Ignorance is Bliss
Posted on July 24th, 2009 by Tintin
ABOVE: Noel Sheppard and Unidentified Monkey (right)
Shorter Noel Sheppard, NewsBlusters
CBS Adds Fuel to the Racism Fire Stoked By Gates Arrest (link fixed)
- The best way to heal the racial divide in this country is for the news media to stop reporting cases of white police officers harassing black men.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
..or we could just lock up all the black people. Problem solved.
If we pretend it doesn’t exist, the problem will go away! After all, Noel Sheppard doesn’t get hassled by cops, so everything’s hunky-dory (honkey-dory?).
Link’s busted, but that probably just saves me some otherwise-wasted time. The snooze media seems to be going out of its way to report that Crowley co-taught an anti-racial-profiling class, which would absolutely guarantee that he wouldn’t react badly to an angry black man in a real-life situation (ofays wanting to establish a counterclaim to accusations of exercising white privilege, please take note).
linkee no workee. That’s okay though, I dunno if I can handle seeing Jodi Miller in that NewsBusted frame anymore.
“Heal” means “exacerbate,” right?
All the coverage given to missing white women is only encouraging white women to go missing.
When people in their own homes demand policemen give their name and badge #, it means that cops have no choice but to arrest you, because otherwise that would be like some sort of nightmare reverse Bizarro world where citizens had rights and could hold police accountable.
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Actually, this is the best piece I’ve ever read written by Shepherd. Kudos to him.
Why does Noel Sheppard look like Alberto Gonzalez’ ape ancestor?
I’m not sure if it’s available in the states but if so take a look at the new edition of Viz. The section ‘The People who help u…The Policeman’ sums it up perfectly.
Also, I see you all do Poop and Penis. Viz has the Profanisauras. The 10,000 rude words and phrases will enhance your life.
Oh, Noel Shepperd – you’re such a drunk!
Also, you spell your name wrong. It’s “shepherd.” You’re welcome!
Race relations have always been better than average in America. Check any survey of white people 30 years ago on the subject and you’ll see.
Obviously, the black man in question should not have been trying to enter his own house so suspcious-like.
looks like obammy’s already apologizing to those poor victimized police
Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters.
I found this the most offensive part of Sheppard’s column.
A standard by which Noel Sheep-blower lives by. Look at the first teo comments that NewsBusters think is fine to accompany this article:
actor hates us enough to provide the link?
Does this calculation apply in voting booths?
Oh, I appreciate that comment fishing is a pretty cheesy way to go, but I’d like to point out:
– Those were the first two comments.
– It qualifies as valid under Noel’s own standards.
and, of course
As you watch the following video, ask yourself whether the content of this segment will improve race relations in America, or worsen them
If we don’t talk about stuff that really happened, it’s just like it didn’t happen!
Racial divide? What racial divide? Aren’t we post racial now?
Post Racial is the best breakfast cereal ever.
Hey, not only is Jim Crow-ley a pig-headed pig, but he’s also a geezebag:
Democrats should worry a lot less about white people.
The 40-45% that votes for us is with us on these issues. The majority of blacks folks are simply too racist too be trusted. Hell, we don’t even need them anymore.They are only going to make up fewer and fewer votes.
Racial my post, libs.
I posted this a couple threads back but it seems apapos here. G-D Bman already touched on it.
This keeps getting mentioned by wingnuts as proof that Crowley could not possibly be a racist. But I’m thinking that if you’ve got a guy teaching this class who could not deal with and defuse the racial tension in this situation, well that’s a big part of your problem right there.
In what possible way could this worsen race relations?
A) White cops are offended and take it out on less-famous black people
B) Black cops retaliate by roughing up white celebrities
C) White cops let black criminals go free, focusing on innocent white people
D) Black people are inspired to be more assertive of their rights
There is plenty of historical evidence for A, but that is no reason to ignore the issue. B and C will (sadly) never ever happen.
It really boils down to D, the same logic that inspired southern states to “improve race relations” by making it a crime to teach slaves how to read.
some sort of nightmare reverse Bizarro world where citizens had rights and could hold police accountable
Heaven forfend!
Won’t someone think of the children?!
I just watched the President’s presser, and his maturity in the face of an abysmal press corp, and a batshit-loony opposition
Just imagining what he’d be able to accomplish with a decent majority party behind him makes me want to hit Harry Reid with a stick.
Meant to finish that first sentence with “is astounding”.
I don’t know why that uppity black Harvard professor didn’t respect the authority of the police the way that nice young Richard Polawski did when the cops came to his home in Pittsburgh.
We have already established that Crowley is an incompetent policeman. He is legally obliged to give his name and badge number when asked, and he as admitted that he did not. By his own admission, he was not following proper procedures.
I don’t give a shit if Gates said anything about his mother. Anyone would have a few choice words for a copper that infuriatingly stupid.
Do they not teach policemen how to stoically ignore a bit of yelling and swearing? Dealing with that is part of the job. If crowley is such a pussy he cant deal with an old man telling him to fuck off, then he shouldn’t be in a position of authority like that.
But really, if newspapers where honest, the headlines would read “Copper has small dick, and acts accordingly” This would not be news.
Just the number of people jumping to “prove” it couldn’t have been racism shows that regardless of how Crowley feels about black people, there are still many many racist fuckers in America. That isn’t news either.
I suspect that in some ways, Gates has become a proxy for Obama. They are wealthy, educated, black, and happen to know each other I think? By attacking Gates, wingnuts can also take a swipe at Obama, by basically suggesting that education cannot make a black person socially acceptable.
Unbelievable! Obama’s FBI STORMTROOPERS arrest Right-to-Life spokeman IN HIS OWN HOME! For exercising his First Amendment right to free speech!
None of us are safe. This is what it has come to.
Take back this country from the Liberal Nazi dictator and his Brown Shirts WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME.
I can’t wait for Tom Wolfe’s take on this whole fiasco.
I know bar bouncers who are better at community policing that Crowley seems to have been.
Do they not teach policemen how to stoically ignore a bit of yelling and swearing?
Fuck no, that’s what they make Tasers for.
Your police state, ladeezngemmun.
Shorter All Right-Wing Media:
We’re all concern trolls now.
Tumultuous Kitchen Acoustics would made a great post-racial band name.
Manuel Zelaya, elected President of Honduras, just walked back in via Nicaragua.
Manuel Zelaya, elected President of Honduras, just walked back in via Nicaragua.
Stupid coup plotters, leaving the back door unlocked.
Where did you find out El Cid? nothing on my cherished BOREV yet?
Tumultuous Kitchen Acoustics would made a great post-racial band name.
as well as adequately describing my house…
Ah, but do zombies echo in a tunnel? or is that ducks?
Euripides: I’m watching live coverage via TeleSur, but in English there’s not much coverage yet. Here’s one view from Al Jazeera from about half an hour ago.
Euripides said,
July 24, 2009 at 23:10 (kill)
Ah, but do zombies echo in a tunnel? or is that ducks?
what is this, Confuse-A-Zombie service?
I’m sure there’s an urban legend about something not echoing in tunnels, or maybe it was a dream?
Thanks El Cid! How very anti-American, walking to where he wanted to go! Have these leftists no shame?
Ah, but do zombies echo in a tunnel? or is that ducks?
Mythbusters were going to test that but they couldn’t get the zombie inside the duck.
I’m sure there’s an urban legend about something not echoing in tunnels, or maybe it was a dream?
Dreams definitely echo in tunnels.
Mythbusters were going to test that but they couldn’t get the zombie inside the duck.
I refuse to believe that.
If they could polish a turd, they could make a zomducken.
“…and unidentified monkey”
He’s not unidentified, that’s Sammy!
He’s not unidentified, that’s Sammy!
Someone better warn Sammy the nits he’s picking off of Mr. Noel are probably tainted.
More to the point, isn’t Sheppard the monkey?
Manuel Zelaya, elected President of Honduras, just walked back in via Nicaragua.
Just because it’s your place in the country’s government, doesn’t mean you can start yelling at the cops in your kitchen, er, generals in your office.
“Sgt. James Crowley teaches courses on racial profiling at the police academy”
You know, when I worked at NASA the managers and male employees were always getting training about sexism and harassment and racism, but the recipients (victims) of such behavior were NEVER told their rights, or what they could & should do if they were harassed. Not once.
My opinion at the time (early 90’s) was these classes just helped the white men avoid the *appearance* of racism or sexism, etc. It sure did not stop the problem. And any complaint usually set the complainer on never-ending loop of passing the buck.
I recall seeing a movie called “Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round” which I thought sums up the experience.
More to the point, isn’t Sheppard the monkey?
If Sheppard were black, that would be a racist comment, which proves that black people are the REAL racists.
Someone better warn Sammy the nits he’s picking off of Mr. Noel are probably tainted.
Monkey is not grooming. Monkey is knocking for access.
“Knock knock”.
“Who’s there?”
“Monk he belong in a monastery; there’s no room here.”
OT, but happy Pioneer Day to everyone.
Pioneer Day is a Utah holiday commemmorating the arrival of Brigham Young in the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847. Here in Salt Lake City it’s a big-ass deal and the nice part is that I get the day off.
The point of the Mormons’ flight to Utah was pretty much to escape the U.S. and go where they could polygamize to their hearts’ and nads’ content, but for some reason the celebration strongly resembles Independence Day, including U.S. flags flying everywhere you look.
This town is weird.
Smut –
Have TEH GHEY had their kiss-in in Temple Square yet?
pedestrian said,
It’s cool! I’m taking it back!
Maybe if black people stopped acting so uppity all the time and stoped reverse racing whie people with bad language racism would go away, but no. The real racits are the blacks, the real victyms are the whites. Fight the real enemy.
The fact is, liberals would reflexively defend a black murderer as justified because of his legacy of slavery and rage, that is such garbage. They also think Muslims are the religion of peace and that Shania Law is harmless, and that socialism is good. Shows what liberals know.
Dreams definitely echo in tunnels.
Sounds like Bill E Pilgrim is sleeping furiously which is DOIN IT RONG.
Obama backed down hilariously quickly. A nuanced and principled stand against standing on one’s principles when those principles are dangerous politically, I suppose. Truly inspiring.
I love it.
Thursday: “He should apologize! Does he have no principles?”
Friday: “Hey, he apologized!! How unprincipled!”
Shania Law is harmless
She’s got a killer butt. I’d hardly call that “harmless”.
Yeah, Bill E., just showing that the conservatards are more prinicpled.
Just that they only have one principle – attack Liberals.
sleeping furiously
Hey mine are in multicolor, not just green.
Hey mine are in multicolor, not just green.
Mine too.
Wait, are we talking about dreams or boogers?
Shania Law is harmless
Hey, that was that chick who sang the theme song for M*A*S*H*, wasn’t it?
Hey, that was that chick who sang the theme song for M*A*S*H*, wasn’t it?
No, that was Suzie Cide, who was painless.
Not to be one of those “he’s playing eleven-dimensional chess” types, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just trying to assuage as many people as possible as quickly as possible, to keep from detracting from the healthcare bill.
Wait, are we talking about dreams or boogers?
Neither. Talking about heavily literary linguistics references from the mama say wonk you out contingent. AKA looky here:
Bill E – I know the Chomsky line well; I married a linguist. Thanks for the link, though.
Oh sorry. Didn’t mean to, you know. “Boogers” threw me off.
We’re so clever that sometimes our murders appear to be entering our own houses.
Oh sorry. Didn’t mean to, you know. “Boogers” threw me off.
No worries – but who besides a linguist could a guy with a name like mine possibly attract?
Maybe, but I figure he genuinely thinks he said something too judgemental about the cop.
Backing down from judgement in an incident where two guys got mad at each other – even when heavy symbolism is involved – is not that big a deal. Throwing money at rich people and not prosecuting torturers is somewhat more problematic.
The fact is, now that Troofie’s been sent back to the home, it’s gonna be the year of Gary, yessir. The fact is, they’re gonna put me in the movies, the fact is, they’re gonna make a big star outta me.
Don’t bite the Consecrated Host, libs!
Gary Ruppert said,
‘Don’t bite the Consecrated Host, libs!’
We’re not uncooth Gary. We forward Consecrated Hosts to PZ.
Constipate my Ghost, Libs!
who besides a linguist could a guy with a name like mine possibly attract?
True. I should have noticed, it’s like exotic plumage for attracting language geeks.
Do you give off morphemes too?
“Hey baby, I hope your sin tax is paid up, now let’s talk about some of that deep structure….”
Do you give off morphemes too?
You know it! I’m pretty sure it was my infixing that sealed the deal.
You know it! I’m pretty sure it was my infixing that sealed the deal.
Ah I’ve used that too. Wait, we’re talking about leaky roofs, right??
Okay, speaking of sleeping furiously…. lateness beckons. Night all.
I’ve been wondering if our derision of Wingnut face mullets might be counterproductive. If you’ve just woken up here from a parallel universe you’re going to get pretty cranky having to spend twenty minutes shaving off your goatee. Sure it’s easier for them to just lie low, blend in, and repeat the drivel that is majority opinion in their own universe. However, the Bizarro Transform clearly demonstrates that the Anti-Pantload must be fighting against wingnuttery–and of course he has to be the smarter version. So the next time one of our wispy-chinned wingnuts suddenly shows up with a full load of face fur, we she make inquiries into whether they can be coopted with promises of support, veggie sandwiches, and access to illicit quantum entanglement technology.
“No, that was Suzie Cide, who was painless.”
And here all this time I thought she was pantless.
Nofuckingbody uses infixes in English.
#include joke about tongues and being cunning.std
More to the point, isn’t Sheppard the monkey?
If Sheppard were black, that would be a racist comment, which proves that black people are the REAL racists.
It’s cool! I’m taking it back!
If “taking it back” is a funky new fusion of “bringing it back”, as in, “I’m bringing sexy back” and “reclaiming it”, as in, “I’m reclaiming the word ‘queer'” then I say, go for it.
Hey Guys!
I’m working on a book: “Conservative Communists”
The goal is to be able to call right wingers “Nazis” AND “Commies.” Pretty funny huh?
Obviously, it’s not meant to be taken seriously — I’m just blowin off steam in between my tours of duty in Afghanistan and working at my folks’ soup kitchen for the homeless.
IPU help me, but I still get a kick outta Shania Law. So awesome.
From US News and World Report
Now you might think that I’m quoting that because I’m going to poke fun of the cripple.
Well I amI actually wanted to compare with this line from the Police Report:Scare quotes in original.
Nice catch, DKW.
Bob Somerby has been scolding the liberals for turning off ordinary ‘murkans.
I’m a bit saddened that this has allowed the corporatists to shut down health care reform under the cover of shiny thing.
Hey Tommmcatt,
“..or we could just lock up all the black people. Problem solved.”
Don’t worry! I know we’re only a tenth of the way there — but give it more time. Har har har.
Wait, are we talking about dreams or boogers?
What happens to a sneeze deferred?
What happens to a sneeze deferred?
Does it dry up like a booger in the sun
Or does it explode your sinuses?
“The sleep of sneezes creates boogers.”
One of my favorite caprichos.
Question: If the French drink tons of wine and they don’t get heart attacks and the Japanese eat tons of fish and they don’t get heart attacks, if I just ate an entire can of heart of palm and chased it with two pints of barleywine spiked with fish sauce am I immortal?
No. The heartburn will only seem to last forever.
if I just ate an entire can of heart of palm and chased it with two pints of barleywine spiked with fish sauce …
…either svery store in my neighborhood has suddenly closed, or I’m locked in my apartment and too embarrassed to call for help.
Nofuckingbody uses infixes in English.
Dirty-minded linguists have degenerative grammar.
Hey, wait a minute. Aren’t these cops the minions that Adolph Pol-Pot Stalin Muslimabad Balckmoor J. Obama will use to throw the freedom loving wingnutosphere into his FEMA reeducation camps?
It doesn’t seem that we’ll have much luck enforcing Sharia Law, since our “enforcement” arm seems bent on ignoring the current legal regime. It seems that they’re even being “uppity” to their real boss, the _only_ guy who is constitutionally required to see to it “that the laws be faithfully executed”.
There’s a constitution in Massachusetts, I hear, some executors of the law should read it some time.
Article VIII. In order to prevent those, who are vested with authority, from becoming oppressors, the people have a right, at such periods and in such manner as they shall establish by their frame of government, to cause their public officers to return to private life; and to fill up vacant places by certain and regular elections and appointments.
I apologize in advance, for I fear this post will look too much like the cut and paste troll was here. But I’ve managed to get a hold of the textbook Crowley uses when he taeches his racial profiling class and I figure the best way to do this is to cut and paste the entire body of the text here:
The Cambridge police say that Crowley followed accepted procedure. So I have to wonder why all the fiscal conservatives are not jumping all over this. How much tax payer money is wasted on the accepted procedure of arresting, transporting and processing people who have committed no crime? C’mon Teabaggers get in the game here!
Manuel Zelaya, elected President of Honduras, just walked back in via Nicaragua.
And then walked back out. And our Secretary of Sate criticizes him for being reckless for attempting to enter his own country. What an asshole she is.
UKBristolDave, I’ve been reading VIZ almost 25 years now. I subscribe to it so when I go over there, I can act normal.
but who besides a linguist could a guy with a name like mine possibly attract? I’ve been thinking you should shorten your name to something more normal. How does “Xecklothxayykie” strike you?
For the “news” media to have no investigative skillz is not a revelation, but some interesting details of Sgt. Crowley’s plight come to light with a simple look into public records.
First, the front porch of the domicile in question is not “public property” but the property of Harvard University. A bit of a snippet of the implications of this tidbit of information:
“If a crime is committed on campus, I assume that HUPD handles it. Are there any times when the Cambridge or Boston Police would get involved?
With the exception of a couple of crimes, such as a homicide, we have primary jurisdiction over all crimes occurring on our property. However, we maintain a good working relationship with Cambridge Police and the Boston Police and will coordinate with them at times in order to ensure the most appropriate response to maintain a safe and secure environment.”
Sgt. Crowley, having been a Brandeis University cop, should have known better than to proceed as he did on University property when it was established, even in light of his “report”, that the person in question fell under the University’s jurisdiction and was properly in his place of University residence.
CPD “standing by their man” looks a bit foolish in this instance. One might consider them “continuingly stupid” and in need of an “educational moment”. It would be a pleasure to see Sgt. Crowley mugging and furrowing his brow in a court of law while “defending” the “legality” of his actions.