Catching Up With The Blog Prof

UPDATE: Found the FoxNews segment (just got posted!) that the poster over at FreeRepublic mentioned above: (they talk about the black man with the Obama poster at the very end)

UPDATE #2: From the AP via The Detroit News: Swastika painted at Georgia congressman’s office. Hmm. Another plant? This kind of thing has happened before (noose, Columbia). I doubt very much it was a protester. Again, all the Nazi paraphernalia coming out right after Pelosi painted the protesters as Nazis.

UPDATE #3: Welcome readers from Instapundit and HotAir! Thanks fro the linky love!

UPDATE #4: Rush Limbaugh read this post around 12:17 today! Thanks Rush!

UPDATE #5: Welcome readers from the Corner at NRO! Also posted at Linkiest.

UPDATE #6: This post has garnered good attention over at Memorandum, including commentary by The Jawa Report, Weasel Zippers and Cold Fury

UPDATE #7: Also linked by Ed Driscoll at Pajamas Media.

UPDATE #8: Related over at NewsBuster (HT: Ed Driscoll, memorandum): NBC, CNN and MSNBC All Assign Communist LaRouche’s Obama-Hitler Poster to Conservatives, Limbaugh. The media is doing the job a state-run org ought to be doing, no? And they’re it exceedingly well to boot!

UPDATE #9: The Wizard of Laws sent an email to let me know that Andrew Wilkow on Sirius picked up this post on his show as well. Thanks for the tip Wiz!

UPDATE #10: Also linked at theis HotAir post: Video: The origin of the “Nazi” references at town-hall protests. Thanks Ed!

UPDATE #11: Linked by Wizbang and Atlas Shrugs and The Sundries Shack. Thank you!

UPDATE #12: Linked by RedState, The Minority Report!

Executive Summary: According to some people on Cavuto, a black man seen at Rep. Dingell’s town hall with an Obama/Hitler poster was later seen passing out fliers for Dingell (D, MI). The man is then discovered to have been a devotee of Lyndon LaRouche. In other words, it is just as they were saying.

D. Aristophanes adds:


Comments: 224



It’s like a Rat King of dumbfuckery.


Hitler is the Jew of liberal fascism.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The Obama/Hitler poster is the Reichstag Fire of Conservative Communism. Or something.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Last Thursday, I saw a couple of grizzled LaRouche supporters getting some attention from the municipal Code Enforcement officer for setting up on a sidewalk. Damn, I wish I’d taken a picture!


Update # 13: Welcome, Mom! Great meatloaf you made last night!

Update # 14: As you were…

Update # 15: I wonder if there’s any meatloaf left.


“This article is about rats with tails grown together. For the fictional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles character, see Rat King.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Vestigial tails are the Jews of coccyx-grinding fascism.


It’s like a Rat King of dumbfuckery.

From the hip. Fast yet accurate.


Not to match paranoia with the same, but has anyone else noticed the way the media loves to play up the “Obama loves everyone but white people” angle?

Going through the 16 medal of freedom recipients, I count 11 white people, yet only shows 3 brown people in it’s photo montage on the front page.


Can haz

UPDATE #12: Linked by Sadly, No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I meant #13.

Sadly, Doh!



So, wait, is their evidence that someone like so totally saw him handing out Dingell stuff later FOR REALS but oopsie doodle, forgot to take any pictures or video? Oh, and I loved the “it was so staged! The Democrats snuck in people and faked the support!” mewling. I doubt it, because I wouldn’t believe these lying sacks of shit on a container load of Bibles, but ha fucking ha when wanna-be astroturfers FAIL even with Fox broadcasting their cues 24-7.


UPDATE #13: One of sixteen vestigial virgins has left for the coast! Video soon!


Update #14: Hey, I just downloaded my poster! You can too! For free!


Oh, I love it, secretly!

I first discovered these etheric bleed-through images when I was working on a photo of George Bush Sr., another human/reptilian hybrid masquerading as a human being, standing on the deck of a US aircraft carrier on September 1, 1944 posing with two other Navy airmen.


Update #15

The evidence: One member claimed to see the man (who was African-American) passing out Dingell literature.

The truth is a little murkier than that. The man was a supporter of fringe Democratic activist Lyndon LaRouche, whose LaRouchePAC has been running with the “Obama=Hitler” theme for a few months now.


Barack Obama is a human/reptilian hybrid.

with a tail!


Democratic activist Lyndon LaRouche?


Barack Obama is a human/reptilian hybrid.

with a tail!

Well no wonder insurance wouldn’t cover the removal, they knew the damn thing would just keep growing back.


fringe Democratic activist Lyndon LaRouche

I’m pretty sure LaRouche would gladly kick these idiots in the balls for linking him with the Democrats.


Okay make my update number 14.a, and beverage to J–.

Also, the reptiloid thing is awesome.


I like the slimy attempt to pass off Lyndon LaRouche, his day and age’s equivalent of Ron Paul, off as a ‘fringe Democratic activist’. It’s rather like calling those Naderite twits who think Republican governance will bring about the Communist Utopia quicker ‘fringe Republican activists’.

Also, obviously relevant that he’s black. Black people all support Obama, in fact – he got around 500% of the black vote. Such ingratitude for the Party of Lincoln, who was incidentally a traitor.


Honest mistake. I get John Dingell and Lyndon LaRouche mixed up all the time. Also Shia LaBouef, Jack LaLanne and Hedley LaMarr also as well.


I’m pretty sure LaRouche would gladly kick these idiots in the balls for linking him with the Democrats.

On the one hand, to be fair he calls himself a Democrat as some kind of surreal political statement, operating under the delusion that the Democrats went downhill after knuckling under to the British Empire with Al Smith. (I wish I were just inventing that.) On the other hand, nothing he does is affiliated with the party in any way and his activists and followers tend to be marginal right-wing kulturkampfists with more education than sense.

Send them victorious, happy and glorious; God save my balls.


I get Shia LaBouef mixed up with Sabrina Le Beauf.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Black people all support Obama, in fact – he got around 500% of the black vote.

Even Alan Keyes voted for him, must’ve been those hypnotic reptilian eyes.


oh, and a big FYWP.


I get Shia LaBouef mixed up with Sabrina Le Beauf.

I get them both mixed up with Sleepy LaBeef.


I get Shia LaBouef mixed up with Sabrina Le Beauf.

ME TOO!!! Then I had Lasik surgery.


Sleepy LaBeef.

After digestion, Poopie LaPew.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That reptiloid site could spawn a very interesting variety of porn:

Both of Michelle’s legs were manifesting numerous etheric images with the most striking seen in the area of her knees, such as this lovely creature (seen on the right) peering out from the inner thigh area of her right leg.


So, was the record cold we’ve been seeing this year caused by nature, while global warming (according to Algore) was caused by man?


Right on cue, Poopie LaPew.


I am genuinely starting to find it hard to comprehend the insanity of the right. I mean, I thought they were crazy before, but this is genuine psychosis.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Can someone please explain to me why spelling Al Gore’s name as one word is supposed to be insulting? Because it makes “Barack HUSSEIN!!!!!! Obama” look like an Oscar Wilde quote.


Cooler heads keep frozen brains fresh and crispy!


So, was the record cold we’ve been seeing this year caused by nature, while global warming (according to Algore) was caused by man?

Record cold and record heat are both the products of climate change. The overall effect is weather growing more severe. Not that you care, because Shell is your team and Fatty McBeard is the other, but just because you call an observable phenomenon a canned polemic name and that canned polemic name doesn’t bear out when taken literally doesn’t mean you’re fucking Galileo.


Can someone please explain to me why spelling Al Gore’s name as one word is supposed to be insulting? Because it makes “Barack HUSSEIN!!!!!! Obama” look like an Oscar Wilde quote.

He’s clearly referring to the heretical Algoran of the impostor Mahomet, consisting as it does of The World After Tomorrow with intermissions in which an anonymous Alabama man solemnly reads excerpts from Hot and Fat.


Alec the globe is not warming, it is cooling. The Antarctic ice is growing thicker, satellites show cooling, sea level in the arctic is falling, and the hottest year was 1998.

But of course you want us to trust unproven computer models and Algore because it fits with the Left’s anti-industrial, anti-capitalist agenda. You and your green weenies would like to see us living in the stone age. Communism didn’t work, so now you’re trying to be “green” as your pretext for destroying western capitalism and industrialization.


So, was the record stupid we’ve been seeing this year caused by wingnuts?

Why yes, as a matter of fact it was.


The Global Warming (or I guess you call it “Climate Change” now to weasel out of the implications of warming) also gives you a nice pretext for internationalist government, which is something the Left has always wanted–for the Third World to have political control over the wealth of the First.

Stag Party Palin

My favorite part of the reptiloid page is the link to Babelfish in case you want a translation. I couldn’t get it to make sense in any language.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

I liked the troll better when he was obsessed with telling us to suck him off. “Green weenies”? Your shit is weak, Troofus. Your shit. Is weak.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Two weeks ago, in the middle of a murderous heat spell, we had our all-time record high temperature, followed by our all-time high overnight low. I almost fucking died, so fuck you with a chainsaw sideways, Troofus.


I am genuinely starting to find it hard to comprehend the insanity of the right. I mean, I thought they were crazy before, but this is genuine psychosis.

Black man. White House.



Did somebody mention Green Weenies?

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Your shit is weak, Troofus. Your shit. Is weak.

Like I’ve been saying, it’s phoning it in this week.

Apart from demonstrating no understanding of global warming, but that’s a basic requirement of being a Reichtard.


I just love to imagine Twoofie standing in his front yard along about November 15, 2020, when it’s 90 degrees in the shade and humid enough to swim down the street, yelling “IT WAS COLD YESTERDAY! HOW ABOUT THAT ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ HURR HURR HURR”.

Then one of his neighbors comes up and kicks him in his sweaty balls.

'70s Mainstay Ram-Jam

Whoa-oh, Green Weenie, ram-a-lam,
Whoa-oh, Green Weenie, ram-a-lam,
Troofie called us a name, ram-a-lam,
The damn thing was lame, ram-a-lam.


so fuck you with a chainsaw sideways, Troofus.



“I just love to imagine Twoofie standing in his front yard along about November 15, 2020, when it’s 90 degrees in the shade and humid enough to swim down the street”

That’s every August in the South, dipshit.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

I live in the South, and Troofie is *gasp!* telling lies.


Do you know how much greenhouse gas volcanoes put out? And how much soot and dirt they kick up into the air? Yeah, try to “cap and trade” that, libs.


That’s every August in the South, dipshit.

But you said the world’s COOLING hurr hurr hurr Algore arugula mustard teleprompter spice Wright Hillary vault copy blurp blurp blurp

'90s-Era Talking Points Troll

I haz ’90s-era talking points.


Alec the globe is not warming, it is cooling.

It’s been doing both in rapid sequence. Colder winters, warmer summers, record hot and cold years, unusually severe weather patterns

The Antarctic ice is growing thicker, satellites show cooling,
sea level in the arctic is falling,

Both of these represent tendentious overstatements of exaggerated data from single measurements of cyclical phenomena.

and the hottest year was 1998.

Again, you’re trying to dispute that the world is being put on a boiler, and good luck to you, because that’s not what anyone is actually proposing. I could pretend that you’re acting surprised that it’s getting colder now that summer has passed its peak, but I wouldn’t prove anything thereby.

But of course you want us to trust unproven computer models and Algore because it fits with the Left’s anti-industrial, anti-capitalist agenda. You and your green weenies would like to see us living in the stone age. Communism didn’t work, so now you’re trying to be “green” as your pretext for destroying western capitalism and industrialization.

Could be that, or I could be going with the overwhelming consensus of theoretical, experimental, and model data and the near-unanimous opinion of climate scientists, whose word is evidently good enough to predict a hurricane but not good enough to predict unprecedented instability of weather patterns over a breathtakingly short term.

We have this thing called Occam’s Razor, see. I guess it is possbile that a nonpartisan consensus existing throughout the world that human activity is destabilizing the global climate, a consensus strong enough to enable for-profit businesses and futures exchanges to be formed, is a less likely possibility than all that just being a massive Communist sleeper-plot to be filthy fucking hippies with your hard-earned money. It’s a long shot, sure, but this vast plot whose actors all claim ignorance of their covert designs on your precious white women could be the story of the century. I smell Pulitzer. Maybe I should bookmark this – just to make sure.


Troll who knows jackshit about climate knows jackshit about climate.


“Could be that, or I could be going with the overwhelming consensus of theoretical, experimental, and model data and the near-unanimous opinion of climate scientists, whose word is evidently good enough to predict a hurricane”

Bwahahaha! Weathermen can’t even get the next week right, and you want us to trust “scientists” to predict 100 years in the future. Yeah, right.

Speaking of hurricanes, what happened to all those record breaking, super-monster hurricanes Algore predicted? The last few season have been rather tame, no?


I wish they could always be this weird.

I sure am gonna miss it someday when the U.S. right gets it shit back together.

We’re all going to have to meet somewhere and say, “Do you remember when…”


There are places other than America where they also get hurricanes.

Bwahahaha! Weathermen can’t even get the next week right, and you want us to trust “scientists” to predict 100 years in the future. Yeah, right.

Are you serious? Are you posting this ironically or something?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

We’re all going to have to meet somewhere and say, “Do you remember when…”

You really think it’s going to happen in our lifetimes?


discovered that the photo was originally a color photo, but was de-saturated of color in order to make it appear black and white.

Ahhh!! so very clever, that Obama child! it must be because he time-traveled a digital camera back to the 1960s, and then had to cover it up.


Weathermen can’t even get the next week right, and you want us to trust “scientists” to predict 100 years in the future.

Har har! You tell ’em!!! Fancy schmancy scientists can’t even tell what fish I’m gonna catch when I go fishing but they’re going to tell me about fisheries and breeding stocks and population survivability? HAR HAR!!!


The Atlantic hurricane season, period, anywhere, has been quiet since 2005.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Cooler Heads said,

August 13, 2009 at 1:54

Do you know how much greenhouse gas volcanoes put out? And how much soot and dirt they kick up into the air? Yeah, try to “cap and trade” that, libs.

Littlr arithmetic lesson, Troofus. When one number is two or three orders of magnitude lower than another one? That means there’s less of it, not more, like you seem to think.


That’s every August in the South

They have August in November? That is fucked up.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Troofie’s statement about “scientists” is hilariously stupid enough to make me wonder if he isn’t just a dedicated-as-hell parody troll. Sort of our methadone now that is gone.


Yeah, try to “cap and trade” that, libs.

think of how much greenhouse gas Twoofie emits from his piehole.


Bwahahaha! Weathermen can’t even get the next week right, and you want us to trust “scientists” to predict 100 years in the future. Yeah, right.

You’re right that your local weatherman isn’t capable of predicting next week, no, but there’s this science called climatology that is the result of centuries of sustained research and theoretical development. It’s the reason you can insure a boat or plane for any amount of money, it’s the reason hurricane and swell warnings exist, it’s the reason more people don’t die from tornadoes, and it does excellent work in the US in spite of being horrendously underfunded and having one of the world’s bigger mandates.

Would you perhaps like to get into an argument next about whether or not sometimes men’s penises swell up with “blood” when they’re “aroused” by a “woman”? I predict it going around the same way, and for roughly the same reasons.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Do you know how much greenhouse gas volcanoes put out?



He’s got a point.

No scientists anywhere have ever studied volcanoes. Ever. That is left to us global warming skeptics and our deep studies of the scientific literature present in our uncle’s anteroom.

It’s just like how even though we got all these supposed climate scientists, ain’t not a one of ’em ever even damn heard of the Sun yet we global warming skeptics try to help ’em out by pointing up in the air and sayin’ “BUT THE SUN IS HOT!!!” and they still don’t get it!


The planet has gone through various traumatic, major climactic events for millions of years totally independent of humans, but now you’re saying 200 years of industrialization is going to kill it? Yeah, suuuuure.

Do you ever think if theres “warming” it could be due to, you know, sunspots or solar flareS? Nah, its all the dirty humans and their industrialization, right? Because wealth and consumption is BAD and HURTS GAIA!!

Nevermind that Algore continues to ride around in his big private jets and have mansion, putting out more tons of carbon than I will in my lifetime.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Rush Limbaugh told him volcanoes produce greenhouse gases, so it’s true. Although I’m a little curious about that one, since judging from his rantings on Al Gore, being fat disqualifies you from being a scientist.


Uh…..I don’t want to knock the reptilian evidence, but on the same site, they’re umm….. receiving messages from the United Galactic Federation.


He still hasn’t explained the “Algore” bit.

I think he stole it from Rush Limpballs, which in Twoofie’s tiny mind gives it imprimatur even if it makes no sense whatsoever.


They have August in November? That is fucked up.

You should see Las Vegas. We get August in March, and by June it’s jetpack season.

(That and you should see what climate change has done here – we’ve been getting blizzards on the regular and our seasonal monsoons have been fucked all to hell. But, you know, it could be that we’re all making it up because we’re hoping to bring Hunter Thompson back with some obscene greenie-weenie hoodoo.)

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Also, “millions” of years? Troofie, why do you deny God and want to put Christians in concentration camps?


in spirit of building a bridge between liberals and conservatives:

both of y’alls took it in the butt today.

don’t fuck with el tri at azteca stadium, biznatches!!!!

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Comment eated! I stand corrected, volcanoes emit nearly 1% as much greenhouse gas as human activity, so I should be driving a Lincoln Navigator.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Rush Limprod is still quoting that “When the ice in my drink melted, the level didn’t go up at all” isn’t he? Take that, loony libs!


Good clean fun until the parody troll showed up.

And now, badgers, all the way down.

Tata for now!


Oh, no, I’m unemployed, I’ll never afford a Navigator. I just DESPERATELY need something to feel superior over, and it turns out no one wants to suck it.


The planet has gone through various traumatic, major climactic events for millions of years totally independent of humans, but now you’re saying 200 years of industrialization is going to kill it? Yeah, suuuuure.

Nobody said it would kill it. But, by the way, I would prefer not to return to a Permian Climate either, even though that too was “natural”.

But you make a good point:

How come no scientists have ever damn studied the climate of the Urf’s history? You’d think they’d study somethin’ like that before mouthin’ off about global warmin’ from greenhouse gases & shit and needin’ us home-school types to tell them that the Sun is hot and how we heard from this feller that Mars and Saturn were heatin’ up too.


Troofie, why do you deny God and want to put Christians in concentration camps?

I thought Twoofie was a Libertarian, an Ayn Rand said religions are stinky evil so they are ’cause she said so. Objectivism, after all, is making up your own mind in an objective way and not just parroting what someone else said like a dumbass parasite.

Oh, wait, yes it is. My bad.


Aha! Gotcha, Twoofie! If you were really as thick as you want us to believe, you’d never be able to use a computer, let alone connect to the Internet and post a comment on a blog! You’d be all OH NO MAGIC LIGHT BOX IT ROARS AT ME HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And isn’t it sweet how Troofus thinks the Communists were such tree-hugging greenies and wanted to put an end to industrialization? , all those Five-Year Plans for blowing up factories–it’s a damn good thing St. Ronnie defeated them dirty Commies single-handed-like.


I’m not going to see the West reduced to Third World levels of poverty just so some greenies can feel good about their devotion to that sad Religion of Global Warming.

I’m going to use as much electricity, heat, gasoline, and eat as much beef as possible.

(Notice that leftists even manage to connect MEAT EATING to global warming! Too convenient! )


Cowering in the corner, poking it with a long stick…


Reverend, Communists couldn’t destroy Capitalism through an alternative economic system, so now they’re just going to destroy it by destroying economic growth itself. That’s where all this “limits to growth” B.S. comes from.


The planet has gone through various traumatic, major climactic events for millions of years totally independent of humans, but now you’re saying 200 years of industrialization is going to kill it? Yeah, suuuuure.

200 years of industrialization have been fuelled by burning coal on an unprecedented scale. You see, life in many ways functions to aggregate carbon from the environment, and under normal circumstances the amount of biomass that can be converted to carbon dioxide is fairly minimal. There is the possibility of a runaway greenhouse cycle caused by deep-sea deposits, but it’s not something there’s been much evidence for ever having happened.

What we have done over the course of years of using coal as a go-to power source (in addition to our more recent but much more enthusiastic use of oil) is liberate an amount of biotic carbon equivalent to millions and millions of years of life per year. It’s as if you were to suddenly multiply the amount of life on Earth by thousands and thousands of times. Unless you’re prepared to seriously propose that coal just disappears when you set it on fire, or that the Industrial Revolution didn’t have anything to do with coal, or that carbon dioxide is a liberal myth, this is impossible to dispute.

Further, there’s a one-to-one correlation between unstable environmental conditions and the late spike in CO2 levels. Further, our carbon footprint is higher than it has ever been as a species (thanks in great part to industrialization in the second and third world), so the hyperbolic rise in atmospheric carbon levels is just getting worse.

In the core records you have long periods of rising CO2 levels and rising average temperatures, with brief periods of extremely variant conditions during heady rises in carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gas levels. These take place over hundreds of thousands of years, on a scale almost universally smaller than that we are seeing right now.

I know you’ve picked your team and all, but it’s not a dirty-fucking-hippie communist scheme. Climate change is very real, and while it’s not purely anthropic, neither is human agency insignificant or dismissable by any reasonable means. I don’t give two shits about Gaia or the environment or whatever. I live out West for a reason and don’t like the idea of dying of exposure in my dotage to help buoy fossil fuel companies’ bottom lines. That’s it.



Larry Wilmore put that one to bed once and for all last night on the Daily Show:

She wants her America back? Go tell that to the Indians.



Slowly starving because you’re too scared to come out where the BOX OF LIGHT can see you…

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Troofie, you are truly the stupidest sack of shit I’ve ever encountered. Read a fucking book about Communism sometimes. Even that wingnut Pipes–his view is distorted by his hatred, but he’ll tell you about the insane rush to industrialization.


It’s not the first time that Don has been in communication with General Jeremiah, but it is the first time that the General has ever gone public by formally introducing himself on the air and talking about the United Galactic Federation, explaining that their members come from a federation of 574 planets. He said the Federation was overseen by a group of wise men, 21 elders, who typically lived a life span of more than 500 years. The General said that his group began to visit earth on a regular basis about 33 years ago (ca. 1976).

General Jeremiah is not of extraterrestrial origin. He was born right here on planet Earth, as his southern accent will quickly attest. For reasons unknown to me, he was chosen to be part of the United Galactic Federation, and after a period of training, was given a high position of command and given the title of General within the Federation.

Who would have thought?


Further, there’s a one-to-one correlation between unstable environmental conditions and the late spike in CO2 levels. Further, our carbon footprint is higher than it has ever been as a species (thanks in great part to industrialization in the second and third world)

So your “solution” is to end industrialization in the Third World and reduce the West to Third (or at least Second) world levels of wealth, right?

If you hate coal so much, why don’t we build more nuclear power plants then?

BTW, China and India have chosen COAL as the future of their energy generation, and they’re just going to laugh in the face of western greenies when they tell them “no!”


By the way, why isn’t that FOXNOOZ screencap on the video the new “American Gothic” (i.e., American Birthic)?


I’m going to use as much electricity, heat, gasoline, and eat as much beef as possible.

Have at it. While you’re at it, I think you should discard hazardous waste all over your house, and smoke a pack of cigarettes a day! And ride motorcycles without a helmet!

That’ll show us!


If you’re so concerned about “climate change”, Alec, why are you running your computer? Don’t you know goggling and blogging creates greenhouses gases?


sad Religion of Global Warming


Twoofie, I’m going to have to report you to the Justice Department for that religious hatred.

I may even have to post a cartoon on my blog in a brave move to resist your hatred and intolerance of religious freedom.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

“I’m going to use as much electricity, heat, gasoline, and eat as much beef as possible.”

OBITUARIES: This morning, local sex offender Timmy Q. Trollerson was found dead in his basement of a combination of e. coli infection, electrocution and third-degree burns. “SUCK IT ALGORE [sic]” was written, apparently before expiration, in the corpse’s own feces. The deceased’s mother asks that rather than flowers, someone get a forklift to move the corpse out of here basement. “I always knew this was the only way he’d get outta there,” she commented.


If you’re so concerned about “climate change”, Alec, why are you running your computer? Don’t you know goggling and blogging creates greenhouses gases?

Read what he’s written, asshelmet.




I like the idea that we’re supposed to be afraid of the political influence of people who need to have some kind of high, noble purpose to eat meat. You know, because what the electorate is after is someone who will only begrudgingly enjoy a steak to fend off international Bolshevism. Why were we ever intimidated by these joyless cocksuckers?


As a liberal, nothing pisses me off more that the thought of people exercising their right to stand in traffic and gargle razor blades. Man, I hate that.


I’m not advocating copying them, El Cid, I’m just stating a fact. China and India are burning COAL and will continue to build DIRTY COAL-fired power plants for many years to come, and Algore or BHO won’t be able to stop them short of using military force. Is that what you want? Do you want us to go to war to stop China and India from burning too much CO2? Because that’s what it would take to stop them.


Answer my questions, Alec. Why aren’t you for nuclear power if you’re so concerned about greenhouse gasses?


I like your War-Boner, Troofie. Almost as big as mine. We should go to an orgy sometime.


So your “solution” is to end industrialization in the Third World and reduce the West to Third (or at least Second) world levels of wealth, right?

If you hate coal so much, why don’t we build more nuclear power plants then?

Thank you for answering your own (stupid) question. Saves up my resources to call you and your anonymous father fat and impotent.


What’s more, China and India are going to build big highways, and subdivisions, and big-box stores, and have big agribusiness, and consume consume consume and lefty greenies won’t stop them. So why should WE go back to living in poverty for the sake of planet earth if they won’t?

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

As a liberal, nothing pisses me off more that the thought of people exercising their right to stand in traffic and gargle razor blades.

I hate when they eat uncooked hot dogs until they barf, then eat some more until they barf again, and then eat the barf.


Address my pooooost, Aleeeeeec! WAAAAAA!


Skimming, here, but still:

I think they say/write “Algore” because, when the former V.P. gets a-goin’, and starts his Southern talkin’ thang, and hits his stride and finds the beat and establishes a GROOVE, ya unnerstan, he creates a Algore-rhythm, and they know that means “science” which means “HA HA! Pointy head!” and they win. Because if Jesus had wanted us to be smart, he would have given us brains.


Don’t you think you should turn off the computer, Alec? You’re raising carbon!


He was born right here on planet Earth, as his southern accent will quickly attest.

Maybe he was born in the Southern part of the Galaxy, you ever think that?


I’d be in favor of more nuclear power, but only if the French or Japanese built and ran it for us, as a public, non-profit facility.


What’s more, China and India are going to build big highways, and subdivisions, and big-box stores, and have big agribusiness, and consume consume consume and lefty greenies won’t stop them.

Yes. Some day the looming brown menace will make us limp and powerless, our desires futile and our passion an object of mockery. Sure will show us, won’t it?


Alec already covered why using a computer doesn’t have any effect on carbon levels, but I’m too much of a stupid, aggressive, inattentive loser to notice it.


Let’s compromise, Twoofie –

we get to build new nuclear plants, as long as you’re willing to store the waste in your house.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Great post on Deltoid (On my birthday, too!)

Mercurius has listed the things AGW denialists will accept as evidence:

1) Nothing that was recorded by instruments such as weather-stations, ocean buoys or satellite data. Since all instruments are subject to error, we cannot use them to measure climate.

2) Nothing that has been corrected to account for the error of recording instruments. Any corrected data is a fudge. You must use only the raw data, which is previously disqualified under rule #1. Got that? OK, moving along…

3) Nothing that was produced by a computer model. We all know that you can’t trust computer models, and they have a terrible track record in any industrial, architectural, engineering, astronomical or medical context.

4) Nothing that was researched or published by a scientist. Such appeals to authority are invalid. We all know that scientists are just writing these papers to keep their grant money.


Good god that own goal video is funny.


The will be as wealthy as us, and you hate wealth, Alec. All leftists hate wealth creation and growth, because capitalism proved superior to Communism at providing it. So they have to do their damndest to discredit the very idea of growth.

At leas the old-school Communists believed in technology, industrialization and some idea of progress, unlike the modern “greens”.


No deal, Pere, it might damage my closets full of child hentai.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Maybe he was born in the Southern part of the Galaxy, you ever think that?

I too like the implication that the Galactic Standard Accent is the idealized Midwestern U.S. newsreader English.


Alec already covered why using a computer doesn’t have any effect on carbon levels,

No, he didn’t. Where did he address that? I don’t see it. Fucking liar.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

Why does Troofie worship at the altar of Communism?


Wait — how does the success if China prove the failure of “Communism”?


BTW, if a computer doesn’t have any effect on carbon levels, then why does a Hummer H2?




China has moved from Communism to State Capitalism, idiot.


Also, I’m so stupid I think a Hummer H2 and a computer work the same way.


The will be as wealthy as us, and you hate wealth, Alec. All leftists hate wealth creation and growth, because capitalism proved superior to Communism at providing it. So they have to do their damndest to discredit the very idea of growth.

We sneer and laugh, effeminately but still loudly enough to jar, as well-meaning capitalists insist that their constant growth is a sign of strength. Three pounds of economic muscle, one pound of economic fat, they say, but still we titter in our ignorant vanity. Someday, capitalism will show us – it’ll send away for Charles Atlas Shrugged and then we’ll see who’s kicking sand in whose face in front of the sexy oleodespotates.


Calling China “Communist” is like calling Colin Powell and Olympia Snowe Republicans”.


China provides me with child porn in exchange for never criticizing them. All praise to the People’s Republic.


We sneer and laugh, effeminately but still loudly enough to jar, as well-meaning capitalists insist that their constant growth is a sign of strength. Three pounds of economic muscle, one pound of economic fat, they say, but still we titter in our ignorant vanity. Someday, capitalism will show us – it’ll send away for Charles Atlas Shrugged and then we’ll see who’s kicking sand in whose face in front of the sexy oleodespotates.

What the fuck are you going on about?


China has moved from Communism to State Capitalism, idiot.

Nope. They’re still Communist. That’s why they’re still run by the Communist Party of China, and not the State Capitalist Party of China.

Greet my host, squibs!


Calling China “Communist” is like calling Colin Powell and Olympia Snowe Republicans”.

Add a black man and a woman to the equation and all of a sudden your identity is thrown fundamentally into question. Where have I seen this before.


I too like the implication that the Galactic Standard Accent is the idealized Midwestern U.S. newsreader English.

Best not to speculate too much about General Jeremiah. Next thing you know, you’ll beamed up to Planet Balqui to face the 500 year old elders.


Nope. They’re still Communist. That’s why they’re still run by the Communist Party of China, and not the State Capitalist Party of China.

Sure, and North Korea is a “People’s Democratic Republic”. Idiot.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I too like the implication that the Galactic Standard Accent is the idealized Midwestern U.S. newsreader English.

Damn! I thought Vernor Vinge told us it was Samnorsk!


Ok, Alec, it’s like calling Michael Bloomberg a “Republican”.


‘Cuz I’m an anti-Semite too.


Sure, and North Korea is a “People’s Democratic Republic”. Idiot.

But… but… Jonah Goldbutt told me that the National Socialists were leftists because they had “Socialist” in their name!!!



The National Socialists were Socialist in more than name.


I will, of course, not provide any examples, because I’m fucking stupid.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Next thing you know, you’ll beamed up to Planet Balqui to face the 500 year old elders.

I can take them. 500? They’ve got 458 years on me, those geezers.


The National Socialists were Socialist in more than name.

But… but… Communist China is not communist in name or more than name?

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

I think the National Socialists were at their MOST socialist when they were rounding up regular socialists and having them tortured and killed.


Ok, here are some examples:

*The Nazis hated department stores (the “big box” stores of their day)

*The Nazis believed in organic farming and being “green”

*The Nazis railed against “bankers” and “plutocrats”

*The Nazis told big corporations how to run their businesses (sound familiar? GM and Chrysler anyone?)

I could go on, but you get the picture.


think the National Socialists were at their MOST socialist

Their Socialest, one might say.


ATC had a sound bite from a teabagger. “Hitler was for socialism too. I don’t like Hitler.”

I couldn’t stop laughing.


The Nazis hated Socialists because Nazism was a heresy of Socialism. And true believers hate heresies. It’s the same reason the Roman Catholics hated the Cathars even more than the Muslims.


Nuclear power is a generally good idea, and it’s not alone in power sources that provide an alternative to the politically and environmentally devastating practices of coal power grids.

I am pointing to a universally-accepted cause and effect of climate change and proposing that modern technologies be subsidized in an intelligent way to prevent further aggravation of the problem. You’re pretending the names we use have a power of their own and chanting talking points and kulturkampf nonsense, in the process suggesting that you take no joy in meat, cars, or anything else American life has to offer unless it is rubbed in a filthy hippie’s face. The only person who thinks the modern world is good for nothing but destroying the Earth here is you; you’re just in this conversation to trot out stale granola jokes and feel superior.

This is how I came to accept that you’re just phoning it in, and decided to do it funnier than you. Incidentally, subtract a few hundred pounds and stiffen your dorsal fin and we could call you Free Willy.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

But… but… Communist China is not communist in name or more than name?

And wait until you find out just how “new” New Guinea is.


The NAZIs had black uniforms and were into leather so Mr. Gay Leather is Adolph Hitler.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Cooler Heads said,

August 13, 2009 at 2:37

Ok, here are some examples:

*The Nazis hated department stores (the “big box” stores of their day)

*The Nazis believed in organic farming and being “green”

*The Nazis railed against “bankers” and “plutocrats”

*The Nazis told big corporations how to run their businesses (sound familiar? GM and Chrysler anyone?)

I could go on, but you get the picture.

Yeah, but then the Night of the Long Knives eliminated that tendency in the Party. History is a bitch, Troofus, just not your bitch.

St. Kid from Kounty Meath

The Nazis believed Jews controlled all media critical of them. Tell us, Troofie, what’s your opinion on George Soros?

St. PeeJ of PENIS

The Nazis hated Socialists because Nazism was a heresy of Socialism. And true believers hate heresies. It’s the same reason the Roman Catholics hated the Cathars even more than the Muslims.

You really can’t argue with logic like that. No, you can’t. Really.

St. PeeJ of PENIS

Also, Himmler hated atheists (this is true, any profession of faith was acceptable except a claim of atheism) therefore atheists are NAZI ZOMBIES.


Hey, if there’s one thing I know, it’s hating groups of people.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Maybe he was born in the Southern part of the Galaxy, you ever think that?

To paraphrase the Doctor, lots of places have a South.


The NAZIs had black uniforms and were into leather so Mr. Gay Leather is Adolph Hitler.

And, of course, Benito Mussolini was simply Mr. Gay.


HELL! Then there ain’t no need for damn study or scholarship or shit!!! The damn U.S. government was FOOLS to study the difference between fascism and communism in the 1930s and then during the war! They could have just thrown out some glib stupid sentences?

Why are there so many people convinced you got to study shit and shit? Why can’t we just answer all questions with quick sentences which come from what we reckon and figger?

I mean, just because Mussolini completely reversed the basic Marxist class conflict model and declared that instead of there being class conflict between classes within nations that nations instead themselves represented different classes, so therefore Italy and Germany were the proletarian (later developing) nations which were in conflict with and had to overthrow the bourgeois (earlier developing) nations of Britain and France.

Fuck Mussolini! He used to be a Socialist! So, damn, I mean, what else do you need? Why you got to make shit all complicated instead of just sayin’ shit like “Fascism is when you make politics into a religion” and “Fascism is when you try and get beyond politics” and other toss off shit?

Except of course when Communist China declares that they are still officially socialist and communist and that the Communist Party intended to use the engines of their controlled capitalism to more rapidly transit the necessary capitalist stage until true socialism could emerge.

Then it doesn’t mean shit, because Wal-Mart buys all kinds of shit from ’em, so, you know, well, shit!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Oh, and: Troofus


This right circle jerk of linkage has proven that black men can hold up signs. Take that libs!




This was pretty good: the Ed Show on MSNBC had Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center and others discussing the 90’s-ish resurgence of the nation’s barking idiot and preparing for violence fucktard right ‘militia’ and ‘survivalist’ movement.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

BTW, if a computer doesn’t have any effect on carbon levels, then why does a Hummer H2?



Incidentally, anyone interested in actual gay leather Nazis instead of just using that as a way to prove that Adlai Stevenson was a leatherman is recommended to Fascinating Fascism, Sontag’s seminal essay.

I bring this up not so much because of the direction the discussion has gone but as an excuse to use “seminal” where Troofus can hear it. That the article also involves prim German women climbing mountains to admire wrestling Africans is an added bonus.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Hoo. Feeling kind of light-headed. For serious, you guys, that one was the most stupid thing I’ve seen the troll post this year. At that point, I don’t know how he keeps from drowning on his own spit.


At that point, I don’t know how he keeps from drowning on his own spit.

I suspect his computer posture involves leaning forward.





Fun fact: Secretary Chu is the first Energy figure in some time to play an active role in encouraging the development of nuclear power, because he is also the first Energy man not to come directly from an extraction company and thus have competing interests.

In true maverick fashion, McCain would probably have blown smoke up nuclear power’s ass until he was blue in the face and proceeded to quietly bury it under rights deals for his maxed-out donors. But that’s the important thing about being a wingnut – what matters isn’t living a good life or doing good things but wanting a life and believing in things that you believe your opponents consider bad.

Maybe if he were a naughtier boy he could get it up, but that’s between him, God, and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Gooooo Bucks!


I used to think that maybe the troll was learning a bit about how to debate, how to frame arguments, present dupporting information….

But no longer. Hooooooooo. That one won’t pass a Turing test.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon


Oh, I don’t really care about someone mentioning the Bucs. Although in a certain kind of way, I miss the days back when they were dressed into those garish orange and white jerseys and were ridiculously incompetent at actually playing the game.

It kind of gave the Tampa Bay region character when *all* of our sports teams sucked ass at their respective sports. Then the Buc made it to some Super Bowls, the Lightning got to the Stanley Cup, the Rays made it to the World Series….

It was a strange and bewildering time. One almost didn’t know what to make of yourself when your team no longer sucked balls.


One almost didn’t know what to make of yourself when your team no longer sucked balls.

This is one thing Troofus will never, ever have to worry about.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Hey, when the Seahawks went to Superbowl Extra-Large, that was the end of the world. Everything since is just a postapocalyptic fever dream.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

This is one thing Troofus will never, ever have to worry about.

So he’s a Cubs fan? Weird.


I’m a Braves fan.


Alec just spews a bunch of academic bullshit that sways basically nothing, trying to look “smart”.


That SAYS basically nothing.

Rush Limbaugh is a giant gaping asshole

Rush is reading SN!? Because, I would like to take the opportunity to inform him that he’s a giant, gaping asshole.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon


Not Looch who has way too much time on his hands these days

That one won’t pass a Turing test.

He couldn’t pass a blood test. Even if he did study for it.


I could go on, but you get the picture.

No shit? This is being brief?


Do you want us to go to war to stop China and India from burning too much CO2? Because that’s what it would take to stop them.

Actually, a shortage of clean air to breathe and potable water to drink would stop them faster. It’s doing that already.


Also, how about that melamine in the baby formula?


Also, how about that melamine in the baby formula?

Are you saying their baby formula is Negro? Racist!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

St. Bina, Queen of Sheba said,

August 13, 2009 at 3:33

Also, how about that melamine in the baby formula?

I thought it was cat food. We really lucked out because we stuck with Purina. At least the equivalent of the head of the FDA over there who presided over that got nine grams in the back of the head. We could take a lesson from them on some things.


Hmm i remember a post from Da Troof a while back where he spat out his revisionist history of why he devolved into a ball-biting troll, and he basically said ‘it’s all your guys fault that i turned into this whimpering, whiny piece of infected toejam taht i am today because at first I tried to debate you and all you did was say PENIS and POOP at me and refused to have an intelligent discussion and so i became this boring pissant irritant cause YOU GUYS MADE ME” or words to that effect, and then I’m reading this thread and I see several posters responding to his flatulent mumblings with well-reasoned arguments and data and actual true ass facts and shit and then i realize that he’s a lying tub of goo in addition to being stupid as fuck.

Oh but you know what’s funny, when you read his things, imagine them being voiced by Rocky Rococo from Nick Danger–you guys know that right?–and then he’s truly hilarious–but we gotta make him say “You Fuels!” and then it would be perfect.


Also, how about that melamine in the baby formula?

I thought it was cat food.

You thought baby formula was cat food? Meal time must be interesting ’round your way.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

N__B said,

August 13, 2009 at 3:48

Also, how about that melamine in the baby formula?

I thought it was cat food.

You thought baby formula was cat food? Meal time must be interesting ’round your way.

I would think that was funny, if I didn’t so vividly remember worrying about our cats and whether they were going to come down with kidney failure.


My apologies to your cats and my sympathies for your worry. Miniature psychotic carnivores rule!


At leas the old-school Communists believed in technology, industrialization and some idea of progress, unlike the modern “greens”.

Ahem… Pol Pot would like a word with you:

He began by declaring, “This is Year Zero,” and that society was about to be “purified.” Capitalism, Western culture, city life, religion, and all foreign influences were to be extinguished in favor of an extreme form of peasant Communism.

All foreigners were thus expelled, embassies closed, and any foreign economic or medical assistance was refused. The use of foreign languages was banned. Newspapers and television stations were shut down, radios and bicycles confiscated, and mail and telephone usage curtailed. Money was forbidden. All businesses were shuttered, religion banned, education halted, health care eliminated, and parental authority revoked. Thus Cambodia was sealed off from the outside world.

On second thought, how wonderfully Galt of the Khmer Rouge. Snerk!


Miniature psychotic carnivores rule!

Mine eats bunny brains.

It’s so cute.


It’s so cute.

If someone bred 40-pound polar bears, I’d have two.


Well, you gotta give credit to the Khmer Rouge for one thing — they certainly weren’t your typical Old School Communists.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

N__B said,

August 13, 2009 at 3:58

My apologies to your cats and my sympathies for your worry. Miniature psychotic carnivores rule!

No worries, N__B. I just thought their method of dealing with the dereliction would be worth applying to the events of the last 8 years.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

El Cid said,

August 13, 2009 at 4:36

Well, you gotta give credit to the Khmer Rouge for one thing — they certainly weren’t your typical Old School Communists.

I actually think the Khmer Rouge were so directly inspired by some of the California Commies and Back-to-Nature purists in this country that some of them took a look into the abyss and drew back. I attribute a lot of the 30-year slump in the American Left to that very thing.


Do you ever think if theres “warming” it could be due to, you know, sunspots or solar flareS?

Science FAIL.

I recently spent a full day at the Ferguson Observatory with my kid. During the day they were monitoring the sun, and the docent pointed out that over the last several years we’re had an unusual absence of sun spots and solar flares. And for a few years before that we had a spike (2003). And before that a plunge. But it all seems to have had no effect on climate change either way.

No climate scientist puts any stock in a “sunspots are causing global warming” theory.

Only wingnuts.

Maybe they could get the Discovery Institute to back them up, since those guys aren’t getting much of anywhere with evolution denial.


I actually think the Khmer Rouge were so directly inspired by some of the California Commies and Back-to-Nature purists in this country that some of them took a look into the abyss and drew back.

I haven’t seen much of any sign of that. It was a massively peasant-based movement, driven by the engine of continual U.S. bombing from 1965 on, and then complete carpet bombing of the rural populations and even cities under Nixon. They didn’t need U.S. based cultural minor movements to inspire a nearly apocalyptic hatred of anything not like their peasant lifestyle — city dwelling, education, office work — and in addition there was utter and complete collapse of their agricultural system and thus society-wide starvation.

It shouldn’t be so surprising that when you bomb the hell out of a civilization that those who crawl out to take command are often not the nicest people.


And isn’t it sweet how Troofus thinks the Communists were such tree-hugging greenies and wanted to put an end to industrialization?

Yeah, them commies in China sure are committed to controlling pollution!


Do you ever think if theres “warming” it could be due to, you know, sunspots or solar flareS?

How is this an argument, anyway?

Other scientists and shit have to go through the burden of actually explaining plausible and verifiable mechanisms by which to address the Earth’s observed energy balance.

For others, though, it’s enough to point at the Sun and say that it’s hot and that maybe something like sunspots or other might be causing stuff even if no one has produced any strong explanatory theory based around the stuff we’re waving our hands at.


Alec just spews a bunch of academic bullshit that sways basically nothing, trying to look “smart”.

I suppose I’m being a little unfair going so far over your head, so allow me to simplify my thesis here, which is to say write down what I am saying in small, easy words.

You don’t know about the weather, about science, or about politics. You get your wrong ideas from people who are lying to you. You think they care about you. They think you are a fool. You think about serious American problems as if they were celebrity gossip because you are a patsy.

Also, your parents have sex with strangers for money, you are old and ugly, no one will ever love you, and you cannot fuck for shit. Get busy living or go fuck yourself.

That will be all.


Also, your parents have sex with strangers for money

I wish! I would have gone to a much better college.


Nope, it wasn’t just cat food. It was baby formula, too.

And may I say that it’s very, very CORPORATE capitalist to cut cost corners and put melamine in where there ought to be protein?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

St. Bina, Queen of Sheba said,

August 13, 2009 at 6:02

Nope, it wasn’t just cat food. It was baby formula, too.

And may I say that it’s very, very CORPORATE capitalist to cut cost corners and put melamine in where there ought to be protein?

My apologies, Your Majesty. We didn’t have babies, just cats, so I guess I wasn’t paying attention. Corporate Capitalism 101, you’re right.

The Pike Place Market here in Seattle was founded in 1907 so people could buy meat and produce directly from farmers because the food packers were “preserving” meat with formaldehyde and shit like that. Things have changed so much in the last century! Ain’t progress grand?


Grand…as in “mal”. As in seizure. Yes indeedy!


I’m sorta proud to be around to witness the turn-the-knob-around-to-eleventy-and-snap-it-off-moment (Zombie Rotten McDonald 2009). It’s like the moon landing and the Berlin wall breakdown but mainly the death of lady Diana Spencer.

There’s the same incredulity that such things cannot be happening in my time. It is such an EPIC FAIL that it should have happened in the 1720’s like the South Seas Bubble or something. Modern people should not be able to reach such heights of crazee over visits to the doctor.

Also, in relation to Diana Spenser there is the sneaking suspicion that it will turn out to have been alcohol induced. Surely.
What is going to be the state of play in a year’s time?
Fox news will be a museum exhibit in the Smithsonian after one of the anchors shoots themselves on air.


It is such an EPIC FAIL that it should have happened in the 1720’s like the South Seas Bubble or something.

Better yet, the great panic of the 1670s and ’80s: the Popish Plot.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

FlipYrWhig said,

August 13, 2009 at 7:49

It is such an EPIC FAIL that it should have happened in the 1720’s like the South Seas Bubble or something.

Better yet, the great panic of the 1670s and ’80s: the Popish Plot.

Well, to be fair, as recently as 1605, there had been a real Popish Plot that would have left anybody a litle gunshy.


Wow, it’s a full-bore link-orgy of Ye Epick Faile! The old “echo-chamber” just doesn’t do it justice – more like “Mutual Taint-Licking Marathon” … & in this case, they’ve both got a dire case of crotch-fungus. Bon appetit, dipshits!

I’m enough of a goombah to have left a comment over there – “your comment is in moderation and will be displayed after approval” … bwahahahahahaha! As if! But the pinhead still has to READ it – & maybe, just maybe, if he can make it past the first sentnece – overcompress a molar until it snaps in two.

Oh my darling Interwebs, how do I love thee? Let me count the lulz.

Now I want to see two wingnut blogs recursively link each other until they both crash … pretty please?

Meanwhile, in the Comic Relief Department: the anti-climate-change troll may as well be a Heavier-Than-Air-Flying-Machine Skeptic or a Hollow-Earther at this point; all the hottest years over the past century-plus have been in the last decade or so – & solar activity has been more or less a perfectly flat line since, oh, I’ll be generous & say the 13th century ( LOL SUNSPOTS ) … that whole cunning plan of subsidizing SUVs for a bunch of knuckle-draggers who didn’t even need them while frantically boot-fucking the living daylights out of carbon-sinks like rainforests & coral-reefs? Not so smart actually – seems they may be good for more than eye-candy after all. D’oh!

But but but but those smartypants scientists don’t know stuff like wingnuts do because secular-humanism has brainwashed them & Al Grrr iz FATTY FAT FAT!




I learned that word from the United Galactic Federation.

It means “blow to the back of the head with a frozen halibut” … & yes, they have halibut on other worlds because SHUT UP THAT’S WHY.


I like how wingnuts have assigned Gore to the position of the “leader” of “global warming movement”. Authoritarian personality can’t possibly imagine that other people don’t think like them. See also – “obamabots”.


“Weasel Zippers ” ? I need a weasel zipper. Mine is broken.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Don’t read on unless you want to need more brain bleach than could be obtainable on this planet…

Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

I’m only doing this because I don’t believe too many readers will go back to this post and read the comments…

Note ominous ellipses…

I hate when they eat uncooked hot dogs until they barf, then eat some more until they barf again, and then eat the barf.

Two troofs, one bun!

Grand Moff Texan

Birthers, Deathers, Coolers, Fappers, Laffers, it’s like the American right is some kind of hivemind of FAIL that can only roar COMMUNISM! from a thousand slavish throats every time some well meaning soul tries to keep them (and everyone else) from being made into Soylent Rand.

But I suppose if there really is a market for not being assraped by anyone richer than you simply because you were stupid enough to unilaterally disarm by “getting the government out of our lives” so that only capital has political power, some wily entrepreneur would have developed it by now, so we might as well accept our gilded third-world pile of suck that used to be a first world county.

Turbine Yukon Palin

Peter Gabriel, while it’s really awesome to hear from you, couldja maybe get back in the studio and finish your next damn album already? Break your once-a-decade rut? Pweeese? Cherry on top! Sprinkles!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Birthers, Deathers, Coolers, Fappers, Laffers,

Don’t forget the Tailers.


The young black guy was with Lyndon LaRouche, and he was not handing out stuff in support of Obama or Dingell, he was handing out literature from the LaRouche Political Action Committee which has been condemning Obama’s healthcare reform as nazi genocide since May. That’s the truth of the matter.

Illumninati Repton

Barack Obama is a human/reptilian hybrid.

I knew he was a brother.


(comments are closed)