On a Happier Note…
Posted on February 23rd, 2006 by Brad
…be sure to vote for Sadly, No!’s buddy Michael Bérubé in D-Ho’s survey of America’s Worst Professors.
“Sacré bleu! I am not zees ‘worst professor’ of wheech you speak!”
We’re behind you all the way, Michael! Keeping reaching for that rainbow!
Ahead by a factor of four. Hilarious!
I mean, the funny thing is, he’s far from the most radical person on that list. Zinn? Chomsky? Michael’s a soft, cuddly bear next to those guys…
And honestly, how many bloggers out there do you know that reference Pynchon in their post titles? The guy is just too awesome.
my father (along with others) was the target of this type of attack at UCLA in the late 70s/early 80s. i wish i had kept some of the flyers these illiterates posted around campus….
I’ve sorta been following this David Horowitz thing on Bérubé’s blog, it’s pretty funny. David Horowitz seems more and more confused by just what the hell a blog is as time goes on.
Dorks can’t even spell Berkeley right!
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t seethe over my inability to decry, loudly and forcefully the utter mediocrity and sheer Luciferian eeeevil of America’s professors, a prime example of which is the Lord of Darkness himself, Docteur Michel Bérubé. Rest assured I have now registered my opinion of this man, boldly and repeatedly before a candid world.
Horowitz apparently used to be one of the lefties he now finds oh so dangerous. Just goes to show that wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age.
And it’s more opposite-world stuff: The right accusing lefties of what only the right is actually attempting– to destroy this fucking country.
Horowitz apparently used to be one of the lefties he now finds oh so dangerous. Just goes to show that wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age.
D-Ho was one of those legitimately crazy lefties in the ’60s, sorta like the Weather Underground.
It’s not surprising when mentally unstable people switch sides and are still crazy.
Yup. All those “former lefties” were pains in the arses to real social democrats back then, and they remain so today.
the director of my graduate program is on that list.
Seriously? Who?
(btw, AJ, I e-mail Hood and told him how disappointed I was that he didn’t make that list. I said he should start burning more American flags in class and change his name to Richard al-Hud’zan :-)).
the first one listed.
and i’ve also thought that horowitz would shit himself if he ever found out about the liberal scum posing as a banjo-strumming english prof in central ohio. hood is the best man.
I’m telling you, Hood could make it on that list. Perhaps he could refer to the 9/11 victims as “Little Eichmans?”
by which i mean: hood is the best, man.
Brad’s got that right – D-Ho was one of those crazy asshole leftists who just shifted over a little bit, but kept the asshole.
Kind of like how pretty much any so-called Satanist who kills someone else is usually the spawn of some far out Christian fundamentalist.
But I digress.
No list of radical professors that doesn’t include Francis Boyle is even worth pondering. Dude is Cuhrazy!. But I got an A without buying the book, so he’s cool by me.
Hah! That poll is well and truly freeped.
They’ll know something is up when Chomsky doesn’t even finish in the running.
What, Jeff Goldstein isn’t on the list?
Oh, wait, they mean a professor with a job.
I told my Dad I was disappointed he didn’t make the list, despite bashing Bush on frequent radio and TV appearances. Someone else from the same school made it. Not fair!
Michael needs all the help he can get right now. Some other left-wing scum called John Bellamy Foster ot the University of Oregon, Eugene is stuffing ballot boxes on a scale never seen since Stalin ruled the Soviet Union.
Michael needs all the help he can get right now. Some other left-wing scum called John Bellamy Foster ot the University of Oregon, Eugene is stuffing ballot boxes on a scale never seen since Stalin ruled the Soviet Union.
Tipycal of these leftist scum to employ the same tacktics as there heroe Stalan11!!111
John Bellamy Foster is totally stuffing the box! He’s averaging like four votes a SECOND.
Oh, great. Bellamy’s ahead. Now my voice has been marginalised, yet again.
Is there no end to leftist perfidy?
My arm hurts from voting so much but Berube is back on top!
Yes, as I write this Dr. Bay-roo-bay has surged back to a 500-vote lead.
I’m sure it won’t last, so keep burning up those keys, folks!
Although, I have to admit “John Bellamy Foster” is kind of a cool name, isn’t it? Sounds like the name of an old 19th-century writer or something.
Angela Davis has only 15 votes! Surely there are plenty of you out there old enough to remember her. Beautiful, with a gigantic afro, brilliant, Herbert Marcuse’s favorite student, and a communist. They reaqlly hated her then. Now, only 15 lousy votes. Fame really is fleeting, isn’t it?
Horowitz? He used to be a left wing asshole; now he’s a right wind asshole.
Thanks for the DHo clarifications, peeps. I will no longer look upon him as one of The Fallen, but rather as one who was Born That Way.
What kind of doofus made a poll this extensive and forgot to include a mechanism that logs IP’s so you cant vote eight million times in a row?
The numbers of this poll are probably 50 times the entire readership of the site on a perfect day…
Berube has 100 times the votes of Noam Chomsky! He’s the worst of the worst!
That list blows. Why are almost all the un-Americans at big institutions. I think there are many more candidates for a purge at crunchy little places like Oberlin (my alma mater), Antioch, Reed, etc.
Did it ever occur to D-Hole that smart people tend to be liberal?
IIRC, Horowitz jumped on the Black Panther bandwagon after most everyone else had jumped off, and basically got duped into a situation in which his friend, Betty van Patten, was killed by some Panthers. So the story of Horowitz’ whole life is one of him doing dumb things for which other people pay the price. Fortunately his latest project doesn’t appear to be going much of anywhere.
Yeah, Angela Davis needs some more votes. Do the people voting know any of those profs at all?
Just because Ho Ho has a beef with Berube he puts him on the list. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those other profs was involved in some small claims court BS with Ho Ho about trees growing onto his property- Ho Ho screaming over the fence “YOU’RE IN MY BOOK NOW, A**HOLE!!!!!!!!!!”
I see that Angela is up to 30 votes, but still meagre, and I just noticed Bernadine Dohrn! Behind Angela!
I couldn’t let that disrespect to Mr Chomsky stand. Seriously, if a college dropout who once tested with an IQ of 89, and who has an omnipresent migraine can figure out how to screw with his poll that much, you can understand why Mr Horowitz doesn’t like academics.
They’re *way* smarter than he is, and it *scares* him.
if chomsky had just stuck to linguistics and never gotten into politics, he’d STILL be an order of magnitude smarter than your average university professor.
Dorks can’t even spell Berkeley right!
The extra “L” is for Lefty or Loony, or Love.
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