Cheap Shot of the Day

Tip: If you ever want to do a post in five minutes, you can always go over to The Corner, where…

John Roberts swearing in Samuel Alito. It’s a beautiful thing. Two young lawyers who can read the U.S. Constitution.
Posted at 04:40 PM

AND JOHN ROBERTS [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
is dreamy. (And over 18…)

Oh the things I write to make The Corner fair and balanced.

Moving on…
Posted at 04:38 PM

Okay, let’s hit Google Images and Wikipedia.

St. Theresa, patroness of female masturbators. (Sculpture: Bernini, 1645-1652.)

Title: ‘Today’s K-LoJack.’

It’s almost depressing.

Bonus Eww! (Title: ‘Not by you it doesn’t, you Mazola-sweating manloaf.’)

IT NEEDS TO BE SAID [Jonah Goldberg]
Sam Alito’s daughter is a handsome lass. There, I said it.
Posted at 04:36 PM

“Hubba hubba.”


Comments: 15


Am I alone in thinking that conservatives’ sexual repression and conservatives’ sexual worship of their political leaders might just be connected?


Two young lawyers who can read the U.S. Constitution.

Hopefully, they will read it to the President.

(Hey, I can dream, can’t I?)


Ha, I love the ecstacy of St. Theresa. K-Lo getting the godly penetratio.


Sam Alito’s daughter is a handsome lass. There, I said it.

A “handsome lass”? I’ve got a long history of saying things that get me laughed at by women, but I don’t think saying something like that would ever enter my mind. C’mon, Jonah … don’t you mean she’s hotter’n the hinges on the gates of hell?


Oh the things I write to make The Corner fair and balanced.

*titter*…Oh, what a deliciously saucy wench she is. And that Goldberg chap…quite ribald, I must say.

Fuck, what a bunch a knobs.


No, Ginger Yellow.


Amazing….with so few words, Jonah can serve up a full pantload of doughy goodness. And as for K-Lo, the Miss Prissy of the Cornhole’s very own barnyard,what is there to say?


Hey, Gav–why’d you put the picture of K-Lo under the Jonah paragraph?


Oh, now that’s hot.


Do they ever mention KLo’s Michael Moore type fatness?
If the bedwetters allowed comments, I’d mention many times a day.


Is it a desire to return to feudalism that makes them talk like Ren-Faire rejects?


No, Triffid, it’s because they are a bunch of knobs (see above).


Sam Alito’s daughter is a handsome lass.

Where I come from that’s a codephrase for ‘looks like a moderately attractive young man’.


Where I come from, it’s an insult, mostly.


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