John Bolton, a.k.a., the Mustache of Wrongness

John Bolton, this morning:

Clinton’s Unwise Trip to North Korea


The point to be made on the Clinton visit is that the knee-jerk impulse for negotiations above all inevitably brings more costs than its advocates foresee. Negotiating from a position of strength, where the benefits to American interests will exceed the costs, is one thing. Negotiating merely for the sake of it, in the face of palpable recent failures, is something else indeed.

The results, this afternoon:

N. Korea Says Two U.S. Journalists Have Been Pardoned

North Korea announced Tuesday that it had pardoned two detained American journalists, hours after former president Bill Clinton met in Pyongyang with reclusive dictator Kim Jong Il as part of an unannounced and highly unusual diplomatic mission to win their freedom.

Kim issued an order “granting a special pardon to the two American journalists who had been sentenced to hard labour in accordance with Article 103 of the Socialist Constitution and releasing them,” the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.

I don’t get how these guys get away with being wrong all the time. Nor do I get why Fred Hiatt feels he needs to publish everything they write.


Comments: 201



Too perfect! He must have gotten a heads up that Clinton had succeeded…


Oh, actor, the Appeasement drumbeat has already started…

Thing is, Big dawg has no official standing, so he has no appease to give. He showed up, gave Kim Jong a lttle respect, made one weasel-word apology, and BANGO! saved two lives.

Already accomplished more than all the Bush family together, and all it took was a few words that in the final accounting, didn’t COST AMERICAN ANYTHING.

But, of course, it was done by the CLENIS, so it was bad. And I fully support all the wingnuts telling that to the families of the reporters who are now free, in person, and while the families are holding large blunt objects.


Plus, Bolton has a long way to go before he reaches Kristollian levels of wrongness. Room for improvement, is what I’m saying.

Although the turnaround time IS impressive…


Oh, actor, the Appeasement drumbeat has already started…

Why oh why didn’t we let those reporters die? Only then could America be strong!


He showed up, gave Kim Jong a lttle respect, made one weasel-word apology, and BANGO! saved two lives.

How DARE he save American lives, him being unelected and all.

If Ollie North dares comment on this, I am just going to laugh my ass off so loud they’ll be banging on the ceiling on Pluto.


Bolton has a long way to go before he reaches Kristollian levels of wrongness

Hee hee, the only way Kristol could achieve higher heights of wrongness would be to grow a walrus mustache.


How DARE he save American lives, him being unelected and all.

Yea! Who ever heard of an American pursuing peace???? Why, it’s unAmerican!!!!!!


Scott–the NeoCon slogan is “Strength through Death.”

Unfortunately, they don’t mean their own.


Republicans just don’t understand why we needed to save these journalists from a sentence of hard labour. Sentencing the rest of us proles to a lifetime of hard labour is the very basis of their political platform!


Funny how TALKING to NK has achieved more than 8 years of fake-Texan faux-tough guy tough talk.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

Funny how TALKING to NK has achieved more than 8 years of fake-Texan faux-tough guy tough talk.

Depends on how you define “achieve”, though.

$ made for the Military-Fapotronic complex: 0.

I do adore Bolton’s sneer at “the knee-jerk impulse for negotiations above all”. Even Gee Dumbya pretended that war was a last resort after negotiation had failed. Everybody knew he was full of shit, but that was just part of the fun.


Ugh. I saw him on the The Daily Show about a week ago. In the face of Stewart throwing logic, rationality, and recent history in his face, and him conceding just about every time, he still tried to push a war with Iran.

He also said, and I quote, “I only want one country to have nuclear weapons.” Said it with a straight face too. My jaw’s still a little sore.

It may seem a little hurf-durf Bu$Hitler of me, but with the rabid nationalism and the perpetual and psychopathic warmongering, I honestly think the term fascist applies here.


Bolton is upset that we didn’t start another war.


Military-Fapotronic complex



Also, “My jaw’s still a little sore”.

Really set myself up for that one. Heh.


I don’t get how these guys get away with being wrong all the time.

They get away with it because no one in the media ever holds them responsible for their purposeful ignorance and outlandish opinions.
No one ever holds them responsible because, as we saw with the GE/Murdoch fight, the highest levels of media ownership want to control what propaganda gets out there. If lies and errors in OpEds by neocons helps the biggest companies to push their agenda, why would they hold anyone accountable?

Nor do I get why Fred Hiatt feels he needs to publish everything they write.

Because he agrees with everything they say.


Really set myself up for that one. Heh.

Yeah, nobody here would jump on that one.

Although it might get Troofie a little excited…


I certainly hope that Bolton’s blood pressure is negatively impacted by this event.

I’d like to see him lurch into a fucking apoplectic fit every time we fail to slaughter thousands of innocent people in response to a diplomatic need, as was his wont.

And I do hope that the brightly lit corner of Hell prepared for him is nice and fucking hot.



That should have read “as we saw with the Charlie Rose-mediated agreement between GE & Murdoch”.



Let me put on my Sully hat: Ah yes, this only makes Bolton MORE right!


And I do hope that the brightly lit corner of Hell prepared for him is nice and fucking hot.

Myself, I hope Dante was right and Yosemite Johnny ends up in the Ninth Circle for his treason to country, up to his neck in ice for the rest of eternity.

At the very least he’d end up in the bolgia with the Fradulent Counselors.

Rusty Shackleford

Fuckin’ Clinton, man. That guy could sell pussy to Larry Craig.


I don’t get how these guys get away with being wrong all the time. Nor do I get why Fred Hiatt feels he needs to publish everything they write.

Brad, you’ve said it yourself before. War pays well. They’re also dumb, mean assholes.


Explain to me how they think starting open war with one of the largest armies on the planet, when we can’t muster the forces to stop a bunch of farmers from growing opium, is a good idea?


They’re also dumb, mean assholes.

dumb as a bag of hammers and vicious as a shaved cat.


Explain to me how they think starting open war with one of the largest armies on the planet, when we can’t muster the forces to stop a bunch of farmers from growing opium, is a good idea?



Before he trots off to Hell, I’d like John Bolton to be interviewed by Euna Lee and Laura Ling upon their safe return from North Korea. On prime time, on all three networks plus Fox, MSNBC and CNN.

Feel free to suggest some questions.


I’d say something along the lines of “How does it feel to be totally wrong YET AGAIN?” would suffice.


Oh, how I love Bill Clinton. If only I could vote for him again.


“Mr Bolton, why did you want us to languish and die, is it because we’re Asian looking or just inconvenient?”


“I don’t get how these guys get away with being wrong all the time. Nor do I get why Fred Hiatt feels he needs to publish everything they write.” Indeed…just as I was about to cut the MSM some slack and merely call them lazy and uncaring, I turned on ABC’s “This Week” and who do I see sitting sitting in the George F. Will endowed Chair Of Overblown Wingnut Hackery but Michelle Malkin, who used her allotment of teevee photons to inform us that extending unemployment insurance will just lead to would-be jobseekers sitting on their asses for longer periods of time, and then pimping for the Teabagger protests at town hall health care discussions. They’re not lazy and uncaring, they’re evil.


The results, this afternoon:

Disgraceful. The left embracing Swift Booting.


Snarla, no argument from me. The Big Dog would still be President if it weren’t for the XX-whateverth Amendment.


No you liberals don’t understand. Just because we saved two american lives doesn’t mean it’s a net gain for America. By getting them back with an apology. And I will not stand for anyone not being afraid of me. Could you imagine what my children would be like if I tried negotiating with them instead of beating them.


snarla, that’s treason talk. we’re all supposed to dig up zombie reagan and worship at his rotting corpse. No offence mcdonald.


sorry liberals, I failed in negotiations with the keyboard, what I meant to say was by getting them back with an apology and not with threats they’ll think we’re little girls. And I will not stand …


Sometimes I think they are secret liberals, doing this on purpose for the lulz, and reveling in the fact that they are destroying the conservative agenda paper-cut by paper-cut. The FAIL rationhas been almost 100%, particularly in the last few months.

Think about how many of them this would explain: Mustache-Boy, Twice-A-Day Kristol, The Malkin-Thing, Mr. Coulter, Glen “Puffy” Beck, The Savage Wiener, Triple-Chin McOxy, etc., etc., etc….


Something needz fiq-sing:

The point to be made on the Clinton visit is that the knee-jerk impulse for negotiations above all inevitably brings more costs than its advocates foresee. [unlike war, which totally predictably always comes in within budget, when costs in LIVES are like SO?, and when unintended consequences DO NOT EXIST. Trust me.] Negotiating from a position of strength [BWAHAHAHAHA Obama, check that legacy Chimp mashed up for you!!!] , where the benefits to American interests will exceed the costs [cf. war is cheap, QED above], is one thing. Negotiating merely for the sake of it [Because, you know, shitbags like me only ever negotiate for the sake of it, not with specific aims in mind], in the face of palpable recent failures [those would be Chimp’s failures, meh], is something else indeed.

Also. Military-fapotronic complex. Too much win for one month.


Could you imagine what my children would be like if I tried negotiating with them instead of beating them.

Um, they wouldn’t fear and resent you and you wouldn’t be left in your elder years wondering why they don’t call you and don’t want to have anything to do with you and what ever you could have possibly done wrong?

Sorry. Issues.

Trilateral Chairman


“…[M]y forthcoming book is called Accomplice to Evil.



Speaking of Glenn Crazy-Ass Batshit Beck, holy fucking mother of Chtulhu on a stick with mustard and picallili, the man is insane.


“…[M]y forthcoming book is called Accomplice to Evil.”

Subtitled – But selling weapons to the Ayatollahs is not treasonous.


the only way Kristol could achieve higher heights of wrongness would be to grow a walrus mustache.
Drunken Kiwi e-mailing from Amsterdam pub DEMANDS PHOTOSHOP.


“…[M]y forthcoming book is called Accomplice to Evil.”

A biographry?


“They get away with it because no one in the media ever holds them responsible for their purposeful ignorance and outlandish opinions.”

The media does not consider it it’s job to do that. Probably because journalists who do end up reporting on the new strip mall opening.


We’ve got the war already; we’ve had it for 30 years. But we refuse to see it.

So at what point do we try Ledeen for treason, w/r/t Iran-Contra?


We’ve got the war already; we’ve had it for 30 years. But we refuse to see it.

Also, underpants gnomes.


I have to wonder if the regime in NK did it just to make the neocons (continue to) look stupid. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that 😉


Whoa. Possible new speed-record for self-pwnage.

The only faster route would be to follow up a post immediately with “UPDATE: this post is a big bag of fresh, steaming bullshit with tinsel sprinkled on it to make you think Xmas came early, LOL” – & I’m not certain that even that would dissuade some of the basement-dwelling mouth-breathers that hang on their every turd word.


No one ever holds them responsible because, as we saw with the GE/Murdoch fight, the highest levels of media ownership want to control what propaganda gets out there.

Not that I don’t agree with you in principle, but did you see Olbermann last night? He tore into Bill-o and slagged those responsible for putting the story out there, and denied he was ever pressured to do anything. Maybe it’s all a smoke screen, but I can’t think that K.O. is baldly lying on the record the THAT degree.


What a strange posting.

Bolton is not wrong at all. In fact this action from NoKo confirms and reinforces his point. Read what he wrote!


Explain to me how they think starting open war with one of the largest armies on the planet, when we can’t muster the forces to stop a bunch of farmers from growing opium, is a good idea?

Because they’re not going to be the ones doing the fighting.

Motherfuckin’ peterpuffin’ assmunchin’ DUH.


Hahahaha. I was refreshing Yahoo news at the exact moment when their top headline changed. It was “Obama administration rewards bad behavior of N Korea” by John Bolton. Hit refresh. “Two journalists pardoned by N Korea” with the SAME PICTURE of Clinton sitting with cute little North Korean girls that had appeared with the Bolton headline.

Oh the unbearable wrongness of Boltoning.


Drunken Kiwi e-mailing from Amsterdam pub DEMANDS PHOTOSHOP.

To be delivered to a Boston area pub in mid-August.

In fact this action from NoKo confirms and reinforces his point.

The fact is, it is central to it.


And I just love that it was Bill fucking Clinton that did it. Perhaps the Obama Admin doing some kind of special favor to Hillary?


meanwhile, Has GWB drunk himself to death yet?



Wrapped in a towel and still dripping, THOMAS FRIEDMAN’S MUSTACHE pads to the kitchen and fetches a chilled bottle of wine from the refrigerator before flopping onto the couch. He pours a glass then fumbles for the stereo remote. There is a LOUD KNOCK at the front door.

FRIEDMAN’S MUSTACHE rises and crosses to the foyer, muttering. He opens the door to reveal JOHN BOLTON’S MUSTACHE. Both freeze as their eyes lock.


Oh, uh, hi, yourself.

The towel falls away from FRIEDMAN’S MUSTACHE as BOLTON’S MUSTACHE advances, kicking the door closed.



meanwhile, Has GWB drunk himself to death yet?

Any day now…


The families of Laura Ling and Euna Lee are overjoyed by the news of their pardon. We are so grateful to our government: President Obama, Secretary Clinton and the U.S. State Department for their dedication to and hard work on behalf of American citizens.

We especially want to thank President Bill Clinton for taking on such an arduous mission and Vice President Al Gore for his tireless efforts to bring Laura and Euna home. We must also thank all the people who have supported our families through this ordeal, it has meant the world to us. We are counting the seconds to hold Laura and Euna in our arms.

Yeah, but Joe the Plumber said that sounded like Appeasement. So.


I did see that Olberman clip. While I think he didn’t answer every question, I’m willing to believe his head and heart are in the right place, as evidenced by his decision not to put Richard Wolffe on his show anymore (whether or not MSGOP is open about Wolffe being a lobbyist).

But as Lindsay Beyerstein, among others*, pointed out, O`Really was actually revealing truths about MSNBC’s parent company that the bigwigs at GE likely found discomforting, even though he was doing it for what most pipples would consider to be less than honorable motives. Now he is no longer doing even that much

So, perhaps Olberman wasn’t in on any deal, but if O’Really lays off talking about GE’s business partnerships with authoritarian states, the result for NBC/GE is the same. Shiny happy companies laughing and holding hands. Which gets us back to that larger point about how the process of media consolidation systematically eliminates all but the most greedthirsty voices from the establishment discourse, and Bob’s your evil uncle.

*I’m pretty sure Jane Hamsher at FDL wrote it up, as well.

The Conservative Uprising

Its spreading far and wide libs. Its lighting up the country and getting all kinds of coverage in the MSM. Were making it impossible for your leaders to have town halls now. Suck it, statists!


We’re talking about Moustache fail, Badger boy. A little FOCuS here….


He also said, and I quote, “I only want one country to have nuclear weapons.” Said it with a straight face too. My jaw’s still a little sore.

Did he say which country? He probably means Israel!


The Conservative Uprising said,

Bookmark it, libs!


Bolton is not wrong at all. In fact this action from NoKo confirms and reinforces his point. Read what he wrote!

No it doesn’t. His “point” was that negotiating with “an open hand” is counterproductive and knee-jerk. And then he talks about Iran’s arrests of different people. By conflating the different responses he shows that he’s either being dishonest or just terminally stupid. First, the circumstances are completely different — a reform movement in Iran needed Obama to stay as far away as possible — whereas N. Korea, now a nuclear threat (in no small part thanks to inept fucks like john bolton and his ace crew in the Bush Administration), requires a different approach.

And yet, in both cases — both N. Korea and Iran — the journalists were released!

So, what is Bolton’s argument? And how in the hell was it proven right in any way?


I know you meant it as a joke, blowback, but in the context of the interview, it was quite clear what he meant. America is entitled to blow the hell out of anyone else on the planet, at our whim.

He’s a sociopath and a psychopath, and I feel sorry for his wife, kids, and any animals that cross his path.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

If it’s getting coverage in the MSM it must have a liberal bias and not be true. Sorry, so close.


Apologies for the OT, and just fyi: Jane Hamsher has two new posts up over at talking about Olberman’s apparently contradictory statements, made on his show and to Glenzilla, regarding the alleged deal.

The Conservative Uprising

Were getting coverage because we are loud, angry, and cannot be ignored. We will disrupt, disturb, and intimmidate until the healthcare bill is dead.

The Conservative Uprising

I sure do shoot my wad quickly. Hopefully this won’t be a dud, like “Here’s how it will go down”, or NY-20, or “ruining” Obama’s kids, or that damning Michael Moore quote I assumed no one would research, or… oops, I peed.

The 9/11 Hijackers

We’re getting coverage because we are loud, angry, and cannot be ignored.


The 9/11 Hijackers said,
August 5, 2009 at 1:12

We’re getting coverage because we are loud, angry, and cannot be ignored.

Congratulations! You have found the key to universal respect, admiration and popularity!

The 9/11 Hijackers

Tits! If only we could have that president who made being our bitch a spectator sport back in office.

The Conservative Uprising

We will bring the President down and make him the next Jimmy Carter. He better be real scared. We surround YOU!


And then he talks about Iran’s arrests of different people.

Let me guess – Bolton said all kinds of things about detention of innocent people and dissident and rule of law and this is all further evidence we need to attack them and round up all Iranian-Americans before they can turn terrorist.

Calling him a one-trick-pony would be overstating the case by about .999999 of a trick.

The Conservative Uprising

I thought I happened on Tax Day. Or maybe I happened the Fourth of July. Or maybe I’m a bunch of needledicks with severe premature ejaculation, and the last time I really existed, “Barbie Girl” was on the Billboard charts.


We will disrupt, disturb, and intimmidate until the healthcare bill is dead.

Your spelling sucks but your shirt is brown.

The Conservative Uprising

Those are my underpants.


“If you give Americans affordable health care they will all become lazy fucks sponging off the government.”

Tea-Baggers:Proud to be an Americans?


We will bring the President down and make him the next Jimmy Carter. He better be real scared.

I’m calling “fake troll”, but just in case: it’s amazing how the wingnuts simultaneously are a tiny minority creeping around the catacombs passing messages to The Resistance and yet are also the majority of Americans thus indicating Barry “Blacky-Muslim” Sotero seized power in an illegal Illuminati-backed coup and their mere getting up in the morning will dishearten him to the point of abdicating office and fleeing for Switzerland with a handbag full of unmarked twenties and a copy of Bill Ayer’s book (he has written one, I assume).


BOLTON’S MUSTACHE: Oh, uh, hi Heil, yourself.


The Conservative Uprising

The facks is, Ayers ghostwrote every book I hate, including “Dreams From My Father”, “Living History”, “Profiles in Courage”, “The Crucible” (my meanie faggot English teacher done maked me read it) and “Everyone Poops” (gave me unrealistic expectations about myself).

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

A few months ago, I read Meltdown : The Inside Story of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis, by Mike Chinoy. The Busheviks came in slavering to renege on the Agreed Framework that President Clinton negotiated, for no particular reason other than that HE negotiated it. The roles of those treasonous fuckers Bolton and Condoleezza Rice were particularly prominent in this disgusting story. Bolton, in particular, had veto power over anyhthing anybody in the State Department tried to do.

Well, we did it their way! North Korea has now had two failed nuclear tests, and has a rocket that after four days of highly visible preparation, could deliver a small payload (probably not one as heavy as their dud warhead, but something) to certain parts of southwest Alaska. This makes them a “Nuclear Threat™” OMG!!! WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!! SAVE US, REPUBLICAN WIZARDS!!!

President Clinton, who removed the threat of the North Korean nuclear program until Bush and Bolton decided to rejuvenate it, is reduced to negotiating the release of a couple of journalists. My only consolation is that every poll in 2000 showed that he would easily have won a third term if he could have run for it, and when Bush left office, he couldn’t have gotten elected towel monitor at Camp Runamuck.


“I’m calling “fake troll””

Yeah, when it starts getting all super-bombastic and excited and threatening it definitely seems like a parody has stepped in. Usually it’s just mind-numbingly, one-note boring.


He better be real scared.

Yeah, I bet the President of the United States is REAL scared of some poorly educated hosebag posting on a snarky political humor site.


You could see his fear while he was singing “Happy Birthday” to Helen Thomas.

I bet he won’t be able “open his birthday present” from Michelle tonight, either, because he’s shaking in his jammies.

O yeah.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Zombie, I believe the preferred euphemism is “playing the whitey tape”.


Projection again – we just got done with a Preznit who was, indeed, afraid of things written on liberal blogs and who was such a cringing twit he shut down cities for miles around wherever he went, lest someone express a view contrary to his own.


Hi Sadly Nosians, I just wanted to bust in here because I’m always late to a thread, this one being the thread below about healthcare, tea baggers, etc. I called my Rep. today, Rep. Levin, (Carl’s brother), and asked when and if he was going to have a townhall meeting. I was told nothing on the schedule as of yet so I asked to be kept informed as we might need to get some boots on the ground to try and keep things civil if he did have a town hall meeting, you know, to counteract the teabaggers.The aide claimed he didn’t have a clue about what I was talking about. Is this possible? Anyway I told him to check out TPM, that they were running some stories on the townhall meetings. Then I come here and I’m still laughing thinking, can you imagine if I had sent the aide to sadlyno!? Also, should I apply for his job?


Shorter John Bolton:

“Watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat!”


“This time FOR SURE!”

The Conservative Uprising

Shout the motherfuckers down!

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The Conservative Uprising said,

I like pie!

Yeah yeah yeah, restoring the permanent majority.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Troofie, do you ever stop and wonder why none of your Next Big Things every go anywhere?



The Kid from Kounty Meath said,

August 5, 2009 at 2:04 (kill)

Troofie, do you ever stop and wonder why none of your Next Big Things every go anywhere?


SA2SQ, etc…

In fact, I doubt he has the focus to REMEMBER what he posted half an hour ago, let alone further in the past.


You know, I am tempted to badger-kill myself, just to see the extra dancing fellas, as well as beating Tintin to the punch…


Also, should I apply for his job?


You have demonstrated yourself to be intelligent, discerning, and, I daresay, attractive.


Bill Clinton intervening to save two lives is not even close to what successful negotiation is: a first strike using lots of bombs.


Your spelling sucks but your shirt is brown.

Be fair to him: he managed to match his shirt to his shorts.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

You have demonstrated yourself to be intelligent, discerning, and, I daresay, attractive.

Careful! He only wants you for your brains.


Careful! He only wants you for your brains.

Sir!! You wound.


You wound.

But not by head-munching, like some people.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Sir!! You wound.

I apologize. I saw you liked her mind and forgot the difference there for a minute.


Jeez, if you want to waste some quality time on nothing, check out one of Dave Weigel’s birther posts at the Washington Independent. His commenters are CRAZEE!!!!

For example:


Bill Clinton intervening to save two lives is not even close to what successful negotiation is: a first strike using lots of bombs.

Yes, but: Blowjob.


We’re crushing liberalism and the Democrat Party as we speak this year. The next decade will be a great one. It will see the end of BO’s political career and the end of the Democrat Party once and for all.


Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The next decade will be a great one.

Will it include the restoration of the Permanent Republican Majority you frittered away in even less time than the Thousand-Year Reich took to pwn itself?


Criticizing a former president while he is on foreign soil ENDANGERS THE TROOPS! Why does Bolton HATE AMERICA?


Oh, and I forgot to say that it EMBOLDENS THE ENEMY!


You will wake up to a McCain presidency

If only Whitey McCain had won. America would have had had its first foreign-born president, which would have proven what an inclusive, diverse country we are.


It occurs to me the young man I talked to at Levin’s office was probably an unpaid intern. Duh. Anyway, thanks for compliments? but I’m I’m afraid any respectable zombie might starve on my brains.


Has Colleen stumbled upon a defense against Zombie attack?

“2 + 2 = 5, 2+2=5~! See NO brains in here!!”

Which, sadly, means Bolton will survive teh Zombie HOrdE.


Comrade PhysioProf said,

August 5, 2009 at 2:28

Oh, and I forgot to say that it EMBOLDENS THE ENEMY!



Damn, you fuckers are always one step ahead!


…any respectable zombie…

you OBVIOUSLY haven’t been hanging around here for very long.


actually, thundermason, it PISSES ME OFF even moar.


masonary position, the favorite among Skull-and-Bones types.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

you OBVIOUSLY haven’t been hanging around here for very long.

I’m glad you took that one yourself, ZRM. From anyone else it would have been a cheap shot.


I don’t know why architects (and zombies) hate the masons.

Perhaps it was a bad experience at GMU?






I hadn’t quite determined your attitude towards your tenants.


Damn, you fuckers are always one step ahead!

which explains why we zombies always manage to catch running people, while we move at a shamble.


Why izzit that the dead-enders always make fun of themselves? Because they’re lacking in the brains that god gave to artichokes?

Negotiating merely for the sake of it, in the face of palpable recent failures

He’s still feeling his failures of the last decade.


That, and the car won’t start.


From anyone else it would have been a cheap shot.

*whistles nonchalantly*


should have spent more on a new battery, thunder.

tsk tsk. so sad.


I was responding to PeeJ’s comment.


tig is just pissed that I beat him to the cheap shot, even if it was my own.

Sorry, dude, take one at Bolton!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

*whistles nonchalantly*

If I understand this correctly, you also want a cookie for not taking the bait.

We deserve them.

Incumbent towel monitor at Camp Runamuck

,,,he couldn’t have gotten elected towel monitor at Camp Runamuck.

The stunts their campaign machine pulled. It was vicious.


Heck no, I was scrolling down to type it in. But I’ll take a cookie anyway… YOINK!

Zombie, my branes taste like sugar and spice, plus everything nice too also.


Bill Clinton intervening to save two lives is not even close to what successful negotiation is: a first strike using lots of bombs.

Leave it to a woman to completely miss the point of diplomacy. Not bombs, you fool: missiles! Smart missiles cruising wherever they like, unstoppably penetrating anything our enemies erect, no matter how hard! Whooooooooosh! Double tapping airplanes and forcing them to stall! Bang! And hard and fast into the sea – splurt!

Christ! Jesus Christ! I’m protecting American interests here!


tig is just pissed that I beat him to the cheap shot, even if it was my own.

Sorry, dude, take one at Bolton!



alec sums up the past 50 years of American foreign policy.


my branes taste like sugar and spice, plus everything nice too also.

sugar and spice doesn’t mix well with brown goods, in my experience.


Smart missiles cruising wherever they like, unstoppably penetrating anything our enemies erect, no matter how hard!

More Lynne! MORE!!!


Oh, I’ve been around these parts since I honestly don’t know when. I think maybe a tbogg link back before the 2004 election? Man, time flies when you’re having fun. Well you guys had fun, I just lurked and laughed and occasionally popped in to say thanks for the laughs. Now you know why I say slim pickens for brains. Not much nourishment for a zombie, respectable or otherwise, if the brain matter only contains snorts, giggles, and thank you’s.


Both my eyes just came up BAR!


Both my eyes just came up BAR!

I’m not sticking my fingers in that coin slot.


Back then, I wasn’t a zombie, colleen.


the brain matter only contains snorts, giggles, and thank you’s.

aka Zombie Chex Mix.


Leave it to a woman to completely miss the point of diplomacy. Not bombs, you fool: missiles!

My penis equivalency database isn’t up to date.


I just wanna say: This is a really excellent thread. Kudos to all of youse. 🙂


This appears on my screen.

“ has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences.”

I had no idea my browser was screening right wing nutjobs.


These two nosy meddlers journalists would have been better off it we’d have just blowed the whole place up with ’em there.


Fuckin’ Clinton, man. That guy could sell pussy to Larry Craig.



The news: Former President Clinton Negotiates Release from N. Korea of Two Reporters

The WIngnuttitude: Bubba Does it AGAIN: Goes Home With Two Ladies.


My penis equivalency database isn’t up to date.

This should win something.


OT. A while back we were discussing possible new slogans for the GOPof. I just want to point out that Colbert nailed it last night:
If at first you don’t succeed – Redefine what you did as success.


Fuckin’ Clinton, man. That guy could sell pussy to Larry Craig.

brilliant! I’m stealing that one.


If at first you don’t succeed…..



Anybody else notice how zombies keep the trolls away?

(shut UP, Tintin. am NOT a troll!!)

Yer welcome.


If only zombies could give good option speculation advice.


I don’t mind Bolton being wrong every time he opens his mouth. I just wish he’d stop showing up in all those old Warner Bros. cartoons and yelling “Ya long-eared GALOOT!” at Bugs Bunny.


If at first you don’t succeed…..


Eek! It came out of nowhere and now I like tofu!


Bill Kristol being utterly wrong.

With a hat tip to Wilfred Brimley.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

It came out of nowhere and now I like tofu!

Didn’t they find that soy turns you into a girl or something?


Bitter Scribe said,
August 5, 2009 at 5:30

I don’t mind Bolton being wrong every time he opens his mouth. I just wish he’d stop showing up in all those old Warner Bros. cartoons and yelling “Ya long-eared GALOOT!” at Bugs Bunny.

See, this is where so-called “progressives” show their moral and ideological laxity. If those Looney Tunes shorts hadn’t made Bolton a famous celebrity, he wouldn’t have had the brand-name national credibility to reach the inner core of the Bush Administration.

I suspect you may be in the pocket of Big Cartoon.

Thomas Friedman's mustache

John Bolton’s mustache has its own room, but I have my own villa at Cap D’Antibes.


speaking of cartoon zombies, this thread got linked from Big Atrios.

everybody smile for our closeup!

…this place has CHANGED, man……



ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,

August 5, 2009 at 5:29 (kill)

If only zombies could give good option speculation advice.

to be fair, neither can trolls.


I’ve been expecting John Stossel’s moustache to weight in, but it’s been ominously silent.


…this place has CHANGED, man……

you can never go home.


Uptightening Conservative said:

We will bring the President down and make him the next Jimmy Carter.

He will negotiate peace among Israel and its neighbors, establish a clear national energy policy, and win the Nobel Peace Prize?



Seems a certain Prince might be about to turn into a frog.


Feel free to suggest some questions.

What’s it like, piling up huge stinking heaps of FAIL whenever you open that hole under your facebrush?

Do you lack the gene for humilitation? Could a schoolgirl kick your sorry ass halfway around the block, and yet you’d still pompously lecture us on statecraft via strength?

Do you completely and utterly lack the ability to understand your fellow human beings? For example, when you proudly describe yourself as “George W. Bush’s best choice for the job,” do you imagine the howls you immediately hear are made in admiration?

Can you think of any reason why a hungry world should not immediately stop your criminal wasting of food?


He will negotiate peace among Israel and its neighbors, establish a clear national energy policy, and win the Nobel Peace Prize?

Egyptian army with modern weapons and a reserve strength greater than our population? What Egyptian army with modern weapons and a reserve strength greater than our population? Israel has always been at war with Hezbollah.


Your spelling sucks but your shirt is brown.
I am sure I am not the only person singing this to “Cities on Fire (with rock & roll)”, to the general consternation of other people at the coffee bar.

Didn’t they find that soy turns you into a girl or something?
It turned me into a newt.


Zombie, my branes taste like sugar and spice, plus everything nice too also.
I take it that caper sauce is not an option.

If at first you don’t succeed – Redefine what you did as success.
This positive message has inspired me to sign up for sky-diving lessons.


Ah, but don’t you see, because the US didn’t negotiate from a position of strength this will only embolden the North Koreans to destroy South Kdjfsdafkjhdlf


“Sometimes I think they are secret liberals, doing this on purpose for the lulz”
further evidence


I seem unaware of all internet traditions (and preview).

Further evidence


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge said,
August 5, 2009 at 1:41

Ah, but the inability to detect their SUPER WORLD-DESTROYING MEGA MISSILE merely provides evidence that they have cloaking devices. Only a naive would think otherwise. Therefore Strategic Defense Spending Initiative.


I take it that caper sauce is not an option.

In some cases, prancing sauce may be.


All Clinton had to say to Dear Leader was “releasing these folks will make Bolton look like even more of an asshole.” Boom–they’re on the next plane.


Seems the backlash to Bolton’s obdurate stupidity is a little too much for someone at the WaPo.

Check this out: Bolton’s drivel has been SCRUBBED from the WaPo. No longer there for 8/4/09 at 1:09PM, no longer there in “most read” list… not there at all.

I would encourage anyone with a few spare seconds to right the “Ombudsman” and ask what the WaPo policy is on “dissappearing” articles it saw fit to publish hours before.

Have at it!!


Dear Mr Ombudsman:

I was reading an article by John Bolton published 8/4/09 about Clinton’s trip to North Korea. When I went back to re-read it today, it was gone! There is no trace of it! Is that something to do with the fact the trip was successful and Bolton had argued against it? Was it “scrubbed” because it made the WaPo editorial board look foolish? Please explain the WaPo policy about removing, without comment, material they have just published when it seems that events have proven their writers wrong.

Thank You.

Steve Kelso aka “IndyInNh”


I take it that caper sauce is not an option.

In some cases, prancing sauce may be.

We also serve an arabesuqe roue.


Er, arabesque. Sorry, new fingers. Still breaking them in


We surround YOU!

You are rather rotund, tis true.


Were getting coverage because we are loud, angry, and cannot be ignored.

Guys, I know when you brought the dog here, he seemed friendly, and I know you wanted to keep him because he followed you home. But really, since he’s been here, all he’s really done is shit the carpets, pee on the sofa, and chew on everything. And he barks constantly. Perhaps it’s time to take him to a shelter? We could get a new dog, one that isn’t so aggressive or stupid…


oops, that last comment was me


From that Ledeen piece of shit:

It’s worse than Jimmy Carter. It’s all appeasement, all the time, from South America to Central Europe

*Looks around*
Did I miss something?


Look, Kim Jong Il is an attention whore. He just wants to be treated like he’s wearing Big Boy pants. If he doesn’t get it, he throws a fit and detonates a firecracker.

So Big Dawg gives him the old Grip n Grin just like Ol’ Kim is some kind of World Leader. Two women come home. And Kim goes back to play in his private water parks, satisfied.

What appeasement? All Clinton did was STOP calling him evil.

These folks are loonier and more war-mongering than Kim Jong Il, I swear.


sugar and spice doesn’t mix well with brown goods, in my experience.

Mull it over.

Didn’t they find that soy turns you into a girl or something?

It happened to me!

I take it that caper sauce is not an option.

Just make sure the spice is “mustard seeds”.

We also serve an arabesuqe roue.

Anyone from this place is bound to be at least a bit of a roué.


We could get a new dog, one that isn’t so aggressive or stupid…


Pass me that rusty knife, will ya? The one we used to carve the chicken.


Bolton’s drivel has been SCRUBBED from the WaPo.

Sadly, no. It’s still there.

Imputing actual shame to the WaPo?



*Looks around*
Did I miss something?

About South America, I’m guessing he’s referencing Honduras (the right-wing narrative there is that the poor military just HAD to stage a coup to remove Marxoid dictator from power, and how dare Obama denounce that heroic action?).

I have no clue what the demented right-wing has up their ass regarding Central Europe.


But, the concern is, does all the success negatively impact Obama and Hillary?

It’s good news for Republicans!


Bolton’s drivel has been SCRUBBED from the WaPo.

Jim said: Sadly, no. It’s still there.

It is and it isn’t. It’s a quantum thing. It’s still there if you know the link, but it’s not on the list of OpEds for 8/4 and it’s not in the “most viewed liist” (where it was #4).

Check it out.


Dr. Wu:

Are you crazy? Are you high?


Man, I bet the rightwingers are all SEETHING about two Americans being released from captivity, with no blood being shed or domestic political gain to be had. They hate that shit – I mean really, there’s nothing in it for them, so why be happy? First it was the Somalian boat hijackers and now this??


I take it that caper sauce is not an option.
Just make sure the spice is “mustard seeds”.

Are those shallots?
Ummm. And caper berries.
The butter smells wonderful.

Look, Kim Jong Il is an attention whore.
He comments here under a variety of nyms.
Troll-feeding is APPEASEMENT.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

All Clinton had to say to Dear Leader was “releasing these folks will make Bolton look like even more of an asshole.” Boom–they’re on the next plane.

Ah, the Jesse Jackson gambit.


Look, Kim Jong Il is an attention whore. He just wants to be treated like he’s wearing Big Boy pants. If he doesn’t get it, he throws a fit and detonates a firecracker.

So Big Dawg gives him the old Grip n Grin just like Ol’ Kim is some kind of World Leader. Two women come home. And Kim goes back to play in his private water parks, satisfied.

What appeasement? All Clinton did was STOP calling him evil.

These folks are loonier and more war-mongering than Kim Jong Il, I swear.

My theory has always been that a necessary component of Kim Jong-Il’s success domestically is living in his father’s divine shadow – so he wears platform shoes and a bouffant, kidnaps foreigners, and generally acts like a Bond villain in an attempt to project overcompensatory insanity.

The reality, as everyone who’s actually dealt with him will attest, is that he’s a perfectly sane man running a government established on insane premises. He has a lot to lose from the appearance of losing dignity, but he has to deal with materials shortages like any other dictator. The nuclear-plants-for-fuel-oil deal kept him on a shorter leash than a literally insane dictator would have tolerated, so obviously as soon as the Republicans gained power they snipped it off and scolded the prior administration for thinking a leash could contain such a dangerous animal.

Bolton inhabits a reality where him detonating a nuclear weapon was a total surprise after the policy establishment sensibly heckled him and issued him constant empty threats after removing the one rational constraint on exploiting his nuclear resources we had ever put on him. That reality is called American foreign policy.

The debate isn’t between people who think they’re living in a Bond movie and people who don’t, it’s between people who think they’re living in Thunderball and people who think they’re living in Moonraker. This Bolton fiasco will indeed teach WaPo a lesson – we need to pay attention to the existential threat posed by Grace Jones.


Maybe the likes of Bolton are pissed that Clinton provided a moment of positively worthwhile celebrity coverage on the mainstream media tabloid stage, interrupting the recent steady diet of MJ-replaces-OJ as world’s weirdest never-ending criminal trial, mothers allegedly murdering their children, drunk drivers as national news stories, and ???

I like to think of Bolton as the name of the Kryptonite pundit statesman, Bolts-On (meaning his head) who convinced the Kryptonite Planetary Congress that fears of their planet’s annihilation were false and they should focus their energies on liberating market forces from regulatory oppression.

You know, Britain was riddled with similar morons in the 1st half of the 20th century. Ended up being rescued by their former colonies from the Nazis. Who will rescue us from what now that the American Century (code for American Empire) is over.



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