The certification was signed in ’81, DoB is ’46. Also, don’t let that seal fool you, this is clearly a birth certificate from Oxford, CT – the only town in the state to adopt the british monarchy’s motto.
Totally fake-tastic. If you check the kerning on the “I,” you’ll see that the font is way different than the rest of the document. Also, there is no raised imprint on the document nor is there the classic “Moxie tastes like ass you stoopit Mainers” watermark that Oxford CT, home of the British Loyalist Movement loves so much.
I mean obviously it’s a fake. Everybody knows that George W. sprang fully formed naturally borned himself from the head of Ronald Reagan.
How is it possible that, with 25 years to mull it over, they still screwed it up?
The better question: Did we?
Remember the right wing panic attacks over “New World Order”? What better way to instigate it than to have your own son repudiate you, win over the losers who were panicked about it, and then screw things up so badly the successor regimes HAVE TO ABIDE BY UN REGULATION!!!!!
This is great birther-bait, Tintin. My hat is off to you. What a great way to poke fun at the big logical gap of birtherism. Even if Obama was somehow magically born in Kenya, he’d still be a US citizen. Alternatively, if that doesn’t count to birthers who want to change the rules after the fact, then neither is Bush.
What will the birthers say? It can only get crazier from here. Bush born overseas -> Bush is a sleeper agent is too good to pass up on as a good conspiracy theory link. Starts with fact, moves to crazy in one step.
Look at the bottom left hand corner – read from top to bottom, and what do you know… 9-11. Need any more proof that 9-11 was an inside job? I thought not.
Some (which is to say, wingnuts) might say that it doesn’t matter because both of his parents were Americans. What they’re not taking into account is that, in order to be a citizen, you have to be alive, and at that point George H.W. and Barbara Bush were lying dead in R’lyeh, dreaming.
What they’re not taking into account is that, in order to be a citizen, you have to be alive, and at that point George H.W. and Barbara Bush were lying dead in R’lyeh, dreaming.
So, when Poppy ditched his plane, sending the crewmembers into the Pacific, he was sacrificing his fellow airmen to his GOO relatives?
In the far-off days of 1999, time machines didn’t go back as far as they do now so McFlightsuit couldn’t go back all the way to produce the phony vault copy which if you read it backwards says “Satan is lord”, I’m just sayin’.
Here’s a post-racial observation – additionally, the Constitution also has a “naturally born citizen” requirement for Vice Preznit also, as well. Yet, no one seems to be questioning Biden’s provenance at all. I wonder why. Is there some reason why Barry O’s citizenship is more suspect than that of Hair Plug Joe?
Last time I drew a five-minute major, it was for butt-ending. That’s when you stick your shaft where it don’t belong. That knobby part at the end can be pretty dangerous if you thrust it too vigorously.
Whoah there TI-TC&BPGBB, we’re onto sex and hockey now. Don’t bring petulant 19 year-olds back into the discussion. Unles that’s what turns your crank, in which case, Eeeeuuuuwwwww.
Aside from like, the name and dates and such, that’s identical to my own birth certificate. Although, I don’t think that Headington was ever actually its own district for registration purposes – I was born in the Radcliffe, and it has Oxford as the sub-district.
And mine was also signed by Marie Skipp, who was sub-registrar, which leads me to question if I was ever born.
Actually, the truth of the matter is far more sinister. George Walker Bush died of a cocaine overdose in 1989 and the person who actually served as President for eight years was a hastily-grown clone of Dan Quayle who had his face sloppily resected into a rough likeness of Dana Carvey as daddy Bush as a joke. The vault copy Georgie Dubya is buried in an unmarked grave next to the groundskeeper’s shed at Philips Andover Academy next to Jimmy Hoffa and all the discarded Happy Days scripts involving Chuck Cunningham.
I’m not entirely comfortable accepting a document signed by some former Somerset House Nancy Boy who was named after a someone who has Wood because of a large-gauge train set.
That aside, the locale of that Guttersnipe’s issue is an additional reason to be happy I went to Cambridge.
sloppily resected into a rough likeness of Dana Carvey
They used that injection from the one episode of “Outer Limits”.
And proof he’s the Anti-Christ – well, there’s two “6”s in that number at the top right, and six numbers in total. 6-6-6, VY-LOLA!
Just got a phone-spam call a little while ago from Pastor “Action Jackson”, who’s having a revival at the local Comfort Inn. You think God’d be able to put him up at a better hotel.
Y’know, were that true, I’m not sure the last eight years would have gone much differently. I suppose Libby would have gotten his pardon, but other than that—
They need a lot of planets – survivability in the case of Xenu attacks.
Y’know, I’m OK with them being off on their own little planet. Maybe they could make room for the Scientologists?
This item, which must be true because it was on the Internets, seems to imply that they are at war.
The vault copy Georgie Dubya is buried in an unmarked grave next to the groundskeeper’s shed at Philips Andover Academy next to Jimmy Hoffa and all the discarded Happy Days scripts involving Chuck Cunningham.
I went to Andover, and I can tell you that’s absolutely false. He’s buried under Morse Hall (the math building), in honor of all the math tests he flunked.
So I hear via Princess Sparklepony that the guy behind the Kenyan birth certificate was not only involved in the Whitey tapes, but also tried to sell Bigfoot photos.
Hey, Fakey McFakerson, if you object so strongly to national tax-funded health care why don’t you run along and tell your Rep to sponsor bills to shut down MediCare and the VA. Until then, STFU.
There was a Headington registration district which included a St Clement sub-district in Oxford but it was created in 1837 and was abolished in 1933 when it was succeeded by Oxford district.
Hell yeah, shut down medicare, medicaid, VA, and social security
If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.
Mr. USA Freedom Power, please clarify to me, whom is Obama an agent provocater for? What shadowy Marxist group is sending him his instructions? Please tell me it’s the Mad Mullahs of Iran or Hugo Chavez or Cyborg JFK operating from his secret base in the Sea of Tranquility – lulling us into a false sense of security so that we are defenseless when the invasion of super-monky-robot-pirate-ninjas invades.
Oops, I may have snarked it up too much. I honestly want to know how the crazy conspiracy part works. Who is Obama working for? What secret Marxist organization has the ability to get a man elected President of the United States but the lack of foresight to pick someone actually born in America? I really want to know how this works.
Tehran High Cheer Squad said,
August 4, 2009 at 3:05 (kill)
Not a lot of people know this, but when the President of Iran said that he would push Israel into the sea, what he was really saying was a quotation of the Khomeini Boy’s High School cheer, in response to the upcoming competition between Tehran and Jerusalem’s lacrosse quarter-finals in the Mideastern inter-scholastic championships.
Here’s a technical question: is the appropriate Certification Of Birth Dick Cheney’s personal one, or of the ones of the hapless organ “donors” without whose contributions he wouldn’t be “the same”?
“Then, it shows Obama getting elected, or some allegory for him, and taking that all away from him. Obama comes in and makes them eat soy crap, makes it illegal to go to church, changes the flag, and is shown to have stolen the election by being Kenyan or otherwise ineligible.”
def funny
People like this aren’t conservative and do more damage than good. Real conservatives dont have to lie or stretch the truth.
And to clarify, no Republican has ever brought up any of this birther shit in congress. It’s only been mentioned on the record once by Harry Reid, giving birthers their solo congressional minute.
Phony as a whore’s orgasm: just look at that logo on the coat-of-arms! Dieu Et Mon Droit ?!? That there’s in that Frenchy Surrenderese for damn sure, not Englandspeak … repress my coast, libz!
Then, it shows Obama getting elected, or some allegory for him, and taking that all away from him.
I think that the allegory should be a monkey who likes to poop on the flag and give away bananas. At first the children have a lot of fun playing with their new monkey friend, but then he gives them AIDS.
See the anger of ordinary Americans at the town halls? Did you see Benedict Arlen and Sebelius get booed? See the new poster campaign (depicts him as The Joker) against Obama?
Americans are angry and pissed off and not taking it anymore. I can’t wait to see more of these Town Halls, were going to rock the boat big time, libs. I bet you and your Socialist Congressmen are pissing in their pants. This is just like the Sons of Liberty in 1775.
Thanks, Constipated Upstart, for bringing up the “new poster campaign” ( just an innocent and oh so pithy depiction of Obama as The Joker). It can’t fail. I think the Republican Party should go forward with this–full speed ahead!
If you’re unhappy with the social safety net of this nation, and you don’t like the fact that Congress (in accordance with Article I of the Constitution) has the power to levy taxes and provide for the general welfare of the nation, then I have a suggestion for you.
Get the fuck out of here. Leave. Seriously. Go, and fucking cry into a bag of money. GET OUT. GO AWAY. You’re welcome to let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. There are DOZENS of third-world shitholes across the face of the planet that will happily allow you to setup a mansion in the fucking head-sized-spider-infested jungles as long as you have huge sacks of cash and allow you to exploit their impoverished population as your personal servants provided you keep the right officials bribed. But if you want to live in a civilized country where the rule of law is respected and citizens are treated with decency and respect YOU HAVE TO PAY TAXES FOR THAT PRIVILEGE YOU SELF-CENTERED ASSHOLE.
If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.
You’d rather help out those who can help themselves? Tell you what, how about, this being a Democratic Republic and all, we vote in representatives, and then they can try to uphold the will of the majority as best they can.
Americans are angry and pissed off and not taking it anymore. I can’t wait to see more of these Town Halls, were going to rock the boat big time, libs. I bet you and your Socialist Congressmen are pissing in their pants. This is just like the Sons of Liberty in 1775.
You know, maybe I’m just an optimist, but this teabagging riot seems like a LOL FOOTBULLET moment.
Americans are angry and pissed off – about the sorry state of health care in their country. Let’s face it, health care insurance reform is about as dull a topic as you can possibly get, and yet some folks (not rallied by astroturfing outfits) are still going to town hall meetings about it. Why?
They know something is seriously fucked up with the system. Maybe they have first hand experience of recisssion or making the choice between important medical procedures and paying rent. Regardless, there they are, spending part of their summer sitting in stuffy rooms for a chance to ask questions of legislators.
And then, while they are there – a bunch of ignoramuses disrupt the session. People who have been told to “stand up and shout” to prevent ant possible communication between the people and their elected representatives.
I think the Tea Baggers are probably changing people’s minds with their actions. Check out the last ‘graf in this TPM update:
If the event were a shouting match, the mob won. Kagen tried talking about the health-care bill, but the roaring chants deafened his attempts. Several elderly people covered their ears and grimaced at the level of noise.
Boy, them old folks are probably quite convinced now.
Were using Saul Alinskys own tactics against you. Intimmidation, shouting, disruption, etc. You must be real scared now.
Anyone else see the video of a conservative telling a little pussy fag single payer idiot to “shut up” at a town hall? The look on his face was priceless!
Anyone else see the video of a conservative telling a little pussy fag single payer idiot to “shut up” at a town hall? The look on his face was priceless!
Yeah, boy you sure showed him. How could anyone argue with brownshirt tacticslogic like that?
Dragon-King Wangchuck, apparently unaware of the saying about arguing with idiots
I hope that makes it all worthwhile for you. Seriously, do you think this is changing the attitude of the public in against public health insurance?
You’ll get some pretty good news coverage by the lef-wing-biased lie-beral media, but the actual folks who are at the town hall meetings are not going to be won over by thugs and goons.
It’s not like you’re fighting for some greater noble cause that people can rally behind – you’re fighting for insurance companies. It may look pretty snazzy on cable news but “Shut Up That’s Why!” isn’t particularly convincing in person.
And the media will cover this as “anger” over the health care bill, which will put pressure on the Congress to scrap it. Then we will have broken Obambi.
Its all going according to plan, libs.
Dragon-King Wangchuck, apparently unaware of the saying about arguing with idiots
Please do. It can only strengthen the position of the health care lobby to piss off and offend the people there. You know, the folks with an interest in the issue.
Dragon-King, that’s the funny part, in a sick way.
These thugs are expending their own time and effort on the behalf of insurance company profits. Noble cause, that.
And they still, still trot out ACORN (who is, let’s remember, an innocuous GOTV non profit org) as a boogeyman. It’s hard to understand that the rest of the world doesn’t face every day in pants-wetting fear. Though I admit ACORN may not seem so innocuous when the result of more people legitimately voting is the loss of Republicans.
But as you say, SHUT UP THAT”S WHY is the only argument they have left. Works on the base, I guess.
Speaking of which, the coat of arms up there is supported by a lion and a unicorn. NOT VERY PLAUSIBLE, LIBS. Please replace them with a pair of angry jumping grannies.
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
Please pardon this off topic post but this Freeper thread is funny
I went over there to sample the madness, and a couple of deranged wingnut comments were noted:
“That reminds me of my first encounter with forced collectivism from the public schools system. It was my second or third day of kindergarten, and our teacher was introducing us to our daily routine, which started off with the pledge of allegiance. I didn’t like to say it, so I would stand there with my hand over my heart and wait for the rest to finish. Well, my teacher noticed and decided to nip my non-conformity in the bud. She told me that if I continued to refuse to say the pledge, that the police would come and take me away. Naturally, that got the intended result out of my five-year-old self.”
I thought anybody who didn’t honor the Pledge Of Allegiance was an America-hating IslamofascistMalcolmXSalutingTerrorist.
“Tonight, I had a conversation with an 18 yr old, friend of my daughter. She had no idea what the peace symbol meant, other than it being a cool fashion fad. It’s just what it is to them. For me, it’s an anti- American, Anti-military symbol.”
Jebus would be proud of you! Peace is for pussies.
Yeah, that’s what it is, Troofie. We’re “mad”. Just like it terrified us when you started that chain email about Malia and Sasha being Rev. Wright’s daughters. You totally got people to believe it. We can’t wait to see how successful this effort is, just like that one was, just like securing NY-20 for Tedisco was, and just like :
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
PRINCETON, NJ — An analysis of Gallup Poll Daily tracking data from the first six months of 2009 finds Massachusetts to be the most Democratic state in the nation, along with the District of Columbia. Utah and Wyoming are the most Republican states, as they were in 2008. Only four states show a sizeable Republican advantage in party identification, the same number as in 2008. That compares to 29 states plus the District of Columbia with sizeable Democratic advantages, also unchanged from last year.
Yo, does anyone have any change they can spare? My bus leaves for Syracuse next week and I need a nice dress shirt suitable for to wear at an outdoor event. Something dark to hide the flopsweat secreting from under my big floppy mantits. Any change helps. It is change that I can believe in. Thank you.
And that Orly Taitz. There’s a steel trap of a mind. Please do not give her a Fox News slot. We’d never manage our Islamozombie Nirvana collectivist State!
Oh, and Sarah Palin. we’re a-skeered of here too.
Although the idea that she’s dumping SnowMachine Todd-O for a Republican wealthy Campaign Donor to Be Named Later is cynical enough to be plausible, I’d say.
I had wondered where TDoofus had gone. I figured the library where he posts from closed because of cutbacks due to too many GaltNut-jobs not paying their taxes.
Other possible places for TDoofus to have slithered off to, and their probabilities:
*) drug rehabilitation – .01 %
*) a job – .0000003%
*) US Army to fight terrorists – .0000001 ^ googleplex %
*) molested-as-a-child rehabilitation – 3.5%
*) jail – 96.4999999%
The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight threatens “Any Means Necessary”. They still haven’t figured out that ‘gun control liberal’ doesn’t mean ‘unarmed liberal’.
The fact that you thought I was talking about violence says more about the mind of a lib than it does about me. But what do we expect from the spiritual descendents of the Bolsheviks?
well, try and get some work done, and the thread keeps going anyways. sheesh.
zrm, I need these alcohol soaked brains in order to generate my perverse sex fantasies. I’m sure you can understand why I’m unwilling to give them up – even for the zombie cause.
now returning to acting like a moran. Its all going according to plan, libs.
Yeah, that’s your upshot. The lefty-biased lie-beral media is gonna paint it all as grassroots and center-right nation and all that bullshit.
Well, at leastsome outlets are doing a good job at pointing at the insurance lobbyists behind the curtain. Some are trying to be balanced about it, but it’s pretty clear that there’s Lobbyist money somewhere in the works.
Even ultra-left wing publications acknowledge the hand of The health insurer’s trade group.
The fact that you thought I was talking about violence says more about the mind of a lib than it does about me. But what do we expect from the spiritual descendents of the Bolsheviks?
I dont need to triumph my own generosity, theres nothing wrong with giving to those in need. But I choose to do it when I see fit.
And as for the Town Halls being organized, its about damn time someone organized something. the conservatives aren’t gonna take it with one arm behind their backs they are just doing what the left has been doing for years
Sorry–I know I’m not supposed to feed the trool, but I can’t help it. Go ahead and pound whatever you want into dust “this November”, which will give us a whole year to prepare for the elections in 2010.
“Were going to pound you into fucking dust, fucking exterminate you this November and I can’t wait’
Joseph Goerbells at a meeting rgarding “The FInal Solution” 1939
The numbers: McDonnell 51%, Deeds 37%. A key number: 52% of respondents voted for John McCain last years, compared to 41% who say they voted for Obama — even though Obama carried the state by 53%-47%
If you disproportionately poll Republicans, you’ll get higher support for Republicans.
So, trollskyites, I take it you supported Andrew Wiener’s bold plan to eliminate Medicare then, right? I mean, it’s a no-brainer: single-payer, government-controlled socialized medicine: you must be in favor of eliminating this wildly popular, extremely cost-effective (estimated 6% overhead, compared to 30% for private insureres)program, right?
Oh, and VA. Surely you favor eliminating health care provided by the Veteran’s Administration also. We should absolutely abolish Commie gummint-run health care for our brave service men and women, right?
Hey Dragon, there was a new one done by PPP today (a Democrat outfit)
I know. I linked it. Durrrr.
It’s a telegramaphone poll. And a disproportionately large amount of Republicans didn’t hang up when they heard the autodialer. Big fucking whoop-de-doo.
Here’s an interesting note about polling – both daily approval trackers (Gallup and Rasmussen) show an uptick corresponding to the start of Operation Stand and Shout for HMOs. I’m leaning towards “there ain’t enough data points yet to formulate any conclusions” but there will be soon. So please, attend your local event and act like an asshole.
I gots something wingnutty-smelling for you folks to check out, but I shall wait for the new thread I’m hoping comes along presently. (Hint: more hypocrisy/IOKIYAR!)
BTW, no surprise my linking to a story about Republicans bringing up the birther issue in Congress got ignored by the guy who claimed they weren’t doing that.
And I’d like bleu cheese with my oily taters, please.
Keep making those excuses, Dragon, but SurveyUSA showed similar margins for McDonnell.
You will need all the excuses you can get after McDonnell (and Cristie) win on election day.
Maybe he is McDonnell is the one to take out Hopey Changey in 2012.
BTW again did you see some Xtian wingnut (redundancy these days) actually claims Revelations contains Obama’s name? Something about “bama” being lightning and Barack being “head” or some shit like that. Finally a Nostradamus for the 21st Century! Wheee!
Hey, I’m not saying it’s in the bag for Deeds – it most certainly isn’t. I’m just pointing out that you know jack shit about polling and stats. Here’s a primer. Maybe you can bookmark it.
“BTW, no surprise my linking to a story about Republicans bringing up the birther issue in Congress got ignored by the guy who claimed they weren’t doing that.
And I’d like bleu cheese with my oily taters, please.”
What I said was they got their congressional minute, what you posted was a press conf not on the floor of the house.
It’s never been brought up on the floor of the house, except by harry reid
I hope that when the insurance companies kick me in the teeth next time that they do it slowly enough for me to lick their fucking boots first. I wriggle in ecstasy at the thought of worshiping rich people who despise my pathetic pawning.
Yes, I’m sure many Americans have fond memories of the last time the GOP rent-a-mob stamped its foot & threatened to hold its breath FOREVAR if it didn’t get its way.
Mouthing democratic platitudes to cover your tracks while crushing local democracy with the iron fist of mob rule – it’s Teh Republican Weigh!
Heck, since you already have your Taliban Fan Club card validated, why not add a Sturmabteilung wall-poster to your collection?
The Conservative Uprising said,
August 4, 2009 at 16:45
A lot of people in this country are very, very, very angry and we will take back our country by any means necessary. Watch out.
The Conservative Uprising said,
August 4, 2009 at 16:52
The fact that you thought I was talking about violence says more about the mind of a lib than it does about me. But what do we expect from the spiritual descendents of the Bolsheviks?
Logic is not your strong point, is it? “Angry” and “any means necessary” coming from someone whose very username contains the violence-tinged word “uprising,” all spells “I may incite or participate in violence if I feel I need to use it to get what I want.”
The very fact that you are implying violence is dead obvious and the fact that you’re trying to pretend that it isn’t only makes you look both violent and flesh-scorchingly STUPID.
Government plans like medicare and medicaid don’t fully reimburse doctors and hospitals for the treatment they give. so they have to make the money up somewhere by getting the money from people that actually do pay.
Lawsuits. There are too many frivolous lawsuits that patients can file for without having a penalty if they lose. As a result doctors have to run extra tests just to cover their backs, and the malpractice insurance has skyrocketed. There are some legitimate claims in lawsuits but they need to put a stop to lawsuits that have no base that just take up doctors time and money.
Our quality of life has increased dramatically. People are not moving to Europe or Canada to get their cancer treatments, they come here. we have the best advances in medicine that would never have been possible without PROFITS.
and I dont have health insurance, i smoke, I’m part of the invincible 18-30 group that thinks they never need to see a doctor. If I need anything i’ll pay out of pocket.
Government plans like medicare and medicaid don’t fully reimburse doctors and hospitals for the treatment they give. so they have to make the money up somewhere by getting the money from people that actually do pay.
Wrong. They are reimbursed at the usual and customary rates, just like any HMO does. In fact, they often cover HMO shortfalls in reimbursements. Next?
Lawsuits. There are too many frivolous lawsuits that patients can file for without having a penalty if they lose. As a result doctors have to run extra tests just to cover their backs, and the malpractice insurance has skyrocketed. There are some legitimate claims in lawsuits but they need to put a stop to lawsuits that have no base that just take up doctors time and money.
Wrong. Lawsuits and malpractice insurance make up less than 8% of healthcare costs. Next?
Our quality of life has increased dramatically. People are not moving to Europe or Canada to get their cancer treatments, they come here. we have the best advances in medicine that would never have been possible without PROFITS.
We pay more per capita than any people on the planet for healthcare, by a factor of nearly 2, yet ranked 37th, just ahead of Cuba, in longevity.
Maybe the quality of life has gone up, but not by enough.
I had an outpatient surgery last year, with insurance. Most of it was covered, but ya know what wasn’t covered? Post-treatment — going in to get the wound and stitches cleaned, re-dressed, re-bandaged. Four thousand bucks for that alone. Killed off my meager savings like that.
Were going to pound you into fucking dust, fucking exterminate you this November and I can’t wait.
To bookmark or not, that is the question.
Whether tis more idiotic to suffer in the mind
the ravings of a lunatic troofie
Or to realize just what derangement therein lies?
All the folks I know make under $75K, most under $50K. Without insurance, a car accident, surgery, a hospital stay, it’s going to wipe you out completely. Doctor bills, equipment bills, specialist bills, anesthetologist bills, medicine bills, rehab bills, they all add up fast. Anyone who says they’re going to just pay it all out of pocket is crazy. Just because you can afford a jumbo bottle of Advil doesn’t mean you can afford three months of chemo.
There’ll be some steps back – that’s going to happen, but there’s a reason DFH’s rally under “Progressive”.
That Virginia would vote for a black president – that says something. And while it may have been an outlier, partly fueled by the utter devastation of the GOP wrought by Bush et al – it probably could not have happened twenty, fifteen, ten or five years ago. I’m still surprised that it happened last year.
It’s happening, just like it’s been happening for decades. Universal suffrage, mixed race marriage, civil rights. It’s the long fight that’s being fought and despite the occasional war-mongering torture-loving fucktard that steals his way to the top, the direction of society is definitely leftward.
What does conservatism have to show for itself? “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance and huge military budgets. Yay, for you guys.
You know that quote of Buckley’s that everyone remembers about standing athwart History yelling Stop! That does describe modern conservatism in a nutshell. An exercise in futility.
Again, your party will be pounded into mother fucking dust this November, and it will be a taste of things to come in 2012.
Funny – I was hearing this exact same unreasonably overconfident horseshit right here at about this time last year. Someone’s home team got summarily beaten into a paper-thin layer of jelly shortly thereafter, & has been looking more & more like the love-child of the Keystone Kops & the Westborough Baptist Church ever since.
Camwhoring dipshits like Orly “Ask Me About ShamWow” Taitz, Super Sarah “Quitty McQuitterson” Palin & Michael “Fried Chicken & Potato Salad” Steele are killing the GOP just fine without Obama so much as lifting a finger.
The Republicans are perfectly positioned to become America’s very own Rhinoceros Party.
the usual and customary rates as the government see fit means its not what it costs them to treat you. HMO’s bombed after the 90’s some of the worst ideas ever.
malpractice insurance can run as high as $50,000 a month for OB-GYN. so that means they make 7.5M a year right? wrong! avg pay for a OB-GYN is 175k
a more modest 10k a month would still put the doctor at only making ~50k a year. 10 years of medical school for an entry level job? they deserve more than that.
cuba does not have better health care. why didn’t ted kennedy go to cuba? why is sloan kettering such an amazing place to go for cancer treatments? I have a friend in canada and when anyone in her family gets sick, they have to go to the emergency room to get regular treatment. If they didnt do that, they’d be in a 3 month waiting list for a cold that will be long gone
The Republicans are perfectly positioned to become America’s very own Rhinoceros Party.
I would say “not as funny”, but then again when your whole political message is somewhere in philosophy between that of a 3-year-old and a sullen teenager, you can hardly avoid laughing.
Or as the Dead Kennedys said, “your acting like a clown gives us the right to laugh”. In the song “Macho Insecurity”, which is apropos.
do you never want to be rich? is there no more american dream? you obviously love giving your money to the poor and needy so let’s sit you down with a homeless man and you two can decide on how to spend your money.
the role of government is not to protect us from cancer. It is to protect our freedoms
What does conservatism have to show for itself? “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance and huge military budgets. Yay, for you guys.
Actually, I think communism gets credit for both of those…
I love how the Republicans have a 13% approval rating, the Democrats have a 45% approval rating, and Obama has a 63% approval rating (by far the highest of anything even vaguely associated with the federal government at this point), and supposedly Obama’s the one that should be worried in 2012. Most Americans consider Obama-ThatOne Kenyanobi to be our only hope right now.
When was the last time a sitting president had a 50% advantage in approval over a generic member of the other party? Perhaps our resident wingnut terrible can answer that for us.
I’m sure you do. You know, a lot of canuckistanis don’t have to go to the emergency room for medical services, i.e. any of them. Some of our wait times are longer than yours, but that’s only because so many of you have zero wait times as a result of not being able to afford routine medical care.
cuba does not have better health care. why didn’t ted kennedy go to cuba? why is sloan kettering such an amazing place to go for cancer treatments? I have a friend in canada and when anyone in her family gets sick, they have to go to the emergency room to get regular treatment. If they didnt do that, they’d be in a 3 month waiting list for a cold that will be long gone
whats wrong with profit? do you never want to be rich? is there no more american dream? the role of government is not to protect us from cancer. It is to protect our freedoms
I was about to suggest you get a job as an opinion columnist, but chances are, you already have one.
Government plans like medicare and medicaid don’t fully reimburse doctors and hospitals for the treatment they give. so they have to make the money up somewhere by getting the money from people that actually do pay.
Do you have a citation for this? Also, check your statement sometime from the insurance company. You may notice that there are two prices listed for a service: the price asked for, and the negotiated price the insurance company pays.
Lawsuits. There are too many frivolous lawsuits that patients can file for without having a penalty if they lose. As a result doctors have to run extra tests just to cover their backs, and the malpractice insurance has skyrocketed. There are some legitimate claims in lawsuits but they need to put a stop to lawsuits that have no base that just take up doctors time and money.
Do you have citations for this or did you just pull this fully-formed out of your ass attached to your latest set of anal beads? The hugest cost is not malpractice AWARDS but PREMIUMS, and just like those of the health insurance industry in the early 2000’s, those were raised by insurance companies to compensate for their investment fuckups, and had nothing to do with skyrocketing payouts.
Our quality of life has increased dramatically. People are not moving to Europe or Canada to get their cancer treatments, they come here. we have the best advances in medicine that would never have been possible without PROFITS.
I suggest you research “medical tourism.” People LEAVE the US to get medical care they can afford. People COME to the US to get the most expensive medical care they can pay for.
and I dont have health insurance, i smoke, I’m part of the invincible 18-30 group that thinks they never need to see a doctor. If I need anything i’ll pay out of pocket.
And you’ve just VOIDED any credibility you had at the beginning of your comment. You’ve had NO EXPERIENCE with healthcare, have you?
Your high blood pressure meds probably won’t cost you much out of pocket. Once you get that. Which — I guarantee — you will. Your diabetes meds will cost a lot more. It can run $200 for a 6-week supply of insulin. Oh, and by the way fuckwit, you can’t go to the ER for those very common conditions.
When you burst your appendix, get in a car accident, catch a serious case of pneumonia (far more likely for you if you smoke), or break a leg going down the steps and suddenly find yourself filing bankruptcy I would like to offer you the following advice:
I think the “oh noes lawsuits!” reasoning would carry more weight if states where they limited suits and payouts had lower health care costs. a linkand another(pdf)
I don’t know. If by “stealing” you mean “profit” I guess nothing is wrong with it as long as you’re legally allowed to take people’s money and give them NOTHING in return. Which is how health insurance works in this country.
do you never want to be rich?
Actually, Andrew, I don’t. If you want to live life to the depth of a Spongebob Squarepants wading pool, go you and get a lot of fucking money. But be prepared to be despised by people who want to LIVE their lives, not COUNT their shit.
is there no more american dream? you obviously love giving your money to the poor and needy so let’s sit you down with a homeless man and you two can decide on how to spend your money.
I again refer you to the wafer-thin shallowness of your existence. Less than 1% of your tax dollars go to “welfare.” Most of that money is for YOU but you’re too much of a fuckhead to understand it.
the role of government is not to protect us from cancer. It is to protect our freedom
Where did you learn that, Andrew? From the Playskool Klass of False Alternutivez? I’m not going to quote Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution. I’m just going to call you FUCKWAD STUPID every time you respond to me without having bothered to read it.
And if the role of government is to protect our freedom, where the fuck were you for the last 8 years while all but two of the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution were being merrily shat upon and ripped apart?
whats wrong with profit? do you never want to be rich?
What, you think if some AIG exec makes an extra 250 million this year, YOU’RE going to see a taste of that? Only if you’re a prostitute or you manufacture yachts. Merits One, single, cynical HAH from me.
is there no more american dream? the role of government is not to protect us from cancer. It is to protect our freedoms
Somehow, I don’t see how the freedom to die from untreated cancer contributes to teh American Dream.
ted kennedy does not have government healthcare. He gets helicoptered to hospitals when he falls ill. you are sadly mistaken if you think you will get his level of care
ted kennedy does not have government healthcare. He gets helicoptered to hospitals when he falls ill. you are sadly mistaken if you think you will get his level of care
I love rich HMO CEOs and hope they get richer. I am a tool.
Fixed your post for you, Andrew The Tool.
I could easily pass for a Republican so I’m going to go to a local townhall meeting or such as in my nicest business attire or maybe golfwear, maybe borrow some Topsiders and a captain’s hat from a friend and make up some signs demanding the abolishment of Medicare. I’m going be very loud. I’m also going to give up blogs in order to spend my time writing letters to the editors suggesting that it’s not enough to defeat Obamacare, we must get government off the backs of our grannies. Be they of the angry dancing variety or not it’s an insult to suggest they aren’t prepared to fend for themselves in the free market.
P.S. Can someone make me an animated gif of a hopping mad granny on an ice floe?
He’s also rich, but yes, he does have government healthcare. The main reason he’s going to hospitals in Mass is because that’s where he fucking lives, not Cuba. Of course, people do fly overseas for procedures every day, so your point is, what exactly? Rich people get better healthcare? No kidding. They get the best healthcare in countries with socialized medicine, too. The difference is in those countries everybody else gets care, too, often better than they do here, and invariably for less.
Damn rich people get all the best gold-leafed caviar, too! Actually, I don’t have any problems with people who are rich, or want to be so, per se, it’s the means they use to reach that end where friction sometimes arises. Google health-care rescission for an example.
you are sadly mistaken if you think you will get his level of care
Well, that’s kind of the POINT, idiot. The government provided and taxpayer supported healthcare system works pretty well for Congress. we just want it to apply to everyone.
Personally, I think it would be appropriate to suspend Congress’ health care until EVERYONE in America has health care.
do you never want to be rich? is there no more american dream?
You think the American Dream is to be rich?????
The American Dream, the dream of generations of immigrants, has always, ALWAYS, been to be middle class. You know, Horatio Alger?
Do they still actually teach economics in high school?
The idiotic logical fallacies of your “libertarians” is astounding!
5 in 100 in this country can reasonably be called “rich” (income over $250,000).
Five percent. And the turnover in that class is preciously low.
So most Americans dream of being comfortable.
You know, two cars, a house, 2.7 children? That American Dream?
Yea. Not rich, comfortable.
And not subject to Obama’s tax hike by any credible massaging of the numbers.
Seriously, Andy, go do a little legwork before you post here. History did not start twenty minutes before you hit the sheets squirted from your mom’s uterus.
the usual and customary rates as the government see fit means its not what it costs them to treat you. HMO’s bombed after the 90’s some of the worst ideas ever.
And yet, you’d prefer HMOs determine what doctors get reimbursed, which is lower than Medicare. Go fig.
malpractice insurance can run as high as $50,000 a month for OB-GYN. so that means they make 7.5M a year right? wrong! avg pay for a OB-GYN is 175k
So basically, an OB-GYN would make more under national health! Thanks, halfpint!
a more modest 10k a month would still put the doctor at only making ~50k a year. 10 years of medical school for an entry level job? they deserve more than that.
Um, nonsequitor, but then you have no facts to back yourself up.
cuba does not have better health care. why didn’t ted kennedy go to cuba? why is sloan kettering such an amazing place to go for cancer treatments? I have a friend in canada and when anyone in her family gets sick, they have to go to the emergency room to get regular treatment. If they didnt do that, they’d be in a 3 month waiting list for a cold that will be long gone
I never said that America doesn’t have the finest doctors. We ship them back to India once their residencies are done, and oh by the way, where do you think insurance companies now routinely send surgical patients?
To India. Yes. Your medical care is being outsourced to a third world nation because it’s cheaper than having the patient get treated in an American hospital.
i dont prefer HMO’s doctors should determine their compensation based on what they see their services valued at, and competition will drive down the cost of care.
OB-GYN’s will go out of business, with nation health because they wont get paid as well.
they go to india because they actually get paid well there. nathional health will force more doctors and business overseas.
and yes the american dream is mediocracy. neighbors dont try to show off who has the biggest TV, nicest car etc.
people are not dying in the gutters waiting for cancer treatments. In Britain that actually happens.
doctors should determine their compensation based on what they see their services valued at, and competition will drive down the cost of care.
OB-GYN’s will go out of business, with nation health because they wont get paid as well.
Cuz, you know, in England, doctors get paid equivalently what US doctors get paid, plus they have malpractice payments one-tenth of American doctors to make.
And no one forces anyone to sign up for the national health. There’s plenty of private insurance out there in England.
People are dying of cancer in England in the gutter?
Although there are obvious arguments in favour of prioritising by clinical need rather than ability to pay[56], it can mean that waiting lists vary widely between regions. Patients waiting can choose to have a procedure done outside their local NHS district in order to be seen more quickly, and if the waiting time is long can often get private treatment at public expense, either in the UK or abroad. A major programme is underway in the NHS to reduce all wait times to 18 weeks by December 2008[57]. This new target starts when the patient’s own doctor writes to the hospital specialist and ends when treatment begins. It therefore includes the time to make the first appointment, and the time for all diagnostic tests to be completed, evaluated, and discussed with the patient, which were not in the previous target. It has been widely criticised by doctors, healthcare professionals, and think-tanks as diverting resources from more serious conditions to achieve politically-motivated goals[58], and doubts persist over its achievability[59].
It seems to me that, if someone is “dying in the gutter”, they pick themselves up, see a private physician and then bill the NHS!
malpractice insurance can run as high as $50,000 a month for OB-GYN.
The highest national rate is $200,000 per annum in Dade County Florida! That’s $50,000 a quarter, since math is not your strong suit and one third of your lie.
That contrasts with a $36,000 per annum rate in Northern California, by the way, and just one-half the Dade County figure outside of Dade County in Florida.
Bottom line is, doctors in Dade County are assessed as at greater risk than doctors outside of Florida. Period. I pay higher car insurance than much of the country because I live in a big city.
I’d just like to thank Andy for doing such a great job of exposing the anti-health reform mindset — the love of profit above all … the disdain for his fellow human beings … the willful ignorance of basic facts … the clueless comments that prove he’s never had to deal with the American system … the stoking of fear …
In a perfect world, we’d all get to see the look on his face as he enters an ER to get treatment, only to be told they don’t handle the lung cancer he’s developed and that it’s going to cost him seven figures if he doesn’t want to die in a week.
And all because he was too fucking stupid to see the need for changing the current system.
It sure does take a lot of gall to come here and tell us that he refuses to take responsibility for his own deadly habit, while saying nobody else should expect to escape illness without bankruptcy or death either….
It sure does evidence an “18 to 30” mindset. More likely 18. Never had a real life experience yet, sweetheart? O my, you have SO MANY adventures ahead of you….
well, I pay higher car insurance because zombies are red/green colorblind.
Colour vision is in fact my prime research area and I DID NOT KNOW THAT.
I know what my topic is going to be at the next meeting of the International Color Vision Society.*
I’m on the VIP list for that. I’ll be in the lounge overlooking the dance floor.
Directions to the lounge will be shown by red arrows. No, green ones. No, grey ones.
Do not confuse them with the arrows that lead to the autopsy room laboratory.
“If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.”
OK. But no driving on roads you don’t own. And you’d better get busy on the bake sale raising funds for the military. I take it you’re in favour of withdrawal from Afghanistan, too.
Brain … filling with entendres … can’t … concentrate…
ORLY?’s appearance on Colbert last week was one of the more painful five minutes of TV I’ve ever seen.
Henry Lionel Would NOT!
OK, I’ll bite. WTF? Was he born in the UK?
Where is his Texas birth certificate????
“OK, I’ll bite. WTF? Was he born in the UK?”
Also, in 1981, making him ineligible for the Presidency. Natch.
If only it had been a nineteen-year-old Brit.
The certification was signed in ’81, DoB is ’46. Also, don’t let that seal fool you, this is clearly a birth certificate from Oxford, CT – the only town in the state to adopt the british monarchy’s motto.
Seriously, George W Bush was born in Headington and no one here poked fun at that?
Sheesh….I may have to stop taking lunch.
If only it had been a nineteen-year-old Brit.
With tits like a Spice Girl.
Ah no! He was born in 1946, but it was only registered in 1981
Nope. This is a “certificate of birth”, not a “birth certificate”. Therefore, this proves nothing.
Ah no! He was born in 1946, but it was only registered in 1981
Look, if Poppy and Babs needed 25 years to decide to keep him, who are we to argue???
Math. Must learn. On the list.
“Look, if Poppy and Babs needed 25 years to decide to keep him, who are we to argue???”
How is it possible that, with 25 years to mull it over, they still screwed it up?
That’s so fake. There’s like, halos and shit on it.
Obviously a fake. It doesn’t have creases from folding like a real old document.
Let the heavens open up and rain down vault copies on all the land!
Yeah, actor, sign me up for the remedial class too.
Totally fake-tastic. If you check the kerning on the “I,” you’ll see that the font is way different than the rest of the document. Also, there is no raised imprint on the document nor is there the classic “Moxie tastes like ass you stoopit Mainers” watermark that Oxford CT, home of the British Loyalist Movement loves so much.
I mean obviously it’s a fake. Everybody knows that George W.
sprang fully formednaturally borned himself from the head of Ronald Reagan.How is it possible that, with 25 years to mull it over, they still screwed it up?
The better question: Did we?
Remember the right wing panic attacks over “New World Order”? What better way to instigate it than to have your own son repudiate you, win over the losers who were panicked about it, and then screw things up so badly the successor regimes HAVE TO ABIDE BY UN REGULATION!!!!!
Also, PENIS. Also. Too.
104th trimester abortion?
This is great birther-bait, Tintin. My hat is off to you. What a great way to poke fun at the big logical gap of birtherism. Even if Obama was somehow magically born in Kenya, he’d still be a US citizen. Alternatively, if that doesn’t count to birthers who want to change the rules after the fact, then neither is Bush.
What will the birthers say? It can only get crazier from here. Bush born overseas -> Bush is a sleeper agent is too good to pass up on as a good conspiracy theory link. Starts with fact, moves to crazy in one step.
That’s so fake. There’s like, halos and shit on it.
I concur. I mean, the “smiley face” dots over the letter “i” is a dead giveaway!
You wanna know why it’s been hidden for so long?
Look at the bottom left hand corner – read from top to bottom, and what do you know… 9-11. Need any more proof that 9-11 was an inside job? I thought not.
Does this mean I don’t win with my vault copy? dang.
there’s nothing wrong with this…
You mean they issue shambling fungi their own certificates of birth, now?
At least he’s not a muslim.
What????? Bush was too young to be preznit?
Office sure aged him, didn’t it?
Some (which is to say, wingnuts) might say that it doesn’t matter because both of his parents were Americans. What they’re not taking into account is that, in order to be a citizen, you have to be alive, and at that point George H.W. and Barbara Bush were lying dead in R’lyeh, dreaming.
So Little George is Nyarlashrubtep? Makes sense!
OK, that’s funny.
Ia Ia Ia! Bushthulu R’lyeh fhtagn!
So Little George is Nyarlashrubtep? Makes sense!
Lord knows we all lost a bit of our sanity looking at his unholy visage for eight years.
What they’re not taking into account is that, in order to be a citizen, you have to be alive, and at that point George H.W. and Barbara Bush were lying dead in R’lyeh, dreaming.
So, when Poppy ditched his plane, sending the crewmembers into the Pacific, he was sacrificing his fellow airmen to his GOO relatives?
Who wants egg salad?
Heh. He said “Wood”
Also, PENIS. Also. Too.
In the far-off days of 1999, time machines didn’t go back as far as they do now so McFlightsuit couldn’t go back all the way to produce the phony vault copy which if you read it backwards says “Satan is lord”, I’m just sayin’.
Here’s a post-racial observation – additionally, the Constitution also has a “naturally born citizen” requirement for Vice Preznit also, as well. Yet, no one seems to be questioning Biden’s provenance at all. I wonder why. Is there some reason why Barry O’s citizenship is more suspect than that of Hair Plug Joe?
In Gender news, what sex is “boy” and how is that that you lose that sex when you get to be a “man”?
In Gender news, what sex is “boy” and how is that that you lose that sex when you get to be a “man”?
“Sex” there is just an abbreviation for “Sexual Preference”.
I wonder why. Is there some reason why Barry O’s citizenship is more suspect than that of Hair Plug Joe?
Biden doesn’t have that charmingly un-American overabundance of melanin.
My sexual preference is “Yes”.
I’ll be surprised if Dragon-King doesn’t draw a penalty for that one!
…draw a penalty for that one!
A two-minute minor or a five-minute major?
Sexual preference? Why, PENIS, of course!
A two-minute minor or a five-minute major?
Pen and ink. On scraperboard.
A two-minute minor or a five-minute major?
Match penalty, game misconduct, and you have to do the dishes after the party tonight.
Last time I drew a five-minute major, it was for butt-ending. That’s when you stick your shaft where it don’t belong. That knobby part at the end can be pretty dangerous if you thrust it too vigorously.
…draw a penalty for that one!
A two-minute minor or a five-minute major?
Heh heh, time spent in the box…
Heh heh, B^4 said “spent”. Heh.
Dragon-King Wangchuck,
My fault, my fault…but really, didn’t it FEEL like he was a 19-year old?
Whoah there TI-TC&BPGBB, we’re onto sex and hockey now. Don’t bring petulant 19 year-olds back into the discussion. Unles that’s what turns your crank, in which case, Eeeeuuuuwwwww.
Last time I drew a five-minute major, it was for butt-ending
I got ten for spearing, but they were twins.
Don’t bring petulant 19 year-olds back into the discussion. Unles that’s what turns your crank, in which case, Eeeeuuuuwwwww.
Oh, I misread it as pendulous 19 year-olds!
Oh, I misread it as pendulous 19 year-olds!
I think, if at 19, they’re pendulous, you have serious problems.
I think, if at 19, they’re pendulous, you have serious problems.
“Low-hangers” has a very different meaning for boys.
Aside from like, the name and dates and such, that’s identical to my own birth certificate. Although, I don’t think that Headington was ever actually its own district for registration purposes – I was born in the Radcliffe, and it has Oxford as the sub-district.
And mine was also signed by Marie Skipp, who was sub-registrar, which leads me to question if I was ever born.
George Bush is a banana-eating jungle monkey.
Actually, the truth of the matter is far more sinister. George Walker Bush died of a cocaine overdose in 1989 and the person who actually served as President for eight years was a hastily-grown clone of Dan Quayle who had his face sloppily resected into a rough likeness of Dana Carvey as daddy Bush as a joke. The vault copy Georgie Dubya is buried in an unmarked grave next to the groundskeeper’s shed at Philips Andover Academy next to Jimmy Hoffa and all the discarded Happy Days scripts involving Chuck Cunningham.
Brings a whole new interpretation to “low-hanging fruit”, it does.
I’m not entirely comfortable accepting a document signed by some former Somerset House Nancy Boy who was named after a someone who has Wood because of a large-gauge train set.
That aside, the locale of that Guttersnipe’s issue is an additional reason to be happy I went to Cambridge.
sloppily resected into a rough likeness of Dana Carvey
They used that injection from the one episode of “Outer Limits”.
And proof he’s the Anti-Christ – well, there’s two “6”s in that number at the top right, and six numbers in total. 6-6-6, VY-LOLA!
Just got a phone-spam call a little while ago from Pastor “Action Jackson”, who’s having a revival at the local Comfort Inn. You think God’d be able to put him up at a better hotel.
You think God’d be able to put him up at a better hotel.
Uh, didn’t the Big G (when it was Little G) settle for a stable?
Neal Horsley would have looked for a stable with hourly rates and mirrored ceilings.
Brian X,
Y’know, were that true, I’m not sure the last eight years would have gone much differently. I suppose Libby would have gotten his pardon, but other than that—
Uh, didn’t the Big G (when it was Little G) settle for a stable?
That was before He had the Mormons bringing in all that long green.
That was before He had the Mormons bringing in all that long green.
As much as they bring in, they demand entire PLANETS in return. The Old Schoolers just settle for a unit in the Otherworldly Condo.
As much as they bring in, they demand entire PLANETS in return
They need a lot of planets – survivability in the case of Xenu attacks.
“they demand entire PLANETS in return.”
Y’know, I’m OK with them being off on their own little planet. Maybe they could make room for the Scientologists?
Damn you PeeJ!
They need a lot of planets – survivability in the case of Xenu attacks.
Y’know, I’m OK with them being off on their own little planet. Maybe they could make room for the Scientologists?
This item, which must be true because it was on the Internets, seems to imply that they are at war.
My taitz are feeling especially orly today. Is there a pill I can take, or do you recommend a topical ointment?
My taitz are feeling especially orly today. Is there a pill I can take, or do you recommend a topical ointment?
A judicious application of teabags should do the trick.
The vault copy Georgie Dubya is buried in an unmarked grave next to the groundskeeper’s shed at Philips Andover Academy next to Jimmy Hoffa and all the discarded Happy Days scripts involving Chuck Cunningham.
I went to Andover, and I can tell you that’s absolutely false. He’s buried under Morse Hall (the math building), in honor of all the math tests he flunked.
S’cuse MAH enGRAMS!
When a guy rides a bike
in short sleeves and a tie,
that’s a Mormon
Photo shop birth certificate contest.
I haz no photo shop skill, but I’ve noticed some around these parts do.
Has anybody checked if McCain’s birf certificate is in the public domain? Or available at
So I hear via Princess Sparklepony that the guy behind the Kenyan birth certificate was not only involved in the Whitey tapes, but also tried to sell Bigfoot photos.
an impeccable source!
Heh. Sarah Palin’s Birth Certificate.
This is excellent news for the McCain campaign.
Even if it’s a fake, it doesn’t disprove that it might also be true.
Thanks for that tip, g.
Sex: BoySex: Misanthropic Frog-killer
The fact is, liberals, this proves nothing. Obama is not American, he is a foreign born Marxist agent provocater.
And your socalled liberal media? It’s biased. Toward the left. Real accurate there.
You need more ASCII superscript stuff™, USA Freedom Power.
Otherwise you seem too fake.
Hey Gary, if it’s biased (toward the left), why the “so-called”? Are you in need of a wacky foreign guy to explain sarcasm?
I hardly KNOW her!
Hey, Fakey McFakerson, if you object so strongly to national tax-funded health care why don’t you run along and tell your Rep to sponsor bills to shut down MediCare and the VA. Until then, STFU.
It is a fake.
There was a Headington registration district which included a St Clement sub-district in Oxford but it was created in 1837 and was abolished in 1933 when it was succeeded by Oxford district.
@ kingubu
Hell yeah, shut down medicare, medicaid, VA, and social security
If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.
I SO don’t have a job.
Sure. I’m SURE you don’t get any government assistance, troll. Shouldn’t you be taking orders for your *snicker* thriving small business?
I sure hate our troops.
Hey, look at the numbers on this birth certificate linked at Mountain Sage. EERIE! I think this means David Bomford is our real president!
Tigrismus, I was just gonna link to that (at another site). The goddamn thing is even creased the same!
Here I go again, looking like an idiot.
Mr. USA Freedom Power, please clarify to me, whom is Obama an agent provocater for? What shadowy Marxist group is sending him his instructions? Please tell me it’s the Mad Mullahs of Iran or Hugo Chavez or Cyborg JFK operating from his secret base in the Sea of Tranquility – lulling us into a false sense of security so that we are defenseless when the invasion of super-monky-robot-pirate-ninjas invades.
GOOOOO Mad Mullahs!
the invasion of super-monky-robot-pirate-ninjas,
playing “Drop-kick me Jebus, through the Goal Posts of Life” on space banjos.
Oops, I may have snarked it up too much. I honestly want to know how the crazy conspiracy part works. Who is Obama working for? What secret Marxist organization has the ability to get a man elected President of the United States but the lack of foresight to pick someone actually born in America? I really want to know how this works.
USA Freedom Power might be refering to the Apollo Alliance
I doubt he even knows who or what they are though.
-They link to the Canada Free Press.
P.S. They are super-robot-monky… because an extra ‘e’ would have made it racist.
I got through the first paragraph in that CFP article, when I read this:
according to the “Glenn Beck Program” earlier this week.
Didn’t bother after that.
What does any of this have to do with GODALMiGHTY Sir Paul McCartney and his DC anthem to Michelle Obama? Nothing, I would posit.
Tehran High Cheer Squad said,
August 4, 2009 at 3:05 (kill)
Not a lot of people know this, but when the President of Iran said that he would push Israel into the sea, what he was really saying was a quotation of the Khomeini Boy’s High School cheer, in response to the upcoming competition between Tehran and Jerusalem’s lacrosse quarter-finals in the Mideastern inter-scholastic championships.
The actual translation was:
“Push ’em back, push ’em back, waaaaay back! Khomeini’s Boy’s High lacrosse rules!”
The Middle Eats loves its lacrosse, you see, and the President was merely a spirited team booster taken out of context.
Similar Western misunderstandings about the conflict between Baghdad and Kuwait City’s lacrosse teams in 1991 led to the first Persian Gulf War.
Well, according to the FOXNOOZ maps, Iran would first have to muscle its way across Egypt before pushing Israel into the Arctic Ocean.
MzNIcky, what about Green Day at the White House?
What about THAT, huh?
Slamdance my punk, libs!
The fact is, that there stiffykut refers to George W. Exalted and Most High Bush as “Boy”, which proves that Englandians are the REAL racists.
Iran would first have to muscle its way across Egypt
They had to nail it to its perch so it wouldn’t.
Lovely plumage.
Here’s a technical question: is the appropriate Certification Of Birth Dick Cheney’s personal one, or of the ones of the hapless organ “donors” without whose contributions he wouldn’t be “the same”?
I got a slug.
Definitely a fake. The horse’s penis is in the wrong place.
Hey, look at the numbers on this birth certificate linked at Mountain Sage. EERIE! I think this means David Bomford is our real president!
I will be sure to refer to the “president” by his real name: Barry David Bomford Hussein Sotero Nobama. P.S. I am not a crackpot.
The wrinkles alone on this document should put the controversy to rest.
The Middle Eats loves its lacrosse… always want to eat where the middle eats. (or something)
Same logo as here?
It will be kind of sad to see the Birthers fade into Wingnut folklore*.
*Wisdom that is demonstrably false but shut up that’s why!
The Orlyad and The Idiocy.
Please pardon this off topic post but this Freeper thread is funny
“Then, it shows Obama getting elected, or some allegory for him, and taking that all away from him. Obama comes in and makes them eat soy crap, makes it illegal to go to church, changes the flag, and is shown to have stolen the election by being Kenyan or otherwise ineligible.”
def funny
People like this aren’t conservative and do more damage than good. Real conservatives dont have to lie or stretch the truth.
And to clarify, no Republican has ever brought up any of this birther shit in congress. It’s only been mentioned on the record once by Harry Reid, giving birthers their solo congressional minute.
Phony as a whore’s orgasm: just look at that logo on the coat-of-arms! Dieu Et Mon Droit ?!? That there’s in that Frenchy Surrenderese for damn sure, not Englandspeak … repress my coast, libz!
Then, it shows Obama getting elected, or some allegory for him, and taking that all away from him.
I think that the allegory should be a monkey who likes to poop on the flag and give away bananas. At first the children have a lot of fun playing with their new monkey friend, but then he gives them AIDS.
“It’s already been written. It’s called “Animal Farm” by Orson Wells.”
Apparently …
“Animal Farm” by Orson Wells.
We will betray no revolution before its time.
Real conservatives dont have to lie or stretch the truth.
Yep, pure vindictive stupidity is sufficient for a membership card.
Real conservatives dont have to lie or stretch the truth.
By that definition, there are very very few “real conservatives”.
(for further information, look up “no true Scotsman”)
no Republican has ever brought up any of this birther shit in congress.
Wrong as usual, but thank you for playing.
Real conservatives dont have to lie or stretch the truth.
See Whiskey Fire for some quality right wing hypocrisy + lying.
If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.
So you, um, built the internet that you’re posting from?
Real conservatives dont have to lie or stretch the truth.
This is true. They lie so often, they’ve forgotten what the truth really looks like.
If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.
Whereas if you want to step on the necks of those who can’t help themselves, he’ll gladly donate.
If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.
Christ, is he hallucinating people in his wallet AGAIN?
I told him to take his meds, but does he listen? Noooooooo.
See the anger of ordinary Americans at the town halls? Did you see Benedict Arlen and Sebelius get booed? See the new poster campaign (depicts him as The Joker) against Obama?
Americans are angry and pissed off and not taking it anymore. I can’t wait to see more of these Town Halls, were going to rock the boat big time, libs. I bet you and your Socialist Congressmen are pissing in their pants. This is just like the Sons of Liberty in 1775.
Speaking of folks who have been skipping their meds, check out what passes for hilarity at Jeff Glodstiens old place.
The Orlyad
Been done, and it’s awesome – but the ending is a bit of a downer.
Thanks, Constipated Upstart, for bringing up the “new poster campaign” ( just an innocent and oh so pithy depiction of Obama as The Joker). It can’t fail. I think the Republican Party should go forward with this–full speed ahead!
@Andrew has not:
If you’re unhappy with the social safety net of this nation, and you don’t like the fact that Congress (in accordance with Article I of the Constitution) has the power to levy taxes and provide for the general welfare of the nation, then I have a suggestion for you.
Get the fuck out of here. Leave. Seriously. Go, and fucking cry into a bag of money. GET OUT. GO AWAY. You’re welcome to let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. There are DOZENS of third-world shitholes across the face of the planet that will happily allow you to setup a mansion in the fucking head-sized-spider-infested jungles as long as you have huge sacks of cash and allow you to exploit their impoverished population as your personal servants provided you keep the right officials bribed. But if you want to live in a civilized country where the rule of law is respected and citizens are treated with decency and respect YOU HAVE TO PAY TAXES FOR THAT PRIVILEGE YOU SELF-CENTERED ASSHOLE.
If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.
You’d rather help out those who can help themselves? Tell you what, how about, this being a Democratic Republic and all, we vote in representatives, and then they can try to uphold the will of the majority as best they can.
See the new poster campaign (depicts him as The Joker) against Obama?
Yeah, that about sums up the ultimate right wing moral position. All they have are insults and angry shouting.
All they have are insults and angry shouting.
You forgot make-up. Lots and lots of make-up.
[Trigger Warning – humourless dildonics ahead]
Americans are angry and pissed off and not taking it anymore. I can’t wait to see more of these Town Halls, were going to rock the boat big time, libs. I bet you and your Socialist Congressmen are pissing in their pants. This is just like the Sons of Liberty in 1775.
You know, maybe I’m just an optimist, but this teabagging riot seems like a LOL FOOTBULLET moment.
Americans are angry and pissed off – about the sorry state of health care in their country. Let’s face it, health
careinsurance reform is about as dull a topic as you can possibly get, and yet some folks (not rallied by astroturfing outfits) are still going to town hall meetings about it. Why?They know something is seriously fucked up with the system. Maybe they have first hand experience of recisssion or making the choice between important medical procedures and paying rent. Regardless, there they are, spending part of their summer sitting in stuffy rooms for a chance to ask questions of legislators.
And then, while they are there – a bunch of ignoramuses disrupt the session. People who have been told to “stand up and shout” to prevent ant possible communication between the people and their elected representatives.
I think the Tea Baggers are probably changing people’s minds with their actions. Check out the last ‘graf in this TPM update:
Boy, them old folks are probably quite convinced now.
Were using Saul Alinskys own tactics against you. Intimmidation, shouting, disruption, etc. You must be real scared now.
Anyone else see the video of a conservative telling a little pussy fag single payer idiot to “shut up” at a town hall? The look on his face was priceless!
Lots and lots of make-up.
Also, lots and lots of badgers.
“Intimmidation, shouting, disruption, etc.”
And INTENTIOAL MISPELING! of wurds. to show that we arent Ivory Tower Elitists.
Anyone else see the video of a conservative telling a little pussy fag single payer idiot to “shut up” at a town hall? The look on his face was priceless!
Yeah, boy you sure showed him. How could anyone argue with
brownshirt tacticslogic like that?The look on his face was priceless!
I hope that makes it all worthwhile for you. Seriously, do you think this is changing the attitude of the public in against public health insurance?
You’ll get some pretty good news coverage by the lef-wing-biased lie-beral media, but the actual folks who are at the town hall meetings are not going to be won over by thugs and goons.
It’s not like you’re fighting for some greater noble cause that people can rally behind – you’re fighting for insurance companies. It may look pretty snazzy on cable news but “Shut Up That’s Why!” isn’t particularly convincing in person.
Were just following what ACORN does, steerpike. Boy, it must piss you off to see your own tactics used against you.
I’m going to travel to a Democrat “town hall” next week and do my part. Shout ’em down, baby!
And the media will cover this as “anger” over the health care bill, which will put pressure on the Congress to scrap it. Then we will have broken Obambi.
Its all going according to plan, libs.
Shout ‘em down, baby!
Please do. It can only strengthen the position of the health care lobby to piss off and offend the people there. You know, the folks with an interest in the issue.
Who the hell are you people arguing with? All I see is a bunch of animated gifs.
Dragon-King, that’s the funny part, in a sick way.
These thugs are expending their own time and effort on the behalf of insurance company profits. Noble cause, that.
And they still, still trot out ACORN (who is, let’s remember, an innocuous GOTV non profit org) as a boogeyman. It’s hard to understand that the rest of the world doesn’t face every day in pants-wetting fear. Though I admit ACORN may not seem so innocuous when the result of more people legitimately voting is the loss of Republicans.
But as you say, SHUT UP THAT”S WHY is the only argument they have left. Works on the base, I guess.
I’m arguing with Dragon-King, who STILL refuses to donate his brains to the cause.
Tasty, alcohol-soaked brains. (nummy nummy sounds)
ZRM–what to troll brains taste like? I’m thinking pickled shit. Then of course, that might be like asking what fish feathers look like?
All I see is a bunch of animated gifs.
Speaking of which, the coat of arms up there is supported by a lion and a unicorn. NOT VERY PLAUSIBLE, LIBS. Please replace them with a pair of angry jumping grannies.
See the anger of
ordinary Americansastroturfed activists paid for by Richard Mellon Scaife at the town halls?Fixed!
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
Please pardon this off topic post but this Freeper thread is funny
I went over there to sample the madness, and a couple of deranged wingnut comments were noted:
“That reminds me of my first encounter with forced collectivism from the public schools system. It was my second or third day of kindergarten, and our teacher was introducing us to our daily routine, which started off with the pledge of allegiance. I didn’t like to say it, so I would stand there with my hand over my heart and wait for the rest to finish. Well, my teacher noticed and decided to nip my non-conformity in the bud. She told me that if I continued to refuse to say the pledge, that the police would come and take me away. Naturally, that got the intended result out of my five-year-old self.”
I thought anybody who didn’t honor the Pledge Of Allegiance was an America-hating IslamofascistMalcolmXSalutingTerrorist.
“Tonight, I had a conversation with an 18 yr old, friend of my daughter. She had no idea what the peace symbol meant, other than it being a cool fashion fad. It’s just what it is to them. For me, it’s an anti- American, Anti-military symbol.”
Jebus would be proud of you! Peace is for pussies.
You must be so mad were using your own Liberal Fascist tactics against you.
Yeah, that’s what it is, Troofie. We’re “mad”. Just like it terrified us when you started that chain email about Malia and Sasha being Rev. Wright’s daughters. You totally got people to believe it. We can’t wait to see how successful this effort is, just like that one was, just like securing NY-20 for Tedisco was, and just like :
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
Gee, who’da thunk some moronic teabagger would owe thousands of dollars in unpaid taxes?
ZRM–what [d]o troll brains taste like?
non-existent items have no taste, Mr. Pike.
You must be so mad were using your own Liberal Fascist tactics against you.
If by “tactics” you mean shooting yourself in the foot and by “mad” you mean laughing outrageously at you, then yes, we are.
Plus, everybody knows shouting, bullying histrionics works wonders on the public sentiment, right?
Sadly, no!
PRINCETON, NJ — An analysis of Gallup Poll Daily tracking data from the first six months of 2009 finds Massachusetts to be the most Democratic state in the nation, along with the District of Columbia. Utah and Wyoming are the most Republican states, as they were in 2008. Only four states show a sizeable Republican advantage in party identification, the same number as in 2008. That compares to 29 states plus the District of Columbia with sizeable Democratic advantages, also unchanged from last year.
Yo, does anyone have any change they can spare? My bus leaves for Syracuse next week and I need a nice dress shirt suitable for to wear at an outdoor event. Something dark to hide the flopsweat secreting from under my big floppy mantits. Any change helps. It is change that I can believe in. Thank you.
A lot of people in this country are very, very, very angry and we will take back our country by any means necessary. Watch out.
And that Orly Taitz. There’s a steel trap of a mind. Please do not give her a Fox News slot. We’d never manage our Islamozombie Nirvana collectivist State!
Oh, and Sarah Palin. we’re a-skeered of here too.
Although the idea that she’s dumping SnowMachine Todd-O for a Republican wealthy Campaign Donor to Be Named Later is cynical enough to be plausible, I’d say.
We have exactly the same mentality as terrorists and that makes us morally superior, libs. Watch out, as Jesus would say.
I will take down any port-o-john that stands in my cankley, fat way. Look out.
I had wondered where
TDoofus had gone. I figured the library where he posts from closed because of cutbacks due to too manyGaltNut-jobs not paying their taxes.Other possible places for
TDoofus to have slithered off to, and their probabilities:*) drug rehabilitation – .01 %
*) a job – .0000003%
*) US Army to fight terrorists – .0000001 ^ googleplex %
*) molested-as-a-child rehabilitation – 3.5%
*) jail – 96.4999999%
A lot of people in this country are very, very, very angry and we will take back our country by any means necessary. Watch out.
You wussies wouldn’t lift a finger to go fight a war against an entity who attacked us on our own soil! You expect us to believe this load of crap?
Maybe if you threw an extra “very” or two in there, we’d be worried…
The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight threatens “Any Means Necessary”. They still haven’t figured out that ‘gun control liberal’ doesn’t mean ‘unarmed liberal’.
Also, paging the FBI.
and Threats on teh Internets. We’re REALLY scared of those. Yep.
The fact that you thought I was talking about violence says more about the mind of a lib than it does about me. But what do we expect from the spiritual descendents of the Bolsheviks?
All that I’m saying is taht i’m going to comitt violence on that port-o-john at that townhall meeting, if I ever get there.
Just look how that little lib fag backed down at the town hall when he was told to sit down!
I do indeed, like poop.
break from arguing with idiots.
well, try and get some work done, and the thread keeps going anyways. sheesh.
zrm, I need these alcohol soaked brains in order to generate my perverse sex fantasies. I’m sure you can understand why I’m unwilling to give them up – even for the zombie cause.
now returning to acting like a moran.
Its all going according to plan, libs.
Yeah, that’s your upshot. The lefty-biased lie-beral media is gonna paint it all as grassroots and center-right nation and all that bullshit.
Well, at leastsome outlets are doing a good job at pointing at the insurance lobbyists behind the curtain.
Some are trying to be balanced about it, but it’s pretty clear that there’s Lobbyist money somewhere in the works.
Even ultra-left wing publications acknowledge the hand of The health insurer’s trade group.
The fact that you thought I was talking about violence says more about the mind of a lib than it does about me.
So “any means necessary” was a lie?
Boring troll is boring. Can we stop feeding it and move on to more interesting topics? New Threadsky, perhaps?
The fact that you thought I was talking about violence says more about the mind of a lib than it does about me. But what do we expect from the spiritual descendents of the Bolsheviks?
“Boring troll is boring. Can we stop feeding it and move on to more interesting topics? New Threadsky, perhaps?”
Seconded from the cheap seats, for what it’s worth.
I propose we talk about sex, which ought to scare the troll away.
Anyone have good PENIS?
Now the boring troll is naming himself after a terrorist
You libs are just mad you no longer have the corner on the rent-a-mob market. ACORN and MoveOn have some competition now!
Yes, nothing says Democracy like emulating the tactics practiced by the brownshirts
…move on to more interesting topics?
Your wish is my command.
Stop laughing at me and be mad, libs! I demand it! Waaaaaaa!
Nothing says moral superiority like claiming to have borrowed tactics we’ve used all along.
A lot of people in this country are very, very, very angry
How angry?
and we will take back our country by any means necessary.
Try winning some elections sometime. Hey, it worked for us!
Watch out.
Ooh, a threat! ON THE INTERSTRAWS!!! Soooo skeery! Anyhoo, your argle bargle needs more exclamation points and MORE CAPS to be taken seriously.
And now, a man with three buttocks…
You libs are just mad you no longer have the corner on the rent-a-mob market.
Meanwhile, we took our lead from the Brooks Brothers Riots in Florida in 2000…
Did you see the lates poll from VA, libs? Republicans lead ALL statewide races by double digits! And its the same story in NJ.
Were going to pound you into fucking dust, fucking exterminate you this November and I can’t wait.
Ooh, a threat! ON THE INTERSTRAWS!!!
ACORN and MoveOn have some competition now!
The difference being that ACORN and MoveOn are run by their members, whereas the tea-baggers just show up and do what they’re told by lobbyists.
That’s not competition, that’s a prison-bitch parade.
I dont need to triumph my own generosity, theres nothing wrong with giving to those in need. But I choose to do it when I see fit.
And as for the Town Halls being organized, its about damn time someone organized something. the conservatives aren’t gonna take it with one arm behind their backs they are just doing what the left has been doing for years
“This November”?
Sorry–I know I’m not supposed to feed the trool, but I can’t help it. Go ahead and pound whatever you want into dust “this November”, which will give us a whole year to prepare for the elections in 2010.
I’ll be sure to bookmark this.
Poor Troofie.
Your Medicaid ran out, huh?
Did you see the lates poll from VA, libs?
Did you see the Gallup poll yesterday? 37 Democratic states versus eight Republican ones.
No one wants trash like you any more.
the conservatives aren’t gonna take it with one arm behind their backs
…besides it’s much more fun when you grab your socks.
theres nothing wrong with giving to those in need. But I choose to do it when I see fit.
No. You’re paying for emergency room care for the uninsured and you have no choice.
You’re paying more for insurance to pad profitability and you have no choice.
Stupid slave.
“Were going to pound you into fucking dust, fucking exterminate you this November and I can’t wait’
Joseph Goerbells at a meeting rgarding “The FInal Solution” 1939
It’s true. Andrew does have snot.
well played, justme.
Stupid slave.
that’s how the wingnuts like their supporters. Dumb and subservient to the moneyed class.
Dumb and subservient to the moneyed class.
They can’t even organize protests for their right to be ass-raped by corporations. They have to have lobbyists organize it for them.
hey, by the way, what happened to all those tea parties? Are they still going on?
Rage is hard to maintain, I suppose.
They can’t even organize protests for their right to be ass-raped by corporations.
About that polling in Virginia.
If you disproportionately poll Republicans, you’ll get higher support for Republicans.
hey, by the way, what happened to all those tea parties? Are they still going on?
Go ask Alice…
Were going to pound you into fucking dust, fucking exterminate you this November and I can’t wait.
So, trollskyites, I take it you supported Andrew Wiener’s bold plan to eliminate Medicare then, right? I mean, it’s a no-brainer: single-payer, government-controlled socialized medicine: you must be in favor of eliminating this wildly popular, extremely cost-effective (estimated 6% overhead, compared to 30% for private insureres)program, right?
Oh, and VA. Surely you favor eliminating health care provided by the Veteran’s Administration also. We should absolutely abolish Commie gummint-run health care for our brave service men and women, right?
Abandon my post, libs!
Hey Dragon, there was a new one done by PPP today (a Democrat outfit) that has McDonnell up 15! How do you like them apples?
Mmmm, apples. I thing I’ll pound them into fucking apple butter this November.
Were going to pound you into fucking dust
Oh you’re going to pound something all right.
Hey Dragon, there was a new one done by PPP today (a Democrat outfit)
I know. I linked it. Durrrr.
It’s a telegramaphone poll. And a disproportionately large amount of Republicans didn’t hang up when they heard the autodialer. Big fucking whoop-de-doo.
Here’s an interesting note about polling – both daily approval trackers (Gallup and Rasmussen) show an uptick corresponding to the start of Operation Stand and Shout for HMOs. I’m leaning towards “there ain’t enough data points yet to formulate any conclusions” but there will be soon. So please, attend your local event and act like an asshole.
I gots something wingnutty-smelling for you folks to check out, but I shall wait for the new thread I’m hoping comes along presently. (Hint: more hypocrisy/IOKIYAR!)
The Omen
The O Man
BTW, no surprise my linking to a story about Republicans bringing up the birther issue in Congress got ignored by the guy who claimed they weren’t doing that.
And I’d like bleu cheese with my oily taters, please.
Keep making those excuses, Dragon, but SurveyUSA showed similar margins for McDonnell.
You will need all the excuses you can get after McDonnell (and Cristie) win on election day.
Maybe he is McDonnell is the one to take out Hopey Changey in 2012.
Apples? Forget apples.
BTW again did you see some Xtian wingnut (redundancy these days) actually claims Revelations contains Obama’s name? Something about “bama” being lightning and Barack being “head” or some shit like that. Finally a Nostradamus for the 21st Century! Wheee!
Hopey Changey
At least we came up with better epithets.
Hopey Changey
At least we came up with better epithets.
We had an unfair advantage: English was our first language, not Goober.
August 4th – 6th McCain 43% Obama 46% Undecided 12%
How badly did McCain get whupped again?
Barack Obama will never be Governor of Virginia. Bookmark it.
Keep making those excuses…
Hey, I’m not saying it’s in the bag for Deeds – it most certainly isn’t. I’m just pointing out that you know jack shit about polling and stats. Here’s a primer. Maybe you can bookmark it.
Congratulations to Governor-elect McDonnell! That’s all I have to say!
That’s all I have to say!
Poor Troofie. Reduced to cheering a modest uptick in a poll four months out for the governor of a minor, irrelevant state…
Anyone have good PENIS?
No complaints.
“BTW, no surprise my linking to a story about Republicans bringing up the birther issue in Congress got ignored by the guy who claimed they weren’t doing that.
And I’d like bleu cheese with my oily taters, please.”
What I said was they got their congressional minute, what you posted was a press conf not on the floor of the house.
It’s never been brought up on the floor of the house, except by harry reid
Poor Troofie. Reduced to cheering a modest uptick in a poll four months out for the governor of a minor, irrelevant state…
but but but don’t you SEEE? It’s a tendency! A sign of things happening!
Completely unlike all those towns and cities calling for Bush’s impeachment ’cause shut up that’s why.
I hope that when the insurance companies kick me in the teeth next time that they do it slowly enough for me to lick their fucking boots first. I wriggle in ecstasy at the thought of worshiping rich people who despise my pathetic pawning.
pawning = pawing OR fawning. Your choice.
my pathetic pawning
I’m so naming my next band this.
Its a swing state, Actor, with 13 (soon to be 14 after the census) electoral votes. And NJ will be a swing state in 2012, as well.
“Modest uptick”? Its fifteen points! And its THREE months out.
Again, your party will be pounded into mother fucking dust this November, and it will be a taste of things to come in 2012. Suck on that.
Bookmark it, libs!
Suck on that.
Oh you’re going to suck on something all right…..
“Modest uptick”? Its fifteen points! And its THREE months out.
In a poll of Republicans, you forgot to add.
Cool story bro!
Yes, I’m sure many Americans have fond memories of the last time the GOP rent-a-mob stamped its foot & threatened to hold its breath FOREVAR if it didn’t get its way.
Mouthing democratic platitudes to cover your tracks while crushing local democracy with the iron fist of mob rule – it’s Teh Republican Weigh!
Heck, since you already have your Taliban Fan Club card validated, why not add a Sturmabteilung wall-poster to your collection?
GOP 2012: One People, One Empire, One Leader!
Poor Troofie. He’s becoming violent, all these images of pounding and sucking and…
Wait. Maybe he’s gay!
OK, which one of you turned him? Peej? I know it had to be you!
By any means necessary.
Logic is not your strong point, is it? “Angry” and “any means necessary” coming from someone whose very username contains the violence-tinged word “uprising,” all spells “I may incite or participate in violence if I feel I need to use it to get what I want.”
The very fact that you are implying violence is dead obvious and the fact that you’re trying to pretend that it isn’t only makes you look both violent and flesh-scorchingly STUPID.
CNBC reported this morning that the recession will be over by the end of 2009.
Funny, wasn’t someone just saying yesterday that CNBC was reporting that the recession “won’t be over any time soon”?
Yup. Virginia is now a “swing state”. Libtards are on the run!!!
theres 3 reasons healthcare costs have gone up.
Government plans like medicare and medicaid don’t fully reimburse doctors and hospitals for the treatment they give. so they have to make the money up somewhere by getting the money from people that actually do pay.
Lawsuits. There are too many frivolous lawsuits that patients can file for without having a penalty if they lose. As a result doctors have to run extra tests just to cover their backs, and the malpractice insurance has skyrocketed. There are some legitimate claims in lawsuits but they need to put a stop to lawsuits that have no base that just take up doctors time and money.
Our quality of life has increased dramatically. People are not moving to Europe or Canada to get their cancer treatments, they come here. we have the best advances in medicine that would never have been possible without PROFITS.
and I dont have health insurance, i smoke, I’m part of the invincible 18-30 group that thinks they never need to see a doctor. If I need anything i’ll pay out of pocket.
Government plans like medicare and medicaid don’t fully reimburse doctors and hospitals for the treatment they give. so they have to make the money up somewhere by getting the money from people that actually do pay.
Wrong. They are reimbursed at the usual and customary rates, just like any HMO does. In fact, they often cover HMO shortfalls in reimbursements. Next?
Lawsuits. There are too many frivolous lawsuits that patients can file for without having a penalty if they lose. As a result doctors have to run extra tests just to cover their backs, and the malpractice insurance has skyrocketed. There are some legitimate claims in lawsuits but they need to put a stop to lawsuits that have no base that just take up doctors time and money.
Wrong. Lawsuits and malpractice insurance make up less than 8% of healthcare costs. Next?
Our quality of life has increased dramatically. People are not moving to Europe or Canada to get their cancer treatments, they come here. we have the best advances in medicine that would never have been possible without PROFITS.
We pay more per capita than any people on the planet for healthcare, by a factor of nearly 2, yet ranked 37th, just ahead of Cuba, in longevity.
Maybe the quality of life has gone up, but not by enough.
If I need anything i’ll pay out of pocket.
Unless your name happens to be “Gates” or “Trump” – one major hospital stay and you’ll be bankrupt. Enjoy.
Which incidentally is the cause of most bankruptcies in this country.
If I need anything i’ll pay out of pocket.
You should really do some research on health care costs. It’s a lot more expensive than you’ve been led to think.
Actor, they said JOBLESNESS would be with us for some time to come. A slow, painful, jobless “recovery” much like Japan in the 1990s.
But without the profit motive, we wouldn’t have all the boner pills wingnuts so desperately need!
Did someone say flesh-scorching zombie?
256 comments? What the… oh.
I had an outpatient surgery last year, with insurance. Most of it was covered, but ya know what wasn’t covered? Post-treatment — going in to get the wound and stitches cleaned, re-dressed, re-bandaged. Four thousand bucks for that alone. Killed off my meager savings like that.
If I need anything i’ll
pay out of pocket.incur costs to be paid by someone else when I go to the emergency roomFuckin fixxored that for you, stupid.
Rusty, we normally hit 300 on a zombie-dominated thread…. uh-oh.
A slow, painful, jobless “recovery” much like Japan in the 1990s.
Which to me indicates what we need desperately is more tentacle porn, giant robot videos and vending machines that dispense used panties.
Were going to pound you into fucking dust, fucking exterminate you this November and I can’t wait.
To bookmark or not, that is the question.
Whether tis more idiotic to suffer in the mind
the ravings of a lunatic troofie
Or to realize just what derangement therein lies?
All the folks I know make under $75K, most under $50K. Without insurance, a car accident, surgery, a hospital stay, it’s going to wipe you out completely. Doctor bills, equipment bills, specialist bills, anesthetologist bills, medicine bills, rehab bills, they all add up fast. Anyone who says they’re going to just pay it all out of pocket is crazy. Just because you can afford a jumbo bottle of Advil doesn’t mean you can afford three months of chemo.
I’m not a troll, I’m NOT a troll!! They dressed me up like this!!
There’ll be some steps back – that’s going to happen, but there’s a reason DFH’s rally under “Progressive”.
That Virginia would vote for a black president – that says something. And while it may have been an outlier, partly fueled by the utter devastation of the GOP wrought by Bush et al – it probably could not have happened twenty, fifteen, ten or five years ago. I’m still surprised that it happened last year.
It’s happening, just like it’s been happening for decades. Universal suffrage, mixed race marriage, civil rights. It’s the long fight that’s being fought and despite the occasional war-mongering torture-loving fucktard that steals his way to the top, the direction of society is definitely leftward.
What does conservatism have to show for itself? “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance and huge military budgets. Yay, for you guys.
You know that quote of Buckley’s that everyone remembers about standing athwart History yelling Stop! That does describe modern conservatism in a nutshell. An exercise in futility.
Anyone who says they’re going to just pay it all out of pocket is crazy
Again, your party will be pounded into mother fucking dust this November, and it will be a taste of things to come in 2012.
Funny – I was hearing this exact same unreasonably overconfident horseshit right here at about this time last year. Someone’s home team got summarily beaten into a paper-thin layer of jelly shortly thereafter, & has been looking more & more like the love-child of the Keystone Kops & the Westborough Baptist Church ever since.
Camwhoring dipshits like Orly “Ask Me About ShamWow” Taitz, Super Sarah “Quitty McQuitterson” Palin & Michael “Fried Chicken & Potato Salad” Steele are killing the GOP just fine without Obama so much as lifting a finger.
The Republicans are perfectly positioned to become America’s very own Rhinoceros Party.
Suck. On. THAT.
Somebody also needs to Google health insurance lifetime cap. A serious hospital stay can max out your insurance within months.
the usual and customary rates as the government see fit means its not what it costs them to treat you. HMO’s bombed after the 90’s some of the worst ideas ever.
malpractice insurance can run as high as $50,000 a month for OB-GYN. so that means they make 7.5M a year right? wrong! avg pay for a OB-GYN is 175k
a more modest 10k a month would still put the doctor at only making ~50k a year. 10 years of medical school for an entry level job? they deserve more than that.
cuba does not have better health care. why didn’t ted kennedy go to cuba? why is sloan kettering such an amazing place to go for cancer treatments? I have a friend in canada and when anyone in her family gets sick, they have to go to the emergency room to get regular treatment. If they didnt do that, they’d be in a 3 month waiting list for a cold that will be long gone
actor, you responded to the Talking Point post by Andrew The Tool with facts and figures.
No fair! Stupid libs using reality to defeat fantasy! repigs call that kind of argument “hate speech”.
Andrew The Tool:
All your “arguments” boil down to one thing. You can save a lot of time if you just post this in the future:
“I love rich HMO CEOs, and hope they get richer and richer. I am a tool.”
The Republicans are perfectly positioned to become America’s very own Rhinoceros Party.
I would say “not as funny”, but then again when your whole political message is somewhere in philosophy between that of a 3-year-old and a sullen teenager, you can hardly avoid laughing.
Or as the Dead Kennedys said, “your acting like a clown gives us the right to laugh”. In the song “Macho Insecurity”, which is apropos.
It might be a baloney sandwich in your mind but that’s a hoagie on the menu.
whats wrong with profit?
do you never want to be rich? is there no more american dream? you obviously love giving your money to the poor and needy so let’s sit you down with a homeless man and you two can decide on how to spend your money.
the role of government is not to protect us from cancer. It is to protect our freedoms
Still holding out for the Pole-Vault-Copy … but I’d settle for the Al-Capone’s-Secret-Vault-Copy.
I’m dead, Andy. I’m not gonna fuck you.
Actually, I think communism gets credit for both of those…
I love how the Republicans have a 13% approval rating, the Democrats have a 45% approval rating, and Obama has a 63% approval rating (by far the highest of anything even vaguely associated with the federal government at this point), and supposedly Obama’s the one that should be worried in 2012. Most Americans consider Obama-ThatOne Kenyanobi to be our only hope right now.
When was the last time a sitting president had a 50% advantage in approval over a generic member of the other party? Perhaps our resident wingnut terrible can answer that for us.
do you never want to be rich?
No, I want to be secure.
Which are two very different things.
I have a friend in canada…
I’m sure you do. You know, a lot of canuckistanis don’t have to go to the emergency room for medical services, i.e. any of them. Some of our wait times are longer than yours, but that’s only because so many of you have zero wait times as a result of not being able to afford routine medical care.
63 percent? Maybe back in April. Rasmussen says 49, Gallup says 55, and dropping.
I was about to suggest you get a job as an opinion columnist, but chances are, you already have one.
@Andrew ha snot
Says Andrew, Healthcare Cost Expert.
Do you have a citation for this? Also, check your statement sometime from the insurance company. You may notice that there are two prices listed for a service: the price asked for, and the negotiated price the insurance company pays.
Do you have citations for this or did you just pull this fully-formed out of your ass attached to your latest set of anal beads? The hugest cost is not malpractice AWARDS but PREMIUMS, and just like those of the health insurance industry in the early 2000’s, those were raised by insurance companies to compensate for their investment fuckups, and had nothing to do with skyrocketing payouts.
I suggest you research “medical tourism.” People LEAVE the US to get medical care they can afford. People COME to the US to get the most expensive medical care they can pay for.
And you’ve just VOIDED any credibility you had at the beginning of your comment. You’ve had NO EXPERIENCE with healthcare, have you?
Your high blood pressure meds probably won’t cost you much out of pocket. Once you get that. Which — I guarantee — you will. Your diabetes meds will cost a lot more. It can run $200 for a 6-week supply of insulin. Oh, and by the way fuckwit, you can’t go to the ER for those very common conditions.
When you burst your appendix, get in a car accident, catch a serious case of pneumonia (far more likely for you if you smoke), or break a leg going down the steps and suddenly find yourself filing bankruptcy I would like to offer you the following advice:
I think the “oh noes lawsuits!” reasoning would carry more weight if states where they limited suits and payouts had lower health care costs. a link and another(pdf)
Andrew, go to the Town Halls and rock the boat. Shut them up and shut them down! Intimmidate the liberal cockroaches!
why didn’t ted kennedy go to cuba?
Ted Kennedy has government healthcare.
I don’t know. If by “stealing” you mean “profit” I guess nothing is wrong with it as long as you’re legally allowed to take people’s money and give them NOTHING in return. Which is how health insurance works in this country.
Actually, Andrew, I don’t. If you want to live life to the depth of a Spongebob Squarepants wading pool, go you and get a lot of fucking money. But be prepared to be despised by people who want to LIVE their lives, not COUNT their shit.
I again refer you to the wafer-thin shallowness of your existence. Less than 1% of your tax dollars go to “welfare.” Most of that money is for YOU but you’re too much of a fuckhead to understand it.
Where did you learn that, Andrew? From the Playskool Klass of False Alternutivez? I’m not going to quote Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution. I’m just going to call you FUCKWAD STUPID every time you respond to me without having bothered to read it.
And if the role of government is to protect our freedom, where the fuck were you for the last 8 years while all but two of the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution were being merrily shat upon and ripped apart?
Funny troll makes zombies laugh:
whats wrong with profit? do you never want to be rich?
What, you think if some AIG exec makes an extra 250 million this year, YOU’RE going to see a taste of that? Only if you’re a prostitute or you manufacture yachts. Merits One, single, cynical HAH from me.
is there no more american dream? the role of government is not to protect us from cancer. It is to protect our freedoms
Somehow, I don’t see how the freedom to die from untreated cancer contributes to teh American Dream.
“the conservatives aren’t gonna take it with one arm behind their backs”
Somebody fundamentally misunderstands the term “reach-around.”
ted kennedy does not have government healthcare. He gets helicoptered to hospitals when he falls ill. you are sadly mistaken if you think you will get his level of care
ted kennedy does not have government healthcare. He gets helicoptered to hospitals when he falls ill. you are sadly mistaken if you think you will get his level of careI love rich HMO CEOs and hope they get richer. I am a tool.
Fixed your post for you, Andrew The Tool.
I could easily pass for a Republican so I’m going to go to a local townhall meeting or such as in my nicest business attire or maybe golfwear, maybe borrow some Topsiders and a captain’s hat from a friend and make up some signs demanding the abolishment of Medicare. I’m going be very loud. I’m also going to give up blogs in order to spend my time writing letters to the editors suggesting that it’s not enough to defeat Obamacare, we must get government off the backs of our grannies. Be they of the angry dancing variety or not it’s an insult to suggest they aren’t prepared to fend for themselves in the free market.
P.S. Can someone make me an animated gif of a hopping mad granny on an ice floe?
do you never want to be rich?
I’d settle for not getting downsized so my CEO can trade his Gulfstream IV in on a Gulfstream V.
He gets helicoptered to hospitals when he falls ill. you are sadly mistaken if you think you will get his level of care
Really? I get that level of care.
Yeah, you have to live in Australia to get that kind of thing.
He’s also rich, but yes, he does have government healthcare. The main reason he’s going to hospitals in Mass is because that’s where he fucking lives, not Cuba. Of course, people do fly overseas for procedures every day, so your point is, what exactly? Rich people get better healthcare? No kidding. They get the best healthcare in countries with socialized medicine, too. The difference is in those countries everybody else gets care, too, often better than they do here, and invariably for less.
Damn rich people get all the best gold-leafed caviar, too! Actually, I don’t have any problems with people who are rich, or want to be so, per se, it’s the means they use to reach that end where friction sometimes arises. Google health-care rescission for an example.
ted kennedy does not have government healthcare
On a related note, have a Laffer Out Loud.
you are sadly mistaken if you think you will get his level of care
Well, that’s kind of the POINT, idiot. The government provided and taxpayer supported healthcare system works pretty well for Congress. we just want it to apply to everyone.
Personally, I think it would be appropriate to suspend Congress’ health care until EVERYONE in America has health care.
Not Health Insurance.
do you never want to be rich? is there no more american dream?
You think the American Dream is to be rich?????
The American Dream, the dream of generations of immigrants, has always, ALWAYS, been to be middle class. You know, Horatio Alger?
Do they still actually teach economics in high school?
The idiotic logical fallacies of your “libertarians” is astounding!
5 in 100 in this country can reasonably be called “rich” (income over $250,000).
Five percent. And the turnover in that class is preciously low.
So most Americans dream of being comfortable.
You know, two cars, a house, 2.7 children? That American Dream?
Yea. Not rich, comfortable.
And not subject to Obama’s tax hike by any credible massaging of the numbers.
Seriously, Andy, go do a little legwork before you post here. History did not start twenty minutes before you hit the sheets squirted from your mom’s uterus.
the usual and customary rates as the government see fit means its not what it costs them to treat you. HMO’s bombed after the 90’s some of the worst ideas ever.
And yet, you’d prefer HMOs determine what doctors get reimbursed, which is lower than Medicare. Go fig.
malpractice insurance can run as high as $50,000 a month for OB-GYN. so that means they make 7.5M a year right? wrong! avg pay for a OB-GYN is 175k
So basically, an OB-GYN would make more under national health! Thanks, halfpint!
a more modest 10k a month would still put the doctor at only making ~50k a year. 10 years of medical school for an entry level job? they deserve more than that.
Um, nonsequitor, but then you have no facts to back yourself up.
cuba does not have better health care. why didn’t ted kennedy go to cuba? why is sloan kettering such an amazing place to go for cancer treatments? I have a friend in canada and when anyone in her family gets sick, they have to go to the emergency room to get regular treatment. If they didnt do that, they’d be in a 3 month waiting list for a cold that will be long gone
I never said that America doesn’t have the finest doctors. We ship them back to India once their residencies are done, and oh by the way, where do you think insurance companies now routinely send surgical patients?
To India. Yes. Your medical care is being outsourced to a third world nation because it’s cheaper than having the patient get treated in an American hospital.
Too bad, so sad, but you LOSE!
i dont prefer HMO’s doctors should determine their compensation based on what they see their services valued at, and competition will drive down the cost of care.
OB-GYN’s will go out of business, with nation health because they wont get paid as well.
they go to india because they actually get paid well there. nathional health will force more doctors and business overseas.
and yes the american dream is mediocracy. neighbors dont try to show off who has the biggest TV, nicest car etc.
people are not dying in the gutters waiting for cancer treatments. In Britain that actually happens.
doctors should determine their compensation based on what they see their services valued at, and competition will drive down the cost of care.
OB-GYN’s will go out of business, with nation health because they wont get paid as well.
Cuz, you know, in England, doctors get paid equivalently what US doctors get paid, plus they have malpractice payments one-tenth of American doctors to make.
And no one forces anyone to sign up for the national health. There’s plenty of private insurance out there in England.
People are dying of cancer in England in the gutter?
It seems to me that, if someone is “dying in the gutter”, they pick themselves up, see a private physician and then bill the NHS!
neighbors dont try to show off who has the biggest TV, nicest car etc.
So that whole “Hummer H2” thing was what, just a national case of the vapors?
neighbors dont try to show off who has the biggest TV, nicest car etc.
Bought with mortgaged money. That’s hardly dreaming of being rich, Andy. In fact, it’s a surefire way to the poor house.
malpractice insurance can run as high as $50,000 a month for OB-GYN. so that means they make 7.5M a year right? wrong! avg pay for a OB-GYN is 175k
does this dipstick not realize that liability insurance is an expense, and not part of compensation?
Seriously, I miss Bruce, and I don’t think I was even around then.
Andrew has big-TV/tiny-penis issues.
malpractice insurance can run as high as $50,000 a month for OB-GYN.
The highest national rate is $200,000 per annum in Dade County Florida! That’s $50,000 a quarter, since math is not your strong suit and one third of your lie.
That contrasts with a $36,000 per annum rate in Northern California, by the way, and just one-half the Dade County figure outside of Dade County in Florida.
Bottom line is, doctors in Dade County are assessed as at greater risk than doctors outside of Florida. Period. I pay higher car insurance than much of the country because I live in a big city.
It’s called “risk” for a reason, numbnuts.
well, I pay higher car insurance because zombies are red/green colorblind.
Yeah, it’s profiling, but whattarya gonna do?
I’d just like to thank Andy for doing such a great job of exposing the anti-health reform mindset — the love of profit above all … the disdain for his fellow human beings … the willful ignorance of basic facts … the clueless comments that prove he’s never had to deal with the American system … the stoking of fear …
In a perfect world, we’d all get to see the look on his face as he enters an ER to get treatment, only to be told they don’t handle the lung cancer he’s developed and that it’s going to cost him seven figures if he doesn’t want to die in a week.
And all because he was too fucking stupid to see the need for changing the current system.
I bet that look will be priceless …
It sure does take a lot of gall to come here and tell us that he refuses to take responsibility for his own deadly habit, while saying nobody else should expect to escape illness without bankruptcy or death either….
It sure does evidence an “18 to 30” mindset. More likely 18. Never had a real life experience yet, sweetheart? O my, you have SO MANY adventures ahead of you….
18? I’d be surprised if he were older than 14. His emotional intelligence is seriously lacking.
His emotional intelligence is seriously lacking.
Oh, like THAT’S any indicator when we’re talking trolls.
well, I pay higher car insurance because zombies are red/green colorblind.
Colour vision is in fact my prime research area and I DID NOT KNOW THAT.
I know what my topic is going to be at the next meeting of the International Color Vision Society.*
* In Norway in 2 years’ time.
We also suck at balancing our checkbooks.
I know what my topic is going to be at the next meeting of the International Color Vision Society.*
Oh THAT ought to be accepted well.
“Loss of full colour perception after metabolic cessation”.
Illustrated with zombie software [i.e. Powerpoint].
I know what my topic is going to be at the next meeting of the International Color Vision Society.*
I’m on the VIP list for that. I’ll be in the lounge overlooking the dance floor.
zombies are red/green colorblind.
My husband is a zombie!
We also suck at balancing our checkbooks.
OMG, the evidence is irrefutable! Hmm, that would explain the slurpy-sounding noggin nibbling…
I’m on the VIP list for that. I’ll be in the lounge overlooking the dance floor.
Directions to the lounge will be shown by red arrows. No, green ones. No, grey ones.
Do not confuse them with the arrows that lead to the
autopsy roomlaboratory.Of course, the Ehm-Ehs-Hem distorts the truth.
“If you’re all for helping those that can’t help themselves, do it with your own money and stay out of my wallet.”
OK. But no driving on roads you don’t own. And you’d better get busy on the bake sale raising funds for the military. I take it you’re in favour of withdrawal from Afghanistan, too.