Defeat Hillary by Being a Skank
Posted on February 22nd, 2006 by Brad
This is the best Conservative t-shirt ad yet:
Indeed, there’s nothing Hillary Clinton fears more than being mauled by a brigade of Republican hookers.
This is the best Conservative t-shirt ad yet:
Indeed, there’s nothing Hillary Clinton fears more than being mauled by a brigade of Republican hookers.
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Ha! That’s nothing. I prefer that “Those T-Shirts” ad on Blogads on the conservative sites — the one with the chick who looks like Heidi Fleiss posing in front of rocks at the beach. Now that, folks, is some major camel-toe.
But, damn, you gotta admit this girl is hot. I’m not sure my principles could withstand her wiles. 🙂
I’m not sure my principles could withstand her wiles.
A strategically timed “ooooohh, Hillary …” would bring redemption. Though you could probably count breakfast out.
What does it say under “Defeat Hillary”? (Above the belt!)
“For the Common Good”.
I am shocked, shocked, that republicans would dishonor the flag that way! Where’s the outrage?
I thought Republicans didn’t believe in the common good.
Is getting crabs all over flag-shorts considered desecration under the proposed Flag Protection Amendment?
So a hammer-and-sickle emblem and the phrase “Common Good”? This is a pro-socialist shirt, then?
(Not intentionally, I’m sure. But my intepretation is less muddled than the one they obviously meant.)
Defeat Hillary-Vote Communist in the next election! (Shouldn’t they have a cross-out sign or something so people know that Hillary suppose to be the commie, not them?)
A strategically timed “ooooohh, Hillary …” would bring redemption. Though you could probably count breakfast out.
But what if her name really IS Hillary? 😛
If here name really were Hillary, she would have changed it, or been forced to change it, by now.
Well then she would be Hillary Skank.
Republican hookers? My mind cannot stop laughing.
Teh, teh…we’ve discussed women are not ‘chicks’ or various other barnyard animals.
Hell, there’s nothing I fear more than being mauled by a brigade of republican hookers. Umm, I think I fear it. Y’know, I should face my fear. Stand right up to it, if you know what I mean. So to all you platoons and brigades of republican hookers I say BRING IT ON!!!
Gotta love her expression, though.
“Tee hee, powerful women are STUPID!”
I wonder in which Asian and/or third-world country the sweatshops that make those shirts and shorts are located?
I’m just shocked that any Repub would wear the hammer and sickel without a big Ghostbusters NO symbol around it. I mean, they aren’t known for understanding subtlety – as evidenced by the rest of the shirt…
On, I learned that the US Code, Title 36, Chapter 10 tells us of the patriotic customs associated with Old Glory. Under the section “Respect for the Flag”, we learn that “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.” And yet this model is wearing hot pants made from a flag. Go figure.
So long as she doesn’t set her pants on fire like some stinking hippie liberal atheist activist scum, I’m sure the rightwingers will be fine with it.
Hysterical Woman nailed the message: Defeat Hillary vote Communist.
Hammer and suckle indeed!
Ummm, good thing it’s the liberals and not the cons who continue to pollute our culture with sexually suggestive pictures, movies, music and videos.
Are these the same folks who are always whining about Britney Spears and scanty attire?
So I’m unpatriotic if I burn the flag but it’s patriotic to leave skid marks on it. Cool.
That model is alright, but I don’t know if she’s Dahonger material.
(Wooo! Way back Sadly No reference!)
“That model is alright, but I don’t know if she’s Dahonger material.”
Throw a flag on her and do her for your country!
ps What are those lumps under her shirt?
She looks like a broke-ass college student with no bubbies. Is that the best the Rethugs can do?
Remember the Dem calendar that came out durnig the elections, and the Rethug calendar that came out soon after? Ugh!
It’s true: us liberal women are hot…they’re really NOT.
Hey, don’t go criticizing the model. Don’t forget that Repub women are just there for procreation. If she had big boobs, you wouldn’t be able to read the talking point. That’s why Coulter is the ideal Repub woman – all talking points, no sex appeal.
There’s a scary thought. Ann Coulter modelling conservative t-shirts in American flag daisy dukes. What evil have I wrought?
Looks to me like she’s got a Hollywood Loaf there.
I’d bet the farm that she has at least one scrotum in those Captain America hotpants.
I’d hit it.
At least one scrotum? Are you suggesting she collects them? This game has taken a very unpleasant twist.
I’d hit it.
At least one scrotum? Are you suggesting she collects them? This game has taken a very unpleasant twist.
Funny. I took that to mean that you’d be having sloppy seconds if you tapped her.
Hookers would never wear such a controversial t-shirt. It alienates the prospective clients.
I was suggesting that there is quite the rounded nut-bulge going on down there. I’m not ruling out multiple scrotums.
Looks to me like she’s got a Hollywood Loaf there.
Goddamit you beat me to the “hey it looks like “she’s” got sack” comment.
It might just be because I live in Canada, but I simply can’t fathom anyone wanting to wear that save for fat, white, repub limbaugh types…
Republican hookersâ„¢–they’ll have sex with you… but they won’t enjoy it.
my name ali my love u
She does look a little, um, masculine, now that you mention it . . .
Indeed, there’s nothing Hillary Clinton fears more than being mauled by a brigade of Republican hookers.
All one of them?
Say, what IS Katherine Harris doing these days?
Where the hell did they find a hot chick willing to wear that?
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I think that Hillary would jump this chick, first chance she got. She’d probably have Sharon Stone hold her down to boot.
Whoa, Mike, back on ;your meds. I know all you RWN’s were getting stiffies in anticipation of another opportunity to do some of your patented witless Hillary bashing at last night’s YouTube debate, but can you find it within yourself at least pretend not to be a quite so much of a moron?