Graham Goes Limp on Sotomayor

ABOVE: Paul “Daddy Bear” Mirengoff

Paul Mirengoff, PowerTool IV Blog:
The Great Gesturer

  • Lindsey Graham is a big ol’ sentimental fag. With all his limp gestures and soft ball questions, he really should be an actor, not a Senator. In fact, if they ever revive Bewitched, he would be perfect as Uncle Arthur.*

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™




Comments: 66


Okay, but only if David Vitter plays little Tabitha.


Well there goes my breakfast… And I don’t think I’ll be in the mood for lunch either. Thanks a lot SN.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well, despite claiming not to be stoopit brainzlessnessity in teh lesboconservative thread – I’m gonna answer Mirengoff’s question.

Why do so many Senators persist during judicial confirmation hearings in making speeches rather than asking questions?

Because they’re Senators? There are a grand total of four things a senator has to do in order to fulfill their job functions:
1. Vote – this is the one they usually drop first.
2. Stay scandal-free. Whoops, I mean this is the one they usually drop first.
3. Raise $$$ for election campaigns.
4. Speechify.

Anyways, here’s a related observation from Talking Pants Marshall:

In any case, on almost every front of intellect and knowledge, the judges have the senators wildly overmatched. And yet, the senators have the power.

Seriously, it’s like if I had the chance to compete with Rush Limbaugh about who could yell PENIS the loudest – but then said “this competition don’t make sense, we should instead see which one of us can snort more ground up Oxy off of teenaged Dominican boys”.

Ted the Slacker

Holy Batman.

I’ll be amazed, Tintin, if you don’t have the Toilet Anti-Defamation League on your ass after this photoshop.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

OT, but posted below and reposted here to catch folks that were frightened off by DA in the last thread:

I keep threatening to plan a Boston Drinking Sadlyly, but never manage. I suppose I actually should before little Studebaker arrives. So… Boston folks, which of the first few weekends in August work for you?


ha, ted. why do you assume that to be a photoshop?


Anyone looking for a slightly used Senator?

Take him off our hands, cheap. Comes with a month’s supply of kibble. Housebroken.

Ted the Slacker

why do you assume that to be a photoshop?

Because no toilet I know would agree to pose for such a picture.


Hoo, man, I did not need to see that this morning. Nope, a bit too too much.

I’ll be back after lunch.


You’ve crossed the line this time, SN.

Paul Lynde was a great American. Do not use his image in your foolish mockeries.


Senator Huckleberry has a flair for drama, that’s all.


The finGAHS, he’s scusin’ them !!!!


It’s best that Mr. Lynde is unavailable for comment, he was was a real actor. Mr. Graham just plays one on the Senate floor.


t’s best that Mr. Lynde is unavailable for comment, he was was a real actor. Mr. Graham just plays one on the Senate floor.
Truly. First rate actors get employment for acting

Second rate actors get employment in trial laywering.

Third raters run for Senate.



Nutter Army Major refuses to deploy, says it’s ’cause Obama’s not American

This from the comments on the story:

In a Court martial ALL EVIDENCE will be shown. Thus that LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE MUST BE PRESENTED! Or… the trial will result in acquital for the Officer! Looks like we found a means to gain access to that hidden Birth Certificate. If he was born in Kenya… Obama is guilty of TREASON. You have more to worry about than this Officer.

valkyr of science

Right. Enough of this physics stuff. I’m going into biomed engineering, and I’m going to develop an intelligence serum. I’m sure I could get a DoD grant for that, right?


Paul Lynde was the GOD of Hollywood Squares.

Don’t mock this great man.


Get him, Bully Brothers!

United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Right, Claw


Gestures are for ham actors, not U.S. Senators.

Me not get politics.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Via Radley Balko:
Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearing, only with extra awesome.


BTW that Army Major’s refusing to deploy to Afghanistan… you know, “The Good War”.

Bahhhh! fuckin’ wingnuts.


Bewitched was alright, but that chick in I Dream of Jeanie (or however you spell it) was pretty hot.


valkyr of science said,

July 15, 2009 at 15:41

Right. Enough of this physics stuff. I’m going into biomed engineering, and I’m going to develop an intelligence serum. I’m sure I could get a DoD grant for that, right?

You probably could. I mean, the DoD funds all sorts of pie-in-the-sky and ridiculous shit.


Who cares about a leftist replacing a leftist? I agree with Graham. This is boring. Save the ammo for when he tries to replace a conservative with a leftist. That will be WWIII!


BTW, how many leftists refused to ackknowledge Bush as a legitimate and legal President? How soon the lefties forget!


refused to ackknowledge Bush as a legitimate and legal President

Possibly something to do with the fact that he WASN’T ACTUALLY ELECTED, q.v. Bush v. Gore 2000


Pere Ubu:

It looks like this is a setup. Major Cook met up with the birther lawyer Orly Taitz this spring, volunteered to be deployed in May 2009, then filed this court order the day before he was to be deployed, even though under the terms of his volunteer deployment, he could’ve changed his mind at any time prior.


RedCon sure likes war analogies for a guy who’s probably never been within 1000 miles of a combat zone.


So Conan the Bore-bear-ian is taking his poor little cub behind the woodshed for a good poling, eh?


“…to catch folks that were frightened off by DA in the last thread…”

Thank G-d someone here understands me.


How sweet it is! The first pic is nice but the apposition of Paul Lindsey and Lyndesy Graham did I get that right?) caused a severe case of coffeescreen. I passed a whole cup of coffee through my nose. Cup and all.


There weren’t any lefties who refused to deploy on Armed Services orders because they thought Bush wasn’t legitimately the President, but I’m glad this blog has someone who supports the right of members of the military to determine who their Commander-in-Chief is or isn’t,

Bookmark this, cons!


Bush was elected, he won Florida and with it the electoral college.

Besides, even after 2004 there were nutty leftists rambling about Diebold.

I guess no leftists refused to deploy mostly cause the vast majority of the military is conservative Republican.


Hey I don’t support him! Just saying, both sides have crazy people that can’t accept the outcomes of elections, whether the theory has to do with satanic Diebold machines or birth certificates.


Besides, even after 2004 there were nutty leftists rambling about Diebold.

I’ve been voting in Ohio since 1994. The 2004 election here was like nothing I’ve seen before or since.

I’ll go to my grave believing that there was something hinky about that election.


I will believe literally anything if it works out good for the right wing.


I am surprised Graham was so “tough” on Sotomayor. His questioning pretty much was a ton of “some have said…” blind item BS, but we gays love a strong “diva” so I can’t believe Lindsay was butching it up so much. Well, trying.


Bush was elected, he won Florida and with it the electoral college.

No, he didn’t. The count was never finished, per the Florida Supreme Court.


I guess no leftists refused to deploy mostly cause the vast majority of the military is conservative Republican.

Pat Tillman.

Nuff said.


Paul Lynne had a quiet dignity that Lindsey Graham just lacks.


Whoops Paul Lynde, that is.


Looks like we found a means to gain access to that hidden Birth Certificate. If he was born in Kenya… Obama is guilty of TREASON. You have more to worry about than this Officer.

I still think this is one of those 11th dimensional chess moves by BO. Why “release the vault copy” or whatever they think that means when it’s such a great way to keep the ultra-wingnuts chasing their tails and making themselves look like idiots? In public. Repeatedly. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


Now THIS is the “Sadly,No!” premium graphic quality I’ve come to know & love! Yeah, baby!
*tastes vomit*

I’ll go to my grave believing that there was something hinky about that election.

Belief implies room for reasonable doubt.

A guy who wrote a lot of the code for Diebold’s touch-screen voting machines testified under oath that he was explicitly ordered to rewrite it prior to the election so as to allow for all the machines in an entire state to be rerouted through one machine, an application with no real utility beyond vote-rigging, & to recode them so as to massively weaken said machines to hacking.

Videos showing you exactly how to hack a Diebold machine in under 3 minutes were all over the Interwebs in the months leading up to the election – in a political climate where Rove’s use of the Ratfuck Doctrine was seen by many not as scummy criminal hijinx but as proof of the GOP’s natural Darwinian superiority in the electoral jungle.

There’s video (probably still on YouTube) of some lady who was running for election for the Dems trying in vain to cast a vote for herself – & registering a GOP vote, over & over & over again.

2004 made 2000 look good.

Like Chomsky said, the smartest thing to do when you get caught with your hand in someone else’s purse or pocket is to immediately yell “Stop, thief!”

Google “ACORN Voter Fraud” for details.


at 15:35 Pere Ubu sighed and quoted a comment:

In a Court martial ALL EVIDENCE will be shown. Thus that LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE MUST BE PRESENTED! Or… the trial will result in acquital for the Officer! Looks like we found a means to gain access to that hidden Birth Certificate. If he was born in Kenya… Obama is guilty of TREASON. You have more to worry about than this Officer.

Sigh indeed.

There are a few catches for wingnutters here. For one a judge will determine what constitutes evidence. So unless the judge is a birther, he or she won’t require the presentation in open court of the hidden, original, exquisitely kerned, long, vault birth certificate signed in purple ink by JFK and Don Ho. But it will also be a judge who determines whether there will be a trial at all. Just because someone files documents doesn’t mean there’s always a trial.

Try filing documents that claim you didn’t have to obey the police officer’s instructions to show him your driver’s license because you’re sure he cheated on his qualification exam. You won’t comply with his orders until the judge shows you his original test paper.

Nope. There won’t be a trial.


“*tastes vomit*”

Wait…yours or someone else’s?

It’s an important distinction.


well, at least Mirengoff has plenty of TP for his bunghole….

The Goddamn Batman Thought That, If He Threw Up While Perched High Above Gotham City, It Would Evaporate Before It Reached The Ground; Then He Remembered, Wait, Only Urine Works That Way

OK, we won’t have any more of that now, thank you very much.


he or she won’t require the presentation in open court of the hidden, original, exquisitely kerned, long, vault birth certificate signed in purple ink by JFK and Don Ho

I love that. A summation of all the Right Wing document fetishes in one deliciously gory sentence.


birther lawyer Orly Taitz

Every time I see that name I think “That can’t be real.” And yet no one jumps out from under my desk yelling “Gotacha!”


birther lawyer Orly Taitz

Every time I see that name I think “That can’t be real.”

I thought it was a new product from a frozen French Fry firm.


If you dial the phone# on the wall, you get these people.

I wonder how many calls they have received today from Sadlynauts. Might want to change that image Tintin.


Basically, Sadly, No! hates gays.

Is that it?

You know, Paul Lynde is a hero. A very gay man who succeeded in Hollywood in the 1960s and 70s. If you want to find a gay man for shaming comparison to Graham, you might consider some closeted hypocrite instead. Maybe Larry Craig.

Try putting some thought into it.


Yeah, Tintin, stop being such a homophobe.


Wait, I though Tintin might be gay. Or French, which is almost the same thing.

And such as.


Nah. Tintin isn’t gay. But, I always had my doubts about that dog.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Wait… Paul Lynde was gay?!? Next thing you know someone will try to tell me that Charles Nelson Reilly was gay.

Tintin, on the other hand? My sources tell me that the chance that he’s gay is reasonably good.


that dog is a cutie pie though.


DMM: another sekrit: Richard Simmons is gay.

And I have some bad news about Boy George.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

And don’t even get us started on Liberace. Hoo.

Also, someone needs to have the Lynde/Graham photo captioned with:

“I’m the secret square!” or else there is no justice in comparing the two.


If he was born in Kenya… Obama is guilty of TREASON.

Treason to whom? Kenya?


Colbert just showed that EXACT SAME PICTURE of Paul Lynd.


birther lawyer Orly Taitz

I keep seeing a bicep with a tattoo of an owl with the caption O RLY under it.

El Caballo de Sangre

Wait…Mirengoff cruises in Northwest Ohio? WTF?!?


an owl with the caption O RLY
I keep thinking of Nico, but I’m impressionable like that.

Red State Wonder Years

Paul Lynde and Liberace were FUNNY and kinda CRAZY. ECCENTRIC and maybe even a little WEIRD.

There was no such thing as “GAY” in the Bible Belt in the 1960s.


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