Bollywood liberal elite, es verdad
Posted on February 20th, 2006 by Gavin M.
It’s true. (English subtitles avail. on the Euro DVD.) That’s Seb in the cool Nehru jacket. (Pete M. is in the cow-shirt.)
It’s true. (English subtitles avail. on the Euro DVD.) That’s Seb in the cool Nehru jacket. (Pete M. is in the cow-shirt.)
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are those da’ ladies from And Rightly So? Ooh la la!
Whatever happened to Pete M.?
Bah! We all know Pete M. is either dead or secretly conducting a one-man war against the government frim the bowels of the Bay Area.
from the bowels…
Although apparently it could be “from the frim bowels” as well.
No, really.
I love how the 3 girls all get into one skirt and the 3 guys all fit into a 6 legged pair of slacks. That is soo Indian!
Also, Bollywood likes to whitify the Indians to the point where they don’t look Indian. Sad. Tho’ Pete M.’s looking good.
is that a bolly button?
I spy my next three ex-wives.
Ok, I get that two of those dudes on the left are Gavin and Brad… but, who’s the third?
Oh, no! It couldn’t be….
Dr. BLT?!?
Oh, no! It couldn’t be….
Dr. BLT?!?
With those biceps? Not a chance. It’s obviously Vox Day.
Um, that’s not a Nehru jacket. Nehru jackets are closed and have the collars all the way up the neck. And they are never checkered. Nehru would faint at such a jacket, being so obviously Western
Isn’t that Frank Stallone, second from the left?
Also, Pete M. has gone undercover working for Wilson C. Lucom.
I’d hit Mr. Polka-Cutie Shirt!
Also, Bollywood likes to whitify the Indians to the point where they don’t look Indian.
I’m fairly certain cultural preference for lighter skin in India existed before the motion picture industry did.
Careful, you guys!
That’s two mentions of Dr. *** above. I’ve been enjoying the absence of his blogads in the last few threads. I’d like to see him treated like Cthulhu or Lord Voldemort, and not see his unholy name used lest we risk raising him from his slumber.
What Major Woody said.
I’m fairly certain cultural preference for lighter skin in India existed before the motion picture industry did.
Yes. But. Speaking as someone who’s watched entirely too much Indian cinema, Bollywood goes in for it a wee mite more heavily than the non-Hindi-language cinemas (Kollywood, Tollywood, etc.), so it is worth pointing out. For that matter, in my (albeit limited) experience with Bollywood productions of yore, it’s been getting worse over the years. Oh, and it probably goes without saying that it’s a bigger deal for the women than the men. Not that you’ll find any “excessively” swarthy gents ‘mongst Bollywood’s stars, but the lads can get away with being a bit less fair…
I knew that about the women, but I didn’t about Kollywood and Tollywood. Interesting.
Is it maybe that the higher caste Indians tend to be lighter skinned???
Just speculation on my part…
Isn’t Sixpack a high caste Indian name? Admit, you impostor, you are not a true Sixpack, are you?
By the way, is it our first fill length likeness of Marie Jon in the middle of this one-size-fits-three skirt?
A serious info: the only Indians I knew that were that pale were Parsi, who are basically pure Persians. One Parsi girl was even green-eyed.
Sorry! One is well aware of this phenomenon, of course, and may well have spoken the forbidden name just to see how long it would be before he popped-up in one guise or another. One is fairly certain that he regularly Googles his name, and probably some of his other aliases, just hoping he’ll merit mention, somewhere. I realize that if my mention attracts his attention, he’ll be hijacking threads for weeks around here, so it probably wasn’t worth risking. I was just a bit mystified by his absence of a few days…. (that’s your cue, bitch).
Is it maybe that the higher caste Indians tend to be lighter skinned???
I’ve heard this assertion, and there may be some truth to it, but it’s still a generalization. But while we’re dealing in generalizations, I’ll throw out one that seems to me a bit more defensible, namely that north Indians, i.e., Aryans, tend to be fairer than south Indians, i.e., Dravidians (though even in this case it’s an over-broad generalization, as I’ve known very fair Dravidians). Now, if we consider some of the historical geo-political environment in India, this actually does lend some creedence to the “higher-caste-as-fair” stereotype…
The term for “caste” in Hindu is “varna”, which is a cognate of the term for “color”.
Make of it what you will.
And don’t EVEN get me started on the Bollywood version (cough::BLATANT RIPOFF::cough) of Chan-wook Park’s masterpiece, “Oldboy.” Can’t the studios come up with an original idea at all? Sheesh.