“Gay People Are Interested in Sex- Further Proof That They’re Irredeemable Perverts!!!”

The Boston-based Article 8 Alliance has posted an op-ed on their website, noting that it’s “one of the most powerful articles we’ve seen” about homosexuals. The piece describes the horrors that await unsuspecting straight folks who walk into gay bookstores:

The Truth About the Homosexual Rights Movement
By Ronald G. Lee

There was a “gay” bookstore called Lobo’s in Austin, Texas, when I was living there as a grad student. The layout was interesting. Looking inside from the street all you saw were books. It looked like any other bookstore. There was a section devoted to classic “gay” fiction by writers such as Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, and W.H. Auden. There were biographies of prominent “gay” icons, some of whom, like Walt Whitman, would probably have accepted the homosexual label, but many of whom, like Whitman’s idol, President Lincoln, had been commandeered for the cause on the basis of evidence no stronger than a bad marriage or an intense same-sex friendship. There were impassioned modern “gay” memoirs, and historical accounts of the origins and development of the “gay rights” movement. It all looked so innocuous and disarmingly bourgeois.

Not to mention gay.

But if you went inside to browse, before long you noticed another section, behind the books, a section not visible from the street. The pornography section. Hundreds and hundreds of pornographic videos, all involving men, but otherwise catering to every conceivable sexual taste or fantasy. And you would notice something else too. There were no customers in the front. All the customers were in the back, rooting through the videos. As far as I know, I am the only person who ever actually purchased a book at Lobo’s. The books were, in every sense of the word, a front for the porn.

OK, so lots of homosexuals are more interested in watching pornography than reading classic literature. How this makes them different from most heterosexuals is beyond me.

So why waste thousands of dollars on books that no one was going to buy? It was clear from the large “on sale” section that only a pitifully small number of books were ever purchased at their original price. The owners of Lobo’s were apparently wasting a lot of money on gay novels and works of gay history, when all the real money was in pornography. But the money spent on books wasn’t wasted. It was used to purchase a commodity that is more precious than gold to the gay rights establishment. Respectability. Respectability and the appearance of normalcy.

Which is funny, because reading Oscar Wilde is far less normal for most people than watching porn.

Without that investment, we would not now be engaged in a serious debate about the legalization of same-sex “marriage.” By the time I lived in Austin, I had been thinking of myself as a gay man for almost 20 years. Based on the experience acquired during those years, I recognized in Lobo’s a metaphor for the strategy used to sell gay rights to the American people, and for the sordid reality that strategy concealed.

And the sordid reality is that gay people are interested in sex. I know they do an amazing job of pretending to be frigidly asexual like most straight people, but don’t be fooled. Even the most ordinary looking homosexuals are commanded by their Dark Lord Gay’dor to don apparel like this under their trowsers:


This is how I “deconstruct” Lobo’s. There are two kinds of people who are going to be looking in through the window: those who are tempted to engage in homosexual acts, and those who aren’t.

That’s a pretty useless way of categorzing people, since it basically includes everybody on the planet. You might as well say, “There are two kinds of people who go into Bob’s bakery: those who want to ram their dicks into the chocolate cake, and those who don’t.”

To those who aren’t, the shelves of books transmit the message that gay people are no different from anyone else, that homosexuality is not wrong, just different.

Sorta like what I enjoy doing to Bob’s chocolate cake.

Since most of them will never know more about homosexuality than what they learned looking in the window, that impression is of the greatest political and cultural importance, because on that basis they will react without alarm, or even with active support, to the progress of gay rights. There are millions of well-meaning Americans who support gay rights because they believe that what they see looking in at Lobo’s is what is really there. It does not occur to them that they are seeing a carefully stage-managed effort to manipulate them, to distract them from a truth they would never condone.

And all this time I thought that “homosexual” was just another term for someone who liked reading books! How could my “gay” “friends” lie to “me” like “this!”

For those who are tempted to engage in homosexual acts, the view from the street is also consoling. It makes life as a homosexual look safe and unthreatening. Normal, in other words. Sooner or later, many of these people will stop looking in through the window and go inside. Unlike the first sort of window-shopper, they won’t be distracted by the books for long. They will soon discover the existence of the porn section. And no matter how distasteful they might find the idea at first (if indeed they do find it distasteful), they will also notice that the porn section is where all the customers are. And they will feel sort of silly standing alone among the books.

And they’ll be embarrassed that they’re the only person in the store who isn’t dressed like this:


Eventually, they will find their way back to the porn, with the rest of the customers. And like them, they will start rooting through the videos. And, gentle reader, that is where most of them will spend the rest of their lives, until God or AIDS, drugs or alcohol, suicide or a lonely old age, intervenes.

You would think that having a bunch of corpses littered around the back of the book store would drive away customers, but you know how wacky those gays can be.

Ralph McInerny once offered a brilliant definition of the gay rights movement: self-deception as a group effort.

How this differs from a typical National Review editorial board meeting is beyond me.

Nevertheless, deception of the general public is also vital to the success of the cause. And nowhere are the forms of deception more egregious, or more startlingly successful, than in the campaign to persuade Christians that, to paraphrase the title of a recent book, Jesus Was Queer, and churches should open their doors to same-sex lovers. The gay Christian movement relies on a stratagem that is as daring as it is dishonest. I know, because I was taken in by it for a long time.

“And I bought a lotta videos too!”

Like the owners of Lobo’s, success depends on camouflaging the truth, which is hidden in plain view the whole time. It is no wonder The Wizard of Oz is so resonant among homosexuals. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” could be the motto and the mantra of the whole movement.

I always thought they were interested in Dorothy’s super-looking red slippers, but maybe I was wrong.

Anyway, this essay goes on for about 20 billion more pages, and I have too much of a headache to go any further today. Maybe I’ll pick it up later, but right now I feel like makin’ myself a nice, moist chocolate cake…


Comments: 52


I always thought the Christian bookstore near my place looked friendly and inviting. Through the windows, I could see an assortment of bibles, children’s books, and cheerful tomes written specifically for the new Christian.

I ducked in there one day, looking for reading material that would convince my brother there was archeological proof for some biblical claims, and discovered another section behind the first. In fact, this section was located in a little room up a flight of stairs. It included far-right reading, prophecy, and eschatology.

The woman who guided my tour was trying to convince me Tim LaHaye was THE leading bible scholar, and that the prosperity gospel of Creflo Dollar was ordained of God.

Quite frankly, I would have felt cleaner surrounded by a gaggle of leather-clad homosexuals in assless pants. I found some reading material for my brother at a secular bookstore.


Y’know… maybe someone should mention to to this guy that the books and stuff up front were probably there due to zoning ordinances (god knows Texas has some weird ones). In the San Fernando Valley, for example, there is some law that says that X% of floor space has to be for non-sexual material if the store wants to be considered anything other than a “Sex Shopp(e)”, and subject to about a trillion additional regulations. Once you know that, all of his ridiculous babble disappears in a puff of logic.


I know, because I was taken in by it for a long time.

Translation: I lived a lie and was an idiot but it’s other gay men’s fault, not mine. Fucking tool.

And Wizard of Oz? It resonates, you fuckwit, because it’s about living your life as you want to, not how others do. Asshat.

Jeebus, I just don’t have the willpower any more to deal with shit like this. I used to write letters and protest but I’m worn out. The number of gay men and lesbians that buy in to the lies of the homophobes is just too depressing to deal with.


” By the time I lived in Austin, I had been thinking of myself as a gay man for almost 20 years”
Um, is a gay man really writing this? I’m confused.
And , oh yeah, WTF?


There are these businesses where I live. From the street they look innocent. They sell and rent videos, to men, women, children. On the windows and in the front of the store are brightly decorated ads, pushing Disney and Pixar, and other wholesome entertainnments. But in the back of the store, behind a curtain, is a whole other section. Thousands of DVDs showing straight people engaging in just about every kind of sexual act you can imagine.

Those straight people are devious. They lure you in and set you up with “Toy Story,” then spring the trap with “50 Guy Cream Pie.” Once they’ve introduced you to sex, all kind of havoc ensues…overpopulation, environmental degradation, starvation…


I can’t bring myself to read the entire thing. Is this guy another one of those “ex-gays” who tells us that because he fucked up his own life horribly, ALL gay men are just as fucked up?


Ooh, snap, ,/i>bitch!
Y’know, on the whole, I don’t really give a shit what other people do for fun. I really don’t. Unless, that is, what they like to do for fun is fuck with shit I like to do for fun. Then, it’s personal. So fuck you mr. “I’m just in the ‘gay bookstore’ for the Harvey Firestein autobiography, I’m hatin’ teh sex and especially teh pr0n.” Fuck you with a really filthy used dildo. Oh, and suck it, too, cobag. And his solution to the “problems” he lists? To NOT let gay people marry. After all, then they really would be like normal people, and we can’t have that!


Since most of them will never know more about homosexuality than what they learned looking in the window

wow. who knew that the book store window had that kind of educational power.

Also, I loved how the customer is just lured into the porn section and then HAS NO CHOICE but to “root around.” and then die of AIDS and lonely old age. Naturally.


I live just around the corner from Lobo’s and I’m glad to have read this warning. There is a bicycle shop next door that lures people in with innocent looking bicycles in the window. But who knows what they sell in the back?

And the Thundercloud Subs next door to that — Oh my God, I’ve been lured in by their “NY Special” so many times, little knowing that two doors down the gays in the gay store were being gay! While I had a mouthful of capicola, salami and their special “Thundercloud” sauce.


I don’t understand this. Isn’t simple freedom of expression and the right to engage in lawful commerce enough to explain all of this for anyone who seems a tad…confused?

Don’t get caught up in the paranoiac’s long-winded hysteria about agendas and conspiracies.


Reckon how many right-wing, homophobic yay-hoos have read either Oscar Wilde or Walt Whitman out of school? Reckon how many of them read anything not written by straight white men, preferably from the Murdoch/Scaife/Black axis.


A fun fisking with which to console myself…

The Mountaineers fought well, but succumbed to UCONN in the end. The article fisked at Sadly, No! fears the same. Except replace “Mountaineers” with “nice, normal heterosexuals” and “UCONN” with “teh gay.” The Boston-based Article 8 Alliance has posted…


Aww… *I* want a mouthful of special “Thundercloud” sauce…


Uh, guys? I’m eating dinner here! Please stop with the assless chaps.

Do I come to your blog and post links to tubgirl?

(oh, and mrgumby2u, Toy Story? That’s not a family film.)


Interesting fact about gays: we just go to bookstores when we need books, and grocery stores when we need food, and we go to work when we need a job–not gay-bookstore, gay-grocery store or gay-job.

The “gay” part of life has to do with sexual orientation; hence, a gay bookstore is going to have gay books and gay pornography–both of which will include references to or images of gay sex.

I’ve never seen a “Straight bookstore” but I can easily imagine it would have a lot to do with sex.


Wow, I first read about these kind of bookstores from Kurt Vonnegut. His character Kilgore Trout often sold his books in those kind of book/porn stores. Except it wasn’t gay porn. The porn stores used the books as a front; probably for the zoning reasons that somebody mentioned above.


And, gentle reader, that is where most of them will spend the rest of their lives, until God or AIDS, drugs or alcohol, suicide or a lonely old age, intervenes

Hee, hee! Look what he compares God with!


Is this guy still trapped in the Gay Bookstore of Doom?

LA Confidential Pantload

Is that mebbe like an analogy? God:AIDS as drugs:alcohol or suicide:lonely old age?

It’s true. If I stand looking in bookstore windows too long, I start getting those feelings the General describes, like wanting to change into biker leathers even though I don’t own a motorcycle.

Then I concentrate real hard on Marie Jon’…and it all goes away….


You might as well say, “There are two kinds of people who go into Bob’s bakery: those who want to ram their dicks into the chocolate cake, and those who don’t.”

Ummm. You realize there’s also, uh, women, right?
Not to argue with the rest of your points, which I quite liked. But I have to say, I don’t have any opinion on what I want–or don’t want–to do with my dick, because I don’t have one.


Also, there’s the role someplace like, say, A Different Light plays: in a gay ghetto, it’s a community center, a place to meet & greet, get a book signed, cruise cuties, find funny magnets to send to your creepy mom, laugh at tacky tourist bitches, and yes, browse Inches Magazine. BFD.


Ummm. You realize there’s also, uh, women, right?

Yes, but they do not enter into my thinking. I suffer from severe cockocentrism.


LOL, cockocentrism.


Well then Brad I am here to rock your world.


I’ve never seen a “Straight bookstore” but I can easily imagine it would have a lot to do with sex.
I’m sure you have, but they’re called “adult book stores.” Wonder why he didn’t write a diatribe about those….

And anyone who thinks that a gay bookstore can “turn” someone gay is a total ass.


Ralph McInerny once offered a brilliant definition of the gay rights movement: self-deception as a group effort.

What does he think gays are deceiving themselves about? Does he believe gays don’t realize that they’re choosing to be attracted to individuals of the same sex? Or does he think they’re fooling themselves into believing that they’re actual human beings and therefore entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals? I really don’t get that brilliant definition. At least I understand the concept of a global, gay-controlled conspiracy to convert everyone to homosexuality even if I think it’s a nutty paranoid concept.

It is no wonder The Wizard of Oz is so resonant among homosexuals. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” could be the motto and the mantra of the whole movement.

Gosh, I always thought “The Wizard of Oz” appealed to folks because of the wonderful tunes and the flying monkeys. And to gay men because they identified with Judy Garland.

No single book was as influential in my own coming out as the now ex-Father John McNeill’s 1976 “classic” The Church and the Homosexual. That book is to Dignity what “The Communist Manifesto” was to Soviet Russia. Most of the book is devoted to offering alternative interpretations of the biblical passages condemning homosexuality, and to putting the anti-homosexual writings of the Church Fathers and scholastics into historical context in a way that renders them irrelevant and even offensive to modern readers.

I hate to be anal about analogies, but wouldn’t a gay text with an analogy to “The Communist Manifesto” be a text that created a new form of lifestyle for the first time–the gay lifestyle–and set the parameters for living it? “The Church and the Homosexual” could only have been commentary about Church reaction to a fact that had been obvious from the most ancient times–a small percentage of the population is sexually attracted to individuals of the same sex.

This is how it works. McNeill reinterprets the story of Sodom, claiming that it does not condemn homosexuality, but gang rape.

I always thought of the story of Sodom as supporting the goodness of appeasing violent crowds with your virgin daughters, and then later enjoying incest with them.


Oh, thank GOD! Andrew Longman found another job. Sweeeeeeeeet. We at Landover Baptist have been praying for him. We are a bit upset though, that the old bastard who laughed at Dick Cheney refused to die like a man when the Vice President shot him in the face and heart. I guess those FIVE military deferments were not good for Mr. Cheney’s skill with weapons. We hope that Mrs. Bush can show him the proper way to kill a man.


It has been brought to my attention that there are, in fact, women who wish they had dicks that they could ram into chocolate cakes.
While I don’t feel that this is necessarily what Brad was speaking to, it is nonetheless a valid point in contradiction of my assessment that women do not wish they could–or could not–ram their dicks into chocolate cakes, and I stand corrected.


Friend, we at Landover have long warned about the Feminazi thespian peril in this great country. We stand united with great Americans like Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson and the patriots at Renew America even though they unfairly fired the genius of our time.


But I have to say, I don’t have any opinion on what I want–or don’t want–to do with my dick, because I don’t have one.

Help! Help! She’s being repressed! 😉


This guy is just too easy to fuck with. He’s making excuses for being gay. He’s saying, “I could have avoided it, but all those pictures of buttfucking just looked so… sinfully delicious.”

Dude, YOU ARE GAY. If you are the slightest bit interested in pictures of men buttfucking, YOU ARE GAY. There is nothing you can do about it but repress it and write retarded nonsensical columns for loony far-right organizations. Your being gay has nothing to do with the enticingly named Lobo’s. It’s how “God” or more accurately your parents’ DNA created you. How’s that for a mindfuck?

Thanks for providing us with a few chuckles, but really, ditch the fundies you hang with and start hanging out with the theater community in your city. You’ll find that the gay men there like to do other things besides fuck.


So the men of Sodom just wanted to party with the angels? What a stupid interpretation that is! Assuming that when they demanded Lot send them out “So that we may know them” they meant “have sex with” and not simply “know” in the literal sense, there’s no way to view that other than gang rape. If they were interested in consensual sex, then it would have been a FRIENDLY invitation, yet later the Bible says the greatest sin of the Sodomites was that they were being hostile to strangers. So I don’t see how that story could be seen as condemning homosexuality, unless you think there’s no difference between rape and sex.


Thanks. I’ll never be able to eat chocolate cake ever again.

And as for those sneaky gay bookstores that don’t put porn in the front window, well, there ought to be a law against that. And drugstores should be required to put their copies of Hustler right up at the cash register.


unless you think there’s no difference between rape and sex.

Conservatives have that problem.

I love this conservative meme that, well, buttsex is just SO AWESOME that no straight man can resist it’s siren call. Seriously, dude, we call a man who is irresistably attracted to cock a “homosexual”.


“And drugstores should be required to put their copies of ‘Hustler’ right up at the cash register.”
Well, that’d certainly give new meaning to the phrase “impulse buy”.


In between her long-ago career as a rapper, and her current one as a glamorous movie star, Queen Latifah owned and operated a video-rental place in New Jersey, and even took MTV on a little tour of it.

Like most video stores, she had the adult section cordoned off and in the back.

Do you suppose she, too, was secretly recruiting? Looking for folks to become “Queen”s? To eventually co-star with Steve Martin? Nobody is safe!


Oh, my God……gay men like porn?


*I* like porn!

This can only mean one thing.

I must be a gay man.

All this time…how could I have known? It all makes sense now: the desire to shave my legs and wear lipstick, my terrible tendency to check out men’s butts whenever I’m at the coffeeshop……..I’m a gay man!

I need to find one of those Christian support groups, so I can learn to find women sexually attractive, just as God intended. How will I ever learn to lust after women properly?


I can help with that, Jillian.


Hey, Sidhe……

How you doin?


I have to thank Mr. Lee for pointing out the horrifying fact that gay men think about sex and watch pornography! The horror, the horror! How alien to us in the heterosexual community. Why, if gay men were accepted in polite society, pornography might become a multi-billion-dollar industry, instead of the nearly-invisible rarity it is today. Just imagine, sex used to sell products, promote events, sex for sex’s sake! It’d be anarchy, I tell ya!


Doing okay. It was my partner’s birthday this weekend, so we didn’t get out to see the Octopus Week kickoff–the release of a couple of the Seattle Aquarium’s giant Pacific octopus. It’s tragic how large a percentage of Americans are somehow not excited by the prospect of watching cephalopods returned to the wild.
Instead, we saw “Date Movie”, and let me tell you I’d have preferred porn.
Thank God that’s over for another year…

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

And anyone who thinks that a gay bookstore can “turn” someone gay is a total ass.

My ex-boyfriend thought that watching too much Xena: Warrior Princess was going to turn me into a lesbian.


I was wandering through Borders the other day and noticed that the bodice-ripping romances were tucked away between Mystery and Science Fiction/Fantasy. The erotica? Between Psychology and Self-Help.

And that, my friends, is what a “straight” bookstore looks like.


And good Lord, my ex-boyfriend hoped that watchiing Xena: Warrior Princess would turn me into a lesbian.


Well, I avoided watching Xena because I was afraid it would turn ME into a lesbian.


heh heh heh

your post totally cracked me up


I never really “got” the whole Xena thing myself. You know, these purported ties to lesbianism and all. After all, it’s perfectly obvious that Lucy Lawless is, in fact, a man, and…
Ow! Hey!!
[smack! biff!]
Yow! OK, OK! Ow! Stop hitting me, ladies! Ouch!
[thud! crunch! pow!]
OW!! Cut it OUT!!
[stoink! blam!]


But what about Hercules and Iolaus? No subtext there, by god!


It is no wonder The Wizard of Oz is so resonant among conservative wingnuts. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” could be the motto and the mantra of the whole movement.

Hershele Ostropoler

So, am I to understand that there are people who are interested in homosexual acts without knowing what those acts are?

And am I to further understand that it turns out “homosexual acts” means “flipping through racks of porn videos” — no sex, not even watching porn, just looking at the boxes?

I don’t know, it seems to this breeder that’s not the whole story


Very cool desgin! Good work! bedroom furniture


Keep a good work man!


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