Contract With America (To Stop Making Fun Of Me)
Posted on June 26th, 2009 by D. Aristophanes
It’s early days yet in the 2012 presidential campaign, but it already looks like Sarah Palin plans to ride the pressing national issue of Sarah Palin jokes all the way to the White House.
Question for the theologians: Would Photoshopping in tears of blood count as ‘a malicious desecration’ of ‘an iconic representation of a mother’s love for a special needs child’? Or would that be a sign that Our Lady of Wasilla is a legitimate Marian apparition?
A full-size view of the desecrated photo, better than the one than PoliticalTicker offers.
Delightfully, the Joe Liebermanesque whine-your-way-to-a-win strategy seems to be working for her among Republicans.
Palin/Huckabee 2012 would be a thing of obscene beauty.
I know I sure want a president who would nuke a whole continent if Bin Laden and his buddies photoshopped a picture of her…
I’m waiting until the icon of “Madonna & Special Needs Child” appears on a tortilla, reflected through a window or in a waterstain before I switch allegiance.
Yes, the outrage of a woman who used daughter Piper as a human shield to try to keep Philly hockey fans from chucking everything that wasn’t nailed down at her.
I will say, that is one ugly fucking radio host, and she really should be offended.
Perfect face for radio, as they say.
Between this and the Spitzer-Bonaparte below, I’m going to have to re-do my “Sanford, Our Lady of the Cone-Tits” photoshop to where it only makes the eyes bleed in the intended fashion.
Especially in Argentina.
Isn’t Palin one of those folk that thinks the Virgin Mary and Roman Catholics are icons and servants of the Devil?
The basic plan is to raise such a stink every time a Sarah Palin joke gets made that comedians will be afraid to make jokes about her anymore, thereby transforming her into a SERIOUS candidate.
Well, that’s the plan, anyway…
(That, and get someone to poison Tina Fey.)
Every time a Sarah Palin joke gets made, an angel gets a pair of Photoshopped wings.
Palin desperately needs the attention so I imagine the contract demands a steady supply of jokes.
I’m waiting until the icon of “Madonna & Special Needs Child” appears on a tortilla, reflected through a window or in a waterstain
This whole business of seeing icons in the random visual accidents of the world would be greatly enriched if we all had German-style toilets, where your turds are held for inspection in a porcelain shelf until you flush them away.
In answer to D.A.’s question: Palin is a legitimate Martian.
It’s actually a venial sin to doubt her sanctity. Ten Hail Marys right now, mister!
A new “moran” photo:
From the Glory for Christ Football League:
North Ga. Falcons
Priority List
1. God
2. Family
3. Acedemics
4. Atheletics
There are No Exceptions!
Damn, that’s perfect. Misspelling “academics.” And one (or more than one) would think (or hope) that Mrs. Todd Palin’s super-sensitivity to photoshopping and the predilections of the gang at the bridge of this fine ship would intersect rather nicely. Do it. It would be very wrong not to. Very.
I once took a dump that was the spitting image of Pope Pious IV.
Alas, I flushed too hastily, and so I will never know what it may have fetched on ebay.
They misspelled “athletics” too. Morans.
Shoulda used “sportz.”
Palin/Bachmann 2012!
“The Lord Loves Football Too”
I couldn’t find that in my bible. Is it from the Book of Ditka?
In certain territories, it would be the Book of Tom (as in Landry), or the book of Dan (Rooney).
I love this one: “Be the Hammer, Not the Nail.”
Wouldn’t that be, “Da Book a Ditka?”
Dats right!
Alas, I flushed too hastily, and so I will never know what it may have fetched on ebay.
You will be shocked to learn I read that as “felched.” Shocked, I say.
Puh-leez! Trig’s the LEAST retarded thing to come out of Governor Palin in the past 18 mos.
Interesting campaign strategy: get out the pathos vote.
Oh JAMEY! Marvelous!
For the win!
@ jamey:
Q: Whats the difference between Palin’s mouth and her vagina?
A: Not EVERYTHING that comes out of her vagina is retarded
The assertion that the photo is an “iconic representation of a mother’s love” is bizarre enough, but even more bizarre when you look at the photo, unretouched. It’s weird, awkward, ugly – she’s grimacing and tense and gripping the little schlub like a sack of potatoes.
What a fucking Drama Queen the Wasilla Madonna is!
I’m waiting until the icon of “Madonna & Special Needs Child” appears on a tortilla, reflected through a window or in a waterstain
I would swear I saw a vision of Our Lady of Wasilla’s image miraculously appear in a rust stain on one of the floor-length urinals in a pr0n theater men’s room. I like it there
I love this one: “Be the Hammer, Not the Nail.”
Now climb in the bag with the other hammers. There ya go.
Seriously, Coach McDaniel’d be mortified to discover that he’s paraphasring noted religion hater Goethe, who wrote “one must be hammer or anvil.”
It also often appears in the splattered entrails of wild animals shot from helicopters …
What a fucking Drama Queen the Wasilla Madonna is!
Great! Now that you’ve named her next baby, she’s going to go out and get pregnant!
If Sarah Palin wants to live a life in which she sees no more Sarah Palin jokes she should give up her mad habit of READING ALL NEWSPAPERS. Duh.
Perhaps if she didn’t use her offspring as shamless political props there’d be less likelihood of smarty-pantses making fun of them.
Keep it up, Gov. Moosebilly! Your faux mother-martyr whinings are starting to grate on the nerves of even the last of the con-tards. Besides, we’ve got to have something to ridicule while awaiting the next Republican zippergate.
Or would that be a sign that Our Lady of Wasilla is a legitimate Marian apparition?
Only if the bloodtears are chartreuse.
If Sarah Palin wants to live a life in which she sees no more Sarah Palin jokes she should give up her mad habit of READING ALL NEWSPAPERS. Duh.
Worked for Dubya.
Besides, we’ve got to have something to ridicule while awaiting the next Republican zippergate.
I beet Palin is FURIOUS that liberal icon Michael Jackson had the nerve to rain on her parade o poutrage!
I beet Palin is FURIOUS
Indeed, she’s so angry, she contracted Asparagus Syndrome and is withdrawing from the world around her.
“Asparagus syndrome”?
Don’t get carrot away
I am on record that the anti-Christ is a lesbian from Encino.
A special-needs Mother from Alaska shall lead them…
Just sayin’.
Lettuce not begin with the veggie puns already. We’re not even at the 50-comment mark yet.
“Veggie puns”? I suppose that’s another heartless crack about St. Sarah’s son, Prop.
Speaking of Michael Jackson: I notice from quick glances at CNN and MSNBC that apparently there is no other news to report today. Good timing on his part, huh?
Seriously, WTF? It’s not like the creepy little perv was Elvis or something.
Whenever I squirt mustard (French’s, not that commie Dijon stuff) on my hot dog, I get an iconic representation of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Which goes to prove that he Noodly One does exist and is watching over my condiments. Look for my Ebay auctions next week. You know you want one.
Amen, MzN! Even Olbermann was pre-empting all other events of the day for breathless, breaking, ongoing-hostage-crisis style reporting about Michael Jackson. I mean WTF? He was famous. A great dancer. A mediocre singer. Now he’s dead. In OTHER news…
You had to know the punsters would turnip sooner or later. It would salsify mightily to see you all collard.
Personally, I would much rather have endless clips of early episodes of Charlies Angels along with shots of The Poster on my TV thingy rather than endless MJ music videos.
Kid, a sneeze guard is more of a suggestion than a rule.
If I were the ghost of Farrah Fawcett (and who’s to say I’m not?), I would be sorely pissed that my iconic, misty-eyed star-death retrospective has been shoved so rudely off the front page by Michael Jackson’s iconic, misty-eyed star-death retrospective.
OTOH, Mark Sanford is probably pretty happy…
Hmmm. Palin’s usual public persona up ’till now has consisted mainly of cutesy-poo winkin’ at her audience while simultaneously delivering up hard right bromides and wiggling her ass at America’s (apparently) vast legion of MILF fanboys. And all relentlessly slathered with a faux folksiness thick enough to choke a horse and saccharine enough to poison Satan himself. She appears to be dumping that in favor of embracing full-time martyrdom. What gives?
In other news, I’m way behind on the vegetable puns front. I must strive to ketchup.
St. Ronnie said ketchup is a vegible. He was one too, of course. Ah bean thinkin’ bout that.
We need to squash these veggie puns now!
“Personally, I would much rather have endless clips of early episodes of Charlies Angels along with shots of The Poster on my TV thingy rather than endless MJ music videos.”
I’m with you on that Sirius. Funny story about that famous poster, the one in the skimpy bikini, I had it hanging on my bedroom wall when I was twelve. My conservative catholic mom ripped it down. “You can’t have some immoral half naked woman on your wall.” she said or something like that. I replaced it with a poster of a football player which was fine by her. O.J. Simpson I think it was. True story.
Seafood puns are much better. Vegetable jokes are a bunch abalone.
I don’t want to arugula about this.
Ah, clam up!
I love this one: “Be the Hammer, Not the Nail.”
Didn’t some Redoublechin Senator twitter that just recently?
OTOH, Mark Sanford is probably pretty happy…
Maybe, but the relief is only temporary.
I was visiting my folks some months back and was looking at an old newspaper they’d saved from the first moon landing. Above the fold was all about Apollo 11, giant headlines and all that, and then way down in one corner, in comparatively tiny print, was a story about Ted Kennedy being involved in some incident or other at a bridge.
Palin’s usual public persona up ’till now has consisted mainly of cutesy-poo winkin’ at her audience while simultaneously delivering up hard right bromides and wiggling her ass at America’s (apparently) vast legion of MILF fanboys. And all relentlessly slathered with a faux folksiness thick enough to choke a horse and saccharine enough to poison Satan himself. She appears to be dumping that in favor of embracing full-time martyrdom. What gives?
Martyrdom is cocaine for straightedgers (& neurotics – who are not exactly a fringe demographic at this point in history). To Goopers it’s not merely a ride on “The Whaaaaambulance” – it’s their second skin.
A good whore will always go with the kink that sells. Folksy UberMom got her the governorship, but nationally it bombed – so Emo Victim Lady is the next episode of The Palin Saga … & if the blogs, networks & newspapers keep leaving twenties on her dresser in the form of more face-time, she’ll stay on her back with legs akimbo for as long as it takes to get the job done.
“Puh-leez! Trig’s the LEAST retarded thing to come out of Governor Palin in the past 18”
Puh-leeze! Momma Palin didn’t have that kid; that’s a grandchild.
And when did Palin ever reach the historic/semiotic point where she became involved in iconism to the extent or signifies anything decent? She’s an icon for what not to do: don’t teach your kids celibacy-only solutions, don’t homeschool your kids, don’t shop out of Lands End catalogs, and get back to the trailer with Tonya Harding.
Changing puns in midstream would just be shellfish and probably agianst the accepted social morays. Although I don’t do veggie puns as arugala, reading this thread has been platain ideas in my melon.
Y’all are giving me a haddock.
Can’t we all live peas-fully?
Oops, plantain ideas. (See, that’s why i don’t do veggie puns.)
I don’t think plantains would be considered vegetables. However, this might be another fruitful source of puns
“Be the Hammer, Not the Nail.”
Personally I prefer “Be a spaghetti puller, not a spaghetti pusher.”
I must get to the root of the matter before someone beets me to it. Fruit? Vegetable? I really don’t carrot all for I can’t see the forest for the trees. This will be my fennel pun for today, I will be vine tomorrow I’m sure.
Yes, fish and veggies make for a yummy combination!
“A good whore will always go with the kink that sells. Folksy UberMom got her the governorship, but nationally it bombed – so Emo Victim Lady is the next episode of The Palin Saga … & if the blogs, networks & newspapers keep leaving twenties on her dresser in the form of more face-time, she’ll stay on her back with legs akimbo for as long as it takes to get the job done.”
Jim: Yeah, I figured the same thing, but I’m not so sure the pearls-clutching Margaret Dumont routine is one that will serve Moosilini all that well, not if her ultimate goal is for it to take her to higher political office. I don’t doubt it’ll get her plenty of television screen time (and sympathy aplenty from the usual mouth-breathers), but even that could be strictly short-term; When she tries to pull the same stunt she did against Letterman for the 20th time, it’s going to look like blatant self-parody, especially if she has nothing else in her arsenal.
I could be underestimating her. I hope not. But Palin still strikes me as far too much of a lightweight, a con artist/small time grifter who got lucky…And I don’t think she would have gotten as far as she did were Alaska not so awash in open corruption.
You can’t beet the jokes around here.
Elvis stole the soul and was a creepy perv as well. Jacko brought about the integration of popular music, at least on the radio. Prior to Thriller you had disco/R&B stations and others that played only white artists with the exception of Jimi Hendrix. And ok, Clarence Clemons was heard from too.
In case anyone is interested, this is the famous Raquel Welch and Farrah Fawcett Lesbian love scene from Myra Breckinridge (1970)
Jacko brought about the integration of popular music, at least on the radio.
Actually, he really brought it to MTV. First black artist on MTV.
Prior to Thriller you had disco/R&B stations and others that played only white artists with the exception of Jimi Hendrix. And ok, Clarence Clemons was heard from too.
Gotta call bullshit on that one. You mean to tell me you think Top 40 music was racially segregated prior to Michael Jackson? Really?
“Thriller” was released in 1983. I defy you to name one American mainstream pop radio station in 1982 that “played only white artists with the exception of Jimi Hendrix and Clarence Clemons”
This whole Palin thing has got me scratchin’ my head (my scallop, to be more precise) I think she is due to be oystered by her own petard, if you really want to know. And I don’t think she actually shot a moose. That’s an alewives tale. Yes, folks, I got a mullion of em’…
And I can be shellfish if I want to be. No need to be crabby about it. Sitting all high and mighty up on your perch…
what a load of codswallop.
g is correct. First black guy on MTV which at that time billed it self as exclusively rock & roll: “Beat It” with Eddie Van Halen; second I think was RunDMC and “Walk This Way”. [not sure if MJ was still black at that point or more of in a transitional stage]. Hard rock stations played only hard rock: White guys plus Hendrix and sometimes Sly & the Family Stone. Top 40 played black and white pop, soul and R&B. I sort of remember Jessie Jackson getting on MTV’s ass about it at the time.
And she’s calling on Obama to put this kind of thing down. I guess he has some power after all? I guess she remembers that Obama graciously called everybody out about the knocked-up daughter, reminding us back-of-the-classroom titterers that his own mom was a teen-age mother and that she did a good job.
The Republican rump is schizophrenic,and despirately needs our help. This cry reaches my heart…
Humorlessness and the ability to appear sullen are exactly the qualities Americans look for in a president.
I apologise for my own insensitivity, but I have a hard time dealing with special needs politicians.
And she’s calling on Obama to put this kind of thing down
Why the heck is she calling on a “terrorist sympathizing muzzie” (her own words) to do that?
I love this one: “Be the Hammer, Not the Nail.”
You’d think Christians would kinda shy away from being the very tool used to crucify their deity.
HumorlessnessBeing a repig, and the ability toappear sullengive tax breaks to the top 1% are exactly the qualitiesAmericans look for inthe MSM use to push a presidential candidate.Fixxxxxxxxed
You’d think Christians would kinda shy away from being the very tool used to crucify their deity.
That’s those wimpy New Testament xtians. Everybody knows the cool xtians that get to play with guns and blow things up are those manly, slave-owning, multiple-wifeing, Old Testament guys.
BTW, if you’re a repig, the term “multiple-wifeing” can include men, boys, young boys, and mules.
As they say, when you want to crucify yourself, the first nail is the easiest. Its getting that second nail in that can be kinda a bitch.
The only logical next post in this thread is the ancient joke about Heysus and the innkeeper.
Jesus walks into the inn, throws a few nails on the counter, and says “Can you put me up for the night?”
If I wanted to pick an “iconic representation of a mother’s love” I certainly wouldn’t pick that picture.
The hammer/nail thing fits quite nicely, actually. All they are saying is; “This time WE get to be the Romans.”
Palin is really the perfect wingnut. Like most of the Twenty Percenters, she is a Perpetual Outrage Machine, ready to angrily denounce anyone and anything at the drop of a hat. I can’t remember another politician of national prominence who constantly reminded the public how easily offended she is. And she has no clue as to how a so-called leader is supposed to act.
Just got around to clicking the link.
“President Obama should speak out against such behavior from liberal activists.”
Why is she asking for help from a “known terrorist pal- arounder?” Is she now a known terrorist pal-arounder favor asker? The only thing worse than paling around with known terrorists is asking for favors from those who like to pal around with terrorists. Next thing you know, Bill Ayers will ask her to drive him to the airport or something.
How big does your ego have to be to declare a picture of yourself an icon?
How ironic that the GOP is now the party of PC, sensitivity, protecting the victims and policing free expression.
Aren’t they just adorable?
she is a Perpetual Outrage Machine, ready to angrily denounce anyone
I actually long for getting in discussions with clueless wingnuts now. Here is my M.O: once you find out he/she is a wingnut, complain about all those PC types who dominate the MSM. Once they (loudly) agree with you, go ahead and mention how nobody can criticize single welfare mothers. Obviously they’ll agree with you, and then simply mention the Letterman incident and that nasty ho Bristol.
Result? Some real nice head-sploding action.
I think those of you who refer to Palin as a “con artist” are giving her far too much credit.
Wouldn’t it be more accurate to describe her as a “con artisan”?
Well, she’s certainly not deep enough to be a con artesian…
Once they (loudly) agree with you, go ahead and mention how nobody can criticize single welfare mothers. Obviously they’ll agree with you, and then simply mention the Letterman incident and that nasty ho Bristol.
They’ll probably say something about Letterman mouth-raping a 14-year-old. Your strategy might work, if they only had brains.
Rene Descarte is sitting at a bar. The bartender asks, “Would you like another beer?” Rene answers, “I think not.” and then he disappears.
Froomkin sez goodbye:
Hey, there’s a nice nipple shot of Farah at 1:37. Not that I was paying all that much attention to it, of course…
What’s hilarious is that just a week before the Letterman joke Fauxrage, Palin praised Michael Reagan for being brave enough to say “screw political correctness!”
Three men walk into a bar, the fourth one ducks.
Hey, there’s a nice nipple shot of Farah at 1:37. Not that I was paying all that much attention to it, of course…
Her iconic poster was around whilst I was matriculating for my BS. We called them “Farrah’s Faucets”.
Three men walk into a bar, the fourth one ducks.
The fifth one, looking for some bar munchies for his beer, says “Where’s the quackers around here?”
Is that what they’re calling it these days?
What’s hilarious is that just a week before the Letterman joke Fauxrage, Palin praised Michael Reagan for being brave enough to say “screw political correctness!”
The PC poutrage is exhibit #45,226,883 of IOKIYAR.
Is that what they’re calling it these days?
“These days” are actually “distant days, shrouded in mystery and fog” for me.
Back then, they called it “I gotta take a shower right now, I’m real sweaty”.
Will this be the next poutrage?
Have you seen HuffPo today? My God, all they can write about is Michael Jackson. Isn’t that supposed to mainly a political blog? It looks like TMZ fer cryin out loud. What say we all agree MJ was a famous guy, big star, had some odd personal eccentricities/kinks/perversions/whatever, and now he’s taking a dirt nap In OTHER news….
gocart mozart, they started playing Prince and others soon after Michael Jackson but MTV would have been a clearer example of his influence. I should have used that as my example of his influence. But,
“Thriller” was released in 1983. I defy you to name one American mainstream pop radio station in 1982 that “played only white artists with the exception of Jimi Hendrix and Clarence Clemons”
I can only tell you about NYC area radio, not even sure if there was radio outside New York yet then. WPLJ, WNEW, WAPP. Abritron ratings from back then are hard to find but those were 3 of the highest rated radio stations in NY at the time. They played almost all white artists and did well in the ratings so definitely mainstream. The only music stations that regularly beat them were WBLS, WKTU and WRKS which played “Urban” music. I remember listening to WPLJ back in ’83 and being shocked when Beat It came on. A little while later the DJ came on sounding very disturbed and said they were getting flooded with angry phone calls for playing the song. You can guess why. Integrated Top 40 radio in NY didn’t emerge until after Thriller. WABC AM and WNBC AM tried to integrate some disco into their playlists in the late 70s but that didn’t last long and WABC was exclusively talk and WNBC was almost exclusively talk by 1983. The oldies station in NY did include some Motown and and other black artists but that was basically it. Oh, and WNEW AM would take a break from Sinatra once in while to play some Billie Holliday or Sarah Vaughan. And kidding aside, I don’t know what radio was like outside NYC but I’m guessing it was similarly segregated in most places. Oh and Jacko was a great singer. Fuck the haters.
“Hey, there’s a nice nipple shot of Farah at 1:37.”
Sorry commie I blinked. That nipple had less screen time than that other Jackson’s. See how the universe tends to tie everything together?
I saw the movie a long time ago and it was an incomprehensible mess. It does have Mae West !?! And a small role by Tom Selleck, his first I guess. Any love scene with the lovely Raquel and Farrah (even if it is sorta P.G. rated) is teh awesome !eleventythousand!
Wheee! It’s heartening how much of the response on CNN’s ticker is against Palin… but there’s always a turd in the puchbowl to float along:
What’s terribly sad is: 1) that CNN chooses to cover such crude news, 2) that most liberals only care about their own selfish desires and have complete disregard for moral conduct.
1) That’s CNN’s job, when they’re not covering missing white chicks, and
2) Mark Sanford, that’s all I gotta say.
(Sanford – the guy who fucking refused to take federal money for education, regardless of the fact that SC schools suck monkey dung, but saw nothing wrong with using MY TAXPAYER MONEY to fly to Argentina to get his ashes hauled, and presumably only is paying it back because he got caught. Nice “moral conduct” there.)
I saw the movie a long time ago and it was an incomprehensible mess. It does have Mae West !?! And a small role by Tom Selleck, his first I guess. Any love scene with the lovely Raquel and Farrah (even if it is sorta P.G. rated) is teh awesome !eleventythousand!
OMFG you’ze talkin’ Myra Breckenridge? BAAAAD BADDD BAAAAAD MOVIE BAD MOVIE NO DONUT oh lord and Mae “Fossilized” West trying to still be sexy at 210 and silly plot and anal rape of a guy and um, god that movie sucked.
But it did have John Carradine as the doctor. “You realize we can’t put it back, don’t you?”
WABC and WNBC played a whole lot of disco until talk became more lucrative.
Mr Prattle sir;
Fair enough about the Prince point. I think Connecticut radio was similar to NYC at the time. Radio was MUSICALLY segregated which made it often de-facto racially segregated. Rock stations played Zeppelin, The Who, ZZ Top, Ozzie, etc; top 40 played Jackson, Madonna, the Pointer Sisters etc. and never the two would mix. It wasn’t racial. You would NEVER here Madonna on WPLR or WCCC.
This all goes back to the “DISCO SUCKS!” wars of the late ’70’s which later morphed into the “RAP SUCKS!” skirmishes of the early ’80’s. I hope this clears things up.
This all goes back to the “DISCO SUCKS!” wars of the late ’70’s which later morphed into the “RAP SUCKS!” skirmishes of the early ’80’s. I hope this clears things up.
I got “PUNK SUCKS!” when I played Ramones (among many others) on my time slot when I was a college radio DJ in 1977.
Stop making fun of Palin?
You betcha!
I think Run DMC predated Prince and hooking up with Aerosmith for the video was groundbreaking. Purple Rain came out in ’85 I think.
If this discussion confuses any of you yungins, back in the day, MTV actually played music videos and all the cool kids watched it. Believe it or not.
“LanceThruster”, is that like a medievil porn name?
If this discussion confuses any of you yungins, back in the day, MTV actually played music videos and all the cool kids watched it.
Even more remarkably – MTV once had to play whatever they could get, which meant a whole lot of really obscure bands N’ stuff, like Devo, Echo & the Bunnymen, Tenpole Tudor, Yaz, Yelloi Magic Orchestra, XTC, Mental As Anything, Barnes & Barnes, Missing Persons (with Dale Bozzio dressed in a record album cover) and Todd Rundgren. And really really cheesy computer video effects.
“Too bad,” Kerry said, “if a governor had to go missing it couldn’t have been the governor of Alaska. You know, Sarah Palin.”
How dare he – just think of someone so disrepectful as to joke about leaving the poor Palin children motherless! Really, shouldn’t the family be off-limits? Has he no decency?
Purple Rain came out in summer of ’84. “Walk This Way” came out in ’86.
Perhaps he is too busy trying to stay above it all as conservative “activists” are questioning his citizenship, his patriotism, his religion, his right to breathe air, etc. etc.
MTV once had to play whatever they could get, which meant a whole lot of really obscure bands
Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls, Men at Work…..good times!
“I got “PUNK SUCKS!” when I played Ramones (among many others) on my time slot when I was a college radio DJ in 1977.”
Punk was also rarely heard on your “classic rock” stations. Only on college radio and other bastions of degeneracy. Ditto “new wave” alt bands like U.2. and R.E.M.
“Too bad,” Kerry said, “if a governor had to go missing it couldn’t have been the governor of Alaska. You know, Sarah Palin.”
What, did he think people would be scratchin’ their heads and goin’ “Governor of Alaska, now who is that again?”
If this discussion confuses any of you yungins, back in the day, MTV actually played music videos and all the cool kids watched it. Believe it or not.
My first memory of MTV was of randomly switching around channels right after we got cable for the first time in 1980 (this was in a “share house” with a bunch of other just-out-of-college types)
We stumbled upon MTV, around 5 days after it started, watched the six videos it was showing in regular rotation – that’s all that was on – and I made the idle remark “who is going to watch this crap? This channel will fail for sure.”
Ditto “new wave” alt bands like U.2. and R.E.M.
Funny to hear the Cars followed by Zep on an oldies station. Back in the day those two bands would have never been played on the same station.
Poppy producer Tasmanian Alkaloids
Band name alert.
field operations manager Rick Rockliff.
Porn star name alert.
Chris Vosburg’s bag-o-hammers line gets the blue ribbon, in my IMHO.
And, for what it’s worth, Palin gets even this wrong. The travesty would be if someone used Trig’s face in some P’shopped context. Not the baby’s body as support for some radio cretin’s face.
I know–“gets wrong” isn’t the pernt. But you know what I mean. Come on, you do so.
By the way, Froomkin nails it here:
And while this wasn’t as readily apparent until President Obama took office, it’s now very clear that the Bush years were all about kicking the can down the road – either ignoring problems or, even worse, creating them and not solving them. This was true of a huge range of issues including the economy, energy, health care, global warming – and of course Iraq and Afghanistan.
How did the media cover it all? Not well. Reading pretty much everything that was written about Bush on a daily basis, as I did, one could certainly see the major themes emerging. But by and large, mainstream-media journalism missed the real Bush story for way too long. The handful of people who did exceptional investigative reporting during this era really deserve our gratitude: People such as Ron Suskind, Seymour Hersh, Jane Mayer, Murray Waas, Michael Massing, Mark Danner, Barton Gellman and Jo Becker, James Risen and Eric Lichtblau (better late than never), Dana Priest, Walter Pincus, Charlie Savage and Philippe Sands; there was also some fine investigative blogging over at Talking Points Memo and by Marcy Wheeler. Notably not on this list: The likes of Bob Woodward and Tim Russert. Hopefully, the next time the nation faces a grave national security crisis, we will listen to the people who were right, not the people who were wrong, and heed those who reported the truth, not those who served as stenographers to liars…
Obama is nowhere in Bush’s league when it comes to issues of credibility, but his every action nevertheless needs to be carefully scrutinized by the media, and he must be held accountable. We should be holding him to the highest standards – and there are plenty of places where we should be pushing back. Just for starters, there are a lot of hugely important but unanswered questions about his Afghanistan policy, his financial rescue plans, and his turnaround on transparency.
Tasmanian Alkaloids
Okay, I want to start a surf-punk band with that name and name all the songs after opiate derivatives.
“And now here’s The Tasmanian Alkaloids, performing the song ‘Paperevine’!”
aw crap, “Papaverine”.
“Poppy producer Tasmanian Alkaloids said livestock which ate the poppies were known to ‘act weird'”
Wait–did this take place in Australia, or in Second Life?
And, for what it’s worth, Palin gets even this wrong. The travesty would be if someone used Trig’s face in some P’shopped context. Not the baby’s body as support for some radio cretin’s face.
Doesn’t matter – the Perpetual Outrage Generator doesn’t look at anything like context or the actual intent of the joke or slight. There just needs to be the slightest possibility that the Holy Palin Family has been insulted for the insult to take on a life of its own. And so a joke about the knocked-up Palin daughter getting knocked up again turns into David Letterman advocating the rape of a 14-year old girl.
I was looking for the original image, and I think this is it:
Onstage at the RNC
How could anyone say that’s an “iconic representation of motherly love” with a straight face?
Even for Palin, that’s a stretch. There are plenty of photos of Palin with Trig that would be better choices for loving-mommy pictures. This one’s more like “you’ve got a full diaper, you little stinker.”
which actually makes it even more hilarious with Eddie Burke’s face on the baby.
It could work for Palin. Much as it did for President Helen Keller.
Kuda Bux said
Made you so mad you can’t see?
Oh, snap!
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin took a shot at John Kerry when speaking to troops in Kosovo.
The Massachusetts Democrat had joked that he wished Palin had gone missing instead of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford.
“He looked quite frustrated and he looked so sad,” Palin responded. “I just wanted to reach out to the TV and say, ‘John Kerry, why the long face?'”
This one’s more like “you’ve got a full diaper, you little stinker.”
Actually it looks more like “Tell me again why I have to fake being the mother for this little bastard that my ho daughter spawned”
Speaking of Conservatard Republicans with delusions of grandeur:
In his first public event since he revealed his mistress in Argentina, the Republican governor met with state agency heads in what is usually a low-key Cabinet meeting. He specifically apologized to the agency leaders that handle economic development trips and his security, and likened his struggle to that of King David.
The governor, who talked about “moral absolutes” and God’s law during his revealing, yet rambling news conference Wednesday, said King David “fell mightily, fell in very, very significant ways, but then picked up the pieces and built from there.”
Sanford also lets everyone know that he’s a big fan of eating out:
Sanford has said he would pay back an undisclosed amount for the nine-day trip to Brazil and Argentina for which taxpayers paid $12,000 last year…Sanford said the trip was legitimate but he put the agency in an awkward spot “based on what I did in terms of eating dinner down there.”
“He looked quite frustrated and he looked so sad,” Palin responded. “I just wanted to reach out to the TV and say, ‘John Kerry, why the long face?’”
You know she didn’t come up with that herself, and I’m sure her delivery was grating – but I have to admit, it’s funnier than what Kerry said, and I bet she’s better at telling jokes than he is. John Kerry is really awful at telling jokes.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin took a shot at John Kerry when speaking to troops in Kosovo.
She really doesn’t get it that responding to every single slight, no matter how small, makes you look the exact opposite of presidential. Too bad, as I was hoping she’d be the R nominee in 2012.
Why is Sarah silent about the desecration of this iconic photo of David Letterman?
“Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin took a shot at John Kerry . . . ” Why does she hate America and our brave war hero’s?
Don’t go around eating down there! That’s not right! Always eating down there. What will the neighbors think?
Address my point, libs!
Nearly 200 people were killed and hundreds wounded in attacks over the past week in Baghdad and elsewhere in the country, with the deadliest attacks aimed at Shiites. The violence has raised fears of a new bout of sectarian warfare of the sort that ripped Iraq apart in 2005, and which could lead Iraqis once again to seek the protection of militias and armed groups instead of government forces.
Palin’s joke was ace. If only she’d added she’d just flown in and boy were her arms tired, or take her husband, please, and then reminded people to try the veal.
Hey! Two wingnuts get in a fight!
You know she didn’t come up with that herself, and I’m sure her delivery was grating – but I have to admit, it’s funnier than what Kerry said, and I bet she’s better at telling jokes than he is. John Kerry is really awful at telling jokes.
Yes, but that’s a pretty low bar. Remember her stilted “Say it isn’t so, Joe” at the debates? She cannot tell a joke.
And frankly, I don’t think the “long face” joke was very funny – it’s been around forever.
And it’s a little odd that the woman who took umbrage at “slutty flght attendant” decides to tell a “look-ist” joke – there’s plenty of funny stuff you could say about Kerry, much funnier than making fun at his looks.
Yes, but that’s a pretty low bar. Remember her stilted “Say it isn’t so, Joe” at the debates? She cannot tell a joke.
You are, of course, right.
And frankly, I don’t think the “long face” joke was very funny – it’s been around forever.
I’m weird that way – after a while, I think jokes are funny because they’re old.
Sanford also lets everyone know that he’s a big fan of eating out
Oh, WELL, then.
(So am I, but I don’t ask other people to pick up the tab for it.)
Don’t underestimate her, she still has 38 months left before the 2012 elections.
That’s enough time for her to birth two more kids and to be the focal point of three more federal probes.
She really doesn’t get it that responding to every single slight, no matter how small, makes you look the exact opposite of presidential. Too bad, as I was hoping she’d be the R nominee in 2012.
The way the Repugs are going I fully expect them to run her & Sanford for 2012, with lots of blather about the redemption, Jesus, forgiveness and the “need to look forward instead of back”.
So Mark Sanford is now comparing himself to King David – King David committed adultery with Bathsheba, and he didn’t resign, so why should I?
From the archives.
Some choice quotes.
“From my house I can see Belgium” says fake Sarkozi
FS “Joe the Plumber, he is not your husband right?”
SP “No he is just a normal American . . . ”
FS “We have the equivalent of Joe the Plumber in France, he’s called Marcel the guy with bread under his armpits.”
FS “I loved the documentary made on your life “Nailin’ Pailin”
SP “Oh good, thank you.” Sarah responds
“He looked quite frustrated and he looked so sad,” Palin responded. “I just wanted to reach out to the TV and say, ‘John Kerry, why the long face? Stick a couple boobs on you and Matthew Broderick will be impregnating you with twins.’”
Another insight into the mating rituals of a wingnut
Hockey mom gets booed at hockey game.
At half time the Flyers goalie knocked up her daughter. (RIMSHOT!) Thank you, I’ll be here all night. Try the chicken pecata.
Palin praised Michael Reagan for being brave enough to say “screw political correctness!”
IOW, screw correctness to certain political ideas with which we disagree. Although, the I see the Letterman thing as only being political because of the target, not the ideas.
What if the kids from Billy Jack grew up to be teabaggers?
Palin/Sanford ‘012 – The Alaska/Argentina Dream Team
Palin/Sanford ‘012 – The Alaska/Argentina Dream Team
“I can see Argentina from on top of my mistress.”
Fuckers. Couldn’t wait for me, you just had to race ahead and exhaust the puns, eh? Bastiges.
As I said the other day, the revenant of Warhol ought to materialize and kick Palin’s ass and let her know her goddamn fifteen minutes are long over.
But of course the fucking celebrity-obsessed media will fall all over themselves every time she opens her idiot piehole and breathlessly report her latest indignant whining until such time as, say, another planeful of people crashes into something and then the media’ll all stand around like “Oh, god, we were SO irresponsible we were distracted by shiny things well we’ll never let THAT happen again nosirree!” and they’ll get YET ANOTHER FUCKING MULLIGAN.
Also, Clenis.
Rusty, I listened to that video and for a few seconds I thought I may have to blow my brains out [being an athiestoliberalcommie, this posed a problem since of course, I don’t own a gun.] Upon further reflection, the lyrics are sufficiently vague enough for me to retain my faith in humanity.
Here’s the quote (buried in the original link) that dropped my jaw:
An investigator ruled Palin had not acted wrongly and the Alaska governor accused Biegel “asinine political grandstanding.”
Sarah Palin. Accusing ANYBODY of “asinine political grandstanding”.
Jesus H.
PeeJ, this one is for you.
Also, Chavez
being an athiestoliberalcommie
Watch it.
I thought I may have to blow my brains out [being an athiestoliberalcommie, this posed a problem since of course, I don’t own a gun.]
Somebody needs to take up yoga.
“LanceThruster”, is that like a medievil porn name?
More along the lines of Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, and Buzz Lightyear with a little bit of Dirk Diggler mixed in for good measure.
Upon further reflection, the lyrics are sufficiently vague enough for me to retain my faith in humanity.
The singer was whoring the video on Pajamas Media, in a thread about the Atlanta Tea Party, with some prattle about “our power being distributed to nations overseas” and “dictators at the UN.” So I assume the worst.
with some prattle about “our power being distributed to nations overseas” and “dictators at the UN.”
You know, you could kneecap the Bircher arguements in about five seconds by pointing out just how efficent the UN has been at, well, pretty much anything lately.
But I suppose that wouldn’t matter to them, since the Illuminati overlords will be relying on the deros and the ultrasonic nazi moonbeast lizardmen for their globalsocialist takeover.
I said,
June 26, 2009 at 22:37
PeeJ, this one is for you.
Also, Chavez
[Seriously sadly-no-ers and sadly no-ettes. Unicorn penis T-Shirts and Hugo Chavez penis cell-phones! For the love of all that is silly in this world, address my post.]
Also, for Garry Ruppert
Unicorn penis
Um, isn’t that redundant?
Am I the only one who can only distinguish “r n” from “m” by context on here? I’m going “Unicom Penis??” “Urn, isn’t that…” (“What’s a Greek urn?” “Oh, about a dollar and a half an hour.” “Say Good Night, Dick.” “Good night, Dick.”) Seriously, sans-serif type sucks donkey balls! Or maybe Unicom penis.
Rene Descarte is sitting at a bar. The bartender asks, “Would you like another beer?” Rene answers, “I think not.” and then he disappears.
The usual horse walks into the bar (he’s a local).
“Sorry, we can’t serve you right now.”
“Why not?”
“We’re not allowed to put Descartes before the horse.”
UNICOM, a visionary company striding boldy into the future! Computing network solutions for today’s dynamic business environment! Rely on UNICOM to provide you with the buisness edge that keeps you on the cutting edge!
Narwhal PENIS.
Do you know why the Republicans chose Sarah Palin to be John McCain’s running mate?
Terry Schiavo wasn’t available.
Whenever I squirt mustard […] on my hot dog,
Way TMI.
In case anyone is interested, this is the famous Raquel Welch and Farrah Fawcett Lesbian love scene
Not interested. Not interested at all.
Of course Palin wants everyone to think that she was being “witty” by trying to take credit for that joke! That’s because she can’t admit she ripped it off without looking like even more of a laughing stock. Guess who she stole it from?
“To his credit, John Kerry was very, very upset about the joke and he apologized. … As a matter of fact, all day long, he’s been walking around with a long face.” – David Letterman, November 2, 2006
Smut Clyde said,
June 27, 2009 at 0:09
In case anyone is interested, this is the famous Raquel Welch and Farrah Fawcett Lesbian love scene.
“Not interested. Not interested at all.”
Why do you hate all that is good and decent in this world sir! Good day! I SAID GOOD DAY SIR !eleventymillion!
Even less interested every time I watch it.
How many times have you watched it?
You know, Myra Breckenridge would have been SO much better if Coleman Francis had directed it, and John Carradine had sung the title tune.
Now, really…what would it have cost her to say something like: “I stole that joke from David Letterman; so now we’re even! Ha! Ha!” It would make her look a lot less like an idiot to the few normal people who haven’t irreversibly made up their minds about her. I guess the “Normal” vote is of no interest to them.
Smut Clyde, I know timing is everything but what I should have said was . . .
“At long last sir, have you no sense of indecency!”
What if Ayn Rand had written Myra Breckenridge?
On second thought, never mind.
Terry Schiavo wasn’t available.
Her doctors said she was brain dead, but the GOP insisted she was just hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Now, really…what would it have cost her to say something like: “I stole that joke from David Letterman; so now we’re even! Ha! Ha!”
You’re right, it would have been funny. She’s not that smart.
In other news, I see Joe the Plumber is feeling left out of the spotlight, so he’s running his mouth again:
Referring to Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., more than once, Wurzelbacher asked, “Why hasn’t he been strung up?”
You guys even talking about Palin is unfair to the surplus-chromosomed child. I can imagine the memoir of the child later in life:
“As a child my life was divergent from other children around me. I was too young to understand my mother’s struggle with hateful political attacks but not too young to notice the odd looks directed at me. Often I would envisage playmates that would converse with me without the stare that said ‘you’re mother’s a pariah.’ These imaginary playmates would smile and hum while I practiced piano, not pretend to cover their ears as if hearing a cacophony as real children would do. Only later would I understand the power of envy and how it shaped these children’s behavior around me.”
“Later as an adolescent I found monastic devotion to studies as my only escape. Kierkegaard replaced snotty ruffians; Kant replaced TV cameras. And thoughts of girls were swallowed up with thoughts of Spinoza. Girls often thought me attractive, I assume, but never approached. The sideways glances seemed to say ‘I wish we could be alone, but, alas, you’re always being watched,’ so I gave up on them.”
“As a young adult my cognitave escapes became almost dreamlike, creating and aloofness towards any interaction. I had escaped the gritty lives of petty people and embraced the pensive, almost mathematical world that lived in the ether. I soon utilized a wheeled semi-exoskeleton so I could devote all of my energy to philosophy. This seemingly superhuman form may have intimidated my peers, but it was humanity and its disregard for the beauty of a mother and child that intimidated me.”
“We’re not allowed to put Descartes before the horse.”
For this, you should only fall down a flight of stairs.
I thought I may have to blow my brains out
Somebody needs to take up yoga.
Took me a while to get that.
Narwhal PENIS.
According to Interclue: 908 : URL redirects back to itself
Now that is HOT.
Would that be a URLoboros?
thought I may have to blow my brains out
Somebody needs to take up yoga.
Took me a while to get that.
Shit, I just got that now and the joke was at my expense..
What if Ayn Rand had written Myra Breckenridge?
The Welch/Faucet sex scene would have been steamier?
Rand’s head would have exploded trying to figure out how they could both be raped.
See also the alternative universe in which Gore Vidal wrote ‘Teh Fountainhead’.
Well good Lord in heaven children, I don’t know what kind of cockamamie radio stations y’all listened to when YOU were young, but I tell you what, when I was a young lass all we had down here in the Southland was crackly cracker-ass AM radio that went off the air at 8:45 pm in the summertime with a Bible verse and the “Star Spangled Banner.”
Well, this was after a good long full day at the swimming pool with the transistor radio and an old blanket on the grass, listening to Wilson Pickett, the Beatles, Otis Redding, Bob Dylan, Aretha Franklin, the Beatles, Sam Cooke, the Who, Sly and the Family Stone, the Beatles, James Brown, the Byrds, Sam and Dave, the Beatles, and then some more Beatles. Eh, what did we know back then about what radio programming was supposed to be. Disco? Segregated music? It was all rocknroll to us.
The Welch/Faucet sex scene
I did not approve this message.
What’s funny about all the (truthful) kvetching about racially segregated pop/rock radio is that it really started in the FM era. Anyone who remembers ’60s AM pop could hear James Brown and then The Association in the more urban parts of the world. My dad would get pissed at the radio a lot back then. No Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald duets. Oldies as a format wasn’t invented yet (that I could tell). They’d have oldie weekends, but that was it.
Legend says a Shaman hero named Ewenki vanquished a cruel female ruler and gave her a penis totem, telling her to respect males and not kill them at will.
And then Kim Du Toit was born.
The voices in Joe T. Plumber’s head tell him some strange and interesting things:
“Let me give you another extremist view, ‘In God We Trust,'” he said to wild applause. “Say that too loud in some parts of America and you will be shot. It’s terrible.” “‘In God We Trust’ … too loud in some parts of America and you will be shot.”
Hard to tell if he said that before or after he bemoaned the fact that Chris Dodd hadn’t been assassinated yet.
Even more remarkably – MTV once had to play whatever they could get, which meant a whole lot of really obscure bands N’ stuff, like Devo, Echo & the Bunnymen, Tenpole Tudor, Yaz, Yelloi Magic Orchestra, XTC, Mental As Anything,
Hey! Lay off them kids, they’ze cool. Or at least they were several millennia ago, when I was young.
And okay, Echo and the Bunnymen and Tenpole Tudor could be considered obscure, but Devo? Hells bells, Ubu! And maybe in your You Ess of America the Mentals were obscure, but down here in Skip Land they were hotter than Farrah Fawcett’s nipples.
Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls, Men at Work…..good times!
Hey, you’re doing it again! Well, mebbes the Seagulls and the Men at Work were one-hit wonders, but Duran Duran were pretty damn big for a while.
Just, not in America, apparently. Don’t make ’em obscure.
[Sniff] Scorning the Mentals. Man, that smarts.
Hey Alison, what’s your favorite 80’s band?
Urgh, dunno if I could put a date on things – there seemed to have been boggins of great music around at the time (you kids get off my lawn!). Mebbes just because I was young and swimming in a sea of hormones at the time.
Did love the Mentals, because they were silly and you could dance to ’em. Ian Dury, Madness, Joy Division/New Order (some thereof), David Bowie (until Lodger), The Clash. A lot of English bands that were either (a) silly and danceable, or (b) depressing and/or Significant (yes, that’s a capital Ess).
Oh, and early Split Enz – they were excessively good, and probably the best thing produced by NZ until the advent of Smut Clyde.
Why do you ask?
Oh, I knew your were from the antipodes so I wondered what bands you were listening to back then. I was listening to a lot of college radio here in the U.S., in NYC from ’81 to ’83, San Francisco the rest of the time (not counting the six months I spent in the merchant marine).
Funny you should mention Split Enz…I think I followed one of your links once and spent a few hours watching Split Enz videos on You Tube. I loved Crowded House, but I think the brothers were far more creative in Split Enz.
And for me it was Talking Heads, going back to the late 70’s, and the Clash and Elvis Costello and Graham Parker, then later on REM, and XTC, and X.
I remember having a cassette tape of “URGHH, a Music War” and playing the hell out of it. Steel Pulse’s “Ku Klux Klan” still gives me chills.
Ahhh, I forgot Elvis Costello – what a guy. Short, skinny, big glasses, and a big dollop of talent. I bet some kids learned more history (and a damn sight more politics) from him than they learned in school – I remember more than once over the years explaining Oliver’s Army.
And glad I am indeed to have inspired someone to waste several hours watching the Enz – they had a buttload of talent, those boys, and a healthy dollop of weird. Their first album in particular still sends shivers up my spine.
Others from that era: the Specials (got a weakness for British ska with political message), Fine Young Cannibals (Roland Gift had one of the sexiest voices on the planet), and of course Devo.
Plus TISM – not sure if you’ve heard of them, but they were (a) funny, (b) intelligent, and (c) musically competent (enough to make listenable music). It’s rare to want to really listen to the lyrics, but TISM are well worth it, because they’re piss funny. Whatareya, Old Man River, and Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me stand out as pretty special, I think.
And from the 70s, I was a huge fan of Skyhooks – hit my teeny mind like a bomb. Mid-70s Australia hadn’t seen anything like it. Horror Movie may seem pretty tame now, but back then it was quite scandalous.
I remember having a cassette tape of “URGHH, a Music War” and playing the hell out of it.
Watch the film if you can.
Klaus Nomi AND Skafish! Who can ask for anything more?
I had that video, it was pretty great.
Jesus walks into the inn, throws a few nails on the counter, and says “Can you put me up for the night?”
So then Jesus tried out for the Flyers, but alas, got nailed to the boards.
Incidentally, Michael Jackson hit MTV with Billie Jean before Beat It, followed by Prince, who hit MTV with “Little Red Corvette” before Purple Rain’s release.
Last add early MTV (two words):
Night Ranger.