Good ol’ Adam, doing the Lord’s work
When we reviewed Adam Yoshida’s book yesterday, we thought things could not get worse for our fellow Canadian. But just like God, Adam works in mysterious ways. Let’s pay a short visit, shall we?
In three years in office, President Bush has […] forced Libya to surrender it?s WMD programs without firing a shot[.]
This is true, we think, only in the sense that President Bush did not personally fire a weapon, or even a weapon-related program, in the general direction of Libya. What has made Adam very upset today however is all those cry baby conservatives who are concerned about the deficit, runaway spending, immigration reforms, etc… Why should they shut the hell up, dear Robin Adam?
By increasing the Republican base and working to bring about the final destruction of the Democratic Party, we are doing the Lord?s work of bringing about a real victory for the right in America.
And on the 5th day God said: “Thou shall lower thy capital gains tax.”
It’s not all bad news in YoshidaLand however — it turns out that the proposed incarceration of all homosexuals can be postponed. For now:
So long as the Log Cabin Republicans and people like Andrew Sullivan remain faithful and loyal supporters, there is every reason to listen to and respect their views. But, if they wish to oppose the President, then they can go straight to Hell[.]
Canada: A land of friendly, welcoming and kind people.
Thank goodness not all of you guys are like Adam Yoshida and Mark Steyn. Of course, you’re one of those Frenchy “cheese-eating-surrender-monkey” kinds of Canadians, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
What is it with Asians and not making sense, and why he like right-wing nonsense so much?
Hell had better air out the guest room, then, because I’m pretty sure Sully just posted that the LCR are *not* going to endorse Bush.
The joke about this is, this dude’s NOT AMERICAN:
By increasing the Republican base and working to bring about the final destruction of the Democratic Party, we are doing the Lord?s work of bringing about a real victory for the right in America.
Who’s this “we” of whom you speak, Kemo Sabe? Did you get a special dispensation to vote in American elections?
So long as the Log Cabin Republicans and people like Andrew Sullivan remain faithful and loyal supporters, there is every reason to listen to and respect their views. But, if they wish to oppose the President, then they can go straight to Hell[.]
Oppose the president of Canada? Why? Because he won’t send troops to Iraq?
I think there’s a method to Yoshida’s madness: his Internet ravings have started to attract attention, and he wants to parlay that into a job as a rightwing pundit here in the USA.
Joe is probably right. Of course, Yoshida is certifiably insane, but that obviously doesn’t disqualify one from right-wing punditry — heck, it may even help.
It’s so embarassing to have that Adam guy in our country — even on the other side of it.
>It’s so embarassing to have that Adam guy in our country
I’m convinced that Yoshida is the result of some government experiment gone horribly awry. Either that, or he’s a close friend of PM Martin and therefore knows that Martin plans to sell Canada out to the US and make us the 51st state.
what the fuck does he mean “we”? he’s a canadian! they are barely real people