In which I tell you to get off your asses and do something (or sit on your asses and send money, whichever)
Posted on July 20th, 2009 by Brad
OK, so I don’t normally push our beloved readers to actually do stuff beyond bitching on the Internets, but the health care battle is entering into its “Send lawyers, guns and money!” stage and pro-reform groups such as Health Care for America Now could really use your help in ratcheting up pressure on lawmakers to pass a damn health reform bill. Please consider giving them money or calling your Congressman, particularly if you live in a district represented by one of those pesky Blue Dogs.
This is a battle that we can win, peeps. Every little bit helps. Thanks 🙂
Thanks for the shout-out, Brad. I’ve been doing some work for HCAN (through ACORN) for the past 4 months, signing up small businesses owners in support of a public health insurance option. Over 50 so far! But this is definitely cruch time – this week I won’t be seeking to sign up anyone new, only to get the ones already signed up to make calls. Every call helps.
fellow Californians, include yourselves in this; see exhibit A: DiFi
Kathleen — can you explain to me what the hell is wrong with DiFi?
IMHO – she’s the perfect example of someone totally corrupted by/bought into the system. She’s been in politics for freaking decades. Plus her husband is a super rich business guy.
God I loathe her.
Kathleen — can you explain to me what the hell is wrong with DiFi?
Dianne Feinstein really, really neeeds to get laid.
Off topic, but I’d like to see this whackjob get SadlyNotted (SadlyKnotted? SadlyNoted? Whatever):
Fox Analyst wants Taliban to Kill US Soldier
Fox Analyst wants Taliban to Kill US Soldier
I saw this last night. it’s our old freind Ralph “Exterminate The Brutes” Peters, telling the Taliban it’s okay to kill the soldier they captured ’cause he abandoned his platoon or some such.
Oddly I don’t think anyone is going to call for Congress to censure him for it, though.
My reps are Keith Ellison, Amy Klobachar and Al Franken. I know how they’re going to vote.
Oh, noen, I’m sooooo jealous… I’ve got John Barrow, Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss. I know how they’re going to vote too….
I wish I could send money, Brad.
My congresscritters are Kohl, Feingold and Gwen Moore, winners all. I have already called all three on this issue though.
John Lewis, Isakson, and Chambliss here. One out of three ain’t bad.
Now I wish I hadn’t sent that money to Whitey on the Moon.
Happy Moon Landing Anniversary!
My Rep is Eliot Engel, an all-round good guy. I actually met him in a local bar, during a speaking engagement by Gerry Adams.
I live in Nevada, so I’m hopeless about my Senator & Reps. Though I have called & emailed. Reid sometimes sends a generic reply because I gave $50 last election. (Scowl- money better spent on bird seed or jelly bellies)
However, I’ve given money to various “Blue” agencies. ‘Specially the ones that run ads.
My congresscritter is a Blue Dog. What would you all recommend I say to whoever answers the phone at his place? I’d send money but am broke broke broke.
…aha, I see the call link has stuff for me to say. Nemmine.
Ah, pwogwessive “activism.” Send your money in to support God-Emperor Obama’s latest corporate giveaway! Yeah, give D-AL-C Franken (D-AIPAC) a call. This time, fer sure!
Yeah, I would disavow all involvement with authoring that comment, too. Good move.
What would you all recommend I say to whoever answers the phone at his place?
I think you should say, “I’m Xecky Gilchrist, and I’m your primary challenger. Now what’s all this crud about no movie tonight?”
I think you should say, “I’m Xecky Gilchrist, and I’m your primary challenger. Now what’s all this crud about no movie tonight?”
Only I said other stuff. I wish I’d read your comment first.
God-Emperor Obama
So I see we’ve already forgotten how Dubya was Lincoln and Roosevelt and Jesus H. Reagan all rolled into one shitting gold bricks and pissing rainbows, bringing liberation and peace to all the children of the world with his manly padded war crotch.
No, see, we’re the ones who’re obsessed with our leader’s divine nature. The last eight years never happened.
King Kot: AlanSmithee is a lefty who enjoys mau-mauing the insufficiently pure, so Bush-worship is irrelevant to him.
Only I said other stuff. I wish I’d read your comment first.
Yikes, now I may have to send you a check too!
Yikes, now I may have to send you a check too!
No charge.
I made sure to say, for the sake of Alan Smithee and his pals, that we retain the option to buy private insurance.
Only I said it “Just so the rank and file Republicans don’t poop their pants, make it so people can still choose to be bankrupted by completely preventable diseases and subsequently throw such a freaker that they hose down a Unitarian church with automatic weapons fire, or something even more stupid.”
BTW, Was it progressive activism of “activism” that got God-emperor Obama elected in the first place?
My congresscritter is a Blue Dog. What would you all recommend I say to whoever answers the phone at his place? I’d send money but am broke broke broke.
I have to say, what about “pwogwessive”, “corporate giveaway”, “D-Al-C Franken (D-AIPAC)”, and a blog called “Dirty Greenie Hippie” screams “right-winger” to you folks?
I have to say, what about “pwogwessive”, “corporate giveaway”, “D-Al-C Franken (D-AIPAC)”, and a blog called “Dirty Greenie Hippie” screams “right-winger” to you folks?
Oh, oops.
Just the raw antagonism, really.
Plus Republicans are complaining about a lot of stuff these days that they would have made compulsory a few years ago, so it gets hard to tell.
No charge.
Uh… Xecky… that check would be for your campaign war chest.
Run, Xecky, run!
Run, Xecky, run!
I would, only my full name would never fit on a ballot.
OT, but have the management noticed all the “Answers” subdomains that are cropping up for your site? They’re selling credit report crap.
I would, only my full name would never fit on a ballot.
That never stopped Huitzilopochtli from running for patron god of Tenochtitlan!
I have to say, what about “pwogwessive”, “corporate giveaway”, “D-Al-C Franken (D-AIPAC)”, and a blog called “Dirty Greenie Hippie” screams “right-winger” to you folks?
Just a sense of irony, which now that I think about it isn’t wingnutty at all but it’s been a long day already so bleaugh to him regardless and he can go sniffing for insufficent lefty-purity somewhere else ’cause to paraphrase Emma if I can’t snark I don’t want to be part of your revolution and anyway “hippie” might represent one of the gLibertarian dillweeds who’ve listened to too much Alex Jones and think the gummint should be spying, just not on them ’cause white people smoking pot is liberating and enlightening and The Man needs to get offa our backs and onto the backs of brown people who use politically incorrect drugs and talk about socialism (don’t tell me you haven’t see ’em) like the guy who started Whole Earth Review and now is all wingnutty and stuff and all for freedom and liberty as long as it’s for dopesmoking white guys and hemp revolution and computers for the masses as long as the masses means white dope smoking ex-hippie males like him and all that bullshit.
Our problem here in blue OR is an odd one. Sen. Ron Wyden is against the reform bill(s) – possiblky because they’re far too wimpy. His position, is “that’s not reform, that’s rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.” The wikli for Wyden’s bill, the Healthy Americans Act, is here.
He may be beating the grass, to startle the snakes but it has me worried that he’d vote against, on principle, an “okay” bill.
I told his office that his chance of making HAA the law is probably close to nil and that we have to have _something_. Don’t screw the pooch, Ronnie.
End the foreskin holocaust now! Donate.
I already sent all my money to Chris Muir.
I donated my foreskin long ago.
I spoke to US Rep. Jim McGovern over the weekend and he says he doesn’t get any pro-reform calls about health care. Just negative calls from people saying the taxes and/or mandates will destroy small business. Jim is a progressive Democrat, he’ll vote for the bill. But if he doesn’t get more calls and letters, he will might keep his head down rather than come out swinging. Even the good guys need a ton of pressure to do the right thing – advocate for a strong public option and vote for it when the time comes.
I think you should say, “I’m Xecky Gilchrist, and I’m your primary challenger. Now what’s all this crud about no movie tonight?”
And make sure you put the marbles in his overhead so they’ll roll around and keep him awake all night!
he says he doesn’t get any pro-reform calls about health care.
I find this hard to believe. I wonder if his staff is loaded with Blue Dog types…
I donated my foreskin long ago.
I missed the local foreskin drive, but I regularly give blood.
Circumcision is theft!
I regularly give blood.
Dare I ask whose?
Mo’s Bike Shop: Not only do they know about them, but they link them in the sidenav. Look at the very bottom, under “Secrets”. Been there for yeeears.
Shorter King Kot:
STFU ya dirty fucking hippies and send your checks in now! We need to help the DLC fuck the poor over again!
You dast! Have you tried the morcilla in Madrid, Smut?
same old story. Because we can’t make everything JUST PERFECT right now immediate like, stop trying to make anything better….
what is the old saying? “The perfect is the enemy of the Good”
Oh, noen, I’m sooooo jealous… I’ve got John Barrow, Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss. I know how they’re going to vote too….
John Lewis, Isakson, and Chambliss here. One out of three ain’t bad.
I live in Athens, so Paul Broun speaks for me in the halls of Congress. Honestly, I think he’s kept around because the U.S. House needs at least one obnoxious whackjob from Georgia in the mix.
I have to say, what about “pwogwessive”, “corporate giveaway”, “D-Al-C Franken (D-AIPAC)”, and a blog called “Dirty Greenie Hippie” screams “right-winger” to you folks?
What is it about calling anyone “God-Emperor” makes that person worth paying attention to? It’s a tell, like someone who claims climate scientists are making up global warming for that sweet, sweet grant money.
Because, as all of us fauxgressives know, everyone who disagrees with us is a rightwing freeper repububthugrapelican in the pay of Karl Rove! It’s true! I read it on DKOS!
I never said you were a right-winger. Just a jackass not worth paying attention to, regardless of his/her political ideology. I used to be in the Greens, I know your numbers are legion.
Have you tried the morcilla in Madrid
Sadly, not. It hasn’t turned up on the tapas menu at the Cerveceria Magister where I’ve been bevvying for the last couple of evenings.
I’ll look around today before continuing to Lisbon in the evening.
Lisbians: hotter or hottest?
Zurbaran’s paintings contain many VEILED PENIS references.
Smut, beware of“floundering in an emulsion of ennui and alcohol.”
I understand the trout fishing was quite good there.
I know your numbers are legion.
No, my name is Legion. Jim Legion, Apt #665.