

Or: “Oh, congress!”

a different mikey

‘Course in Utah it’s only 40 minutes from Virgin to Beaver.


but I imagine no wingnut would bury its scat.

Bury its scat? Are you kidding? They publish and broadcast their scat.


President Obama SUPPORTS THE PUBLIC OPTION, so STFU please.

Teh Kos with their 11-dimensional chess theories is adorable as always. You can’t say shit like:
“All I’m saying is, though, that the public option, whether we have it or we don’t have it, is not the entirety of health care reform. This is just one sliver of it, one aspect of it. And by the way, it’s both the right and the left that have become so fixated on this that they forget everything else”

and call that “support”. If you actually want to win a policy debate, you have to come out and explain what you want to do in a clear and attractive manner. Epic, epic fail by any measure.


Address my posts, libs!


“Way to give Fox and Drudge bait. Can the Dems get their fucking story straight? Are they behind the president or not?”

One theory is that this is just one way to get the bill out of committee. Another that it is an Obama head fake. The GOP senators don’t want to vote for ANY bill. Could be he’s calling their bluff.


Address my posts, libs!

Helloooooo, posts!


I’ve known many a cat
Who would not bury his scat

(Only good for couplets, sorry.)


Bury my posts, hosts!


P. S.: Speaking of hosts, why’s Seb Time about 14 mins. slow? Something to do w/ “Summer Time?” Are you all lost in some time-warp worm-hole deal?


Felines, Hoomans, veterinarians, lend me your litterbox
I come to bury Scat, not to praise it.
The evil that cats do lives after them,
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with my shit.




Yes. Much and many Yes to this toilet movement. Like.

The Toilet Movement? They’ve graduated from TeaBagging to ShitBagging!


Welcome to the second class Rugged, First thing you’ll notice is an unexplained decrease in your paycheck. Oh.. could you make some coffee? There’s a good girl.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I’m not saying this definitely is a head fake, but if I were doing it, this is just what I’d do. Make the wingnuts blow their load early, make sure people know the president is still behind single-payer, but make it look like some important people were giving up on it, thus energizing our side for once.

After a couple of weeks of clueless nitwits yelling: “Keep the gummint’s hands off my Medicare!” make sure everybody realizes that Medicare is government-run, single-payer, “socialized” medicine, just like Canada. (And while they’re at it, that the VA is government-run, single-provider, “socialized” medicine, just like the UK.)

Say, “Well, obviously, you don’t want either of those things, so what say we abolish them?” See how that plays. If enough people aren’t yelling: “Medicare for everybody!” pretty soon, well then, the assholes win. But it’s worth trying.



No, footprints are about four feet South.

Unless there’s something you’d like to share with the class…


Welcome to the second class Rugged, First thing you’ll notice is an unexplained decrease in your paycheck.

The increase in IQ doesn’t alleviate that at all, I guess.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

the fact is you all suck arse. and FU spellcheck.


OT breaking news:

Tentacle porn featured on Mad Men season premiere. And I never would have recognized it were it not for “Sadly, No!”

Thank you all from the bottom of my nasty, shriveled little heart.


Address my posts, libs!
My vocative case — let me show you it.


My vocative case — let me show you it.

Is that where you hide your Tommy gun?


My vocative case — let me show you it.

Oooh! Is it calf-skin leather? Does it have luxurious fittings and compartments? I love fancy luggage.


My vocative case — let me show you it.

Thanks. I’ve been looking for a good place to store my vocatives.


“Passenger Bimler, please make your way to gate D66 immediately.”


I’m not saying this definitely is a head fake, but ^considering Obama got the fRighties so turned around they picked the Queen of the Random Phonemes for VP and they still haven’t figured out she’s the political equivalent of an ICBM suppository, it’s a pretty damn safe bet.

Fxd. Also!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I’ve been looking for something like that–my ablative case keeps wearing away.


my ablative case keeps wearing away.

Larry Niven’s a big fan of those for protection during re-entry.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And my accusative case is just too shrill.


I understand everyone refusing to want to cave on the public option, but I’m not sure I would make it the entirety of my cause — what they’re actually proposing as a public option is extremely limited, and will be accessible to likely very few of us.

It’s not the ‘public option’ you or I might imagine. It’s really important, and important enough for insurance companies to want to destroy, but I wouldn’t suggest thinking it’s more inclusive or broader ranging than actually intended.


Hmm, looky looky:

An administration official said tonight that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius “misspoke” when she told CNN this morning that a government run health insurance option “is not an essential part” of reform. This official asked not to be identified in exchange for providing clarity about the intentions of the President. The official said that the White House did not intend to change its messaging and that Sebelius simply meant to echo the president, who has acknowledged that the public option is a tough sell in the Senate and is, at the same time, a must-pass for House Democrats, and is not, in the president’s view, the most important element of the reform package.

Anonymously sourced and via Politico, but I think its significant that they felt the need to send someone out to do damage control on a Sunday night.


It’s not the ‘public option’ you or I might imagine.

Nope, its not Medicare4All, and you can bet your ass that, in the name of “fiscal responsibility”, the assholes who never met a defense contract they wouldn’t rubber stamp will make signing up and getting care as onerous as possible.

But if it improves the lives of even a significant percentage of the millions who are currently shit out of luck then I call that a big win. And, once the structure is in place we have something concrete to tweak and build on over time.


I’m sorry to miss a good kerfuffle, but it was pretty clear that the story wasn’t “White House decides to cave” but rather “reporter too obtuse to realize that the White House was saying what it always has said.” They have consistently said that they have _ends_ they want the final bill to meet, and are open to many different kinds of _means_ by which those ends can be met. (So they say that IF Conrad’s Health Co-ops or, hell, David Vitter’s “erotic diaperings for all” plan HAPPENED to meet those criteria, they’d gladly consider those plans too.) But whatever it takes to get people up in arms, great.


“Erotic diapering for all” has got my vote, but I want an evocative case too.


“Erotic diapering for all” is all well and good, but I insist it be cloth diapering, not Pampers.


Hell no! Erotic diaperings have to be left to the private sector!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Re: the picture above. As a rabid Apple fanboi, I resent the implication that a twatwaffle like this would use a MacBook, on the toilet or anywhere else.

Besides, aren’t Macs the Dijon mustard of computers?


This linked from Slacktivist:


I’m not good at the whole magical blue writing thing.


Those of you who use Facebook might wish to consider joining this group:


It’s all about saving Baby Trig from the Death Panels. And about keeping top quality health care accessible and affordable for all Americans by destroying Obamacare.


Time to shut this dump down again. Where’s that mop?

The Authentic Truth, Really

Right here, Gare.


As a rabid Apple fanboi

It’s an operating system. Not a religion.


It’s an operating system. Not a religion.

As opposed to Windows, which is a lump of shit, not an operating system.


“The software box said ‘Windows 98 or better’ so I got a Mac”


Finally, a real debate at Sadly, No!

Next up: Beatles vs. Stones.

Get your troll on!


The GOP wants to kill Social Security and Medicare

How’s that for a message?

And unlike the gooper “Death Panels for Grandma!” fear-mongering, this one is actually true.


Diapering is a limited good, you know.

The more of it we waste on Baby Trig, the less will be available for erotic purposes.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

My vocative case — let me show you it.

It’s about how a moose-hunting daughter of the Heartland was hounded out of the Govenor’s House due to the irrational hatred of her Down’s Syndrome infant. I call it the Case of Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathos Water.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Diapering is a limited good THEFT, you know.

POOPed that for you.


O vocative case, I’ll never see
A post as addressable as thee.


POOPed Faext that for you.


Diapering is a limited good, you know.

The more of it we waste on Baby Trig David Vitter, the less will be available for truly erotic purposes.



I can never get ahold of my dative case on weekends…


If we ever do manage to enact the “Death Panels”, I don’t think Trig would even be the first Palin on the euthanasia list.


My vocative case — let me show you it.

My objective case won’t STFU about Ayn Rand.


Death Panel Determination: Old Age is theft.


Ha! The more oldosity everyone else usues, the less will be available to me! I SHALL BE IMMORTAL! MU-HU-HA-HA!!!


My objective case won’t STFU about Ayn Rand.

My locative case just won’t shut up, period.

Maybe it needs a new latch.


Security geek alert: An outbreak of bad Latin grammar puns have has been reported. Isolate and apprehend suspects as quickly as possible to avoid contamination with the general population.

That is all.


Conjugate ergo sum.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I wish my case wasn’t so short of being junctive.

Not Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

I could not help myself and clicked through to the article. First, an assertion that perhaps the Prez is using his family members as political props. Then lots of wailing about how everyone picked on Sarah Failsalot. Then the admonition that no one should use family members as political snark ammo. No condemnation of fat, racist radio hosts who went after Chelsea Clinton, though. I am so suprised…

Smiling Mortician

My locative case just won’t shut up, period.
At least you know where yours is.


Chelsea is worth something at least. Rush might be worth half a gerbil.


Yes, we need our public leaders to stop using their shared human experience to try to connect with citizens! Who needs leaders that have experienced health care crises making decisions on health care? give us leaders who know nothing about the lives of citizens!

There’s that empathy stuff again. Who needs it?

roast beef kazenzakis

Look, we all have to understand, when Obama talked ab out his gramma, it was using a person as a prop.

When Sarah Palin brought Trig onstage, she was just thanking him for writing her speeches.


Subjunctive were a mood, not a case.

Latin geek FAIL


Subjunktive is just a $5 word for ‘taint’


They call it subjunctive Monday
But Tuesday’s just as geeky.

Smiling Mortician

Chelsea is worth something at least. Rush might be worth half a gerbil.

Wait. A majority of ClownHall commenters point out that Jillian’s stupid. What is HAPPENING?!


I must be careful, subjunctivitis is not covered by my health plan.


My case just chose a candidate for the election. It’s nominative, you see.


My case just chose a candidate for the election. It’s nominative, you see.

I’m voting for the benefactive.


All I have is a baket case.


I was once almost arrested for performing a bi-labial fricative in public.


The truth about teabaggers.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Latin geek FAIL

I did say it fell short. A sort of semblartive case could be made.

Anyways, it’s because you’re near me,
Funny how when you’re near me,
I’m in the mood to conjugate.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

When the memo titled “from the Hamilton Burger office” hit my desk, I thought it was a prosecutive case, but when I found out about how strict a constuctionist he was, I determined that it clearly wasn’t originative. That’s when I recognized Miss Street’s handwriting – it was a Dellative case.

Not Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

The truth about teabaggers.

Heh. Nice pic. I wonder if any of the Teabaggers ever noticed?

Not Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

Sheesh, with the Latin, already! Next thing, someone is going suggest that Merkin Anglish evolved from some old, dead language. This is Merka, speak Merkan. You know, “When in Rome…” and all that.


Non-political, but this is my favorite sign pic.

The Sun Hates Your Haircut

She needs to lift that sign higher and move it about four feet to her left.


Sirius L.,

beautimous. But don’t forget about that last sign on the right — not as comedic, but even more subversive.


I was once almost arrested for performing a bi-labial fricative in public.

That’s nuthin’. I got stopped in the airport because I had plosives in my speech. Now I’m on the no-ply list.


DailyKos yesterday told liberals who were angry with Obama for backing down to shut the fuck up.

The tune has since changed in light of the fact that the Obama administration is pouring weaker tea by the minute.


I want an evocative case too.
This might be before your time, but it brings back memories for some of us:

The OJ Simpson Case

valkyr of science

All this Latin reminds me of a poem:

Kilmer 2005

The Winner:

Lamentation Upon Surveying the Destruction of a Battlefield
By Everett Patterson CC ’06

O Ares, cruelest of the gods!
Are man and thee somehow at odds?
That thou this curse of war should rain?
Upon these men before me lain?

O Zeus! O Jupiter on high!
That thou should let our young men die
And Hermes, swift as lightening struck
It’s not your fault, but you still suck.

Judeo-Christian God, you too!
Don’t think I have forgotten you!
Betrayed us, whom we once did praise,
So don’t start up with your “mysterious ways.”

O Death! O Death! O Deathy Death!
That thou should snatch this soldier’s breath!
Thou hast with bony finger stung
The diaphragm beneath the lung.

Nay never shall they breathe no more
Nor beat their heart at bosom’s core.
Their brains no waves; their veins no pulses
And in their esophagi no peristalsis!

O Vocative! O Vocative!
Not nom’nitave or locative!
That I, to distant concepts cry
To abstract nouns personified!

O Letter O, most foul vowel!
That thou should be the sound I howl,
Instead of “Ah!” or “oooh” or “Aye!”
But no, it’s “O,” and sometimes “Why?”

Why, ye gods of Rome and Greece?
Shall war and horror never cease?
O ye Roman gods and Greek
That I in the subjunctive mood should speak


What I hate is being in the transitive lounge with all the nominative cases going around and around on the carousel.


(comments are closed)