What’s Goose For The Sauce Is Gander For The Good, Right?
Posted on July 12th, 2009 by Tintin
ABOVE: Noel Sheppard. Hot or not?
Shorter Noel Sheppard:
Noel Sheppard, News Blusters
MSNBC’s Shuster to Report on Freepers Bashing Obama’s Daughter
- Liberals can’t complain about racist remarks about Malia Obama because a talk show host once made a joke about Bristol Palin. In fact, because of that joke, which I’ll bring up every time libs say anything, liberals can’t complain about anything ever again and just need to STFU. Oh, and by the way, I, of course, condemn racist remarks (wink, wink).
Shorter Freepers:
Freepers, Free Republic
Insert Here Title of News Story Stolen In Its Entirety By Free Republic
- Calling Malia a “typical street whore” and “ghetto street trash” isn’t racist. Even if those comments were racist, they were probably left by liberal provocateurs trying to make us look bad. In fact, liberals, who all hate white people, are the real racists.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Why would an acclaimed English playwright work for Newsbusters? Particularly a gay one?
Oh, wait…
The only people in history to have been racist are Jeremiah Wright and Sonia Sotomayor.
I’m still trying to figure out what’s “street whore” about wearing a fucking T-SHIRT, f’crissake.
Does “Eraserhead” Shepard make any note of the hysteria over the peace sign? That’s the part that got me – the knee-jerk assumption from the jerks that a young girl would NEVER wear a peace sign unless forced to by her Stalinist liberal dictator-appeasing father, much less be able to associate it with the CND (’cause that’s history and kids today don’t know history and the schools don’t teach it and if they did anyway the Freepers would get all het up about public schools teaching about nuclear protests and commie shit like that and it’s just further proof that kids should be homeschooled so they can get their education by watching Veggie Tales videos and reading “Left Behind: The Kids”).
Oh, making the Republican elephant symbol into a dinosaur is definitely as offensive as those right wing racist stereotype slurs about children.
Wait, did the dinosaur become a sacred object since they decided that Jesus rode them?
Maybe that’s it.
Does anyone else remember a few years ago, where some damn tween-baiting movie poster had to have Amanda Bynes’ peace-sign-giving hand airbrushed out in response to protest? Peace signs are the new Dunkin’ Donuts Hamas scarves, apparently.
I rarely delve into the sewer that is redstate, but jeez, I feel like a wash. What a bunch of evil, sad, racist cocksuckers. The comments ,……..
One thing I noticed is that they bang on about us lot being “…1000 times worse..” or some such thing. Two points with that:
1. I must be missing all the racist, hateful comments on Sadly No, et. al.
2. Even if that were the case, the “… well he did it, so I’m going to do it…” argument is not sustainable when you are older than, say 12…
oh, and PENIS
oh, and making those ‘Bush=Chimp” pictures is just as bad, Libs, eat my tweets….
While in one sense it’s nice to see Tim Kazurinsky finding work again, I’m disappointed that he appears to be a Dennis Miller-type of wingnut.
I must be missing all the racist, hateful comments on Sadly No, et. al.
White men can’t jump, thus we should round them all up in concentration camps.
BTW, do check out the Vancouver Sun article that’s got Noel Sheppard (seriously? Noel Sheppard? That’s almost as bad as Gregory Chant) allupons.
Racist thread at Freeper Central (quelle grande surprise!)
Complaint lodged.
Complaint deemed baseless. Apparently Freep mods thought there wasn’t any racism in the thread. They are so affronted they repost thread – with complainant’s e-mail address intact.
Finally, they acknowledge that perhaps the thread might be a bit on the racist side and pull it.
Stay Classy Freepi.
Arrest Donnie Most, libs!
They are ghetto trash, Chicago thugs with nappy hair, and we will continue to say that even though it isn’t P.C.
Yeah! They’re Chicago thugs, nyah! I couldn’t have pulled off the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre wit’out my feared little girl enforcers, shee?
[Gives Troofie syphilis]
Our lives are ruined?
I must be missing all the racist, hateful comments on Sadly No, et. al.
That new logorrhea script really is a thing of beauty, isn’t it?
Is it time to talk about me again?
Not yet?
Let me know. 100x smart points if you use me.
[Gives Troofie syphilis]
You’re a braver man than I am, Alphonse!
Soooo, do you have a boner for Sasha and Malia because they’re blackity-black Chicago thugs who are black, or for revenge because a conservative politician’s daughter got pregnant? Pick one, or your argument will never be nvncbl.
BTW Tintin, when are you just going to fucking let me go down on you? I always come in under a minute, dipshit.
Punish me, Daddy!
I always come back as a dipshit.
When I say “invincible” I mean it in the Internet Tough Guy sense. If I ever went out and committed the hate crimes I so desperately wish to, bullets would stop me. Hell, children’s fists would stop me.
he may be back, but the killfile is still operational. No need to ruin a lovely Sunday morning.
Anyone who downloads Tor can have “thousands” of IP addresses, sweetie. It’s not really something to take pride in.
hey, what does Troofie have against Donnie Most? I mean, the statute of limitations has run out on Ralph Malph, hasn’t it?
Leave the poor schmuck alone!! And by that, I mean troofie.
From the Vancouver Sun article:
Though this may sound like the sort of thing one might read on an Aryan Nation or white power website, they actually appeared on what is commonly considered one of the prime online locations for U.S. Conservative grassroots political discussion and organizing –
In what universe is Free Republic a prime online location for U.S. Conservative grassroots political discussion YET NOT the sort of thing one might read on a white power website?
hey, what does Troofie have against Donnie Most?
Especially with Anson Williams still at large. Talk about your basic failure to prioritize.
So I see Troofie’s back. Is he going on about his “medical condition”?
If you think wearing a shirt with peace sign was a bad, wonder what the story would have been if she had been wearing a GM shirt.
Dance, little Troofie badgers, DANCE!!!
If you think wearing a shirt with peace sign was a bad, wonder what the story would have been if she had been wearing a GM shirt.
or even worse, a fat suit.
Holding a sammich.
Obama’s daughters are nappy headed street whores.
Say what you will about Troofie, at least he came up with the most likely GOP campaign slogan for 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, etc…
Oh hooray! I’ve been nymjacked! Wait, wait, let me try…
Sasha and Malia will end up smoking crack and having illegitimate gay babies (at least the ones they don’t abort) while they swear eternal loyalty to Osama bin Laden in a seekrit Mooslim mosque madrassa built out of obviously faked Hawaiian birth certificates with funds from Jeremiah Wright and William Ayres.
Egress my Proust, Troofie!
“Newbie McNoob said,
July 12, 2009 at 17:19
Obama’s daughters are nappy headed street whores.
Say what you will about Troofie, at least he came up with the most likely GOP campaign slogan for 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, etc…”
Some people might even believe it, given the average GOP politicians deep knowledge about whores (specially male ones), but I think most will remember that they also lie all the time so it won’t really win any new voters for GOP.
I love the red hot man meat of Troofies throbbing cock! There’s nothign I love more than to gobble it down with some Cheetoes and Code Red Mountain Dew! Woo-hooo!!!
Oh boy, no one will recognize me in my brilliant new disguise. No one will ever be able to tell the difference in the posts at all. I bet this bugs the shit out of you, huh, Red Badger of Courage?
I’m still trying to figure out what’s “street whore” about wearing a fucking T-SHIRT, f’crissake.
As a diary over at DKos points out, it’s about the hair, not the t-shirt. Her hair was in cornrows in that picture. That’s like a negro hairstyle or something. A respectable negress would have ironed her hair flat, as is proper. White sensibilities must be protected at all costs.
The Daily Kos?
what a lousy source.
They don’t even have danciing badgers.
Some people might even believe it, given the average GOP politicians deep knowledge about whores (specially male ones), but I think most will remember that they also lie all the time so it won’t really win any new voters for GOP.
Objection, your Honor. Claiming that the GOP is trying to win new votes assumes facts not in evidence.
Aside from that I agree with you, LD.
Ah, yes, cornrows as a sign of blackity-blackness, yesirre pop.
I hope they go with the “It was a Provocateur” defense. All the evidence clearly indicates they were helpless victims of evil libs. Assaulting the messenger, lying, denying and defending the bigotry wasn’t due to Freepers!
Freepers are helpless infants struggling to survive in a evil world seeking only suckle at the nurturing teat called Redstate.
Oh my. Troofie is using my good name to sully my good name. Shock and horror. Whatever shall I do?
Liberals made do it!
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
Wow, registration and moderated comments are gonna suck, but you do what you have to do.
When did I become the villain from “Fallen”?
Wow, registration and moderated comments are gonna suck, but you do what you have to do.
I don’t know if this is possible, but all that’s needed is registration. In theory, once you sign in as a known user, you could use any nym, since the Sadlies could track you regardless.
Either way, I win.
Yep, the “All Terry needs is a sandwich.” kind of winning…
The fact that the freepers pull this kind of crap is not surprising. They have no compunction about making racist, sexist remarks about anyone left of Mussolini, but let Letterman make an inaccurate joke and their “I’m politically incorrect and proud of it’ mantra goes right out the window. So of course in their minds sasha and Malia deserve being dragged through the mud; by their logic, it’s their well-deserved punishment for those who dared laugh at an incompetent politician and her stage-prop children.
Either way, I win.
Yes. Everyone knows you’re a boring racist douchebag. Congrats.
Thats what you get for fucking with the bull!
Your momma lied to ewe. It was a Ram.
That’s right, son. You’re mother fucks sheep.
BAAAAd news I’m sure.
I win
Can’t speak for everyone, but I’ll accept a little inconvenience on a website in exchange for electoral dominance and the utter irrelevance of the Republican Party for a generation. So yeah, “victory” is yours.
oops, that should have been ‘your mother fucks sheep’ not ‘you’re mother fucks sheep’.
For the past two days I’ve been racking my brain, trying to remember ‘m nvncble reminded me of. Troofus is Boris for me from now on.
Thats what you get for fucking with the bull!
Oooh, grrrr, it’s getting angry. That’s so cuuuuuute!
Thats what you get for fucking with the bull!
Someone’s been taking “East Bound & Down” as a how-to guide, too, apparently.
owlbear, you think it would notice a typo? Have you not been paying attention?
Can’t speak for everyone, but I’ll accept a little inconvenience on a website in exchange for electoral dominance and the utter irrelevance of the Republican Party for a generation. So yeah, “victory” is yours.
Truly. Watching the remnants of the “permanent Republican majority” wail and gnash their teeth at having a black President is delightful.
Her hair was in cornrows in that picture. That’s like a negro hairstyle or something.
Wait – didn’t Bo Derek have cornrows in the old days? And isn’t she now some Republican celeb trophy? It’s all a conspiracy!
Let me see if I have this brilliant scheme figured out:
1) Go to liberal blog
2) Post inflammatory content intended to incite said blog
3) Get laughed out of the building at every turn
4) Get blocked from annoying people at every turn
5) Try nymjacking in an attempt to circumvent the measures built up by the bloggers
6) Have registration enacted so that you can claim victory for… something.
7) Profit
Yeaaaaaaahhh… great plan there, chief. Go fly to Stockholm and claim your Nobel prize in… Trolling or whatever. (golf clap)
I think it has me blocked.
Too afraid to defend it’s mother i guess.
personally, I get the impression that the young Obamas are made of much stronger stuff than your typical Palin, and it will take more, much more, than a racist dickweed from Freeperville to make them even break stride, let alone ‘ruin’ them.
delightful, yes, LittlePig. which makes the nymjacking all the more hilarious.
did you notice, however, that it admitted how much the killfile ‘makes it mad’?
One election victory
Too afraid to defend it’s mother i guess.
There is no defense for me. That’s what I get for using the Rhythm Method.
“Can’t speak for everyone, but I’ll accept a little inconvenience on a website in exchange for electoral dominance and the utter irrelevance of the Republican Party for a generation.”
Now that you put it that way, that IS a pretty good trade-off. I can always change my nym, but Troofie has to suffer through affordable health care, a cleaner envoronment, an improving economy, and his gay cousin finally being able to marry his companion.
What’s a little rain when the flowers look so beautiful afterwards?
You libs are so delusional.
Dude, people are not stupid. Your party was in control for years, and two things were pretty well established as being obvious to even the casual American voter
1) Republicans *say* they are for small government, but they do not *do* anything in that direction.
2) Republicans fuck up everything they touch.
That’s just the reality. You can pick at little races here, and little races there, but so what? Hell, even if Republicans got elected they wouldn’t do the stuff you advocate – if they were going to, they would have when they ran the joint.
You’re on the losing side of history. White supremacy ain’t coming back, gradually the special privilege of whiteness will fade away. That’s just how it works.
wail and gnash their teeth at having a black President is delightful.
What they don’t get (and I know, not getting shit is their MO) is that the jibes about Bristol Palin were ancillary. The ultimate Christianist candidate having a preggers teenage daughter was simply a bonus, and worth a few laughs. I’d have already forgotten it by now, if not for their constant reminders.
So of course, as is their wont, they zero in on the least relevant issue imaginable and play their little game of back atcha, “thinking” that mocking the other side’s preteens is some kind of tit for tat, or some weird form of justice. They are just painfully stupid.
Wait – didn’t Bo Derek have cornrows in the old days?
Now that you put it that way, that IS a pretty good trade-off.
And it’s not like it’s hard to tell which comments are really troofie, anyway.
I normally hate talking to myself, but:
I’m sure in 1977 all the libs were crowing about how the Republican Party was finished forever, what with Carter in the White House and a 60 seat Democrat majority.
Tell me again, how did that end?
With Barack Obama in the White House and a 60-seat Democratic majority. Sucks to be you, Troofie.
Um, sorry. I’m a linktard.
Oh, fine, so the thread jams up on where I admit I’m a tard.
How ’bout them badgers?
Even some of Ace’ wingnut commenters asked him to take this comment down yesterday, but he left it up because he didn’t want his site to be “overly PC”:
215 Here on the poon plantation, life is sho good for us nehgras. we sho nuff gonna get what we needs. tank U massa poon tank U.
I’m sure in 1977 all the libs were crowing about how the Republican Party was finished forever, what with Carter in the White House and a 60 seat Democrat majority.
Not especially. As LBJ noted after signing the Civil Rights Act, the Democratic party was lost for a generation. At the time I thought he was underestimated it, and that turned out about right. I’m sure it will tilt back the other way at some point, but not for long, because the Republican party as currently construed is doomed: you can’t give business unlimited freedom without the economy fucking up, and you can’t run on “segregation forever” as all the old segregationists die out.
How ’bout them badgers?
I didn’t figure you for a Wisconsin fan.
he left it up because he didn’t want his site to be “overly PC”:
Just needs to stay up long enough to hit archive.org.
I didn’t figure you for a Wisconsin fan.
I love it! Door county, especially.
Thats what you get for fucking with the bull!
This is what we used to bulls that fucked with us down on the farm.
Thats what you get for fucking with the bull!
What? A shortage of punctuation?
Or do you just always miss keys and that’s why you leave the “-ic” off of “Democratic” and leave off “-shit” whenever you refer to yourself as a bull?
Troofie’s really craving validation, isn’t he?
“Just read my post! Please! I need the attention!”
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
I didn’t figure you for a Wisconsin fan.
I love it! Door county, especially.
Yes son?
I want to eat your cheese!
I normally hate talking to myself,
O you’re missing out. One of the true solitary delights.
especially if you can get a good argument going, and one of your imaginary friends joins in….
Actually, it’s a lot like the internet. Maybe less porn.
Yes son?
I want to eat your cheese!
Maybe Mom should consider washing a bit.
Maybe Mom should consider washing a bit.
Now that’s the zombie calling the pot smelly.
I’m a fastidious zombie.
I’m a fastidious zombie.
Why does that statement bring the Little Rascals to mind?
His options are running out. He can’t post under his own name, since everyone insists on using that stupid, unfair killfile thingy. And since last night, with the development of the scrolltroll killer, he can’t fill up the screen with yards of useless text.
All he has is nymjacking us. Because it’s not about converting anyone or having a logical discourse for him – it’s all about trying to piss us off so we change our nyms/leave/whatever and Sadly, No becomes a desert.
But this is all he’s got, though. He has nothing, nothing else in his life. This is his life. His only pleasure comes from trying to piss us off. We’ve often joked about him being in his mom’s basement, jacking WiFi from local motels or the library, but there’s probably more truth to that than we’d like to think.
Truth is a sad, sad human being. He needs help, and I am going to be the one to give it to him.
Go here, Truth. It may not be the answer you’re looking for, but it’s a start. Maybe there’s a clinic somewhere in your area you can go to. In any case, you need some serious attention. I think you’re depressed, and since you obviously have some strong political opinions, it’s just drawn you into a deeper funk.
Please get yourself well. As one human being to another, you need to do this before you do something extremely harmful to yourself. I’ve seen it happen before. You don’t need this. You need someone to love and care about you, and you aren’t going to find it shouting at people on a blog comments board. Get well. Be well.
you’re older than me, dude.
umm, sorry, that was directed at N_B, not the Badger. coming after the advice, it was just weird.
Umm, and a little awkward. Can we get back to poop jokes now?
Can we get back to poop jokes now?
How many turds does it take to change a lightbulb?
None! As to whether it’s dark or light, they don’t give a shit.
How many turds does it take to change a lightbulb?
None. Jonah gets his Mom to do it for him.
… which gets us back to that cheese-smelling thing.
you’re older than me, dude.
I’m so fucking old that my Lincoln Logs, houses and hotels in Monopoly, and Scrabble pieces were wood, not plastic. Of course, my wife’s Russian and her childhood toys were made from radioactive toxic waste, so ‘m nvncble.
that was directed at N_B
HEY! I paid good money for me second underscore. Don’t diss the second underscore.
A question I’ve never wondered about but have recently had to answer: Does it bother my bleeding heart more to see a developmentally disabled child mocked or to see young African American women mocked? Turns out it’s about equal. People, in general, whatever their political beliefs, really should stop being assholes to kids. This shouldn’t really be a controversial position.
Why are we telling the troll to see an ether rapist? Unless he’s on dialup, that’s kind of what he’s already doing.
People, in general, whatever their political beliefs, really should stop being assholes to kids.
Horseshit. We aren’t a fly on those people’s asses. *You* are the offended party here, not a Palin, not an Obama – we are not in their reality whatsoever. Malia might catch something on CNN about the stupid foo-fo-aw, but I’m sure as a sane child she will disregard it. Bristol and Piper won’t hear of it except in a similar off-the-wall manner; how they react to it is hard to tell, given the instability of their parents, but that’s life. Trig won’t ever know about it, period full stop..
If you mean *real life assholes*, like people who beat their kids in public, I’m all with ya. If you mean in the ridiculous “think of the children”sense, get back to your knitting, grandma.
If people were mocking someone with Down’s syndrome out of malice for that person or their condition, that would be a problem.
But that’s not remotely what happened. So please shove your off-topic concern trolling up your ass.
Updated, renamed SN_Burdizzo (in honor of Troofie the Bull) – http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/53593
Editable stuff is near the top of the file:
Defaults are thus
* 2k limit on comments before suppression
* the phrase, “LOGORRHEA ADVISORY” at suppression
* badger display for killed/suppressed comments
Customization is encouraged.
o my.
Scrolltroll evaporation AND badgers? Ecstasy!!
Dammit, now I want to try it out. Hey Troofie! Come on over here. Don’t you want to show us libs?
….dammit, Fred’s script got me excited. I can’t believe I just ASKED a troll to come back.
I like the big pause in posting while everyone installs Burdizzo.
Rock the Hell on, fred. Many, many Garcias!
Scrolltroll evaporation AND badgers? Ecstasy!!
Agreed. Yay for fred!
I have a horrible feeling about how RB is going to customize this. scuttling eyebrows, Phil’s roiling wig, jumping grannys or dancing Hitlers….
Hell, I wouldn’t put it past him to make the little badgers ejaculating….
I wouldn’t put it past him to make the little badgers ejaculating….
That, interleaved with the little peeing man and the shithouse troll hand reaching up out of the hole.
Well, shit!
Their ‘provocateur’ conspiracy theory is about as convincing as the argument that; knocking Sarah Palin for giving a ‘choice’ to her daughter that she wants no OTHER Mothers to have, is the exactly the same thing as attacking her daughter and fully justifies calling a little girl “ghetto-trash”.
The Reagan Legacy…
What? What? Where am I?
Scz mh nvncbl fnGHS!
I have a horrible feeling about how RB is going to customize this. scuttling eyebrows, Phil’s roiling wig, jumping grannys or dancing Hitlers….
Hell, I wouldn’t put it past him to make the little badgers ejaculating….
Most. Indirect. Feature request. Evar.
the shithouse troll picture makes me giggle….
Most. Indirect. Feature request. Evar.
well, we gotta keep RB busy.
Scuze Mah badGAHS!
Calling Malia a “typical street whore” and “ghetto street trash” isn’t racist. Even if those comments were racist, they were probably left by liberal provocateurs trying to make us look bad. In fact, liberals, who all hate white people, are the real racists.
Page 1 of the wingnut playbook.
I must have an older copy of the playbook. Page one is “Tax Cuts!”
I must have an older copy of the playbook. Page one is “Tax Cuts!”
It’s a 3-ring binder and they move the pages around, because the Most Important Thing Evar No Take-Backs Eternal TRUTH changes every day.
If you mean *real life assholes*, like people who beat their kids in public, I’m all with ya. If you mean in the ridiculous “think of the children”sense, get back to your knitting, grandma.
Ooh. That’s like, energy drink commercial level edgy, bro. Nice burn.
I finally got that Greasemonkey thingy to work. Oh joy! You guys who do this technical shit really amaze me. Can it be customized to include certain telltale words and phrases?
Can it be customized to include certain telltale words and phrases?
Like looking for “you libs” in the comment body? That’d scrub a bunch of shit, for sure.
yeah, like every time someone says “Scuse Mah finGAHS” the shithouse troll hand pops up!!
More work for RB.
Danny can you point out an insult of the Palin children that doesn’t involve the bullshit hypocrisy of Sarah herself?
Single comments from 2005 buried deep in the middle of a 600 comment thread and completely ignored not being one of them?
Sniff, I’m not seeing no stinking badgers.
Do I have to download the gif?
owlbear, make sure to deactivate the prior installs of the script.
nevermind yourself.
Speaking of which, have you heard Patti Smith’s cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit”? Inspired….
It was more a fact of having to actually, you know, populate the list.
My killfile now looks like this when Troofie speaks (that is, if he’s not nymjacking).
Too soon! Too sooooon!
oops, wrong thread.
I tried substituting my own animated gif in the script, but it didn’t seem to take. What am I doing wrong?
How interesting. It appears that Troofie’s nymjacking of me resulted in HIS posts being pulled and MY posts still remaining. It’s almost as if the mods could tell the difference and pull according to, I don’t know, IP addresses or something.
Another spectacular FAIL for the troll.
I strongly suspect that if you inverted his face in that picture, it would be hard to notice the change.
Joyeux Noel, my ass. For Christ’s sake, man, stop waiting for the fucking gallstone to work its way out & have the bloody thing lasered! Can’t you see what it’s doing to your writing – not to mention your cognitive skills?
Uh oh … looks like my handy-dandy Regurgitron 5000 (©1984) is tickling its robo-gullet with a feather again:
Pulled straight out of my butt – FOR GREAT JUSTICE.
The fact is, the Mets are the dumbest fucking organization in the history of the universe.
And jim inadvertently triggers the logorrhea script. Which is what is meant to happen, with the autopsy option to check out whether it is worth reading at all. Luckily it was.
God, I sound like I’m trying to sell this thing here…
…too soon?
Just wanted to add my thanks to Jim for his totally awesome troll-killing script. The constant threadjacking was really getting on my nerves, but this really makes S,N! a joy to read again.
Sorry, Fred, not Jim (that’s what I get for posting sober).
They are ghetto trash, Chicago thugs with nappy hair, and we will continue to say that even though it isn’t P.C.
This is probably the best political strategy we have right now.
And jim inadvertently triggers the logorrhea script.
Yay me!
Does that mean I would’ve committed killfile-seppuku with that thing just now if I’d had it? Hot DAMN, that’s sweet.
Yes, it’s true …it doesn’t happen often, but once in a while, I too am a troll (see product of Regurgitron 5000 above).
Don’t worry, I’m still loyal to the Rebel Alliance – no matter how many Cheetos the Empire offers me to switch teams. He tries his best & it really shows, but let’s face it: poor ol’ Palpatine just can’t deliver a punchline for shit, even with an address stamped on the side & a guide-wire – & his set-ups take fucking FOREVER.
Sorry to be a bother, but it seems I can edit certain parts of the script (like substituting “WINDBAG ALERT” for logorrhea), but I can’t substitute my own pictures for the badgers. Any suggestions?
NdP, try doing an image search on teh Google for a gif you want. Right-click, and press “Copy image location”. Go to Greasemonkey, select “manage user scripts”, and choose the Burdizzo. Click the “Edit” button at the bottom of the script list, and use Notepad to edit your script. Search for the 2nd web address of the S,N Dancing Badgers gif, highlight it, and past your new gif address over it.
Simple as that.
If this is the script you are using, you will either have to have an Internet link to the picture, or you might be able to transform a file on your hard drive into a so-called “data” URL, using a tool like this to create a really long address full of gibberish that actually self-contains your file inside the variable for the badger image link.
RBOC, you just described exactly what I’ve been doing. That’s why I’m so puzzled. I can edit other stuff, but not the gif. Why don’t you try the same thing, and let me know if you have any success.
Thanks for the suggestions above, but still no luck. Mind you, I’m not bitching, it’s a great program, I’m just doing something wrong.
if(useBadgers) {
if(paras[paras.length – 1].className != “badger”) {
var badgerpara = document.createElement(“p”);
badgerpara.className = “badger”;
for(j=0; j<5; j++) {
var badgerimg = document.createElement("img");
badgerimg.src = "http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/badger2.gif";
There is a second instance of the badger.gif address.
Nevermind, I was pasting in the wrong place. Sure enough, I was being retarded. This is a pretty good animated gif if anyone’s interested:
Disclaimer: The last time I programmed, it was using Basic 77.
badgerpara.className = “badger”;
That’s just beautiful. Brings tears to my eyes.
just the ticket, fred
Thanks for mentioning that, Red Badger!
I’ve updated the script so that you only need to change the line
near the top of the file
OK, enough geekery. If there isn’t a Shithouse troll animation by the end of the day, I’m gonna eat somebody’s brains.
This is a pretty good animated gif if anyone’s interested:
You know what we need is a shi….
OK, enough geekery. If there isn’t a Shithouse troll animation by the end of the day, I’m gonna eat somebody’s brains.
Yeah, this.
Whoops. Basic II and Fortran 77. In my defense, it was 25 years ago and I wasn’t good at it then.
Just as I predicted. Your kind will savage Palin’s kids with impunity because IOKIYAAD, but if the same happens to your lord & savior’s kids you mince around with righteous indignation, fanning yourselves furiously while you throw your forearm over your eyes in melodramatic fashion and proclaim how offended you are.
Payback is rough, ain’t it? I’m gonna just sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch you pathetic hypocrites flit around like famished hummingbirds looking for sugar water.
Desperately reaching for the badger “kill code”, huh?
You nancys just can’t take what you dish out, can you?
a loser dances like badger?
Can’t help but mention…
If there’s THIS much effort to address the symptoms, and THIS much excitement about the technological aspirin that addresses the symptoms, if the symptoms are SO broadly detested that the patient will do ANYTHING within his or her power to conceal them or at least mitigate their impact, if there is near-universal agreement that the symptoms contribute NOTHING to the process but instead are ENTIRELY negative, then don’t you think that maybe the time has come for somebody with power to CURE THE FUCKING DISEASE?
The right has been thoroughly discredited on issues, and they reflexively fall back on inconsequential character assassination, whining “Letterman did it first! Waaaah!”
And nobody else cares.
Good times, good times.
Help is still available, Truth.
I don’t mikey, that’s a pretty scary badger.
Shorter Troll: “Because David Letterman made a joke, I am free to say that the Obama children are dirty whore niggers, thus demonstrating how reprehensible it is when you libs attack a politician’s children.”
I don’t know mikey, that’s a pretty scary badger.
well, mikey, we’re liberals. we kind of figure that this provides troofy with some kind of outlet that doesn’t involve teasing fifth graders, so we don’t mind encouraging a little rage therapy.
Seriously, though, Sadly No is still here, the snark has just encompassed the troll behavior. May not be everybody’s cup of tea, but there’s still a fair amount of humor happening, sometimes at the troll’s expense.
Killfile and badgers are just tools to help cope with modern life. Like drugs, alcohol, high powered weaponry and loud music. doesn’t make the problems disappear, maybe, but makes them tolerable.
who doesn’t know mikey?
“maybe the time has come for somebody with power to CURE THE FUCKING DISEASE?”
What do you suggest, mikey? Banning? Registration? I’m sure our hosts would be glad to hear of any simple solution that squelches the troll while maintaining the freewheeling comment policies.
Oh sure, 6000 typos and you’re labeled incoherent!
I think it’s safe to come back, mikey. Most people here miss you, I think.
Troofy and trolls will only be fully cured by death, powerful psychotropic drugs, or pretty severe commenting policies. Popular websites will always be a target; some types are horribly bent and unhappy and find themselves helplessly trying to destroy somewhere
whoops. that sucked. i’m not even gonna bother trying to finish that one.
finish my post, lids!!!
More non-racism from the Young(ish) Republican Conventions.
The brownshirts are back. Too bad most of the YRs already have middle-aged spread. I don’t think they’ll do much against Obama’s Chicago street thugs.
(Has “thug,” or perhaps “street thug,” become the new “nigger?”)
Whoops. Basic II and Fortran 77. In my defense, it was 25 years ago and I wasn’t good at it then.
Fortran 77 is still available in a lot of Linux distributions, although I think there is a more recent Fortran standard that is available now, too.
Substitute as necessary for desired effect.
Error: please type a comment.
WTF? We are forced to type?
I take that back, apparently it’s Fortran 95 now.
WTF? We are forced to type?
Help help, we’re being oppressed!*
*comment type: Monty Python rip-off.
(Has “thug,” or perhaps “street thug,” become the new “nigger?”)
Become? what, don’t you have a copy of the wingnut Manual? Page Four, “acceptable alternates for racist dog-whistles”
Simba, you make me do Fortran again and I swear, I’m gonna take a hostage….
I wrote a program to analyze VAX/VMS activity records to determine system usage back in the day. At least it wasn’t ADA
Did somebody say “Shithouse Troll Animation“?
Now with original audio extra goodness.
Also available in silent GIF.
swf hosts are harder to find than I thought.
Also, fywp if this comes out looking like the preview.
Huh, maybe I should substitute an animation of a zombie getting gibbed from DOOM or some such for those badgers.
Badgers is nice but gibs would evoke “kill file” so much better.
Being a traditionalist at heart, I substituted the text “I like pie!” for the badgers.
This really is terrific – one-click piefilter a la logorrhea-snipper.
Tears o’joy!
Noel Sheppard. Hot or not?
David Brooks is hotter.
My PB1400 can’t stomach the wingnut sites–They are really making this claim at the home of the Banhammer?
Do a site search for ‘zot’ threads on FreePubic and see the live reenactments of Lord of the Flies.
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Malia Anne! Malia Anne!
Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Malia Anne! Malia Anne!
Badger Badger Badger Oooh it’s a Sasha! A Sasha! Oooh it’s a Sasha! Not a…
*gets shot down in a hail of police bullets after assaulting a black man*
Now with original audio extra goodness.
No offense, but I had always envisioned (?) “s’cuse mah finGAHS!” as being in a higher pitch, like “an Aussie on meth”-type. You know, like 56% of all infomercial hosts.
Frankly, me too. As I said after first hearing it, I expected a bit more Crocodile Dundee and a bit less Larry Craig’s Mensroom Adventure.
That is, however, the actual audio clip, and the more I hear it, the more it makes me giggle.
Does somebody have an example of anybody making fun of Trig?
Liberals like examples.
(Of course, if this is one of the many cases where there were so many examples that your average Repug doesn’t have to actually provide one, then the trolls can just make a face and go back to slandering Malia.)
That is, however, the actual audio clip
Okay, you geeks have only yourselves for getting me started on this, but I created my own animated gif for the Greasemonkey app:
Please forgive me.
Nah, that would require him to come out from behind his monitor – something that woul also require him to show a degree of courage and initiative I doubt he posseses.
Personally, I’m betting that when Troofus’ end comes, it’ll be in the form of autoerotic asphyxiation.
It’s almost as if the mods could tell the difference and pull according to, I don’t know, IP addresses or something.
I’ll be honest here. I’d always assumed that the “E-Mail” slot when you can comment was the way the mods determine shit.
I mean, I don’t know, maybe I’ve had mine sitting there for ages just so Brad could e-mail me a minor comment once when I impersonated John Locke from Lost. Maybe the troll just fills that with nonsense like he does with the other threads. Maybe no one but me actually fills that thing out.
But it felt significant.
oh hell, it’s not as if the nym-jocked comments weren’t already pretty obvious.
I mean, it can barely pass a Turing test. How would it ever manage the level of snarkish tomfoolery typical around here?
(I’ll wait while it googles “Turing Test”)…
You’re assuming it can pass the google test.
Ok, I’ll be waiting a while.
I expect zombies are pretty patient.
My assumption has been that we’re lacking an appropriate hamster-enabled technology. Troofie’s too enthusiastic for an IP ban, and she’s too incoherent for the Spam filter.
Troofie’s too enthusiastic for an IP ban, and she’s too incoherent for the Spam filter
Which is strange really, because if he really admired Sarah Palin and wanted to emulate her here in order to annoy us, he’d have quit by now. Snerk!
Trrofie’s been assimilated, and is now part of teh Sadly Schtick.
Phase One: mockery, culminating in someone pulling the “Bookmark This” trigger.
Phase Two: demands to be debated civilly.
PHase Three: Civility be damned as abuse begins.
Phase Four-A: Nymjacking
Phase Four-B: disemvowellment (phases 4 A and B sometimes occur transposed)
Phase Five: Banishment and nym-shifting (which, we may recall, was promised to never occur again)
My assumption has been that we’re lacking an appropriate hamster-enabled technology.
You know, to be entirely fair to the Sadlies, Wikipedia has long-term trolling problems and they block the vast majority of open proxies as well as Tor exit nodes, and they require registration to edit pages that have a history of attracting trolling.
Troofie is mentally ill—he’s a textbook obsessive. Most methods of banning a person on a comment board like this rely on the fact that normal human beings aren’t willing to spend days (i.e. multiple 24 hour periods) trying to evade a block. It’s not that it’s impossible—it’s that most people don’t have the stamina or the inclination to do it over and over again when it becomes eminently clear you are not wanted at a particular site.
And the fact that most Webmasters (most humans, actually) don’t want to try to outmaneuver or outlast someone who will, by virtue of their own fucked up psyche, spend all the time that Troofie does doing what it is that he does.
It’s life with open comments. We have to live with it or change the system.
I want to point out that if WordPress records commenter IPs — which I assume it does — it should be possible to rig up a system to apply a unique class to comments per IP which would also not divulge the IPs themselves. This would permit an IP-based killfile script, which should be more effective than the name-based script.
I’m also willing to help out on this — mods, you have my email address.
Yay Djur!!
That might be exactly what we need!
Without giving too much away, we do have ways already, naturally, of blocking IP addresses and ranges of IP addresses, so maybe I don’t quite understand what Djur is proposing. Of course, that only forces the persistent troll to find another address from another open proxy, hopefully one with degraded performance.
Another good troll control tactic in WP is that we can moderate all commenters that haven’t previously had a comment approved. That doesn’t require registration, but it does impose some work on the overworked staff here, and so I haven’t proposed it yet.
What I would really like is a shadow-banning plug-in for WP, but the concept would probably really slow down the server. If troofie were shadow-banned, he, and only he, would see his comments.
But the best way, certainly, to handle a troll infestation is the same way you deal with other household pests. DON’T FEED THEM. If they are ignored, there is no payoff for them. Particularly in the case of troofie who seems to construct an entire ideology, if it can be called that, not on any intellectual principles but simply on adopting positions that “annoy libs.”
So, simply put, please ignore troofie and his kin. (Feed the funny trolls, of course, as that is an important S,N! tradition).
Even if implementation of shadow-banning were to cost several seconds per page rendition, the idea is too enchanting to be dismissed.
The more desperate they get, the more they reveal their true ugly, bigoted selves.
Tintin, what I’m proposing is something which would permit we commenters to shut out the trolls without having to wait for a moderator to come around and ban them. This makes it easier to ignore them.
Especially considering his newfound love of impersonation, which forces us to read his comments or potentially ignore a regular.