Also, He Had A ‘666’ Birthmark On His Scalp
Teh awesome new B. HUSSEIN SCANDAL!, from Paglia commenter MerlWhite:
Obamas Real Reason for Healthcare reform
While digging for more info on Obama’s birth records in Hawaii I found Lenai Farina…and
The Real Reason Obama wants to reform healthcare!!!
Barak Obama’s healthcare reform crusade is 100% personal. He is attempting to bring the United States social structure to the same revolutionary state Indonesia experienced in 1967 as it changed from a communist state to a more socialistic one.
Weird! So he’s trying to make the social structure less communist … wait, what?
He received medical care in Jakarta that he could not receive in Hawaii in 1967 and is now trying to reform this country to reflect what he perceives as a ‘better system’.
Crazy! Why does he think that?
According to a close friend of Ann Dunham (Obama’s mother) Mila Ferina was close to Dunham for several years while attending the University of Hawaii . After Dunham married Barack Obabma Sr. she became pregnant with Barack Jr. and was aware of the secret Obabma has been trying to hide all of these years.
Oh noes! What was the ‘secret’????!?!?!?!?
When Barack Obama Jr was born, he had a vestigial tail.
And they said that ‘Barack Obama was Malcom X’s Love Child‘ could never be beat. Just one little thing … can you please please please make it so he also had little horns on his head and cloven feet?
Um, that wasn’t a tail.
I had some Lenai Farina for breakfast.
And come Happy Socialist Time I’m gonna have mine removed just after my gay abortion!
When Barack Obama was born, he had a vetigial tail and horns and hooves, and he could speak backwards like that Judas Priest song (rocks horns, bangs head), and the Devil appeared when he was born and said “THIS IS MY EVIL, EVIL SON WITH WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED!” And Baby Barack said “Hi, Daddy! Praise Allah!”
This moron doesn’t understand that having a prehensile tail would only make Obama even cooler, not unlike his ninja-like speed. Next we’ll find out that he has unbreakable retractable razor-sharp claws in his forearm and that he can cloud men’s minds.
Suharto killed a lot of “leftist” back in the day. You would think he would be a wingnut hero being more “real murkin” than Glenn Beck and all, also.
Wasn’t this an episode of The X-Files?
Seriously though — Barack Obama wants to put Trig Palin to death to protect the secret of his satanic tail … it is the bestest wingnut theory EVER
You eat enough Lethal Farina, you start writing stuff like that.
It’s scientifically proved.
Vestigial tail; this the piece of the puzzle that’s been missing. It all makes sense now.
This moron doesn’t understand that having a prehensile tail would only make Obama even cooler
But wait, Batman! Merl claimed it was a vestigial tail, not a prehensile one, making Obama not cooler but rather handicapped in a tail sense. Moron? OR GENIUS?
reverter said,
August 12, 2009 at 22:26 (kill)
Um, that wasn’t a tail.
Well played.
Another new thread already? What is this, Christmas? Decaf, man, decaf! The trolls can’t keep up (They’re still three threads back, Demanding! That Congress! Read! Every! Bill!)
According to a close friend of Ann Dunham (Obama’s mother) Mila Ferina was close to Dunham for several years while attending the University of Hawaii . After Dunham married Barack Obabma Sr. she became pregnant with Barack Jr. and was aware of the secret Obabma has been trying to hide all of these years.
The pronouns are dreadful. Who is aware of “Obabma’s” secret? His mother? Mila? An unnamed third friend who knew both of them? And was it Mila or Ann that became pregnant?
Also, how is she still alive? She should have been taken down, Chicago style.
Barack Obama wants to put Trig Palin to death to protect the secret of his satanic tail
DA, remember last week when we though they couldn’t get any crazier?
We were so young and naive then.
It’s like I said. As time goes by, the evidence is weighing in against Peak Wingnut Theories. It seems Crazy has no bottom. Or top. Or underwear, and I’m gonna stop there before my brain eats my fingers in self defense.
Jesus fucking Christ. I don’t even know what to say.
The problem with the Indonesian health care system is that it only covers the removal of 666 birthmarks. Those with 667 or other digits sadly have to pay out of pocket.
As time goes by, the evidence is weighing in against Peak Wingnut Theories.
Wrong physical-sciences metaphor. It’s Wingnut Big Bang versus Wingnut Steady-State…and I think we know which one it is.
Pronouns, hell. I can’t keep the proper nouns straight. Is it Lenai Farina? Or Mila Farina? Or are they two people? Or is Lenai just Mila’s patio? Where they put the baby Beelzebama so he could sun his li’l tail?
OMFG Adam Yoshida wrote to Wikipedia.
About my most recently ruined keyboard – I’ll just put it on your tab.
So, Obama had a tail?
What are the wingnuts demanding next? That he will show them his ass?
Actually, I could see the coolness of President going on national TV and stating: “Well, since you asked, this is for all the right wing nutjobs.” before mooning the camera.
What are the wingnuts demanding next? That he will show them his ass?
N__B, not to disagree with a Learned Professional, But I don’t see Wingnut as expanding…. however, it is intensifying.
The crazy is becoming more pure, more concentrated.. Even Dr. Bronner wishes they would Dilute! a bit more.
It certainly isn’t steady state. unless the Crazy is a steady amount, but falling in on itself like a dying star, becoming super-condensed crazy…. hmmm. Obviously more study is needed. I will need to write my grant proposal forthwith.
Apparently, Indonesia changed from a communist state to something “more socialistic” in 1967.
Wait, what?
Sounds like you’re describing the event horizon. Have you tried searching for the other end of the wormhole?
Have you tried searching for the other end of the wormhole?
That’s the end with the vestigial tail.
This moron doesn’t understand that having a prehensile tail would only make Obama even cooler
Obama’s really Nightcrawler, isn’t he?
vis-a-vis “Big Bang vs. Steady State” conflict: the “Peak Wingnut” theory predicts that the combined mass of stoopid will eventually cause space-time itself to buckle like Rush Limbaugh’s knees and all matter to the right of Gerry Brown on the electro-political spectrum will eventually revert to a singularity of infinite density and infinitesimal relevance, at which point it will expolde back out into the fact-based universe in an event known as the Big Blart.
A variation of this theory suggests that this has happened in the past, and in fact happens in a constant, and constantly increasing frequency, but no one notices or cares.
This is just yet another rehash of bullshit from the ’08 primaries. We’ve (re)done the birfer thing, now it’s the Obama = Antichrist loonies’ turn.
So Hillary Clinton is Kitty Pryde?
Xecky – I did a bit of Googling on Obama-tail-Farina etc. … didn’t find anything … could it be this is new?
It’s true, man. I saw the tail on eBay yesterday.
So Hillary Clinton is Kitty Pryde?
Carville = Prof X. He can read your miiiiiiiiind.
before my brain eats my fingers in self defense
friendly fire: buddy bite.Carville = Prof X. He can read your miiiiiiiiind.
It sure as shit isn’t Mark Penn.
No, Hillary Clinton is Emma Frost. Think about it – it all starts to make sense.
No, Hillary Clinton is Emma Frost. Think about it – it all starts to make sense.
She wears soft-core bondage gear and a cape? Tat may not go over well in the Middle East.
Why this theory is far better than the theory that Obama wants to reform the health care system because he remembers his mother fretting over insurance coverage as she died of ovarian cancer. It was puzzling. He is so committed to this reform but he didn’t have a personal stake it. Now that we know he had to wait until he was six to get his vestigial tail removed, all becomes clear.
He is catering to one of the smallest minorities of all–vestigially-tailed Americans. It can only be a matter of time until employers are required to meet a quota in hiring.
As time goes by, the evidence is weighing in against Peak Wingnut Theories.
It seems to me that Peak Wingnut is one of those dealies where we keep cutting the distance between here and there in half: We edge ever closer to it, but we will never actually arrive there.
I’m not sure what disturbs me more at the link – MerlWhite’s whackjob ranting or the scary cartoon of Mizz Camille.
So Obama couldn’t get his vestigial tail removed in Hawaii, so he went to Indonesia, where he got better health care and so he wants to make America’s health care communist like Indonesia’s so as to prevent anyone else the stigma of a vestigial tail?
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST there is not enough beer in the universe to make sense of that.
Next we’ll find out that he has unbreakable retractable razor-sharp claws in his forearm and that he can cloud men’s minds.
I think he’s already demonstrated the ability to cloud men’s minds. Of course, most of these minds were, shall we say, overcast to begin with, but still…
OMFG Adam Yoshida wrote to Wikipedia.
I call shenanigans. Adam Yoshida is a lover, not a fighter.
Is this why Obama is trying to kill Sarah Palin’s retarded baby?
Xecky – I did a bit of Googling on Obama-tail-Farina etc. … didn’t find anything … could it be this is new?
Possibly. I think it’s just a variation on the Antichrist nonsense.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST there is not enough beer in the universe to make sense of that.
Beer? Hell, this guy’s beyond lithium. If anyone needs immediate access to strong anti-psychotics, it’s this guy.
Maybe that’s what’s spurring all the whackjobs’ free-floating anxiety about healthcare reform: they’ve grown used to the voices in their heads.
Address Obama’s tail scar, Libs!
Seriously, at what point do we just “screw it” and go play Audiosurf while the world implodes?
If Hillary is Emma Frost and Carville is Professor X, I think we all know who’s the Blob.
And this is from electing a guy just a little to the right of center on the political spectrum. Anybody think we missed an opportunity here? We could have elected the Chomsky/Churchill ticket and they wouldn’t go any crazier.
(Rigs pulley and cable contraption to lift lower jaw back up from floor)
Actually, I hope this gets traction in the Wingnut alt.universe. And yes, it would be very cool if Barry finally addressed the issue by mooning the cameras and saying,
“See? Now all you racist, ignorant co-bags may proceed to kiss my black ass!”
I’d pay extra to see that.
Tat may not go over well in the Middle East.
It’ll be just fine in private.
I think we all know who’s the Blob.
We could have elected the Chomsky/Churchill ticket and they wouldn’t go any crazier.
HA! They would, they can, they will. Sort of like the dumbass version of Vini Vidi Vici.
” No, Hillary Clinton is Emma Frost. Think about it – it all starts to make sense.
She wears soft-core bondage gear and a cape? Tat may not go over well in the Middle East”
No – she has vast mind control powers and in recent years can turn to diamond. Also she was White Queen of the Hellfire Club.
And this is from electing a guy just a little to the right of center on the political spectrum.
Um, you meant “left of center”, maybe?
Not even “left”, though, not as far as American politcs goes these days. Obama’s a leftist like Clinton was. But that doesn’t matter.
Interesting article on vestigial features, tails and otherwise. Scroll down to “Atavisms” for the human tail.
No, Pere, in my opinion Obama would fit just fine in any center-right party in any other country in the world. YMMV, of course.
I don’t know, something about that name sounds fake.
I was thinking of the Pantload. Rush is more like the clown from Spawn.
I think MerlWhite has watched this scene just a few too many times.
Of course, it doesn’t help that every Sunday these fools are sitting in large metal buildings listening to this kind of crazy crap.
Big Bad Bald Bastard said,
I had some Lenai Farina for breakfast.
I don’t CARE about your private life or WHAT her name is.
We could have elected the Chomsky/Churchill ticket and they wouldn’t go any crazier.
We could elect anyone with a (D) after their name and the same crap would happen. It isn’t based on ideology, it’s team spirit. Ra ra ra!
I found a lump in my farina and I freaked out!
Nice catch, VRBoK.
Atavisms for the human tail, another wingnut racist claim in the form of “he descended from apes.”
Of course, that would be quite effective if you were unaware that all humans did…
*Cue the “Jesus rode on Dinosaurs” theme music*
Because my farina couldn’t get health insurance.
I was thinking of the Pantload. Rush is more like the clown from Spawn.
I like where you’re going with this. But where does that leave Glenn Beck? Colonel Stryker? Naw–he’d never have made it through basic, let alone jump school.
Totally, Looch. “Vestigal Tail” is pretty dog-whistle for “Banana-Eating-Jungle-Monkey”.
I’m tellin’ ya, that first link I posted is totally on topic with the vestigial tail business.
Glen Beck is the Mad Hatter from Batman.
Ha! The long-form tail… that’s awesome.
I wonder if his toes are webbed, has he appeared in public barefoot?
Now goddammit people, exactly HOW OFTEN do you think I get the opportunity to post a link to a clip that is completely appropriate for a discussion regarding vestigial tails?
The long-form tail
Takes the early lead for the win…
I dunno, this seems a bit like nutpicking to me. For all this talk of Peak Wingnut, let’s try and remember that this is one lone letter writer.
Of course, I also didn’t think that the birthers would go mainstream, so there ya go.
Michael Savage is “Toad”.
Damn, tough crowd today. I’ll see you folks later.
Takes the early lead for the win…
El Cid referenced at this at 23:19.
So, if Obama has to show his ass, will Orly Taint demand to inspect Obama’s taint?
Huh, Yahoo only has 44 results for “Obama’s taint”, first link references McAddled.
I dunno, this seems a bit like nutpicking to me. For all this talk of Peak Wingnut, let’s try and remember that this is one lone letter writer.
True. But very weird times in Wingnuttia. They are grasping at straws. And as you note, Birth Cert insanity seemed to be DOA.
It would be awful, truly reprehensible, if some irresponsible people went around and linked to this letter in their comments on various web sites. That would be not nice.
So, if Obama has to show his ass, will Orly Taint demand to inspect Obama’s taint?
There’s a sentence I’m sure nobody expected to see.
Jennifer – don’t go … post more Louis Fine vids
Michael Savage is “Toad”.
Don’t go away mad, Jennifer. I never click on Youtube links because I hate Flash and my computer hates it even worse.
From the 2nd to last paragraph of the link:
“Several entries indicate that Barack was very aware of the stigma attached to being born with a tail and blamed the mixing of Caucasian and African American genes.”
So it looks like the other commenters nailed it about the not-so-subtle racism.
What’s Pammycakes? I suggest a brand new character — Long Island nutjob gets bitten by fine, radioactive Corinthian leather.
Barack Obama’s vestigial tail is a manifestation of his brutal, pagan daemonic power, much like Lord Byron or a 70’s era gay leather man with a whip. It reminds me of that Madonna video for “Justify My Love,” the one with the dominatrix. [seven paragraphs on Madonna and/or some other female performer from the nineteen eighties or early nineteen-nineties] Of course, though I am a lifelong Democrat, I do think the theory that Obama is actually Satan, or Hitler, or some combination of Satan and Hitler, needs more investigation. Did I mention I love talk radio?
Tommmcatt said,
August 12, 2009 at 23:43 (kill)
Glen Beck is the Mad Hatter from Batman.
Hell, Beck is the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.
Except I don’t think the Mad Hatter was a big crybaby.
So, I’m confused again.
The farina left an oily taint on Obama’s long birth certificate, so some guy whose nuts were assaulted by ACORNs need donations to buy a new shitbox ’cause a hurricane tonguejacked his old one, the one with the giant sammitch in it and because of all that America is no longer safe from Triggers who will be thrown into vats of death squarsh by Michael “Fatty-Fat” Moore?
Speaking as a feminazi and a libtard, I am nominally a demoncrap.
Wow. that one might be my favorite yet!
Michelle Malkin is…is…
Michelle Malkin is a racist, face-biting psychotic.
No, the hurricane blew away his gree-yul. That’s where you’re getting confused.
There’s a sentence I’m sure nobody expected to see.
Does anything written on this site surprise you?
Maybe Obama’s tail is in a vault in the Smithsonian with John Dillinger’s PENIS!!11!!!
And, furthermore, PENIS!!!11!
I’d get that biopsied if I were you. Could be a cereal killer.
I see what you do there….
Jennifer – don’t go … post more Louis Fine vids
Ok, well, there ain’t much Louis Fine in it, but this is probably the best fashion show EVAR.
I never click on Youtube links because I hate Flash and my computer hates it even worse.
More’s the pity, though now that I think about it, we really shouldn’t be promoting that vid…it will only heighten winger paranoia to learn that vestigial tails are connected up with serious psychic ability.
And you know who else has serious psychic abilities?
The ANTICHRIST, that’s who!!
I think she should slip the information into a cheerful little song, so that this dark and terrible secret can be covertly revealed to the American public. Like this [to the tune of Old McDonald Had a Farm]:
Barack Obama had a tail
and from this tail he had a giant diabolical experiment to corrupt America into a socialist hell-on-earth
I was surprised to learn in that article that there are only about 100 cases of human vestigial tails in the medical literature, and only 1/3 of them are the real thing. I had somehow gotten the impression it was fairly common. I blame television.
I told you Obama is illegal alien. Now we have proofs we will go to all the courts in Americas.
Thanks Jennifer. I want one of them brick suits. Smoove, they are.
If Orly Taitz’s parents had to name her after an airport, why not Dum Dum International Airport? You know, across the river from Calcutta, where the Dum Dum Arsenal used to be (where they invented the dumdum bullet.) That works on so many levels.
I always wanted one of those grass suits, myself.
Orly had parents?
I assumed she was some Soviet Union laboratory project gone tragically wrong.
What are the wingnuts demanding next? That he will show them his ass?
Actually, I could see the coolness of President going on national TV and stating: “Well, since you asked, this is for all the right wing nutjobs.” before mooning the camera.
“‘Scuse me while I whip this out.”
And you know who else has a tail?
A squirrel!
And what do squirrels try to hide?
The dots have all now been connected; the pieces now have fallen into place. Please commence making posters of AntiChrist-Hitler-Obama-Squirrels.
Apparently this is a common afliction among politicians:
Excellent sleuthing/archive retrieval, Spit Take!
OMFG from the Youtube comments on the “Puzzling Evidence” clip:
Perhaps it was a WARNING, google alex jones endgame…. You don’t think that in a country with 300 million people the? best wew could have ended up with to vote for was Obummer or Johnny Mac n cheese for brains. Look up the the lateral commission, the only way you coulod talk about this stuff in the 80’s was to make fun of it… funny we are moving closer to that New World Order George Bush talked about right after he became president in 89. Byrne does lay it all out int the video!
yeeesh…. these conspiracy jerkoffs have all the introspection of a loaf of white bread.
And what do squirrels try to hide?
And Jonah’s dog goes nuts when he says the word “squirrel” to him!!!1!!
ZOMG It’s happening!
You guys *DID* notice the permalink address, right?
You’re just jealous because Camille Paglia, like Sarah Palin and others blessed with the authentic patois of a street rapper – “representing themselves” in the “neighborhood” with “no fear” – she’s got her fingers more firmly on the pulse of real America than anyone else in the Democrat National Socialist Party.
(I have at least one thing to thank her for – I hated on Clinton pretty bad in the primary, but seeing her pull that shit gave me pause. She made it look crass.)
Since no one else has…
This is nothing new. The Supersuckers* were all over this back in the ’90s. It’s almost…prophetic.
* The Last Great Rock Band? Maybe…
You guys *DID* notice the permalink address, right?
That is the second greatest thing ever after Human/Reptilian hybrids but before vestigial tails and shit moats.
Though it’s a goddamn fucking lie, I’d take a liberal moderate with a tail over a wingnut born with no brain and potholes where their conscience should be.
You guys *DID* notice the permalink address, right?
*cue ponderous, forshadowing music*
Anybody know how big this population of crazies is? I’d like to believe it’s teensy and only seems large because it’s getting so much attention.
Anybody know how big this population of crazies is? I’d like to believe it’s teensy and only seems large because it’s getting so much attention.
A quick c&p…I think the poll is maybe a couple of weeks old…(yes, too lazy to check)
“A new Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll finds that 77% of Americans believe President Obama was Indeed Born in the United States, with only 11% saying he was not — but there’s no clear verdict among Republicans.
Among Republicans, it’s a much weaker plurality of only 42% who say Obama was born in the U.S., with 28% saying he was not, with a very high undecided number of 30%. Among Democrats, the number is 93%-4%, and among independents it’s 83%-8%.
This means that for Republicans to openly admit that Obama is indeed a natural-born American citizen, they risk alienating a significant chunk of their loyal base. And on the other hand, they could scare away independents by humoring the tin-foil hat crowd.”
I always wanted one of those grass suits, myself.
Uh, not so much. Lots of maintenance like watering, fertilizing, mowing, pulling weeds and shit. That being said, you could walk around shouting “Stay of my goddamn lawn!” all the time at everyone.
And the brick suit might actually evolve. If you stood still long enough, someone might actually put some nice art on it.
I want one of them brick suits. Smoove, they are.
I kind of liked the Ionic column dress, myself. I don’t think I have the legs for it, tho.
I could imagine David Icke reading this piece and thinking, ‘Damn! I’m in danger of losing my position as Mayor of Crazytown.’
Seriously, though, my hope is that this is a planted item, along the lines of the Kenyan birth certificate, and the wingnuts who pick it up and run with it will be ostracized soon as making the rest of the Less than Full Size Bus Brigade look bad. That’s my hope. My fear is that somebody, somewhere, is actually bull goose loony enough to believe it.
WTF? All these comments, yet not one single solitary “tall tale” or “fairy tale” joke?
*vestigal tail stops wagging *
Barak Obama’s healthcare reform crusade is 100% personal. He is attempting to bring the United States social structure to the same revolutionary state Indonesia experienced in 1967 as it changed from a communist state to a more socialistic one.
Ohnygod! It’s all becoming clear now! His father wasn’t Malcolm X, his father was…Sukarno!
WTF? All these comments, yet not one single solitary “tall tale” or “fairy tale” joke?
I was too stunned by the concept of something more socialist than communism. I’m going to start writing up the tenets of such an ideology – a Socialist-ier Than Communism Group-ifesto or somesuch.
something more socialist than communism
Nationalize air! Regulate excretion! Force water to take on an extra oxygen atom so it will no longer be oppressed by hydrogen! Make all PENISes exactly the same size! A tractor in every dacha!
In Soviet Russia, government pays taxes to YOU!
WTF? All these comments, yet not one single solitary “tall tale” or “fairy tale” joke?
Or one mention of furries.
What should we call them? “Beasters”?
OMG! Barack IS Rosemary’s baby!!!!!
this website stinks. barak obama is the best u idiots who ever wrote this. barak obama is the BEST president EVER!!!
I have this theory about Obama having a 666 birth mark. The bible states the beast and his worshipped followers will have a mark in their right heads and/or foreheads. Perhaps the,”666″ birth mark isn’t physical, but spiritual or invisible. When Obama signed Obama Care into law May 2010 he signed the health care takeover with his right hand. The health care law is his birth mark. It marks the birth of diabolic mass murder for people where the health system controls their lives. You have to translate 666 more better.
Except he didn’t, as he is left-handed. images
Tigris is bored.
(Double post)
Hi sorry for the spam.
I want to insert this final message. I have been doing more deciphering and came up with a coherent explanation more on Obama and the birth mark.
Ok in Revelations 13:11 the passage states this:
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake like a dragon.”
Obama does have big ears that can pass for horns on a lamb.
1 more thing. In Revelation 13:17 it says:
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Lets do some decoding with Obama’s name:
6 letter in Barack
7 letters in Hussein
5 letter in Obama
6+7+5=18 letters total
6+6+6=18 letter together
That is the number of his name all together.
And “spake like a dragon” obviously refers to the fact that he smokes like a chimney. CASE CLOSED.
P.S. if God meant the number of the Beast was “675” why didn’t he say that? SLOPPY.
P.P.S. Ronald Wilson Reagan. See also Brady’s head wound. OOOoooOOOOOoooooOOOooo!
P.P.P.S. Subby speaks truth.