The People Who Post at LGF Are Truly a Special Brand of Wingnut
I know that posters at LittleGreenFootballs are really, really low-hanging fruit (OK, so that’s being pretty unfair to low-hanging fruit… LGF posters are more like fruit that fell off the tree, got eaten by a bunny rabbit, got pooped back out and then got eaten by a dog…), but this thread, about kidnapped reporter Jill Carrol, is so sickening that it deserves a mention:
#2 ted 1/30/2006 04:22PM PST
Cry me a river…
Sure thing, Mr. Bloodthirsty Justin Timberlake…
#9 mama winger 1/30/2006 04:26PM PST
Why is it , that only when the liberal press starts getting kidnapped, or injured (as in the case of Bob Woodruff) does the MSM suddenly stand at attention, and cry “Oh – this war is dangerous! Look how brave we are for doing our jobs.”Yeah well, how’s come you’re not saying that every frickin’ night about the brave men and women in our Armed Forces.
Hypocritical leaches.
Yeah, why won’t the MSM ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever write stories about our brave soldiers?
#10 megscole64 1/30/2006 04:26PM PST
I’m shocked! SHOCKED, I tell you.Saw her on Fox a few minutes ago and felt no sympathy. Does that make me a bad person?
It sure does.
#19 whiterasta 1/30/2006 04:34PM PST
Memo to all the fifth columnists in the form of “peace activists”, aid “workers” and “journalists”:When you eat with Satan, you better have a long spoon.
I have no sympathy for this woman. She went over there blinded by her anti-Americanism. To “make a difference” and to promote “change”.
Ok, so I’m a BAD PERSON.
At least you can admit it, wanker.
#21 ahriman 1/30/2006 04:35PM PST
Sure hope they don’t release any bad guys (or do a payoff) to ransom her. She went over there because she loves terrorists. Fine. Her problem… she found them.
Right, that’s about all I can take. At any rate, I look forward to being lectured in the future about the right’s inherent superiority in the realm of civility.
Somebody hit Ann Coulter with a PIE!
Auguste, are you watching 24? It really, really, really sucks tonight. Really. Really. Fucking. Sucks.
Well, at least those lizards are consistant… the bastards.
It sure does look like loved the shit out of those “terrists”. Yep, wanted to fellate the lot of them.
Those. Fucking. Assholes.
Seeing the new video of that girl just broke my heart. I don’t see how any mentally healthy person can comment on it like that.
“I have no sympathy for this woman. She went over there blinded by her anti-Americanism. To “make a difference” and to promote “change”.”
Umm….correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t “making a difference” and promoting “change” what George Bush SAYS our mission in Iraq is all about. You know, bringing democracy to the Middle East? Not to mention the fact that every sentimental story about members of the armed forces or their spouses left at home usually carries a quote about how the soldier wants to “make a difference” in the lives of Iraqi’s.
What the fuck is wrong with these people???? If soldiers say it, it’s OK, but if anybody else says it they’re “for terrorists?”
God, these people are sick.
I was amazed at the ones who condemned her because she was wearing a hijab — like it indicated that somehow she had converted to Islam. Some of those assholes even said as much. Get a clue, people, any western woman working in an Islamic country has to cover her hair. It’s been that way ever since the US has been sending people to work in Islamic countries!!
But the mean-mindedness and nastiness is chilling.
And it’s very interesting how focused their nastiness is on WOMEN who find themselves in peril, more than they do on men. Note the obsessive hatred and glee at the memory of Rachel Corrie’s death.
These people frighten me.
When did the Christian Science Monitor become the “liberal press”?
These people are sick.
What the …
Why is it , that only when the liberal press starts getting kidnapped, or injured (as in the case of Bob Woodruff) does the MSM suddenly stand at attention, and cry “Oh – this war is dangerous! Look how brave we are for doing our jobs.”
Yeah well, how’s come you’re not saying that every frickin’ night about the brave men and women in our Armed Forces.
But … when … when they talk about how dangerous it is for our troops … then they get yelled at for celebrating our side’s deaths and coddling the enemy and being traitors that hate America.
Can’t they at least pretend to make a tiny shred of sense?
But … when … when they talk about how dangerous it is for our troops … then they get yelled at for celebrating our side’s deaths and coddling the enemy and being traitors that hate America.
I know. One day Iraq is a super-happy paradise, the next it’s an Islamofascist filth hole in need of a nukin’. Go figure.
Brad, I’m on the west coast…are you being serious that it’s not worth watching?
See, Brad? They’re consistent… in their own, diseased minds, that is. They really do truly and deeply believe whatever nonsense that the mighty Wurlitzer has told them to believe at any given moment, without even a momentary pause to reflect on the multitude of ways their current belief conflicts with what they had believed until mere moments ago. It IS a thing of “beauty.”
It got better toward the end. A lot better actually. But at the begininng there was a lot of stupid love triangle stuff with THE THREAT OF A GODDAMN IMMINENT CHEMICAL WEAPONS ATTACK. It was pissing me off.
The chocolate ration has been increased to 25 grams!
Do they realise she works for the christian science monitor?
What a bunch of nasty, nasty “people”. *Shudder* Some university should do a study of them and see if they can figure out what kind of brain chemistry/tumor/environmental toxins leads to this kind of thinking (if it can be called that).
Wait, wait. You mean facists are mean and uncaring?
Film at eleven.
LGF can be likened to your drunken Uncle who happens to blurt out things that the rest of your family thinks but doesn’t actually say because they don’t want anyone to think them assholes.
Whatver you do, do not let that uncle near the mashed potatoes with his pants off.
Could somebody remind me which major advertisers these guys are going to attract to Pajamas Media?
When you eat with Satan, you better have a long spoon.
What the fuck does that even mean? Can I fight off the devil with a spoon, but only if it’s big enough to give me leverage against his pitchfork? Will he be nice to me over dessert, so I should use one of those really long ice-cream-parlor utensils? Am I supposed to throw foot at him with the spoon?
I’m so confused!
Satan definitely uses a spork.
Could somebody remind me which major advertisers these guys are going to attract to Pajamas Media?
That’s a typo: they’re attracting ‘major euthanisers’.
how’s come you’re not saying that every frickin’ night about the brave men and women in our Armed Forces.
oh like that Nightline special covering the fallen soldiers, which conservative stations refused to air?
Making fun of LGF commenters is like shooting fish in a barrel with a 203mm artillery round. They almost make the guys at look like well-read critical thinkers.
The cognitive dissonance is awe-inspiring. The inside of their heads must sound something like this:
Woman make Bush look bad. She wear muslim thing on head. She love terrorist. She bad. Me glad she get killed. Me want more pork rinds.
Puh-leeze- the 8-inch round is for pussies (retired now, sadly), but since we’re talking about shooting barrels with obscenely powerful retired US ordinance, then we really should be talking about the projectile fired by the most bee-you-ti-full battleship ever to sail the seas- USS Iowa (BB-61).
Now that‘s a shell, mate.
Seriously, LGF’ers are not worth your attention. Don’t give them any time or energy.
Ever since the Rachael Corrie “pancake” debacle (with items in their online shop like T-shirts and mouse pads!), I decided that these guys were lower and slimier than the trail a slug leaves (and yes, even in that vague comparison, I have insulted slugs).
They can fuck off, every last one of ’em.
This is compassionate conservatism at its best.
meanwhile the RWers insist it is the LEFT that is hate-filed and vile…..
Making fun of LGF commenters is like shooting fish in a barrel with a 203mm artillery round.
And Kaye Grogan, Pastor Swank, Marie Jon’, etc. aren’t? Fish in the barrel is all I ever do, dude! 🙂
“Somebody hit Ann Coulter with a PIE!”
Dr. BLT, wasn’t that the day you decided to become a right-winger?
Yes, neoconartist, and I’ve been her loyal fan ever since. I vowed I would never, ever “dessert” her.
Accuracy, please – someone MISSED Anne Coulter with a pie.
Yes, neoconartist, and I’ve been her loyal fan ever since. I vowed I would never, ever “dessert” her.
Tee hee!
I think this is a public service. The Keybord Kommandos should be the face and voice of the right-wing. If we have to listen ad naseum to the fact that MoveOn almost instantly removed two insignificant Bush=Hitler videos during a constest and that a Kos poster uses the word ‘bullshit’, well, this intellectual and moral atrocity should be at least mentioned. Sure, they may crawl under rocks, but they’ll scatter in sunshine.
The Freepi have a similar ‘sensibility’ when it comes to Ms. Carroll.
“Why is it , that only when the liberal press starts getting kidnapped, or injured (as in the case of Bob Woodruff) does the MSM suddenly stand at attention, and cry ‘Oh – this war is dangerous! Look how brave we are for doing our jobs.'”
Yeah, how come they never do that when right-wing journalists are murdered? Huh?
J’accuse, George Soros!!!
If we poured salt on these, I hesitate to say people, these individuals, would they shrivel up? At any rate, may they receive what they would so gleefully bestow.
Anyone who claims that ridiculing these troglodytes is like shooting fish in a barrel has obviously not shot too many fish in a barrel.
I’m not saying it’s hard.
It’s just a tremendous amount of fun.
The only connection I can make between Satan and a long spoon is that aphorism about Heaven and Hell, where everyone is sitting around a pot of soup and are equipped with said long spoons. The people in Hell are miserable because can’t feed themselves (the spoons are too long, possibly stapled to their hands, I don’t know), but the people in Heaven are happy as they have learned to feed each other.
It still doesn’t make sense. Par for the course, I suppose.
Culture of life!
Anne, us Ann fans refer to it as the “Coulter” of life!
That’s right, Anne, and BTW folks, get used to the blogging ventriloquist act, it’s going to be around for awhile. What can I say? I couldn’t manage to find a real troll mate so I had to invent one.
Hey doc sammich,
You still talking to yourself? No one else will give you the satisfaction huh? Well, mr. x is in the mutha effin’ heous! What say we get down and nasty? First off, you are going to have to quit being such a dingus. I hear the “war” in Iraq is turning nasty. Good thing the US never plans on leaving. What with all the spent uranium munitions laying around I’m sure that in a few years there won’t be so much as a dessert rat that doesn’t have three eyes, but what the heck? You been hangin’ in there doc? Everything going according to plan?
Sense, sensibilty, consistency, logic. None of these things apply, or can apply, to the LGF posters. Their rantings are pure hindbrain noise. A primate group baring its collective fangs at the “enemy”. Never expect more from these people.
Yes, mr. x. I’ve been “hangin’ in there.” All is well in my world, though I do not turn a blind eye to the casualties of war. War is hell, and that is a gross understatement.
Nevertheless, sometimes getting to heaven involves going through hell. Sometimes reaching the promised land involves getting the hell out of Egypt and travelling across a barren, God-forsaken wilderness. Is this one of those times? Is Bush another Moses? History will determine that.
Granted, the U.S. may have turned up the heat in hell by making a few serious mistakes as it pertains to the war in Iraq. But some, who are more extreme than you, mr. x, go so far as to call Bush ridiculous names like Hitler-lite. In the process, they disregard what a great friend Bush has been in defending Israel and protecting her, and the Jewish people from grave threats. Instead of protecting the Jews in times of threat, Hitler was the threat–the greatest threat the Jews ever experienced. Anyone who calls Bush a name like Hitler-lite is trivializing the horrors of Hitler and the horrors of the holocaust.
Dr. BLT,
I appreciate you responding. Bush is not Hitler lite. If Hitler had the power Bush has we wouldn’t even be talking. The world has gotten smaller, BLT, and even the ignoramouses of the world are on to the scam. I wish you and yours well in the future BLT, I just hope that you keep an open mind to a peaceful solution should it present itself.
My mind is always open, mr. x, to peaceful solutions. War should only be a last resort, when all other, less severe options have been exhausted.
I would think these people suffer from the ill effects of untreated syphilis but I can’t imagine how they could contract a sexually transmitted disease while sitting in their mom’s basement eating cheetohs.
Is Bush another Moses?
It’s nice they give computers to the functionally retarded.
elemental; the syphilis, as well as the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, are generational legacies.
Moses and Burning Bushes, maybe?
“It’s nice they give computers to the functionally retarded.”
elemental, didn’t we go to the same elementary school together? Weren’t you the one who spent the best twelve years of your life there?
Rob G, you guys keep whining to and about your fearless leader, just like the Israelites.
When the new Moses, Bush, comes down the mountain to offer you the new post-9/11 ten commandments, he finds you already breaking every one, and he finds you worshipping the golden calf of liberalism.
When he offers you manna from the sky (protection from terrorists), you eat up the protection, but bite the hand that feeds you by whining about his “henchmen” listening in on your private conversations about the weather.
I’m sure glad I found someone to do my dirty work for me. In the old days, I would have received an old-fashioned liberal lynching for comments like that, and I’m not even a minority, like their favorite whipping child Michelle M.
Oops, my lack of experience as a bloggin’ ventriloquist is showing. I should have had you say these lines as well, neoconartist. Oh well, I’m about to hit the post button, and I can’t seem to find it in me to stop myself.
I believe it’s an old Sicilian proverb; “When you sup with the devil, it’s best to use a long spoon.”
I’m an expert because I’ve read Mario Puzo.
Having your delicate feelings hurt doesn’t make it a lynching. Or maybe you don’t know what the word actually entails?
Is Bush another Moses
Don’t be stupid, they’re completely different. Under Moses, Midianite women captives were violated, and the process was formalised into law. Yet under Bush, it was Iraqi women and men who were violated, and then the process was formalised into law.
It’s getting harder to tell the wingnuts from the parody wingnuts. Can one of the vets here tell me whether neoconartist and/or Dr. BLT are for real? My first instinct says intentionally-lamish parody, but some of the replies to them seem to imply otherwise.
It is apparently the actual Bruce L. Thiessen PhD, who occasionally verges on being humorous but always succeeds in being chock full o’ wingnuttery.
Parody and reality are nicely blurred for both my ventriliquest friend/owner/orperator and myself. Sometimes we ourselves don’t know if we are revealing our true selves, or if we are engaged in some sort of ironic parody. When we recorded the CD, Right-wingers Need Love Too, we started out with some pretty serious right-wing ideals, and then we just kind of ideologically imploded as the album approached completion. I think our right-wing backgrounds were so severe that after awhile it started to feel like a parody. Yet, ironically enough, we didn’t throw out the bathwater with the baby. we kept the dirty bathwater and threw out the baby.
Thanks Tigrismus, but his last post tells me all I need to know. Sometimes the question “parody or real?” is irrelevant.
One unusual way of contractinf the syph is by eating undercooked camel meat (camels are also susceptible to it). Now, as to why these loser would be sitting in the dark, eating under-cured camel jerky, is beyond me.
Ha! I knew it! Though, amazingly, BLT’s new alter-ego is even more irritating that he normally is.
And that’s saying something!
It is unfair to say that Bush is Hitler, or Hitler lite. Bush himself has, for the most part, eschewed the eliminationist rhetoric of his better known fascist pal.
But there is no denying that the people he has appealed to for power in the course of his political career for power are every bit as vicious, wicked, and evil as Hitler, and would do exactly the same sort of things Hitler did if they ever got so much as half a chance.
To wit:
And before you dismiss these guys as fringe crackpots, check out who the keynote speaker at this little shindig was – Roy Moore. Remember him? The freaky Alabama Ten Commandments judge? Do you remember hearing any Republican politicians distancing themselves from Moore over his association with a group that wants to stone gays to death?
Because I don’t.
You seem pretty bright, Jillian, but you’ve got a few things wrong. Yes, Jillian, the people were doing all kinds of barbaric things back in those days. They were acting like a bunch of churlish troglodytes. Hence, the need for the 10 Commandments.
When one studies said commandments within the broader context of redemptive history, one learns that these laws were meant to prove that humans are not capable of keeping them. When you’ve broken one commandment, you’ve broken them all. We are all fall short of the glory of God and that’s why Jesus came into the world, to redeem sinners.
Moore is an articulate, well-mannered, civilized, gentle man, not the barbarian you’ve portrayed him to be. I supported his cause, as revealed in the following song I wrote and recorded as an expression of my support:
Hey Moses!
words and music by Dr. BLT(c)2005
Marq, though you have an unusual way of showing your approval, you have obviously become a huge fan and we want you to know that the sentiments you convey are mutual.
When one studies said commandments within the broader context of redemptive history, one learns that these laws were meant to prove that humans are not capable of keeping them. When you’ve broken one commandment, you’ve broken them all. We are all fall short of the glory of God and that’s why Jesus came into the world, to redeem sinners.
Just like Genesis is (mostly) a metaphorical/allegorical tale, expressing the actual truth of creation through the best means of expression the ancient Hebrews could muster- doesn’t mean that the noted crackpot believes anything but a literal, no nuance, no actual thought involved version.
Of course, I might not be objective, because I believe that Catholics are also on the list of “repent or die!” types, being that most of those crazies consider us pagans…
Still, Moore may be a nice guy in person- but he’s also a nut. Harmless at home, mucho problematic in elected or appointed office if he is unable to keep objective based on our legal system (which is, at best, hard to deny).
And Jillian, to be fair, Republicans in his state quake at Moore running for office, because they know he’s too far into tinfoil land to do anything but draw away that extra 5% of nominally Republican crazy in the vote, which may be enough to lose an office. They’re not actively denouncing him (because he’s old news and they wouldn’t get any gain out of it), but they’re trying to keep him away from their primaries, because… well, he’s a fringe crackpot.
Lagomorphs engage in a process of “double digestion” in which they eat their own poop to get all the nutritive value from their diets. So, the LGF posters would be like fruit that fell, was eaten by a lagomorph, pooped out, re-eaten by a lagomorph, pooped again, and then eaten by a dog.
The adage about supping with the Devil isn’t just Sicilian, but is found in the Black South, too. There it’s sometimes rendered, “When you feed the Devil, you better have a long-handled spoon.” Whether feeding or supping with old Scratch, the point is not to get too close to him (hence the long handle on the spoon).
Dan Smith, a singing street preacher of 30 years years back, said as how you shouldn’t be feeding the Devil nohow, not even with a long-handled spoon. He wrote a song about it, as was his wont. Unfortunately, I don’t have the words handy.
Folklorist Ed
“he’s a fringe-crackpot”
G.G., what do you consider evidence as it concerns your claim about Moore? Is it because the man has conviction? Though I am not Catholic, I write for a Catholic magazine (no blogwhoring intended), and frequently interact with Catholics. Most would not fit into your stereotype. Most Catholics, and Christians in general that I know don’t consider you to be a pagan any more than they consider themselves to be. It is only by the blood of Jesus that we have any claim to righteousness. Our own righteousness, Jew or Gentile, Muslim or Christian, protestant or Catholic, is “as filthy rags.” I can accept the notion that the Bible relies heavily on metaphor, but that’s where it’s beauty is revealed, in universal principles like redemption that we can all take advantage of.
Guinness Guy, I don’t disagree that Moore is a fringe crackpot. What bothers me about the Repubs is that they never publically disavow him, despite the fact that he panders to that fringe element of the electorate that wants to stone gay men to death.
There’s politics, and then there’s being able to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning. If your need to play politics is stronger than your need to distance yourself from people who want to STONE OTHER PEOPLE TO DEATH, then I humbly submit that you have serious, serious problems. (Not you, personally, of course)
And, more to the point – if you aren’t willing to take a stand against people who merely SAY they want to stone others to death, why should I believe that you’d be willing to take a stand against those same people if they ever actually DO stone people to death?
That’s in large part how the Nazis got away with doing the things they did, you know.
And as far as doc sammich goes…. you do realize that you just called a man who breaks bread with people who want to STONE OTHER PEOPLE TO DEATH “well mannered and civilized”, I hope.
All I can do is hope for your sake that your daughter doesn’t lose her virginity after these kooks come to power but before she gets married. I wonder – will you still think he’s “well mannered and civilized” if he shatters her maxillary sinus with a huge chunk of granite? Do you even stop to think about the things you say before you say them? Do you approve of stoning gay people and nonvirginal women to death?
Doc- I don’t think you’re crazy, nor do I imagine most you personally associate with as being nutzy, like Moore or those (God forbid) to the right of him, like the aforementioned Reconstructionists.
I can’t speak to Moore’s position on Catholicism, but I can tell you that there are plenty of the hard core types who seem to think that Catholics aren’t Christians. another example should help.
Most evangelicals are, in my experiance, lovely, sincere people. It’s the ones that like theocracy that worry me.
And Jillian, you’re right, of course- though it does figure to point out that some of our pols’ associations aren’t much better.
Politics make for unholy alliances, no? But then, I’m a cynic… and beyond the point where such things surprise or anger me. It’s politics as usual- such things haven’t changed much since the Roman Republic, really.
Don’t get me wrong- I condemn them as stupid and at best highly misguided, but unless they actually start carrying out the acts, they have as much right to free speech as the lizards above, and as odius as it is, they can say all they want.
Ignoring them is probably a good tact for the GOP, since public knowledge that these guys are more fond of them than the Dems is bad press- “out of sight”, you know.
If I had a daughter, Jillian, I would kindly ask you to leave her out of it. Then, if you continued to spout off hypothetical nonsense about her, I would not be so kind the second time around. Getting personal about these matters may give you some sort of sadistic pleasure, but it’s a cheap shot, one used by those who would rather seek revenge against those who disagree with them rather than engage in constructive dialogue.
As for people wanting to stone other people, and gay folks in particular to death, what the heck are you talking about? Do you think that just because somebody has a an opinion about gay marraige that may be different from your own, that this means they want gay people to be stoned? You seem to be the type of person that is blinded by stereotypes of conservatives as haters and bigots. If Moore was so casual about the notion of killing gays, why was he willing to lose an outstanding career to defend a set of commandments that include “Thou shalt not kill”?
Of course I stop to think about the things I say before I say them. Otherwise I would try to figure out if you had any close family members and I would use that information against you instead of responding to you and your family, or supposed family, with respect and courtesy. Apparently you do not stop to think about what you say before you say them. Go back and read your post again, carefully reflect upon the recklessness of your response and hopefully you’ll understand what I mean.
I posted, but got a message about commentary review. Whatevah- in any case, I had several links referancing “Catholic Church= Whore o’ Babylon” several sects of the crazies embrace, including the Reconstructionists Moore is in bed with.
If it ever turns up, great, if not… meh.
In any case, I was sure to point out that I don’t consider Doc or his associates to be in tinfoil land, as with these individuals, and thus of course his experiances would be differing.
And Doc- read up on the Reconstructionists- they literally want to stone those caught committing sodomy or premarital intercourse (and a myriad of other things, as literally defined by the Ye Olde Testiment). That’s who’s being talked about- and these are the ones Moore is in bed with.
Check it out- trust us on this one.
Thanks, Guinness Guy. I appreciate it.
I know I shouldn’t get my knickers in a twist over anything said by a mouth breathing troll…but it’s just hard for me to not get worked up in the face of anyone who is completely sanguine about the idea of stoning people to death.
Heck, I’m an evil atheist leftie, and I still wouldn’t stone my enemies to death, despite my manifest evillness. It’s just hard for me to understand people who don’t get as upset at the idea as I do. It’s a pretty brutal way to kill a person.
Jillian, I haven’t seen any evidence of Moore associating with anyone who has such an agenda. If he has, then I would still applaud him for standing up for the 10 Commandments, but I would remind him about the commandment “Thou Shalt Not Kill,” and I expect him to opening condemn the notion of treating gays with anything but compassion and respect, as human beings, even if he considers homosexuality to be a sin.
I will read up on this sect, but I assure you that if they really literally believe in stoning gays to death, they don’t represent the mainstream views of either Catholics or Christians in general. While most conservative Christians believe in traditional marraige, and believe that homosexuality is a sin, we believe that we should love everyone, even those we disagree with in terms of their sexual orientation. I am more liberal in my views as it concerns homosexuality than many of my conservative peers. While, theologically, I see a conflict between homosexuality and God’s original plan, I also understand that biologically, and psychologically, it is a complicated phenomena. I do not condemn anyone who is gay, look down upon them, or think that I am morally superior to them. I would not refuse to be somebody’s friend just because that person was gay.
BTW, Jillian, while a “mouth breathing troll” is not a nice name to call somebody, I appreciate you dropping the strategy of using those you perceive to be my family members as illustrations of cruel things that could, hypothetically be done to them.
I also appreciate your humility in acknowledging your evil nature. It is not because you are an atheist, or because you are a leftie. It is because you are a human being, and we all have evil tendencies. I’m sure you also have the capacity to do good and to treat right-wingers like me with a little more compassion.
GG, Jiliian—I think we can all agree that stoning people, gay or otherwise, is a pretty horrible thing to believe in. Of course, if we’re talking about Bob Dylan’s sentiment that “Everyone Must Get Stoned,” that is a whole new topic of discussion.
BTW, “opening condemn,” above, should read “openly condemn.”
Thanks, neoconartist, but I must say I’m surprised that you, being such a perfectionist, did not pick up on the fact that “phenomena” should read “phenomenon.”
Of course we can agree, and of course that’s not what mainstreamers think (hell, I’m one of them; I bet I’m more orthodox than most of Street Prophets’ diarists)- and that’s the point- the point is that Moore was the speaker at one of their get togethers– which while it doesn’t necessarily mean that Moore is that nuts, it means that he doesn’t mind being in a room full of crazies, and that the crazies think he’s at least mostly on their side.
It’s like a Democratic judge going to speak at the World Stalinist Union banquet- I’d condemn the piss out of him or her, because people like that are freaking insane.
Dr. BLT sez to Jillian: I’m sure you also have the capacity to do good and to treat right-wingers like me with a little more compassion.
I can’t speak for Jillian, but I agree that we all have the capacity to treat right-wingers with compassion. Us libruls who are fucking sick and tired of right-wing eliminationism, hypocrisy, and greed, however, don’t have the desire for it. Are you clear now, “Doctor”?
As clear as your aka, “Temperance” is deceptive.
Now, to address GG, someone who seems to have enough temperance and compassion to make up for at least some of the abysmal lack of such desirable characterists in both “Temperance” and Jillian.
I was not aware of Moore’s association with these apparent barbarians. If Moore knowingly surrounded himself with people who honestly believe gays should be stoned to death, without voicing a word in protest, (and I have no reason to doubt you), then this would significantly lower my level of respect for him.
Thank you, Doc- I’m sure there’s a link documenting the meeting somewhere, I’ve just been too lazy to look it up.
Not that I expected you to condone that sort of behavior in the first place, of course..
Enjoy that lazy feeling, GG. I get it all the time, and I find it quite relaxing. I’m in the process of studying this movement known as Reconstructionism, but I’m admittedly too ignorant on the matter at this point to make any intelligent statements about it. So far all of the articles I’ve read on Moore’s apparent association with Reconstructionists has been written by authors who seem to be on the other end of the extreme—biased writers who seem to have an axe to grind.
Nevertheless, I will continue to investigate the matter with an opened mind, and to the degree that Moore knowingly associated himself with folks he knew held to the belief we should be stoning gays to death, is the degree to which I will dissassociate myself with Moore. If one is in the public eye, one has to be extra careful of the company one keeps. Extremists on both sides are dangerous, not only for one’s image and reputation, but they are dangerous to society.
If I were Moore, the dethroned judge, I would go out of my way to distance myself from extreme right-wingers or Reconstructionists. If I were a rising star among democrats, on the other hand, I would go out of my way to avoid being seen with the Cindy Sheehans, Michael Moores and Ted Kennedys of the world.
Nevertheless, I will continue to investigate the matter with an opened mind, and to the degree that Moore knowingly associated himself with folks he knew held to the belief we should be stoning gays to death, is the degree to which I will dissassociate myself with Moore.
Thank you very, very much. I say this with all sincerity and appreciation possible. I appreciate and respect your response enormously.
The strength of civilization rests upon the willingness of its inhabitants to refuse to condone barbarous behavior. Whenever we fail to do it, chaos and evil propagate. By taking the stance you did, you really did help – even if it is just a small thing – to make the world a better place.
Thank you.
Here you all go, Moore buddying around with the Reconstructionist freaks. And, believe me, they aren’t shy about their views. I’s sickening that people will politely sit there and listen to this dreck.
Er, that was “It’s sickening…”
Marq, I enjoyed the Freudian slip. For the first time, you made me laugh.
That’s a very nice thing for you to say, Jillian. I rarely receive compliments around here, so I’m deeply appreciative. I don’t know what to say in response. I’m feeling a bit speechless.
In other words, he loves you, Jillian, but he’s just a little afraid to come out and say it.
Ooh, Jillian, and he’s originally from Canada, so if you flee there… it’s no escape!! Whee!
And, it was nice to give you a guffaw, Dr. BLT, though I honestly haven’t ever tried to make you laugh.
Oh, oops. “Bruce,” that is.
Now that we are on a first name basis, Mark, I feel like we’re brothers.
That’s right, Mark. He almost gets
teary-eyed when he thinks about it.
OK, folks, Bruce is doing his duty by posting as two people, and thus taking up plenty of space, but the rest of you need to get with the program: this thread is 9 posts behind the Ultimate Warrior one! Chop, chop bitchez!
She is back. My God,is there a time when she will not be silenced? She is a freaking virgin also. How dumb is that?
Ooh–I forgot we had a regular Bruce, as well! D’oh! Looks like it back to “Doc BLT” from now on. And this thread is now around 25 posts behind the Ultimate Warrior one–quite the flurry of posting there–and has scrolled off the main page, so I guess it’s out of the running.
“Umm….correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t “making a difference” and promoting “change” what George Bush SAYS our mission in Iraq is all about. You know, bringing democracy to the Middle East?”
One thing I will always give credit to George W. Bush for, no matter how much contempt I may have for him in other ways, is that he never indulged the far right’s screams for a blanket anti-Muslim crusade. I distinctly remember him going to a mosque within three days of 9/11 to say publicly that Islam was nobody’s enemy. I also remember him standing up to the far right when they played the “Green Scare” card over Dubai Ports World, and I believe he also defended Keith Ellison’s right to be Muslim.
As for the people who follow LGF, they’re simply trash – the lowest form of trash in America, with little difference from the old KKK except that today’s Klukkers are too lazy or cowardly to burn crosses in anyone’s backyards and prefer to bloviate over the Internet. Look well, though; this is the face of today’s conservative movement. I am not at all sanguine about who it’ll eventually bring to power, and I’m rather scared that whoever it is will not share W’s restraint.