There’s practically nothing on Ask Jeeves…

THE DUBAI DEAL [Jonah Goldberg]

A very, very small point: People keep using Dubai and UAE interchangeably. But Dubai is just one of the emirates in the United Arab Emirates. So when people say that DPW is “state owned” it’s really more like state owned — like if Texas or New Hampshire owned a company. Right? Or am I missing yet another thing?
Posted at 12:33 PM

If only there were some way to tell…


Comments: 10


Tell me again why this dude has a job?


Silly Jonah. All he had to do was ask Alistair British Person for the plot to “Any Storm in a Port”.


Ports deal may face delay; Democrats call for probe

Bush administration officials opened the door Thursday to a delay in allowing a state-owned United A


He’s the kind of guy that just spews total bullshit and then posits that he might be “missing something”. Jonah G’s blind spot is a million degree multi-dimensional sphere surrounding him in every plane of existence, except for those planes that contain food.


World’s Laziest Pundit (TM) strikes again!


This issue is causing a lot of confusion for a lot of people, actually. I’ve been following the story since last week and many against the deal claim “government owned” wihtout specifying the difference between Dubai the state and UAE the country. Also, most Americans probably don’t research the story to the poitn where they would realize that the emirates are sort of more than states and less than countries – it’s a federation situation, maybe analogous to the Confederation more than the current US federal situation. But you are right that it seems a lot easier for Jonah to say “Wow, I just don’t get stuff” rather than doing a quick search so that he will get it better.


‘many against the deal claim “government owned”‘

What, and states don’t have governments?


…and why not simply say “sheik-owned.”


But you are right that it seems a lot easier for Jonah to say “Wow, I just don’t get stuff” rather than doing a quick search so that he will get it better.

If the Derb hadn’t already locked the paleolithic thing down, Jonah would be an excellent candidate for “unfrozen caveman pundit”

“These ‘facts’ and ‘arguments’ make no sense to me. But then I am merely a simple caveman thawed from the even simpler time called the Cold War”


“People keep telling me that I need to either ‘get a clue’ or ‘buy a clue’. I haven’t seen any clue stores or repositories. Can someone please send me a link or pointer to help me find one of these places?”


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