Uh Jack, are you sure that’s what you meant to say?
Today’s Wall Street Journal editorial by Jack “Neutron” Welch contains an unfortunate admission. [No, not his comical assertion that Joe Lieberman is a Democratic candidate worth discussing while John Edwards isn’t.] Rather, we draw your attention to this:
Once again, I’m not campaigning for or against anyone with this article. Even though I admire the Democrats for their compassionate social agenda, I can’t stand their economic platform. It sucks incentive out of the system and could slow the economy and kill the job creation we’re on our way to seeing. [Emphasis added]
On our way to seeing?!? And here we thought job creation had already arrived, what, with all those tax cuts and stuff.
[And yes, while Jack is not campaigning for or against anyone with his article, all the Democrats’ plans suck total ass. So perhaps Jack too is suffering from the Besides That? syndrome: Besides the fact that their economic plans would plunge the country in a depression, some of the Democratic candidates are kind of ok.]
Finally, the answer to that SAT question:
WMDs: WMD program related activities :: jobs : job creation we’re on our way to seeing
I believe he’s referring to “job creation related program activities.”
Awww, someone snarked that before me. Just the way my week has gone.
“Visions of mass job-creation program activities.”
It’s that republican “‘vision thing’.
Dang, my planned snark has been anticipated by everyone else. 🙁
I was just about to say that we’re on our way to seeing WMD, but I guess I’ll have to say that I’m on my way to see myself getting laid.
Awww, someone snarked that before me.
It’s like they say, the early bird gets the snark.