Is there anything in the world that isn’t about Hillary Clinton?

Apparently (and sadly,) no! Jonah Goldberg “praises” Dr. Judy Dean:

I’ve got to say that Mrs. Dean comes across as a perfectly nice woman who doesn’t care about politics. […] In a way, the biggest loser in this interview is Hillary because it underlines how fraudulent she really was.

In a way, the biggest loser in this post is the pro-life lobby, because it underlines how not all pregnancies who are carried to term produce unplanned joy.


Comments: 4


It’s not all about Hillary, you sillies. Sometimes it’s about Star Trek.


I didn’t know first ladies were competing. I think E. Roosevelt could take down both of them.


This could usher in a whole new era of stupid(er) rightwing commentary.

Iraq edged closer to civil war today as the predominately Sunni Kurds in the north aligned with secularists there to mount an opposition to southern, Shiite calls for a consitution based on Muslim law. And what was Hillary doing during all of this? Picking up her dry cleaning. I, for one, am outraged blah blah blah …


Dean is married to a woman doctor!*

*(Inspired by a conversation I overheard a few days ago, in which someone mentioned being related to a “woman pilot.”)


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