Pet Sedentary
In a post about dogs, the Pantload cleverly eschews the obvious line and informs us that it was the Internet that ate his homework this time around. Novel, but not the most important part of the comment, which begins:
As someone who often uses the example of vetinerary [sic] care as an example of free market medicine …
We’ll stop him there, because we sense where this is heading (with an unfortunate turn into Megan’s shop, as it turns out). People are voluntarily spending more money on health care for their pets, which proves that the government cannot be trusted to outfit Americans with state-of-the-art flea collars or something.
We hope they continue to push this line in the health care debate, actually. The focus groups indicate that comparing the uninsured to animals is a real winner.
At any rate, since we don’t like doing our homework either, we’ll just wildly speculate that a fair amount of free market R&D spend on veterinary medicine is for commercial purposes, since there’s a lot of cash on the hoof and trotter out there in Real America. And since we’re not yet butchering the working poor for meat, it may be that we need a slightly different mechanism for keeping them healthy.
Hey, I’d pay any amount of money to rid my grandmother of mange and worms. Free market, baby!
The free market works perfectly for creatures that have no input or knowledge of their health and cannot participate in the healing process.
Does this mean that we’ll be allowed to euthanize people against their will if their care becomes too expensive?
Somebody put Jonah to sleep already. Oh wait…
Does this mean that we’ll be allowed to euthanize people against their will if their care becomes too expensive?
Sure would relax that burgeoning free market in kidneys.
I took my dog to the vet yesterday. I called at 8am and got an appointment for 3pm. Exam, an x-ray, diagnosis of a back problem and two weeks worth of medication. Total bill: $105. Yeah, I’ll take that kind of health care.
So the post that Doughy links to indicates that MEgan is wrong, the AEI is wrong and thus…their conclusions about the free market WRT healthcare are right?
I’m sorry, I don’t see veterinarians on the chart. Help, Jonah?
Oh, and imagine my shock that MEgan and the AEI could get their facts wrong! Who knew?!
Yeah, speaking as someone who is still paying off a $3,000.00 vet bill for a cat that ended up dying of his liver problem anyway, I can tell you that I would be thrilled if our health care system looked more like veterinary care. Now that was a delightful,affordable experience that I would be eager to repeat.
What a dipshit.
It’s just meatloaf.
I guess, too, as part of this “animal care is a perfect analogy to human care” meme, we’ll have officers who round up homeless people and then euthanize them if nobody claims them in 3 days?
Jonah replied to my comment!
From his email:
So my response was:
I guess, too, as part of this “animal care is a perfect analogy to human care” meme, we’ll have officers who round up homeless people and then euthanize them if nobody claims them in 3 days?
There is a side benefit, though – we’ll finally get some real laws mandating that people clean up their poor person’s turds on the street.
“Sorry it’s above your IQ”
Oooh, BURN!
He sure showed you!
“There is a side benefit, though – we’ll finally get some real laws mandating that people clean up their poor person’s turds on the street.”
And leash laws!
I think it would be a really interesting excercise to see how much the wealthy spend on veterinary care for their pets, compared with how much is spent on the working poor on health care for themselves.
I bet I know which group is getting better care, and it probably corresponds money-wise as well.
And leash laws!
We already have those. They’re referred to as “free market health care” and they are really effective at “leashing” people to shitty jobs.
Don’t tempt me, asshole. *sweat sweat* I’m THIS CLOSE to pulling out “poopyhead” on your ass. *Breathes heavily*
Ahh, capitalism! Is there nothing you can’t theoretically do better than government given perfect conditions?
That’s not my name. FYLFWP.
“Sorry it’s above your IQ”
Oooh, BURN!
He sure showed you!
Well, in fairness, I called him an asshole first.
But of course, I spoke the truth.
You’ve missed the best part of his post:
(My internet connection is slow and spotty, so forgive me for not linking to evidence backing this up as much as I’d like).
Shorter Jonah: I can’t find any evidence to support the shit I’m pulling from my gargantuan buttocks.
Also, such as.
Refer to “IQ” in such a way that you clearly don’t really know what it means.
I get that Jonah’s an incompetent buffoon suckling on the teat of wingnut welfare. That is what it is, and hey, it works for him.
But LOL! Get a life. […] Sorry it’s above your IQ is the kind of petty, angry bullshit I grew out of in middle school. Taking comments from random people so personally…it just ain’t healthy, man.
You’ve missed the best part of his post
Read D. Aristophanes’ first sentence.
When I see some stray is snuffling around a dumpster I for one am grateful that the market has provided veterinary care to all animals. Why just the other day the ambulance pulled up and two men peeled a flattened cat from the road and took it away on a tiny stretcher, no doubt for a decent burial under the eyes of God.
If people who can afford it are so good about paying for health care for their pets, then maybe the thing to do is allow them to keep people who can’t afford health care as pets.
Oopsie, kinda slow this morning…
Carry on.
If people who can afford it are so good about paying for health care for their pets, then maybe the thing to do is allow them to keep people who can’t afford health care as pets.
And organ farms.
Actor –
has anyone pointed out to Der Pantenloaden the point that D. Aristophanes made – i.e. that “veterinary medicine” is more than just about goggies and kittehs?
Go for it. I think he’s blocked my mail.
Yes. By God, are we or are we not an ownership society?
I’ve e-mailed Jonah before with my usual schtick. He didn’t find it funny.
At gmail? What happened to good, old AOL?
Boy, Pantload lives up to his billing – The King Of Komedy – in his reply to actor.
His reply is actually SUPPORT for the liberal position on health care! Liberals understand that if you can afford healthcare in America right now you’re all set. Just like somebody who can afford paying a big (or small) vet bill for their pet. But all those people who can’t afford the vet bill either don’t get care for their pet or they just have it put to sleep.
He is, indeed, stupider than anybody who got an 8th grade diploma.
Animal meds are cheaper because they don’t have the same safety testing requirements as meds meant for humans. Animal food is also a lower tier concern, hence the melamine deaths. Yay free market.
Oops, I forgot to quote.
And organ farms.
Now for the radical marketism: Yes. By God, are we or are we not an ownership society?
not to mention the sterilization.
At gmail? What happened to good, old AOL?
AOL probably realized he was causing too many crashes because the servers rejected his stupidity, so he had to open up a Gmail account.
has anyone pointed out to Der Pantenloaden the point that D. Aristophanes made – i.e. that “veterinary medicine” is more than just about goggies and kittehs?
One might also point out that the dreaded government puts a nice chunk of change into veterinary research via state ag schools.
I bet there’s a fair number of people who would volunteer to neuter Doughbob for free.
with dull utensils.
Just after the 2000 “election” I send John Yoo an email essentially saying “WTF?” to an idiotic comment he had made somewhere defending Bush v. Gore. I had never heard of him before and still naively thought that Republicans honestly held differing opinions. He responded in much the same manner as The Whale did to Actor212, something like “LOL you’re so stupid, you’d never understand this”. I was stunned (really, actually stunned) that a Berkeley Law professor would be so childish and petulant in his correspondence.
Of course if I had known at the time that I was actually addressing a modern day Himmler I might have been more circumspect.
From the front page of today’s Wikipedia:
Did you know…
From Wikipedia’s newest articles:
… that King Kot aMweeky of the Kuba Kingdom told his people that William Henry Sheppard (pictured) was his deceased son, in order to spare Sheppard’s life?
No offense to King Kot, but I think I’ve found my new nym.
Yes, I’m easily amused.
Welcome back, Kot! Er …
Can we point out also that veterinary care does not have a layer of insurance bureaucrats adding overhead, whose job is to find reason to deny care?
Or is that above our IQ also?
And such as?
Or am I being a humorless dildo?
Maybe Jonah’s actually proposing the Discworld health care model: when you get sick don’t go to a doctor, go to a vet. He’s not known for clear writing (due to his lack of clear thinking).
AOL probably realized he was causing too many crashes because the servers rejected his stupidity…
Holy shit, I would never have believed any amount of stupid could crash AOL – but if anybody could manage it, the ‘load could.
Gmail will probably hork him out soon, then, and he’ll have to figure out a way to get email through the Youtube comment handler, which has shown itself able to carry an infinite amount of stupid.
My internet connection is slow and spotty
I think he mixed up his internet connection and the names of his pets.
FWIW, people in countries with universal health care still have all the access to private coverage that they want. If they can afford it, go for it. Which should, in any non-Bizarro world, assuage all fears from Wingnuttia. No one is proposing outlawing private coverage, even the worst examples of Commie-Socio-Etc systems like gasp, France, have private care up le wazoo.
You’d think anyway. Yet, the Standard Wingnut Response® is : “See? That shows that the public health care is useless!!”
You just go around in circles with these people, it’s amazing…..
I am all for better health-care for wingnuts. Has Jonah’s owner had him fixed yet? Has Ann Coulter had her rabbis shot? Malkin and Beck also.
Holy shit, I would never have believed any amount of stupid could crash AOL – but if anybody could manage it, the ‘load could.
Could God make a man so stoopid that it would crash God’s stupidest ISP?
I guess he took on the challenge!
Has Ann Coulter had her rabbis shot?
I don’t think even she’s advocated a return to the Holocaust.
Altho, I could imagine him dressed in her “Ilse, She-Wolf of the SS” fantasy action costume…
My internet connection is slow and spotty
Or mixed it up with the state of his ass.
Has Ann Coulter had her rabbis shot?
Well, she occasionally refers to America as “a Christian nation” rather than “a Judeo-Christian nation,” but I don’t think she’s escalated to actual rabbinical execution.
Damn. Actor beat me to it and was funnier to boot. Time to have a diet Coke with lunch.
“USDA Grade D – circus animals and some filler.”
It’s OK, TC. There’s plenty of meat on that bone.
Errr, well, it is Coulter so maybe not.
My internet connection is slow and spotty, so forgive me for not linking to evidence backing this up as much as I’d like
but, trust me, it’s totally true and logical and central to my point and good news for John McCain.
O.K. @#$%-holes./ WordPress told me that rabies was misspelled so I dropped the “e”. I think word-press is anti-semitic.
The market provides. If you haven’t got it for your pets you are an inhuman monster, perhaps clawed, furred, and four-legged.
Also, when we shoot uninsured people who break their legs, under the Pantload Plan they would be given the dignity of a little curtain on a cart to prevent prying eyes from seeing it.
I think word-press is anti-semitic.
They don’t just overcook a hamburger, Jerry.
In what universe is income “rising?” Both MEgan and Manzi make this statement, apparently backed up by “SHUT UP, THAT’S WHY!” Apparently if the top 5%’s income is rising, income is, generally, rising.
Address my postage, libs!
Der Pantload can eat shit and die if he thinks that the veterinary industry is a model for our healthcare…I had to go through a really shitty spring this year because of what it cost me to first treat and then ultimately put down my oldest cat because i could not afford to get her treated sooner…but i suppose that is in line with the whole wingnut philosophy that anyone who cannot readily afford proper and timely care should have the good graces to die in as quiet and convenient a manner as poosible so as not to inconvenience bitches like him…frankly, i’d gladly chuck the entire NRO staff under a bus if i thought it would bring my old Shadow back to me because she was worth more than the whole fucking lot of those colostomy sculptures
And this will be my new avatar.
I don’t recall Doughy using the veterinarian comparison before. And using it now makes no sense at all. Its apples vs. table lamps. All apples are red and grow on trees; table lamps have on-off switches and shades: therefore I’m right and you’re wrong. Shut up that’s why. (And if you point out that apples come in green and gold colors, well, That is Central to his POINT.
No reason why insurance companies shouldn’t do very well when there is a Public Plan. UPS and FedEx do quite well. I expect most people would sign up for a Public Plan and keep their old insurance for a while. and if, say Blue Cross kicked out their greedy money-sucking execs and bloated bureaucracy, they might be able to compete. Maybe.
Maybe Jonah’s actually proposing the Discworld health care model: when you get sick don’t go to a doctor, go to a vet. He’s not known for clear writing (due to his lack of clear thinking).
I know several people in my small town who actually do go to the farm-supply store for their self-prescribed antibiotics. Saves them the cost of a doctor’s visit and a prescription.
(My internet connection is slow and spotty, so forgive me for not linking to evidence backing this up as much as I’d like).
Can I get that on an NRO T-shirt? I intend to use that excuse for the rest of my life.
Or we could just start butchering the working poor for meat. The free market will provide solutions to all problems. And this time, the hands don’t have to be invisible, you could market them as gourmet ingredients for hand-burgers or mains-acotti.
Undress Markie Post, libs!
Why is the Pantload still on dial-up anyway? Is NRO tanking so badly that they can’t afford to buy him more bandwidth?
I used to undress Markie Post all the time. In my mind.
I have a 20 inch penis.
(My internet connection is slow and spotty, so forgive me for not linking to evidence backing this up as much as I’d like).
Someone with a non slow – non spotty internet connection ought to work on that Markie Post thing.
I used to undress Markie Post all the time. In my mind.
You too?
From Teh WikelPedia:
Post is the daughter of scientist Richard F. Post who is well-known for his patents in the fields of nuclear fusion, particle accelerators, and electronic and mechanical energy storage.
O I know there’s a vet insurance industry growing, RB. The difference is that it’s not friggin designed to deny care. The profit model is different.
Address my Markie Post libtards!
well-known for his patents in the fields of nuclear fusion, particle accelerators, and electronic and mechanical energy storage.
So when he asks you “just what are your intentions with my daughter, young man?” he doesn’t have an axe handle casually but ominously placed nearby, he has a bigass positronic death rifle.
Address my Markie Post libtards!
Biz Markie post, libs!
And this will be my new avatar.
Which? The bottle, the geezer, or the two rocketry-bra chicks?
Markie Post is a trigger for me, assholes
Markie Post is a trigger for my asshole
internet connectionbrain is slow and spotty, so forgive me for not linking to evidence backing this updiaskeuasisated for accuracy
The bottle, of course.
Websense won’t actually let me look at the rockety-bra chicks, though I see nothing wrong with the phrase myself.
I am sick of all the government interference with my animals. Why should they tell me how many cats I can keep or how high is an acceptable level of feces on my carpet? They tax my pets and force me to give them vaccinations. And do you know how much cheaper meat would be if it were not for the government “inspecting” every thing. How do you know that I don’t want trichinosis? Ever think of that. And if I didn’t then I would pay the extra but I cook the shit out of everything anyway so there. Also, I fixed the door of my S10 pickup with duct tape.
Also, I fixed the door of my S10 pickup with duct tape.
You mean Bondo, right?
And since we’re not yet butchering the working poor for meat…
Yet. *tongue smacks lips*
Rusty Shackleford said,
“Markie Post is a trigger for me, assholes.”
Why? Please explain.
I find you can wrap the door in a snuggie and it hold’s pretty well.
How do you know that I don’t want trichinosis? Ever think of that.
Jonah could deduct the worms from his taxes as “dependants”.
Why? Please explain.
I was watching Night Court when I heard Reagan got re-elected.
And since we’re not yet butchering the working poor for meat…
It’s obvious that you’ve never had a croque-monsieur with freshly shaved hobo and emmental. In fact, the name means “to crunch”-“mister” and should only be made from the finest cuts of the working poor.
Also, such as.
Markie Post is a Roy Rogers’ horse for you?
Sweet christ.
I’d just like to thank our hosts for not kicking my sorry ass outta this joint for all the hornet’s nests I’ve stirred up past and present. First it was the circumcision holocaust and now everyone’s getting triggered and being a bunch of humorless dildos.
I bet there’s a fair number of people who would volunteer to neuter Doughbob for free.
with dull utensils.
I think we should give him to a nice farm family.
The difference is that it’s not friggin designed to deny care.
That’s not what I’ve heard, and googling pet-insurance scam turns up lots of anecdotes, for what it’s worth. Also, article on lack of value to consumer, which points out that deductibles can be high and fine print can exclude many conditions. Pet insurance is also not health insurance, it’s regulated as PROPERTY insurance, so it’s not even close to being comparable. Another issue in the “can’t be compared” department is the fact that most problems with bad pet insurers and vet malpractice are small claims, so the invisible hand of the market is all carrot and no stick. How many of these things does Doughberg want to apply to HIS health insurance?
Bondo won’t stick a side mirror back on. Which I wouldn’t have to do if the damned government just kept the hell our of my transportation. Don’t even get me started about mufflers (which by the way can be fixed with Shoe Goo).
I find you can wrap the door in a snuggie and it hold’s pretty well.
Pet care is indeed just like free-market health care would be: the pets of the rich get several-thousand-dollar treatments for anything while most animals (10 to 1 or so) starve and die on the streets.
Because I am a bastard I am free with apostrophe’s.
while most animals (10 to 1 or so) starve and die on the streets
This is Bob Barker, reminding you to spay or neuter your wingnut.
Free with apostrophe’s WHAT?!! And does Mrs. apostrophe know?
In college, I lived on Trigger burgers at Roy Rogers (do they still exist?). I was dirt poor, couldn’t afford food much. You dressed your burger at the salad bar – lettuce, tomato and so on. I would dress my 79 cent Trigger burger by heaping salad stuffs onto the tray until it was just shy of overflowing. I carried a fork in my backpack. I could also get five or six visits from one unlimited refill beverage cup. I carried it in my backpack, in a protective case I made for it.
So one day my older brother moved to town to return to school. He had gotten married and I had never met his wife. They took a break from unpacking that first night and went to get some dinner.
Yep, she was watching me do my salad thing and kept whispering to my brother “OMG I can’t believe it look at that guy oh my god that’s outrageous holy crqap what the hell does he think he’s doing…” My brother finally turned from perusing the menu board and yells out “Hey! That’s my brother! Marsha…that’s my brother Peter!”
Mortified is the term that comes to mind. They divorced only a year or two later though I don’t think I had anything to do with that.
In college, I lived on Trigger burgers at Roy Rogers (do they still exist?)
I think there may still be one in Penn Station.
Oh, what I’d give at the moment (say, Jonah’s liver) for a Roy Rogers “strawberry shortcake”.
I like to dress my Trigger burgers in little cowboy costumes.
I see a sequel: PeeJ and King Kot go to Roy Rogers.
Via Big Hollywood, 1. Save Chris Muir’s ‘Day By Day’ Cartoon! Fund Drive Starts Today
I could also get five or six visits from one unlimited refill beverage cup. I carried it in my backpack, in a protective case I made for it.
Making a protective case for an unlimited refill cup is fucking awesome. I bet we have a lot in common.
Jonah could deduct the worms from his taxes as “dependants”.
“Depends Ants”, you mean.
PeeJ and King Kot go to Roy Rogers
To Gitmo horse
Save Chris Muir’s ‘Day By Day’ Cartoon
No, thank you.
(BTW, now I’ve changed my nym, watch – I’ll find the one fucking wingnut in Western civilization who actually knows who King Kot was and he’ll decide to troll here and go all ballistic that I’m being a typical liberal racist and Malkin’ll post my address, libs and I’ll have the two members of the American Eagles or whatever that pro-war bunch is called camping out on my front lawn peeing in my bushes and calling me a moran every time I leave for work.)
King Kot? More like King Obot. *marches away*
I have pet insurance, and they basically deny everything. It’s a total waste, but since I’m a deadbeat mother and my dog lives with my parents, my parents make me keep it. It’s like $20/month, so I just do it.
Holy crap, I just looked up who king Kot was myself and what do I find but his kingdom was involved in King Leopold’s assholery.
I got called out by John T. Simpson in a long crazy rant.
I have pet insurance, and they basically deny everything.
But do they do it properly?
[german accent] I KNOW NOTHING! [/german accent]
Damn. “Unrighteous Bubba”. Burn of the century there.
Are the wingnuts even trying these days? Sotomayor, a minority woman, is said to be racist. People pay money to take care of their pets, which means that people without insurance should go the pound and get adopted, or something.
Are they on a break, like with baseball? An all-fart break, perhaps?
I got called out by John T. Simpson in a long crazy rant.
Was that like, supposed to be funny or something?
“Crazy” doesn’t describe it. It sounds more like “Yeah, I’m an assole, can’t we all just get along?”
And of course, the answer is “No, because you’re an asshole”.
RB, you’re to be congratulated for causing him such out-sized butthurt.
How odd! I was stalked by a polyfleece-wearing Jim Morrison look-alike. “Light my fire” is my trigger.
Unrighteous Bubba! ZING!
Seriously, that’s so pitiful it makes Sally Struthers tear up.
“Light my fire” is my trigger
Unrighteous Bubba,
The combination between his linking your blog, and your current top post is pure win. Do you happen to know what it was that set him over the edge?
It seems Simpson, like most right wingers, doesn’t understand how satire is supposed to work. The caricature he describes actually exists. Not only that, but it is a part of his own political movement. Many of his own commentors will hold at least a few of those views.
Simpson may want to try and maintain some distance from the insane ultra-right, but many other mainstream wingnuts kiss up to exactly the type of person he describes in his rant.
John T. Simpson is being played by Doug Giles today, apparently. All that rant needs is a line about using piss as aftershave.
What’s especially funny is all of the wingnuts who think that us stoopit libtardz are going to misinterpret the cunning satire and take it seriously.
SCUSE mah snugGEE!
Oh, and the commenter who complains about his using the Lord’s name in vain.
That was satire? Reads like autobiography to me.
Oh, and the commenter who complains about his using the Lord’s name in vain
I once took Jack Lord’s name in vain and I still regret it to this day.
It is amusing to see a conservative run up against Poe’s Law.
Ha, ha! Take THAT, strawliberals!
The last time I was over at Big Hollywood I commented at a story that expressed outrage that Madonna, spokeswoman of us all, would compare John McCain to Hitler. Simpson showed up in comments to compare Obama to Hitler.
Somewhat on topic, pet care in Alaska.
OK, I stand corrected by tigrismus and That Girl.
pet insurance sucks worse than people insurance.
Makes me glad I’m dead.
I thought Madonna was Hitler. And Britney Spears was Rudolf Hess.
And since we’re not yet butchering the working poor for meat,
Bwa hahahaha!!…hey, waitaminute….
All y’all will be sorry when you have to deal with the flocks/herds of zombie poor folks with rabies wandering the streets.
Makes me glad I’m dead.
As long as you’ve got your health.
My internet connection is slow and spotty
Suddenly I realise why “Internet connection” was my nickname in adolescence.
Simpson’s just jealous he can’t rock the cone bra THOUGH HE KEEPS TRYING.
From the Manzi article Doughbag linked to: “. . . bureaucratic measurement of ‘health outcomes’ is unlikely to point resources in a direction that maximizes human welfare.”
Manzi supports this with a couple of anecdotes about good medical outcomes achieved under the present system cited in McCardle’s article. I guess they all have slow, spotty dial-up connections that prevent them from getting facts to support their points. Megan declares that that the new public system would not define a 37-year-old woman being bedridden as an undesirable outcome to be avoided by providing cardiac care. And apparently health systems like those in Canada don’t even keep track of how many patients are waiting for hip replacements.
The fact that systems relying on bureaucratic measurement of ‘health outcomes’ DO maximize human welfare better than ours is peripheral to their point, which is — I’VE GOT MINE!
zombie poor folks with rabies wandering the streets.
They’re RABBIS!!!
Actually, zombie Rabbis would just be sad, as people branes ain’t kosher.
As someone who often uses the example of vetinerary [sic] care as an example of free market medicine …
And that “free market medicine” also explains all the Humane Shelters.
I was going to say…
You sure you don’t mean Sarah Jessica Parker?
All week. New material at ten. Tip veal. Try waitress.
If I had time, I’d update this with a scream and a flame.
I don’t, so I won’t.
Has Ann Coulter had her rabbis shot?
No, she’s still trying to perfect him.
Only slightly off topic,
My internet connection is slow and spotty
Suddenly I realise why “Internet connection” was my nickname in adolescence.
Spotty? Not so much!
Simpson showed up in comments to compare Obama to Hitler.
Wheeee! I just read the exchange. If lmgtfy didn’t exist, you’d probably have to create one yourself.
I bow to your mastery of the internets. Your trolling skillz are masterly and 1337 beyond imagining. If there were a switch labelled “Troll” and “More Troll“, there’s probably a dial on the back that goes all the way to
elevenBubba.In a post complaining about Madonna going Godwin, you got one of the site’s own writers to post:
Just reading that made me laugh, but the follow-up is… wow.
Free with apostrophe’s WHAT?!!
With one of equal or lesser value.
zombie Rabbis would just be sad, as people branes ain’t kosher
No, but they could do the circumcisions to get the braines out.
Free with apostrophe’s WHAT?!!
With one of equal or lesser value.
Also, BOG’O, also
SCUSE mah snugGEE!
MY tee put TEE!
Also, BOG’O, also
Kleenex can really help take care of your BOGO situation there.
Via Big Hollywood, 1. Save Chris Muir’s ‘Day By Day’ Cartoon! Fund Drive Starts Today
I like how you can get a little
masturbation aiddoll of the woman in the comic strip if you send him some lucre.Also, BOG’O, also
Kleenex can really help take care of your BOGO situation there.
I use a ShamWOW!
From’s “Hot Topics”: new wingnut outrage?
Obama throws like a girl?
Ooh, if you donate an extra $67 bucks to save Day byDay, you get this keen, 8″ Sam figurine. Such a deal for an 8″ tall doll you can fap to!
I like how you can get a little masturbation aid of the woman in the comic strip if you send him some lucre.
Let’s be honest.
From’s “Hot Topics”: new wingnut outrage?
Obama throws like a girl?
He didn’t want to show up Cole Hamels.
I use a ShamWOW!
The proper response is “S’not a problem”.
Your daily PENIS.
No, but they could do the circumcisions to get the braines out.
They remove your foreheadskin in a rite called a “brows”.
I remember when Garry Trudeau had to beg for money to keep Doonesbury going.
The proper response is “S’not a problem”
I see what you do here.
I like how you can get a little
masturbation aiddoll of the woman in the comic strip if you send him some lucre.If it’s poseable, I’d be very curious to know where they put the joints.
But not curious enough to visit the site.
Speaking of debates, here’s one that had me lulzing:
She got totally pwned, didn’t she?
and Calvin and Hobbes had to shut down because Watterson went broke.
Muir: “being fulltime on DBD frees me to keep improving the art & writing”
I like how you can get a little masturbation aid … of the woman in the comic strip if you send him some lucre.
You struck that out, but did you see the poorly drawn porn posters you get without having to shell out extra for the sad hunk of malformed plastic? Jesus, people SEND HIM SOME MONEY TO FREE HIM TO IMPROVE HIS FUCKING DRAWING. The man obviously needs the money to see a doctor about those useless boneless, nerveless sausages he calls fingers.
being fulltime on DBD frees me to keep improving the art & writing
I think you missed a keyword in “DON’T GIVE UP YOUR DAY JOB,” Muir.
The owners of the pets care a great deal about both what they pay and what they get.
So how does Doughy’s analogy play out here? We should also re-institute slavery because slaveowners would pay any price for the continued good health of their property?
I remember when Garry Trudeau had to beg for money to keep Doonesbury going
Charless Schulz used to return deposit bottles to help Peanuts.
I use a ShamWOW!
You’re gonna love my nuts.
I use a ShamWOW!
You’re gonna love my nuts.
Scuse mah FINGAHS!
I remember when Garry Trudeau had to beg for money to keep Doonesbury going
Wasn’t that right after GHW Bush put it on the obituary page?
Your daily POOP.
As someone who often uses the example of vetinerary [sic] care as an example of free market medicine …
Apropos of nothing in particular, the blatant racism and general cobaggery on display from Sessions, Kyl, Cornyn, et al during the Sotomayor hearings is giving I a sad.
Muir: “being fulltime on DBD frees me to keep improving the art & writing”
As you said tigrismus, !!!!! That strip is kinda like what they teach in “Advanced Cartooning For Secondary Schools: How To Draw Charlie Brown’s Shirt”
Apropos of nothing in particular, the blatant racism and general cobaggery on display from Sessions, Kyl, Cornyn, et al during the Sotomayor hearings is giving I a sad.
I too – it’s been a serious “defense mechanisms hauled out on behalf of white male privilege”-fest. I hope it’s opening some people’s eyes to what a pack of bastards those Redoublechins are.
“Advanced Cartooning For Secondary Schools: How To Draw Charlie Brown’s Shirt”
hey…I have one of those shirts! And it’s one of my favorites!
I hope it’s opening some people’s eyes to what a pack of bastards those Redoublechins are.
Yet again, they seem politically tone deaf more than anything. They’re alienating the last Hispanics just as they did blacks. Someone forgot to tell them that white males are, like, 30% of the population. And shrinking.
I wish I could make less money so I could be “cared for” and not have to worry about waking up in the morning to go to work!
Why can I not be unemployeed and smoke crack? I mean seriously, I wish I could come on a leftist website and spew dipshit remarks because I am at home letting the white male republicans pay for my internet and cable bill.
I wish I could make less money…
I have no difficulty believing it would be impossible for you to make less money.
I wish I could make less money
Move to a state where they only get a nickle for each bottle.
Don’t even get me started about mufflers (which by the way can be fixed with Shoe Goo).
MY tee put TEE!
Mufflers and puttees? I am no expert on sartorial combinations and accessorising, but this does not sound right.
I am at home letting the white male republicans pay for my internet and cable bill.
Wait! That’s a brilliant scheme! Why didn’t we libs think of this BEFORE the redneck meth makers!
letting the white male republicans pay for my internet and cable bill
I thought about going that way, but the idea of the wetsuits and the asphyxiation were way too much for me.
letting the white male republicans pay for my internet and cable bill
All you have to do is answer their call from under the bathroom stall separator.
letting the white male republicans pay for my internet and cable bill
Your library is run by white male republicans?
Muir: “being fulltime on DBD frees me to keep improving the art & writing”
Oh, yes sir, we SO noticed. *snort*
I wish I could come on a leftist website and spew dipshit remarks
“Muir: “being fulltime on DBD frees me to keep improving the art & writing”
I was wondering what DBD is? DisaBleD? Drunk But Disorderly? I don’t know. Who cares
Drunk But Disorderly?
That’s the “Mallard Fillmore” guy.
DBD=Disabling Brain Disease, Q.E.D.
Hey, look at the dumb honkey’s link.
That’s rich.
So, if one had to choose between DBD and Mallard Fillmore, which would you choose to keep?
The one with the scoliotic depcitions of women. Who needs another cranky duck when we’ve got Daffy.
It would be funny if Cathy were to suddenly head off into wingerland. I’m not sure why, it just seems like it would be.
Free with apostrophe’s WHAT?!!
Free with apostrophe’s, sir?
Bubba, If it nationalizes industries like Hitler…
Nationalize the Hitler industry!
So, if one had to choose between DBD and Mallard Fillmore, which would you choose to keep?
Mallard Fillmore works better as masturbatory material, just ask Neal Horsely.
Seriously??? I give you guys a gold mine to work with and this is all you have replied thus far???
I wasted a bag of popcorn for nothing!!! I’m waiting for some funnier responses.
The best one so far had to be King Kot at 22:06
The worst… Djur… really man, did you think that was serious?
Why somebody hasn’t beat the everloving shit out of that fat fuck I’ll never know.
I am Ozymandoughpants, Load of Loads!
Look on my posts, ye libruls, and snark!
Why somebody hasn’t beat the everloving shit out of that fat fuck I’ll never know.
The only time he’s ever sighted in public is near an all-you-can-eat buffet and trust me, you do NOT want to come in between Fudgie and a buffet!
Still weak… need better!
I wish I could come on a leftist website and spew
dammit, you do and we’ll make you clean up after yourself!
Sheesh. Wingnuts.
@LittlePig – We’re looking for funny responses; if I wanted a response like that I would do my normal runs at KOS.
So, can anyone do better than Kit Kot?
Sorry, some dumb white guy, I’m too busy scheming how I can get white patriot Republican males to pay me cash money for drawing cartoons and putting them on the interp00ps. Maybe if I draw a series of busty gals with severe scoliosis and faces that looks like nightmare Rorschach blots spouting moronic talking points and beating the hell out of strawmen… Sure, I’ll have to break all my fingers and lobotomize myself first to free myself to achieve the requisite level of quality in the art and writing, but after that and the underpants thing: PROFIT!
Just because you all let your hatred of rich people determine your personal political position (excuse the alliteration there), that doesn’t mean you can’t be funny and supply this dumb white guy with some humor!
Ah, killfile makes a thread morning fresh!
Just because you all let your hatred of rich people determine your personal political position
Cuz I’m a rich white guy, and these folks kinda like me.
You know, a little.
It could be the fact that I can buy and sell them, but hey, I don’t care! It’s capitalism! I can buy love.
Speaking of which, does your mom still have her harness?
Why somebody hasn’t beat the everloving shit out of that fat fuck I’ll never know.
I imagine it would be very time consuming, there’s a lot of shit involved!
Speaking of beating the shit out of someone, here’s one of the trippiest passages in the Tain bo Cuilange (Kinsella’s translation):
” Cuchulain sprang at him and took his weapons away roughly. He grasped him in his two hands and ground and rattled him until the dung was forced out of him… Everafterwards, as long as he lived, larene couldn’t empty his bowels properly.”
Cut and paste- if I recall properly, the line represented by the ellipses was “the ford became foul with his dust”.
I doubt even the Hound of Ulster could have emptied Pantload’s GI tract. Hercules himself would have needed to re-route more than one river to clean out that Augean nightmare.
He grasped him in his two hands and ground and rattled him until the dung was forced out of him…
I think I saw that video for sale on 42nd Street, back before it became Disney-Lite.
Why is it liberals are always so defensive and uptight? I’ve met a few funny ones in my life, but for the most part they’re pretty stale, and NONE of them could ever laugh at the expense of their own political views.
Try taking yourselves less seriously- smile, be happy!
The other day I was walking out of the store and saw this old man trying to lift something into his vehicle, so I decided to go help him.
Did I stop helping the old man lift his boxes of bananas into his car when I noticed he had an Obama bumper sticker, no.
Would any of you have stopped helping the elderly had you seen a Bush sticker, yes.
So, while I agree with probably 50% of the leftist agenda, I could never support the side that is so unhappy and unhelpful.
Also… why did that liberal have so many bananas… did you guys figure out a source for clean energy and you’re hoarding it to yourselves???
Would any of you have stopped helping the elderly had you seen a Bush sticker, yes.
Duh, then we would have stolen all the bananas to pay for drugs and abortions.
You ever think maybe it’s not because you’re rich that people hate you?
Also… why did that liberal have so many bananas…
Because, unlike conservatives, we believe in confronting our nightmares.
You ever think maybe it’s not because you’re rich that people hate you?
I’m 16 and I work at the local wal-mart as a cart-boy.
I guess I should spend less time working and more time being brainwashed by the media- then could I come hang out with you guys?
Do you all really want the government to control your lives??? Wake the hell up already… you have all let the Democrat party pull you in under the guise of civil rights and helping out the little guy, but you’re all too stupid to see how bad big government is, and it does NOTHING to help the little guy!!!!
Sigh… you people are hopeless, and I do mean YOU PEOPLE!!!
Also… why did that liberal have so many bananas…
They call me Mellow Yellow.
Would any of you have stopped helping the elderly had you seen a Bush sticker, yes.
Best move into a house of bricks, mo ‘Buachaill, the house of strawmen you live in isn’t safe from big bad wolves.
You don’t think we’re funny because you don’t get the jokes.
a little masturbation aid of the woman in the comic strip …
If it’s poseable, I’d be very curious to know where they put the joints.
It’s as if you’re trying to goad me into linking to disturbing Hans-Bellmer-related images.
It’s as if you’re trying to goad me into linking to disturbing Hans-Bellmer-related images
Hey, you’ll be going on holiday soon, so make with the jpegs PLZ!
Cuz I’m a rich white guy,
Actor, we need to talk about the house I’m gonna design for you….
Dude, you believe every lame-ass stereotype of liberals but we’re brain-washed?
Oh, I’ve heard this one! To keep his pants up!
No, wait: to get to the other side! No . . .
Dammit, don’t tell me . . .
Hey, you’ll be going on holiday soon, so make with the jpegs PLZ!
I’m on holiday already, in France. It turns out that they do have an Internet here. I’ve exceeded my quarterly allowance of creepy Hans Bellmer pictures, but here’s a tree-related horror woodcut from 1499.
I think he is confusing humourless dildos with bananas
Kathleen is JUMPING on the humorless dildos…
Crush porn — ur doin it rong.
I’m on holiday already, in France.
Mmmm… boudin noir… uhhhh…
I’m late to this party but suggest, when Jonah reaches stage four of his intellectual illness, that he be “put down” by a good vet.
Sigh… you people are hopeless, and I do mean YOU PEOPLE!!!
Skooled! Old skool style. Take that to the bank and smoke it, libs. You see, the whole “pretend to be all the hyperbolic nonsense the other side believes about you” parody trick works again! Coach some dumb white guy Out!
Skooled! Old skool style.
It really is excruciating watching Those People try to be funny.
Do you all really want the government to control your lives???
I don’t get how tapping everybody’s phone is not “government controlling your lives”, but then I’m just a loony liberal.
I’m 16 and I work at the local wal-mart as a cart-boy.
Oh, and on the off chance that is true, and Wal-Mart pays you overtime, thank a liberal. The 40 hour work week is a liberal invention.
Actor, we need to talk about the house I’m gonna design for you….
If you put that ground floor escape hatch in the thirty foot high anti-zombie walls, I’ll have to behead you.
Pshaw, I’m not a Republican zombie, I don’t eat the brains of clients
Pshaw, I’m not a Republican zombie, I don’t eat the brains of clients
I’m not worried about you, I’m worried about the mass of zombies behind you…
Oh, and on the off chance that is true, and Wal-Mart pays you overtime, thank a liberal. The 40 hour work week is a liberal invention.
Since we’re taking that route, let’s go ahead and thank the Republicans for abolishing slavery and then ending the racist Jim Crow laws that the Democrats supported.
You guys keep on fooling all those black people, but make sure they don’t ever pick up a history book- oh wait, you have them all thinking they are no more than a welfare check, nvm, you all have that under control!
Identity politics does not stem from individual thought.
I love it how liberals feel like capitalism makes them slaves to big business and “the man”, but yet they don’t even realize how slave-like the enormous amount of regulations big government puts on you…
thank the liberals for abolishing slavery and then ending the racist Jim Crow laws that the Democrats supported.
There were once Liberal Republicans, like Jacob Javits and Nelson Rockefeller.
you know, sane Republicans.
But it’s nice to see you admit your current party is nothing but a bunch of redneck bohunks who only want to string brown people up.
“Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things…every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.”
Ok ok, I am wrong, and you all are right.
I give up; just tell me which un-ambitious, no-desire-to-get-a-job person should I send my money to?
just tell me which un-ambitious, no-desire-to-get-a-job person should I send my money to?
Help your mom out. She earned it after all those tricks she turned getting you out of special ed, Forrest.
I give up; just tell me which un-ambitious, no-desire-to-get-a-job person should I send my money to?
Lindsey Graham seems worried folks will find out he is a talentless hack that owes his position purely to privilege – you might want to send some money his way.
just tell me which un-ambitious, no-desire-to-get-a-job person should I send my money to?
I know a certain governor who just quit her job….
My conversation with the vet went something like this:
Vet: Your dog has cancer and we can treat him. The cost will be somewhere around $6,000 and with luck he will only be in pain for about 6 months from the surgery and the chemo.
Me: $6,000 for a 14 year old dog, huh? Let’s put him to sleep.
Malpractice insurance for vets isn’t a problem since the most they can be sued for is the commercial value of the animal. What do you think the commercial value of a 14 year old mutt is?