Maybe He Can Get a Job at Brownie’s Disaster Consulting Firm


George C. Deutsch, the young presidential appointee at NASA who told public affairs workers to limit reporters’ access to a top climate scientist and told a Web designer to add the word “theory” at every mention of the Big Bang, resigned yesterday, agency officials said.

Mr. Deutsch’s resignation came on the same day that officials at Texas A&M University confirmed that he did not graduate from there, as his résumé on file at the agency asserted.

Hey, now that he has some free time on his hands, maybe he can track down Laci Peterson’s real killers!

Officials at NASA headquarters declined to discuss the reason for the resignation.

“Under NASA policy, it is inappropriate to discuss personnel matters,” said Dean Acosta, the deputy assistant administrator for public affairs and Mr. Deutsch’s boss.

“That, and we’re embarrassed. Really, really, really fucking embarrassed.”

The resignation came as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was preparing to review its policies for communicating science to the public. The review was ordered Friday by Michael D. Griffin, the NASA administrator, after a week in which many agency scientists and midlevel public affairs officials described to The New York Times instances in which they said political pressure was applied to limit or flavor discussions of topics uncomfortable to the Bush administration, particularly global warming.

“As we have stated in the past, NASA is in the process of revising our public affairs policies across the agency to ensure our commitment to open and full communications,” the statement from Mr. Acosta said.

The statement said the resignation of Mr. Deutsch was “a separate matter.”

Uh-huh. I’m sure he just wanted to spend some more time with his family. He’d really started to miss the comforts of his mother’s basement, I reckon.

Mr. Deutsch, 24, was offered a job as a writer and editor in NASA’s public affairs office in Washington last year after working on President Bush’s re-election campaign and inaugural committee, according to his résumé. No one has disputed those parts of the document.

According to his résumé, Mr. Deutsch received a “Bachelor of Arts in journalism, Class of 2003.”

Yesterday, officials at Texas A&M said that was not the case.

So he lied on his r&eacutesum&eacute so he could land a job that he was totally unqualified for. He sounds like the archetypal Bush administration appointee.


Comments: 20


Heck, lying on his résumé so he could land a job that he was totally unqualified for is how Bush got “elected” President!!! Deutsch was just copying his master…


Hey, I’d like his job. I’ve got a, I mean, 2 PhD’s from Harvard, I mean one from Harvard and one from Yale, yeah, Yale, that’s the ticket…


Yes, but Bruce, are you a kool-ade drinker, and are you willing to take it up the bum from Dick Cheney and James Dobson simultaneously?


Simultaneously? Yikes!


He’ll get a high paying gig doing nothing at the Heritage Foundation, and within six months, he’ll be providing fodder for Sadly, No! posts by writing columns for Townhall or Renew America.


He can team up with Stossel and disprove global warming.


How soon before the wingnuts cry that poor George was driven from his job by the evil liberal blogosphere? He should team up with Mr. Guckert-Gannon.


But, but, Douchie was doing a heckuva job!


He’ll get a high paying gig doing nothing at the Heritage Foundation, and within six months, he’ll be providing fodder for Sadly, No! posts by writing columns for Townhall or Renew America.

I hope he joins Jeff Gannon’s blog: “the NASA official so dangerous that the liberal media had to bring him down!”


How soon before the wingnuts cry that poor George was driven from his job by the evil liberal blogosphere?

Oh, I’m sure it’s going on as we speak. Just goes to show none of us commenters has the stomach to actually go and check. Brad? Gavin? Seb? Care to cinch up your gorges and take a peek?

He should team up with Mr. Guckert-Gannon.

We’d have to see a full-frontal of Douchie first, to decide whether that prospect is viable, no?

Speaking of which, we need a pic of this guy. I’m imagining him looking sort of like the Republican kicker for some reason (someone who looks like they’re always two seconds from having a ‘who farted?’ look on his face) but I could be mistaken.


Perhaps he could get a job in sports information at University of Central Florida.


24 years old and he can get something like that?! And I’m stuck in customer service?!


You have to born with built-in knee-pads and undergo a soul-ectomy to get jobs like that. Besides, being fired at 24 for lying on his résumé is going to haunt him for the rest of his life.


well, you haven’t been in Three Bulls! customer service. Where the hell have you been Yo? We’re having a Nathan Tabor roast right now!*

*not really, but if you want to we will.


Thank YOU for playing Mr. Deutch, enjoy your fabulous parting gifts.


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Very interesting site, beautiful design, thank.


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