Bite Me, Brent


“Address my ass, libs!”

Who says wingnuts have no talent? What about the talent to look at a poll and see it as confirming your long-held wingnut beliefs without respect to what the poll actually says? Granted it’s hard to take that talent to “America’s Got Talent,” but it is undeniably a talent of sorts.

Let’s watch Brent Bozell perform this very stunt in the super awesomely titled post “Bozell: The Media Needs to Acknowledge There is No Health Care Crisis.”

Media Research Center President and Publisher Brent Bozell today responded to a poll conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and Zogby International that finds that 84 percent of Americans, including 46 percent of Americans without health insurance, are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the health care they currently receive.

Released on Wednesday, the poll was glaringly absent from most news reports late last week and over the weekend.

Bozell today called on the media to stop reporting on the American health care system as a “crisis” situation, as the facts simply belie the claim.

Well, who would have ever thought that most people who have insurance think the system is hunky-dory while most people who don’t have insurance think the system sucks? That’s one of the most surprising poll results since ABC News reported that men think about sex more than women do.

And who would have thought that anyone could look at that poll and say it proves that we have the best health care system in the universe? But that would underestimate the considerable talents of Mr. Bozell. Of course, since the health care crisis is that there are a bunch of people who are uninsured, the fact that most people who are insured are happy is as irrelevant as whether Bozell would be more credible if he were sporting a clown nose. If the poll had found, say, that 90 percent of the uninsured enjoyed having no health care, Bozell might have been on to something. But, it didn’t.

That doesn’t matter, of course. As long as Brent gets his bottle of Viagra Cialis for a $5 copay, things are great. Now if he could just get his wife to stop flushing all his $5 bottles of Viagra Cialis down the toilet, life would be perfect.

bozell cialis


Comments: 40


Now if he could just get his wife to stop flushing all his $5 bottles of Viagra down the toilet, life would be perfect.

“Oh, gee, Mr. Bozell, back again? That’ll be another $300 cash, and do try to keep an eye on them this time.”

Bozo probably takes Cialis instead. He seems like the sort.


Bozo probably takes Cialis instead. He seems like the sort.

He has a cast-iron bathtub fetish?


Kid, not everyone wants a ripe banana.


I’m satisfied with current health care and insurance, but that doesn’t mean there’s no crisis for me. What happens if I lose my job or ever want to leave? What about my wife or my family’s situation, for that matter? Their situation affects me and concerns me, but isn’t captured in the poll question.

To sum up, Bozell is an idiot.


Also I kinda doubt that everyone will be happy when medicare goes broke in whatever many years. But I guess it’s not a crisis until people are dying in the streets.


He has a cast-iron bathtub fetish?

Ref to a comment I made the other day about Cialis and the jerks who take it. Dunno why, but if anyone prescribed one of those types of meds is going to come into the pharmacy and be a smarmy jerk willing to whine about the smallest price increase in addition to being generally sebaceous and creepy it’ll be one taking Cialis.


Also I kinda doubt that everyone will be happy when medicare goes broke in whatever many years. But I guess it’s not a crisis until people are dying in the streets.

Callin’ out around the world
Are you ready for a brand new treat?
Summer’s here and the time is right
For dyin’ in the streets
They’re dyin’ in Chicago
Down in New Orleans
Up in New York City


Quotes from articles found via Google news:

“The poll shows there is strong support for providing insurance for all Americans…”

“John Zogby, president and CEO of Zogby International, said, “In this wide-ranging poll we discovered that Americans want costs reduced and want to see everyone insured, but they are divided down the middle on how best to proceed. The likelihood of achieving consensus is low.” ”

“The survey, presented at a National Press Club Newsmaker conference in Washington, indicated 80 percent agreed that rising healthcare costs are hurting American businesses.”


Also, it polled Zogby’s volunteer online poll respondent pool. How representative is it? How many of them don’t have insurance?

L. Brent Bozell III

The fact is, Narnia should have won the Best Picture Oscar.


I am satisfied with the health care I get, but am unsatisfied with the cost and complexity of the insurance system, and as was said before, very unsatisfied that it could disappear when I lose my job. I don’t suppose it is fair to distinguish between the care and the method it is provided, though. That’s socialism.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

The online survey of 3,862 adults nationwide was conducted June 18-22, 2009, and carries a margin of error of +/- 1.6 percentage points.

By 56%-33%, those surveyed endorse the idea of enacting major health care changes this year. Just one in four say it’s not important to them.

In other online polling news, Groovy!


You know, sometimes little, random, seemingly unrelated events occur, and I will sense the beginning of a trend. I am right amazingly often. And I think this type of thing is going to become more and more common and more and more brazen over the next four-to-eight years.

The Fox footage of Obama throwing out the first pitch at that roundball game (sorry, I don’t follow sports), where they described the ball following an utterly different trajectory from the one the footage clearly showed it to be taking was, I suspect, a kind of test balloon. The other footage, of him supposedly “ogling” a young girl, which I haven’t seen but which apparently (based on descriptions) does much the same thing, is likely another. This sort of commentary? More of the same.

In time I think it is almost inevitable that Fox and their ilk will take to showing completely innocuous B-roll, describing it in some sordid or treasonous terms and going around forever after berating anyone for calling them delusional liars, when they had ACTUAL FOOTAGE of the supposed event, which was shown to millions of viewers on their network. It’s equally inevitable that not one of their viewers will so much as bat an eyelash before screaming “OMG LOOK ACTUAL VIDEO ON NATIONAL TELEVISION OF OBAMAHITLER DOING THE TERRIBLE THING JUST DESCRIBED!! HOW CAN YOU DOUBT HIS EVILNESS I CANNOT BELIEVE HE JUST DID … that thing the footage clearly shows him doing exactly the opposite of doing!!”

What’s weirder is, in the long run I honestly don’t think it will have any impact whatsoever on our national debate one way or the other.


Granted it’s hard to take that talent to “America’s Got Talent,” but it is undeniably a talent of sorts.

I dunno…Sharon Osbourne likes people who pull monkeys out of their asses…


did Zogby ask the nation’s pets? this is central to Jonah’s point.


In time I think it is almost inevitable that Fox and their ilk will take to showing completely innocuous B-roll, describing it in some sordid or treasonous terms and going around forever after berating anyone for calling them delusional liars, when they had ACTUAL FOOTAGE of the supposed event, which was shown to millions of viewers on their network

c.f. reportage on the non-existent Iraqi people-shredders, the Iranians forcing Jews to wear yellow ribbons and Ahmenijad’s comment about “ending” Israel. I’m sure people can think of more examples.

Facts aren’t important to wingnuttery anymore. They “create their own reality”, after all.


“Bozell: The Media Needs to Acknowledge There is No Health Care Crisis.”






Shithouse Troll

Brent Bozell needs to scuse mah finGAHS!!!!!

biff diggerence

Doesn’t E Brent have some statues’ titties to cover up somewhere?


In the spirit of “I’ve got mine, so screw everybody else”, I’m perfectly content with Republicans being reduced to roughly 30% of the population that everybody else laughs at, so I say keep things the way they are!


Brent Bozell needs to get out of my way, because Mrs. Bozell is smokin’ hawt. I don’t need no little blue bill if I can get my hands on some sloped shoulders and horn-rimmed glasses

Big Bad Bald Bastard

How many insured Americans are truly happy with their coverage?

How the hell can the system not be broken when so much critical care is denied due to (ominous musical flourish) pre-existing conditions?

Hell, the care is great, until it is needed, and I am speaking as a healthy person. Hell, how can dental care be considered something separate from general healthcare? Is the mouth not part of the body?


In time I think it is almost inevitable that Fox and their ilk will take to showing completely innocuous B-roll, describing it in some sordid or treasonous terms and going around forever after berating anyone for calling them delusional liars, when they had ACTUAL FOOTAGE of the supposed event, which was shown to millions of viewers on their network.

So, Winston, how many fingers is Obama Goldstein holding up in this video?


Is the mouth not part of the body?

I said that to my ex, but she still wouldn’t give me head.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I said that to my ex, but she still wouldn’t give me head.

Did you take her out to Le Cirque? That worked for me.


Did you take her out to Le Cirque?

She’s afraid of clowns.


Uhm, just in passing, the way they’ve quoted that Zogby poll is complete bullshit. Also.

“…finds that 84 percent of Americans, including 46 percent of Americans without health insurance, are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the health care they currently receive…”

What the poll results actually are:

“How satisfied are you with your health care?”

Very satisfied: 46%
Somewhat satisfied: 37%

So to get “84% are “satisfied”, they’re actually including the 37% who said that they were “somewhat satisfied”. Which could mean people who were 30% satisfied, or 12% satisfied, for all we know.

Gosh, a wingnut lying and misquoting a poll, who would have thought?


So what’s the breakdown on the supposed 46% who are both (1) uninsured and (2) “satisfied”?


So what’s the breakdown on the supposed 46% who are both (1) uninsured and (2) “satisfied”?

Actually I can’t find that. But Zogby describes the results this way:

“For those without insurance, only 46 percent had some level of satisfaction with their health care”

So again, “some level” of satisfaction. Which could mean a minimal level, as in “I hate it, I’m barely satisfied, but yeah I guess I’m glad I have any at all”. Which this idiot wingnut has quoted as “satisfied”.

I can’t find that in their results at all though, but it’s certainly possible I’m just missing it. The only related question I can see is:

What kind of health insurance do you have, if any?
None = 7.9%


since the health care crisis is that there are a bunch of people who are uninsured

This is simply untrue. As Sicko brilliantly showed, there are millions upon millions of people who have health care and are still denied vital treatment. We’re actually giving way to much credit to the “America has the best healthcare in the world” crowd if we don’t make this argument.

Also, the poll asked how happy people are with the care they receive, not whether they are able to afford the care they need. These are two totally different questions that Bozell conflates.


What kind of health insurance do you have, if any?
None = 7.9%

If less than 8% of respondents didn’t have health insurance, the margin of error for questions to them is not the 1.6% cited for the whole poll. Also, now that I’ve read it, what a shitty poll. 1-5 ratings with 1 meaning poor and 5 meaning excellent? WTF do 2-4 mean, then? Do they mean the same thing to everyone? When they ask about setting rates based on age and some other criteria, can they assume negative responses are due to the other criteria? CAN’T THEY EVEN FUCKING SPELL CRITERIA?? It doesn’t have an ‘h’ in it, idiots.


First, it’s a fucking Zogby poll. Wignut fodder from the get-go. Slap some crazy-ass lying spin on top, and woo-hoo, it almost looks like what Bozellack wants it to. Almost.

Second, it’s a fucking Zogby internet poll. It polls not only just those on the internet, but just those on the internet who sign up with Zogby to take polls. Yeah, that’s bound to be the most accurate cross-section of the American public to evaluate health care. Right.


She’s afraid of clowns.

That sort of explains the whole “not giving you head” thing, don’t it.

I keed. I keed.


Also, FAIL!

Am I missing something, or is that just stupid?


I noticed that, too, justme. I figured people could choose more than one, but the inclusion of the totals is odd in that case.


84 percent of Americans, including 46 percent of Americans without health insurance, are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the health care they currently receive.

The other 16 percent are currently sick. Though not as sick as Brent ‘Ginger Whinger’ Bozo Bozell.

The Goddamn Batman Keeps The Wood In His Willie By Getting Plenty Of Exercise, Fresh Air, And Flying-Mammal-Themed Accessories, Because, You Know, That's Just What Gets His Mojo Working

I’ve got Bozell pegged as an Enzyte man. He knows in his head that it’s all a scam, but in his heart… Brent has dreams about Bob. He’s having a sauna with Bob, and Bob’s shit-eating grin never wavers as he puts an arm around Brent’s shoulders and tells him that everything is going to be alright. Brent can’t keep his eyes off of the towel around Bob’s waist; it keeps tenting higher, until it assumes livestock-esque proportions. Suddenly Brent realizes that they’re really on the lido deck of the NRO cruise, but he’s sweating harder as Bob puts his other hand on Brent’s thigh and asks him if he knows what natural male enhancement is really all about.

Just before Brent wakes up, screaming and ejaculating all at the same time, he notices that “Bob” has a pipe.

The Goddamn Batman Has 110% Of His Shit Together

She’s afraid of clowns.

That sort of explains the whole “not giving you head” thing, don’t it.

We don’t talk about that one incident. Much.


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