Next, He’ll Want To Tax The Kerosene We Use To Set Bums On Fire!

Michelle Malkin ominously warns us to ‘[b]eware the grubby paws‘ of Barney Frank. It seems that the ‘powerful Massachusetts Democrat last week quietly introduced legislation that aims to use $1 billion in dividends paid by the recipients of government aid to provide rental housing opportunities for low-income and homeless families.’

The horror! One-fifth of the meager return taxpayers have received so far from the ongoing bailout of stupid, amoral predators might be spread thinly amongst their most vulnerable victims! Why, for half that sum, we could hire a K Street brain trust to conduct a feasibility study on the merits of forming a working group tasked with determining the benefits of appointing a committee entrusted with selecting a blue-ribbon panel charged with getting to the bottom of why we shouldn’t be doing this sort of thing at all!

Later in the Dow-Jones story Malkin cites, we learn that this modern-day Robin Hood wants to reallocate 4/700ths of the funds we’ve earmarked for well-heeled pyramid schemers to yet more paupers. Should this sort of thing continue, we’ll soon be allowing our impoverished clerks to take Christmas Day off to spend time with their crippled children.

Are there no workhouses, &cetera?


Comments: 96


Don’t you libs get it? Using public money to help poor people is SOCIALISM, which is BAD. Using public money to help rich people who have made terrible decisions with other peoples’ money is just common sense, because uh


Oh yeah, because SHUT UP, THAT’S WHY


What else can we expect from her, especially considering how she treated the Frost family (remember that episode)?

This is typical of the modern conservative mindset – the belief that government assistance of any kind creates a population of lazy, unmotivated leaches.

Remember that saying about idealogues, from I forget whom (I’m paraphrasing here): “Never trust and idealogue, because he/she will care more about their ideology than about people.”? Think of that the next time you are subjected to the verbal and literary effluent of Talkin’ Michelle Malkin.


This is typical of the modern conservative mindset – the belief that government assistance of any kind creates a population of lazy, unmotivated leaches.

Well, it certainly seems to have had that effect on the financial services and CEO classes.

But really, I think the message we should always advance is this one: do you agree that the most important function of government and the highest calling of democracy is to make it easier for a few people to own everything? Because really, that’s what all conservative economic “thought” and policy essentially boils down to. Anything that gets in the way of allowing unlimited wealth concentration for the few is “socialism”.

It’s a lot easier to get people het up over the idea of taxes being too high and it being “their money” and so on than it is to get them to agree that all of the power of government should be focused on one goal: allowing a few people unlimited wealth. Which is why their talking points should never be allowed to pass without being re-framed according to the underlying beliefs that motivate them.


Good points Jennifer. Up until the last couple of elections, the right wing has basically been allowed to frame the debate in their favor – it’s only when their basic framing has been challenged that they have lost ground.


You know what’ll put a stop to this Robin Hood utopianism is a good explodey ICBM shot at us out of a cave in Afghanistan. Ten, maybe twenty thousand Americans killed, yeah yeah, sad and all, plus a million more in the ensuing civil war, but anything that bring the maximum marginal income tax rate back down below 35% is worth any number of other peoples’ lives.

Because I LOVE AMERICA SO MUCH (sob) and IT SCARES ME (snif) to see her with that JERK and I know a restraining order is just a love song in disguise


Actually that second paragraph describes exactly how the Japanese government “works”


She bitches about $1B to help people get homes but she’s fine with 64 more f22s at $200M each, when we already have 187 doing nothing.

Shorter Malkin:

“Should we ditch the F22? Fumento says it’s badass,”


“Should we ditch the F22? Fumento says it’s badass,”

Long-term War Nerd readers will be particularly tickled at Malkin’s knee-jerk enthusiasm for military-industrial welfare. As things stand right now, we’ve got a situation in which the Pentagon is captive enough that the elite contractors pretty much dictate the terms on which we buy new equipment, which results in hyper-advanced, super-expensive carrier defense systems and dogfighters – and infantry vehicles consisting of basically civilian Hummers with butch camo.

The right’s got this perverse desire to tie up as much of the budget in literally worthless military spending as possible, while simultaneously paring benefits and pay to the bone. If I were more vindictive, in fact, I might even think that simultaneously putting the US on a permanent war footing and eliminating any actual ability by the US to win a war somehow suits them. But obviously that’s not right. Evildoers have passed their last throes, y’know.

I Cried My Heart Out For Want Of My Love

Gay men have particularly grubby paws (not hands, they’re animals after all)


Well, the losers now seem to want an attack to straighten out the country, as “Glenn B.” typed above; the right wanting to make it hard to win the war of the future is not surprising. The smaller businesses that “up-armor” Hummers & make body armor & so on don’t offer much wing-nut welfare, for one thing.

As a formerly homeless (& real) American who only had to wait four months to get Section 8 housing assistance in L. A., I doubt if a billion bones would make much of a dent here, let alone nationwide. The City Housing Authority is no longer taking applications, & people who are paying outrageous rents for dumps & managed to sign up have to wait around eight fucking yrs. to get help. (Actual homelessness bumped me to the front of the line.)

So eff Malkin w/ a splintery broomstick.


[-bier, -biest]
1. rather dirty
2. unsavoury or morally unacceptable: grubby activities
grubbiness n

So, according Malkin a plan that reduces suffering and misery is Morally Unacceptable.


Via GOS: with Al Franken in the Senate, the Democrats will go mad and impose upon America the horrors of international metricism. Soon all your units of measurement will be sinfully and loosely and easily divisible by 10. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!


quietly introduced legislation

It’s a plot! RealAmerican Legislators beat on a drum and sound a fanfare whenever they introduce legislation!

Christ, someone introduce this woman to I guarantee at least one tiny mind will be blown.


government assistance of any kind creates a population of lazy, unmotivated leaches.

If the Too-large-to-fail financial-service sector is any guide, it’sthe other way around.


“This is typical of the modern conservative mindset – the belief that government assistance of any kind creates a population of lazy, unmotivated leaches.”

But elzenmahn, that’s true! Only by secretly diverting taxpayer funds via CIA front groups to the “think tanks” and “news outlets” that pay rightwing hysterics like Malkin can we motivate our populace–by making them guilt-sodden yet seething, unempathic yet victimized, non-producing yet entitled. That’s how they get these narcissists jumping through hoops…it’s work, believe me!


“quietly introduced legislation”

I laughed at that too, arky–right up there with “held a stealth news conference”

Ted the Slacker

RealAmerican Legislators beat on a drum and sound a fanfare whenever they introduce legislation!

Indeedy, nothing screams democracy quite like “Drill, baby, drill”.


Here’s a nifty little development from her comments section.

“On July 1st, 2009 at 2:32 pm, Gorebot said:
Sorry to repeat myself, but the beyond-felonious criminality of what the Franks, et al, have committed makes me wish Flight 93 had been allowed to complete its mission. But only if Congress had been in full session at the time, of course.:”

See, ’cause we can only protect the US from terrorist attacks, if the terrorists carry out their mission of attacking the US! Or something.

Is it just me, or has the incidence of wingnuts wholeheartedly agreeing with the agenda of al Qaeda been spiking sharply of late?


Should this sort of thing continue, we’ll soon be allowing our impoverished clerks to take Christmas Day off to spend time with their crippled children.

And their granite counter tops!


The grand irony is had she been there at the time, she would have railed against the evils of a bunch of scientists & universities wasting taxpayer money for decades as part of some government funded project to trying to figure out how to share data over long distances via this weird thing called the internet, which now provides her with her livelihood.


Is it just me, or has the incidence of wingnuts wholeheartedly agreeing with the agenda of al Qaeda been spiking sharply of late?

Oh they’ve felt that way all along, but the Iran thing is driving them over the edge.

Since the vast majority live in Outer East Bumfuck, they know they won’t be hit, so bring on an attack that they can rejoin the great struggle between Good and Evil that briefly let them escape their mundane lives. And don’t forget that for the more rabid Evangelicals, the end of the world is a GOOD thing.

Adrenaline junkies needing a fix are scary folk.


Are there no workhouses, &cetera?

We had to close ’em in Indiana when the price of gruel skyrocketed.


Is it just me, or has the incidence of wingnuts wholeheartedly agreeing with the agenda of al Qaeda been spiking sharply of late?

It’s hilarious that some brain sick puppies simultaneously believe that a) Obama is a crazy scary Islamofascist and b) Only crazy scary Islamofascists can save us from his dreadful evil plans to be reasonable, think carefully before acting and not demonize people who disagree with him. [Shudder!]

The only question now is which fReichtard will be the first to suggest we ought to shut down Gitmo so America’s true saviors can get on with the business of saving America by blowing it up.

Ted the Slacker

It’s hilarious that some brain sick puppies simultaneously believe that a) Obama is a crazy scary Islamofascist and b) Only crazy scary Islamofascists can save us

Perhaps not hilarious, but this is pretty good point, that Obama is the Manchurian candidate the Beckheads should be rooting for.


Beck is way ahead of you, Ted. (See update.)

Ted the Slacker

Hanx, Thunder.

I think the Beckheads have figured that they want a 9/11 2.0, and that Obama is a closet islamo-nut; but not being able to hold two thoughts simultaneously, they haven’t figured that this is good news for Republicans. Which was central to Arky’s point, if I’m not mistaken.


Needs a graphic.

Totally unfair to Ric Ocasek.


Oh wow and here I thought we were supposed to be worried about the Dems using their awesome fillibuster-proof majority to impose the metric system on God-fearing Merkins.


I like how liberals seem to forget what caused this recession in the first place. Namely, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd forcing Fannie and Freddie to make loans to people who could never pay them back in the name of “diversity”. You can also thank Jimmy Carter who passed the so-called “Community Reinvestment Act” to begin with in 1979, and Bill Clinton who made it even worse in 1999.


And maybe if the poor wouldn’t spend their paychecks on malt liquor, lottery tickets, and “rims” they could afford to rent on their own.


Alternatively, maybe if the rich wouldn’t spend OUR paychecks on Veuve Cliquot, Ponzi schemes and Lear jets … well, the same thing you said.


I like how blongtorples seem to forget what caused this glubglubflinkle in the first place: namely, Rooby Tooby and Jimminy Pooferypoo forcing Floppie Boppie Frappy Bappy to glimble florble shimple clomple quoo.


And maybe if the poor wouldn’t spend their paychecks on malt liquor, lottery tickets, and “rims” they could afford to rent on their own.

I don’t think I’ve seen a clearer example of “all poor people are just deeply irresponsible stereotypical cardboard cutouts” in months.


Ah, resorting to childish pranks and nonsense rather than engaging me in political debate. A sure sign I’m winning. Why don’t you go wtch cartoons, chils? I know its summer break but can’t you find something more age-appropriate to do?


Ah, blorgle splorp worpietorpie giggitybloo. A sure sign I’m quoblity-floblity-blork. Niggers.


N.C., if one is able-bodied and able-minded, you have no excuse for being poor in a first world country.

Even the “poor” here don’t have it bad, anyway. They have air conditioning, cars, stereos, color TVs, etc. Compare that to true poverty in Africa or Latin America.


So the handicapped can just go die in a ditch. I see.


Keep it up, child. Seeing you being driven over the edge by my superior debating skills only increases my pleasure. But please, do try to do better than these feeble attempts. If this is the best you can come up with, maybe our public schools do need more funding.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Yes, why aren’t the poor in America happy they aren’t living in the Sudan.

Ungrateful wretches. You go to the trouble of bringing them here from their third-world pits of hell, oppressing them in all the right ways, and letting them die at about the same age they would’ve if they’d stayed in those third-world shitholes, and what thanks do you get.

I say, let ’em die.

Mr. Bork Bork Bork

N.C., iff oone-a is eble-a-budeeed und eble-a-meended, yuoo hefe-a nu ixcoose-a fur beeeng puur in a furst vurld cuoontry.

Ifee zee “puur” here-a dun’t hefe-a it bed, unyvey. Zeey hefe-a eur cundeeshuning, cers, stereus, culur TFs, itc. Cumpere-a thet tu trooe-a puferty in Effreeca oor Leteen Emereeca. Bork Bork Bork!

Mr. Bork Bork Bork

Keep it up, cheeld. Seeeeng yuoo beeeng dreefee oofer zee idge-a by my soopereeur debeteeng skeells oonly increeses my pleesoore-a. Boot pleese-a, du try tu du better thun zeese-a feeble-a ettempts. Iff thees is zee best yuoo cun cume-a up veet, meybe-a oooor poobleec schuuls du need mure-a foondeeng. Bork Bork Bork!


N.C., the truly disabled in body or mind should get some minimum of government assistance, but I’d prefer to have Churches and other private charaties do most of the heavy lifting.

Mr. Bork Bork Bork

N.C., zee trooly deesebled in budy oor meend shuoold get sume-a meenimoom ooff gufernment esseestunce-a, boot I’d preffer tu hefe-a Choorches und oozeer preefete-a chereteees du must ooff zee heefy leeffting. Bork Bork Bork!


So who determines true disability?


But no more welfare for the single mom who keeps poppig out children she can’t afford. They’re parasitical leeches on society.

In fact, if you take government welfare you should have to be sterilized in exhange. No sterilization, no government check.

Mr. Bork Bork Bork

Boot nu mure-a velffere-a fur zee seengle-a mum vhu keeps puppeeg oooot cheeldree she-a cun’t effffurd. Zeey’re-a pereseeticel leeches oon suceeety. In fect, iff yuoo teke-a gufernment velffere-a yuoo shuoold hefe-a tu be-a stereelized in ixhunge-a. Nu stereelizeshun, nu gufernment check. Bork Bork Bork!


N.C., the government would. They should have very tight rules, though. No bailout buffets for “disabilities” like dyslexia or carpel tunnel syndrome.


Oh shit. Shit just got real (real crazy).

When you start demanding the sterilization of people you think are stupid, that’s full on Alex Jones-style insane.

Mouthful of Kelp

I couldn’t be more transparent if my skin were made out of cellophane.


Nay.Cay., ethay overnmentgay ouldway. eyThay ouldshay avehay eryvay ighttay ulesray, oughthay. oNay ailoutbay uffetsbay orfay “isabilitiesday” ikelay yslexiaday orway arpelcay unneltay yndromesay.


N.C, no sterilization if they take private charity instead of government welfare. But if they want money out of the pockets of the productive members of society, its only fair that said productive citizens shouldn’t be forced to subsidize their out of wedlock breeding.



As I was saying, seeing you being driven over the edge by my superior debating skills only increases my pleasure.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Those who have to speak of their ‘superior debating skills’ may as well be jerking off. Particularly when they’re on about the increased pleasure involved.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Also, forced sterilization of the invalid!

Y’know, heard that one before. Though the translation from German was a bit hard to work out.


Trotsky nobody would force them to go on welfare. They can keep having kids so long as society isn’t funding them.Understand?


I can’t stand brown people.

What’s the matter, libs? Did I SHOCK you?


the truly disabled in body or mind should get some minimum of government assistance

In that case, you must be one of those welfare bums you’re railing against, seeing as you’ve demonstrated being “truly disabled in mind”, as your prediction of a GOP win in NY-20 demonstrated for all the world to see.

BTW, most people on welfare are white, you’re not one of those black militants who blame all their troubles on Whitey, are you?


Aaaaand the race card gets played!

Notice I said nothing about race in my previous commentsm When a lib brings up race, you know you’ve won.


I WIN!!!1!!1!


I always win! Neener neener!


Mr. GOP said,

July 2, 2009 at 16:38

N.C, no sterilization if they take private charity instead of government welfare. But if they want money out of the pockets of the productive members of society, its only fair that said productive citizens shouldn’t be forced to subsidize their out of wedlock breeding.

Millions of Southern cracker meth labs suddenly shivered at the thought of being sterilized by Troofie.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Yes, but you’re also saying the truly infirm in body or mind should get a basic government assistance, which would necessitate mandatory sterilization under your plan.

So, which is it, smartass? Help the infirm or sterilize them?



They can always take private charity. Nothing “forced” about it.


Mr. GOP sez: And maybe if the poor wouldn’t spend their paychecks on malt liquor, lottery tickets, and “rims” they could afford to rent on their own.

We all recognize your heavy-handed stereotyping, you bigoted dickbag. You didn’t explicitly mention race, but with your comment above, you didn’t have to. Eat shit and die.


So, Trotsky, do you think its a goos idea to subsidize through the public treasury the reproduction of the stupid and lazy? Do you think that’s good for society?


Much like my namesake, it’s painfully obvious how obsessed I am with race.


So, Trotsky, do you think its a goos idea to subsidize through the public treasury the reproduction of the stupid and lazy?

That’s no way to talk about our armed forces, Troofie

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

And really, if the only purpose in life is to breed a new generation, than why, as a productive citizen, should I be asked to support the sterile?

Hell, even private charity is an abomination before progress, helping failure to breed with their out-of-wedlock vermin (because obviously, no one on welfare is married), so, best to criminalize charity so as to not give the parasite a roost to lie within.

Better to just have them all executed, isn’t it?

The social parasite must be stamped out, and such. C’mon, reach for the limits of your ideology instead of pussy-footing around and weakening the culture with your unwillingness to commit.


They can always take private charity. Nothing “forced” about it.

We tried that for one hundred and fifty years and had people dying in our streets.

Nice “charity” you Christians have, son.


…do you think its a goos idea to subsidize through the public treasury the reproduction of the stupid and lazy? Do you think that’s good for society?

No. And if I had known about it when your mother was carrying you, I would have demanded she get a government-funded abortion.


When did I ever mention race in this discussion? Projecting much on being “obsessed with race”, liberals?


I am not responsible for the posts in which I admit that I am a complete racist.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Actually, I do think it’s a good idea. Even the stupid and lazy are human beings and therefore warrant a basic human kindness and sense of community. If we let them wither and die simply because we don’t believe them productive, what kind of society will we develop?

Kind of puts you in a pickle if you ask a commie how the treasury should spend its cash, doesn’t it.


So you think the long term effects of the stupid and lazt having many more children than the intelligent and productive is good for society, Trotsky?


So you think the long term effects of the stupid and lazt having many more children than the intelligent and productive is good for society, Trotsky?

Of course not. It leads to things like “permanent Republican majorities”.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

It’s worked for us for the past million years or so.

The stupid and lazy will produce smart and motivated children just as frequently as the intelligent and productive will produce stupid and lazy children.

So, either way, my money goes to the stupid/lazy and the intelligent/productive.


Even the stupid and lazy are human beings and therefore warrant a basic human kindness and sense of community

Funny how obsessed Troofie is with the stupid and lazy before they’re born but won’t lift a finger to help them afterwards.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Well played, Pope Trotsky.


Not only should the “unfit” be sterilized, all those lazy bums spending government money on rim-jobs should be forced to work. Maybe in camps with “Work Makes You Free!” over the gate. Ooh, and the symbol of your party could be a cross, but with the arms bent and pointing right, the direction the country must move!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Well played, Pope Trotsky.

I certainly didn’t get to where I am today by just wearing a silly hat.

I mean, it factored into it, but I have depths.

The Goddamn Batman Had That Dream Again Where He's Riding Bareback, And When He Says "Bareback" He Means "Wearing Only The Cape And Cowl, And Of Course The Utility Belt"

The point is, if it weren’t for all those welfare queens, the wingnut foundations would have enough money left over post-tax to give Princess Michelle a pretty pretty pony. Also, cheerleader coaching (because that clip never gets old).


Yes, if only we arranged society so that the lives of its citizens would be more solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short, civilization would reach its greatest heights!

Dain Brammaged

Jennifer, my thoughts exactly.


well, I certainly support having the CEOs and Boards of banks and insurance companies sterilized before their companies get dime one of public money…

if you can run a billion dollar company into the ground and still expect million dollar bonuses, you certainly qualify as a special breed of stupid and lazy.

So let’s run this as a pilot project before applying it to the poor and infirm, say hey? I believe Jesus would approve.

Smart and lazy Clyde

The stupid and lazy will produce smart and motivated children just as frequently as the intelligent and productive will produce stupid and lazy children.

This is all very well until you get the stupid and motivated children, who do all the damage.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

This is all very well until you get the stupid and motivated children, who do all the damage.

Well, yeah, that is the hang-up in my philosophy. But then, I’m also one of the smart but lazy children, so I don’t know what to do about it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The talking points are getting all discombobulated, I thought it was the eevil (extra E, baby!) librul “Darwinists” who advocated eugenics.


He may even tax Dr BLT’s countrified arrangement of Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean:

Billie Jean (unedited sample only)
country arrangement by Dr BLT

The song, in it’s entirety, edited and mixed, should be available by mid-July at:


I don’t think two weeks of helping that is going to be enough.


Troofy said:

“I wish to be left alone”, said Scrooge. “Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don’t make merry myself at Christmas and I can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned—they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go there.”
“Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.”
“If they would rather die”, said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Besides—excuse me—I don’t know that.”
“But you might know it”, observed the gentleman.

Charles Dickens said, over a hundred years before Twoofy was borneded:

‘If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, none other of my race,’ returned the Ghost, ‘will find him here. What then? If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.’

Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the Spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief. ‘Man,’ said the Ghost, ‘if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man’s child. Oh God! to hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust!’

Old Man Muffaroo

Zombie R. McD seems to have answered my question in advance, which was “Yeah, but how do you sterilize a corporation?” It’s simple, now that I see it — you sterilize the people! I don’t suppose you want to sterilize everybody who works there, but maybe do it so you sterilize whoever takes home X percentage of the gross income.

Whoa. Wouldn’t it be cool if people who weren’t born rich could become rich? To dreeeeeeem… the American dreeeeeeeem…


Why does Amy Alkon feel she has to comment under an assumed name anyway?


spread this money amongst the ‘victims’ of banks? who violated their rights and made them ‘victims’?


(comments are closed)