It’s a Good Thing the President Doesn’t Pay Attention to Polls…
Above: Telephone poll pole expresses lack of faith in President
…because otherwise he’d learn that a majority of Americans think he’s a failure:
A majority of Americans are more likely to vote for a candidate in November’s congressional elections who opposes President Bush, and 58 percent consider his second term a failure so far, according to a poll released Thursday.
Fewer people consider Bush to be honest and trustworthy now than did a year ago, and 53 percent said they believe his administration deliberately misled the public about Iraq’s purported weapons program before the U.S. invasion in 2003, the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll found. […]
Fifty-eight percent of those polled said Bush’s second term has been a failure so far, while 38 percent said they consider it a success. A smaller number — 52 percent — consider his entire presidency a failure to date, with 46 percent calling it successful.
My God! When did all those Americans join the ranks of the unhinged left!
Poles: “Zjebcoki! We could have told you so!”
Frankly, I continue to find it both amazing and depressing that our beloved Chimperor still has the support that he does. You needn’t pay that much attention to the news to realize what an absolute, crooked clusterfucker the man is. The country, as a whole, is reaping exactly what it sewed, and deservedly so. I just don’t deserve any of this, ‘cos I wasn’t even fooled right after 9/11. So, on that level, it’s a darned shame.
Hmm. I put a “/self-pity” between a “”, and poof, it disappears. Stupid Movable Type–it wasn’t supposed to be a real HTML command!
OK, those were in quotes, damnit! grrr. Movable Type poofed everything between my “>” and my “the reverse of >”, except that they were the other way around. And, yes, I’m Previewing this time!
That’s a lot of people to deport to France!
I continue to find it both amazing and depressing that our beloved Chimperor still has the support that he does.
After seeing the vid downthread, I think we may have a logical explanation.
Lord knows, it is long overdue for Americans to join the left, and for the left to get unhinged.
However, after so many optimistic mailings (“gay agenda is taking over America”, gushes Phillis Shafley) that did not quite pan-out, I learned to be sceptical.
I intend to vote for any candidate who takes a strong stand in favor of polesmoking.
Paris in ’08!
Okay, I’ll accept these idiots who *finally* developed some buyers’ remorse, but I’m not inviting them to dinner or anything.
I can *just about* restrain myself from referring to them all as completely stupid, but I don’t have to like them, cause, you know what? It’s too damned late.
Even if they helped us impeach the little weasel tomorrow, we’d still be facing horrific global consequences from their failure to realize he was a loser back im 2000 and 2004.
Ah, I see that the Poles are enjoying a Zywiec. Good choice.
Zywiec jest bardzo dobrze piwo.
Wow…My one year of Polish just came back to me. All 7 cases and the animate/inanimate class, even.
Frankly, I continue to find it both amazing and depressing that our beloved Chimperor still has the support that he does. You needn’t pay that much attention to the news to realize what an absolute, crooked clusterfucker the man is.
Same here. Goes to show that A.) You can fool some people all of the time and B.) What a “team sport” national politics is.
“Fifty-eight percent of those polled said Bush’s second term has been a failure so far, while 38 percent said they consider it a success.”
They’ve been poisoned by the cyanide of cynicism.
He cares, he’s coming by my home to set up wiretaps later today. Wouldn’t want King Georgie to go down like a ton of bricks and stop doing such a fine job running the country would you?
Oh no, I am going to be put on the banned list. At least then I can provoke and keep them distracted while Brad and Gavin are out toliet papering the White House. 🙂
“He cares, he’s coming by my home to set up wiretaps later today.”
Must be that recipe for chocolate cake of yours the government has been wanting to get their hands on.
I personally would like to know if the 38% who think it’s been a success define success as “not impeached yet.”
I can’t speak for the 38%, Alexander, but I define it as unimpeachable.
Hmm. Is “neoconartist” yet another of Dr. BLT’s dumb aliases, or do we have a brand new adorably lovable (in a wacky sort of way) right-wing troll?
Y’know, I can’t decide ‘which would be worse.
Great, all I need is some con artist trying to compete with me. Actually neoconartist seems pretty lovable to me (in a wacky sort of way, of course). I still can’t decide who is smarter and who is dumberer.
You’re the smart one, Dr. BLT. After all, it was your idea for us to become the world’s first official blogging ventriloquist act. I’m just your dummy.
Oh, yeah, well, you’re pretty smart for a dummy.