No Wonder The Egyptians Are Pissed At Us


And the Lebanese aren’t exactly thrilled either.

This unretouched photo of a Fox News graphic was stolen from Media Matters.


Comments: 100

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Finally, a solution to all that violence in Iraq.


Well, when you socialismists keep insisting that Iraq exists and that Egypt is actually in Africa, what do you expect Faux News to do? Sheesh. Grow up already libs!


Just confirms what we have always known about Faux Spews and their viewers.


KLO is editting for Fox News now?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

WTF?!? That map doesn’t have the West Bank coloured in as part of Israel. I expect that to be corrected in the next version, along with renaming that large country on the right hand side of the map “MORDOR”.

Ms. South Carolina

I know I’d be pissed off if my country was mistaken for the South Africa or just another Asian country.

Mark Sanford (D-SC), Mark Foley (D-FL)

The fact is, Fox News is accurate, libs.


God damn, you fucking liberals just can’t be satisfied, can you? We have your god-damned faggot map with its pictures of the Urf and we got all the gay lines going everywhere and we stick on names of countries and shit. Jesus, Christ, how much more fucking nagging are you going to do just because, OMG, something in a map is in the wrong place or has the wrong god-damned name beside it. You bunch of pointy-head ivory tower faggots, why can’t you be like normal people and just look at the colors and shit and understand that it’s ‘the Middle East’ or whatever it is? God, you act like you’d just die if somebody puts a few countries in the god-damned wrong place.


As pointed out by governor and famous hiker Sanford, the liberal FOXNOOZ labels it “IRAN” without it being “IRAN (D)” which is the real truth for all those M$Mers who want Barack HUSSEIN Obama to impose Shambhala law.


“Suddenly, Bill Kristol realized it was time to invade Egypt.”

a different mikey

I guess ‘da Nile’ is no longer a river in Egypt.


Looks like the former Miss South Carolina parleyed her notoriety into a job at Fool’s News. Hooray!!! The economy must be on the upturn.


This may rile me up enough to fire off an off topic post , Grrrrr !


Fox gave the pyramids to the Lebanese because the girls need tits to play with.


One cradle of civilization looks just like any other cradle of civilization if ya know what I mean. Big river, lots of swarthy types.


Jezebel and Elijah sittin’ in a tree
all the little people who really don’t matter
Some by fire , some by golly
but of all who were home late for dinner
only haf could make Baal


At least they’ve resisted the urge to just put up “OUR OIL” .


Well, the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board did say back in August of 2002 that:

Iraq is the tactical pivot. Saudi Arabia is the strategic pivot. Egypt is the prize.

Looks like Fox is rewriting geography to make it so, you know, yay! We win! The neocons were right all along!


At least they’ve resisted the urge to just put up “OUR OIL” .

Or “Here be brown people”


I was all,like, Sir, before you go to air, sir, you need to…and he was all, like, kid, who gives a fuck?…and now they’re blaming me.


Oceania is at war with Egypt. Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with Egypt.


Um, homina homina government schools, homina homina.


They don’t want people to think about Iraq anymore.

Chicago City Comptroller

I’m sure is the fault of Obama and Hard Left Democrats somehow.


rewriting history, rewriting English, rewriting geography…

teh War on Edumacashun continues apace!! Next up, Sex Ed class!


If you zoom out the map a bit more, you’ll find Vinland a bit west of Greenland.


OK, looks great. I’m curious though, about what that country is that has the Nile running through it. Would that be Islamofascististan?


I’m not too surprised, really. The British were fairly fast-and-loose with their random line-drawing and labelling on maps of their empire; our imperialists are merely carrying the tradition forward.

USA Freedom Power

Obama’s class warfare hate the rich and blame the successful is wearing old. Especially as the middle class wakes up and realizes that the rich are the only ones who will bring the jobs back and then only when Obama’s “new socialism” fails!

May the country and her peoples prosper as the truth of “Fraud Obama” is revealed!

As for Obama’s marxist agenda…If you want a subservient demoralized populace to accommodate your dream of sucking the wealth of America dry as one of Obama’s ruling Politburo… you will have to take your illegitimate President and his radical Marxism somewhere else. There are too many rational, reasonable free thinking Americans left who will not allow Obama’s soft tyranny to succeed!


Completely off-topic, but this made me laugh. I’m on Borders’ e-mail list. The bookstore is currently plugging Malkin’s latest with this description:

“As President Obama faces one of his first divisive challenges in office, Malkin offers a strident take on the administration thus far.”

I guess being strident is a selling point now.


Haven’t you heard? That big area in the NE corner of Africa with the big green delta – that’s the new Israeli settlement zone.

Everyone Capable of Even a Little Thought

What the FUCK does Fox not knowing basic geography have to do with “class warfare” and “blame the successful” or whatever the rest of your bullshit said?


If you zoom out the map a bit more, you’ll find Vinland a bit west of Greenland.


Mine says “Here there be monsters!”


Is USA Freedom Power doing a wingnut infomercial? Maybe he’s the Zombie Billy Mays?


Especially as the middle class wakes up and realizes that the rich are the only ones who will bring the jobs back and then only when Obama’s “new socialism” fails!

Right, because poor immigrants never, say, started a business from scratch and ended up being, ohhhhhhhhhhh, the biggest car company in history, or anything like that!

There’s absolutely zero history in America of any businesses being opened by the poor or immigrants or anything like that, noooooooo sirreee! 😀


USAFP needs to step away from his racism. Obama’s actually everything the obstructioneers want. Incrementalist, accommodationist, kowtows to wealth and corporate power. Fear not. The US slide to dysfunctional plutocracy continues apace.


I call fake fake USA Freedom Power. Real fake USA Freedom Power would always start with “The real deal is,”.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

And more evidence of Lie-beral media bias – even at Fox! “Middle” East, what a load of socialism. More like “Extremesist East”. Seriously, I can’t believe how the emmessemm is so anti-centrism that they’d use “Middle” to label the cradle of Islamhomoterror. Maybe “Lefty” East. Yeah – that’s what it should be called – teh Left East.


How many posts before he becomes REAL fake fake USA Freedom Power?

Obama's Approval Rating

Dropping all the time!


Oh Tee: this is a thing of beauty. Sarah Palin, Seekrit Beatnik.

Unemployment Rate

While I’m going up, up, up!


There are too many rational, reasonable free thinking Americans left who will not allow Obama’s soft tyranny to succeed!

Just not enough to win an election…


Just not enough to win an election…

Or run a lemonade stand.

September 11, 2001

A Preznit is responsible for everything that happens while they’re in office, dontchaknow.


Is USA Freedom Power doing a wingnut infomercial?

That’s how they’re going to impose Shamwow law on us.


Or run a lemonade stand.

Well, they’re selling an iced yellow drink, sure, but I don’t see any lemons.


That’s how they’re going to impose Shamwow law on us.




The fact is, the MSM and librul socialests will not stop me in my God-given USA freedom to punch hookers in the face. Queers.


Remember when Goober and Troofy used to talk about me? I’m so lonely.

August 6th, 2001

One month and 5 days can be an eternity when your presidenting!


I’m a lagging indicator.

Obama's approval ratings

Still solid.


Democracy depends on you, and that is why, that’s why our troops are willing to die for you. So, how ‘bout in honor of the American soldier, ya quit makin’ things up. Except for you FOX News. You’re my bestest RealAmerican(TM) friend. Also.





I would’ve shivved a motherfucker to have Obama’s current approval ratings.


Sarah Palin gave up the governorship of Alaska to become the graphics programmer at FOX?!? I guess you have to start somewhere.


Florida admits election fraud.

Rusty Shackleford

kingubu said,
July 28, 2009 at 16:32

Holy shit that was funny.

I rate for Shatner


George, we all know that you would have had Cheney do the knifing for you…


Address my pyramid, libs.


They could just label the whole region “Afghanipakiraqiranistan”, and then they wouldn’t have to worry about which country calls itself what, or do the funky “exploded out” view of one country. Be a lot easier.


USA Freedom Power said,

July 28, 2009 at 16:09 (kill)

How does it feel to slobber on the knob of rich fucks who will spurt in your face, shit in your hair, kick your dog on the way out, and then wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire?

Remember: if you get in the way of their profits, you will be ground under also! You are one pay raise away from being downsized, brother.

Xecky Gilchrist

Is USA Freedom Power doing a wingnut infomercial?

As may be, but CNN this morning was wall-to-wall wingnut between scary stories about illegal immigrants getting Government Care!!! and Harry-and-Louise: The Next Generation ads saying “Gummit bureaucrats will get BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR DOCTOR!!!!1”

I do wonder how that plays with the 95% of their audience on Medicare.

Not so long ago they were alternating between the last runs of the “United Against a Nuclear Iran” saber-rattling ads and neocon interviews saying we needed to support the people of Iran.

I’d avoid cable news if I could, but they plunk a big TV full of it in front of me at the gym. I guess it’s time to bring a remote.


They could have just labeled it “All those scary brown people over there”.


“Gummit bureaucrats will get BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR DOCTOR!!!!1?

Thank god we have the freedom to let private bureaucrats get between us and our doctors, which is totally different because private enterprise is always cheaper and more efficent and shut up that’s why.


Is USA Freedom Power doing a wingnut infomercial?

As may be, but CNN this morning was wall-to-wall wingnut between scary stories about illegal immigrants getting Government Care!!! and Harry-and-Louise: The Next Generation ads saying “Gummit bureaucrats will get BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR DOCTOR!!!!1?

So USFAP is Lou Dobbs?


“I do wonder how [GUMMINT GONNA TAKE OUAH HEALTHCARE!!one1] plays with the 95% of their audience on Medicare.

Sadly, I think many of them don’t make the connection that Medicare == Socialest healthcare. They still consider themselves rugged individuals, i.e. “FYIGM”.


I believe that Egypt is to the West of Israel, but I plan to invite on a series of guests who make the case that it is actually in Iraq and Iraq doesn’t actually exist because a doctor hasn’t signed its country certificate.

Galactic Dustbin

Home schooling rears its ugly head. Also.


Sorry for the offtopic post, folks but I need help and I couldn’t wait for an open thread to open up. I need help desperately.


This blog should be renamed “The Tintin Blog, with Special Guest Appearances by D. Aristophanes.”


“This week, on a Very Special Sadly, No: HTML Mencken writes a lengthy, impeccably researched and incisively reasoned diatribe that eviscerates most of Wingnuttia, and Jonah Goldberg in particular. It is well received, then picked apart mercilessly by pedants; after a chorus of “tl:dr” by malcontents, the thread is derailed by trolls and HTML goes away again for several weeks….”


Hey, that’s moderately on-topic too.

a different mikey

Moderation, thy name is Substance.


Maps like these are the reason Sanford ended up in Argentina instead of Appalachia. This is serious stuff, libs.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, note Fox’s crazy censorship ideas slipping in. That caption is placed in such a way as to obscure Djibouti. I blame the socialist FCC and the fact that senators aren’t elected by state legislatures.

Ted the Slacker

Uh, okay, six years since we occupied Iraq, and Fox needs Cletus the intern to rustle up a new map of the region for “Breaking News from the Middle East”?

More seriously, anyone know how much Tintin got paid by Soros for stealing from Mediamatters?


You know, for having blabbed about it for so long, you really wonder if anyone over at FAUX does really know where Iraq is.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Remember when Goober and Troofy used to talk about me? I’m so lonely.

Hey DJIA, not to worry. Hannity’s figured out a way to make lemonade outta them lemons.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Except for you FOX News. You’re my bestest RealAmerican(TM) friend. Also.

For the benefit of those who never saw this back in 2003, Fox News won a court case wherein they argued that something labelled “news” could be a bunch of lies.


Well at least CNN wouldn’t pull that kind of sophomoronic screwup … & ABC always delivers teh quality … & you can always trust the networks to run with only the most impeccable sources … yes, isn’t it comforting to know that even in the 21st Century, more than 3/4 of Americans turn to the goggle-box for reliable information?


Not Looch who is never to return

The word “Iran” is not big enough on the map. Needs to be MUCH larger. And maybe dripping blood. With a Swastika.

Not Looch who is never to return

And. Also.


OK, it’s official now: Fox News is laughing at its own viewers.


I’ve heard rumors that Fox News gets all the bottom-of-the-class broadcasting graduates because all the others go to work for real news organizations. Stuff like this makes me think there’s something to that theory.


When the Second Coming can’t come soon enough: Fox News, the news you want.

The Goddamn Batman Was Born In Arizona, Moved To Babylonia, Got A Condo Made Of Stone-A

What they’ve done here is omit part of the place name: it’s really Bumfuck, Egypt, the place where you had to live while you were going to some third-tier state school because your parents got divorced and burned through your college fund.

Jeez, no wonder we bombed the bejeepers out of them. I always hated that town, the cops were always busting out parties, as if they didn’t do naked kegstands on the front lawn when they were kids. Shee-it.

Turbine Yukon Palin

This throws an interesting new light on their previous D/R mis-labeling and general relentless inaccuracy.

Fox News: Maliciously Partisan or Just Dumb as Fuck?


Guys, when a Risk board is more accurate than one of your maps, it’s time to call it quits.


BTW, I think Shatner just earned Canada an air strike from President Palin.


Fox News: Maliciously Partisan or Just Dumb as Fuck?
Why not both?


The Goddamned Batman’s parents got divorced after being gunned down in the streets?

Harsh shit man.


And to think they had to move all those pyramids with just an inclined plane and wooden rollers.


Oh give them a break, it’s hard to make a 100% accurate map when you’re sketching it from the view from Palin’s porch.


Oh give them a break, it’s hard to make a 100% accurate map when you’re sketching it from the view from Palin’s porch.


OK, if I didn’t choose a winner before, this is it.


I myself, being a U.S American, believe that some people out there in our nation that people like in Africa and Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that everyone over here in the U.S. should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian counties so that we can help build up our future.

That being said, I think what I just said, and this should go without saying, also applies to Egypt.

I am just glad that she found a job.

One Hoopy Frood

I bet you the Fox wingnuts don’t know they are living in Dumbfuckistan either.


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