The Impossible Has Happened

Hugh Hewitt actually disagrees with George W. Bush about something.

I’m still waiting for the PowerTools to weigh in on the United Arab Emirates port deal. Five bucks says they take Bush’s side.


Comments: 19


I don’t like those odds. I might wager a quarter to your fiver on the other side. Hinderaker just can’t do it.


Yeah, but dude. Hugh Hewitt. You have to admit you’re surprised. If Hugh can oppose something Bush does, surely it’s possible for Assrocket to do the same?


did you notice his post above about Justice Stevens’s potential retirement, and how it is considered bad form for Justices to hang on until they die? Hugh comments that no one will criticize conservative justices hanging on once the left-wing justices start to do it. Um, Chief Rehnquist anyone? WTF? how can he not explode when he types that shit?


Hugh Hewitt actually disagrees with George W. Bush about something.

That’s one of the signs of the Apocalypse, isn’t it?


Don’t worry. One or two strongly worded speeches from Bush in defense of the sale will be all it takes to convince Hewitt that everything is OK.


I can’t wait for the democratic attack adds with the ominous music, pictures of Bin Laden, and the meme that the republicans have turned our security over to the mullahs.


The PowerToolz will not only take Bush’s side on this one, but they’ll call anyone who opposes the deal an anti-arab racist. Now, if Chaz Johnson toes the party line on this one, then I’ll be surprised.


I’m telling you, Bush has totally lost it.

But this ought to be an interesting showdown…how can Bush back down from the U.A.E. deal after he’s been so staunchly for it that he’s threatening his first ever veto? Yet, how can Congress let it happen when they know they’re going to get slammed in their next election for “selling out our national security”?

When your own party leaders think you’re nuts…
Let the implosion continue!


I’ll bring the weenies and marshmallows if someone brings the coathangers.


Now, if Chaz Johnson toes the party line on this one, then I’ll be surprised.

My money is on Chazmo and his minions to completely ignore the whole issue.


Dan- Nope, most of the LGF crowd are against Bush on this one.


See, the whole Harriet Meirs kerfluffle taught us that Bush is only vulnerable when attacked from the Right. (In the broad scope of modern political life, few things depress me more.) I can’t imagine Bush putting up a fight if he’s pissing off 75% of his party base, but who knows?


All the administration cares about on this is making sure their friends can make money off the deal.


So far the Power Tools’ contribution to the debate has been a single post, and a short one at that (by their standards).

So what’s their opinion on the UAE deal? Pro? Con? Neither . . . they punted. “I don’t know how much thought to devote to this issue,” says Power Tool Scott.

Thaaaat’s a good little lap dog, Scottie. If Bush does something so turdwitted that even you can’t quite get out of bed to defend it, just shrug it off and act like it’s not really that big a deal. Wouldn’t want Cheney showing up at your door with a 12-gauge, now, would you?


Dan- Nope, most of the LGF crowd are against Bush on this one.

Yeah, I looked over there. I did note that Chazmo himself is mostly silent, though he called a Lileks comment — about the right’s reaction more than the substantive issue — “excellent.”


Gosh, if a Liberal blogger didn’t bother posting, or posted something as stupid as “I don’t know how much thought to devote to this issue,” InstaPunter and Da Toolz would be decrying the “lack of attention” paid the issue.


“I don’t know how much thought to devote to this issue,”
What the hell does that even mean? Who works out exactly how much thought to give to an issue ahead of time?


They always punt every time Bush does something that they don’t agree with. Let’s write 5000 words on some Minnesota political ads but ignore the Congressional Republicans having a very public disagreement with their overlord.


Why is everybody so terrified of Bush vetoing anything, since, so far, he hasn’t. As in hasn’t vetoed anything. Besides, isn’t there the possibility that there’s a veto-proof majority out there to deep-six this thing? It would be nice to see Shrub attempt to veto something and get smacked down by Congress.
Well, I can dream, can’t I?


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