Did We Quit When The Teabaggers Bombed Pearl Harbor?

Logan Murphy is right that Lawrence O’Donnell was pretty perfect in his interview of cobweb-brained townhall goofball Katy Abram.

Good stuff and of course we need more of it. But it strikes me that all the patient hand-holding of wingnuts through to logical conclusions isn’t gonna cut it if we want to see health care reform actually pass … there just isn’t enough time.

We need a home run message. It needs to turn the tables on these assholes and put them on the defensive for once. And it can’t be wonkish — it’s got to be simple and inspiring, a way to capsulize what the fuck this whole thing is about in a way that can win over the fence-sitters and shut up the obstructionists.

And that message is right there in the numbers, right in front of our faces:

Life expectancy at birth (years)

1. Japan — 82.6
38. USA — 78.2

World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems (2000)

1. France
37. USA

Then all we need to do is put those numbers into perspective, e.g.:

Now I don’t know why quitters like Sarah Palin and second-raters like Newt Gingrich don’t think Americans are smart enough and tough enough to beat the goddamn French and Japanese on living the longest. But I for one say that we can do it. And if those asswipes don’t fuck it up with their whining and their second-guessing, we’re sure as hell GOING to do it.

Goddammit, this is the country that marched into France and took care of their Nazi problem for ’em! And now Sarah Palin is telling us that those Frogs are better than us at kicking the shit out of germs and cancer and friggin’ heart disease? The fuck they are! That goddamn Wasilla quitter may be scared of a challenge, but I’ll put my money on real Americans having the stones to square off against a bunch of existential philosophers.

Who’s with me?

This is the country whose president challenged us to play golf on the goddamn moon. And we did it! Did the Japanese play golf on the moon? Don’t make me fucking laugh. And now snivelling pussies like Sean Hannity are just ready to roll over and concede that those same Japanese have almost FIVE FUCKING YEARS more piss-and-vinegar in them than Americans? Alan Shepard would beat Sean Hannity down with a fucking 7-iron if he were alive today. In a full spacesuit. Audie Murphy would take one look at that quivering little sissy and Hannity would be shitting himself out of Rush Limbaugh’s asshole. Fucking Liberace got more legitimate pussy than Hannity, Limbaugh, O’Reilly and Beck combined.

But I digress.

Right now, there’s 37 countries ahead of us on the life expectancy list. And every goddamn one is full of people who are happy to watch a sport that always ends in a tie. I don’t know what major malfunction makes Republicans such crybabies that they’re afraid to man up against FUCKING SOCCER but real Americans like games where SOMEBODY ALWAYS WINS AND SOMEBODY ELSE ALWAYS LOSES. Sports that involve broken necks and bitten-off ears and concussions and knees that bend backwards at sickening angles. Real Americans are in it to win it and they know that being No. 38 in the biggest game of them all IS NOT FUCKING CUTTING IT.

So you can listen to Sarah Palin and Chuck Grassley and James Inhofe and Michelle Malkin and all the rest of the hapless assholes who are apparently content to be second-rate schmucks, just pleased as all hell to be the Washington fucking Generals of the world stage.

Or you can get on board with what America used to be about, what America still ought to be about and goddamit, what America’s gonna be about again pretty goddamn soon. They say we can’t. I say we can. They say we’re doomed to be frail little timid things that cave into death before a bunch of Europeans and Asians and even the fucking Canadians. I say that if we put our minds and our hearts into it, we can have it all and still come out the winner in this contest. I say we’re Americans, goddamit, and we can figure out how to drink and smoke whatever the hell we want and eat all the crappy food we want, and fuck and gamble and party and do tons of blow, and STILL look the Grim Reaper in the eye and tell that morbid douchebag to go fuck himself.

And if you’re a real American, I bet you think that too.

So anyway, that’s the kind of message we need, only a lot shorter and with less ‘fucks’ and probably not the part about doing ‘tons of blow’.


Comments: 251



Total health expenditures per capita, 2003

United States $5711
Australia $2886
Austria $2958
Belgium $3044
Canada $2998
Denmark $2743
Finland $2104
France $3048
Germany $2983
Ireland $2466
Italy $2314
Japan $2249
Netherlands $2909
Norway $3769
Sweden $2745
United Kingdom $2317


Forget it, he’s rolling.


We literally are the suckers sitting at the poker table of life, aren’t we?


Finally, something that matches up to this.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Watch the interview. OMFG.

Yeah yeah, kicking puppies and woefully one-sided confrontations, etc. but man o man this is awesome. It’s like Bambi versus Godzilla awesome.


and probably not the part about doing ‘tons of blow

Hell, we got the whole southern hemisphere working their asses off trying to keep us supplied with the stuff. I say the line should remain.

roast beef kazenzakis

Oh, fuck the south dot com. I haven’t read that in ages. It warms my heart to read such rage against the detritus of our nation.


The over 65s are having a ball calling for their own children and grand children to be put to a slow and painful death by deliberate deprivation of medical treatment.

When are the under 65s going to strike back by moving to abolish Medicare and Social Security?

Revenge is a dish best served by putting the senile generation in the freezing cold.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

… and all the rest of the hapless assholes who are apparently content to be secondthirty-seventh-rate schmucks

Minor edited that for you.


Here’s the problem with this approach. The average ‘murican will try to win by lowering everyone else’s life expectancy rather than by improving ours.


I want to believe that Americans will actually see that world ranking as significant. I want to believe that it won’t be filtered through some crazy ass horseshit sunday go to meeting yeehah woop woop we’re number one filter that somehow turns it into proof that God loves us so much he wants us to come join Him sooner than those evil Japs.

I want to believe that. And in fairness maybe those north of the Mason Dixon Line can see the advantage.


I’m submitting this to the White House Fight the Smears website for shits ‘n grins

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Confession time.

The shitty US health care system is probably the singlest greatest driving force behind the smug self-satisfied passive agressive superiority that Canuckistanis politely revel in.

The fact that you allowed the dumbshit moran to be presdinent for eight years is shockingly atrocious, but we’ve had our share of idiots in our highest office too. Reality teevees? We fucking copy your worst shows.

Nope, health care is the one thing where there’s shit fuck all that can be said to budge our certainty that you guys are the “special needs” child.


Here’s the problem with this approach. The average ‘murican will try to win by lowering everyone else’s life expectancy rather than by improving ours.

Sad. But true.

“We gotta bomb them Japanese ‘cos they done stole our precious body fluids. That’s why they live so long!”


Of COURSE Katy Abram is, to put it charitably, confused over what health care reform could do to improve not only her lot, but that of small businesspeople everywhere. The really disheartening feature of that video was the cheering and applause that followed every nonsensical, buzzword filled statement she uttered. The part about not wanting America to turn into Russia was especially special. She had nothing to say, but the crowd loved her.


…the smug self-satisfied passive agressive superiority that Canuckistanis politely revel in.

oh, tut-tut! (eh?)


“We gotta bomb them Japanese ‘cos they done stole our precious body fluids

They’ll carpet-bomb France with McDs just to fuck with their national cholesterol levels.


We gotta bomb them Japanese ‘cos they done stole our precious body fluids

They’re not drinking enough pure rainwater and grain alcohol, Mandrake!


American Challenge! Let’s beat Cuba in providing health care folks!


So, what you LIBRULS are saying, is that you want AMERICA to be OLD and VULNERABLE so that our ENEMIES, whose blood is excited by the greater vitality of their earlier deaths, can take us over?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh, and our beer is much better.

I guess I ain’t got a lot of national pride because beating the US in quality of beer and health care are fucking low hurdles to clear. It’s a pretty sad argument when we place our sense of worth in the fact that we don’t water down pig urine and bottle it or fucking force people to live with all sorts of aches, pains, mysterious rashes, unexplained fainting spells, random bouts of explosive diarrhea, &c. because they don’t fucking make enough money. FUCK, what is wrong with you people?

Chicago City Comptroller

Yeah, but Teh slanteyes and froggos eat Arugula and elitist ham and un-American green tea and fish and shit. Real Americans are going to keep eating their Cheetos and Mountain Dew and Philly cheese steaks with cheez-wiz so we can grow up to be rugged tough guys like Rush Limbaugh and Jonah Goldberg. Being all slim and exercising is like faggy an’ shit. You wanna make us a buncha fagz?


I don’t want our old people getting too old because longevity is theft!


Sadly, I think wingnuts are not bothered by the disparity in average life expectancy between us and the rest of the civilized world. A (white) wingnut (and there aren’t many other kinds — Kenneth Gladney is the exception that proves the rule) assumes that if we don’t count Negroes, illegal aliens, and other subhumans sucking off the bounty of the U.S.A., the average life expectancy in the U.S. would be around 85 or 90. Those 45 million (mostly minority) losers without health insurance are dragging down the statistics, which would be the envy of the world if we could just eliminate the unworthy (who are naturally of a darker hue than the master race).


Iz our wingnuts out of lettuce?


I like this one: physicians/1000 people

2.Cuba 5.91
52. USA 2.3

So much for the free market!


Fish and shit. Isn’t that English fast food?


we place our sense of worth in … random bouts of explosive diarrhea

Go Leafs!


Also, let me be the first to say in this thread, SOYLENT GREEN IS MY GRANDPA!



We’re winners Dragonking, that’s what. We don’t coddle sissies here. If you let yourself be both poor AND sick, well, there’s really no place for you in the Greatest County in the Universe. Besides, everyone knows that health care is a finite substance, like petroleum or marriage. If you just give it to every mewling crybaby who wants it, then you’ll eventually run out, and the good people won’t get their rightful (lion’s) share. You’d know this if your country wasn’t full of pussy socialists, who’d probably share their own wives and daughters with complete strangers if they were allowed.

You see a real American doesn’t want someone to give just him health care like a pansy, no, a real American takes what he wants. By force. Preferably from some stupid foreigny bastard who didn’t see him coming. That’s why a clear solution to our problems has appeared to me. Nuke France. Having better health care than us is clearly an enemy act and, once we clear out that socialist rabble, we can just take their health care for our own.

BONUS – We can also give France the benefit of American Capitalism and the wonders of a society without regulations or a social safety net! They’d quickly become an example for the rest of Europe, who would, domino-like, soon realize that giving people healthcare and education and shit is lame as hell. So it’s win-win for everyone. The frogs probably won’t even thank us though. No one ever does.


Greatest County in the Universe




One of the seven Oranges?


We don’t coddle sissies here…


Judas Peckerwood

Sorry, it won’t work. Americans don’t give a shit about the facts. We’re Number One because … well, because we’re the best, godammit! It’s like trying to argue logically with somebody about their hometown sports team. The team could be in last place and the entire starting lineup could be convicted pedophiles, but the knucklehead is still going to argue that his team is Number One because … well, because they’re the best, godammit!


N__B said,
August 14, 2009 at 4:02

Also, let me be the first to say in this thread, SOYLENT GREEN IS MY GRANDPA!

Originally Soylent Greenberg, but they anglicized it at Ellis Island.


but they anglicized it

SEE! SEE! Socialized medicine at work.


What’s blown my mind watching this circus unfold from right next door in The People’s Socialist Republic Of Beaverstan is how many of the “Just Plain Folks” playing stormtrooper at these townhall events are quite obviously themselves the recipients of ZOMG SOCIALIZED MEDICINE OOGA BOOGA, aka Medicare … that’s some serious cognitive dissonance there.

Also pretty damn interesting that there’s not a lot (as in sweet dick-all) of opposition from servicepeople (I know that active-duty members aren’t supposed to lobby or espouse specific political agendas, but there are plenty of recently discharged soldiers out there by now) & that silence speaks volumes. Someone really needs to stand up at one of these meetings & ask these petulant fuckers whatever happened to Support Teh Troops?

Of COURSE Katy Abram is, to put it charitably, confused over what health care reform could do to improve not only her lot, but that of small businesspeople everywhere.

Color me skeptical – I don’t think she’s half as dense as she sounds or acts. She “just doesn’t pay attention to politics” yet has had “a million debates” with her HomoIslamoCommunoFascist neighbor over the years? Uh HUH.

When the interviewer asks her if her family’s small business is over the $250K cutoff for higher taxes, she first replies “I’d rather not say” (which leads me to suspect that she knows damn well their taxes have actually gone DOWN under Obama) then immediately claims she doesn’t know. Might just be a case of TeeVee nerves, but again, my skeptic-sense is going berserk … her offhand mention of wars becoming “commonplace” since 1991 is pretty revealing too.

Blowing other people’s kids to bits? WhatEVer, yawn-o-rama. Universal healthcare plan? IEEEE AMERICA IZ DOUMED!!one!1!

Perhaps someone should ask her if she’d settle for America having a defense budget only three times the size of the second-largest on Earth instead of eight & a half … fiscally speaking, you Yanks could all be farting through silk & shitting in clover if you just learned how to say “NO” to the warpigs in the big five-sided bulding in DC.


you Yanks could all be farting through silk & shitting in clover

I have new plans for the weekend.


What, are you LIBRULS trying to destroy our struggling FUNERAL HOME INDUSTRY? I guess if you all had your way no one would EVER die. Hmmpfh.


You have awakened a sleeping giant. Who is stupid and wants to sleep some more.


Appeals to national pride/American Exceptionalism can work, but you really need to re-work it down to something that delivers a gut punch in one or two sentences. Fuck comparisons and numbers.

Me, I think progressives and liberals need to gang up and use one of the Fright Wing’s most effective tactics: every. single. word. is uttered under the absolute presumption that a kick-ass, expandable public plan is a done deal and that Americans– all Americans— should be proud that we are finally dealing with a hard problem that so many past generations couldn’t manage to pull off. Force the momentum through endless, cheerful repetition.


” that’s the kind of message we need, only a lot shorter and with less ‘fucks’ and probably not the part about doing ‘tons of blow’.”
Nope, that’s perfect.


Simple. We need to post this and rants like it all over. Get it on the news. Call the Republicans quitters and wimps. Call them unpatriotic for leaving their fellow Americans behind – if they hem and haw about people getting what they deserve ask why they think that Americans are lazy.

We can go on the attack, we just need to put it right.


Fish and shit. Isn’t that English fast food?

no, just regular ol’ english food.


Katy Abrams reveals who she is with the “missionary” mention.


Fucking Liberace got more legitimate pussy than Hannity, Limbaugh, O’Reilly and Beck combined.

It’s funny because it’s true.


Hubby teabagged that lady into a multi-orgasmic brain farter.


About twenty-five words into that, I felt compelled to start humming the Battle Hymn of the Republic to myself while I was reading.


wow. o’donnell has a lot more patience than i do.


I know it will shock you, but Katy Abram is actually a very experienced political operative.

No! Not that slightly ditzy, clueless housewife! It can’t be. But, as usual, it is.


You know, I don’t have a problem with a citizen who has been politically active going to a townhall meeting and speaking. I would certainly hope that those of us on our side would do the same. It’s participation in the democratic process, after all.

What I don’t like, though, is the pretence that she’s not political, when in fact she is. And what I truly, truly don’t understand is why, to them, it is important to pretend to be not politically active. WTF? Why is that a virtue?


She’s still dumber than a box of rocks, though. At least a left-wing political operative would come across smarter than that on TV.


Why is that a virtue?

Because ignorance is a virtue. It ain’t that she’s not entitled to be dumb, or speak her tiny mind. She certainly is. It’s that she doesn’t know anything, and furthermore, she leaves all the big nasty financial details to her husband, and gosh darn it, why can’t we be like the founders, who hated/loved people like me, who didn’t know anything?



I would certainly hope that those of us on our side would do the same. It’s participation in the democratic process, after all.

Right, but we’re not a-holes who want to blow up the world, give more money to the tycoon class, and shit on those with less than ourselves.

And get all self-righteousy and bible-thumping about it in the process.

They stink!

P.S. On a related note (more or less), my blog is the number one site on the internet for this search: gladney treacher cobag.

And isn’t that something to be proud of?


And when the sleeping giant awoke, it proclaimed, “We shall overcome.”


Let Lawrence O’Donnell’s interview be a lesson to ignoramus melodramatic wingnuts shouting empty meaningless rhetoric at senators and congress reps at town halls. Be prepared to look even more like a complete jackass on national television.

She didn’t know what hit her.


Framing the argument that this is about giving health care to poor people means you’re always going to have a shitstorm of obstructionism.

You just need to point out that a single-payer insurance system is cheaper for everybody. All those other countries prove this. Even a family making a quarter million a year is going to see lower medical bills, with the same or better level of care. Doctors can still get rich. Insurance companies can still sell insurance for all the things not covered by the basic plan at a profit. There are really no losers under universal healthcare.

A few fatcats will see less profit, maybe, but they won’t starve. They won’t lose their houses or even their vacation homes. That’s about it. Everybody else would come out ahead.

Why is nobody (Obama for instance, or Hillary back in the day) explaining it this way? Why do healthcare reformers allow the debate to degenerate to the teabaggers’ level?

For instance, why not call it “insurance reform” instead of “healthcare reform” and go from there?


We need a home run message….And that message is right there in the numbers, right in front of our faces

Unfortunately facts won’t work. In the interview, Dimbulb says she wants to the right to have a $5,000 annual deductible” even though it means she’s paying through the nose for basic medical needs and her insurance rarely provides any coverage.

I was talking to my neighbour about this today – why America has some of the dumbest, most illogical people on the planet and he says that for them, “America is the greatest country on earth” has come to mean “gives us the freedoms to screw ourselves and allow ourselves to be screwed as we see fit, so there!”

France number 1? Can’t be good. So the Frenchies are healthy because of their subsidized system, but they’re also communists so what’s their health worth in the end? Nothing.


Why is nobody (Obama for instance, or Hillary back in the day) explaining it this way? Why do healthcare reformers allow the debate to degenerate to the teabaggers’ level?

Well, unless the healthcare insurance reformers have total control over the country’s media, the debate is inevitably going to sink to the lowest level. Such debates always do. Instead of Medicare for everyone, we get shrieks of death panels, forced abortions, Hitler, socialism, fluoridation, and purity of essence.

Some of the wackiness is the result of contradictory indoctrination among different generations of Americans. Some of it is the result of powerful players chumping the ignorant. And some of it is just full-tilt bug fuck inexplicable.


Well, unless the healthcare insurance reformers have total control over the country’s media, the debate is inevitably going to sink to the lowest level. Such debates always do. Instead of Medicare for everyone, we get shrieks of death panels, forced abortions, Hitler, socialism, fluoridation, and purity of essence.

No offense, but this seems kinda BS to me. Obama could easily come out with the straight talk on what his plan actually does. I dunno, maybe one of those half hour infomercials like he ran during this campaign. Instead we get a weak tea chuckle, “I don’t believe in death panels.”

The Dems are playing so bad at this right now I’m convinced they never had any intention of fixing a damn thing.



Stag Party Palin

“She [Katy Abram] didn’t know what [Laurence O’Donnell] hit her.”

No she didn’t, but neither did any of the SFB loonies that might have been watching. They probably think she won. Remember, every day is Opposite Day in Wingnuttia.

But seriously, I think DA’s idea is perfect. Hannity and all his buds *are* sniveling little cowards. Pants-wetter, pearl-clutchers, WATBs, whatever. Let’s Do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Dems are playing so bad at this right now I’m convinced they never had any intention of fixing a damn thing.



Unfortunately facts won’t work. In the interview, Dimbulb says she wants to the right to have a $5,000 annual deductible” even though it means she’s paying through the nose for basic medical needs and her insurance rarely provides any coverage.

Yeah, she’d rather pay $5000 a year for medical expenses rather than paying a few hundred extra a year in taxes (if hubby’s bizness even makes enough money to qualify) so she can have quality, low-cost healthcare. She’s either an idiot, or a liar. Why do I doubt that she’s telling the truth about anything?

I wish O’Donnell had let her answer the question – why is this where she decides to draw the line against government encroachment? Her line about war being a permanent state of affairs really didn’t make any sense. Based on the Kos link I’m willing to bet she’s being paid to appear stupid and make emotional appeals to her fellow moron-Americans.





How can one be blase about war being “a permanent state of affairs” and get into a snit over the cost of public health care? The last time I looked, the public was funding the military industrial complex, and how many billions were “lost” in Iraq again?

I wish O’Donnell had asked: “Lady, how much do you think those wars in Iraq you couldn’t care less about have cost your fucking country?

Enough to fund health care for you and yours for the next eleventy years.

Beyond the whopping deductible, I wish O’Donnell had asked her how many thousands she pays a year to have that bargain. Ten, fifteen, twenty-thousand? Oh yeah, who wouldn’t prefer that to as commie atheist said, a few extra hundred in taxes.


Tonight’s Daily Show replays Glen Beck’s condemnation of free market US health care, based on his own experience.


That’s a $5,000 deductible PLUS the insurance premium which could easily be $5,000 more.


amerikans having heads filled with shit doesn’t help in the longevity race





And every goddamn one is full of people who are happy to watch a sport that always ends in a tie.

Like fuck! Aussie rules, rugby (union and league) and Aussies don’t cover themselves with body armour when they play footy.


TC – I know, I know … rhetoric and all that … on the other hand, the little mincer who flings up two fingers on a score in Aussie Rules is the height of masculinity, etc…


Like fuck!, eh?

I give you hockey with its mandatory sudden-death overtime followed if necessary by a shootout. Also, elbows and hipchecks.

Bench-clearing brawls, not so much these days.


On a plus note, our soccer team outranks our healthcare system internationally.


Thanks for this patriotic rephrase of the debate–it made my dick stand up and sing “The Star Spangled Banner.”


But, my friends, this country is more (n) heterogenous (i) than (g) those (g) other (e) places ( r). And our minorities are sicker (N) and (E) more (G) violent (R ) also (O). Donovan McNabb was hired ( c) because (r ) of (a) his ( c) race (k). Michael Vick will put our white elderly into pits and fight them to the death for their Medicare while fucking your blonde granddaughter. Did I say that (y) out (e) loud (s)? cut the mike. cut the mike!


What’s all this talk about youth in Asia?


We need a home run message….

Maybe we should drive the point home to Sarah and Co. that the death panels are already here.


Bench-clearing brawls, not so much these days.

Sadly, those have disappeared from most major sports.


Check the 1989 Grand Final between Hawthorne and Geelong. One of the last great bloodbaths.


Bench-clearing brawls, not so much these days.

1987 was a good year though. I think this is what they meant by Cold War. The refs eventually give up and leave the ice then they try turning off the lights.


Nom de Plume said,
August 14, 2009 at 6:08

I know it will shock you, but Katy Abram is actually a very experienced political operative.

No! Not that slightly ditzy, clueless housewife! It can’t be. But, as usual, it is.

I’m afraid you’ve overestimated me, Nom. I’m actually just a dumb socialite cunt with an agenda. I like keeping up with the Jonses, especially if it involves kicking the Jonses in the face to keep them down.




Katy Abram:”We have a small business and the amount of taxes we pay out on that…it’s ridiculous and yet they want us to pay more.
Lawrence O’Donnell:”Katy, the plans that have been discussed so far would only increase taxes on families that make $250,000 or more. Would that include you and your family?
Katy Abram:I really don’t know, my husband takes care of the bills and everything.

So how the hell do you know what you pay in taxes and wether it’s ridiculous or not? Maybe her hiusband is spending it all on hookers and is just telling his wife that the “taxman” took the money. It would be irresponsible not to speculate anjd such.


Im not sure I understand your point D. most americans already favour a national healthcare system, and are pretty far to the left of any actual proposal that’ll make it to a vote, so what makes you think convincing a few more people that its a good idea will reverse things? do you think there’s a magical tipping point in the polls that’ll cause senators and reps to suddenly stop fellating the Insurance giants that pay them and jump on board? Or that the reason the media tends to give stupid right-wing tossbags a free ride is a lack of information? Do you genuinely believe the reason Obama has been lukewarm on the issue is fear of the right? How is some silly patronising wank about Sean Hannity being a pussy going to change the balance of power in industry, congress or TV news? there could be 99% support for “socialised medicine” and the press would still intone weary platitudes about a national option being off the agenda because of its controversial nature while newscasters patiently explain that three retards in Des Moines shouting means ordinary americans are opposed to losing control over “their” healthcare. this is a given. Its not the teabaggers who are defining the terms of the debate or writing legislation, they’re just a sideshow. If everyone involved in these protests were convinced they were wrong and went home the insurance industry would just buy another job lot from Nutters-R-Us and set them loose in front of the cameras.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

How about using the GOP playbook against them? Planting town hall operatives who’ll ask the most ridiculously contrived and unfounded conspiracy nonsense – so long as it’s controversial – bang teevees time.

Thank you for taking my question. I’m very nervous about health care reform because I’ve heard that if it doesn’t pass then Congress is going to re-institute the Draft. I don’t want to go fight in Obama’s Afghanistan War so we have to make sure there’s a strong public option.

That’s kinda crazy, but is it crazy enough? How about playing to their prejudices and ignorant hatred?

I’m very concerned about all the uninsured Americans out there. If we don’t get a robust public option and affordable health insurance, I’m scared that these people might start committing crimes like burglary in order to afford basic medical treatment for their families. Crime is already rampant and I’m afraid that killing health care reform is only going to make it worse.

Or there’s the full-on wingnut option.

Sarah Palin opposes health care reform, and that’s why we need to pass it. I’m not sure what her plan is, but it’s obvious from the evidence that she’s some sort of half-fish half-fungus mutant hybrid sent by the alien overmasters to prepare the way for the invasion of Earth.

My investigative reporter instincts tell me that any of these would be sensationalist enough to earn a few minutes of network time. And because of the media rules preventing anyone from being called a liar, the claims will be presented as true.


that she’s some sort of half-fish half-fungus mutant hybrid….My investigative reporter instincts tell me that any of these would be sensationalist enough to earn a few minutes of network time.

You need to play up the [gak] sex angle with La Palin. The networks have been convinced she’s “hot” and like to use that angle.

Personally, I’d sooner fuck a garbage disposal, but that’s just me…


I’m afraid freddybob has a point. I’m actually most worried that by the time there is a vote on health care reform the lobbyists will have evrything sewed up and we will end up with things being worse rather than better. What I’d really like to see is a 15 second shot at the beginning of each and every commercial break on each and every channel showing how much money the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies have spent on lobbying since the recess began. It should be updated daily and also include how much they have spent on advertising on all the news shows and networks.

The Sleeping Giant, Awakened

Fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of a single-payer system.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

but that’s just me…

It’s not just you. The idea that Quitter of the North is “hot” makes me fear for civilization.

But sex-ing it up would be a great idea. What’s required is some super fucking hawt twenty-something in marginally appropriate clothing to tearfully explain “no public option means that scary low lives will stalk me to get money for the dentist.”

The hotter, the better. Gross old geezie talking heads and the shut-ins that produce news shows will be creaming themselves over booking interviews. It’s the perfect trap.

And when Glenn Beck calls to attempt to Lawrence O’Donnell the intrepid plant, that’s when the boom gets lowered:

Mr. Beck, I think you’ve convinced me that Government needs to stay out of health insurance and that’s why we should shut down Medicare.


But sex-ing it up would be a great idea.

Given current media obsessions…how much do you think it would cost to make Megan Fox the spokesperson for single-payer?


‘Scuse mah fin-GAHS.

Skip ahead to about 2:40.


As an aside, would more information actually change the behaviour of the teabaggers? I’m not actually sure that “stupid” or “uninformed” is a reasonable description of them and their agenda. Malevolent? Certainly, hypocritical? Of course. But if a 70 year old whining about communist medicine isn’t actually going to lose their medicare, Its just pure showboating. What a lot of these people seem to be doing is trying to create a profile and enough publicity to turn themselves into some sort of local celebrity. those involved haven’t exactly suffered from their associations. Ken Gladney, who was confined to a wheelchair by a desperate need for publicity? He’s now a right-wing celebrity and is presumably making money from his “help me pay for my non-existent treatment” pleas. Katy Abram herself, a complete nonentity got on a national talk-show. There’s no reason she can’t parley that into some kind of political career. After all look at Joe the Plumber. All the blah about him acting against his own economic interests by supporting McCain were obviously crap. It’s a lot easier to make a career as a right-wing shitbag than it is to do a proper job. After all in 6 months he went from a bog-standard subnormal bigot from nowheresville to a national political figure, with an album deal and a spot as a reporter. Despite the derision he’s done pretty well for himself, and I think a lot of teabaggers have realised there’s a lot of entry-level positions for hateful scum available in the republican party right now and are trying to position themselves accordingly.

The Sleeping Giant, Awakened

Who dares disturb my $5000 deductible?




how much do you think it would cost to make Megan Fox the spokesperson for single-payer?

She seems like the kind of person who might just do it for teh lulz.


and of course on a less calculating level, a lot of them seem driven by the same sort of obsessive need for publicity that convinces people to make arses of themselves to get on TV. Townhall protests! Its American Idol for people who can’t sing*

*or it would be if American Idol wasn’t already “American Idol for people who can’t sing”


It’s August, and who need Shark Attack! reports when there are fanatical teabaggers circling elected politicians?


Ok, I have a plan. We all register Republican. We all start going to town halls and anywhere else there might be a news crew. We go Triple Glenn Beck on the crazy wingnuttery. We’ve all seen enough of it to do that pretty well I think. Then when we are famous political figures like Joe and Katy, we run for congress. If we live in an area with sensible people we will garauntee that the local Dem gets elected and if we live in wingnut territory then we will get elected. Once we are sworn in we can then sit down with the Dems and get meanigful healthcare reform passed.


Townhall protests! Its American Idol for people who can’t sing*

I posted this late on the previous thread, now here’s my chance to post it here.

I think reality TV and health care are a great match. Every week sick people could appear in front of a celebrity “Death Panel” which would decide who gets to continue on in thier quest for health care on next weeks show. If you make it to the quarter finals it will then be up the the viewers to vote wether you live or die. That would keep government out of the decision making process.


Sirius Lunacy – if you can find a way to add “Cake or DEATH!!” to the mix, I think you have a weiner.

I’m of the mind that if what we get as a “reform” is a requirement that everyone buy insurance from a private insurer at the current bloated rates, instead of a true public option, it’s time to boycott the health insurance industry and drop our coverage for the 6 months – a year it will take to put them out of business. It’s about the only way I can see to get those fuckers out of the way of getting something useful done for the rest of us.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

…how much do you think it would cost to make Megan Fox the spokesperson for single-payer?

Dunno, but I’ll volunteer to coach her. Actually, I’m not sure she’s quick enough to pull this sort of thing off. We need Jessica Alba or Scarlett Johanssen on this. Also, since they both carry pretty significant gaffe-risks, they’ll need some intensive coaching – and I’m still ready to fill that role.

But if a 70 year old whining about communist medicine isn’t actually going to lose their medicare, Its just pure showboating.

That’s the target audience. You’ll note that none of the angry geezebags have been elevated to GOP symbols of the struggle against lib oppression. What’s needed is to get them to understand that reform is to provide Medicare-like coverage to others. To get them to realize that if anyone is threatening Medicare, it’s the ones saying that Government-run health insurance is fundamentally evil and wrong.


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said in a statement. “We dropped end-of-life provisions from consideration entirely because of the way they could be misinterpreted and implemented incorrectly.”

The ONLY thing they’ve been pissing their pants about has been the “Death Panels” so obviously now they’ll shut up?


But at this point we can simply say, “you decided you wanted Ice Scream for Dinner, so ENJOY IT and shut the fuck up while I enjoy my steak.


Sign me up! Where can I get my kewl rifle?


my kewl rifle

Is that a rifle that is inherently cool or a rifle with which one shoots cool targets?


I want to believe that Americans will actually see that world ranking as significant.

Sadly, No!

I pointed this out to a winger at my website in comments on my healthcare series this week (click my URL if you’re interested) and got a quick load of bullshit about how the figures are reported differently in different countries, there’s no standard, and besides, who can trust Cuba (or whomever) to tell the truth…

Meanwhile, the asshat contradicted himself by first quoting the WHO and then denying they compiled the info.


Is that a rifle that is inherently cool or a rifle with which one shoots cool targets?

Context is everything. Inherently cool. If I wanted to shoot cool things, I would have said “hip rifle”.


on the other hand, the little mincer who flings up two fingers on a score in Aussie Rules is the height of masculinity

Hey, at least the poor bastard doesn’t have to wear that sports jacket and silly cowboy hat any longer!


I know it will shock you, but Katy Abram is actually a very experienced political operative.

I can clearly see the problems the GOP face, in that case.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I’m so glad that there are such brilliant media criticism resources available on the internetertrons. Here’s the Newsbusters take on the interview.

h/t to this stupid fucking moron.

Bottom line: O’Donnell came off as uninformed. He acted like a bully. Abram has more class and conducted herself more professionally than he did.



Townhall protests! Its American Idol for people who can’t sing*



My wingnut neighbor avoids that $5000 deductible trap.

Long conversation about medical insurance . . .

Me: But how much is the deductible?Nut: I don’t know, my husband handles all of that.


Of course in wingnut utopia all the women stay home to cook and clean and provide sex for the husbands on demand. They don’t worry thier pretty little heads with complicated stuff like finances and such. And when it comes to politics, just like the sex, they take whatever position the man of the house tells them to.


I clicked over from Buzzflash this morning to Politico to read a story about Caribullshit Barbie’s new lies, and hey presto the sidebar ad was some blather about the horrors of gummint health care.

So I clicked over the the site, clicked on the “Contact Us” button and sent ’em a little billet-doux.

It’ll do five-eigths of jack-shit, I know, but just doing it made me feel better.

roast beef kazenzakis

I fear Jennifer may be right. The weak and bluedog DINOs and their GOPig pals will make sure what we get is not reform but handouts to the insurance companies. Wall street and Pill street are more important to the righties than Main street.


Oh, and the Wingnuts are now on video openly admitting that they “flag themselves.”
So that’s what the kids are calling it these days.


Oh, and the Wingnuts are now on video openly admitting that they “flag themselves.”

I can see the internment camps will be quite full on day one. This means easy pickins for the zombie brigades.

Estelle Clubbing

Townhall protests! Its American Idol for people who can’t sing*

And townhalls are American Idol for people who can’t rule.


I can see the internment camps will be quite full on day one.

If we feed the wingnuts nothing but Brussels sprouts, the camps will empty out fast – starvation, death by abdominal misadventure, and conversion to the liberal cause to escape the dreaded mutant vegetables.

Not Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

Oh, and the Wingnuts are now on video openly admitting that they “flag themselves.”

I looked at part of that video. They are all so brave.


Arugula may be socialist, but brussels sprouts are fascist!


My prediction for the next display of right-wing cluelessness is that the erstwhile teabaggers will launch a campaign intended to peel away these blue-dog democrats that you talk about; and they will call it ‘Dogging”. “Let’s go Dogging!” will be the slogan. Hilarity will ensue.


They will only be fed arugula in the internment camps. No American vegetables!


Arugula may be socialist, but brussels sprouts are fascist!

It being Friday, I think assigning arbitrary political designations to vegetables might be entirely appropriate:

Cabbage would be entirely democratic, fair-minded and egalitarian;
Iceberg Lettuce, on the other hand, is pretensious and bougeoise;
Romaine lettuce is anarcho-syndicalist;
Celery and cilantro are trotskyite collectivists;
Basil, oregano and fennel are Mediterranean quasi-party single-issue factions;
Carrots, turnips and other root-vegetables are isolationist and protectionist;
All members of the mint family are hostile military interventionists.


“Let’s go Dogging!” will be the slogan.

Then in an effort to be “hip” and “urban” they will proceed to call it “doin’ it doggy-style”.


Tomatoes are, by association, hedonists and advocates of pornocracy.


I recommend all white veggies for our UN internment camp guests: lima beans, cauliflower, parsnips, etc.

As a corrollary it would be necessary to ban the production of white asparagus only to deny them that tasty veggie in the camps.


Cucumbers are bi.


The monkeys stand for honesty,
Giraffes are insincere,
And the elephants are kindly but
They’re dumb.
Orangutans are skeptical
Of changes in their cages,
And the zookeeper is very fond of rum.

Zebras are reactionaries,
Antelopes are missionaries,
Pigeons plot in secrecy,
And hamsters turn on frequently.
What a gas! You gotta come and see
At the zoo.


Wait, tomatoes are fruits. Nevahmind.

Well, since ketchup has been defined a vegetable, that’ll have to do.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Cucumbers are bi.

You watch different pr0n than I do.

Anise is bi-curious.


Bok choy is techno-Libertarian.


Corn is glibertarian: all sugar, and no intrinsic value except for children.


I would say that beans are definitely conservative.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

This just in from paleo-archaecomedology…
Give peas a chance


Jicama is Zapatista.


Visualize whirled peas…


Only seven previous uses!

The have made a dessert, and called it peas.


Hey! What is up with you SadlyNoes? It has been four (4) hours since I read Chucky Krauthammer’s latest masterpiece and, of course, my first thought was “I can’t wait to see the Sadlies get their mitts on this, what with it’s entire premise being based on a logical fallacy that my stupid, near-sighted cat could see from forty paces.” But, sadly, nothing. Hello! Is this thing on? Testes, testes, one, two, three?


Corn is glibertarian: all sugar, and no intrinsic value except for children.

So Glibertarians would make a good vehicle for salt and butter?

Good to know.


All dissent must me squashed!


I would say that beans are definitely conservative.

…they make you smell funny if you have too many of them?


The have made a dessert, and called it peas.

Carthago delicious est!



Steerpike said,

August 14, 2009 at 17:35 (kill)

All dissent must me squashed!

I disagree, I think we shouldn’t squash Steerpike.


how much do you think it would cost to make Megan Fox the spokesperson for single-payer?

Hell – put a paypal button for this over on the sidebar and I’m in for a twenty.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I envisage a great work of modern conservative vegan literature, an homage to that seminal work of Orwell.

Onion Farm will follow the trials and tribulations of our ingénue protagonist, Sweet Vidalia, as she navigates her way through a treacherous environment. Red Onions employ authoritarian methods to stabilize their collectivist regime. Primarily they manipulate their offshoots, the Green Onions, whom are eco-terrorists. A group of Mexico Onions smuggle their way onto the farm, and Sweet Vidalia sees a chance to overthrow the tyrranical regime. At first she sees a connection with them due to their shared faith in an higher power – but the Mexico Onions are revealed to be slow, dirty, lazy and pungent in a distasteful way. Sweet Vidalia barely escapes her predicament with skin intact when the entire farm is torn to bits by WOLVERINES!!!!


Onions are proletarian? Hmmmm…

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Dunno, I just wanted to type seminal.


Pearl onions, maybe.


Beets are imperial


They finally got Troofy out of the car last night. But, like all car chase stories in LA, you never hear about it again.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Swiss Chard maintains neutrality


Jalapeno peppers are an ochlocracy.


Sorry to be so OT, but we’re going to be in Boston next Saturday and Sunday visiting an offspring. Does anyone know of any good plays going on there that weekend that aren’t horribly expensive? We saw Shining City at the Huntington the last time we visited and loved it to pieces.

Any other recommendations for eating places or museums or other activities will be appreciated. We’ve already been on the Duck Tour, thankyewverymuch, and once was sufficient.


We’ve already been on the Duck Tour, thankyewverymuch, and once was sufficient.

Yea, that was disappointing, especially since I did all that (except the Charles river of course) on foot.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Corn is glibertarian: all sugar, and no intrinsic value except for children.

So Glibertarians would make a good vehicle for salt and butter?

Can also be found in POOP.


Oh, and our beer is much better.

Oh, hells no. I’ve had Canucks try to tell me to my face that LaBatt’s is good beer.

Now I realize that Canadians impression of American beer has been mostly formulated by what’s been available east of the Rockies but out west, things have been different for some time. I’ll put any beer brewed in Canada up against Sierra Nevada or Red Tail Ale, both of which have been around for at least 20 years.


Corn is glibertarian: all sugar, and no intrinsic value except for children.

So Glibertarians would make a good vehicle for salt and butter?

Can also be found in POOP.

And sometimes as a substitute for PENIS


I’ve had Canucks try to tell me to my face that LaBatt’s is good beer.

Labatt’s IS good beer.

In large volumes.


In large volumes.

Gack–I’m pretty sure that’s the same argument hipsters in my neighborhood use for PBR.


Gack–I’m pretty sure that’s the same argument hipsters in my neighborhood use for PBR.

Look, a sizable number of people out here drink beer as fuel and not for taste. Give it to us cheap, with the highest allowable alcohol content, and a nearby urinal (a tree is sufficient).


Naw, more corporate swill. Try a Big Rock.


In this new era of progressive politics we all need to pull together and get God-Emperor Obama’s health insurance reform passed! We as good and faithful democrats can’t afford to alienate our Big Pharma friends by not giving them this deal!


Crowd shot from the Vegetablican Party Convention.


There should be an admission charge to get into a town hall meeting. A simple question with a simple answer; Do you have a social security number? Yes or No?


with the highest allowable alcohol content…

Well, hell. Why screw around with beer then? Go straight for the Mickey’s Malt Liquor!


Concewn twoll is concerwend.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh, hells no.

Microbreweries are not a US-only phenomenon. You guys may have some tasty microbrews, but that’s only because the mass produced swill is so bad that sucking on toes would probably taste better.

Since it’s summer I’ll stick to patio fare. Here’s two that are local for me and produce enough volume that you USians ought to be able to track ’em down:
Mill Street Organic Lager

Steam Whistle

roast beef kazenzakis

Pokeybob, that does what exactly?

Oh wait, izzat Troofie in disguise saying “git them Mekskan illegals outta mah health insurance yall”?


Look, I like good beer as much, if not more than the next zombie, but Insufferable Beer Snobs are worse than Insufferable Music Snobs.


I think the only equitable and fair solution would be for each of you to send me several bottles of your favorite brew for field testing.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


How often have you regretted taking the advice of a music snob?

Music may well be the food of love, but beer is its lube.


so who had one day in the Troofy returns pool?


I think the only equitable and fair solution would be for each of you to send me several bottles of your favorite brew for field testing.

We’ll get right on that Br’er Zombie.

; )


What’s a zombie doing drinking beer, EH?

You should be drinking the sweet blood of innocents or formaldehyde or Zima or something evil like that.


Zima is dead (Thank FSM!) so it makes a great zombie libation.


or Zima or something evil like that.

That’s low. Even zombies have some standards.



I know it will shock you, but Katy Abram is actually a very experienced political operative.

Aha! Score yet another home-run for my male lesbian’s intuition … although sadly, I must admit that I may have erred grievously in regards to her being much brighter than a stillborn ferret.

The naked – & futile – efforts she’s made to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING that conclusively proves her to be a lying sack of shit is one of the saddest/most hilarious recurring tropes the Intertubez have to offer.

advocates of pornocracy

Well, that certainly made me prick up my ears (of corn).

“You say tomato, & I say fellatio …”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Mill Street has a beer that goes really well with brains and other organ meats if you don’t mind a thickish beverage. Really, I’m just pushing Mill Street until I can find an excuse to mention my favourite of theirs, the Coffee Porter. Yum.

roast beef kazenzakis

Not me, I had “two threads from the last” and if that’s him he didn’t skip a thread.

Also, zrm, what’s your take on the Great Lakes brews or HeBrew or my fave US beer, Brooklyn Lager?


You have awakened a sleeping giant. Who is stupid and wants to sleep some more.

You said that LAST night. And P.S. you call that “giant”? Hmph.


the Coffee Porter. Yum.

I’ve had a few stouts and porters made with coffee–the poor man’s speedball! Quite tasty.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh and just to haunt y’all some more – Zima isn’t dead, it’s just getting cybernetic implants and will come back for revenge wwith an army of sailor-suited school girls.




A simple question with a simple answer; Do you have a social security number? Yes or No?
Pokeybob, that does what exactly?

Troofie didn’t think this through. (no big surprise there) All that would do is keep people like Katy out. When they answer “I’d rather not say… actually I really don’t know, my husband pays all the bills.” They would be turned away.
BRIDGEKEEPER: What is your favorite color?
GAWAIN: Blue … No yelloooooww!


Also, zrm, what’s your take on the Great Lakes brews or HeBrew or my fave US beer, Brooklyn Lager?

Haven’t tried those. Mostly stick with WI brews like Sprecher or New Glarus or Lakefront.

Zima, ewww….


And really, I’d go with this one:
A simple question with a simple answer; Do any of the drafts being considered say anything about “death panels”? Yes or No?
That would clear out most of the problem.


A simple question with a simple answer; Do you have a social security number? Yes or No?

Oh, I see this one in action:

Security: “Do you have a social security number?”

Guest: “Yes.”

Security: “OK, you can go in.”

Haven’t thought that through very well, have you Troofy?

Plus, why would a social security number be used to limit attendance at a town-hall meeting? Are you trying to limit attendance only to voters?

Think again, Troofy – there are lots of people who have social security numbers who aren’t voters.


Think again, Troofy – there are lots of people who have social security numbers who aren’t voters.

Or Americans.


Think again, Troofy

I’d say you’re already giving him to much credit here.

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck

A simple question with a simple answer; Do you have a social security number? Yes or No?

Well, theoretically speaking, a person could truthfully answer “Yes” regardless of their social security number possessing-itude status. Because they “do have a social security number? Yes or No?”.

Anyways, this is clearly not Troofsticles. That troll pretended to be a libertarian.Demanding government issued ID for people to participate in town hall meetings can’t be spun in the name of liberty no matter how hard one tries.

Also, seminal.


Jumpin in the pool to say that Great Lakes Brewery can do no wrong.

Also. Lagunita’s out of CA is making some incredibly yummy hoptacular brews that cannot be impeached.

But as a “beer snob” I would be remiss in not praising my hometown brewery : Goose Island, maker of Matilda.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The answer is in the numbers?!?!?!


In the MSNBC clib, I love the dumb smirk on Ms Abram’s face when she makes her “the country is turning into Russian!!11” comment, and all the troglodytes whoop it up.

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck

Incidentally, there’s a Great Lakes Brewery up here in the GWN as well. I’ve only ever had their Orange Peel Ale – OM NOM NOM NOM.


A defense of PBR. PBR is beer. It is not great but it is cheap. It is head and shoulders above swill like Special Ex Light and Milwaukee’s Best. For those of you lucky enough that every meal can be a feast, by all means, drink microbrews and imports and never sully your palate with a budget beverage. But when I was between jobs, my friend who was employed by PBR to do local promotions dropped off 2 cases of gratis PBR. I did not notice Sierra Nevada or Sam Adams lining up to do the same.

No I am not an employee of PBR or any affiliated brewery. Just a loyal customer. Of course when I can afford better I often enjoy a better beer. New Glarus brewery’s Spotted Cow is a favorite of mine. I’m just saying not every meal is a feast.


I don’t think they should let just anybody into a town hall meeting. At the door you should have to show the little sticker they gave you after you voted in the most recent election. You know–the one that fell off as soon as you got in the car.


Not every meal is a feast but they shouldn’t all be Arby’s either.


If France and Sweden and Israel and other countries with universal, government-run health care are so great, how come there are so many French and Swedes and Israelis sneaking across the border in the US so they can clog our emergency rooms? What about that, huh?

Nobody wants to talk about how the Swedes have lost their God-given right to be forced into bankruptcy by medical bills. Those socialist Israelis force their citizens to have health care just like Nazis.

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck

I’m just saying not every meal is a feast.

Sure, I’ve had my share of Blue and Canadian. But that’s the thing – even our garbage beers are feasts in comparison to the other stuff Anheuser-Busch-Inbev or Molson-Coors bottles for youse Yanks.

Also, yeah PBR is beer. Not great beer, not even good beer, but orders of fucking magnitude better than Bud.


There is a Hops Restaurant in Tampa that I try to stop at when I’m up that way for good fresh beer. They opened one a while back in my neighborhood, but even though the beer is from the same recipe, it’s just not at the same level as the Tampa store.


I was in Utah last month (don’t ask) and ran across Polygamy Porter . No idea what it tasts like, but you’ve got to love the slogans:

“Why have just one?”
“Take some home to the wives!”

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also note that the First Amendment guarantees Freedom of Assembly only to white males and possibly their wives, but no messicans or Teh Ghey (hawt lesbians excepted if they are conservatives). It’s troo, I’ve seen teh original bill of rights and that’s what it says.


Plus you’ve got Unibroue (pronounce that how you will)


Molson is owned by Coors so lets hope they don’t F it up.

St. Dragon-King Wangchuck


Only until Québec separates. In the split, they get to keep Fin du Monde (which has a great name but an awful aftertaste) and we’re getting custody of Trois-Pistoles.


Not every meal needs to be a feast, and not every meal needs a beer with it.

When I developed a taste for expensive beer, I just started drinking less of it. It was probably a good thing for my health.

Beer isn’t a particularly good route if you just need to get drunk either. Cider offers twice or 3 times the alcohol for the same price, cheap vodka even more. I prefer cider myself.

If the point is simply to drink something liquid, then I’d rather go for fruit juice or other non alcoholic drinks.

It must be 5 years since I last drank beer that came in a can, and I really don’t miss it. Even when I am skint I don’t feel tempted to buy any.


When people from other countries complain about American beer, they aren’t thinking of microbrews, or specialty premium brews, or even stalwarts like PBR. They’re thinking about the ones we advertize the shit out of on sports broadcasts, namely “light” beers. These aren’t commercials in the real sense, more like miniature comedy shows with product placement. I mean, Coors Light’s ONLY product claim is that it’s somehow the coldest beer, for godssake!




But that’s the thing – even our garbage beers are feasts in comparison to the other stuff Anheuser-Busch-Inbev or Molson-Coors bottles for youse Yanks.

So what is the price of a 6pk of LaBatt’s up there? I can get beers like Pilsner Urquell and Sierra Nevada for prices ranging from $6.99 to $8.99 at BevMo, which is comparable to LaBatt’s ($6.99) and way better in my opinion. The Anheuser-Busch/Coors stuff is $5.49 a 6-pk.

I just don’t see the price difference as justifying the sacrifice in taste.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Moosehead. And no, that’s not a euphemism related to Quitty McQuitsalot.

Anyways, here’s an interesting story.


Well, some meals are a feast, and for those meals there is Murphy’s Irish stout. I don’t have beer at every meal or even every day, once a week is more like it. And I totally agree that bottled beer tastes better than canned.


How often have you regretted taking the advice of a music snob?

Music may well be the food of love, but beer is its lube.

At my age, it takes a lot of lube.

I’ve reached the age where I’m not the one waking up going, “I slept with that????”


Those socialist Israelis force their citizens to have health care just like Nazis.

That’s just so wrong on so many levels…


“…but Insufferable Beer Snobs are worse than Insufferable Music Snobs.”

Preach it, brutha!

Man, you guys are making me thirsty. May just have pop open a frosty beverage here myself.


Also, yeah PBR is beer.

Yer shitting me, right?

I’d rather drink Rheingold…and I mean the shit my dad used to drink in the 60s, not the reincarnation crap…than PBR.

We use PBR to polish chrome here in the city and it was fucking INVENTED here!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

But when I was between jobs, my friend who was employed by PBR to do local promotions dropped off 2 cases of gratis PBR. I did not notice Sierra Nevada or Sam Adams lining up to do the same.

Perhaps because your friend did not work for Sierra Nevada or Sam Adams.

My local beer of choice is Captain Lawrence– $9.50 for a half-gallon growler refill. Brooklyn Brewing is a fine family of beers, and Smuttynose out of New Hampshire is good. Life is too short to drink bad beer (bad coffee is forgivable, as it is necessary for work).


The Anheuser-Busch/Coors stuff is $5.49 a 6-pk.

Interest. Newsletter. Subscription.

It’s frikkin’ $9 a sixer here.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Yeah, you guys win on price – as is the case for all food and beverages.

Six Blue is 9.95. This is the “standard” price and all the megabrewery non-premiums are the same. Bud, Coors Light, Canadian – all are 6 for 9.95.

There’s a few budget brands. Laker, Lakeport, &c. that are 8.50. So our “cheep” beers are only ~15% cheaper than the standard as opposed to ~20% for you.

The premiums up here are extra costly. Stella’s 13.50 for 6 or more than a third more than the standard. Steam Whistle’s 12.95.


Smuttynose out of New Hampshire is good.

I mourn the death of Leonora’s on Bedford Avenue. They stocked the entire Smutty Nose line…on tap.

And Ommegang’s. And Sixpoint Brownstone.

*sigh* That it’s closed…


Man, you guys are making me thirsty. May just have pop open a frosty beverage here myself.

Way ahead of you.


Anybody remember Schmidt, aka “animal beer”? There was Duck Beer, Pike beer, Wapiti Beer ” (for some reason no called it “Elk Beer”). Taste? just like shit, of course, but the price was right, about $4.99 for a 12-pack (not that many years ago), and it went down pretty smooth after the first 3 or 4. I moved away from Montana 10 years ago, and they don’t have it here, but I have some very nice (if a bit foggy) memories of Animal Beer evenings. Good time, good times.


Sometimes I want to leave Wisconsin behind me forever. And sometimes I hear how much beer costs in the rest of the country and think I would be nuts to live anywhere else.


As my brother is wont to say “My all-time favorite beer? My next one!


the price was right

Old Milwaukee…Or Keystone…Or Piels…


The lowest I have ever stooped is Tetleys bitter. It may be cheap, but it is hard to fuck up a simple bitter. Boddingtons is acceptable too, if I find myself in some trendy hell hole of a pub that only has lager.

I tried bud once. I swear it was so near to water It made me sober up a little.

There is nothing wrong with insufferable beer snobs.. When they are buying. It is a pity the internet has no bottle transfer protocol.

Not every brew travels well either. Some of my local brews need to stand for a week, just after the journey home from the shop. I’ve developed a habit of drinking the sediment as a chaser.. That will put hairs on your chest alright.


Stella’s 13.50
Wow, that’s almost the same price as a pint during happy hour down here.

As my brother is wont to say “My all-time favorite beer? My next one!
That also is a good brand.


Beer snobs rejoice! Only $150 a bottle.


And from the Southwest border country there’s always Juan Moore beer. I’ll just have Jaun Moore.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I mourn the death of Leonora’s on Bedford Avenue. They stocked the entire Smutty Nose line…on tap

Bell House in Gowanus, Actor, although you’re too late to hear a lecture by a botanist who could start a second career as a fashion model.

Union Hall on Union St serves Six Points.


Currently supping a “golden glory” from Badger. One of the more easily available brands in the UK. Est. 1777.

Very very tasty summer drinking.


Bell House in Gowanus

SLOW DOWN! I don’t have my notepad handy….now what’s this about a sexay scientist????


I’ve developed a habit of drinking the sediment as a chaser.

I just pour compost into my pilsner. Same diff.


Some notable quotable people from the last week. Quite an incredible collection. Some are inspiring, some are funny, some are pathetic and some will just make your head explode.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’ve developed a habit of drinking the sediment as a chaser.

Some call it Marmite!

SLOW DOWN! I don’t have my notepad handy….now what’s this about a sexay scientist????

You missed her lecture, but check that site for the next date, come, and I’ll buy you a Smuttynose. You’ll recognize me because I am a- wait for it- big bad bald bastard.


You’ll recognize me because I am a- wait for it- big bad bald bastard.

I could be looking in a mirror, you know, like a parakeet…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I could be looking in a mirror, you know, like a parakeet…

We could do that Lucille Ball/Harpo Marx routine!


I can’t believe it hasn’t been said yet:

Real beer snobs brew their own… I just started harvesting this year’s crop of homegrown hops too. Not quite crazy enough (or enough land) to grow and malt my own barley though — THAT would really be snobbish.

That said, after I finished a growler of my own beer at a party last night (I shared) I *did* drink a PBR. After a few pints of good beer, a very chilly PBR was surprisingly not all that bad.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Big Bad Bald Bastard said,

August 14, 2009 at 22:12

I could be looking in a mirror, you know, like a parakeet…

We could do that Lucille Ball/Harpo Marx routine!

They look alike,

They walk alike,

At times they even talk alike,

You could loooose your miiiiind…

When Bastards are two of a kind!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

My long-departed grandfather preferred Old Milwaukee. This was many years ago. He said it was the best beer. Two of his brothers were brewmasters in the Old Country – Germany – so I believed him, but with reservations.

Then I read some foodie survey years ago (but after he passed away), that said Old Milwaukee was the best mass-produced beer.

I still don’t mind it as long it is hot out.


No offense, but this seems kinda BS to me. Obama could easily come out with the straight talk on what his plan actually does.

No offense taken. Obama should do a half-hour infomercial a week on healthcare insurance reform. Or the Democratic Congress should just announce: Medicare for everyone! That would be great.It still wouldn’t convince certain people that there won’t be death panels, it wouldn’t stop certain politicians from insisting that there will be death panels, and it wouldn’t stop wingnut radiotalkers from talking about the final healthcare solution.

The only life-altering thing this country embarks on without triggering major psychotic breaks in the citizenry is war.


In the split, they get to keep Fin du Monde
I has a 6-pack of that with me right now.
I do not expect to be healthy in the morning.

Currently supping a “golden glory” from Badger.
I am not sure if I approve of the weird shit Badger put in their beers (peach flowers: elderflowers???), but I will forgive them a lot on account of Tanglefoot.


Currently supping a “golden glory” from Badger.
Also, is this an experiment to see how many triggers for RiM can be squeezed into a single sentence?


whats with Canada and alcohol? I was there last year and it was like 7 bucks a pint PLUS taxes PLUS tip (cuz of course its too much to expect me to order at the bar and take the drink to the table myself). I’m not particularly stingy, but that made me vomit blood through my eyes. and even in off-licences (or whatever you crazy kids call them over there) it costs a bomb. what did it taste like? ashes and tears.


and airline food? what’s up with that?

Myles na Gopaleen

Speaking as an Irish person, I think anything that makes alcohol harder to get hold of can only be a good thing.

Go Canada!


I’m fuckin with you on tis one!


This has got to be ONE OF THE GREATEST RANTS OF ALL TIME! Try imagining R. Lee Ermey belting this one out. The shivering conniptions of laughter appear. Kudos! (and quite on target, as well.)


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