An Objective Opinion
Posted on July 29th, 2009 by Tintin
ABOVE: The Double Life of Erick Erickson
Shorter Erick Erickson, Red State
Malkin Goes to #1. Leftist Horde Attacks.
- Even though Michelle Malkin’s new book is published by the people who pay my salary, this has not biased my admiration for what may well be the greatest oeuvre of politico-historical commentary since Lord Macaulay.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Is that Red State Commander Tronpiece?
That is, # Two.
Tron Guy is teh awesum, and to associate Erick Erickson with him gives the wingnut far too much credibility.
Dammit he scooped me. My article “Accuracy Drives Popularity, a Statistical Model for the Covarience of Chapter Notes to Southern Mouthbreathers” Proced. Lit. Stat. Hillbill. Qtrly 48 pp 210-411 doesn’t come out until next week!
“Michelle did a hell of a job documenting everything she says with lots and lots of notes.”
Lots and lots of notes? Well, fuck then, it MUST be accurate.
That’s a disturbing viking package. And there’s an IKEA joke in there somewhere.
Comedy gold.
Hey everyone,
ORLY TAITZ is a hilarious name. Nonetheless, she was on the Report tonight before Huffington, and in those few seconds of air time, Orly called Obama both Hitler and Stalin!!~!
Good times. Check it out on the interwebs if you missed it for a few giggles.
Hey also,
How can the reality-based community not be based on real facts? How can people write that shit? I thought words had meanings.
It’s amazing she’s able to declare the Obama administration the most corrupt in recent memory after 7 months in office. Taking into account she probably started writing the book months ago, his administration went from 0 to worstest ever in a matter of minutes. To suggest otherwise means Michelle is just making shit up and we know Michelle never makes shit up.
I was hoping she was going to name the book “The Onion-shaped Thing” but whatevs.
So there I was, sitting next to Michelle Malkin on the train, happily smoking my cigar, When she had the audacity to ask me to put it out. She said it offended her and her little lap-Erick she had brought along. I would have simply ignored her, but for the incessant yapping of the pet. She repeated the request, more like a demand now, in that sort of scrunched up fishmaw-with-a-burst-artery way that she has. Again, I tried to simply enjoy myself, and pretend they weren’t there. A third affront, yet more spittle-flecked than the others and accompanied by the ungodly screeching of the creature in her lap, that I should immediately throw my Havana from the train, drew my ire. I told her, “If you throw that damnable troglodyte you’re toting out the window, I’ll toss the stogie.” A moment passed, pregnant with thought, and she then replied, “Fine.” She threw the sash as wide as it would go, gave the now mewling lump of soggy underwear a brief apologetic glance, and defenestrated the beast. I ruefully parted company with my fine figurado in a similar manner.
The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful. We chatted about the best methods to trample the undeserving, and with what to clean one’s bootheels afterward, how many copies of our respective new books our publishers would have to buy to get them on the bestseller lists and such. Pleasant smalltalk. Curiously, as we pulled into the next station, the most amazing sight greeted us. Standing there on the platform was young Erickson himself, and you’d never guess what he had dangling from his foamy lips… DKW’s half brick from the other thread.
Does it get lonely down there in the bunker?
But seriously, you did catch the completely un-ironic title of the Malkinthing’s new “work”, no?
Hey justme,
Maybe the sequel to Culture of Corruption is autobiographical.
Michelle Malkin has a new book? Fuck the entire planet and everyone and everything on it.
It’s quality work. And there are simply too many notes, that’s all. Just cut a few and it will be perfect
And it takes a month or two from submitting the manuscript to having it printed and in your local bookstore.
It’s like the time she spent a few months reading a tiny fraction of the directly relevant primary sources before writing her book about detaining teh scary Yellow Peril, and how it means we should assume that all Musselmen are terrorists until they provide the vault copy not-a-terrorist birth certificate proving they’re not.
And yet she still maintains a higher standard of research than Der Loadenhosen.
Naturally, the leftist horde has assembled to attack her and seek to discredit her. No, they are not seeking to discredit her book, but her personally. That’s natural. Michelle did a hell of a job documenting everything she says with lots and lots of notes.
And if someone discredits Malkin with “lots and lots of notes”, then what? We get the Pantload gambit*? Or the O’Reilly finesse**?
* It’s central to my point, okay?
** Shut up!
Hey, look, I used notes as well. With link! Can haz Regnery check plz?
And yet she still maintains a higher standard of research than Der Loadenhosen.
That’s quite an honor, being a better dingleberry-picker than Dough.
red erik says:
“it is a devastating blow to Barack Obama and, unlike the reality based community, is actually based on real facts.”
Leaving aside Barack shaking in his shoes as mental Malkin attacks, but Erik’s record with facts is a bit thin.
it is a devastating blow to Barack Obama
Come back here and I’ll bite your legs off!
The book has a 45 percent discount on it two days after it became available. Is that the equivalent of going “direct to DVD?”
The book has a 45 percent discount on it two days after it became available. Is that the equivalent of going “direct to DVD?”
Maybe. Who’s narrating the books-on-tape version?
A badger. In distress.
What type of notes are we talking about here? Footnotes? Headnotes? Buttnotes?
Erick “Global Strikethrough” Erickson would know real facts. Really.
She was on the Today Show this morning, so I actually got to listen to her.
Which made me throw up in my mouth a little.
See, when they have Ann Coulter on, there’s at least the wink and a nod that she might actually be joking about some of the shit she’s smearing on the wall.
Malkin…cold and mechanical. It was chilling, to the degree that a skinhead makes for good TV…
Remember when John McCain banned Malkin from participating in his telephone press conferences because she was too extreme? I guess she passes for mainstream Republican now.
At least the book-thinghy distracts her from stalking 12 year olds.
Trying to find a good method to de-fundistrate that Regenry…er Regnery…Rergenry crowd. There must be some scam they’ll stupidly fall for that’ll suck the dough out of their pockets, but damn if I can think of it.
I have a very hard time looking at these people without thinking about what they would be capable of if they were completely unrestrained. Such images make me think of this:
Post-it® notes. Documenting everything you say with lots and lots of Post-it® notes is devastating to teh liberals.
Michelle excreted again? How is it that these leftist hordes of which you speak have mobilized and I have heard nothing? Perhaps their super secret plan is to massively attack her by totally ignoring her. Works for me.
Regnery, huh? More like “regnant”, since they have a hardon for us moonbats. So, Malkin’s claims about Obama’s corruption are documented because she took “lots and lots of notes”, huh? What were her sources for this? Jerome Corsi’s book? Neil Cavuto’s reports on Faux News? The Town Hall Crazy Lady in Delaware? I can only imagine what her source material was for this magnum opus.
By the way, even though I’ve personally thanked everyone who’d done so, I’d still like to thank everyone who helped me yesterday with my crisis. My fiancée and I deeply appreciate the kind and generous gestures (although we’re not so appreciative of John “Garbo” Aravosis banning me from ABlog). We’re not out of the woods yet but at least we won’t have to worry about paying the rent and going hungry for the immediate future.
“See, when they have Ann Coulter on, there’s at least the wink and a nod that she might actually be joking about some of the shit she’s smearing on the wall.”
With you. Coulter may be a Ken Starr trained jezebel, but it still seems pretty likely she’s not smoking her own dope.
Pantload definitely smokes his own dope. Malkin smokes her own stuff too, but hers ain’t dope, it’s whatever crystal meth is a gateway drug for.
Trying to find a good method to de-fundistrate that Regenry…er Regnery…Rergenry crowd. There must be some scam they’ll stupidly fall for that’ll suck the dough out of their pockets, but damn if I can think of it.
How about we get them to finance the Wingnut Processor?
Maybe we can tell them it will contribute to Global Warming….
That nobody knew La Maglalang had a new book out — and that it’s another cheap Regnery hack job, set to be bulk-sold and offloaded to book clubs, shows that her attempt to go mainstream with that Lock Up The Darkies travesty didn’t quite go as she planned.
My dad was a combat vet, and having never read or seen MM’s book, which was kept in a jar on Funk and Wagnall’s porch since noon today, I will divine the contents of that book in my mystical, all knowing mien. Ummmmm…there is a vacant lot next to Obama’s house in Chicago that holds the key, The Key!, to the location of the political bodies buried (a) metaphorically, (b) literally??? by Obama in his rise to the top of Chicago’s egregiously, Egregiously!, corrupt political institutions and secret america-hating domestic terrorists (but not like Chad Castegna or Holocaust Museum Shooting Guy, but rather like old hippies fourty years ago) to lead to tricking, Tricking Through Legerdemain!, the public into making him President. Is someone going to shoplift a copy to see if I’m right?
Speaking of tea-bagging,
Standing there on the platform was young Erickson himself, and you’d never guess what he had dangling from his foamy lips… DKW’s half brick from the other thread.
Bloody Billy K,
I’ll have you know that my half-brick inna sock doesn’t just dangle from any wingnut’s foamy lips. Them photomagraphs were DOCTORED I tells ye. As fake as Obammmy’s certificate of love birth.
Exactly what corruption is she citing, anyone know? I saw a clip of her, and she just kept spouting ‘corruption corruption corruption’ but never actually cited a single example.
love birth? Typo or a deeply closeted authority figure fetish? Or possibly both?
These questions and more, ignored with resolute willful ignorance on the next episode of As The Dragon-King Turns.
A badger. In distress.
If there’s one thing worse than a transvestite badger, it’s a transvestite badger described in a bad Brooklyn accent.
Go back to Transvestia!
Pantload definitely smokes his own dope.
You kids and your streetwise euphoniums.
I saw a clip of her, and she just kept spouting ‘corruption corruption corruption’ but never actually cited a single example.
Sounds like the usual righty tactic of parroting every criticism of your own by the opposition, i.e. “Obama is so stupid and inarticulate!” “The Democrat Party is turning America into a dictatorship!” etc. It doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to make noise.
Anyways, I think Thers sums it up nicely. The wingnut victimization machine has gotten so much momentum that opression from the rabid dogs of the Leftist Hordes is assumed.
Well, I’ll do my part to help Erickson and Malkin out:
OMG! Malkin wrote another book! It is teh worstest EVAR. It is bad bad not-good bad and more yucky icky bad bad. Something about Hitler. Also. Pooh-pooh!
Per the Amazon summary:
slum lords
tax cheat
Tom Daschle, et al. Pretty st00pid at the time, but not really interesting since they were all withdrawn.
Why nepotism beneficiaries First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are Team Obama’s biggest liberal hypocrites–bashing the corporate world and influence-peddling industries from which they and their relatives have benefited mightily
Class traitors! Seriously, the implication is that we should all be selfish dicks unable to criticize things that benefit us, is it not?
What secrets the ethics-deficient members of Obama’s cabinet–including Hillary Clinton–are trying to hide
Vint Foster, one assumes. Or book sales and speaking fees, oh noes.
Why the Obama White House has more power-hungry, unaccountable “czars” than any other administration
How Obama’s Wall Street money men and corporate lobbyists are ruining the economy and helping their friends
I wasn’t outraged about this during the Bush administration because shut up that’s why.
I got bored enough to look up the poem “Horatius” whence comes the motto of the Red Trike Force.
What actually happens in the poem: Horatius and his two brave buds volunteer to hold the one and only bridge across the Tiber into Rome against a force of 5,000 while the people of Rome destroy the bridge behind them. The invading force obliges Horatius by coming against him one at a time instead of just swarming the three defenders. While the soldiers duel, the populace destroy the bridge. At the last second Horatius’ companions jump for the crumbling bridge and make it to the other side. Then they are sorry they left him alone, but what are you gonna do with the bridge gone? Rather than surrender or continue to fight, the wounded Horatius jumps into the raging (per the poem) Tiber and swims to shore in full armor. For which he gets land–available for claiming after the besieging army goes away I guess–and a statue.
This is just like blogging, and writing books that are published by Regnery, of course.
The trouble is, the leftist horde doesn’t have the decency to attack the likes of Malkin and Erickson one at a time. They all pile on at once, saying things like “What are your sources?” and “Why doesn’t this make any sense?” and “What was the last respected book published by Regnery?”
Looks like we can rename him Eric the Codpiece Stuffer.
(I’m also lovin’ his daily email updates)
I think Goldberg needs to feel right. What he’s “right” about is secondary. Malkin is driving from some place evil to some place worse. Every so often she writes down why she wants to make the journey. Then she reads it and decides she’s right.
But maybe we shouldn’t be so hard on Malkin. Anyone who had to make ends meet by doing Weekly World News covers in drag has had a hard life.
Michelle Malkin is still writing? Huh.
We cut up the spaghetti so no one gets hurt, kid.
Because everyone knows how powerful factory workers and failed businessmen are able to pull strings and get their kids into college over more deserving rich kids.
Nepotism: it sounded good, so we put it on the back cover even though we had no idea what it actually means.
I am walking on air today! I just found out that I got quoted on the back of Unhinged! Atrios linked to Orcinus:
This was my quote!
“Why can’t we find competent race-traitors anymore? Issuing a retraction based on legal threats? Disgusting. This was her moment to shine – a real public forum to level a set of smears against Japanese-“Americans” that would have assured they NEVER tried to drive across the heartland of America again. Instead she knuckles under like Tojo in Tokyo Bay.
This is what happens when you send a yellow woman to do a white man’s job.”
Posted by: Tommy Pain at May 18, 2005 11:45 AM
Of course, she only used “This is what happens when you send a yellow woman to do a white man’s job.” on her cover, but I am so happy it bugged her enough to take it out of context!
However, I would like to issue a retraction of my own at this point. Back in 2005, Michelle was only a shadow of what she is now, and I was clearly wrong to say she was anything but one of the greatest race-traitors ever to work for the Republican party. And gender-traitors, while we are at it. I was wrong, she was right. Kudos, Michelle. Kudos.
(if you are curious about the rest of the story, a couple of Japanese americans got picked up for travelling on vacation back in 1941 or 42, and accused of being spies and saboteurs. It turned out Sadly, No! but that didn’t keep our little race-baitress from using it anyway as justification for internment. A scholar and a descendent defended the two from Michelle, and Michelle went apeshit on them, as is her custom. So they threatened legal action, and she backed down.)
I wasn’t outraged about this during the Bush administration because shut up that’s why.
BTW whatever happened to “we can’t criticize the President in a time of war”? What, we’re no longer “at war” ’cause actually elected a President this time around?
BTW also, as a former bookseller I can tell you that if this piece of shit ALREADY has a 45 percent discount on it, no bookstore carrying it could possibly avoid losing money on it. And that Regneranal is probably losing money on printing the fucking thing in the first place.
mysticdog, she probably hates being reminded of her racial identity.
Why nepotism beneficiaries First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden
Biden is related to Obama?
Wow, she’s not even trying, is she?
Whose book will hit the dollar bin first–hers, or Joe the Plumber’s? Now taking bets at Window Two.
Whose book will hit the dollar bin first–hers, or Joe the Plumber’s?
Joe-the-Not-Plumber’s has a better lead, but if her turd is at a 45% discount TWO FUCKING DAYS after being published I’d say it’s a statistical dead heat.
Main page at TPM now has a pretty shocking side-by-side of Obama and Boner.
The usual link:
Trying to find a good method to de-fundistrate that Regenry…er Regnery…Rergenry crowd. There must be some scam they’ll stupidly fall for that’ll suck the dough out of their pockets, but damn if I can think of it.
We must add this to the S,N! projects list immediately. Along with zombie rotten mcdonald’s brilliant Rube Goldberg-style Wingnut Processor®.
Why nepotism beneficiaries First Lady Michelle Obama
Nepotism? Michelle Obama got a job through her dad at the Chicago Water Department?
CNN is showing health care reform falling apart, in real time, being tortured to death by a “Blue Dog Revolution.” Sometimes there is only a very limited sense of satisfaction in being proven right.
Shorter Malkin: I’m letting loose with “nepotism” after starting to realize attacking every minority who accomplishes something as “affirmative action” is blatantly racist, which normally doesn’t bother me, but hey, Matt Lauer.
Whose book will hit the dollar bin first–hers
Uh oh. I’m smelling a meme here…we should start calling those knuckleheads on the far right “Osama Bin Birthers”….
I’m surprised Erick had the time to read Malkin’s book considering all the time he’s putting into his RedState Gathering this weekend. And how’s that going, by the way? So far, the program seems to be filled with Republican fringe candidates running for state offices (mostly from Texas, go figure). The last I saw, the third day had the following schedule: “8:00 a.m. – breakfast and prayer”. That’s it. The rest of the day must reserved for other GOP Christian pursuits like having their wives go out for shopping while they stay in their rooms with a hooker and a tub of Crisco.
Sounds like the usual righty tactic of parroting every criticism of your own by the opposition, i.e. “Obama is so stupid and inarticulate!” “The Democrat Party is turning America into a dictatorship!” etc.
Well, we never came up with “Bush isnt teh citizen!” so you do have to give ’em that.
Pere Ubu said,
July 29, 2009 at 17:12
Even better! Led by Osama bin Malkin
Well, we never came up with “Bush isnt teh citizen!” so you do have to give ‘em that.
Came close with the Phony Texan thing. Which at least has the charm of being true.
Just checked: List price: $27.95. For sale at $15.37. Although you can get a “collectible” edition from Denton Books for $49.86. It’s apparently a hard cover version. Hmm…
Excerpt from Malkin Muffley’s new book:
The high-paying “community affairs” post was another make-work job no one else at the university needed to do until Michelle Obama came along. And it was a job no one else needed to fill after she left. In January 2009, Mrs. Obama’s indispensable job was eliminated as part of a massive restructuring to cut annual budget costs by 7 percent. . . .
Yeah, I had one of those “make-work” jobs myself, until the company I worked for decided to outsource my department, literally, to India, as “part of a massive restructuring.” So, fuck you, Magalagang-bang. And your little dog Erickson, too.
My First Ahem:
Question, well – actually Preambulating Train og Thought first:
The last comment on the RedState thread (#5 is Alive!) is about uncomfortable footwear. It’s a self-refuting metaphor (if the organic hemp Birkenstocks fit then why are they pinching? Perhaps they’re miserly loafers – penny pinchers that is). Anyways, it starts with something about the LSD’s – which is a great acronym. The snark can truly be acidic!
And now – Question, finally:
What the hell are LSDs? Lie-beral Something Dhimmicrats? Leftous Seditious Denouncers? Libel Spreading Dunderheads? Loud Steaming Dump? Latex Sex Devotees?
Trying to find a good method to de-fundistrate that Regenry…er Regnery…Rergenry crowd.
I like to think of them as the Regenerist crowd…
Just checked: List price: $27.95. For sale at $15.37.
Is that the price from Regnery? ‘Cause either the “list price” is WAY overinflated, or any bookseller would have to be a total idiot to stock the damn thing.
zombie: What, I’m supposed to read through like 50 comments or whatever before I post? Jeez.
Led by
OsamaRemainder bin Malkinfixalicified.
Is that the price from Regnery? ‘Cause either the “list price” is WAY overinflated, or any bookseller would have to be a total idiot to stock the damn thing.
Or it could be that Regnery figures the end buyer is that stoopid to think they’re getting a $28 book for only $15!
Led by Remainder bin Malkin
Well played!
All prices from Amazon. But Regnery lists it at $18.45.
The advertising copy for Malkin’s book in the latest e-mail from the Borders bookstore chain:
“As President Obama faces one of his first divisive challenges in office, Malkin offers a strident take on the administration thus far.”
Is that where we are these days? Being strident is a plus, something to highlight in sales copy? Funny, I’d be more likely to read something if it’s called “reasoned” or “well researched” or something. But I guess Borders knows who buys Malkin’s books.
(Um, I kind of repurposed this from an OT comment yesterday. But now it’s actually relevant!)
Michelle Malkin? Boy thats a name I havent heard of in a while. I thought she choked on her own vomit in a hotel room in Chicago after a gig.
Speaking of OT comments,
Fuck You Douthat.
Fuck You. Wrong? Where wrong you ignorant goat-sucking shitbag? Oh, I know what this is about. It’s about Teh Surge.
Any day shitbag. Name the date, count the fucking dead.
One Hundred Thousand Documented Civilian Deaths.
But the anti-war side often seemed far too willing to leave Iraq to the furries
I think Goldberg needs to feel right. What he’s “right” about is secondary.
I mostly agree, though I think I’d say that he needs to avoid feeling wrong. That’s why so many of his comments and articles are laden with hedges, takebacks, qualifications, contradictory statements, and so on. That way, no matter what the truth turns out to be,
he can claimed he more or less said it.
If he actually wanted to be *right*, he’d actually do, like, research and shit.
(Marginally) Shorter Douthat
First, make no mistake that I am a dishonest hack who doesn’t give a shit about people being torutred to death of blowed up randomly. It don’t make no nevermind to me because the vast majority of them were brown folks.
Second – now that it is obvious beyond any reasonable doubt that war-boners were stupendously and atrocity-startingly wrong about Iraq, no body want s to talk about the war. Because only what neo-cons think is worth talking about is worth talking about.
Third – you gotta take this part as the absolute truth, truer than Saddam pursuing nukes to give to bin Laden, that everything the war-boners (the ones that have been exactly wrong about everything so far) say is true. If we left Iraq earlier or faster or didn’t Surge-y surge surge, well it’d be minimally a Wider Regional War, if not the end of civilization as we know it. Thus the dirty fucking hippies manage to be even wronger than the neo-cons.
Fourth – Fucking is wrong and makes God angry, so don’t do it.
I’m not so sure he actually managed to squeeze #4 in, I sorta assumed because it’s divinely mandated that Douthat Denounces Doing It.
Whoops, missed his closer:
IOW, we reserve the right to fuck those sand-niggers over again if they don’t learn their place.
“Michelle Malkin is still writing? Huh.”
No, she’s begun hallucinating now.
But a Middle East-wide war could get its start in a chaotic, conflict-ridden Iraq. Indeed, before the surge, it almost did.
Funny how Douchehat leaves out the essential part about how Iraq became a “chaotic, conflict-ridden” country in the first place. Also.
Oh, and Teh Holy SUUUURGE didn’t stop the major violence – the fact that all the ethnic cleansing had been finshed around that time did. Linky at the Debraining Machine… I’d search it out myself but I’m behind the Iron Curtain of Websense so I’ll leave it to the student.
Remember that time I made that comment about that thing and it received fuck all in the way of responses? I thought so. (creative class, *COUGH*) Well, xI can’t say I’m chortling in a lonely fashion right now. It’s more like a sad snicker.
Funny how Douchehat leaves out the essential part about how Iraq became a “chaotic, conflict-ridden” country in the first place. Also.
Tsk! ‘Cuz it’s full of MOOZLIMZ, silly! We actually improved it by blowing the crap outta the place with our magical smartbombs.
Dragon, amen, don’t know how armchair generals like Douthat live with themselves.
OT – Perhaps you saw Lil Tommy Friedman wrote a vaguely sensible column today about golf (so long as you read past some of the pointless comparisons to other sports). He also mentioned that when he went to Aghanistan recently, turns out he spent much of his time watching golf.
So what I found ironic is that he used a mention of trip to Afghanistan to segue into a column about golf when 90% of the time he’s using a story about golf (usually with a CEO) to segue into a Serious Issue. He also points out that golf courses are not “Flat”, and how awesome this is.
I guess my wierdly stupid point is that the Times sent him, their foreign policy guru and Flat Earth golbalization ball-cupper, halfway round the world and he returned with a consumate anti-Friedman column.
And if this didn’t make you stop and think, well then, POOP.
I’m partial to Dollar Bin Ladens myself.
Makes perfect sense too – after all, the Goopers proudly compared themselves to the Taliban not long ago, & if the jackboot fits, lick it clean, as a wise old dominatrix once told me.
I guess “nepotism” is as good a scare-word as any, since many of her fanboys won’t have a clue what it means. She ought to go on FOX & accuse Obama of being an organism – oh wait, that’s not bullshit, my bad.
Palin’s book is going to be a comedy goldmine – all the more so if she’s batshit insane enough to think she can pump out most or all of it on her own … please please please PLEASE let her be too cheap to pay for a ghost-writer.
Hoping like hell that Bachmann puts out a book soon – because you just KNOW that would be some Pastor Swank caliber krazieness.
She ought to go on FOX & accuse Obama of being an organism – oh wait, that’s not bullshit, my bad.
She could accuse him of being a homo sapiens who associates with admitted thespians and heterosexuals.
She could accuse him of being a homo sapiens who associates with admitted thespians and heterosexuals.
And BI….laterally symmetrical.
Oh gawd, could someone please just roll him in Velcro and throw him at a wall?
I think Goldberg needs to feel right. What he’s “right” about is secondary.
Rube Goldberg has never been wrong!
Hey, Douthat to me one more time is young enough to enlist, if he thinks the Lawd’s work in Iraq is so crucial.
OT – Perhaps you saw Lil Tommy Friedman wrote a vaguely sensible column today about golf…
I did. I especially enjoyed his consistency in cheering on when Stewart Cink and Tiger Woods kicked the living shit outta geezbag Watson yelling SUCK. ON. THIS.
The latest wingnut ‘bestseller’ shows up at Edward Hamilton Booksellers right about… wait for it… now.
They’re brazenly practicing whorticulture on the White House lawn!
Just watched Hannity interviewing Malkin (lasted 3 minutes) on “Crooks and Liars”. Malkin has “Culture of Corruption” trading cards, so Hannity asks her if gum is included with the cards. All of a sudden, I get this image of bile-flavored gum.
Note to Topps: DO NOT WANT!
Bile-flavored gum…mmmmmm…sounds almost as good as the Earwax, Booger and Dirt flavors of Bertie Bott’s All-Flavour Jellybeans.
we’re not so appreciative of John “Garbo” Aravosis banning me from ABlog
If he banned you for blogwhoring and trying to fundraise in his comments, I don’t blame him a bit. It’s one thing if you ask permission, or ask the blogowner to post a request for you. It’s quite another for you to simply decide it’s okay to post thinly-disguised comments begging for money on other people’s blogs. I’d be willing to bet you’d have a problem with someone else treating you that way.
What best seller lists did this book make #1 on?
“Top selling books released by hate-grimaced neofascists”?
Certainly hasn’t made NY Times.